[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > Standardized Authentication / Authorization

2014-07-10 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

Standardized Authentication / Authorization   



Ideas / Proposal

CXF already supports a wide range of authentication and authorization approaches. Unfortunately they are all configured differently and do not integrate well with each other.
An XACML policy enforcement point can retrieve the JAAS login data and do authorization against an XACML Policy Decision Point (PDP).
 Separating Authorization from CXF 
 As authorization is not only relevant for webservices it makes sense to keep the authorization code separate from cxf too. So one way to implement authorization would be to put it into a blueprint extension. Of course this would cover only OSGi and blueprint but it would be a start. 
 It could work similar to the XA transaction support. Unlike in tx support we could scan all beans for security annotations like @RolesAllowed. Then for each bean that has this annotation we could proxy it with a class that does the security check. This would allow to have minimal xml configuration. 
 Another approach is to mark beans for security checks using xml like in tx support. This variant then would also work nicely for XACML authorization as in that case there would be no annotation to scan for. 
Karaf role based OSGi service Authorization
Karaf 3 already supports authorization on the OSGi service level and uses JAAS for authentication. So if we do a JAAS login in CXF and the service impl code calls an OSGi service then the Karaf role based securtiy should already work out of the box.We could add annotation based Authorization to karaf code to make it even better and require less config. 
Exception handling and answer generation

Failure at Authentication: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException could also be more specific like AccountLockedException
Failure at Authorization: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.security.AccessDeniedException or java.security.AccessControlException. The later one is better for code separate from cxf as it does not depend on CXF. 

Then in the transport like the http transport we map the exception to the defined status code and http response:

[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > Standardized Authentication / Authorization

2014-07-08 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider bearbeitete die Seite:

Standardized Authentication / Authorization   

We could simply detect what information is provided and configure the Callbackhandlers for each variant.information we can supply. Depending on when the login should happen we could collect CallbackHandlers in the Message using Interceptors. 
JAAS configuration
The JAAS configuration is supplied differently depending on the runtime CXF runs in.

different Classes like a UserPrincipal or RolePrincipal. Unfortunately there are no standard interfacesThere seems to be a Group interface which allows to differentiate between Users and Groups and also allows to see group members. 
prefixes. So for example roles start with role- . Again there There is no standard for this approach 

Authorization has very diverse requirements. So we need to make sure we integrate well with different approaches.
Karaf 3 already supports authorization on the OSGi service level and uses JAAS for authentication. So if we do a JAAS login in CXF and the service impl code calls an OSGi service then the Karaf role based securtiy should already work out of the box.
 Exception handling and answer generation 
 Currently the authentication and athorization modules often also generate the answer to the caller. It might be a good idea to decouple this. 
 In the authentication and authorization we only throw a defined Exception: 

 Failure at Authentication: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException could also be more specific like AccountLockedException 
 Failure at Authorization: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.security.AccessDeniedException or java.security.AccessControlException 

 Then in the transport like the http transport we map the exception to the defined status code and http response: 

 LoginException: HTTP Code 401 
 AccessDeniedException, AccessControlException: HTTP Code 403 

Karaf integration
Ideally we should integrate the new authentication / authorization model in a way that enable the user to switch on authentication for the karaf server without specific configurations in the user bundles that implement the services.
Doing a full JAAS login requires to use subject.doAs to populate the AcessControlContext. This is not possible in a CXF interceptor as the interceptor only works on a message but can not call the next interceptor for doAs. So the question is where to do the JAAS login and the doAs

[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > Standardized Authentication / Authorization

2014-07-08 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider hat eine Seite erstellt:

Standardized Authentication / Authorization   


 Ideas / Proposal

CXF already supports a wide range of authentication and authorization approaches. Unfortunately they are all configured differently and do not integrate well with each other.
So the idea is to create one standardized authentication / authorization flow in CXF where the modules can then fit in. There are a lot of security frameworks out there that could be used as a basis for this. The problem is though that each framework  (like Shiro or Spring Security) uses its own mechanisms which are not standardized. So by choosing one framework we would force our users to depend on this.
The best standardized security framework in java is JAAS. It is already included in Java and most security frameworks can be hooked into it. So let´s investigate what we could do with JAAS.
Authentication using JAAS
JAAS authentication is done by creating a LoginContext and doing a login on it. Things to configure is the name of the login config and the Callback Handlers. So CXF needs mechanisms for the user to set the config name and needs to provide CallBackHandlers to supply credentials.
CXF needs to supply different data to identify the users depending on the chosen authentication variant.
Basic Auth: username and password from HTTP header
WS-Security UserNameToken: Username and password from SOAP header
Spnego: Kerberos token from HTTP header
HTTPS client cert: Certificate information
We could simply detect what information is provided and configure the Callbackhandlers for each variant.
JAAS configuration
The JAAS configuration is supplied differently depending on the runtime CXF runs in.
Standalone: For standalone usage the JAAS config can simply come from a file.
Servlet Container: Not sure. Is there a standard approach for this?
Apache Karaf: Karaf already provides a JAAS integration so we just have to configure the JAAS config name and supply a suitable config in karaf
Supplying Role and User information
JAAS stores identity information in the JAAS subject. The method getPrincipals returns Principal objects which can be users, roles or even other identity information. To differentiate between roles and users there are two common approaches.

different Classes like a UserPrincipal or RolePrincipal. Unfortunately there are no standard interfaces
prefixes. So for example roles start with role- . Again there is no standard


[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > JMS transactions

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

JMS transactions   


 Code Block

Define transaction manager




as an OSGi service reference. (This search filter can vary between application servers).

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[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > JMS transactions

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


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JMS transactions   

CXF supports resource local jms transactions and JTA transactions on CXF endpoints when using one way messages.
Resource local JMS transactions
This kind of transaction is easy to configure but will only roll back the JMS message. It will not directly coordinate other resources like a database transaction.
Simply configure the endpoint normally and set the propety "sessionTransacted" to true. CXF will then roll back the message on if any exception happens.
JTA transactions
JTA transactions allow to coordinate any number of XA resources. If a CXF endpoint is configured for JTA transactions it will start a JTA transaction before calling the service impl. If no exceptions happen the transaction will be committed in case of any exception the transaction will be rolled back. This allows to e.g. transactionally consume a JMS message and write the data into a database. In case of an exception both resources will be rolled back. So either the message is consumed AND the database record is written or the message is rolled back AND the database record is not written.
The first config needed for JTA is a transaction manager:
Either create a transaction manager in a bean using:

Define transaction manager

as an OSGi service reference. (This search filter can vary between application servers).

Lookup transaction manager as OSGi service using blueprint

Then the name of the TransactionManager can be set in the JMS URI

JMS URI with transaction manager


The first would find a bean with id "TransactionManager" the second would look up the transaction manager in JNDI.
The second config is a JCA pooling connection factory

JCA pooling connection factory defined using spring


[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > JMS Transport

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

JMS Transport   


 Performance and pooling 
 JMS reconnect transactions 

 Reconnect functionality 
 The JMS transport automatically reconnects when any JMS exceptions happen. The first exception will be logged with "Exception on JMS connection. Trying to reconnect" and the exception details.  Then CXF will try to reconnect every 5 seconds and log "Exception on reconnect. Trying again, attempt num x". 
 In conduits every exception when sending a message will be thrown to the caller. The conduit then closes the connection and will start a new one when sending the next message. 


Reconnects and pooling


  When using pooling make sure the pool throws away the Connection in case of errors. In ActiveMQ PooledConnection this can be achieved using setExpiryTimeout(milliseconds).  

 In CXF 2.x the JMS server must be present before JMS endpoints are started. In cxf 3 the endpoint will start and periodically reconnect like in the case of an exception while running. 

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[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > JMS performance and pooling

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


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JMS performance and pooling   

CXF JMS should be very fast if configured correctly. There are two major settings that affect performance: pooling and synchronous receives on client side.
On the client side CXF creates a new JMS Session and Producer for each message. This is necessary as these JMS objects are not thread safe. Especially creating a Producer is very time intensive though as a communication with the server is necessary.
Connection Factory pools help to improve perfomance by caching the Connection, Session and Producer.
For ActiveMQ configuring pooling is quite simple:

Pooling for ActiveMQ

import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.activemq.pool.PooledConnectionFactory;

ConnectionFactory cf = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616");
PooledConnectionFactory pcf = new PooledConnectionFactory();
pcf.setExpiryTimeout(5000); // Make sure to set expiry timeout as the default of 0 prevents reconnect on failures

JMSConfiguration jmsConfig = new JMSConfiguration();

Synchronous Receives on client side
For request / reply exchanges the JMS transport sends a request and waits for a reply. Whenever possible this is done using a JMS MessageListener. In some cases though CXF has to use a synchronous Consumer.receive() instead. The problem here is that CXF needs to be able to share queues between endpoints. So a MessageListener needs to use a MessageSelector to filter the messages. This selector needs to be known in advance so the listener can be opened once.
There are two cases where this is not possible:

MessageIdAsCorrelationId: If useConduitIdSelector is false and no static conduitIdSelectorPrefix is given then the client does not set a correlation id. The server then uses the message id of the request message as correlation id. As this id can not be known in advance the client has to use a synchronous Consumer.receive. This pattern is also necessary for communication with IBM JMS endpoints as they use this by default
The user can set the JMSMessageHeadersType in the request message and there do a SetJMSCorrelationID("customid"). In this case CXF also has to use a synchronous Consumer.receive()

So the general rule here is to avoid these settings that lead to the synchronous receives.
Expected perfomance
On a fast system (Intel Core i7) and with small messages CXF can achieve a performance of about 12,000 messages per second for one way and 3,500 transactions / second for request reply (both non persistent). If you measure much lower speeds then you might have an issue with your JMS configuration.

[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > JMS Transport

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

JMS Transport   


 SOAP / JMS spec compliant configuration - recommended style for CXF 3
 JMSConfiguration style - works in CXF 2 and 3 but is deprecated for CXF 3
 CXF 2.x JMS configuration - removed in CXF 3 

 Advanced examples (CXF >= 3) 

 Performance and pooling 
 JMS reconnect functionality 
 JMS transactions 


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[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > SOAP over JMS 1.0 support

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

SOAP over JMS 1.0 support   


 Code Block



   // You just need to set the address with JMS URI
  String address = "jms:jndi:dynamicQueues/test.cxf.jmstransport.queue3"
  + "?jndiInitialContextFactory"
  + "=org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"
  + "&jndiConnectionFactoryName=ConnectionFactory&jndiURL=tcp://localhost:61500";
  Hello implementor = new HelloImpl();
  JaxWsServerFactoryBean svrFactory = new JaxWsServerFactoryBean();
  // And specify the transport ID with SOAP over JMS specification

  // Alternatively using JAXWS Endpoint.create and avoiding JNDI
  ConnectionFactory cf = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61500");
  EndpointImpl ep = (EndpointImpl)Endpoint.create(impl);
  ep.getFeatures().add(new ConnectionFactoryFeature(cf));


 Code Block



[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > SOAP over JMS 1.0 support

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

SOAP over JMS 1.0 support   

Here is an example:

 Code Block

Define Ways to define a Soap Service with JMS transport






For this example:

 Code Block

Greeter Service with JMS transaport



[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > SOAP over JMS 1.0 support

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

SOAP over JMS 1.0 support   

Here is an example:

 Code Block

Define a Soap Service with JMS transport







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[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > SOAP over JMS 1.0 support

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

SOAP over JMS 1.0 support   


 Code Block

Endpoint in spring








 or a Client like this: 

 Code Block

Proxy in spring


[CONF] Apache CXF Documentation > SOAP over JMS 1.0 support

2014-04-16 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

SOAP over JMS 1.0 support   

JMS Extension Namespace

 Code Block



CXF supports three variants, "jndi", "queue", and "topic". For example:

 Code Block



Properties are as follows:

From   Version


 NON_PERSISTENT messages will kept only in memory  PERSISTENT messages will be saved to disk 


[CONF] Apache CXF > Index

2014-02-26 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:


Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.
 January 01, 2014 - Apache CXF Distributed OSGi (DOSGi) 1.6.0 released! 
 This release mainly updates to cxf 2.7.8 and removes the jdom dependency. 
 Downloads are available at the  DOSGi Releases page. 
February 18, 2014 - Apache CXF 3.0.0-milestone1 released!

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[CONF] Apache CXF > Index

2014-02-26 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:


Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.
 21, 2014 - Apache CXF Distributed OSGi (DOSGi) 1.6.0 released! 
This release mainly updates to cxf 2.7.8 and removes the jdom dependency.

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[CONF] Apache CXF > DOSGi Releases

2014-01-21 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

DOSGi Releases   

 Release 1.6.0 (current version - 2014-01- 


 Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz) 

 Multi-bundle distribution (zip) 

 Source distribution 


Multi bundle distro now created from karaf features. So less effort for new releases
CXF updated to 2.7.8
jdom dependency removed
Bug fixes

 Release 1.5.0 (2013-06-27) 


 Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz) 

 Multi-bundle distribution (zip) 

 Source distribution 

[CONF] Apache CXF > DOSGi Releases

2014-01-21 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

DOSGi Releases   

 Release 1. 
 6.0 (current version - 2014-01-18) 


 Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz) 

  Multi-bundle distribution (zip)  

  Source distribution  


 Multi bundle distro now created from karaf features. So less effort for new releases 
 CXF updated to 2.7.8 
 jdom dependency removed 
 Bug fixes 

 Release 1.5.0 


  Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz)  

 Multi-bundle distribution (zip) 

 Source distribution 

[CONF] Apache CXF > DOSGi Releases

2014-01-21 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)


Christian Schneider edited the page:

DOSGi Releases   



 Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz) 

 Multi-bundle distribution (zip) 

 Source distribution 


Multi bundle distro now created from karaf features. So less effort for new releases
CXF updated to 2.7.8
jdom dependency removed
Bug fixes


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[CONF] Apache CXF > CXF configuration ideas

2013-12-10 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)

CXF configuration ideas
Page edited by Christian Schneider

 Changes (4)

 {code:language=java|title=Feature definition} @Named("MyFeature") public class MyFeature extends AbstractFeature { ... } {code}  Endpoint with inlined injections  
@WebService public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {   @Inject MyRessource res1; // Inject arbitrary user ressources@Inject @Named("MyFeature") Feature feature1; // Inject named feature   @Inject List features; // Inject all features known to this context ... } {code}  We might also support some kind of Endpoint description classes to separate endpoint definition from the actual implementation. Not sure how to wire this with CDI. Any ideas?   For the proxy I am not sure which is the best annotation based approach. One idea is to have one or more factories for producers.  {code:language=java|title=Annotation based Proxy definitions} public class MyServiceProducer {@Produce MyService createMyService() {  return new JAXWSProxyFactory("http://myserver:8080/myService");}@Produce @MyMarker // CDI Qualifiers to distinguish services of the same interface type   MyService createMyService() {   } } {code}  {code:language=java|title=XML based proxy definition}  {code}  {code:language=java|title=Annotation based JAXRS Endpoint definition}  {code} 

Full Content


CXF is intended to work in a wide range of containers / frameworks:

	Plain Java
	Spring XML and annotation based
	JavaEE (CDI)

It for each of the important cases it should be as easy and natural to configure CXF for the developer.

Problem description

Currently CXF provides a lot of integration points with frameworks as well as CXF proprietary ways of configuration.

Out current approach has several drawbacks:

	Integration with some frameworks creates problems with other frameworks. For example the aries blueprint namespaces make it impossible to use gemini blueprint
	CXF configuration is often quite unnatural for users of the respective frameworks. For example if you define a Feature using the service loader approach you cannot inject resources into it
	Using other framework is often difficult as we do not have nice plain java ways to setup e.g. endpoints
	CXF defines special annotations. These are processed in a CXF proprietary way that does not allow to mix these with annotations of the user framework of choice


The general idea is to step back and keep injection out of CXF as much as possible and instead rely more on the frameworks to do this job. This should make CXF much more embedable and less complex. We still can have some glue code for the frameworks but at as few points as possible.

A good example for this is camel which defines a registry concept that is implemented differently for each framework. In spring it relies on the spring context in blueprint on the blueprint context, in OSGi on services. The camel registry is not perfect but a good step in the right direction.

In the following checpters we should look into the respective frameworks and discuss how CXF integration should work ideally.



Annotation based



Feature definition

public class MyFeature extends AbstractFeature {

Endpoint with inlined injections


public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
  @Inject MyRessource res1; // Inject arbitrary user ressources

  @Inject @Named("MyFeature") Feature feature1; // Inject named feature
  @Inject List features; // Inject all features known to this context

We might also support some kind of Endpoint description classes to separate endpoint definition from the actual implementation. Not sure how to wire this with CDI. Any ideas?

For the proxy I am not sure which is the best annotation based approach. One idea is to have one or more factories for producers.

Annotation based Proxy definitions

public class MyServiceProducer {

  @Produce MyService createMyService() {
 return new JAXWSProxyFactory("http://myserver:8080/myService");

  @Produce @MyMarker // CDI Qualifiers to distinguish services of the same interface type
  MyService createMyService() {

XML based proxy definition

Annotation based JAXRS Endpoint definition

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[CONF] Apache CXF > CXF configuration ideas

2013-12-10 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)

CXF configuration ideas
Page edited by Christian Schneider

 Changes (2)

h4. Endpoint 
{code:language=java|title=Endpoint}{code} {code:language=java|title=Proxy}{code} 

Full Content


CXF is intended to work in a wide range of containers / frameworks:

	Plain Java
	Spring XML and annotation based
	JavaEE (CDI)

It for each of the important cases it should be as easy and natural to configure CXF for the developer.

Problem description

Currently CXF provides a lot of integration points with frameworks as well as CXF proprietary ways of configuration.

Out current approach has several drawbacks:

	Integration with some frameworks creates problems with other frameworks. For example the aries blueprint namespaces make it impossible to use gemini blueprint
	CXF configuration is often quite unnatural for users of the respective frameworks. For example if you define a Feature using the service loader approach you cannot inject resources into it
	Using other framework is often difficult as we do not have nice plain java ways to setup e.g. endpoints
	CXF defines special annotations. These are processed in a CXF proprietary way that does not allow to mix these with annotations of the user framework of choice


The general idea is to step back and keep injection out of CXF as much as possible and instead rely more on the frameworks to do this job. This should make CXF much more embedable and less complex. We still can have some glue code for the frameworks but at as few points as possible.

A good example for this is camel which defines a registry concept that is implemented differently for each framework. In spring it relies on the spring context in blueprint on the blueprint context, in OSGi on services. The camel registry is not perfect but a good step in the right direction.

In the following checpters we should look into the respective frameworks and discuss how CXF integration should work ideally.



Annotation based





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[CONF] Apache CXF > CXF configuration ideas

2013-12-10 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)

CXF configuration ideas
Page  added by Christian Schneider



CXF is intended to work in a wide range of containers / frameworks:

	Plain Java
	Spring XML and annotation based
	JavaEE (CDI)

It for each of the important cases it should be as easy and natural to configure CXF for the developer.

Problem description

Currently CXF provides a lot of integration points with frameworks as well as CXF proprietary ways of configuration.

Out current approach has several drawbacks:

	Integration with some frameworks creates problems with other frameworks. For example the aries blueprint namespaces make it impossible to use gemini blueprint
	CXF configuration is often quite unnatural for users of the respective frameworks. For example if you define a Feature using the service loader approach you cannot inject resources into it
	Using other framework is often difficult as we do not have nice plain java ways to setup e.g. endpoints
	CXF defines special annotations. These are processed in a CXF proprietary way that does not allow to mix these with annotations of the user framework of choice


The general idea is to step back and keep injection out of CXF as much as possible and instead rely more on the frameworks to do this job. This should make CXF much more embedable and less complex. We still can have some glue code for the frameworks but at as few points as possible.

A good example for this is camel which defines a registry concept that is implemented differently for each framework. In spring it relies on the spring context in blueprint on the blueprint context, in OSGi on services. The camel registry is not perfect but a good step in the right direction.

In the following checpters we should look into the respective frameworks and discuss how CXF integration should work ideally.



Annotation based




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[CONF] Apache CXF > Index

2013-07-05 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)

Page edited by Christian Schneider

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h2. News  
*May 15, 2013 - Apache CXF 2.7.5/2.6.8 released!* 
*Jul 02, 2013 - Apache CXF Distributed OSGi (DOSGi) 1.5.0 released\!* 
This release of DOSGi ccontains a lot of bug fixes. As the most visual change the single bundle distro has been removed as it required a lot of additional effort for testing and release management.  Downloads are available at the  [CXF:DOSGi Releases] page. *May 15, 2013 - Apache CXF 2.7.5/2.6.8 released\!*  
The Apache CXF team is proud to announce the availability of the latest patch releases.  Over 40 JIRA issues were fixed for 2.7.5 which many of those fixes back ported to 2.6.8.  
For REST, CXF also supports a JAX-RS frontend. * *Ease of use:* CXF is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. There are simple APIs to quickly build code-first services, Maven plug-ins to make tooling integration easy, JAX-WS API support, Spring 2.x XML support to make configuration a snap, and much more. 
* *Binary and Legacy Protocol Support:*   CXF has been designed to provide a pluggable architecture that supports not only XML but also non-XML type bindings, such as JSON and CORBA, in combination with any type of transport. 
To get started using CXF, check out the [downloads|Download], the [user's guide|http://cxf.apache.org/docs/index.html], or the [mailing lists|Mailing Lists] to get more information\! 
* SAAJ - SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) - [JSR-67|http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/mrel/jsr067/index3.html]  
h5. WS-\* and related Specifications Support 
* Basic support: WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 * Quality of Service:  WS-Reliable Messaging 

Full Content

Apache CXF: An Open-Source Services Framework


Apache CXF is an open source services framework. CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.


Jul 02, 2013 - Apache CXF Distributed OSGi (DOSGi) 1.5.0 released!

This release of DOSGi ccontains a lot of bug fixes. As the most visual change the single bundle distro has been removed as it required a lot of additional effort for testing and release management.

Downloads are available at the  DOSGi Releases page.

May 15, 2013 - Apache CXF 2.7.5/2.6.8 released!

The Apache CXF team is proud to announce the availability of the latest patch releases.  Over 40 JIRA issues were fixed for 2.7.5 which many of those fixes back ported to 2.6.8.

This is mostly a patch release to fix problems and issues that users have encountered.  There is also a critical security issue resolved in these releases (information forthcoming).  Users are STRONGLY encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.

This release requires the Woodstox 4.2.0 StAX Parser to be available on the classpath.

Downloads are available here.


CXF includes a broad feature set, but it is primarily focused on the following areas:

	Web Services Standards Support: CXF supports a variety of web service standards including SOAP, the WS-I Basic Profile, WSDL, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Security, WS-SecurityPolicy,  WS-SecureConverstation, and WS-Trust (partial).
	Frontends: CXF supports a variety of "frontend" programming models.

CXF implements the JAX-WS APIs. CXF JAX-WS support includes some extensions to the standard that make it significantly easier to use, compared to the reference implementation: It will automatically generate code for request and response bean classes, and does not require a WSDL for simple cases.

It also includes a "simple frontend" which allows creation of clients and endpoints without annotations. CXF supports both contract first development with WSDL and code first development starting from Java.

For REST, CXF also supports a JAX-RS frontend.

	Ease of use: CXF is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. There are simple APIs to quickly build code-first services, Maven plug-ins to make tooling integration easy, JAX-WS API support, Spring 2.x XML support to make configuration a snap, and much more.
	Binary and Legacy Protocol Support: CXF has been designed to provide a pluggable architecture that supports not only XML but also non-XML type bindings, such as JSON and CORBA, in combination with any type of transport.

To get started using CXF, check out the downloads, the user's guide, or the mailing lists to get

[CONF] Apache CXF > DOSGi Releases

2013-07-05 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)

DOSGi Releases
Page edited by Christian Schneider

 Changes (3)

h2. Releases  
 h3. Release 1.5.0 (current version)  ||Description||File|| |Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz)|[cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution-1.5.0-dir.tar.gz| http://repository.apache.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/org/apache/cxf/dosgi/cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution/1.5.0/cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution-1.5.0-dir.tar.gz]| |Multi-bundle distribution (zip)|[cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution-1.5.0-dir.zip|http://repository.apache.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/org/apache/cxf/dosgi/cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution/1.5.0/cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution-1.5.0-dir.zip]| |Source distribution|[cxf-dosgi-ri-source-distribution-1.5.0.tar.gz|http://repository.apache.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/org/apache/cxf/dosgi/cxf-dosgi-ri-source-distribution/1.5.0/cxf-dosgi-ri-source-distribution-1.5.0-dist.tar.gz]|  h4. Highlights  * Single bundle distribution removed to simplyfy release process and testing * Many bugfixes  
h3. Release 1.4.0 (current version)  
h4. Distributions  
h3. Release 1.3.1 1.3.1 is the current release of Distributed OSGi, as of April 10th 2012. For more information on what's new in this release, please see the README and release notes in each distribution. The various distributions can be downloaded as follows: 
h2. Snapshots  
You can download 1.56-SNAPSHOT distributions from the following locations: 
*Multi-Bundle distribution* [download from here|https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/snapshots/org/apache/cxf/dosgi/cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution/1.5-SNAPSHOT/cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution-1.5-SNAPSHOT.zip] here|https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/snapshots/org/apache/cxf/dosgi/cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution/1.6-SNAPSHOT/cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution-1.6-SNAPSHOT.zip] 
 h3. Archived Releases 

Full Content


Release 1.5.0 (current version)


Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz)

Multi-bundle distribution (zip)

Source distribution


	Single bundle distribution removed to simplyfy release process and testing
	Many bugfixes

Release 1.4.0 (current version)


Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz)

Multi-bundle distribution (zip)

Single-bundle distribution

Source distribution


	41 issues resolved (see jira)
	Karaf feature for easy installation in Apache Karaf
	Zookeeper discovery now supports automatic reconnects and Cluster configuration
	DOSGi is now independent of spring dm
	Custom intents are now created by publishing e.g. CXF Features as services
	Big refactorings make the code much easier to understand

Known issues

	The default aegis data format will not work with Apache Karaf 2.3.0. (See DOSGI-153). Please upgrade to Apache Karaf 2.3.1
	The sytem package exports in the felix multibundle distro may not bee suitable to all felix versions


There is one incompatible change in this release. Previously custom intents were defined by using a special spring dm file below osgi-inf in the bundle that exports a service. From DOSGi 1.4.0 on custom intents can be defined by exporting the intent (e.g. a feature) as an OSGi service with a special property "org.apache.cxf.dosgi.IntentName" for the name of the intent. See dosgi custom intents. 


Release 1.3.1
1.3.1 is the current release of Distributed OSGi, as of April 10th 2012. For more information on what's new in this release, please see the README and release notes in each distribution. The various distributions can be downloaded as follows:


Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz)

Multi-bundle distribution (zip)

Single-bundle distribution

Source distribution


You can download 1.6-SNAPSHOT distributions from the following locations:

Multi-Bundle distribution download from here

Archived Releases

1.3 was released February 6th, 2012.


Multi-bundle distribution (tar.gz)

[CONF] Apache CXF > DOSGi release build

2013-06-28 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)

DOSGi release build
Page edited by Christian Schneider

 Changes (1)

* go to https://repository.apache.org, log in with you apache id, find your staging repo and close it  
h2. Check completeness  * Check the tag is there in subversion and contains the correct version in the poms * Check that the release notes are correct * Check that the staging repo is visible and contains the correct release version  
h2. Send vote mail to dev list  

Full Content


	Make sure your .m2/settings.xml contains your user and password


	Make sure you have a pgp key
	Make sure all jira issues for the version are resolved
	Export the jira issues from the jira roadmap view of the version you are doing and update distribution/multi-bundle/src/main/release/release_notes.txt

Do the release in maven

	mvn release:prepare
	mvn release:perform
	go to https://repository.apache.org, log in with you apache id, find your staging repo and close it

Check completeness

	Check the tag is there in subversion and contains the correct version in the poms
	Check that the release notes are correct
	Check that the staging repo is visible and contains the correct release version

Send vote mail to dev list

Release maven repo

Stop watching space
Change email notification preferences

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[CONF] Apache CXF > DOSGi release build

2013-06-27 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)

DOSGi release build
Page edited by Christian Schneider

 Changes (1)

* mvn release:prepare * mvn release:perform 
* go to https://repository.apache.org, log in with you apache id, find your staging repo and close it 
 h2. Send vote mail to dev list 

Full Content


	Make sure your .m2/settings.xml contains your user and password


	Make sure you have a pgp key
	Make sure all jira issues for the version are resolved
	Export the jira issues from the jira roadmap view of the version you are doing and update distribution/multi-bundle/src/main/release/release_notes.txt

Do the release in maven

	mvn release:prepare
	mvn release:perform
	go to https://repository.apache.org, log in with you apache id, find your staging repo and close it

Send vote mail to dev list

Release maven repo

Stop watching space
Change email notification preferences

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[CONF] Apache CXF > DOSGi release build

2013-06-27 Thread Christian Schneider (Confluence)

DOSGi release build
Page  added by Christian Schneider



	Make sure your .m2/settings.xml contains your user and password


	Make sure you have a pgp key
	Make sure all jira issues for the version are resolved
	Export the jira issues from the jira roadmap view of the version you are doing and update distribution/multi-bundle/src/main/release/release_notes.txt

Do the release in maven

	mvn release:prepare
	mvn release:perform

Send vote mail to dev list

Release maven repo

Stop watching space
Change email notification preferences

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