commit bffbc0686a965d67b3c33dbd3eab87e7df313aa0
Author: Aaron LI <>
Date:   Fri Jun 1 15:14:27 2018 +0800

    initrd/rc: mount initrd ro; set PATH, HOME, NEW_ROOT; cleanups
    * The initrd is mounted readonly by default, do not upgrade to be readwrite.
      NOTE: This may cause problem with diskless boot (/etc/rc.d/diskless) and
      needs further tests and tunes (Thanks to ftigeot).
    * Set PATH=/bin:/sbin to simplify the command invocations.
    * Set HOME=/var/home (Suggested-by: ftigeot)
    * Set NEW_ROOT=/new_root that will be used in the mount scripts.
      Make sure that the NEW_ROOT directory exist, otherwise try to remount the
      initrd / readwrite and create it.
    * Various cleanups to make it much simpler and cleaner.
    * Also clean up the rc.lvm2 a bit.

Summary of changes:
 share/initrd/etc/rc      | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 share/initrd/etc/rc.lvm2 | 12 ++++-----
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 share/initrd/etc/rc
 mode change 100755 => 100644 share/initrd/etc/rc.lvm2

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