Added: maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/archetypes.apt
--- maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/archetypes.apt (added)
+++ maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/archetypes.apt Tue Aug 28 
19:32:45 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ -----
+ Archetypeng - Archetypes
+ -----
+ The Maven Team
+ -----
+    An archetype is a {{{#Descriptor}descriptor}} and a set of
+    {{{#Templates}templates}}. There is two kind of archetypes: complete and
+    partial.
+    A complete archetype represents a Maven 2 project with complete features.
+    Eg. a class library, a desktop application, a web application.
+    A partial archetype represents an added feature to an existing Maven 2
+    project. Eg. using modello, using jetty.
+    The archetype is packaged in a jar file.
+    Archetypes can be created using the {{{creation.html}creation}} mecanism 
+    can be {{{archetype-handcraft.html}handcrafted}}.
+* {Descriptor}
+    The archetype descriptor is an xml file defining:
+    * the archetype name,
+    * the properties needed by the templates,
+    * the templates used to generate the project sorted by categories.
+    []
+* {Templates}
+    The templates are velocity template files. They are used to generate the 
+    sources of the project.

Added: maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/creation.apt
--- maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/creation.apt (added)
+++ maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/creation.apt Tue Aug 28 
19:32:45 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ -----
+ Archetypeng - Creation
+ -----
+ The Maven Team
+ -----
+    Creating an archetype from a project involves two steps:
+    * the configuration of the archetype
+    * and the effective creation based on the collected information.
+    []
+    At the end of these steps, you have a Maven 2 archetype created in the
+    target/generated-sources/archetypeng directory.
+    It is possible to use the generation plugin in {{{#Batch}batch}} mode.
+* Archetype configuration
+    During this step, you are successivly prompted to:
+    * define the archetype's groupId, artifactId and version,
+    * define the common properties' values (used for reverse templating),
+    * define the archetype's properties and values (used for reverse 
+    * confirm the configuration.
+    []
+    A properety file containing the archetype definition and the archetype's
+    properties is written at the end of this step.
+    The packageName property provides a default value of the guessed package of
+    the project based on the packages of the project's sources.
+* Archetype creation
+    During this step, the plugin creates a Maven 2 archetype based on the
+    project's sources and pom and on the configuration collected.
+* Example of use
+    To create an archetype, call <mvn archetypeng:create-from-project>.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test-start]$ tree
+|-- pom.xml
+`-- src
+    |-- main
+    |   `-- java
+    |       `-- org
+    |           `-- codehaus
+    |               `-- mojo
+    |                   `-- archetypeng
+    |                       `-- test
+    |                           `-- start
+    |                               `--
+    `-- test
+        `-- java
+            `-- org
+                `-- codehaus
+                    `-- mojo
+                        `-- archetypeng
+                            `-- test
+                                `-- start
+                                    `--
+17 directories, 3 files
+    Here is a sample project (the one generated by the
+    {{{generation.html}generation}} :-)).
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test-start]$ mvn archetypeng:create-from-project
+[INFO] Scanning for projects...
+[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetypeng'.
+[INFO] artifact org.codehaus.mojo:maven-archetypeng-plugin: checking for 
updates from central
+[INFO] Building test-start
+[INFO]    task-segment: [archetypeng:create-from-project]
+[INFO] Preparing archetypeng:create-from-project
+    The first step of the creation: <configure-creation>
+[INFO] [archetypeng:configure-creation]
+Define value for archetype.groupId:  org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test: :
+Define value for archetype.artifactId:  test-start-archetype: :
+Define value for archetype.version:  1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
+Define value for groupId:  org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test: :
+Define value for artifactId:  test-start: :
+Define value for version:  1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
+    Archetype definition (archetype.*) and common properties are defined using
+    the proposed default values.
+Add a new custom property Y: : Y
+Define property key: aProperty
+Define value for aProperty: : String searched in the sources
+Add a new custom property Y: : N
+    A custom property is added to the project creation.
+Confirm archetype configuration:
+archetype.groupId: org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test
+archetype.artifactId: test-start-archetype
+archetype.version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
+package: org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test.start
+version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
+groupId: org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test
+aProperty: String searched in the sources
+artifactId: test-start
+ Y: : Y
+    The archetype configuration is confirmed.
+[INFO] [archetypeng:create-archetype]
+    The second step do the work without any comment.
+[INFO] [archetypeng:create-from-project]
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] Total time: 29 seconds
+[INFO] Finished at: Mon Mar 12 19:09:52 CET 2007
+[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/24M
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    The resuting project is created in the target directory.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test-start]$ tree target/generated-sources/archetypeng
+|-- pom.xml
+`-- src
+    `-- main
+        `-- resources
+            |-- META-INF
+            |   `-- maven
+            |       `-- archetype.xml
+            `-- archetype-resources
+                |-- pom.xml
+                `-- src
+                    |-- main
+                    |   `-- java
+                    |       `--
+                    `-- test
+                        `-- java
+                            `--
+11 directories, 5 files
+* {Batch} mode
+    To enable the batch mode and remove the prompts, just run
+    <mvn archetypeng:create-from-project -B>.
+    The batch mode wiil need the same answers as the interactive mode. These
+    answers are provided in a property file named in the
+    execution directory or set using the command line property
+    <>.
+    Here is an example of file (the one generated by the
+    interactive creation :-)).
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test-start]$ cat
+#Mon Mar 12 19:09:51 CET 2007
+    Here is the plugin execution.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test-start]$ tree
+|-- pom.xml
+`-- src
+    |-- main
+    |   `-- java
+    |       `-- org
+    |           `-- codehaus
+    |               `-- mojo
+    |                   `-- archetypeng
+    |                       `-- test
+    |                           `-- start
+    |                               `--
+    `-- test
+        `-- java
+            `-- org
+                `-- codehaus
+                    `-- mojo
+                        `-- archetypeng
+                            `-- test
+                                `-- start
+                                    `--
+17 directories, 4 files
+    Ensure the property file exists.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test-start]$ mvn archetypeng:create-from-project -B
+[INFO] Scanning for projects...
+[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetypeng'.
+[INFO] artifact org.codehaus.mojo:maven-archetypeng-plugin: checking for 
updates from central
+[INFO] Building test-start
+[INFO]    task-segment: [archetypeng:create-from-project]
+[INFO] Preparing archetypeng:create-from-project
+[INFO] [archetypeng:configure-creation]
+[INFO] [archetypeng:create-archetype]
+[INFO] [archetypeng:create-from-project]
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] Total time: 16 seconds
+[INFO] Finished at: Mon Mar 12 19:13:22 CET 2007
+[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/24M
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    The project tree is the same as in the interactive mode.

Added: maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/design.apt
--- maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/design.apt (added)
+++ maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/design.apt Tue Aug 28 19:32:45 
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ -----
+ Archetypeng - Design
+ -----
+ The Maven Team
+ -----
+    The archetypeng plugin is built upon a stack.
+    The top most elements are the {{{mojos.html}mojos}}, among them two are
+    mojos invoking a custom lifecycle on which are binded the inner mojos.
+    The inner mojos calls the top most components which perform the algorithm
+    of there task and delegate some task to inner components.
+    The generate mojo calls select-archetype, configure-generation and
+    generate-archetype in a lifecycle.
+    The create mojo calls configure-creation and create-project in a lifecycle.
+    The clean mojo performs his task without an inner mojo nor a plexus
+    component.
+    The select-archetype mojo is the inner mojo which delegates its task to the
+    ArchetypeSelector plexus component.
+    The configure-generation mojo is the inner mojo which delegates its task to
+    the ArchetypeGenerationConfigurator plexus component.
+    The generate-project mojo is the inner mojo which delegates its task to the
+    ArchetypeGenerator plexus component.
+    The configure-creation mojo is the inner mojo which delegates its task to
+    the ArchetypeCreationConfigurator plexus component.
+    The create-archetype mojo is the inner mojo which delegates its task to the
+    ArchetypeCreator plexus component.
+Main components
+    The main plexus components of the plugin are the components dirrectly 
+    by the mojos.
+    They are ArchetypeSelector, ArchetypeGenerationConfigurator,
+    ArchetypeGenerator, ArchetypeCreationConfigurator, ArchetypeCreator.
+    The ArchetypeSelector component perform the algorithm of the selection step
+    in the project generation.
+    To performs this task, it uses the ArchetypeArtifactManager,
+    ArchetypeFactory, ArchetypePropertiesManager, ArchetypeRegistryManager,
+    ArchetypeSelectionQueryer components.
+    The ArchetypeGenerationConfigurator component performs the algorithm of the
+    configuration step in the project generation.
+    To perform this task, it uses the ArchetypeArtifactManager,
+    ArchetypeFactory, ArchetypeGenerationQueryer, ArchetypePropertiesManager
+    components.
+    The ArchetypeGenerator component performs the algorithm of the generation
+    step in the project generation.
+    To perform this task, it uses the ArchetypeArtifactManager,
+    ArchetypeFactory, ArchetypePathResolver, ArchetypePropertiesManager,
+    PomManager, VelocityComponent components.
+    The ArchetypeCreationConfigurator component performs the algorithm of the
+    configuration step of the archetype creation.
+    To perfom this task, it uses the ArchetypeCreationQueryer, 
+    ArchetypePropertiesManager, ArchetypeTemplateResolver components.
+    The ArchetypeCreator component performs the algorithm of the creation step
+    in the archetype creation.
+    to perfom this task, it uses the ArchetypeFactory, ArchetypePathResolver,
+    ArchetypePropertiesManager, ArchetypeTemplateResolver, PomManager
+    components.
+Queryer components
+    This kind of component is the one in charge with the interaction with the
+    user during the selection and configuration steps of the generation and
+    during the configuration step of the creation.
+    The ArchetypeSelectionQueryer component asks all the questions of the
+    selection step of the generation.
+    It asks to select the group, the archetype, the version and to confirm the
+    selection.
+    The ArchetypeGenerationQueryer component asks all the questions of the
+    configuration step of the selection.
+    It asks to provide a value for a property and to confirm the configuration.
+    The ArchetypeCreationQueryer component asks all the questions of the
+    configuration step of the creation.
+    Its asks to provide values for the archetype definition (3 questions), to
+    provide values for the common properties (4 questions), to provide the
+    keys and values for a specific property (2 question), if a new specific
+    property is desired and to confirm the configuration.
+Common components.
+    They are components which provides usefull method helping the main 
+    to perform their tasks.
+    The ArchetypeArtifactManager component performs all the interaction with 
+    repositories and gives the descriptor and classloader from which the
+    generation reads the templates.
+    ArchetypeFactory component construct the ArchetypeDefinition and the
+    ArchetypeConfiguration objects.
+    ArchetypePathResolver component resolves the pathes of the templates in the
+    archetype archive, the pathes of the generated project files.
+    ArchetypePropertiesManager component performs the actions which use the
+ file.
+    ArchetypeRegistryManager component performs the actions which interact with
+    the registry file (located in ~/.m2/archetype.xml). That file holds the
+    archetypeGroup list.
+    ArchetypeTemplateResolver component find the potential templates in a
+    directory, sort the templates in site sources or resources, resolve a 
+    package from a list of sources templates.
+    PomManager components perfroms the actions of reading and writing pom files
+    and modify the poms by adding modules, adding parent or merging two poms.

Added: maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/generation.apt
--- maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/generation.apt (added)
+++ maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/generation.apt Tue Aug 28 
19:32:45 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ -----
+ Archetypeng - Generation
+ -----
+ The Maven Team
+ -----
+    Generating a project from an archetype involves three steps:
+    * the selection of the archetype,
+    * the configuration of that archetype,
+    * the effective generation of the project based on the collected 
+    []
+    At the end of these steps, you have a Maven 2 project generated in a
+    defined directory.
+    It is possible to use the generation plugin in {{{#Batch}batch}} mode.
+* Archetype selection
+    During this step, you are successivly prompted to:
+    * select the group the archetype belongs to,
+    * select the archetype you want to use,
+    * select the version of that archetype,
+    * confirm the selection.
+    []
+    A property file containing the archetype definition is written at the end 
+    this step.
+    The list of archetypes and versions are retrieved from the Maven
+    repositories. The list of groups is retrieved using default values and a
+    registry file.
+* Archetype configuration
+    During this step, you are successivly prompted to:
+    * define each of the common properties (project's groupId, artifactId,
+      version and packageName),
+    * define each of the archetype required properties,
+    * confirm the configuration.
+    []
+    The property file containing the archetype definition is enhanced with the
+    configuration at the end of this step.
+* Project generation
+    During this step, the plugin generates the project based on the archetype
+    choosen and the configuration defined.
+* Example of use
+    To generate a project, call <mvn archetypeng:create>.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ tree
+0 directories, 0 files
+    Ensuring an empty directory.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ mvn archetypeng:create
+[INFO] Scanning for projects...
+[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetypeng'.
+[INFO] artifact org.codehaus.mojo:maven-archetypeng-plugin: checking for 
updates from central
+[INFO] Building Maven Default Project
+[INFO]    task-segment: [archetypeng:create] (aggregator-style)
+[INFO] Preparing archetypeng:create
+[INFO] [archetypeng:select-archetype]
+    The first step of the generation: <select-archetype>
+Choose group:
+1: org.apache.maven.archetypes
+2: org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes
+Choose a number:  (1/2): 2
+    The <org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes> group is choosen.
+[INFO] org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes: checking for updates from central
+Choose archetype:
+1: Starting Archetype (org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:maven-archetypeng-start)
+2: Archetype Archetype 
+3: Plugin Archetype 
+4: Site Archetype (org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:maven-archetypeng-site)
+Choose a number:  (1/2/3/4): 1
+    The <Starting Archetype> is choosen
+[INFO] org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes.maven-archetypeng-start: checking for 
updates from central
+Choose version:
+1: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
+Choose a number:  (1): 1
+    The <1.0-SNAPSHOT> version is choosen.
+Confirm archetype selection:
+org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes/Starting Archetype
+ (Y/N) Y: : Y
+    The selection is confirmed.
+[INFO] [archetypeng:configure-generation]
+    The second step of the generation: <configure-generation>
+Define value for groupId: : org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test
+Define value for artifactId: : test-start
+Define value for version: : 1.0-SNAPSHOT
+Define value for package: : org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test.start
+    Each of the common properties are answered.
+Confirm properties configuration:
+groupId: org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test
+artifactId: test-start
+version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
+package: org.codehaus.mojo.archetypeng.test.start
+ Y: : Y
+    The archetype configuration is confirmed.
+[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 
+[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
+[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
+[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
+    The third step loads velocity.
+[INFO] [archetypeng:generate-project]
+    The third step do the work without any comment.
+[INFO] [archetypeng:create]
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] Total time: 2 minutes 8 seconds
+[INFO] Finished at: Sun Mar 11 22:11:28 CET 2007
+[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/25M
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    The resuting project is generated in a directory named with the artifactId
+    property answered.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ tree  test-start/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ tree test-start
+|-- pom.xml
+`-- src
+    |-- main
+    |   `-- java
+    |       `-- org
+    |           `-- codehaus
+    |               `-- mojo
+    |                   `-- archetypeng
+    |                       `-- test
+    |                           `-- start
+    |                               `--
+    `-- test
+        `-- java
+            `-- org
+                `-- codehaus
+                    `-- mojo
+                        `-- archetypeng
+                            `-- test
+                                `-- start
+                                    `--
+17 directories, 3 files
+* {Batch} mode
+    To enable the batch mode and remove the prompts, just run
+    <mvn archetypeng:generate -B>.
+    The batch mode wiil need the same answers as the interactive mode. These
+    answers are provided in a property file named in the
+    execution directory or set using the command line property
+    <>.
+    Here is an example of file (the one generated by the
+    interactive generation :-)).
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ cat
+#Sun Mar 11 22:11:28 CET 2007
+    Here is the plugin execution.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ tree
+0 directories, 1 file
+    Ensure the property file exists.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ mvn archetypeng:create -B
+[INFO] Scanning for projects...
+[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetypeng'.
+[INFO] Building Maven Default Project
+[INFO]    task-segment: [archetypeng:create] (aggregator-style)
+[INFO] Preparing archetypeng:create
+[INFO] [archetypeng:select-archetype]
+[INFO] Archetype selected 
+[INFO] [archetypeng:configure-generation]
+[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 
+[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
+[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
+[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
+[INFO] [archetypeng:generate-project]
+[INFO] [archetypeng:create]
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[INFO] Total time: 5 seconds
+[INFO] Finished at: Sun Mar 11 23:07:53 CET 2007
+[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/27M
+[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    The project tree is the same as in the interactive mode.

Added: maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/main.apt
--- maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/main.apt (added)
+++ maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/main.apt Tue Aug 28 19:32:45 
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ -----
+ Archetypeng - Main
+ -----
+ The Maven Team
+ -----
+    The purpose of this plugin is to provide the mecanism to
+    {{{generation.html}create}} a sample project from an
+    {{{archetypes.html}archetype}} and to 
{{{creation.html}create-from-project}} an archetype
+    from an existing project.
+    There is two way of using the archetype plugin:
+    * call <<<mvn archetypeng:{{{generation.html}create}}>>> for project
+      generation from an archetype. To avoid console prompts and only use a
+      property file, add <<<-B>>> option.
+    * call <<<mvn archetypeng:{{{creation.html}create-from-project}}>>> in a 
project directory
+      for archetype creation. To avoid console prompts and only use a property
+      file, add <<<-B>>> option.
+    []
+Table of content
+    [[1]] {{{generation.html}Generation}} of a project.
+    [[1]] {{{creation.html}Creation}} of an archetype.
+    [[1]] What are {{{archetypes.html}archetypes}} ?
+    [[1]] {{{mojos.html}Mojos}} of the plugin.
+    [[1]] How to {{{archetype-handcraft.html}handcraft}} archetypes ?
+    [[1]] Archetypeng {{{design.html}design}} for developers.
+    []

Added: maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/mojos.apt
--- maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/mojos.apt (added)
+++ maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/apt/mojos.apt Tue Aug 28 19:32:45 
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ -----
+ Archetypeng - Mojos
+ -----
+ The Maven Team
+ -----
+    The two main mojos of the plugin are:
+    * generate which generates a Maven 2 project from an archetype. It wraps up
+      a lifecycle around the three mojos select-archetype, configure-generation
+      and generate-project.
+      For a complete example see {{{generation.html}generation}}.
+    * create which creates an archetype from a Maven 2 project. It wraps up a
+      lifecycle around the two mojos configure-creation and create-archetype.
+    []
+    The other mojos of the plugin are:
+    * clean which removes the file used by both the
+      generation of a project and the creation of an archetype.
+    * select-archetype performs the first step of the generation.
+      It first asks for a plugin group, looks up in the repository for
+      archetypes of that group.
+      Then it asks for an archetype, looks up in the repository for versions of
+      that archetype.
+      Then is asks for a version and asks for the confirmation of the 
+      At the end, it stores the selection in the file.
+    * configure-generation performs the second step of the generation.
+      It first asks values for each of the common properties.
+      It then asks values for each of the archtype's properties which don't
+      provide default values.
+      It then asks for the confirmation of the configuration.
+      At the end, it stores the configuration in the file.
+    * generate-project performs the third and last step of the generation.
+      It reads the configuration from the property file.
+      Then it generates all the project files from the choosen archetype's
+      templates and the configuration.
+      The project files are generated in a directory named from the artifactId
+      common property.
+    * configure-creation performs the first step of the creation.
+      It first asks for the archetype definition (groupId, artifactId, 
+      It then asks for the values of the common properties. It provides 
+      meaningfull defaults.
+      It then ask for some specific properties in two questions: first the 
+      of the property and second the value of that property.
+      It the asks for the confirmation of the configuration.
+      At the end, it stores the definition and configuration in the 
+ file.
+    * create-archetype performs the second and last step of the creation.
+      It reads the definition and the configuratino from the property file.
+      Then it creates all the templates of the archetype from the project 
+      sources files.
+      Then it creates the descriptor of the archetype from the configuration 
+      the resolved templates.
+      The resulting archetype Maven 2 project is created in the 
+      target/generate-sources/archetypeng directory.
+    []

Added: maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/site.xml
--- maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/site.xml (added)
+++ maven/sandbox/trunk/archetypeng/src/site/site.xml Tue Aug 28 19:32:45 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<project name="Mojo">
+   <bannerLeft>
+      <name>Mojo</name>
+      <src></src>
+      <href></href>
+   </bannerLeft>
+   <bannerRight>
+      <name>Codehaus</name>
+      <src></src>
+      <href></href>
+   </bannerRight>
+   <body>
+      <menu name="Mojo">
+         <item name="mojo" href=""/>
+      </menu>
+      <menu name="Documentation">
+         <item name="Introduction to archetype plugin" href="./main.html"/>
+         <item name="What are archetypes ?" href="./archetypes.html"/>
+         <item name="Project Generation" href="./generation.html"/>
+         <item name="Archetype Creation" href="./creation.html"/>
+         <item name="Handcrafting archetypes" 
+         <item name="Mojos of the plugin" href="./mojos.html"/>
+         <item name="Desing of the Archetypeng plugin" href="./design.html"/>
+      </menu>
+      ${reports}
+   </body>
\ No newline at end of file

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