Repository: incubator-hawq
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 6041f4a51 -> c8fbc1e90
diff --git a/tools/bin/gppylib/data/2.2.json b/tools/bin/gppylib/data/2.2.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e62b59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/gppylib/data/2.2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10458 @@
+   "__comment" : "Generated by version 34 on Mon Mar 27 14:07:18 
2017 CATALOG_VERSION_NO=201507221",
+   "__info" : {
+      "CATALOG_VERSION_NO" : "201507221"
+   },
+   "gp_configuration" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpConfigurationRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "content" : "int2",
+         "datadir" : "text",
+         "dbid" : "int2",
+         "definedprimary" : "bool",
+         "hostname" : "NameData",
+         "isprimary" : "bool",
+         "port" : "int4",
+         "valid" : "bool"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "content",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "definedprimary",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "dbid",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "isprimary",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "valid",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "hostname",
+            "ctype" : "NameData",
+            "sqltype" : "name"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "port",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "datadir",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_configuration.h",
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpConfigurationContentDefinedprimaryIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "content",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "definedprimary",
+                  "bool_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6101",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "6101"
+            }
+         },
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpConfigurationDbidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "dbid",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6102",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "6102"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5000 - gp_configuration */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_configuration\n   with 
(shared=true, oid=false, relid=5000, content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n   content     
    smallint,\n   definedprimary  boolean,\n   dbid            smallint,\n   
isprimary       boolean,\n   valid           boolean,\n   hostname        
name,\n   port            integer,\n   datadir         text\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpConfiguration",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5000",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (shared=true, oid=false, relid=5000, 
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_configuration_history" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpConfigHistoryRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_CONFIGURATION_HISTORY_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "description" : "text",
+         "hostname" : "text",
+         "registration_order" : "int4",
+         "time" : "timestamptz"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "time",
+            "ctype" : "timestamptz",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "timestamp_with_time_zone"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "registration_order",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "hostname",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "description",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_configuration.h",
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5006 - gp_configuration_history 
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_configuration_history\n   with 
(camelcase=GpConfigHistory, shared=true, oid=false, relid=5006, 
reltype_oid=6434, content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n   time               timestamp 
with time zone,\n   registration_order integer,\n   hostname           text,\n  
 description        text\n   )",
+      "tzhack" : "\"time\"",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpConfigHistory",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5006",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6434",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=GpConfigHistory, shared=true, oid=false, 
relid=5006, reltype_oid=6434, content=MASTER_ONLY)"
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_db_interfaces" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpDbInterfacesRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_DB_INTERFACES_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "dbid" : "int2",
+         "interfaceid" : "int2",
+         "priority" : "int2"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "dbid",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "interfaceid",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "priority",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_configuration.h",
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpDbInterfacesDbidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "dbid",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6108",
+            "unique" : "",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "6108"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5029 - gp_db_interfaces */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_db_interfaces\n   with 
(camelcase=GpDbInterfaces, shared=true, oid=false, relid=5029, 
reltype_oid=6436, content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n   dbid           smallint,\n   
interfaceid    smallint,\n   priority       smallint\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpDbInterfaces",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5029",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6436",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=GpDbInterfaces, shared=true, oid=false, 
relid=5029, reltype_oid=6436, content=MASTER_ONLY)"
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_distribution_policy" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpPolicyRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "attrnums" : "int2[1]",
+         "bucketnum" : "int4",
+         "localoid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "localoid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "bucketnum",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attrnums",
+            "ctype" : "int2[1]",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint[]"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_policy.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "localoid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_class",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "localoid"
+            ],
+            "pg_class",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpPolicyLocalOidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "localoid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6103",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "GpPolicyLocalOid",
+               "indexid" : "6103"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5002 - gp_distribution_policy 
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_distribution_policy\n   with 
(camelcase=GpPolicy, oid=false, relid=5002, content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n   
localoid  oid,\n   bucketnum integer,\n   attrnums  smallint[]\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpPolicy",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5002",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=GpPolicy, oid=false, relid=5002, 
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_global_sequence" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpGlobalSequenceRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_GLOBAL_SEQUENCE_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "sequence_num" : "bigint"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "sequence_num",
+            "ctype" : "bigint",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "bigint"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_global_sequence.h",
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5096 - gp_global_sequence */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_global_sequence\n   with 
(camelcase=GpGlobalSequence, oid=false, relid=5096, reltype_oid=6995, 
content=PERSISTENT)\n   (\n   sequence_num bigint\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpGlobalSequence",
+         "content" : "PERSISTENT",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5096",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6995",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=GpGlobalSequence, oid=false, relid=5096, 
reltype_oid=6995, content=PERSISTENT)"
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_interfaces" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpInterfacesRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_INTERFACES_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "address" : "NameData",
+         "interfaceid" : "int2",
+         "status" : "int2"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "interfaceid",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "address",
+            "ctype" : "NameData",
+            "sqltype" : "name"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "status",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_configuration.h",
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpInterfacesInterfaceidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "interfaceid",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6109",
+            "indexname" : "gp_interfaces_interface_index",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "6109",
+               "indexname" : "gp_interfaces_interface_index"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5030 - gp_interfaces */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_interfaces\n   with (shared=true, 
oid=false, relid=5030, reltype_oid=6433, content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n   
interfaceid  smallint,\n   address      name,\n   status       smallint \n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpInterfaces",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5030",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6433",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (shared=true, oid=false, relid=5030, reltype_oid=6433, 
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_master_mirroring" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpMasterMirroringRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "detail_state" : "text",
+         "error_message" : "text",
+         "log_time" : "timestamptz",
+         "summary_state" : "text"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "summary_state",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "detail_state",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "log_time",
+            "ctype" : "timestamptz",
+            "sqltype" : "timestamp_with_time_zone"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "error_message",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_master_mirroring.h",
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5008 - gp_master_mirroring */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_master_mirroring\n   with 
(camelcase=GpMasterMirroring, shared=true, oid=false, relid=5008, 
content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n   summary_state  text,\n   detail_state   text,\n  
 log_time       timestamp with time zone,\n   error_message  text\n   )",
+      "tzhack" : "\"log_time\"",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpMasterMirroring",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5008",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=GpMasterMirroring, shared=true, oid=false, 
relid=5008, content=MASTER_ONLY)"
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_persistent_filespace_node" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpPersistent_filespace_nodeRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "db_id" : "int2",
+         "filespace_oid" : "Oid",
+         "location" : "text",
+         "parent_xid" : "int4",
+         "persistent_serial_num" : "bigint",
+         "persistent_state" : "int2",
+         "previous_free_tid" : "tid",
+         "reserved" : "int4"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "filespace_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "db_id",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "location",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_state",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "reserved",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "parent_xid",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_serial_num",
+            "ctype" : "bigint",
+            "sqltype" : "bigint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "previous_free_tid",
+            "ctype" : "tid",
+            "sqltype" : "tid"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_persistent.h",
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5093 - 
gp_persistent_filespace_node */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_persistent_filespace_node\n   with 
(shared=true, oid=false, relid=5093, reltype_oid=6993, content=PERSISTENT)\n   
(\n   filespace_oid                                 oid      ,\n   db_id        
                                 smallint ,\n   location                        
            text     ,\n   persistent_state                              
smallint ,\n   reserved                                      integer  ,\n   
parent_xid                                    integer  ,\n   
persistent_serial_num                         bigint   ,\n   previous_free_tid  
                           tid      ,\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpPersistent_filespace_node",
+         "content" : "PERSISTENT",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5093",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6993",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (shared=true, oid=false, relid=5093, reltype_oid=6993, 
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_persistent_relation_node" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpPersistent_relation_nodeRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "database_oid" : "Oid",
+         "parent_xid" : "int4",
+         "persistent_serial_num" : "bigint",
+         "persistent_state" : "int2",
+         "previous_free_tid" : "tid",
+         "relfilenode_oid" : "Oid",
+         "reserved" : "int4",
+         "tablespace_oid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "tablespace_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "database_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "relfilenode_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_state",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "reserved",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "parent_xid",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_serial_num",
+            "ctype" : "bigint",
+            "sqltype" : "bigint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "previous_free_tid",
+            "ctype" : "tid",
+            "sqltype" : "tid"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_persistent.h",
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5090 - 
gp_persistent_relation_node */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_persistent_relation_node\n   with 
(shared=true, oid=false, relid=5090, reltype_oid=6990, content=PERSISTENT)\n   
(\n   tablespace_oid\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toid\t\t\t,\n   
previous_free_tid\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttid\t\t\t,\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpPersistent_relation_node",
+         "content" : "PERSISTENT",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5090",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6990",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (shared=true, oid=false, relid=5090, reltype_oid=6990, 
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_persistent_relfile_node" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpPersistent_relfile_nodeRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_PERSISTENT_RELFILE_NODE_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "database_oid" : "Oid",
+         "parent_xid" : "int4",
+         "persistent_serial_num" : "bigint",
+         "persistent_state" : "int2",
+         "previous_free_tid" : "tid",
+         "relation_bufpool_kind" : "int4",
+         "relation_storage_manager" : "int2",
+         "relfilenode_oid" : "Oid",
+         "segment_file_num" : "int4",
+         "tablespace_oid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "tablespace_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "database_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "relfilenode_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "segment_file_num",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "relation_storage_manager",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_state",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "relation_bufpool_kind",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "parent_xid",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_serial_num",
+            "ctype" : "bigint",
+            "sqltype" : "bigint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "previous_free_tid",
+            "ctype" : "tid",
+            "sqltype" : "tid"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_persistent.h",
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5089 - gp_persistent_relfile_node 
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_persistent_relfile_node\n   with 
(shared=true, oid=false, relid=5089, reltype_oid=6989, content=PERSISTENT)\n   
(\n   tablespace_oid                                     oid       ,\n   
database_oid                                       oid       ,\n   
relfilenode_oid                                    oid       ,\n   
segment_file_num                                   integer   ,\n   
relation_storage_manager                           smallint  ,\n   
persistent_state                                   smallint  ,\n   
relation_bufpool_kind                              integer   ,\n   parent_xid   
                                      integer   ,\n   persistent_serial_num     
                         bigint    ,\n   previous_free_tid                      
            tid       ,\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpPersistent_relfile_node",
+         "content" : "PERSISTENT",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5089",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6989",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (shared=true, oid=false, relid=5089, reltype_oid=6989, 
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_persistent_tablespace_node" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpPersistent_tablespace_nodeRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "filespace_oid" : "Oid",
+         "parent_xid" : "int4",
+         "persistent_serial_num" : "bigint",
+         "persistent_state" : "int2",
+         "previous_free_tid" : "tid",
+         "reserved" : "int4",
+         "tablespace_oid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "filespace_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "tablespace_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_state",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "reserved",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "parent_xid",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_serial_num",
+            "ctype" : "bigint",
+            "sqltype" : "bigint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "previous_free_tid",
+            "ctype" : "tid",
+            "sqltype" : "tid"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_persistent.h",
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5092 - 
gp_persistent_tablespace_node */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_persistent_tablespace_node\n   
with (shared=true, oid=false, relid=5092, reltype_oid=6992, 
content=PERSISTENT)\n   (\n   filespace_oid                                 oid 
     ,\n   tablespace_oid                                oid      ,\n   
persistent_state                              smallint ,\n   reserved           
                           integer  ,\n   parent_xid                            
        integer  ,\n   persistent_serial_num                         bigint   
,\n   previous_free_tid                             tid      ,\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpPersistent_tablespace_node",
+         "content" : "PERSISTENT",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5092",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6992",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (shared=true, oid=false, relid=5092, reltype_oid=6992, 
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_relfile_node" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpRelfile_nodeRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_RELFILE_NODE_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "persistent_serial_num" : "bigint",
+         "persistent_tid" : "tid",
+         "relfilenode_oid" : "Oid",
+         "segment_file_num" : "int4"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "relfilenode_oid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "segment_file_num",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_tid",
+            "ctype" : "tid",
+            "sqltype" : "tid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "persistent_serial_num",
+            "ctype" : "bigint",
+            "sqltype" : "bigint"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_persistent.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "relfilenode_oid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_class",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "relfilenode_oid"
+            ],
+            "pg_class",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5094 - gp_relfile_node */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_relfile_node\n   with 
(shared=false, oid=false, relid=5094, reltype_oid=6994, content=PERSISTENT)\n   
(\n   relfilenode_oid                               oid     ,\n   
segment_file_num                              integer ,\n   persistent_tid      
                          tid     ,\n   persistent_serial_num                   
      bigint  \n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpRelfile_node",
+         "content" : "PERSISTENT",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5094",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6994",
+         "shared" : "",
+         "text" : "with (shared=false, oid=false, relid=5094, 
reltype_oid=6994, content=PERSISTENT)"
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_san_configuration" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpSanConfigRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_SAN_CONFIGURATION_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "active_host" : "char",
+         "mirror_device" : "text",
+         "mirror_host" : "text",
+         "mirror_mountpoint" : "text",
+         "mountid" : "int2",
+         "primary_device" : "text",
+         "primary_host" : "text",
+         "primary_mountpoint" : "text",
+         "san_type" : "char"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "mountid",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "active_host",
+            "ctype" : "char",
+            "sqltype" : "quoted_char"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "san_type",
+            "ctype" : "char",
+            "sqltype" : "quoted_char"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "primary_host",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "primary_mountpoint",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "primary_device",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "mirror_host",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "mirror_mountpoint",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "mirror_device",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_san_config.h",
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpSanConfigMountidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "mountid",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6111",
+            "indexname" : "gp_san_config_mountid_index",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "6111",
+               "indexname" : "gp_san_config_mountid_index"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5035 - gp_san_configuration */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_san_configuration\n   with 
(camelcase=GpSanConfig, shared=true, oid=false, relid=5035, reltype_oid=6444, 
content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n   mountid             smallint ,\n   active_host   
      \"char\"   ,\n   san_type            \"char\"   ,\n   primary_host        
text     ,\n   primary_mountpoint  text     ,\n   primary_device      text     
,\n   mirror_host         text     ,\n   mirror_mountpoint   text     ,\n   
mirror_device       text     \n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpSanConfig",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5035",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6444",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=GpSanConfig, shared=true, oid=false, 
relid=5035, reltype_oid=6444, content=MASTER_ONLY)"
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_segment_configuration" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpSegmentConfigRelationId",
+      "CamelCaseToastInd" : "GpSegmentConfigToastIndex",
+      "CamelCaseToastTab" : "GpSegmentConfigToastTable",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_SEGMENT_CONFIGURATION_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "UppercaseToastReltypeOid" : 
+      "colh" : {
+         "address" : "text",
+         "description" : "text",
+         "hostname" : "text",
+         "port" : "int4",
+         "registration_order" : "int4",
+         "role" : "char",
+         "status" : "char"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "registration_order",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "role",
+            "ctype" : "char",
+            "sqltype" : "quoted_char"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "status",
+            "ctype" : "char",
+            "sqltype" : "quoted_char"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "port",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "hostname",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "address",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "description",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_segment_config.h",
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpSegmentConfigRegistration_orderIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "registration_order",
+                  "int4_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6106",
+            "indexname" : "gp_segment_config_registration_order_index",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "6106",
+               "indexname" : "gp_segment_config_registration_order_index"
+            }
+         },
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpSegmentConfigRoleIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "role",
+                  "char_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6107",
+            "indexname" : "gp_segment_config_role_index",
+            "unique" : "",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "6107",
+               "indexname" : "gp_segment_config_role_index"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5036 - gp_segment_configuration 
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_segment_configuration\n   with 
(camelcase=GpSegmentConfig, shared=true, oid=false, relid=5036, 
reltype_oid=6442, toast_oid=2900, toast_index=2901, toast_reltype=2906, 
content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n   registration_order integer    ,\n   role         
      \"char\"     ,\n   status             \"char\"     ,\n   port             
  integer    ,\n   hostname           text       ,\n   address            text  
     ,\n   description        text\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpSegmentConfig",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5036",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6442",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=GpSegmentConfig, shared=true, oid=false, 
relid=5036, reltype_oid=6442, toast_oid=2900, toast_index=2901, 
toast_reltype=2906, content=MASTER_ONLY)",
+         "toast_index" : "2901",
+         "toast_oid" : "2900",
+         "toast_reltype" : "2906"
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_verification_history" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpVerificationHistoryRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "GP_VERIFICATION_HISTORY_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "vercontent" : "int2",
+         "verdone" : "bool",
+         "verendtime" : "timestamptz",
+         "vermismatch" : "bool",
+         "verstarttime" : "timestamptz",
+         "verstate" : "int2",
+         "vertoken" : "NameData",
+         "vertype" : "int2"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "vertoken",
+            "ctype" : "NameData",
+            "postcomment" : "-- token of the verification request, 63 
characters or less",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "name"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "vertype",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "postcomment" : "-- 0=FULL (i.e. all files and directories), 
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "vercontent",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "postcomment" : "-- -1= all primary mirror pairs, >=0 specific 
primary/mirror pair",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "verstarttime",
+            "ctype" : "timestamptz",
+            "postcomment" : "--time the request is started",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "timestamp_with_time_zone"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "verstate",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "postcomment" : "-- 0=Started, 1=Suspended, 2=Aborted, 3=Failed, 
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "verdone",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "postcomment" : "--0 if started or suspeneded, 1 if aborted or 
failed or successful completion",
+            "precomment" : "\n  ",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "verendtime",
+            "ctype" : "timestamptz",
+            "postcomment" : "--time the request is completely done processing, 
only valid id verdone is true, latest end time for this token on any 
primary/mirror pair",
+            "sqltype" : "timestamp_with_time_zone"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "vermismatch",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "postcomment" : "--were mismatches found on any primary/mirror 
pair for this token",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_verification_history.h",
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "GpVerificationHistoryVertokenIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "vertoken",
+                  "name_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "6431",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "6431"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 6429 - gp_verification_history 
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_verification_history\n   with 
(camelcase=GpVerificationHistory, shared=true, oid=false, relid=6429, 
reltype_oid=6430, content=MASTER_ONLY)\n   (\n\n   vertoken             name    
   ,    -- token of the verification request, 63 characters or less\n   vertype 
             smallint   ,    -- 0=FULL (i.e. all files and directories), 
1=FILE, 2=DIRECTORY\n   vercontent           smallint   ,    -- -1= all primary 
mirror pairs, >=0 specific primary/mirror pair\n\n   verstarttime         
timestamp with time zone,  --time the request is started\n   verstate           
  smallint   ,     -- 0=Started, 1=Suspended, 2=Aborted, 3=Failed, 
4=Succeeded\n  \n   verdone              boolean    ,     --0 if started or 
suspeneded, 1 if aborted or failed or successful completion\n   verendtime      
     timestamp with time zone,  --time the request is completely done 
processing, only valid id verdone is true, latest end time for this token on 
any primary/mirr
 or pair\n\n   vermismatch          boolean         --were mismatches found on 
any primary/mirror pair for this token\n  \n   )",
+      "tzhack" : "\"verstarttime\" et al",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpVerificationHistory",
+         "content" : "MASTER_ONLY",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "6429",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6430",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=GpVerificationHistory, shared=true, 
oid=false, relid=6429, reltype_oid=6430, content=MASTER_ONLY)"
+      }
+   },
+   "gp_version_at_initdb" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "GpVersion_at_initdbRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "productversion" : "text",
+         "schemaversion" : "int2"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "schemaversion",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "productversion",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "gp_version.h",
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 5003 - gp_version_at_initdb */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE gp_version_at_initdb\n   with 
(shared=true, oid=false, relid=5003)\n   (\n    schemaversion   smallint 
,\n\tproductversion  text      \n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "GpVersion_at_initdb",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "5003",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (shared=true, oid=false, relid=5003)"
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_aggregate" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AggregateRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "aggfinalfn" : "regproc",
+         "aggfnoid" : "regproc",
+         "agginitval" : "text",
+         "agginvprelimfn" : "regproc",
+         "agginvtransfn" : "regproc",
+         "aggordered" : "bool",
+         "aggprelimfn" : "regproc",
+         "aggsortop" : "Oid",
+         "aggtransfn" : "regproc",
+         "aggtranstype" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "aggfnoid",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "aggtransfn",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "agginvtransfn",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "postcomment" : "-- MPP windowing",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "aggprelimfn",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "postcomment" : "-- MPP 2-phase agg",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "agginvprelimfn",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "postcomment" : "-- MPP windowing",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "aggfinalfn",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "aggsortop",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "aggtranstype",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "agginitval",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "postcomment" : "-- VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "aggordered",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "postcomment" : "-- MPP ordered aggregates",
+            "sqltype" : "bool"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_aggregate.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "aggfnoid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "aggtransfn"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "agginvtransfn"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "aggprelimfn"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "agginvprelimfn"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "aggfinalfn"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "aggsortop"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_operator",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "aggtranstype"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_type",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "aggfnoid"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "aggtransfn"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "agginvtransfn"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "aggprelimfn"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "agginvprelimfn"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "aggfinalfn"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "aggsortop"
+            ],
+            "pg_operator",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "aggtranstype"
+            ],
+            "pg_type",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AggregateAggfnoidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "aggfnoid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2650",
+            "indexname" : "pg_aggregate_fnoid_index",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "indexid" : "2650",
+               "indexname" : "pg_aggregate_fnoid_index",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "32",
+               "syscacheid" : "AGGFNOID"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 2600 - pg_aggregate */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_aggregate\n   with (oid=false, 
relid=2600)\n   (\n   aggfnoid        regproc, \n   aggtransfn      regproc, \n 
  agginvtransfn   regproc, -- MPP windowing\n   aggprelimfn     regproc, -- MPP 
2-phase agg\n   agginvprelimfn  regproc, -- MPP windowing\n   aggfinalfn      
regproc, \n   aggsortop       oid, \n   aggtranstype    oid, \n   agginitval    
  text,    -- VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD\n   aggordered      bool     -- MPP ordered 
aggregates\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "Aggregate",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "2600",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (oid=false, relid=2600)"
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_am" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AccessMethodRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "ambeginscan" : "regproc",
+         "ambuild" : "regproc",
+         "ambulkdelete" : "regproc",
+         "amcanmulticol" : "bool",
+         "amcanshrink" : "bool",
+         "amcanunique" : "bool",
+         "amclusterable" : "bool",
+         "amcostestimate" : "regproc",
+         "amendscan" : "regproc",
+         "amgetmulti" : "regproc",
+         "amgettuple" : "regproc",
+         "amindexnulls" : "bool",
+         "aminsert" : "regproc",
+         "ammarkpos" : "regproc",
+         "amname" : "NameData",
+         "amoptionalkey" : "bool",
+         "amoptions" : "regproc",
+         "amorderstrategy" : "int2",
+         "amrescan" : "regproc",
+         "amrestrpos" : "regproc",
+         "amstorage" : "bool",
+         "amstrategies" : "int2",
+         "amsupport" : "int2",
+         "amvacuumcleanup" : "regproc",
+         "oid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "amname",
+            "ctype" : "NameData",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "name"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amstrategies",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amsupport",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amorderstrategy",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amcanunique",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amcanmulticol",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amoptionalkey",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amindexnulls",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amstorage",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amclusterable",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amcanshrink",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "aminsert",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "ambeginscan",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amgettuple",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amgetmulti",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amrescan",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amendscan",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "ammarkpos",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amrestrpos",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "ambuild",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "ambulkdelete",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amvacuumcleanup",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amcostestimate",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amoptions",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_am.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "aminsert"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "ambeginscan"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amgettuple"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amgetmulti"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amrescan"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amendscan"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "ammarkpos"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amrestrpos"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "ambuild"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "ambulkdelete"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amvacuumcleanup"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amcostestimate"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amoptions"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "aminsert"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "ambeginscan"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amgettuple"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amgetmulti"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amrescan"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amendscan"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "ammarkpos"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amrestrpos"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "ambuild"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "ambulkdelete"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amvacuumcleanup"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amcostestimate"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amoptions"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AmNameIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "amname",
+                  "name_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2651",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AmName",
+               "indexid" : "2651",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "4",
+               "syscacheid" : "AMNAME"
+            }
+         },
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AmOidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "oid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2652",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AmOid",
+               "indexid" : "2652",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "4",
+               "syscacheid" : "AMOID"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 2601 - pg_am */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_am\n   with 
(camelcase=AccessMethod,  relid=2601)\n   (\n   amname           name, \n   
amstrategies     smallint, \n   amsupport        smallint, \n   amorderstrategy 
 smallint, \n   amcanunique      boolean, \n   amcanmulticol    boolean, \n   
amoptionalkey    boolean, \n   amindexnulls     boolean, \n   amstorage        
boolean, \n   amclusterable    boolean, \n   amcanshrink      boolean, \n   
aminsert         regproc, \n   ambeginscan      regproc, \n   amgettuple       
regproc, \n   amgetmulti       regproc, \n   amrescan         regproc, \n   
amendscan        regproc, \n   ammarkpos        regproc, \n   amrestrpos       
regproc, \n   ambuild          regproc, \n   ambulkdelete     regproc, \n   
amvacuumcleanup  regproc, \n   amcostestimate   regproc, \n   amoptions        
regproc\n    )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "AccessMethod",
+         "oid" : 1,
+         "relid" : "2601",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=AccessMethod,  relid=2601)"
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_amop" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AccessMethodOperatorRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "amopclaid" : "Oid",
+         "amopopr" : "Oid",
+         "amopreqcheck" : "bool",
+         "amopstrategy" : "int2",
+         "amopsubtype" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "amopclaid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amopsubtype",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amopstrategy",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amopreqcheck",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amopopr",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_amop.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amopclaid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_opclass",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amopsubtype"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_type",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amopopr"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_operator",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "amopclaid"
+            ],
+            "pg_opclass",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amopsubtype"
+            ],
+            "pg_type",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amopopr"
+            ],
+            "pg_operator",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AccessMethodStrategyIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "amopclaid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "amopsubtype",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "amopstrategy",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2653",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AccessMethodStrategy",
+               "indexid" : "2653",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "64",
+               "syscacheid" : "AMOPSTRATEGY"
+            }
+         },
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AccessMethodOperatorIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "amopopr",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "amopclaid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2654",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AccessMethodOperator",
+               "indexid" : "2654",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "64",
+               "syscacheid" : "AMOPOPID"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 2602 - pg_amop */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_amop\n   with 
(camelcase=AccessMethodOperator, oid=false, relid=2602)\n   (\n   amopclaid     
oid, \n   amopsubtype   oid, \n   amopstrategy  smallint, \n   amopreqcheck  
boolean, \n   amopopr       oid\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "AccessMethodOperator",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "2602",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=AccessMethodOperator, oid=false, 
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_amproc" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AccessMethodProcedureRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "amopclaid" : "Oid",
+         "amproc" : "regproc",
+         "amprocnum" : "int2",
+         "amprocsubtype" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "amopclaid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amprocsubtype",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amprocnum",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "amproc",
+            "ctype" : "regproc",
+            "sqltype" : "regproc"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_amproc.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amopclaid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_opclass",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amprocsubtype"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_type",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "amproc"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_proc",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "amopclaid"
+            ],
+            "pg_opclass",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amprocsubtype"
+            ],
+            "pg_type",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "amproc"
+            ],
+            "pg_proc",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AccessMethodProcedureIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "amopclaid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "amprocsubtype",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "amprocnum",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2655",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AccessMethodProcedure",
+               "indexid" : "2655",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "64",
+               "syscacheid" : "AMPROCNUM"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 2603 - pg_amproc */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_amproc\n   with 
(camelcase=AccessMethodProcedure, oid=false, relid=2603)\n   (\n   amopclaid    
  oid, \n   amprocsubtype  oid, \n   amprocnum      smallint, \n   amproc       
  regproc\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "AccessMethodProcedure",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "2603",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=AccessMethodProcedure, oid=false, 
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_appendonly" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AppendOnlyRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "blkdiridxid" : "Oid",
+         "blkdirrelid" : "Oid",
+         "blocksize" : "int4",
+         "checksum" : "bool",
+         "columnstore" : "bool",
+         "compresslevel" : "int2",
+         "compresstype" : "text",
+         "majorversion" : "int2",
+         "minorversion" : "int2",
+         "pagesize" : "int4",
+         "relid" : "Oid",
+         "safefswritesize" : "int4",
+         "segidxid" : "Oid",
+         "segrelid" : "Oid",
+         "splitsize" : "int4",
+         "version" : "int4"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "relid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "blocksize",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "safefswritesize",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "compresslevel",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "majorversion",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "minorversion",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "checksum",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "compresstype",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "columnstore",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "segrelid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "segidxid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "blkdirrelid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "blkdiridxid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "version",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "pagesize",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "splitsize",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_appendonly.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "relid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_class",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "relid"
+            ],
+            "pg_class",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AppendOnlyRelidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "relid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "5007",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AppendOnlyRelid",
+               "indexid" : "5007"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 6105 - pg_appendonly */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_appendonly\n   with 
(camelcase=AppendOnly, oid=false, relid=6105)\n   (\n   relid            oid, 
\n   blocksize        integer, \n   safefswritesize  integer, \n   
compresslevel    smallint, \n   majorversion     smallint, \n   minorversion    
 smallint, \n   checksum         boolean, \n   compresstype     text, \n   
columnstore      boolean,\n   segrelid         oid, \n   segidxid         oid, 
\n   blkdirrelid      oid, \n   blkdiridxid      oid, \n   version          
integer,\n   pagesize\t\t\tinteger,\n   splitsize        integer\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "AppendOnly",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "6105",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=AppendOnly, oid=false, relid=6105)"
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_appendonly_alter_column" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AppendOnlyAlterColumnRelationId",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "PG_APPENDONLY_ALTER_COLUMN_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "changenum" : "int4",
+         "highwaterrownums" : "bytea",
+         "relid" : "Oid",
+         "segfilenums" : "int4[1]"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "relid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "changenum",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "segfilenums",
+            "ctype" : "int4[1]",
+            "sqltype" : "integer[]"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "highwaterrownums",
+            "ctype" : "bytea",
+            "sqltype" : "bytea"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_appendonly_alter_column.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "relid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_class",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "relid"
+            ],
+            "pg_class",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AppendOnlyAlterColumnRelidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "relid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "changenum",
+                  "int4_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "5031",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AppendOnlyAlterColumnRelid",
+               "indexid" : "5031"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 6110 - pg_appendonly_alter_column 
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_appendonly_alter_column\n   with 
(camelcase=AppendOnlyAlterColumn, oid=false, relid=6110, reltype_oid=6437)\n   
(\n   relid             oid, \n   changenum         integer, \n   segfilenums   
    integer[], \n   highwaterrownums  bytea\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "AppendOnlyAlterColumn",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "6110",
+         "reltype_oid" : "6437",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=AppendOnlyAlterColumn, oid=false, 
relid=6110, reltype_oid=6437)"
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_attrdef" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AttrDefaultRelationId",
+      "CamelCaseToastInd" : "PgAttrDefaultToastIndex",
+      "CamelCaseToastTab" : "PgAttrDefaultToastTable",
+      "colh" : {
+         "adbin" : "text",
+         "adnum" : "int2",
+         "adrelid" : "Oid",
+         "adsrc" : "text",
+         "oid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "adrelid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "adnum",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "adbin",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "adsrc",
+            "ctype" : "text",
+            "sqltype" : "text"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_attrdef.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "adrelid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "attrelid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_attribute",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "adrelid"
+            ],
+            "pg_attribute",
+            [
+               "attrelid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AttrDefaultIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "adrelid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "adnum",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2656",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AttrDefault",
+               "indexid" : "2656"
+            }
+         },
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AttrDefaultOidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "oid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2657",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AttrDefaultOid",
+               "indexid" : "2657"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 2604 - pg_attrdef */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_attrdef\n   with 
(camelcase=AttrDefault, relid=2604, toast_oid=2830, toast_index=2831)\n   (\n   
adrelid  oid, \n   adnum    smallint, \n   adbin    text, \n   adsrc    text\n  
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "AttrDefault",
+         "oid" : 1,
+         "relid" : "2604",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=AttrDefault, relid=2604, toast_oid=2830, 
+         "toast_index" : "2831",
+         "toast_oid" : "2830"
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_attribute" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AttributeRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "attalign" : "char",
+         "attbyval" : "bool",
+         "attcacheoff" : "int4",
+         "atthasdef" : "bool",
+         "attinhcount" : "int4",
+         "attisdropped" : "bool",
+         "attislocal" : "bool",
+         "attlen" : "int2",
+         "attname" : "NameData",
+         "attndims" : "int4",
+         "attnotnull" : "bool",
+         "attnum" : "int2",
+         "attrelid" : "Oid",
+         "attstattarget" : "int4",
+         "attstorage" : "char",
+         "atttypid" : "Oid",
+         "atttypmod" : "int4",
+         "oid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "attrelid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attname",
+            "ctype" : "NameData",
+            "sqltype" : "name"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "atttypid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attstattarget",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attlen",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attnum",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attndims",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attcacheoff",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "atttypmod",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attbyval",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attstorage",
+            "ctype" : "char",
+            "sqltype" : "quoted_char"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attalign",
+            "ctype" : "char",
+            "sqltype" : "quoted_char"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attnotnull",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "atthasdef",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attisdropped",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attislocal",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attinhcount",
+            "ctype" : "int4",
+            "sqltype" : "integer"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_attribute.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "attrelid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_class",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "atttypid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_type",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "attrelid"
+            ],
+            "pg_class",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "atttypid"
+            ],
+            "pg_type",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AttributeRelidNameIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "attrelid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "attname",
+                  "name_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2658",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AttributeRelidName",
+               "indexid" : "2658",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "2048",
+               "syscacheid" : "ATTNAME"
+            }
+         },
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AttributeRelidNumIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "attrelid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "attnum",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2659",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AttributeRelidNum",
+               "indexid" : "2659",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "2048",
+               "syscacheid" : "ATTNUM"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 1249 - pg_attribute */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_attribute\n   with 
(camelcase=Attribute, relid=1249)\n   (\n   attrelid       oid, \n   attname    
    name, \n   atttypid       oid, \n   attstattarget  integer, \n   attlen     
    smallint, \n   attnum         smallint, \n   attndims       integer, \n   
attcacheoff    integer, \n   atttypmod      integer, \n   attbyval       
boolean, \n   attstorage     \"char\", \n   attalign       \"char\", \n   
attnotnull     boolean, \n   atthasdef      boolean, \n   attisdropped   
boolean, \n   attislocal     boolean, \n   attinhcount    integer\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "Attribute",
+         "oid" : 1,
+         "relid" : "1249",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=Attribute, relid=1249)"
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_attribute_encoding" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AttributeEncodingRelationId",
+      "CamelCaseToastInd" : "PgAttributeEncodingToastIndex",
+      "CamelCaseToastTab" : "PgAttributeEncodingToastTable",
+      "UppercaseReltypeOid" : "PG_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "UppercaseToastReltypeOid" : "PG_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODING_TOAST_RELTYPE_OID",
+      "colh" : {
+         "attnum" : "int2",
+         "attoptions" : "text[1]",
+         "attrelid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "attrelid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attnum",
+            "ctype" : "int2",
+            "sqltype" : "smallint"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "attoptions",
+            "ctype" : "text[1]",
+            "sqltype" : "text[]"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_attribute_encoding.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "attrelid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "attrelid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_attribute",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "attrelid"
+            ],
+            "pg_attribute",
+            [
+               "attrelid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AttributeEncodingAttrelidIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "attrelid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "3236",
+            "unique" : "",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AttributeEncodingAttrelid",
+               "indexid" : "3236"
+            }
+         },
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AttributeEncodingAttrelidAttnumIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "attrelid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "attnum",
+                  "int2_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "3237",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AttributeEncodingAttrelidAttnum",
+               "indexid" : "3237"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 3231 - pg_attribute_encoding 
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_attribute_encoding\n   with 
(relid=3231, reltype_oid=3232, toast_oid=3233, toast_index=3234, 
toast_reltype=3235, CamelCase=AttributeEncoding, oid=false)\n   (\n   attrelid  
   oid, \n   attnum\t\tsmallint, \n   attoptions   text[]\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "AttributeEncoding",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "3231",
+         "reltype_oid" : "3232",
+         "shared" : 0,
+         "text" : "with (relid=3231, reltype_oid=3232, toast_oid=3233, 
toast_index=3234, toast_reltype=3235, CamelCase=AttributeEncoding, oid=false)",
+         "toast_index" : "3234",
+         "toast_oid" : "3233",
+         "toast_reltype" : "3235"
+      }
+   },
+   "pg_auth_members" : {
+      "CamelCaseRelationId" : "AuthMemRelationId",
+      "colh" : {
+         "admin_option" : "bool",
+         "grantor" : "Oid",
+         "member" : "Oid",
+         "roleid" : "Oid"
+      },
+      "cols" : [
+         {
+            "colname" : "roleid",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "precomment" : "\n**TK_BLANK_LINE**",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "member",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "grantor",
+            "ctype" : "Oid",
+            "sqltype" : "oid"
+         },
+         {
+            "colname" : "admin_option",
+            "ctype" : "bool",
+            "sqltype" : "boolean"
+         }
+      ],
+      "filename" : "pg_auth_members.h",
+      "fk_list" : [
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "roleid"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_authid",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         },
+         {
+            "fkcols" : [
+               "member"
+            ],
+            "pkcols" : [
+               "oid"
+            ],
+            "pktable" : "pg_authid",
+            "type" : "scalar"
+         }
+      ],
+      "foreign_keys" : [
+         [
+            [
+               "roleid"
+            ],
+            "pg_authid",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ],
+         [
+            [
+               "member"
+            ],
+            "pg_authid",
+            [
+               "oid"
+            ]
+         ]
+      ],
+      "indexes" : [
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AuthMemRoleMemIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "roleid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "member",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2694",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AuthMemRoleMem",
+               "indexid" : "2694",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "128",
+               "syscacheid" : "AUTHMEMROLEMEM"
+            }
+         },
+         {
+            "CamelCaseIndexId" : "AuthMemMemRoleIndexId",
+            "cols" : [
+               [
+                  "member",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ],
+               [
+                  "roleid",
+                  "oid_ops"
+               ]
+            ],
+            "indexid" : "2695",
+            "unique" : "1",
+            "with" : {
+               "camelcase" : "AuthMemMemRole",
+               "indexid" : "2695",
+               "syscache_nbuckets" : "128",
+               "syscacheid" : "AUTHMEMMEMROLE"
+            }
+         }
+      ],
+      "relid_comment_tag" : "/* relation id: 1261 - pg_auth_members */\n",
+      "tabdef_text" : "\n   CREATE TABLE pg_auth_members\n   with 
(camelcase=AuthMem, shared=true, oid=false, relid=1261)\n   (\n   roleid        
oid, \n   member        oid, \n   grantor       oid, \n   admin_option  
boolean\n   )",
+      "with" : {
+         "bootstrap" : 0,
+         "camelcase" : "AuthMem",
+         "oid" : "",
+         "relid" : "1261",
+         "shared" : "1",
+         "text" : "with (camelcase=AuthMem, shared=true, 


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