Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Indexer.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Indexer.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Indexer.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::Indexer – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Indexer - Build inverted indexes.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $indexer = Lucy::Index::Indexer-&#62;new(
+    schema =&#62; $schema,
+    index  =&#62; &#39;/path/to/index&#39;,
+    create =&#62; 1,
+while ( my ( $title, $content ) = each %source_docs ) {
+    $indexer-&#62;add_doc({
+        title   =&#62; $title,
+        content =&#62; $content,
+    });
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>The Indexer class is Apache Lucy&#8217;s primary tool for managing the 
content of inverted indexes,
+which may later be searched using <a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.html" class="podlinkpod"
+<p>In general,
+only one Indexer at a time may write to an index safely.
+If a write lock cannot be secured,
+new() will throw an exception.</p>
+<p>If an index is located on a shared volume,
+each writer application must identify itself by supplying an <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/IndexManager.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>IndexManager</a> with a unique <code>host</code> id to Indexer&#8217;s 
constructor or index corruption will occur.
+See <a href="../../Lucy/Docs/FileLocking.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>FileLocking</a> for a detailed discussion.</p>
+<p>Note: at present,
+<a href="#delete_by_term" class="podlinkpod"
+>delete_by_term()</a> and <a href="#delete_by_query" class="podlinkpod"
+>delete_by_query()</a> only affect documents which had been previously 
committed to the index &#8211; and not any documents added this indexing 
session but not yet committed.
+This may change in a future update.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $indexer = Lucy::Index::Indexer-&#62;new(
+    schema   =&#62; $schema,             # required at index creation
+    index    =&#62; &#39;/path/to/index&#39;,    # required
+    create   =&#62; 1,                   # default: 0
+    truncate =&#62; 1,                   # default: 0
+    manager  =&#62; $manager             # default: created internally
+<li><b>schema</b> - A Schema.
+Required when index is being created; if not supplied,
+will be extracted from the index folder.</li>
+<li><b>index</b> - Either a filepath to an index or a Folder.</li>
+<li><b>create</b> - If true and the index directory does not exist,
+attempt to create it.</li>
+<li><b>truncate</b> - If true,
+proceed with the intention of discarding all previous indexing data.
+The old data will remain intact and visible until commit() succeeds.</li>
+<li><b>manager</b> - An IndexManager.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+$indexer-&#62;add_doc( { field_name =&#62; $field_value } );
+    doc   =&#62; { field_name =&#62; $field_value },
+    boost =&#62; 2.5,         # default: 1.0
+<p>Add a document to the index.
+Accepts either a single argument or labeled params.</p>
+<li><b>doc</b> - Either a Lucy::Document::Doc object,
+or a hashref (which will be attached to a Lucy::Document::Doc object 
+<li><b>boost</b> - A floating point weight which affects how this document 
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Absorb an existing index into this one.
+The two indexes must have matching Schemas.</p>
+<li><b>index</b> - Either an index path name or a Folder.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+    field =&#62; $field  # required
+    term  =&#62; $term   # required
+<p>Mark documents which contain the supplied term as deleted,
+so that they will be excluded from search results and eventually removed 
+The change is not apparent to search apps until after <a href="#commit" 
+>commit()</a> succeeds.</p>
+<li><b>field</b> - The name of an indexed field.
+(If it is not spec&#8217;d as <code>indexed</code>,
+an error will occur.)</li>
+<li><b>term</b> - The term which identifies docs to be marked as deleted.
+If <code>field</code> is associated with an Analyzer,
+<code>term</code> will be processed automatically (so don&#8217;t pre-process 
it yourself).</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Mark documents which match the supplied Query as deleted.</p>
+<li><b>query</b> - A <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Query.html" class="podlinkpod"
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Mark the document identified by the supplied document ID as deleted.</p>
+<li><b>doc_id</b> - A <a href="../../Lucy/Docs/DocIDs.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>document id</a>.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Optimize the index for search-time performance.
+This may take a while,
+as it can involve rewriting large amounts of data.</p>
+<p>Every Indexer session which changes index content and ends in a <a 
href="#commit" class="podlinkpod"
+>commit()</a> creates a new segment.
+Once written,
+segments are never modified.
+they are periodically recycled by feeding their content into the segment 
currently being written.</p>
+<p>The <a href="#optimize" class="podlinkpod"
+>optimize()</a> method causes all existing index content to be fed back into 
the Indexer.
+When <a href="#commit" class="podlinkpod"
+>commit()</a> completes after an <a href="#optimize" class="podlinkpod"
+the index will consist of one segment.
+So <a href="#optimize" class="podlinkpod"
+>optimize()</a> must be called before <a href="#commit" class="podlinkpod"
+optimizing a fresh index created from scratch has no effect.</p>
+there was a significant search-time performance benefit to collapsing down to 
a single segment versus even two segments.
+Now the effect of collapsing is much less significant,
+and calling <a href="#optimize" class="podlinkpod"
+>optimize()</a> is rarely justified.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Commit any changes made to the index.
+Until this is called,
+none of the changes made during an indexing session are permanent.</p>
+<p>Calling <a href="#commit" class="podlinkpod"
+>commit()</a> invalidates the Indexer,
+so if you want to make more changes you&#8217;ll need a new one.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Perform the expensive setup for <a href="#commit" class="podlinkpod"
+>commit()</a> in advance,
+so that <a href="#commit" class="podlinkpod"
+>commit()</a> completes quickly.
+(If <a href="#prepare_commit" class="podlinkpod"
+>prepare_commit()</a> is not called explicitly by the user,
+<a href="#commit" class="podlinkpod"
+>commit()</a> will call it internally.)</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $schema = $indexer-&#62;get_schema();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for schema.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Indexer isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Lexicon.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Lexicon.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Lexicon.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::Lexicon – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Lexicon - Iterator for a field&#8217;s terms.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $lex_reader = 
+my $lexicon = $lex_reader-&#62;lexicon( field =&#62; &#39;content&#39; );
+while ( $lexicon-&#62;next ) {
+   print $lexicon-&#62;get_term . &#34;\n&#34;;
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>A Lexicon is an iterator which provides access to all the unique terms for 
a given field in sorted order.</p>
+<p>If an index consists of two documents with a &#8216;content&#8217; field 
holding &#8220;three blind mice&#8221; and &#8220;three musketeers&#8221; 
+then iterating through the &#8216;content&#8217; field&#8217;s lexicon would 
produce this list:</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+$lexicon-&#62;seek();  # default: undef</pre>
+<p>Seek the Lexicon to the first iterator state which is greater than or equal 
to <code>target</code>.
+If <code>target</code> is undef,
+reset the iterator.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bool = $lexicon-&#62;next();</pre>
+<p>Proceed to the next term.</p>
+<p>Returns: true until the iterator is exhausted,
+then false.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Reset the iterator.
+<a href="#next" class="podlinkpod"
+>next()</a> must be called to proceed to the first element.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $obj = $lexicon-&#62;get_term();</pre>
+<p>Return the current term,
+or undef if the iterator is not in a valid state.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Lexicon isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/LexiconReader.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/LexiconReader.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/LexiconReader.mdtext Mon Apr  
4 09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::LexiconReader – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::LexiconReader - Read Lexicon data.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $lex_reader = 
+my $lexicon    = $lex_reader-&#62;lexicon( field =&#62; &#39;title&#39; 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>LexiconReader reads term dictionary information.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $lexicon = $lexicon_reader-&#62;lexicon(
+    field =&#62; $field  # required
+    term  =&#62; $term   # default: undef
+<p>Return a new Lexicon for the given <code>field</code>.
+Will return undef if either the field is not indexed,
+or if no documents contain a value for the field.</p>
+<li><b>field</b> - Field name.</li>
+<li><b>term</b> - Pre-locate the Lexicon to this term.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $lexicon_reader-&#62;doc_freq(
+    field =&#62; $field  # required
+    term  =&#62; $term   # required
+<p>Return the number of documents where the specified term is present.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $result = $lexicon_reader-&#62;aggregator(
+    readers =&#62; $readers  # required
+    offsets =&#62; $offsets  # required
+<p>Return a LexiconReader which merges the output of other LexiconReaders.</p>
+<li><b>readers</b> - An array of LexiconReaders.</li>
+<li><b>offsets</b> - Doc id start offsets for each reader.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::LexiconReader isa <a href="../../Lucy/Index/DataReader.html" 
+>Lucy::Index::DataReader</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PolyReader.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PolyReader.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PolyReader.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::PolyReader – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::PolyReader - Multi-segment implementation of IndexReader.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $polyreader = Lucy::Index::IndexReader-&#62;open( 
+    index =&#62; &#39;/path/to/index&#39;,
+my $doc_reader = $polyreader-&#62;obtain(&#34;Lucy::Index::DocReader&#34;);
+for my $doc_id ( 1 .. $polyreader-&#62;doc_max ) {
+    my $doc = $doc_reader-&#62;fetch_doc($doc_id);
+    print &#34; $doc_id: $doc-&#62;{title}\n&#34;;
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>PolyReader conflates index data from multiple segments.
+For instance,
+if an index contains three segments with 10 documents each,
+PolyReader&#8217;s <a href="../../Lucy/Index/IndexReader.html#doc_max" 
+>doc_max()</a> method will return 30.</p>
+<p>Some of PolyReader&#8217;s <a href="../../Lucy/Index/DataReader.html" 
+>DataReader</a> components may be less efficient or complete than the 
single-segment implementations accessed via <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html" class="podlinkpod"
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $poly_reader-&#62;doc_max();</pre>
+<p>Return the maximum number of documents available to the reader,
+which is also the highest possible internal document id.
+Documents which have been marked as deleted but not yet purged from the index 
are included in this count.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $poly_reader-&#62;doc_count();</pre>
+<p>Return the number of documents available to the reader,
+subtracting any that are marked as deleted.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $poly_reader-&#62;del_count();</pre>
+<p>Return the number of documents which have been marked as deleted but not 
yet purged from the index.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $i32_array = $poly_reader-&#62;offsets();</pre>
+<p>Return an array with one entry for each segment,
+corresponding to segment doc_id start offset.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $arrayref = $poly_reader-&#62;seg_readers();</pre>
+<p>Return an array of all the SegReaders represented within the 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::PolyReader isa <a href="../../Lucy/Index/IndexReader.html" 
+>Lucy::Index::IndexReader</a> isa <a href="../../Lucy/Index/DataReader.html" 
+>Lucy::Index::DataReader</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PostingList.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PostingList.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PostingList.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::PostingList – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::PostingList - Term-Document pairings.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $posting_list_reader 
+    = $seg_reader-&#62;obtain(&#34;Lucy::Index::PostingListReader&#34;);
+my $posting_list = $posting_list_reader-&#62;posting_list( 
+    field =&#62; &#39;content&#39;,
+    term  =&#62; &#39;foo&#39;,
+while ( my $doc_id = $posting_list-&#62;next ) {
+    say &#34;Matching doc id: $doc_id&#34;;
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>PostingList is an iterator which supplies a list of document ids that match 
a given term.</p>
+<p>See <a href="../../Lucy/Docs/IRTheory.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>IRTheory</a> for definitions of &#8220;posting&#8221; and &#8220;posting 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $posting_list-&#62;get_doc_freq();</pre>
+<p>Return the number of documents that the PostingList contains.
+(This number will include any documents which have been marked as deleted but 
not yet purged.)</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+$posting_list-&#62;seek();  # default: undef</pre>
+<p>Prepare the PostingList object to iterate over matches for documents that 
match <code>target</code>.</p>
+<li><b>target</b> - The term to match.
+If undef,
+the iterator will be empty.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::PostingList isa <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Matcher.html" 
+>Lucy::Search::Matcher</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PostingListReader.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PostingListReader.mdtext 
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/PostingListReader.mdtext Mon 
Apr  4 09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::PostingListReader – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::PostingListReader - Read postings data.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $posting_list_reader 
+    = $seg_reader-&#62;obtain(&#34;Lucy::Index::PostingListReader&#34;);
+my $posting_list = $posting_list_reader-&#62;posting_list(
+    field =&#62; &#39;title&#39;, 
+    term  =&#62; &#39;foo&#39;,
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>PostingListReaders produce <a href="../../Lucy/Index/PostingList.html" 
+>PostingList</a> objects which convey document matching information.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $posting_list = $posting_list_reader-&#62;posting_list(
+    field =&#62; $field  # default: undef
+    term  =&#62; $term   # default: undef
+<p>Returns a PostingList,
+or undef if either <code>field</code> is undef or <code>field</code> is not 
present in any documents.</p>
+<li><b>field</b> - A field name.</li>
+<li><b>term</b> - If supplied,
+the PostingList will be pre-located to this term using <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/PostingList.html#seek" class="podlinkpod"
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $result = $posting_list_reader-&#62;aggregator(
+    readers =&#62; $readers  # required
+    offsets =&#62; $offsets  # required
+<p>Returns undef since PostingLists may only be iterated at the segment 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::PostingListReader isa <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/DataReader.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Lucy::Index::DataReader</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/SegReader.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/SegReader.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/SegReader.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::SegReader – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::SegReader - Single-segment IndexReader.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $polyreader = Lucy::Index::IndexReader-&#62;open(
+    index =&#62; &#39;/path/to/index&#39;,
+my $seg_readers = $polyreader-&#62;seg_readers;
+for my $seg_reader (@$seg_readers) {
+    my $seg_name = $seg_reader-&#62;get_seg_name;
+    my $num_docs = $seg_reader-&#62;doc_max;
+    print &#34;Segment $seg_name ($num_docs documents):\n&#34;;
+    my $doc_reader = $seg_reader-&#62;obtain(&#34;Lucy::Index::DocReader&#34;);
+    for my $doc_id ( 1 .. $num_docs ) {
+        my $doc = $doc_reader-&#62;fetch_doc($doc_id);
+        print &#34;  $doc_id: $doc-&#62;{title}\n&#34;;
+    }
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>SegReader interprets the data within a single segment of an index.</p>
+<p>Generally speaking,
+only advanced users writing subclasses which manipulate data at the segment 
level need to deal with the SegReader API directly.</p>
+<p>Nearly all of SegReader&#8217;s functionality is implemented by pluggable 
components spawned by <a href="../../Lucy/Plan/Architecture.html" 
+>Architecture</a>&#8217;s factory methods.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $string = $seg_reader-&#62;get_seg_name();</pre>
+<p>Return the name of the segment.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $seg_reader-&#62;get_seg_num();</pre>
+<p>Return the number of the segment.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $seg_reader-&#62;del_count();</pre>
+<p>Return the number of documents which have been marked as deleted but not 
yet purged from the index.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $seg_reader-&#62;doc_max();</pre>
+<p>Return the maximum number of documents available to the reader,
+which is also the highest possible internal document id.
+Documents which have been marked as deleted but not yet purged from the index 
are included in this count.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $seg_reader-&#62;doc_count();</pre>
+<p>Return the number of documents available to the reader,
+subtracting any that are marked as deleted.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $i32_array = $seg_reader-&#62;_offsets();</pre>
+<p>Return an array with one entry for each segment,
+corresponding to segment doc_id start offset.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $arrayref = $seg_reader-&#62;seg_readers();</pre>
+<p>Return an array of all the SegReaders represented within the 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::SegReader isa <a href="../../Lucy/Index/IndexReader.html" 
+>Lucy::Index::IndexReader</a> isa <a href="../../Lucy/Index/DataReader.html" 
+>Lucy::Index::DataReader</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/SegWriter.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/SegWriter.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/SegWriter.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::SegWriter – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::SegWriter - Write one segment of an index.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>SegWriter is a conduit through which information fed to Indexer passes.
+It manages <a href="../../Lucy/Index/Segment.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Segment</a> and Inverter,
+invokes the <a href="../../Lucy/Analysis/Analyzer.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Analyzer</a> chain,
+and feeds low level <a href="../../Lucy/Index/DataWriter.html" 
+>DataWriters</a> such as PostingListWriter and DocWriter.</p>
+<p>The sub-components of a SegWriter are determined by <a 
href="../../Lucy/Plan/Architecture.html" class="podlinkpod"
+DataWriter components which are added to the stack of writers via <a 
href="#add_writer" class="podlinkpod"
+>add_writer()</a> have Add_Inverted_Doc() invoked for each document supplied 
to SegWriter&#8217;s <a href="#add_doc" class="podlinkpod"
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+    api       =&#62; $api        # required
+    component =&#62; $component  # required
+<p>Register a DataWriter component with the SegWriter.
+(Note that registration simply makes the writer available via <a href="#fetch" 
+so you may also want to call <a href="#add_writer" class="podlinkpod"
+<li><b>api</b> - The name of the DataWriter api which <code>writer</code> 
+<li><b>component</b> - A DataWriter.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $obj = $seg_writer-&#62;fetch($api);</pre>
+<p>Retrieve a registered component.</p>
+<li><b>api</b> - The name of the DataWriter api which the component 
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Add a DataWriter to the SegWriter&#8217;s stack of writers.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+    doc   =&#62; $doc    # required
+    boost =&#62; $boost  # default: 1.0
+<p>Add a document to the segment.
+Inverts <code>doc</code>,
+increments the Segment&#8217;s internal document id,
+then calls Add_Inverted_Doc(),
+feeding all sub-writers.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+    reader  =&#62; $reader   # required
+    doc_map =&#62; $doc_map  # default: undef
+<p>Add content from an existing segment into the one currently being 
+<li><b>reader</b> - The SegReader containing content to add.</li>
+<li><b>doc_map</b> - An array of integers mapping old document ids to new.
+Deleted documents are mapped to 0,
+indicating that they should be skipped.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Complete the segment: close all streams,
+store metadata,
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::SegWriter isa <a href="../../Lucy/Index/DataWriter.html" 
+>Lucy::Index::DataWriter</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Segment.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Segment.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Segment.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::Segment – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Segment - Warehouse for information about one segment of an 
inverted index.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre># Index-time.
+package MyDataWriter;
+use base qw( Lucy::Index::DataWriter );
+sub finish {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $segment  = $self-&#62;get_segment;
+    my $metadata = $self-&#62;SUPER::metadata();
+    $metadata-&#62;{foo} = $self-&#62;get_foo;
+    $segment-&#62;store_metadata(
+        key       =&#62; &#39;my_component&#39;,
+        metadata  =&#62; $metadata
+    );
+# Search-time.
+package MyDataReader;
+use base qw( Lucy::Index::DataReader );
+sub new {
+    my $self     = shift-&#62;SUPER::new(@_);
+    my $segment  = $self-&#62;get_segment;
+    my $metadata = $segment-&#62;fetch_metadata(&#39;my_component&#39;);
+    if ($metadata) {
+        $self-&#62;set_foo( $metadata-&#62;{foo} );
+        ...
+    }
+    return $self;
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Apache Lucy&#8217;s indexes are made up of individual 
+each of which is is an independent inverted index.
+On the file system,
+each segment is a directory within the main index directory whose name starts 
with &#8220;seg_&#8221;: &#8220;seg_2&#8221;,
+<p>Each Segment object keeps track of information about an index segment: its 
+document count,
+and so on.
+The Segment object itself writes one file,
+<code>segmeta.json</code>; besides storing info needed by Segment itself,
+the &#8220;segmeta&#8221; file serves as a central repository for metadata 
generated by other index components &#8211; relieving them of the burden of 
storing metadata themselves.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $segment-&#62;add_field($field);</pre>
+<p>Register a new field and assign it a field number.
+If the field was already known,
+nothing happens.</p>
+<li><b>field</b> - Field name.</li>
+<p>Returns: the field&#8217;s field number,
+which is a positive integer.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+    key      =&#62; $key       # required
+    metadata =&#62; $metadata  # required
+<p>Store arbitrary information in the segment&#8217;s metadata hash,
+to be serialized later.
+Throws an error if <code>key</code> is used twice.</p>
+<li><b>key</b> - String identifying an index component.</li>
+<li><b>metadata</b> - JSON-izable data structure.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $obj = $segment-&#62;fetch_metadata($key);</pre>
+<p>Fetch a value from the Segment&#8217;s metadata hash.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $segment-&#62;field_num($field);</pre>
+<p>Given a field name,
+return its field number for this segment (which may differ from its number in 
other segments).
+Return 0 (an invalid field number) if the field name can&#8217;t be found.</p>
+<li><b>field</b> - Field name.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $string = $segment-&#62;field_name($field_num);</pre>
+<p>Given a field number,
+return the name of its field,
+or undef if the field name can&#8217;t be found.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $string = $segment-&#62;get_name();</pre>
+<p>Getter for the object&#8217;s seg name.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $segment-&#62;get_number();</pre>
+<p>Getter for the segment number.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Setter for the object&#8217;s document count.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $segment-&#62;get_count();</pre>
+<p>Getter for the object&#8217;s document count.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $segment-&#62;compare_to($other);</pre>
+<p>Compare by segment number.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Segment isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Similarity.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Similarity.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Similarity.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::Similarity – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Similarity - Judge how well a document matches a query.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>package MySimilarity;
+sub length_norm { return 1.0 }    # disable length normalization
+package MyFullTextType;
+use base qw( Lucy::Plan::FullTextType );
+sub make_similarity { MySimilarity-&#62;new }</pre>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>After determining whether a document matches a given query,
+a score must be calculated which indicates how <i>well</i> the document 
matches the query.
+The Similarity class is used to judge how &#8220;similar&#8221; the query and 
the document are to each other; the closer the resemblance,
+they higher the document scores.</p>
+<p>The default implementation uses Lucene&#8217;s modified cosine similarity 
+Subclasses might tweak the existing algorithms,
+or might be used in conjunction with custom Query subclasses to implement 
arbitrary scoring schemes.</p>
+<p>Most of the methods operate on single fields,
+but some are used to combine scores from multiple fields.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $sim = Lucy::Index::Similarity-&#62;new;</pre>
+Takes no arguments.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $float = $similarity-&#62;length_norm($num_tokens);</pre>
+<p>Dampen the scores of long documents.</p>
+<p>After a field is broken up into terms at index-time,
+each term must be assigned a weight.
+One of the factors in calculating this weight is the number of tokens that the 
original field was broken into.</p>
+we assume that the more tokens in a field,
+the less important any one of them is &#8211; so that,
+5 mentions of &#8220;Kafka&#8221; in a short article are given more heft than 
5 mentions of &#8220;Kafka&#8221; in an entire book.
+The default implementation of length_norm expresses this using an inverted 
square root.</p>
+the inverted square root has a tendency to reward very short fields highly,
+which isn&#8217;t always appropriate for fields you expect to have a lot of 
tokens on average.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Similarity isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Snapshot.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Snapshot.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Index/Snapshot.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+Title: Lucy::Index::Snapshot – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Snapshot - Point-in-time index file list.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $snapshot = Lucy::Index::Snapshot-&#62;new;
+$snapshot-&#62;read_file( folder =&#62; $folder );    # load most recent 
+my $files = $snapshot-&#62;list;
+print &#34;$_\n&#34; for @$files;</pre>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>A Snapshot is list of index files and folders.
+Because index files,
+once written,
+are never modified,
+a Snapshot defines a point-in-time view of the data in an index.</p>
+<p><a href="../../Lucy/Index/IndexReader.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>IndexReader</a> objects interpret the data associated with a single 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $snapshot = Lucy::Index::Snapshot-&#62;new;</pre>
+Takes no arguments.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $arrayref = $snapshot-&#62;list();</pre>
+<p>Return an array of all entries.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $snapshot-&#62;num_entries();</pre>
+<p>Return the number of entries (including directories).</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Add a filepath to the snapshot.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bool = $snapshot-&#62;delete_entry($entry);</pre>
+<p>Delete a filepath from the snapshot.</p>
+<p>Returns: true if the entry existed and was successfully deleted,
+false otherwise.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $result = $snapshot-&#62;read_file(
+    folder =&#62; $folder  # required
+    path   =&#62; $path    # default: undef
+<p>Decode a snapshot file and initialize the object to reflect its 
+<li><b>folder</b> - A Folder.</li>
+<li><b>path</b> - The location of the snapshot file.
+If not supplied,
+the most recent snapshot file in the base directory will be chosen.</li>
+<p>Returns: the Snapshot object itself</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+    folder =&#62; $folder  # required
+    path   =&#62; $path    # default: undef
+<p>Write a snapshot file.
+The caller must lock the index while this operation takes place,
+and the operation will fail if the snapshot file already exists.</p>
+<li><b>folder</b> - A Folder.</li>
+<li><b>path</b> - The path of the file to write.
+If undef,
+a file name will be chosen which supersedes the latest snapshot file in the 
index folder.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Set the path to the file that the Snapshot object serves as a proxy for.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $string = $snapshot-&#62;get_path();</pre>
+<p>Get the path to the snapshot file.
+Initially undef; updated by <a href="#read_file" class="podlinkpod"
+<a href="#write_file" class="podlinkpod"
+and <a href="#set_path" class="podlinkpod"
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Index::Snapshot isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Object/BitVector.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Object/BitVector.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Object/BitVector.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+Title: Lucy::Object::BitVector – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Object::BitVector - An array of bits.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bit_vec = Lucy::Object::BitVector-&#62;new( capacity =&#62; 8 );
+my $other   = Lucy::Object::BitVector-&#62;new( capacity =&#62; 8 );
+$bit_vec-&#62;set($_) for ( 0, 2, 4, 6 );
+$other-&#62;set($_)   for ( 1, 3, 5, 7 );
+print &#34;$_\n&#34; for @{ $bit_vec-&#62;to_array };    # prints 0 through 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>BitVector is a growable array of bits.
+All bits are initially zero.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bit_vec = Lucy::Object::BitVector-&#62;new( 
+    capacity =&#62; $doc_max + 1,   # default 0,
+<p>Create a new BitVector.</p>
+<li><b>capacity</b> - The number of bits that the initial array should be able 
to hold.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bool = $bit_vector-&#62;get($tick);</pre>
+<p>Return true if the bit at <code>tick</code> has been set,
+false if it hasn&#8217;t (regardless of whether it lies within the bounds of 
the object&#8217;s capacity).</p>
+<li><b>tick</b> - The requested bit.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Set the bit at <code>tick</code> to 1.</p>
+<li><b>tick</b> - The bit to be set.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $bit_vector-&#62;next_hit($tick);</pre>
+<p>Returns the next set bit equal to or greater than <code>tick</code>,
+or -1 if no such bit exists.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Clear the indicated bit.
+set it to 0).</p>
+<li><b>tick</b> - The bit to be cleared.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Clear all bits.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>If the BitVector does not already have enough room to hold the indicated 
number of bits,
+allocate more memory so that it can.</p>
+<li><b>capacity</b> - Least number of bits the BitVector should 
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Modify the BitVector so that only bits which remain set are those which 1) 
were already set in this BitVector,
+and 2) were also set in the other BitVector.</p>
+<li><b>other</b> - Another BitVector.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Modify the BitVector,
+setting all bits which are set in the other BitVector if they were not already 
+<li><b>other</b> - Another BitVector.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Modify the BitVector,
+performing an XOR operation against the other.</p>
+<li><b>other</b> - Another BitVector.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Modify the BitVector,
+clearing all bits which are set in the other.</p>
+<li><b>other</b> - Another BitVector.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Invert the value of a bit.</p>
+<li><b>tick</b> - The bit to invert.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+    offset =&#62; $offset  # required
+    length =&#62; $length  # required
+<p>Invert each bit within a contiguous block.</p>
+<li><b>offset</b> - Lower bound.</li>
+<li><b>length</b> - The number of bits to flip.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $bit_vector-&#62;count();</pre>
+<p>Return a count of the number of set bits.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $i32_array = $bit_vector-&#62;to_array();</pre>
+<p>Return an array where each element represents a set bit.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $result = $bit_vector-&#62;clone();</pre>
+<p>Return a clone of the object.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Object::BitVector isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Object/Obj.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Object/Obj.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Object/Obj.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Title: Lucy::Object::Obj – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Object::Obj - Moved.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Object::Obj has been moved to Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/Architecture.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/Architecture.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/Architecture.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Title: Lucy::Plan::Architecture – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::Architecture - Configure major components of an index.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>package MyArchitecture;
+use base qw( Lucy::Plan::Architecture );
+use LucyX::Index::ZlibDocWriter;
+use LucyX::Index::ZlibDocReader;
+sub register_doc_writer {
+    my ( $self, $seg_writer ) = @_; 
+    my $doc_writer = LucyX::Index::ZlibDocWriter-&#62;new(
+        snapshot   =&#62; $seg_writer-&#62;get_snapshot,
+        segment    =&#62; $seg_writer-&#62;get_segment,
+        polyreader =&#62; $seg_writer-&#62;get_polyreader,
+    );  
+    $seg_writer-&#62;register(
+        api       =&#62; &#34;Lucy::Index::DocReader&#34;,
+        component =&#62; $doc_writer,
+    );  
+    $seg_writer-&#62;add_writer($doc_writer);
+sub register_doc_reader {
+    my ( $self, $seg_reader ) = @_; 
+    my $doc_reader = LucyX::Index::ZlibDocReader-&#62;new(
+        schema   =&#62; $seg_reader-&#62;get_schema,
+        folder   =&#62; $seg_reader-&#62;get_folder,
+        segments =&#62; $seg_reader-&#62;get_segments,
+        seg_tick =&#62; $seg_reader-&#62;get_seg_tick,
+        snapshot =&#62; $seg_reader-&#62;get_snapshot,
+    );  
+    $seg_reader-&#62;register(
+        api       =&#62; &#39;Lucy::Index::DocReader&#39;,
+        component =&#62; $doc_reader,
+    );  
+package MySchema;
+use base qw( Lucy::Plan::Schema );
+sub architecture { 
+    shift;
+    return MyArchitecture-&#62;new(@_); 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>By default,
+a Lucy index consists of several main parts: lexicon,
+stored documents,
+and highlight data.
+The readers and writers for that data are spawned by Architecture.
+Each component operates at the segment level; Architecture&#8217;s factory 
methods are used to build up <a href="../../Lucy/Index/SegWriter.html" 
+>SegWriter</a> and <a href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html" class="podlinkpod"
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $arch = Lucy::Plan::Architecture-&#62;new;</pre>
+Takes no arguments.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Spawn a DataWriter and <a href="../../Lucy/Index/SegWriter.html#register" 
+>register()</a> it with the supplied SegWriter,
+adding it to the SegWriter&#8217;s writer stack.</p>
+<li><b>writer</b> - A SegWriter.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Spawn a DocReader and register it with the supplied SegReader.</p>
+<li><b>reader</b> - A SegReader.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::Architecture isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/BlobType.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/BlobType.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/BlobType.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Title: Lucy::Plan::BlobType – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::BlobType - Default behaviors for binary fields.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $string_type = Lucy::Plan::StringType-&#62;new;
+my $blob_type   = Lucy::Plan::BlobType-&#62;new( stored =&#62; 1 );
+my $schema      = Lucy::Plan::Schema-&#62;new;
+$schema-&#62;spec_field( name =&#62; &#39;id&#39;,   type =&#62; $string_type 
+$schema-&#62;spec_field( name =&#62; &#39;jpeg&#39;, type =&#62; $blob_type 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>BlobType is an implementation of FieldType tuned for use with fields 
containing binary data,
+which cannot be indexed or searched &#8211; only stored.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $blob_type = Lucy::Plan::BlobType-&#62;new(
+    stored =&#62; 1,  # default: false
+<p>Create a new BlobType.</p>
+<li><b>stored</b> - boolean indicating whether the field should be stored.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::BlobType isa <a href="../../Lucy/Plan/FieldType.html" 
+>Lucy::Plan::FieldType</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/FieldType.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/FieldType.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/FieldType.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+Title: Lucy::Plan::FieldType – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::FieldType - Define a field&#8217;s behavior.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my @sortable;
+for my $field ( @{ $schema-&#62;all_fields } ) {
+    my $type = $schema-&#62;fetch_type($field);
+    next unless $type-&#62;sortable;
+    push @sortable, $field;
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>FieldType is an abstract class defining a set of traits and behaviors which 
may be associated with one or more field names.</p>
+<p>Properties which are common to all field types include <code>boost</code>,
+and <code>similarity</code>.</p>
+<p>The <code>boost</code> property is a floating point scoring multiplier 
which defaults to 1.0.
+Values greater than 1.0 cause the field to contribute more to a 
document&#8217;s score,
+lower values,
+<p>The <code>indexed</code> property indicates whether the field should be 
indexed (so that it can be searched).</p>
+<p>The <code>stored</code> property indicates whether to store the raw field 
+so that it can be retrieved when a document turns up in a search.</p>
+<p>The <code>sortable</code> property indicates whether search results should 
be sortable based on the contents of the field.</p>
+<p>The <code>binary</code> property indicates whether the field contains 
binary or text data.
+Unlike most other properties,
+<code>binary</code> is not settable.</p>
+<p>The <code>similarity</code> property is a <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/Similarity.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Similarity</a> object which defines matching and scoring behavior for the 
+It is required if the field is <code>indexed</code>.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Setter for <code>boost</code>.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $float = $field_type-&#62;get_boost();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for <code>boost</code>.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Setter for <code>indexed</code>.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bool = $field_type-&#62;indexed();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for <code>indexed</code>.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Setter for <code>stored</code>.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bool = $field_type-&#62;stored();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for <code>stored</code>.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Setter for <code>sortable</code>.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bool = $field_type-&#62;sortable();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for <code>sortable</code>.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bool = $field_type-&#62;binary();</pre>
+<p>Indicate whether the field contains binary data.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::FieldType isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/FullTextType.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/FullTextType.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/FullTextType.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Title: Lucy::Plan::FullTextType – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::FullTextType - Full-text search field type.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $easyanalyzer = Lucy::Analysis::EasyAnalyzer-&#62;new(
+    language =&#62; &#39;en&#39;,
+my $type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType-&#62;new(
+    analyzer =&#62; $easyanalyzer,
+my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema-&#62;new;
+$schema-&#62;spec_field( name =&#62; &#39;title&#39;,   type =&#62; $type );
+$schema-&#62;spec_field( name =&#62; &#39;content&#39;, type =&#62; $type 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::FullTextType is an implementation of <a 
href="../../Lucy/Plan/FieldType.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>FieldType</a> tuned for &#8220;full text search&#8221;.</p>
+<p>Full text fields are associated with an <a 
href="../../Lucy/Analysis/Analyzer.html" class="podlinkpod"
+which is used to tokenize and normalize the text so that it can be searched 
for individual words.</p>
+<p>For an exact-match,
+single value field type using character data,
+see <a href="../../Lucy/Plan/StringType.html" class="podlinkpod"
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType-&#62;new(
+    analyzer      =&#62; $analyzer,    # required
+    boost         =&#62; 2.0,          # default: 1.0
+    indexed       =&#62; 1,            # default: true
+    stored        =&#62; 1,            # default: true
+    sortable      =&#62; 1,            # default: false
+    highlightable =&#62; 1,            # default: false
+<li><b>analyzer</b> - An Analyzer.</li>
+<li><b>boost</b> - floating point per-field boost.</li>
+<li><b>indexed</b> - boolean indicating whether the field should be 
+<li><b>stored</b> - boolean indicating whether the field should be stored.</li>
+<li><b>sortable</b> - boolean indicating whether the field should be 
+<li><b>highlightable</b> - boolean indicating whether the field should be 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Indicate whether to store data required by <a 
href="../../Lucy/Highlight/Highlighter.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Highlighter</a> for excerpt selection and search term highlighting.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bool = $full_text_type-&#62;highlightable();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for &#8220;highlightable&#8221; property.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $analyzer = $full_text_type-&#62;get_analyzer();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for the type&#8217;s analyzer.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::FullTextType isa Lucy::Plan::TextType isa <a 
href="../../Lucy/Plan/FieldType.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Lucy::Plan::FieldType</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/Schema.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/Schema.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/Schema.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+Title: Lucy::Plan::Schema – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::Schema - User-created specification for an inverted index.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>use Lucy::Plan::Schema;
+use Lucy::Plan::FullTextType;
+use Lucy::Analysis::EasyAnalyzer;
+my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema-&#62;new;
+my $easyanalyzer = Lucy::Analysis::EasyAnalyzer-&#62;new(
+    language =&#62; &#39;en&#39;,
+my $type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType-&#62;new(
+    analyzer =&#62; $easyanalyzer,
+$schema-&#62;spec_field( name =&#62; &#39;title&#39;,   type =&#62; $type );
+$schema-&#62;spec_field( name =&#62; &#39;content&#39;, type =&#62; $type 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>A Schema is a specification which indicates how other entities should 
interpret the raw data in an inverted index and interact with it.</p>
+<p>Once an actual index has been created using a particular Schema,
+existing field definitions may not be changed.
+it is possible to add new fields during subsequent indexing sessions.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema-&#62;new;</pre>
+Takes no arguments.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $architecture = $schema-&#62;architecture();</pre>
+<p>Factory method which creates an Architecture object for this index.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+    name =&#62; $name  # required
+    type =&#62; $type  # required
+<p>Define the behavior of a field by associating it with a FieldType.</p>
+<p>If this method has already been called for the supplied <code>field</code>,
+it will merely test to verify that the supplied FieldType <a 
href="../../Clownfish/Obj.html#equals" class="podlinkpod"
+>equals()</a> the existing one.</p>
+<li><b>name</b> - The name of the field.</li>
+<li><b>type</b> - A FieldType.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $field_type = $schema-&#62;fetch_type($field);</pre>
+<p>Return the FieldType for the specified field.
+If the field can&#8217;t be found,
+return undef.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $similarity = $schema-&#62;fetch_sim($field);
+my $similarity = $schema-&#62;fetch_sim();  # default: undef</pre>
+<p>Return the Similarity for the specified field,
+or undef if either the field can&#8217;t be found or it isn&#8217;t associated 
with a Similarity.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $schema-&#62;num_fields();</pre>
+<p>Return the number of fields currently defined.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $arrayref = $schema-&#62;all_fields();</pre>
+<p>Return all the Schema&#8217;s field names as an array.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $architecture = $schema-&#62;get_architecture();</pre>
+<p>Return the Schema instance&#8217;s internal Architecture object.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $similarity = $schema-&#62;get_similarity();</pre>
+<p>Return the Schema instance&#8217;s internal Similarity object.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::Schema isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/StringType.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/StringType.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Plan/StringType.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Title: Lucy::Plan::StringType – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::StringType - Non-tokenized text type.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $type   = Lucy::Plan::StringType-&#62;new;
+my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema-&#62;new;
+$schema-&#62;spec_field( name =&#62; &#39;category&#39;, type =&#62; $type 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::StringType is used for &#8220;exact-match&#8221; strings.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $type = Lucy::Plan::StringType-&#62;new(
+    boost    =&#62; 0.1,    # default: 1.0
+    indexed  =&#62; 1,      # default: true
+    stored   =&#62; 1,      # default: true
+    sortable =&#62; 1,      # default: false
+<li><b>boost</b> - floating point per-field boost.</li>
+<li><b>indexed</b> - boolean indicating whether the field should be 
+<li><b>stored</b> - boolean indicating whether the field should be stored.</li>
+<li><b>sortable</b> - boolean indicating whether the field should be 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Plan::StringType isa Lucy::Plan::TextType isa <a 
href="../../Lucy/Plan/FieldType.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Lucy::Plan::FieldType</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/ANDQuery.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/ANDQuery.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/ANDQuery.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Title: Lucy::Search::ANDQuery – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::ANDQuery - Intersect multiple result sets.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $foo_and_bar_query = Lucy::Search::ANDQuery-&#62;new(
+    children =&#62; [ $foo_query, $bar_query ],
+my $hits = $searcher-&#62;hits( query =&#62; $foo_and_bar_query );
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>ANDQuery is a composite <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Query.html" 
+>Query</a> which matches only when all of its children match,
+so its result set is the intersection of their result sets.
+Documents which match receive a summed score.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $foo_and_bar_query = Lucy::Search::ANDQuery-&#62;new(
+    children =&#62; [ $foo_query, $bar_query ],
+<p>Create a new ANDQuery.</p>
+<li><b>children</b> - An array of child Queries.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $compiler = $and_query-&#62;make_compiler(
+    searcher    =&#62; $searcher     # required
+    boost       =&#62; $boost        # required
+    subordinate =&#62; $subordinate  # default: false
+<p>Abstract factory method returning a Compiler derived from this Query.</p>
+<li><b>searcher</b> - A Searcher.</li>
+<li><b>boost</b> - A scoring multiplier.</li>
+<li><b>subordinate</b> - Indicates whether the Query is a subquery (as opposed 
to a top-level query).
+If false,
+the implementation must invoke <a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/Compiler.html#normalize" class="podlinkpod"
+>normalize()</a> on the newly minted Compiler object before returning it.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::ANDQuery isa <a href="../../Lucy/Search/PolyQuery.html" 
+>Lucy::Search::PolyQuery</a> isa <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Query.html" 
+>Lucy::Search::Query</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Collector.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Collector.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Collector.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Title: Lucy::Search::Collector – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::Collector - Process hits.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre># Abstract base class.</pre>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>A Collector decides what to do with the hits that a <a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/Matcher.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Matcher</a> iterates through,
+based on how the abstract <a href="#collect" class="podlinkpod"
+>collect()</a> method is implemented.</p>
+<p>Collectors operate on individual segments,
+but must operate within the context of a larger collection.
+Each time the collector moves to a new segment,
+Set_Base() and Set_Matcher() will be called,
+and the collector must take the updated information into account.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>package MyCollector;
+use base qw( Lucy::Search::Collector );
+our %foo;
+sub new {
+    my $self = shift-&#62;SUPER::new;
+    my %args = @_;
+    $foo{$$self} = $args{foo};
+    return $self;
+<p>Abstract constructor.
+Takes no arguments.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Do something with a doc id.
+(For instance,
+keep track of the docs with the ten highest scores.)</p>
+<li><b>doc_id</b> - A segment document id.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::Collector isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Collector/BitCollector.mdtext 
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Collector/BitCollector.mdtext 
Mon Apr  4 09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Title: Lucy::Search::Collector::BitCollector – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::Collector::BitCollector - Collector which records doc nums in 
a BitVector.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bit_vec = Lucy::Object::BitVector-&#62;new(
+    capacity =&#62; $searcher-&#62;doc_max + 1,
+my $bit_collector = Lucy::Search::Collector::BitCollector-&#62;new(
+    bit_vector =&#62; $bit_vec, 
+    collector =&#62; $bit_collector,
+    query     =&#62; $query,
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>BitCollector is a Collector which saves matching document ids in a <a 
href="../../../Lucy/Object/BitVector.html" class="podlinkpod"
+It is useful for recording the entire set of documents which matches a 
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $bit_collector = Lucy::Search::Collector::BitCollector-&#62;new(
+    bit_vector =&#62; $bit_vec,    # required
+<p>Create a new BitCollector.</p>
+<li><b>bit_vector</b> - A Lucy::Object::BitVector.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Set bit in the object&#8217;s BitVector for the supplied doc id.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::Collector::BitCollector isa <a 
href="../../../Lucy/Search/Collector.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Lucy::Search::Collector</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Compiler.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Compiler.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Compiler.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+Title: Lucy::Search::Compiler – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::Compiler - Query-to-Matcher compiler.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre># (Compiler is an abstract base class.)
+package MyCompiler;
+use base qw( Lucy::Search::Compiler );
+sub make_matcher {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return MyMatcher-&#62;new( @_, compiler =&#62; $self );
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>The purpose of the Compiler class is to take a specification in the form of 
a <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Query.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Query</a> object and compile a <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Matcher.html" 
+>Matcher</a> object that can do real work.</p>
+<p>The simplest Compiler subclasses &#8211; such as those associated with 
constant-scoring Query types &#8211; might simply implement a <a 
href="#make_matcher" class="podlinkpod"
+>make_matcher()</a> method which passes along information verbatim from the 
Query to the Matcher&#8217;s constructor.</p>
+<p>However it is common for the Compiler to perform some calculations which 
affect it&#8217;s &#8220;weight&#8221; &#8211; a floating point multiplier that 
the Matcher will factor into each document&#8217;s score.
+If that is the case,
+then the Compiler subclass may wish to override <a href="#get_weight" 
+<a href="#sum_of_squared_weights" class="podlinkpod"
+and <a href="#apply_norm_factor" class="podlinkpod"
+<p>Compiling a Matcher is a two stage process.</p>
+<p>The first stage takes place during the Compiler&#8217;s construction,
+which is where the Query object meets a <a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/Searcher.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Searcher</a> object for the first time.
+Searchers operate on a specific document collection and they can tell you 
certain statistical information about the collection &#8211; such as how many 
total documents are in the collection,
+or how many documents in the collection a particular term is present in.
+Lucy&#8217;s core Compiler classes plug this information into the classic 
TF/IDF weighting algorithm to adjust the Compiler&#8217;s weight; custom 
subclasses might do something similar.</p>
+<p>The second stage of compilation is <a href="#make_matcher" 
+which is where the Compiler meets a <a href="../../Lucy/Index/SegReader.html" 
+>SegReader</a> object.
+SegReaders are associated with a single segment within a single index on a 
single machine,
+and are thus lower-level than Searchers,
+which may represent a document collection spread out over a search cluster 
(comprising several indexes and many segments).
+The Compiler object can use new information supplied by the SegReader &#8211; 
such as whether a term is missing from the local index even though it is 
present within the larger collection represented by the Searcher &#8211; when 
figuring out what to feed to the Matchers&#8217;s constructor,
+or whether <a href="#make_matcher" class="podlinkpod"
+>make_matcher()</a> should return a Matcher at all.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $compiler = MyCompiler-&#62;SUPER::new(
+    parent     =&#62; $my_query,
+    searcher   =&#62; $searcher,
+    similarity =&#62; $sim,        # default: undef
+    boost      =&#62; undef,       # default: see below
+<p>Abstract constructor.</p>
+<li><b>parent</b> - The parent Query.</li>
+<li><b>searcher</b> - A Lucy::Search::Searcher,
+such as an IndexSearcher.</li>
+<li><b>similarity</b> - A Similarity.</li>
+<li><b>boost</b> - An arbitrary scoring multiplier.
+Defaults to the boost of the parent Query.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $matcher = $compiler-&#62;make_matcher(
+    reader     =&#62; $reader      # required
+    need_score =&#62; $need_score  # required
+<p>Factory method returning a Matcher.</p>
+<li><b>reader</b> - A SegReader.</li>
+<li><b>need_score</b> - Indicate whether the Matcher must implement <a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/Matcher.html#score" class="podlinkpod"
+<p>Returns: a Matcher,
+or undef if the Matcher would have matched no documents.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $float = $compiler-&#62;get_weight();</pre>
+<p>Return the Compiler&#8217;s numerical weight,
+a scoring multiplier.
+By default,
+returns the object&#8217;s boost.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $similarity = $compiler-&#62;get_similarity();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for the Compiler&#8217;s Similarity object.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $query = $compiler-&#62;get_parent();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for the Compiler&#8217;s parent Query object.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $float = $compiler-&#62;sum_of_squared_weights();</pre>
+<p>Compute and return a raw weighting factor.
+(This quantity is used by <a href="#normalize" class="podlinkpod"
+By default,
+simply returns 1.0.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Apply a floating point normalization multiplier.
+For a TermCompiler,
+this involves multiplying its own weight by the supplied factor; combining 
classes such as ORCompiler would apply the factor recursively to their 
+<p>The default implementation is a no-op; subclasses may wish to multiply 
their internal weight by the supplied factor.</p>
+<li><b>factor</b> - The multiplier.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<p>Take a newly minted Compiler object and apply query-specific normalization 
+Should be invoked by Query subclasses during <a 
href="../../Lucy/Search/Query.html#make_compiler" class="podlinkpod"
+>make_compiler()</a> for top-level nodes.</p>
+<p>For a TermQuery,
+the scoring formula is approximately:</p>
+<pre>(tf_d * idf_t / norm_d) * (tf_q * idf_t / norm_q)</pre>
+<p><a href="#normalize" class="podlinkpod"
+>normalize()</a> is theoretically concerned with applying the second half of 
that formula to a the Compiler&#8217;s weight.
+What actually happens depends on how the Compiler and Similarity methods 
called internally are implemented.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::Compiler isa <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Query.html" 
+>Lucy::Search::Query</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Hits.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Hits.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/Hits.mdtext Mon Apr  4 
09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Title: Lucy::Search::Hits – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::Hits - Access search results.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $hits = $searcher-&#62;hits(
+    query      =&#62; $query,
+    offset     =&#62; 0,
+    num_wanted =&#62; 10,
+while ( my $hit = $hits-&#62;next ) {
+    print &#34;&#60;p&#62;$hit-&#62;{title} &#60;em&#62;&#34; . 
$hit-&#62;get_score . &#34;&#60;/em&#62;&#60;/p&#62;\n&#34;;
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Hits objects are iterators used to access the results of a search.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $hit_doc = $hits-&#62;next();</pre>
+<p>Return the next hit,
+or undef when the iterator is exhausted.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $hits-&#62;total_hits();</pre>
+<p>Return the total number of documents which matched the Query used to 
produce the Hits object.
+Note that this is the total number of matches,
+not just the number of matches represented by the Hits iterator.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::Hits isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

Added: lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.mdtext
--- lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.mdtext (added)
+++ lucy/site/trunk/content/docs/perl/Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.mdtext Mon Apr  
4 09:22:30 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+Title: Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher – Apache Lucy Documentation
+<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher - Execute searches against a single index.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<pre>my $searcher = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher-&#62;new( 
+    index =&#62; &#39;/path/to/index&#39; 
+my $hits = $searcher-&#62;hits(
+    query      =&#62; &#39;foo bar&#39;,
+    offset     =&#62; 0,
+    num_wanted =&#62; 100,
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Use the IndexSearcher class to perform search queries against an index.
+(For searching multiple indexes at once,
+see <a href="../../Lucy/Search/PolySearcher.html" class="podlinkpod"
+<p>IndexSearchers operate against a single point-in-time view or <a 
href="../../Lucy/Index/Snapshot.html" class="podlinkpod"
+>Snapshot</a> of the index.
+If an index is modified,
+a new IndexSearcher must be opened to access the changes.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $searcher = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher-&#62;new( 
+    index =&#62; &#39;/path/to/index&#39; 
+<p>Create a new IndexSearcher.</p>
+<li><b>index</b> - Either a string filepath,
+a Folder,
+or an IndexReader.</li>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $index_searcher-&#62;doc_max();</pre>
+<p>Return the maximum number of docs in the collection represented by the 
+which is also the highest possible internal doc id.
+Documents which have been marked as deleted but not yet purged are included in 
this count.</p>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $int = $index_searcher-&#62;doc_freq(
+    field =&#62; $field  # required
+    term  =&#62; $term   # required
+<p>Return the number of documents which contain the term in the given 
+<li><b>field</b> - Field name.</li>
+<li><b>term</b> - The term to look up.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+    query     =&#62; $query      # required
+    collector =&#62; $collector  # required
+<p>Iterate over hits,
+feeding them into a <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Collector.html" 
+<li><b>query</b> - A Query.</li>
+<li><b>collector</b> - A Collector.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $hit_doc = $index_searcher-&#62;fetch_doc($doc_id);</pre>
+<p>Retrieve a document.
+Throws an error if the doc id is out of range.</p>
+<li><b>doc_id</b> - A document id.</li>
+<h3><a class='u'
+<pre>my $index_reader = $index_searcher-&#62;get_reader();</pre>
+<p>Accessor for the object&#8217;s <code>reader</code> member.</p>
+<h2><a class='u'
+<p>Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher isa <a href="../../Lucy/Search/Searcher.html" 
+>Lucy::Search::Searcher</a> isa Clownfish::Obj.</p>

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