[GitHub] spacepope commented on issue #239: CB-13175: fixing windows8.1 crash on startup

2017-11-17 Thread GitBox
spacepope commented on issue #239: CB-13175: fixing windows8.1 crash on startup
URL: https://github.com/apache/cordova-windows/pull/239#issuecomment-345174514
   > What exactly do you mean by that?
   @janpio i meant that if you now do a `cordova platform add windows` you get 
the latest version 5.0.0 via npm, which deploys a 
`platforms/windows/www/cordova-js-src/splashscreen.js` version **without** 
   I can't understand why the current npm package still doesn't include a 
hotfix merged six month ago..

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[GitHub] spacepope commented on issue #239: CB-13175: fixing windows8.1 crash on startup

2017-11-16 Thread GitBox
spacepope commented on issue #239: CB-13175: fixing windows8.1 crash on startup
URL: https://github.com/apache/cordova-windows/pull/239#issuecomment-344862937
   I also ran into this issue and i can't understand why this is not already 
merged, as the PR fix for splashscreen was merged 6 month ago!
   And sadly there still is no new npm package version..

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