[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-09-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

Translated into Dutch

 Changes (14)

| Spaans (es) | Tamil (ta) |  
h4. For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: [http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html] 
h4. Voor een volledige lijst van beschikbare talen en taalpakketten, bekijk: [http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html] 
h3. Updated Dictionaries 
h3. Bijgewerkte woordenboeken 
| English (en-US, en-*) | Gaelic (gd) | French (fr) | Italian (it) | Spanish (es) | 
| Engels (en-US, en-*) | Gaelic (Schots) (gd) | Frans (fr) | Italiaans (it) | Spaans (es) | 
h2. Known Issues 
h2. Bekende problemen 
See the bekijk de [4.0.0 Release Notes|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes#AOO4.0ReleaseNotes-KnownIssues] 
h2. Stay informed about Blijf geïnformeerd over Apache OpenOffice 
You are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement mailing list to receive important notifications of product updates and security patches.  To subscribe you can send an email to:  [announce-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org|mailto:announce-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org]. 
Het wordt aanbevolen om u te abonneren op de Apache OpenOffice announcement mailinglijst om belangrijke informatie over updates van het product en oplissingen voor beveiligingsproblemen te ontvangen.  Stuur een e-mail naar:  [announce-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org|mailto:announce-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org] om u te abonneren. 
You can also follow the project on [Twitter|https://twitter.com/#!/apacheoo], [Facebook|http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO] and [Google\+|https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts].  
U kunt het project ook volgen op [Twitter|https://twitter.com/#!/apacheoo], [Facebook|http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO] en [Google\+|https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts].  

Full Content

Algemene opmerkingen

Verbeteringen in de uitvoering vergeleken met OpenOffice 4.0.0
Verbeteringen die ontbreken in de opmerkingen voor de uitgave van OpenOffice 4.0.0

Opgeloste problemen
Aanvullende taalondersteuning

Nieuwe vertalingen die beschikbaar zijn in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 omvatten:
Bijgewerkte vertalingen die beschikbaar zijn Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 omvatten:

Voor een volledige lijst van beschikbare talen en taalpakketten, bekijk: http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html

Bijgewerkte woordenboeken

Bekende problemen
Blijf geïnformeerd over Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 is een onderhouds-uitgave die kritische problemen heeft opgelost en de algehele kwaliteit van de toepassing verbetert.  Alle gebruikers van Apache OpenOffice 4.0 of eerder wordt geadviseerd om te upgraden.   U kunt Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 hier downloaden.

Algemene gebieden van verbeteringen betreffen onder meer: aanvullende vertalingen in eigen talen, oplossingen voor problemen, verbeteringen aan de uitvoering en verhoging van de compatibiliteit met Windows 8. Meer details over elk van deze gebieden staat hieronder.

Onze Bugzilla database voor het bijhouden van problemen verschaft een gedetailleerde lijst van opgeloste problemen.

Voor een meer uitgebreid overzicht van de wijzigingen ten opzichte van versie 3.4.x, bekijk AOO 4.0 Release Notes


Verbeteringen in de uitvoering vergeleken met OpenOffice 4.0.0

De benodigde tijd voor het opslaan van XLS-bestanden werd verkleind met meer dan 230%.

Verbeteringen die ontbreken in de opmerkingen voor de uitgave van OpenOffice 4.0.0

OpenOffice 4.0 integreerde de zeer populaire extensies "Presenter Screen" en "Presentation Minimizer" in het bronproduct.

Opgeloste problemen

	Crash bij het wisselen van panelen in de zijbalk
	Crash met bepaalde extensies
	Crash op Microsoft Windows met tekst in complexe scripts
	Crash bij het verwijderen van voetnoten
	Laden van *.123-bestanden
	Renderen van diagrammen met zeer veel gegevenspunten
	Renderen van afbeeldingen op Mac OS X
	Compatibiliteit met Python is verbeterd
	Oplossingen om extensies in C# te laten werken
	Fout bij de migratie van het gebruikersprofiel bij het updaten van gebundelde extensies
	Fout bij het openen van documenten van Microsoft Office, gecreëerd met Apple iWork (Pagina's, getallen, Keynote)
	Exporteren van HTML verlies opmaak van alinea's
	Crashes bij exporteren naar PDF in Writer's paginavoorbeeld

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-09-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (13)

* Verschillende oplossingen/verbeteringen voor SVG-bestanden * Opgeloste en verbeterde visualisatie van getransformeerde bitmap-afbeeldingen voor Linux 
* Oplssing voor het exporteren van eento exporting a bitmap graphic with a given pixel size * Fixed Copy/Paste clipboard handling for transporting bitmap images (e.g. drag & drop or copy/paste from browser) * Fixed Microsoft Windows-specific performance task with very large bitmaps, enhanced buffering for all systems * Repaired some modes of text editing for graphic objects where the text was not always readable * Fix to import of user-defined connector changes * Corrected line width for anchor visualization in Writer * Fixed EMF/WMF reader for some critical cases to enhance the import quality 
* Oplossing voor het exporteren van een bitmap-afbeelding met een opgegeven grootte in pixels * Opgeloste afhandeling voor het klembord bij Kopiëren/Plakken voor transporteren van bitmap-afbeeldingen (bijv. slepen & neerzetten of kopiëren/plakken vanuit browser) * Opgeloste Microsoft Windows-specifieke uitvoeringstaak met zeer grote bitmaps, verbeterde buffering voor alle systemen * Enkele modi voor tekst bewerken voor grafische objecten, waar de tekst niet altijd leesbaar was, gerepareerd * Oplossing voor importeren van gebruikergedefinieerde wijzigingen in verbindingen * Gecorrigeerde breedte voor visualisatie van anker in Writer * EMF/WMF lezen voor enkele kritische gevallen, om de kwaliteit voor importeren te verbeteren, opgelost 
h2. Additional Language Support 
h2. Aanvullende taalondersteuning 
h3. New translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include: 
h3. Nieuwe vertalingen die beschikbaar zijn in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 omvatten: 
| Basque (eu) | Khmer (km) | Lithuanian (lt) | | Polish (pl) | Serbian Cyrillic (sr) | Swedish (sv) | | Chinese (zh-TW) | Turkish (tr) | Vietnamese (vi) | 
| Baskisch (eu) | Khmer (km) | Litouws (lt) | | Pools (pl) | Servisch Cyrillisch (sr) | Zweeds (sv) | | Chinees (zh-TW) | Turks (tr) | Vietnamees (vi) | 
h3. Updated translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include: 
h3. Bijgewerkte vertalingen die beschikbaar zijn Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 omvatten: 
| Asturian (ast) | Czech (cs) | Dutch (nl) | | English (en_GB) | Finnish (fi) | French (fr) | | Galician (gl) | German (de) | Greek (el) | | Italian (it) | Japanese (ja) | Portuguese (pt) | | Portuguese (pt-BR) | Russian (ru) | Slovak (sk) | 
| Asturisch (ast) | Tsjechisch (cs) | Nederlands (nl) | | Engels (en_GB) | Fins (fi) | Frans (fr) | | Galicisch (gl) | Duits (de) | Grieks (el) | | Italiaans (it) | Japans (ja) | Portugees (pt) | | Braziliaans-Portugees (pt-BR) | Russisch (ru) | Slowaaks (sk) | 
| Spanish Spaans (es) | Tamil (ta) | 
 h4. For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: [http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html] 

Full Content

Algemene opmerkingen

Verbeteringen in de uitvoering vergeleken met OpenOffice 4.0.0
Verbeteringen die ontbreken in de opmerkingen voor de uitgave van OpenOffice 4.0.0

Opgeloste problemen
Aanvullende taalondersteuning

Nieuwe vertalingen die beschikbaar zijn in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 omvatten:
Bijgewerkte vertalingen die beschikbaar zijn Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 omvatten:

For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html

Updated Dictionaries

Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 is een onderhouds-uitgave die kritische problemen heeft opgelost en de algehele kwaliteit van de toepassing verbetert.  Alle gebruikers van Apache OpenOffice 4.0 of eerder wordt geadviseerd om te upgraden.   U kunt Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 hier downloaden.

Algemene gebieden van verbeteringen betreffen onder meer: aanvullende vertalingen in eigen talen, oplossingen voor problemen, verbeteringen aan de uitvoering en verhoging van de compatibiliteit met Windows 8. Meer details over elk van deze gebieden staat hieronder.

Onze Bugzilla database voor het bijhouden van problemen verschaft een gedetailleerde lijst van opgeloste problemen.

Voor een meer uitgebreid overzicht van de wijzigingen ten opzichte van versie 3.4.x, bekijk AOO 4.0 Release Notes


Verbeteringen in de uitvoering vergeleken met OpenOffice 4.0.0

De benodigde tijd voor het opslaan van XLS-bestande

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-09-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (3)

* Compatibiliteit met Python is verbeterd * Oplossingen om extensies in C# te laten werken 
* Error on user profile migration regarding updating bundled extensions * Error on opening Microsoft Office documents created in Apple iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) * HTML export losing paragraph formatting * Crashes on PDF export in Writer's Page Preview * Crashes in Writer when deleting content which had been copied to the clipboard * Error/Crashes on importing Microsoft Word documents * No possible keyboard text selection in Writer's text frames * Lost database connection in text documents on save - related to Mail Merge * Errors in Calc's filter functions * Calculation error in IMABS() function * Formatting error of boolean values in Calc * Repaint errors in Calc which showed double lines and white stripes * Various fixes/improvements for SVG files * Fixed and improved visualization of transformed bitmap graphics for Linux 
* Fout bij de migratie van het gebruikersprofiel bij het updaten van gebundelde extensies * Fout bij het openen van documenten van Microsoft Office, gecreëerd met Apple iWork (Pagina's, getallen, Keynote) * Exporteren van HTML verlies opmaak van alinea's * Crashes bij exporteren naar PDF in Writer's paginavoorbeeld * Crashes in Writer bij verwijderen van inhoud die werd gekopieerd naar het klembord * Fout/Crashes bij importeren van documenten van Microsoft Word * Tekstselectie met toetsenbord niet mogelijk in Writer's tekstframes * Verbroken verbinding met database in tekstdocumenten bij opslaan - gerelateerd aan Standaardbrief * Fouten in filterfuncties van Calc * Berekeningsfout in functie IMABS() * Fout bij opmaken van Booleaanse waarden in Calc * Opnieuw maken van fouten in Calc die dubbele lijnen en witte strepen weergaven * Verschillende oplossingen/verbeteringen voor SVG-bestanden * Opgeloste en verbeterde visualisatie van getransformeerde bitmap-afbeeldingen voor Linux 
* Fix to Oplssing voor het exporteren van eento exporting a bitmap graphic with a given pixel size 
* Fixed Copy/Paste clipboard handling for transporting bitmap images (e.g. drag & drop or copy/paste from browser) * Fixed Microsoft Windows-specific performance task with very large bitmaps, enhanced buffering for all systems 

Full Content

Algemene opmerkingen

Verbeteringen in de uitvoering vergeleken met OpenOffice 4.0.0
Verbeteringen die ontbreken in de opmerkingen voor de uitgave van OpenOffice 4.0.0

Opgeloste problemen
Additional Language Support

New translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include:
Updated translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include:

For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html

Updated Dictionaries

Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 is een onderhouds-uitgave die kritische problemen heeft opgelost en de algehele kwaliteit van de toepassing verbetert.  Alle gebruikers van Apache OpenOffice 4.0 of eerder wordt geadviseerd om te upgraden.   U kunt Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 hier downloaden.

Algemene gebieden van verbeteringen betreffen onder meer: aanvullende vertalingen in eigen talen, oplossingen voor problemen, verbeteringen aan de uitvoering en verhoging van de compatibiliteit met Windows 8. Meer details over elk van deze gebieden staat hieronder.

Onze Bugzilla database voor het bijhouden van problemen verschaft een gedetailleerde lijst van opgeloste problemen.

Voor een meer uitgebreid overzicht van de wijzigingen ten opzichte van versie 3.4.x, bekijk AOO 4.0 Release Notes


Verbeteringen in de uitvoering vergeleken met OpenOffice 4.0.0

De benodigde tijd voor het opslaan van XLS-bestanden werd verkleind met meer dan 230%.

Verbeteringen die ontbreken in de opmerkingen voor de uitgave van OpenOffice 4.0.0

OpenOffice 4.0 integreerde de zeer populaire extensies "Presenter Screen" en "Presentation Minimizer" in het bronproduct.

Opgeloste problemen

	Crash bij het wisselen van panelen in de zijbalk
	Crash met bepaalde extensies
	Crash op Microsoft Windows met tekst in complexe scripts
	Crash bij het verwijderen van voetnoten
	Laden van *.123-bestanden
	Renderen van diagrammen met zeer veel gegevenspunten
	Renderen van afbeeldingen op Mac OS X
	Compatibiliteit met Python is verbeterd
	Oplossingen om extensies in C# te laten werken
	Fout bij de migratie van het gebruikersprofiel bij het updaten van gebundelde extensies
	Fout bij het openen van documenten van Microsoft Office, gecreëerd met App

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-09-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (23)

h2. General Remarks 
h2. Algemene opmerkingen 
[Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1|http://www.openoffice.org/download/] is a maintenance release which fixes critical issues and improves the overall quality of the application.  All users of Apache OpenOffice 4.0 or earlier are advised to upgrade.   You can download Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 [here|http://www.openoffice.org/download/]. 
[Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1|http://www.openoffice.org/download/] is een onderhouds-uitgave die kritische problemen heeft opgelost en de algehele kwaliteit van de toepassing verbetert.  Alle gebruikers van Apache OpenOffice 4.0 of eerder wordt geadviseerd om te upgraden.   U kunt Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 [hier|http://www.openoffice.org/download/] downloaden. 
General areas of improvement include: additional native language translations, bug fixes, performance improvements and Windows 8 compatibility enhancements. Further details on each of these areas are below. 
Algemene gebieden van verbeteringen betreffen onder meer: aanvullende vertalingen in eigen talen, oplossingen voor problemen, verbeteringen aan de uitvoering en verhoging van de compatibiliteit met Windows 8. Meer details over elk van deze gebieden staat hieronder. 
Our Bugzilla issue tracking database provides a [detailed list of solved issues|http://s.apache.org/AOO401solved]. 
Onze Bugzilla database voor het bijhouden van problemen verschaft een [gedetailleerde lijst van opgeloste problemen|http://s.apache.org/AOO401solved]. 
For a more comprehensive overview of the changes from version 3.4.x see [AOO 4.0 Release Notes] 
Voor een meer uitgebreid overzicht van de wijzigingen ten opzichte van versie 3.4.x, bekijk [AOO 4.0 Release Notes] 
h2. Improvements/Enhancements Verbeteringen 
h3. Performance Improvements/Enhancements compared to OpenOffice 4.0.0 
h3. Verbeteringen in de uitvoering vergeleken met OpenOffice 4.0.0 
The performance for saving XLS files was boosted by more than 230%. 
De benodigde tijd voor het opslaan van XLS-bestanden werd verkleind met meer dan 230%. 
h3. Improvements/Enhancements missing in the OpenOffice 4.0.0 release notes 
h3. Verbeteringen die ontbreken in de opmerkingen voor de uitgave van OpenOffice 4.0.0 
OpenOffice 4.0 integrated the very popular extensions "[Presenter Screen|http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Presenter_Screen]" and "Presentation Minimizer" into the core product. 
OpenOffice 4.0 integreerde de zeer populaire extensies "[Presenter Screen|http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Presenter_Screen]" en "Presentation Minimizer" in het bronproduct. 
h2. Bug Fixes 
h2. Opgeloste problemen 
* Crash when switching sidebar panes * Crash with certain extensions * Crash on Microsoft Windows with text in complex scripts * Crash when deleting footnotes * Loading \*.123 files * Rendering of charts with many data points * Image rendering on Mac OS X * Python compatibility has been improved * Fixes to make C# extensions work 
* Crash bij het wisselen van panelen in de zijbalk * Crash met bepaalde extensies * Crash op Microsoft Windows met tekst in complexe scripts * Crash bij het verwijderen van voetnoten * Laden van \*.123-bestanden * Renderen van diagrammen met zeer veel gegevenspunten * Renderen van afbeeldingen op Mac OS X * Compatibiliteit met Python is verbeterd * Oplossingen om extensies in C# te laten werken 
* Error on user profile migration regarding updating bundled extensions * Error on opening Microsoft Office documents created in Apple iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) 

Full Content

Algemene opmerkingen

Verbeteringen in de uitvoering vergeleken met OpenOffice 4.0.0
Verbeteringen die ontbreken in de opmerkingen voor de uitgave van OpenOffice 4.0.0

Opgeloste problemen
Additional Language Support

New translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include:
Updated translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include:

For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html

Updated Dictionaries

Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 is een onderhouds-uitgave die kritische problemen heeft opgelost en de alge

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-09-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0.1 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page  added by Dick Groskamp



General Remarks

Performance Improvements/Enhancements compared to OpenOffice 4.0.0
Improvements/Enhancements missing in the OpenOffice 4.0.0 release notes

Bug Fixes
Additional Language Support

New translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include:
Updated translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include:

For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html

Updated Dictionaries

Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 is a maintenance release which fixes critical issues and improves the overall quality of the application.  All users of Apache OpenOffice 4.0 or earlier are advised to upgrade.   You can download Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 here.

General areas of improvement include: additional native language translations, bug fixes, performance improvements and Windows 8 compatibility enhancements. Further details on each of these areas are below.

Our Bugzilla issue tracking database provides a detailed list of solved issues.

For a more comprehensive overview of the changes from version 3.4.x see AOO 4.0 Release Notes


Performance Improvements/Enhancements compared to OpenOffice 4.0.0

The performance for saving XLS files was boosted by more than 230%.

Improvements/Enhancements missing in the OpenOffice 4.0.0 release notes

OpenOffice 4.0 integrated the very popular extensions "Presenter Screen" and "Presentation Minimizer" into the core product.

Bug Fixes

	Crash when switching sidebar panes
	Crash with certain extensions
	Crash on Microsoft Windows with text in complex scripts
	Crash when deleting footnotes
	Loading *.123 files
	Rendering of charts with many data points
	Image rendering on Mac OS X
	Python compatibility has been improved
	Fixes to make C# extensions work
	Error on user profile migration regarding updating bundled extensions
	Error on opening Microsoft Office documents created in Apple iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote)
	HTML export losing paragraph formatting
	Crashes on PDF export in Writer's Page Preview
	Crashes in Writer when deleting content which had been copied to the clipboard
	Error/Crashes on importing Microsoft Word documents
	No possible keyboard text selection in Writer's text frames
	Lost database connection in text documents on save - related to Mail Merge
	Errors in Calc's filter functions
	Calculation error in IMABS() function
	Formatting error of boolean values in Calc
	Repaint errors in Calc which showed double lines and white stripes
	Various fixes/improvements for SVG files
	Fixed and improved visualization of transformed bitmap graphics for Linux
	Fix to exporting a bitmap graphic with a given pixel size
	Fixed Copy/Paste clipboard handling for transporting bitmap images (e.g. drag & drop or copy/paste from browser)
	Fixed Microsoft Windows-specific performance task with very large bitmaps, enhanced buffering for all systems
	Repaired some modes of text editing for graphic objects where the text was not always readable
	Fix to import of user-defined connector changes
	Corrected line width for anchor visualization in Writer
	Fixed EMF/WMF reader for some critical cases to enhance the import quality

Additional Language Support

New translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include:

 Basque (eu) 
 Khmer (km) 
 Lithuanian (lt) 

 Polish (pl) 
 Serbian Cyrillic (sr) 
 Swedish (sv) 

 Chinese (zh-TW) 
 Turkish (tr) 
 Vietnamese (vi) 

Updated translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 include:

 Asturian (ast) 
 Czech (cs) 
 Dutch (nl) 

 English (en_GB) 
 Finnish (fi) 
 French (fr) 

 Galician (gl) 
 German (de) 
 Greek (el) 

 Italian (it) 
 Japanese (ja) 
 Portuguese (pt) 

 Portuguese (pt-BR) 
 Russian (ru) 
 Slovak (sk) 

 Spanish (es) 
 Tamil (ta) 

For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html

Updated Dictionaries

 English (en-US, en-*) 
 Gaelic (gd) 
 French (fr) 
 Italian (it) 
 Spanish (es) 

Known Issues

See the 4.0.0 Release Notes

Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

You are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement mailing list to receive important notifications of product updates and security patches.  To subscribe you can send an email to:  announce-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org.

You can also follow the project on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. 

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-08-01 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
File attached by  Dick Groskamp

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Dutch version

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-08-01 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
File attached by  Dick Groskamp

(50 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-08-01 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
File attached by  Dick Groskamp

(25 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Translations available for: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Deutsch (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | [Español (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiano (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] | [Nederlands (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

Full Content

Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Deutsch (de) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, P

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Translations available for: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Deutsch (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | [Español (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiano (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] || | [Nederlands (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

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Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Deutsch (de) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven panels come from the old Impress tool

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Translations available for: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Deutsch (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | [Español (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiano (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] || [Nederlands (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

Full Content

Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Deutsch (de) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) || Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

General Remarks
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

General Remarks

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven panels come from the old Impress tool 

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
File attached by  Dick Groskamp

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
File attached by  Dick Groskamp

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-28 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (4)

_Verschillende panelen die zijn ingeklapt of uitgevouwen_  
* Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap. * Seven panels come from the old Impress tool panel: Available for Use, Custom Animation, Layouts, Recently Used, Slide Transition, Table Design, Used in This Presentation. * Four are non-modal (ie non locking) dialogs: Functions, Gallery, Navigator, Syles and Formatting. * One is new: Insert. 
* Elf panelen voor eigenschappen zijn gemigreerd vanuit IBM Lotus Symphony: Uitlijning, Vlak, Cel (uiterlijk), Afbeelding, Lijn, Getalopmaak, Pagina, Alinea, Positie en grootte, Tekst en Omloop. * Zeven panelen komen uit het oude gereedschap van Impress: Beschikbaar om te gebruiken, Aangepaste animatie, Lay-outs, Recent gebruikt, Diawissel, Tabelontwerp, Gebruikt in deze presentatie. * Vier zijn niet-modale (d.i. zijn niet vast te zetten) dialoogvensters: Functies, Galerij, Navigator, Stijlen en opmaak. * Eén is nieuw: Invoegen. 
_Panels from Symphony, the old Impress task pane, OpenOffice dialogs (from left to right)._ 
_Panelen uit Symphony, het oude paneel Taken uit Impress, OpenOffice dialoogvensters (van links naar rechts)._ 
 The width of the Sidebar can be adjusted. The controls adapt their size accordingly. If you need more space then it can be undocked --- and possibly moved to a second display --- or it can be reduced to a thin tab bar. A single click on one of the icons and the sidebar is back. 

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Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Duits (de) | Spaans (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiaans (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Open Source-gemeenschap
Nieuwe mogelijkheden en verbeteringen
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is nu beschikbaar vanaf onze officiële downloadpagina.  Voortbordurend op het grote succes van de uitgave van OpenOffice 3.4, die meer dan 57 miljoen downloads telde, bevat deze belangrijke update opwindende nieuwe mogelijkheden, verbeteringen en opgeloste problemen.  OpenOffice 4.0 bevat nu een innovatieve nieuwe gebruikersinterface voor de zijbalk, aanvullende taalondersteuning voor 22 talen (inclusief 3 nieuwe talen), 500 opgeloste problemen, verbeteringen in de samenwerking met Microsoft Office, verbeteringen voor tekenen/afbeeldingen, verbeterde uitvoeringen, etc. U kunt later in deze Release Notes de details daarover lezen.

Een ander ding dat u direct zult opmerken, op deze pagina, onze website en op andere plaatsen, is ons nieuwe logo.  Het nieuwe logo is het resultaat van vele stadia in ontwerp, samenwerking tussen getalenteerde ontwerpers en een wedstrijd waarin 40 logo's werden beoordeeld door meer dan 50.000 gebruikers.

We willen een speciaal "hallo" uitspreken aan onze gebruikers die zijn geüpgraded.  We hopen dat de nieuwe mogelijkheden u bevallen, in het bijzonder de UI voor de zijbalk.  Deze mogelijkheid is gebaseerd op de code die werd bijgedragen door IBM, vanuit hun product Lotus Symphony.  We hebben die code aangepast en, gebaseerd op verschillende ronden van terugkoppeling van gebruikers zoals u, hem verbeterd en geïntegreerd in OpenOffice.

En voor nieuwe gebruikers, welkom bij de gemeenschap!  We hopen dat het gebruiken van Apache OpenOffice, de leidende gratis en open kantoorsuite, u zal bevallen.

Zoals altijd stellen wij bijzonder veel prijs op uw terugkoppelingen:

	Vragen over ondersteuning kunnen het beste worden gericht aan onze forums voor ondersteuning van de gemeenschap.
	Rapportages over problemen (maar geen vragen over ondersteuning) zouden moeten gaan naar ons Bugzilla-systeem voor het bijhouden van problemen.
	Algemene vragen kunnen ook wordne gezonden aan onze publieke mailinglijst voor gebruikers.

U kunt ons ook vinden op Twitter, Facebook en Google+.

Open Source-gemeenschap

Bij Apache werken we transparant als een open gemeenschap van vrijwilligers.  We ontwikkelen open source-software ten behoeve van iedereen.  We bedelen niet om geldelijke steun.   Maar als u geïnteresseerd bent om u bij ons te voegen, ons te helpen de volgende mooie versie van OpenOffice te maken, dan horen we graag van u.  We zijn niet alleen programmeurs, maar een gemeenschap van testers, UI-ontwerpers, web-ontwerpers, technische schrijve

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (6)

 !screenshot-writer-context-text.png|thumbnail! !screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png|thumbnail! !screenshot-writer-context-shape.png|thumbnail! 
_Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right)._ 
_Schermafbeeldingen van Writer met inhoud voor tekst, afbeelding en vormen (van links naar rechts). Het nieuwe logo van OpenOffice is geplakt als afbeelding (gecentreerd) en met bewerkbare randen (rechts)._ 
If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded. 
Als u merkt dat u een bepaald paneel niet veel gebruikt, klik dan eenvoudigweg op de titel ervan en het zal inklappen tot één enkele regel tekst. Een kleine + of - links van de titel van het paneel geeft aan of het paneel is ingeklapt of uitgevouwen. 
_Different panels expanded or collapsed_ 
_Verschillende panelen die zijn ingeklapt of uitgevouwen_ 
 * Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap. 

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Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Duits (de) | Spaans (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiaans (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Open Source-gemeenschap
Nieuwe mogelijkheden en verbeteringen
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is nu beschikbaar vanaf onze officiële downloadpagina.  Voortbordurend op het grote succes van de uitgave van OpenOffice 3.4, die meer dan 57 miljoen downloads telde, bevat deze belangrijke update opwindende nieuwe mogelijkheden, verbeteringen en opgeloste problemen.  OpenOffice 4.0 bevat nu een innovatieve nieuwe gebruikersinterface voor de zijbalk, aanvullende taalondersteuning voor 22 talen (inclusief 3 nieuwe talen), 500 opgeloste problemen, verbeteringen in de samenwerking met Microsoft Office, verbeteringen voor tekenen/afbeeldingen, verbeterde uitvoeringen, etc. U kunt later in deze Release Notes de details daarover lezen.

Een ander ding dat u direct zult opmerken, op deze pagina, onze website en op andere plaatsen, is ons nieuwe logo.  Het nieuwe logo is het resultaat van vele stadia in ontwerp, samenwerking tussen getalenteerde ontwerpers en een wedstrijd waarin 40 logo's werden beoordeeld door meer dan 50.000 gebruikers.

We willen een speciaal "hallo" uitspreken aan onze gebruikers die zijn geüpgraded.  We hopen dat de nieuwe mogelijkheden u bevallen, in het bijzonder de UI voor de zijbalk.  Deze mogelijkheid is gebaseerd op de code die werd bijgedragen door IBM, vanuit hun product Lotus Symphony.  We hebben die code aangepast en, gebaseerd op verschillende ronden van terugkoppeling van gebruikers zoals u, hem verbeterd en geïntegreerd in OpenOffice.

En voor nieuwe gebruikers, welkom bij de gemeenschap!  We hopen dat het gebruiken van Apache OpenOffice, de leidende gratis en open kantoorsuite, u zal bevallen.

Zoals altijd stellen wij bijzonder veel prijs op uw terugkoppelingen:

	Vragen over ondersteuning kunnen het beste worden gericht aan onze forums voor ondersteuning van de gemeenschap.
	Rapportages over problemen (maar geen vragen over ondersteuning) zouden moeten gaan naar ons Bugzilla-systeem voor het bijhouden van problemen.
	Algemene vragen kunnen ook wordne gezonden aan onze publieke mailinglijst voor gebruikers.

U kunt ons ook vinden op Twitter, Facebook en Google+.

Open Source-gemeenschap

Bij Apache werken we transparant als een open gemeenschap van vrijwilligers.  We ontwikkelen open source-software ten behoeve van iedereen.  We bedelen niet om geldelijke steun.   Maar als u geïnteresseerd bent om u bij ons te voegen, ons te helpen de volgende mooie versie van OpenOffice te maken, dan horen we graag van u.  We zijn niet alleen programmeurs, maar een gemeenschap van testers, UI-ontwerpers, web-ontwerpers, technische schrijvers, experts op het gebied van toegankelijkheid, vertalers, experts op het gebied van sociale media, etc.    Vrijwilligers op alle gebieden zijn van harte welkom.   Meer informatie is te vinden op onze pagin

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

h2. Algemene opmerkingen  
!logo.png|border=1! !https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/30746475/logo.png|border=1! 
 Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is nu beschikbaar vanaf onze [officiële downloadpagina|http://www.openoffice.org/download/].  Voortbordurend op het grote succes van de uitgave van OpenOffice 3.4, die meer dan 57 miljoen downloads telde, bevat deze *belangrijke update* opwindende nieuwe mogelijkheden, verbeteringen en opgeloste problemen.  OpenOffice 4.0 bevat nu een innovatieve nieuwe gebruikersinterface voor de zijbalk, aanvullende taalondersteuning voor 22 talen (inclusief 3 nieuwe talen), 500 opgeloste problemen, verbeteringen in de samenwerking met Microsoft Office, verbeteringen voor tekenen/afbeeldingen, verbeterde uitvoeringen, etc. U kunt later in deze Release Notes de details daarover lezen. 

Full Content

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Duits (de) | Spaans (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiaans (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Open Source-gemeenschap
Nieuwe mogelijkheden en verbeteringen
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is nu beschikbaar vanaf onze officiële downloadpagina.  Voortbordurend op het grote succes van de uitgave van OpenOffice 3.4, die meer dan 57 miljoen downloads telde, bevat deze belangrijke update opwindende nieuwe mogelijkheden, verbeteringen en opgeloste problemen.  OpenOffice 4.0 bevat nu een innovatieve nieuwe gebruikersinterface voor de zijbalk, aanvullende taalondersteuning voor 22 talen (inclusief 3 nieuwe talen), 500 opgeloste problemen, verbeteringen in de samenwerking met Microsoft Office, verbeteringen voor tekenen/afbeeldingen, verbeterde uitvoeringen, etc. U kunt later in deze Release Notes de details daarover lezen.

Een ander ding dat u direct zult opmerken, op deze pagina, onze website en op andere plaatsen, is ons nieuwe logo.  Het nieuwe logo is het resultaat van vele stadia in ontwerp, samenwerking tussen getalenteerde ontwerpers en een wedstrijd waarin 40 logo's werden beoordeeld door meer dan 50.000 gebruikers.

We willen een speciaal "hallo" uitspreken aan onze gebruikers die zijn geüpgraded.  We hopen dat de nieuwe mogelijkheden u bevallen, in het bijzonder de UI voor de zijbalk.  Deze mogelijkheid is gebaseerd op de code die werd bijgedragen door IBM, vanuit hun product Lotus Symphony.  We hebben die code aangepast en, gebaseerd op verschillende ronden van terugkoppeling van gebruikers zoals u, hem verbeterd en geïntegreerd in OpenOffice.

En voor nieuwe gebruikers, welkom bij de gemeenschap!  We hopen dat het gebruiken van Apache OpenOffice, de leidende gratis en open kantoorsuite, u zal bevallen.

Zoals altijd stellen wij bijzonder veel prijs op uw terugkoppelingen:

	Vragen over ondersteuning kunnen het beste worden gericht aan onze forums voor ondersteuning van de gemeenschap.
	Rapportages over problemen (maar geen vragen over ondersteuning) zouden moeten gaan naar ons Bugzilla-systeem voor het bijhouden van problemen.
	Algemene vragen kunnen ook wordne gezonden aan onze publieke mailinglijst voor gebruikers.

U kunt ons ook vinden op Twitter, Facebook en Google+.

Open Source-gemeenschap

Bij Apache werken we transparant als een open gemeenschap van vrijwilligers.  We ontwikkelen open source-software ten behoeve van iedereen.  We bedelen niet om geldelijke steun.   Maar als u geïnteresseerd bent om u bij ons te voegen, ons te helpen de volgende mooie versie van OpenOffice te maken, dan horen we graag van u.  We zijn niet alleen programmeurs, maar een gemeenschap van testers, UI-ontwerpers, web-ontwerpers, technische schrijvers, experts op het gebied van toegankelijkheid, vertalers, experts op het gebied van sociale media, etc.    Vrijwilligers op alle gebieden zijn van harte welkom.   Meer informatie is te vinden op onze pagina Get Involved.

Nieuwe mogelijkheden en verbeteringen

Nieuwe zijbalk

De zijbalk is een belangrijke nieuwe mogelijkheid voor de gebruikersinterface van alle toepassingen binnen OpenOffice.

De zijbalk maakt beter gebruik van de huidige brede beeldschermen dan traditionele werkbalken. Het paneel 'Eigenschappen' is context-gevoelig en geeft panelen weer met de documenteigenschappen die het meest regelmatig worden gebruikt voor de huidige taak van bewerken.

Klik op deze afbeeldingen voor een meer gedetailleerde weergave:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.pn

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (6)

* Algemene vragen kunnen ook wordne gezonden aan onze publieke [mailinglijst voor gebruikers|http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#users-mailing-list-public].  
You can also find us on [Twitter|https://twitter.com/#%21/apacheoo], [Facebook|http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO] and [Google\+|https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts]. 
U kunt ons ook vinden op [Twitter|https://twitter.com/#%21/apacheoo], [Facebook|http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO] en [Google\+|https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts]. 
 h2. Open Source-gemeenschap 
De zijbalk is een belangrijke nieuwe mogelijkheid voor de gebruikersinterface van alle toepassingen binnen OpenOffice.  
The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task. 
De zijbalk maakt beter gebruik van de huidige brede beeldschermen dan traditionele werkbalken. Het paneel 'Eigenschappen' is context-gevoelig en geeft panelen weer met de documenteigenschappen die het meest regelmatig worden gebruikt voor de huidige taak van bewerken. 
Click on these images for a more detailed view: 
Klik op deze afbeeldingen voor een meer gedetailleerde weergave: 
 !screenshot-writer-context-text.png|thumbnail! !screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png|thumbnail! !screenshot-writer-context-shape.png|thumbnail! 

Full Content

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Duits (de) | Spaans (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiaans (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Open Source-gemeenschap
Nieuwe mogelijkheden en verbeteringen
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is nu beschikbaar vanaf onze officiële downloadpagina.  Voortbordurend op het grote succes van de uitgave van OpenOffice 3.4, die meer dan 57 miljoen downloads telde, bevat deze belangrijke update opwindende nieuwe mogelijkheden, verbeteringen en opgeloste problemen.  OpenOffice 4.0 bevat nu een innovatieve nieuwe gebruikersinterface voor de zijbalk, aanvullende taalondersteuning voor 22 talen (inclusief 3 nieuwe talen), 500 opgeloste problemen, verbeteringen in de samenwerking met Microsoft Office, verbeteringen voor tekenen/afbeeldingen, verbeterde uitvoeringen, etc. U kunt later in deze Release Notes de details daarover lezen.

Een ander ding dat u direct zult opmerken, op deze pagina, onze website en op andere plaatsen, is ons nieuwe logo.  Het nieuwe logo is het resultaat van vele stadia in ontwerp, samenwerking tussen getalenteerde ontwerpers en een wedstrijd waarin 40 logo's werden beoordeeld door meer dan 50.000 gebruikers.

We willen een speciaal "hallo" uitspreken aan onze gebruikers die zijn geüpgraded.  We hopen dat de nieuwe mogelijkheden u bevallen, in het bijzonder de UI voor de zijbalk.  Deze mogelijkheid is gebaseerd op de code die werd bijgedragen door IBM, vanuit hun product Lotus Symphony.  We hebben die code aangepast en, gebaseerd op verschillende ronden van terugkoppeling van gebruikers zoals u, hem verbeterd en geïntegreerd in OpenOffice.

En voor nieuwe gebruikers, welkom bij de gemeenschap!  We hopen dat het gebruiken van Apache OpenOffice, de leidende gratis en open kantoorsuite, u zal bevallen.

Zoals altijd stellen wij bijzonder veel prijs op uw terugkoppelingen:

	Vragen over ondersteuning kunnen het beste worden gericht aan onze forums voor ondersteuning van de gemeenschap.
	Rapportages over problemen (maar geen vragen over ondersteuning) zouden moeten gaan naar ons Bugzilla-systeem voor het bijhouden van problemen.
	Algemene vragen kunnen ook wordne gezonden aan onze publieke mailinglijst voor gebruikers.

U kunt ons ook vinden op Twitter, Facebook en Google+.

Open Source-gemeenschap

Bij Apache werken we transparant als een open gemeenschap van vrijwilligers.  We ontwikkelen open source-software ten behoeve van iedereen.  We bedelen niet om geldelijke steun.   Maar als u geïnteresseerd bent om u bij ons te voegen, ons te helpen de volgende mooie versie van OpenOffice te maken, dan horen we graag van u.  We zijn niet alleen programmeurs, maar een gemeenschap van testers, UI-ontwerpers, web-ontwerpers, technische schrijvers, exp

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (3)

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Duits (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | [Dutch (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Spaans (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiaans (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] | [Nederlands (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 
Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our [official download page|http://www.openoffice.org/download/].  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this *major update* brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes. 
Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is nu beschikbaar vanaf onze [officiële downloadpagina|http://www.openoffice.org/download/].  Voortbordurend op het grote succes van de uitgave van OpenOffice 3.4, die meer dan 57 miljoen downloads telde, bevat deze *belangrijke update* opwindende nieuwe mogelijkheden, verbeteringen en opgeloste problemen.    OpenOffice 4.0 bevat nu een innovatieve nieuwe gebruikersinterface voor de zijbalk,  aanvullende taalondersteuning voor 22 talen (inclusief 3 nieuwe talen), 500 opgeloste problemen, verbeteringen in de samenwerking met Microsoft Office, verbeteringen voor tekenen/afbeeldingen, verbeterde uitvoeringen, etc.  U kunt later in deze Release Notes de details daarover lezen. 
 One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users. 

Full Content

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Duits (de) | Spaans (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiaans (it) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is nu beschikbaar vanaf onze officiële downloadpagina.  Voortbordurend op het grote succes van de uitgave van OpenOffice 3.4, die meer dan 57 miljoen downloads telde, bevat deze belangrijke update opwindende nieuwe mogelijkheden, verbeteringen en opgeloste problemen.    OpenOffice 4.0 bevat nu een innovatieve nieuwe gebruikersinterface voor de zijbalk,  aanvullende taalondersteuning voor 22 talen (inclusief 3 nieuwe talen), 500 opgeloste problemen, verbeteringen in de samenwerking met Microsoft Office, verbeteringen voor tekenen/afbeeldingen, verbeterde uitvoeringen, etc.  U kunt later in deze Release Notes de details daarover lezen.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forum

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Duits (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | [Dutch (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309] | [Spaans (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiaans (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

Full Content

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Duits (de) | Dutch (nl) | Spaans (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiaans (it) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-shape.png) not found.
Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the p

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Duits (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | Dutch (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=OOOUSERS&fromPageId=30746475 (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309 | [Spaans (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiano [Italiaans (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

Full Content

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Duits (de) | Dutch (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?pageId=33297309 | Spaans (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiaans (it) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-shape.png) not found.
Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outli

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (1)

Translations available for: Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: [Asturianu (ast)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296031] | [简体中文 (zh-CN)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296035] | [Deutsch [Duits (de)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Deutsch%29] | Dutch (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=OOOUSERS&fromPageId=30746475 | [Español [Spaans (es)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33295326] | [Galego (gl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296602] | [Italiano (it)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Informazioni+su+OpenOffice+4.0+-+it] | [Русский (ru)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33296704] 

Full Content

Vertalingen zijn beschikbaar voor: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Duits (de) | Dutch (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=OOOUSERS&fromPageId=30746475 | Spaans (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-shape.png) not found.
Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

AOO 4.0 Release Notes (Dutch)
Page edited by Dick Groskamp

 Changes (0)


Full Content

Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Deutsch (de) | Dutch (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=OOOUSERS&fromPageId=30746475 | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-shape.png) not found.
Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Unable to render embedded object: File (expand-and-collapse.png) not found.
Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven panels come from the old Impress tool panel: Available for Use, Custom Animation, Layouts, Recently Used, Slide Transition, Table Design, Used in This Presentation.
	Four are non-modal (ie non locking) dialogs: Functions, Gallery, Navigator, Syles and Formatting.
	One is new: Insert.

Unable to render embedded object: File (sidebar-panels.png) not found.
Panels fro

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community > AOO+4.0+Release+Notes+%28Dutch%29

2013-07-27 Thread Dick Groskamp (Confluence)

Page  added by Dick Groskamp


 Translations available for: Asturianu (ast) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | Deutsch (de) | Dutch (nl)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=OOOUSERS&fromPageId=30746475 | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Русский (ru)

Algemene opmerkingen
Community Open Source
New Features and Enhancements
Additional Language Support
Improved Quality Management Tools
Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility
Bug Fixes
Known Issues
Stay informed about Apache OpenOffice

Algemene opmerkingen

Unable to render embedded object: File (logo.png) not found.

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download from our official download page.  Building upon the great success of the OpenOffice 3.4 release, which has seen over 57 million downloads, this major update brings exciting new features, enhancements and bug fixes.    OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface,  additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc.  You can read the details of these later in these Release Notes.

One other thing that you will notice immediately, on this page, our website and in other places, is our new logo.  The new logo is the result of many design iterations, collaboration among talented designers and a contest where 40 logos were rated by over 50,000 users.

We wish to give a special "hello" to our upgrading users.  We hope you like the new features, especially the Sidebar UI.  This feature was based on code contributed by IBM, from their Lotus Symphony product.  We adapted that code, and based on several rounds of feedback from users like you, improved it and integrated it into OpenOffice.

And for new users, welcome to the community!  We hope you enjoy using Apache OpenOffice, the leading free and open office productivity suite.

As always we welcome your feedback:

	Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
	Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla issue tracking system.
	General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Community Open Source

At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the public.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved page.

New Features and Enhancements

New Sidebar

The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.

The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.

Click on these images for a more detailed view:

Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-text.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-bitmap.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (screenshot-writer-context-shape.png) not found.
Screenshots of Writer with contexts for text, bitmap, and shapes (from left to right). The new OpenOffice logo has been pasted as bitmap (center) and editable outlines (right).

If you find that you don't use a particular panel very often, just click on its title and it will collapse to a single line of text. A small + or - at the left side of the panel title indicates whether the panels is collapsed or expanded.

Unable to render embedded object: File (expand-and-collapse.png) not found.
Different panels expanded or collapsed

	Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
	Seven panels come from the old Impress tool panel: Available for Use, Custom Animation, Layouts, Recently Used, Slide Transition, Table Design, Used in This Presentation.
	Four are non-modal (ie non locking) dialogs: Functions, Gallery, Navigator, Syles and Formatting.
	One is new: Insert.

Unable to render embedded object: File (sidebar-panels.png) not found.
Panels from Symphony, the old Impress task pane, OpenOffice dialogs (from left to right).

The width of the Sidebar can be adjusted. The controls adapt their size accordingly. If you need more space the