[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-11-23 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-11-23 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-11-23 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-11-23 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (2)

h3. November 23rd !logo-w-offset3.png|border=1! 

Full Content

I am proposing a new icon set for AOO 4.1 that will make them more usable and recognizable to users.

Our focus should be to be the best user experience. To do this, you need to step out of your shoes and think "if I were a user would I care about X in this context?"

 4.1 Proposed  

 This is an example size for document instances. The Templates are similarly designed. 
The top of the icon has a solid color differing and designating it as a template file. 

4.1 Proposed 
More Usable? Yes. Why? 
 Primary Context (Application Designation - Red) has greatest focus. Users don't care to see Secondary Context (Application Branding - Green aka 'the gulls'), it's nice to have, but users are fairly familiar that the file will open with Apache OpenOffice, so no need to remind users everyday/ no value added. On top it complicates shrunk/smaller icons. A compromise is to drop it from small icons, where its obscure and illegible. 
 Corner And Designator Color (keep from old design), user can identify the file type quickly by color and designator. 
 Enlarged Designation, helps color blind and hard of seeing individuals. 
 Mime designation, helps users differentiate file type when the above two fail to help, include when screen space permits  MIME Type is not important to this audience, brain-spill-over from my  technical side, technical files like .XML  .XSD. Samer. 
 - Additionally, the color of the MIME type could be different for further differentiation of template files. 
 Single gull, or maybe O or circle can satisfy secondary element, less busy yet gets the brand across. 

Green - Branding (Twin Gulls) 
Red - Application Designation 
Orange - Page Corner (Colored)  

 Optimal size, great for showing how fabulous and sophisticated our product is. 
At this level we keep the MIME designation but the three characters at a little larger. 

 At this level we should still be able to see the branding well as well as identifying the file type quickly. 
At this level we drop the MIME designation, space is limited and  mime type becomes less likely to help identify or connect with the user.  

 At 16px, space is limited, we want to be the least busiest. 
Might need to drop the branding to make less busy. (Green) 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience, and that might mean  dropping the branding to be much more helpful to the user.  

Tools To Complete Task

GIMP - Free - Can exports icon files with varying sizes. Tutorial on layer sizing and exporting: http://www.gimp-tutorials.net/How-to-make-an-icon-from-a-picture

 Current 3.4.1 
256px (click to enlarge)  

 Base - .odb Database Document 

 Calc - .ods Spreadsheet 

 Calc - .ots Spreadsheet Template 

 Draw - .odg Drawing 

 Draw - .otg Drawing Template 

 Impress - .odp Presentation 

 Impress - .otp Presentation Template 

 Math - .odf Formula Document 

 Writer - .odm Master Document 

 Writer - .odt Text Document 

 Writer - .ott Text Template 

 Writer - .oth Web Template 

Existing references and resources for icons:




AOO.next Flat Desktop Icon Exploration

Submitted by Kevin Grignon 

Palette is based on AOO blue as key colour.

AOO Desktop Icon Exploration - Samer Mansour

Improvement in icons to emphasize file type (enlarged application icon and colours, decrease in birds and black styling taking up space.)

AOO Desktop Icon Exploration 2 (Round) - Samer Mansour

Rounded to match branding, Went flat, sharper, increased contrast between designator and background icon. Less busy, dropped the gulls.

Changed templates to be dotted, different perspective than we used in the past, left the solid bar at the top so previous 3.x users transition to new icon set.

Then I thought keep the circle theme going (lines don't scale down as nicely in circle version because its smaller to start with):


Zipped Icons:

Icon Set Round.zip

Icon Set Alt.zip

One more example for comparison on Windows 8 (can be done by Properties-Shortcut-Change Icon... dialog in windows):


You can see how having a circle or rounded square 

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-11-23 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (1)

h3. November 23rd !logo-w-offset3.png|border=1! 

Full Content

I am proposing a new icon set for AOO 4.1 that will make them more usable and recognizable to users.

Our focus should be to be the best user experience. To do this, you need to step out of your shoes and think "if I were a user would I care about X in this context?"

 4.1 Proposed  

 This is an example size for document instances. The Templates are similarly designed. 
The top of the icon has a solid color differing and designating it as a template file. 

4.1 Proposed 
More Usable? Yes. Why? 
 Primary Context (Application Designation - Red) has greatest focus. Users don't care to see Secondary Context (Application Branding - Green aka 'the gulls'), it's nice to have, but users are fairly familiar that the file will open with Apache OpenOffice, so no need to remind users everyday/ no value added. On top it complicates shrunk/smaller icons. A compromise is to drop it from small icons, where its obscure and illegible. 
 Corner And Designator Color (keep from old design), user can identify the file type quickly by color and designator. 
 Enlarged Designation, helps color blind and hard of seeing individuals. 
 Mime designation, helps users differentiate file type when the above two fail to help, include when screen space permits  MIME Type is not important to this audience, brain-spill-over from my  technical side, technical files like .XML  .XSD. Samer. 
 - Additionally, the color of the MIME type could be different for further differentiation of template files. 
 Single gull, or maybe O or circle can satisfy secondary element, less busy yet gets the brand across. 

Green - Branding (Twin Gulls) 
Red - Application Designation 
Orange - Page Corner (Colored)  

 Optimal size, great for showing how fabulous and sophisticated our product is. 
At this level we keep the MIME designation but the three characters at a little larger. 

 At this level we should still be able to see the branding well as well as identifying the file type quickly. 
At this level we drop the MIME designation, space is limited and  mime type becomes less likely to help identify or connect with the user.  

 At 16px, space is limited, we want to be the least busiest. 
Might need to drop the branding to make less busy. (Green) 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience, and that might mean  dropping the branding to be much more helpful to the user.  

Tools To Complete Task

GIMP - Free - Can exports icon files with varying sizes. Tutorial on layer sizing and exporting: http://www.gimp-tutorials.net/How-to-make-an-icon-from-a-picture

 Current 3.4.1 
256px (click to enlarge)  

 Base - .odb Database Document 

 Calc - .ods Spreadsheet 

 Calc - .ots Spreadsheet Template 

 Draw - .odg Drawing 

 Draw - .otg Drawing Template 

 Impress - .odp Presentation 

 Impress - .otp Presentation Template 

 Math - .odf Formula Document 

 Writer - .odm Master Document 

 Writer - .odt Text Document 

 Writer - .ott Text Template 

 Writer - .oth Web Template 

Existing references and resources for icons:




AOO.next Flat Desktop Icon Exploration

Submitted by Kevin Grignon 

Palette is based on AOO blue as key colour.

AOO Desktop Icon Exploration - Samer Mansour

Improvement in icons to emphasize file type (enlarged application icon and colours, decrease in birds and black styling taking up space.)

AOO Desktop Icon Exploration 2 (Round) - Samer Mansour

Rounded to match branding, Went flat, sharper, increased contrast between designator and background icon. Less busy, dropped the gulls.

Changed templates to be dotted, different perspective than we used in the past, left the solid bar at the top so previous 3.x users transition to new icon set.

Then I thought keep the circle theme going (lines don't scale down as nicely in circle version because its smaller to start with):


Zipped Icons:

Icon Set Round.zip

Icon Set Alt.zip

One more example for comparison on Windows 8 (can be done by Properties-Shortcut-Change Icon... dialog in windows):


You can see how having a circle or rounded square makes the Icon slightly less readable/less pixels to work 

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-22 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Websites
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (6)

www.openoffice.org \\ | !oo.orghome.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=200!\\ | Keep openoffice.org as end-user website. \\ \\ 
Favicon update\! *\- Done S.M.* 
\\ Unify the navigation paradigm, inconsistent on pages. \\ 
Announcement banner seems to become a regular piece of the website, is  there a more effective manner to providing this functionality with the  same or better convergence rate yet not be such an eye sore :S Or is  that part of what makes it successful? \\ \\ 
White space seems uneven in the header (prime real estate). Search bar is uneven. 
Any screen captures need to be updated after 4.0 is release if UI is majorly different. *\-Done S.M.* 
Above can be summed up with \- NEW TEMPLATE SWEET BABY JESUS ughhh-hummm sorry (Samer). (S.M.). Consider initializr/bootstrap \:D | 
| Apache Project Page \\ \\ 
Low Priority (-Samer) \\ | | Template and Extension Site Hosted on SourceForge \\ 
\[http://templates.services.openoffice.org/\\] \\ 
[http://extensions.openoffice.org/]\\ \\ | !templates-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\  !extensions-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | Styling almost matches MWiki, positive note. \\ 

Full Content

We may not need CSS changes or changes to layout specifically. But the logo and branding should become more consistent.

Website's Artifacts

 Currently (Feb 8, 2013) 


 Keep openoffice.org as end-user website. 

Favicon update  Done S.M. 

Unify the navigation paradigm, inconsistent on pages. 

Announcement banner seems to become a regular piece of the website, is  there a more effective manner to providing this functionality with the  same or better convergence rate yet not be such an eye sore :S Or is  that part of what makes it successful? 

White space seems uneven in the header (prime real estate). Search bar is uneven. 

Any screen captures need to be updated after 4.0 is release if UI is majorly different. Done S.M. 

Above can be summed up with  NEW TEMPLATE SWEET BABY JESUS ughhh-hummm sorry (S.M.). Consider initializr/bootstrap :D  

 Apache Project Page 

 Keep openoffice.apache.org as the project home. 

Logo is updated, old screen cap here 

Navigation paradigm not aweful Lower priority  

 Old Logo Please Update  


 Single logo that is placed into the template (I think). 
This might be a confluence wiki setting rather than code change. 
Infra might help here, we would provide replacement logo, it should be sized correctly. 
(Actually we would need to work with Infrastructure and alter the page templates. A project volunteer might be needed during Confluence upgrades.) 


 Single logo in template. 

Consistent. Clean feel. 

Home page content seems random.  



 Refers to incubation. No Longer, screen cap is old. 

What is the context of the Google search box. 
There is no words to indicate its purpose. What context am I searching in. 

Language selection is displayed twice. 

Bad logos 

Icons in forums will need to be updated. 

Inconsistent download badges. 
(This must be addressed by first having dedicated volunteers who understand phpBB. Those volunteers would work with the Forum admins.) 


 Is there a way we can insert a brand logo on the home page? 
Not a big deal, just a visual confirmation to the user they are in the right bug tracker. 
(Once we have a correct logo then we need to contact the Bugzilla admins to find out if these are customizations that easily survive upgrades.) 

Low Priority (-Samer)  

 Template and Extension Site Hosted on SourceForge 

 Styling almost matches MWiki, positive note. 

Search boxes inconsistent. 

(I believe that these are Drupal based. If asked I am sure that SourceForge would adjust the LF as requested.)  

 Other Language Sites  

 Try to create a design that unifies these pages for announcements. Helps our translators.  









[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-16 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
comment added by  Samer Mansour

   Red made sense to me because it completed the rainbow, more fun than grey.

In reply to a comment by Drew Jensen:
Well, rather the same with me (as with Kay), I tend to like the round icons - and do note the comment about them getting a bit harder to read when small - but not so that I feel too strongly.

So the gulls, or gull; I suppose that this has often come down to a question not so much about aesthetics but rather brand emphasis. It's come up over the years and I believe it would be fair to say that the reasoning for not using the gull(s) on the document (mime) icons is to emphasis less the brand of the application and more the brand of the document format - promote AOO over ODF or ODF over AOO. 

Anyway, I've always tended to see more value in promoting the application brand - though I do see the rational in the other opinion. 

Otherwise, as Kay I desaturated also and yeah they seem just fine to my old eyes 

Not sure if I should ask about the slight change in color assignments - Red for Math for instance.. I guess that is part of the decision here, yes?

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-16 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
Comment edited by Samer Mansour

Changes (3)

High contrast icons satisfy that you can tell them apart while grey scaled.nbsp; I know this is satisfied through the primary context (green (red areas in mock ups). The context and the background are different enough to see when greyscaled.nbsp; 
Since I use White and a colour, the contast is high enough  so you can still make out its a spreadsheet vs a document.nbsp; Making the primary context large would also help this.  
Semi-saturation is not a real threat because we have handled it with primary contexts (green (red areas in mock ups) 
 Edit: meant to say red areas not green areas, fixed 

Full Content
High contrast icons satisfy that you can tell them apart while grey scaled. I know this is satisfied through the primary context (red areas in mock ups). The context and the background are different enough to see when greyscaled.

ie the same saturation of two Hues will make the same grey colour. See left side for an example here: http://rgm.ogalab.net/RGM-files/R_CC/result/colorspace/desaturate.Rd_001_large.png

Since I use White and a colour, the contast is high enough  so you can still make out its a spreadsheet vs a document. Making the primary context large would also help this.

Semi-saturation is not a real threat because we have handled it with primary contexts (red areas in mock ups)

Edit: meant to say red areas not green areas, fixed

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-16 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
comment added by  Samer Mansour

   High contrast icons satisfy that you can tell them apart while grey scaled. I know this is satisfied through the primary context (green areas in mock ups). The context and the background are different enough to see when greyscaled.

ie the same saturation of two Hues will make the same grey colour. See left side for an example here: http://rgm.ogalab.net/RGM-files/R_CC/result/colorspace/desaturate.Rd_001_large.png

Since I use White and a colour, the contast is high enough  so you can still make out its a spreadsheet vs a document. Making the primary context large would also help this.

Semi-saturation is not a real threat because we have handled it with primary contexts (green areas in mock ups)

In reply to a comment by Kay Schenk:
What I discovered on about a 45% desaturation was the last three because of color, all seemed to fade to a murky yellow-orange-ish color.

Could just be my monitor though. I mean they were still readable but didn't really retain their individual color all that well. I don't know what our goals are in this respect.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

logo offset examples.png
(25 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(13 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(27 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(27 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
Page edited by Samer Mansour

Added logo with offset idea.

 Changes (2)

 You can see how having a circle or rounded square makes the Icon slightly less readable/less pixels to work with.nbsp; BTW The anti aliasing isnt fine tuned. 
 h3. Oct 15th - Logo with offset - Samer Mansour   !logo-w-offset2.png!   
|| Icon Ideas || Pros || Cons || 
| Keep Gulls \\ | Branding (arguable how this is beneficial though) \\ (Brand name is on icon tile/start menu and on hover too) \\ | Makes Icons busier at smaller sizes \\ | 

Full Content

I am proposing a new icon set for AOO 4.1 that will make them more usable and recognizable to users.

Our focus should be to be the best user experience. To do this, you need to step out of your shoes and think "if I were a user would I care about X in this context?"

 4.1 Proposed  

 This is an example size for document instances. The Templates are similarly designed. 
The top of the icon has a solid color differing and designating it as a template file. 

4.1 Proposed 
More Usable? Yes. Why? 
 Primary Context (Application Designation - Red) has greatest focus. Users don't care to see Secondary Context (Application Branding - Green aka 'the gulls'), it's nice to have, but users are fairly familiar that the file will open with Apache OpenOffice, so no need to remind users everyday/ no value added. On top it complicates shrunk/smaller icons. A compromise is to drop it from small icons, where its obscure and illegible. 
 Corner And Designator Color (keep from old design), user can identify the file type quickly by color and designator. 
 Enlarged Designation, helps color blind and hard of seeing individuals. 
 Mime designation, helps users differentiate file type when the above two fail to help, include when screen space permits  MIME Type is not important to this audience, brain-spill-over from my  technical side, technical files like .XML  .XSD. Samer. 
 - Additionally, the color of the MIME type could be different for further differentiation of template files. 
 Single gull, or maybe O or circle can satisfy secondary element, less busy yet gets the brand across. 

Green - Branding (Twin Gulls) 
Red - Application Designation 
Orange - Page Corner (Colored)  

 Optimal size, great for showing how fabulous and sophisticated our product is. 
At this level we keep the MIME designation but the three characters at a little larger. 

 At this level we should still be able to see the branding well as well as identifying the file type quickly. 
At this level we drop the MIME designation, space is limited and  mime type becomes less likely to help identify or connect with the user.  

 At 16px, space is limited, we want to be the least busiest. 
Might need to drop the branding to make less busy. (Green) 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience, and that might mean  dropping the branding to be much more helpful to the user.  

Tools To Complete Task

GIMP - Free - Can exports icon files with varying sizes. Tutorial on layer sizing and exporting: http://www.gimp-tutorials.net/How-to-make-an-icon-from-a-picture

 Current 3.4.1 
256px (click to enlarge)  

 Base - .odb Database Document 

 Calc - .ods Spreadsheet 

 Calc - .ots Spreadsheet Template 

 Draw - .odg Drawing 

 Draw - .otg Drawing Template 

 Impress - .odp Presentation 

 Impress - .otp Presentation Template 

 Math - .odf Formula Document 

 Writer - .odm Master Document 

 Writer - .odt Text Document 

 Writer - .ott Text Template 

 Writer - .oth Web Template 

Existing references and resources for icons:




AOO.next Flat Desktop Icon Exploration

Submitted by Kevin Grignon 

Palette is based on AOO blue as key colour.

AOO Desktop Icon Exploration - Samer Mansour

Improvement in icons to emphasize file type (enlarged application icon and colours, decrease in birds and black styling taking up space.)

AOO Desktop Icon Exploration 2 (Round) - Samer Mansour

Rounded to match branding, Went flat, sharper, increased contrast between designator and background icon. Less busy, dropped the gulls.

Changed templates to be dotted, different perspective than we used in the past, left the solid bar at the top so previous 3.x users transition to new 

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(25 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(25 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(26 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
Page edited by Samer Mansour

Added logo with offset idea with new style of previous icons

 Changes (2)

Logo with offset (new style of previous icons) 
|| Icon Ideas \\ || Pros \\ || Cons \\ || | Keep Gulls \\ | Branding (arguable how this is beneficial though) \\ 

Full Content

I am proposing a new icon set for AOO 4.1 that will make them more usable and recognizable to users.

Our focus should be to be the best user experience. To do this, you need to step out of your shoes and think "if I were a user would I care about X in this context?"

 4.1 Proposed  

 This is an example size for document instances. The Templates are similarly designed. 
The top of the icon has a solid color differing and designating it as a template file. 

4.1 Proposed 
More Usable? Yes. Why? 
 Primary Context (Application Designation - Red) has greatest focus. Users don't care to see Secondary Context (Application Branding - Green aka 'the gulls'), it's nice to have, but users are fairly familiar that the file will open with Apache OpenOffice, so no need to remind users everyday/ no value added. On top it complicates shrunk/smaller icons. A compromise is to drop it from small icons, where its obscure and illegible. 
 Corner And Designator Color (keep from old design), user can identify the file type quickly by color and designator. 
 Enlarged Designation, helps color blind and hard of seeing individuals. 
 Mime designation, helps users differentiate file type when the above two fail to help, include when screen space permits  MIME Type is not important to this audience, brain-spill-over from my  technical side, technical files like .XML  .XSD. Samer. 
 - Additionally, the color of the MIME type could be different for further differentiation of template files. 
 Single gull, or maybe O or circle can satisfy secondary element, less busy yet gets the brand across. 

Green - Branding (Twin Gulls) 
Red - Application Designation 
Orange - Page Corner (Colored)  

 Optimal size, great for showing how fabulous and sophisticated our product is. 
At this level we keep the MIME designation but the three characters at a little larger. 

 At this level we should still be able to see the branding well as well as identifying the file type quickly. 
At this level we drop the MIME designation, space is limited and  mime type becomes less likely to help identify or connect with the user.  

 At 16px, space is limited, we want to be the least busiest. 
Might need to drop the branding to make less busy. (Green) 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience, and that might mean  dropping the branding to be much more helpful to the user.  

Tools To Complete Task

GIMP - Free - Can exports icon files with varying sizes. Tutorial on layer sizing and exporting: http://www.gimp-tutorials.net/How-to-make-an-icon-from-a-picture

 Current 3.4.1 
256px (click to enlarge)  

 Base - .odb Database Document 

 Calc - .ods Spreadsheet 

 Calc - .ots Spreadsheet Template 

 Draw - .odg Drawing 

 Draw - .otg Drawing Template 

 Impress - .odp Presentation 

 Impress - .otp Presentation Template 

 Math - .odf Formula Document 

 Writer - .odm Master Document 

 Writer - .odt Text Document 

 Writer - .ott Text Template 

 Writer - .oth Web Template 

Existing references and resources for icons:




AOO.next Flat Desktop Icon Exploration

Submitted by Kevin Grignon 

Palette is based on AOO blue as key colour.

AOO Desktop Icon Exploration - Samer Mansour

Improvement in icons to emphasize file type (enlarged application icon and colours, decrease in birds and black styling taking up space.)

AOO Desktop Icon Exploration 2 (Round) - Samer Mansour

Rounded to match branding, Went flat, sharper, increased contrast between designator and background icon. Less busy, dropped the gulls.

Changed templates to be dotted, different perspective than we used in the past, left the solid bar at the top so previous 3.x users transition to new icon set.

Then I thought keep the circle theme going (lines don't scale down as nicely in circle version because its smaller to start with):


Zipped Icons:

Icon Set Round.zip

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File removed by  Samer Mansour

logo-w-offset.png (27 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-14 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File removed by  Samer Mansour

logo offset examples.png (25 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-10 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(17 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-10 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (1)

Make the modules slightly larger. \\ Possibly in future have recent templates in a templates popup. | 
| New Document List\\ | !app-newdoc.png|thumbnail,border=1,height=200!\\ | | Refresh Icons | 
| About Screen \\ | !AboutScreen.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=200!\\ | No Visual Changes | | 

Full Content

The splash screen and application launcher are the first things the user will see when starting up Apache OpenOffice. They will also see it everyday. It is important its usable and again consistent with branding.

In 4.1 only a few changes to the icons is what I propose to the start screen. (so far ;D, feel free to propose ideas in the comments section below) Samer

Application Artifacts

 4.1 Proposal  

 Splash Screen  
 No Visual Changes  

 Start Screen  
 Refresh Icons 
Drop the three unlabeled icons. New Templates can be found in the Templates... pop up and plug in customization can be done in the File menu options. 
Make the modules slightly larger. 
Possibly in future have recent templates in a templates popup. 

 New Document List 

 Refresh Icons 

 About Screen  
 No Visual Changes 

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-10 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(66 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-10 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(39 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-10 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
Page edited by Samer Mansour

Added an alternative icon set to show how removing the boarder shape may make it easier to see.

 Changes (1)

 nbsp; !Icon scale down.png! 
 One more example for comparison on Windows 8 (can be done by Properties-Shortcut-Change Icon... dialog in windows): !Win8Start.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=200!nbsp;nbsp; !Win8Task.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=200!  You can see how having a circle or rounded square makes the Icon slightly less readable/less pixels to work with.nbsp; BTW The anti aliasing isnt fine tuned. || Icon Idea\\ || Pros\\ || Cons\\ || | Keep Gulls\\ | Branding (arguable how this is beneficial though)\\  (Brand name is on icon tile/start menu and on hover too)\\ | Makes Icons busier at smaller sizes\\ | | Square\\ | Looks like an App, user is familiar.\\  More space for colour, enforces what app it is.\\ | Tougher to see when small | | Circle\\ | Looks like logo, consistency is neat idea.\\  More space for colour, enforces what app it is.\\ | Toughest to see when small\\ | | No Background\\ | Easier to see when  48px, majority of icons life is  48px (Windows).\\ | Can be a shock at first.\\ | 

Full Content

I am proposing a new icon set for AOO 4.1 that will make them more usable and recognizable to users.

Our focus should be to be the best user experience. To do this, you need to step out of your shoes and think "if I were a user would I care about X in this context?"

 4.1 Proposed  

 This is an example size for document instances. The Templates are similarly designed. 
The top of the icon has a solid color differing and designating it as a template file. 

4.1 Proposed 
More Usable? Yes. Why? 
 Primary Context (Application Designation - Red) has greatest focus. Users don't care to see Secondary Context (Application Branding - Green aka 'the gulls'), it's nice to have, but users are fairly familiar that the file will open with Apache OpenOffice, so no need to remind users everyday/ no value added. On top it complicates shrunk/smaller icons. A compromise is to drop it from small icons, where its obscure and illegible. 
 Corner And Designator Color (keep from old design), user can identify the file type quickly by color and designator. 
 Enlarged Designation, helps color blind and hard of seeing individuals. 
 Mime designation, helps users differentiate file type when the above two fail to help, include when screen space permits  MIME Type is not important to this audience, brain-spill-over from my  technical side, technical files like .XML  .XSD. Samer. 
 - Additionally, the color of the MIME type could be different for further differentiation of template files. 
 Single gull, or maybe O or circle can satisfy secondary element, less busy yet gets the brand across. 

Green - Branding (Twin Gulls) 
Red - Application Designation 
Orange - Page Corner (Colored)  

 Optimal size, great for showing how fabulous and sophisticated our product is. 
At this level we keep the MIME designation but the three characters at a little larger. 

 At this level we should still be able to see the branding well as well as identifying the file type quickly. 
At this level we drop the MIME designation, space is limited and  mime type becomes less likely to help identify or connect with the user.  

 At 16px, space is limited, we want to be the least busiest. 
Might need to drop the branding to make less busy. (Green) 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience, and that might mean  dropping the branding to be much more helpful to the user.  

Tools To Complete Task

GIMP - Free - Can exports icon files with varying sizes. Tutorial on layer sizing and exporting: http://www.gimp-tutorials.net/How-to-make-an-icon-from-a-picture

 Current 3.4.1 
256px (click to enlarge)  

 Base - .odb Database Document 

 Calc - .ods Spreadsheet 

 Calc - .ots Spreadsheet Template 

 Draw - .odg Drawing 

 Draw - .otg Drawing Template 

 Impress - .odp Presentation 

 Impress - .otp Presentation Template 

 Math - .odf Formula Document 

 Writer - .odm Master Document 

 Writer - .odt Text Document 

 Writer - .ott Text Template 

 Writer - .oth Web Template 

Existing references and resources for icons:




AOO.next Flat Desktop Icon Exploration

Submitted by Kevin Grignon 

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-10 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

Icon Set Alt.zip
(54 kB application/zip)
Icons no borders .ico files.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-10 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

Icon Set Round.zip
(80 kB application/zip)
Round Icons .ico files.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation
File attached by  Samer Mansour

aoLogo apacDRK.jpg
(267 kB image/jpeg)
begin to spell apache

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation
File attached by  Samer Mansour

aoLogo 2.jpg
(113 kB image/jpeg)
roll appart with aconnecting ribbon that will . . .

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation
File attached by  Samer Mansour

aoLogoDRK 1.jpg
(74 kB image/jpeg)
Just a simle couple os letters that can

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(336 kB image/jpeg)
sorry its so sketchy but you get the idea. I wanted to offer it but I dont have time to finish it and annimate it.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation
Page  added by Samer Mansour



We're looking for designers to help propose and implement design work required for a branding effort.

How To Participate

1. Subscribe to our public Marketing mailing list by sending an email to marketing-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org and respond to the confirmation email you will then receive.

2. Introduce yourself on the mailing list by sending an email to the Marketing mailing list: market...@openoffice.apache.org

3. Complete Orientation Modules. If you are already familiar with open source projects at Apache, then you can quickly skim over the Level 1 and Level 2 modules and concentrate on the short Introduction to Marketing module. If, however, you are new to Apache, and want a more methodical approach to getting started, then you can start at Level 1 modules first.

4. Register to this wiki in the top right corner.

5. After you join the community you can make your designs available by posting ideas under this wiki page and more complete designs under this wiki page. Send us an e-mail to the marketing list after you make a proposal. Make sure you're subscribed first.

Areas of Focus

We've broken down the areas of focus for branding as child topics to this wiki page. You can see that we have from splash screens to icons to websites.


Apache OpenOffice (AOO) is the re-named and re-homed OpenOffice.org, the second most popular Productivity Software package on the market. Our users number in the tens of millions worldwide. AOO is one of the most important pieces of open source software available today. Being of a type of application that is universally used in computers world wide by people of all ethnicities and localities and from home users and small business through to large enterprise and government.

The OpenOffice community is over ten years old, it spans all time zones, a myriad of cultures and languages and levels of technical sophistication. This creates a vibrancy and atmosphere within the community that is unique to the OOo universe.

The OpenOffice User community shares many of these attributes but is far larger than the volunteer community.


The aim of the project is to provide the Apache OpenOffice Project Management Committee with options for some new branding options for the 4.0 release. Volunteers can use existing branding as a starting point or start entirely afresh.



	An AOO Logo


	Can be altered for use in splash screens, about screens, publications, website, elements in application icons, etc.
	Brand proposals that show more than just a logo, considering placement in the areas of focus such as splash screen and websites.

Criteria For Logo  Branding

There are three criteria for logo proposals.

Primary Requirements must be satisfied in order to be considered, it will be disqualified until it is remedied.
Secondary Considerations are nice to haves, a logo proposal can have none of these yet can be a perfectly fine proposal.
Restrictions must not be satisfied, it will be disqualified until it is remedied.

Primary Requirements:

	Logo submissions must include the source.
	Logos can be as large as the designer wishes, but must be able to scale down and not loose detail. eg.. for website, splash screen, etc.
	Although text in the logo is optional, any font used must be a free and open font. eg. SIL Open Source Fonts. Any font used in the logo must be disclosed upon submission.
	Incorporation of gulls literally or symbolically, but not necessarily the existing shape used in current branding.

Secondary Considerations:

	Can be altered for appending an application version, "Apache OpenOffice 4.0"
	Can be altered for use in splash screens, about screens, publications, website, elements in application icons, etc.


	Cannot use proprietary fonts.
	Cannot resemble other productivity software branding that exist on the market.
	Cannot closely resemble other logo and trademarks by other organizations. eg. gold colored arches, single swoosh, blue thumbs up
	Cannot use the Apache logos or other trademarks.

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Brand Refresh Project Continuation
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (2)

h2. Subject  Were looking for designers to help propose and implement design work required for a branding effort.  h2. How To Participate  1. Subscribe to our public Marketing mailing list by sending an email to *marketing-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org* and respond to the confirmation email you will then receive.  2. Introduce yourself on the mailing list by sending an email to the Marketing mailing list:nbsp; *market...@openoffice.apache.org*  3. *[Complete Orientation Modules|http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/orientation/index.html]*.nbsp; If you are already familiar with open source projects at Apache, then you can quickly skim over the Level 1 and Level 2 modules and concentrate on the short Introduction to Marketing module.nbsp;nbsp; If, however, you are new to Apache, and want a more methodical approach to getting started, then you can start at Level 1 modules first.  4. Register to this wiki in the top right corner.  5. After you join the community you can make your designs available by posting ideas under *[this wiki page|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.x+-+Logo+Explorations]* and more complete designs under *[this wiki page|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO4+-+Complete+Design+Proposals]*. Send us an e-mail to the marketing list after you make a proposal.nbsp; Make sure youre subscribed first.  
h2. Areas of Focus  Weve broken down the areas of focus for branding as child topics to this wiki page.nbsp; You can see that we have from splash screens to icons to websites. 
  h2. Preamble  Apache OpenOffice (AOO) is the re-named and re-homed OpenOffice.org, the second most popular Productivity Software package on the market.nbsp; Our users number in the tens of millions worldwide.nbsp; AOO is one of the most important pieces of open source software available today.nbsp; Being of a type of application that is universally used in computers world wide by people of all ethnicities and localities and from home users and small business through to large enterprise and government.  The OpenOffice community is over ten years old, it spans all time zones, a myriad of cultures and languages and levels of technical sophistication.nbsp; This creates a vibrancy and atmosphere within the community that is unique to the OOo universe.  The OpenOffice User community shares many of these attributes but is far larger than the volunteer community.  h2. Aim  The aim of the project is to provide the Apache OpenOffice Project Management Committee with options for some new branding options for the 4.0 release.nbsp; Volunteers can use existing branding as a starting point or start entirely afresh.  h2. Scope  Required: * An AOO Logo  Considerations: * Can be altered for use in splash screens, about screens, publications, website, elements in application icons, etc. * Brand proposals that show more than just a logo, considering placement in the areas of focus such as splash screen and websites.  h2. Criteria For Logo  Branding  There are three criteria for logo proposals.nbsp;  *Primary Requirements* must be satisfied in order to be considered, it will be disqualified until it is remedied.nbsp; *Secondary Considerations* are nice to haves, a logo proposal can have none of these yet can be a perfectly fine proposal. *Restrictions* must not be satisfied, it will be disqualified until it is remedied.  h3. Primary Requirements:  * Logo submissions must include the source. * Logos can be as large as the designer wishes, but must be able to scale down and not loose detail. eg.. for website, splash screen, etc. * Although text in the logo is optional, any font used must be a free and open font. eg. SIL Open Source Fonts.nbsp; Any font used in the logo must be disclosed upon submission. * Incorporation of gulls literally or symbolically, but not necessarily the existing shape used in current branding.  h3. Secondary Considerations:  * Can be altered for appending an application version, Apache OpenOffice 4.0 * Can be altered for use in splash screens, about screens, publications, website, elements in application icons, etc.  h3. Restrictions:  * Cannot use proprietary fonts. * Cannot resemble other productivity software branding that exist on the market. * Cannot closely resemble other logo and trademarks by other organizations. eg. gold colored arches, single swoosh, blue thumbs up * Cannot use the Apache logos or other trademarks. 

Full Content

Areas of Focus

We've broken down the areas of focus for branding as child topics to this wiki page. You can see that we have from splash screens to icons to websites.


[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(126 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(139 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
Page  added by Samer Mansour


 The splash screen and application launcher are the first things the user will see when starting up Apache OpenOffice. They will also see it everyday. It is important its usable and again consistent with branding.

Application Artifacts

 Current 3.4.1  
 3.4.1 Current Shape  
 4.0 Proposed Shape  

 Splash Screen  
 Unable to render embedded object: File (splash-screen.png) not found. 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (splash-screen-shape-current.png) not found. 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (splash-screen-shape-proposed.png) not found. 
 Inconsistent with standard logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement and size. 
Refers to Incubation 
 - - 
Make brand large single placement. 
Remove verbiage. 
Affiliation above loading bar. 
Move progress bar to bottom, maybe replace with spinning circle. 
Leave splash screen up until start screen is ready.  

 Start Screen  
 Unable to render embedded object: File (start-screen.png) not found. 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (start-screen-shape-current.png) not found. 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (start-screen-shape-proposed.png) not found. 
 Inconsistent logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement and size. 
 - - 
Make branding smaller, single placement. 
Make the modules slightly larger. 
Possibly remove the add ons. 
Possibly in future have recent documents list, recent templates in templates popup. 

 About Screen  
 Unable to render embedded object: File (about-screen.png) not found. 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (about-screen-share-current.png) not found. 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (about-screen-shape-proposed.png) not found. 
 Inconsistent logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement. 
 - - 
Make brand large single placement; Center it. 
Replace area with scrollable text area. 
Change Window Title to "About Apache OpenOffice" 
The spacing issues may have been fixed 

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(173 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(178 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(131 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(171 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(129 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(130 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(125 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (5)

h2. Application Artifacts  
|| || Current 3.4.1 \\ || 3.4.1 Current Shape \\ || 4.0 Proposed Shape \\ || Comments \\ || 
|| || 4.0 \\ || 4.1 Proposal \\ || Comments \\ || 
| Splash Screen | !splash-screen.png|thumbnail,border=1! | !splash-screen-shape-current.png|thumbnail,border=1! | !splash-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Inconsistent with standard logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement and size. \\ Refers to Incubation\! \\ 
Move progress bar to bottom, maybe replace with spinning circle. \\ Leave splash screen up until start screen is ready. \\ | 
| Start Screen | !start-screen.png|thumbnail,border=1! | !start-screen-shape-current.png|thumbnail,border=1! | !start-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Inconsistent logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement and size. \\ \- - - \\ 
Possibly remove the add ons. \\ Possibly in future have recent documents list, recent templates in templates popup. | 
| About Screen | !about-screen.png|thumbnail,border=1! | !about-screen-share-current.png|thumbnail,border=1! | !about-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Inconsistent logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement. \\ \- - - \\ 

Full Content

The splash screen and application launcher are the first things the user will see when starting up Apache OpenOffice. They will also see it everyday. It is important its usable and again consistent with branding.

Application Artifacts

 4.1 Proposal  

 Splash Screen  
 Inconsistent with standard logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement and size. 
Refers to Incubation 
 - - 
Make brand large single placement. 
Remove verbiage. 
Affiliation above loading bar. 
Move progress bar to bottom, maybe replace with spinning circle. 
Leave splash screen up until start screen is ready.  

 Start Screen  
 Inconsistent logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement and size. 
 - - 
Make branding smaller, single placement. 
Make the modules slightly larger. 
Possibly remove the add ons. 
Possibly in future have recent documents list, recent templates in templates popup. 

 About Screen  
 Inconsistent logo. 
Inconsistent branding / placement. 
 - - 
Make brand large single placement; Center it. 
Replace area with scrollable text area. 
Change Window Title to "About Apache OpenOffice" 
The spacing issues may have been fixed 

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (7)

The splash screen and application launcher are the first things the user will see when starting up Apache OpenOffice.nbsp; They will also see it everyday.nbsp; It is important its usable and again consistent with branding.  
In 4.1 only a few changes is proposed to the start screen. (so far ;D, feel free to propose ideas in the comments section below)   
h2. Application Artifacts  || || 4.0 \\ || 4.1 Proposal \\ || Comments \\ || 
| Splash Screen \\ | \\ | !splash-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | Inconsistent with standard logo. \\ Inconsistent branding / placement and size. \\ Refers to Incubation\! \\ \- - - \\ Make brand large single placement. \\ Remove verbiage. \\ Affiliation above loading bar. \\ Move progress bar to bottom, maybe replace with spinning circle. \\ Leave splash screen up until start screen is ready. \\ | | Start Screen \\ | \\ | !start-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | Inconsistent logo. \\ Inconsistent branding / placement and size. \\ \- - - \\ Make branding smaller, single placement. \\ 
| Splash Screen \\ | !http://dynomie.com/ext/SplashScreen.png|border=1,width=200!\\ | No Visual Changes \\ | \\ | | Start Screen \\ | !http://www.dynomie.com/ext/StartScreen.png|border=1,width=200!\\ | \\ | Refresh Icons \\ Drop the three unlabeled icons. New Templates can be found in the Templates... pop up and plug in customization can be done in the File menu options. \\ 
Make the modules slightly larger. \\ 
Possibly remove the add ons. \\ 
Possibly in future have recent documents list, recent templates in a templates popup. | 
| About Screen \\ | \\ | !about-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | Inconsistent logo. \\ Inconsistent branding / placement. \\ \- - - \\ Make brand large single placement; Center it. \\ Replace area with scrollable text area. \\ Change Window Title to About Apache OpenOffice \\ \*The spacing issues may have been fixed | 
| About Screen \\ | | No Visual Changes | | 

Full Content

The splash screen and application launcher are the first things the user will see when starting up Apache OpenOffice. They will also see it everyday. It is important its usable and again consistent with branding.

In 4.1 only a few changes is proposed to the start screen. (so far ;D, feel free to propose ideas in the comments section below)

Application Artifacts

 4.1 Proposal  

 Splash Screen  
 No Visual Changes  

 Start Screen  
 Refresh Icons 
Drop the three unlabeled icons. New Templates can be found in the Templates... pop up and plug in customization can be done in the File menu options. 
Make the modules slightly larger. 
Possibly in future have recent templates in a templates popup. 

 About Screen  

 No Visual Changes 

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Application And Launcher
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (1)

Make the modules slightly larger. \\ Possibly in future have recent templates in a templates popup. | 
| About Screen | !http://dynomie.com/ext/AboutScreen.png|border=1,width=200! | No Visual Changes | | 

Full Content

The splash screen and application launcher are the first things the user will see when starting up Apache OpenOffice. They will also see it everyday. It is important its usable and again consistent with branding.

In 4.1 only a few changes is proposed to the start screen. (so far ;D, feel free to propose ideas in the comments section below)

Application Artifacts

 4.1 Proposal  

 Splash Screen  
 No Visual Changes  

 Start Screen  
 Refresh Icons 
Drop the three unlabeled icons. New Templates can be found in the Templates... pop up and plug in customization can be done in the File menu options. 
Make the modules slightly larger. 
Possibly in future have recent templates in a templates popup. 

 About Screen  
 No Visual Changes 

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

Just Icons.png
(106 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(47 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(48 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
Page  added by Samer Mansour


 I am proposing a new icon set for AOO 4.0 that will make them more usable and recognizable to users.

Our focus should be to be the best user experience, anywhere we can make an improvement is important.
To do this, you need to step out of your shoes and think "if I were a user would I care about X in this context?"

 4.0 Proposed  

 Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Current-Shape.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-ods-256px.png) not found.
This is for documents. 

The Templates are similarly designed 
Rather than the page corner in the top right, its in the bottom right. 
As well the top of the page has a solid color designating it as a template.  
 Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape.png) not found. 
More Usable? Yes. 
 Primary Context (Application Designation - Red). Secondary Context (Application Brand - Green) 
 Corner And Designator Color (keep from old design), user can identify the file type quickly by color and designator. 
 Enlarged Designation, helps color blind and hard of seeing individuals. 
 Mime designation, helps users differentiate file type when the above two fail to help, include when screen space permits MIME Type is not important to this audience, brain-spill-over from my technical side, technical files like .XML  .XSD. Samer. 
 - Additionally, the color of the MIME type could be different for further differentiation of template files. 
 Single gull, or maybe O or circle can satisfy secondary element, less busy yet gets the brand across.  

 Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Current-Shape.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Current-Example-64px.png) not found.
Optimal size, great for showing how fabulous and sophisticated our product is.  
 Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape.png) not found.
At this level we keep the MIME designation but the three characters at a little larger.  

 Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Current-Shape-32px.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Current-Example-32px.png) not found.
At this level we should still be able to see the branding well as well as identifying the file type quickly  
 Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape-32px.png) not found.
At this level we drop the MIME designation, space is limited and mime type becomes less likely to help identify or connect with the user.  

 Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Current-Shape-16px.png) not found. Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Current-Example-16px.png) not found.
At 16px, space is limited, we want to be the least busiest.  
 Unable to render embedded object: File (MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape-16px.png) not found.
Might need to drop the branding to make less busy. (Green) 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience, and that might mean dropping the branding to be much more helpful to the user.  

 Green - Branding (Twin Gulls) 
Red - Application Designation 
Orange - Page Corner (Colored)  
 Green - Branding (Approx 1/8 icon) 
Red - Application Designation (Approx 1/2 icon) 
Orange - Colored Page Corner (Approx 1/8 icon) 
Blue - MIME Designation (Approx 1/8 icon)  

Tools To Complete Task

GIMP - Free - Can exports icon files with varying sizes. Tutorial on layer sizing and exporting: http://www.gimp-tutorials.net/How-to-make-an-icon-from-a-picture

 Current 3.4.1 
256px (click to enlarge)  

 Base - .odb Database Document 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-odb-256px.png) not found. 

 Calc - .ods Spreadsheet 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-ods-256px.png) not found. 

 Calc - .ots Spreadsheet Template 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-ots-256px.png) not found. 

 Draw - .odg Drawing 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-odg-256px.png) not found. 

 Draw - .otg Drawing Template 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-otg-256px.png) not found. 

 Impress - .odp Presentation 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-odp-256px.png) not found. 

 Impress - .otp Presentation Template 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-otp-256px.png) not found. 

 Math - .odf Formula Document 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-odf-266px.png) not found. 

 Writer - .odm Master Document 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-odm-256px.png) not found. 

 Writer - .odt Text Document 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-odt-256px.png) not found. 

 Writer - .ott Text Template 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-ott-256px.png) not found. 

 Writer - .oth Web Template 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (3.4.1-oth-256px.png) not found. 

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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Icon Round Inside.png
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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Just Icons Round.png
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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Icon scale down.png
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Desktop Icons
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (22)

I am proposing a new icon set for AOO 4.01 that will make them more usable and recognizable to users. 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience, anywhere we can make an improvement is important. 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience. To do this, you need to step out of your shoes and think if I were a user would I care about X in this context? 
|| || 3.4.1 \\ || 4.0 Proposed \\ || 
|| || 3.4.1 \\ || 4.1 Proposed \\ || Comments || 
| Shape \\ 256px \\ | !MIME-Icon-Current-Shape.png|border=1!nbsp; !3.4.1-ods-256px.png|border=1!\\ 
This is for documents. \\ 
\\ | !MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape.png|border=1! \\ \\ | This is an example size for document instances.nbsp; The Templates are similarly designed. \\ The top of the icon has a solid color differing and designating it as a template file. \\ 
The Templates are similarly designed \\ Rather than the page corner in the top right, its in the bottom right. \\ As well the top of the page has a solid color designating it as a template.nbsp; \\ | !MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape.png|border=1! \\ 
4.1 Proposed \\ 
More Usable? Yes. Why? 
\- Primary Context (Application Designation - Red). Secondary Context (Application Brand - Green) \\ 
\- Primary Context (Application Designation - Red) has greatest focus. Users dont care to see Secondary Context (Application Branding - Green aka the gulls), its nice to have, but users are fairly familiar that the file will open with Apache OpenOffice, so no need to remind users everyday/ no value added.nbsp; On top it complicates shrunk/smaller icons. A compromise is to drop it from small icons, where its obscure and illegible. \\ 
\- Corner And Designator Color (keep from old design), user can identify the file type quickly by color and designator. \\ \- Enlarged Designation, helps color blind and hard of seeing individuals. \\ 
-\- Mime designation, helps users differentiate file type when the above two fail to help, include when screen space permits-nbsp;   MIME Type is not important to this audience, brain-spill-over from my   technical side, technical files like .XML  .XSD. \-Samer. 
nbsp;nbsp; - Additionally, the color of the MIME type could be different for further differentiation of template files. \\ \- Single gull, or maybe O or circle can satisfy secondary element, less busy yet gets the brand across.\\ 
 \\ Green - Branding (Twin Gulls) \\  Red - Application Designation \\  Orange - Page Corner (Colored)\\ | 
| 64px | !MIME-Icon-Current-Shape.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=64!nbsp; !MIME-Icon-Current-Example-64px.png|border=1!\\ 
\\ | !MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=64!\\ 
| Optimal size, great for showing how fabulous and sophisticated our product is. | !MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=64! -At this level we keep the MIME designation but the three characters at a little larger.- | 
| 32px \\ | !MIME-Icon-Current-Shape-32px.png|border=1! !MIME-Icon-Current-Example-32px.png|border=1!\\ 
\\ | !MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape-32px.png|border=1!\\ 
| At this level we should still be able to see the branding well as well as identifying the file type quickly | !MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape-32px.png|border=1! quickly. -At this level we drop the MIME designation, space is limited and   mime type becomes less likely to help identify or connect with the user.- | 
| 16px \\ | !MIME-Icon-Current-Shape-16px.png|border=1! !MIME-Icon-Current-Example-16px.png|border=1!\\ 
\\ | !MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape-16px.png|border=1!\\ 
| At 16px, space is limited, we want to be the least busiest. | !MIME-Icon-Proposed-Shape-16px.png|border=1! 
 Might need to drop the branding to make less busy. (Green) \\ 
Our focus should be to be the best user experience, and that might mean   dropping the branding to be much more helpful to the user. | 
| Legend \\ | Green - Branding (Twin Gulls) \\ Red - Application Designation \\ Orange - Page Corner (Colored) \\ | Green - Branding (Approx 1/8 icon) \\ Red - Application Designation (Approx 1/2 icon) \\ Orange - Colored Page Corner (Approx 1/8 icon) \\ Blue - MIME Designation (Approx 1/8 icon) \\ | 
 h2. Tools To Complete Task 

Full Content

I am proposing a new icon set for AOO 4.1 that will make them more usable and recognizable to users.

Our focus should be to be the best user experience. To 

[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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Apache OpenOffice - The Free and Open Productivity Suite.jpe
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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Websites
Page  added by Samer Mansour


 We may not need CSS changes or changes to layout specifically. But the logo and branding should become more consistent.

Website's Artifacts

 Currently (Feb 8, 2013) 

 OpenOffice.org Pages 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (openoffice.org-homepage.png) not found.   Unable to render embedded object: File (openoffice.org-download-page.png) not found.   Unable to render embedded object: File (openoffice.org-sub-page.png) not found. 
 Idea, migrate content from openoffice.org into openoffice.apache.org and  have openoffice.org and its children redirect to their migrated pages. 
In time deprecate openoffice.org but own and manager the domain as an alias. 

Unify the navigation paradigm, inconsistent on pages. 
Choose an easier to read font. 

Annoucement banner seems to become a regular piece of the website, is  there a more effective manner to providing this functionality with the  same or better convergence rate yet not be such an eye sore :S Or is  that part of what makes it successful? 

White space seems uneven in the header. Search bar is uneven. 

Any screen captures need to be updated after 4.0 is release if UI is majorly different.  

 Apache Project Page 
 Unable to render embedded object: File (openoffice.apache.org-home-page.png) not found. 
 Possibly migrate content from oo.o site and deprecate to be only used as an alias. 

Unified the navigation paradigm, good. 

Single placement of logo in template.  

 Unable to render embedded object: File (cwiki-homepage.png) not found. 
 Single logo that is placed into the template (I think). 
This might be a confluence wiki setting rather than code change. 
Infra might help here, we would provide replacement logo, it should be sized correctly. 
(Actually we would need to work with Infrastructure and alter the page templates. A project volunteer might be needed during Confluence upgrades.) 

 Unable to render embedded object: File (mwiki-homepage.png) not found. 
 Single logo in template. 

Consistent. Clean feel. 

Home page content seems random.  

 Unable to render embedded object: File (forum-homepage.png) not found.  Unable to render embedded object: File (forum-language-homepage.png) not found. 
 Refers to incubation. 

What is the context of the Google search box. 
There is no words to indicate its purpose. What context am I searching in. 

Language selection is displayed twice. 

Bad logos. 

Icons in forums will need to be updated. 

Inconsistent download badges. 
(This must be addressed by first having dedicated volunteers who understand phpBB. Those volunteers would work with the Forum admins.) 

 Unable to render embedded object: File (bugzilla-homepage.png) not found. 
 Is there a way we can insert a brand logo on the home page? 
Not a big deal, just a visual confirmation to the user they are in the right bug tracker. 
(Once we have a correct logo then we need to contact the Bugzilla admins to find out if these are customizations that easily survive upgrades.) 

 Template and Extension Site Hosted on SourceForge  
 Unable to render embedded object: File (templates-homepage.png) not found.  Unable to render embedded object: File (extensions-homepage.png) not found. 
 Styling almost matches MWiki, positive note. 

Search boxes inconsistent. 

(I believe that these are Drupal based. If asked I am sure that SourceForge would adjust the LF as requested.)  

 Other Language Sites  

 Try to create a design that unifies these pages for announcements. Helps our translators.  











 Complete List  


Idea use Pootle for website translation as well.

AOO Pootle Instance: https://translate.apache.org/projects/OOo_34/

Translation tool and Documentation:



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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Websites

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Websites
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (22)

Websites Artifacts || || Currently (Feb 8, 2013) || Comment \\ || 
| OpenOffice.org Pages | !openoffice.org-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1! \\  !openoffice.org-download-page.png|thumbnail,border=1! \\  !openoffice.org-sub-page.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Idea, migrate content from openoffice.org into openoffice.apache.org and  have openoffice.org and its children redirect to their migrated pages.nbsp; \\ In time deprecate openoffice.org but own and manager the domain as an alias. \\ 
  | OpenOffice.org 
 \\ www.openoffice.org\\ | !http://dynomie.com/ext/oo.orghome.png|border=1,width=200! \\ | Keep openoffice.org as end-user website.\\  \\ Favicon update\!\\  \\ 
Unify the navigation paradigm, inconsistent on pages. \\ 
Choose an easier to read font. \\ 
Announcement banner seems to become a regular piece of the website, is  there a more effective manner to providing this functionality with the  same or better convergence rate yet not be such an eye sore :S Or is  that part of what makes it successful? 
\\ White space seems uneven in the header. Search bar is uneven. \\ \\ Any screen captures need to be updated after 4.0 is release if UI is majorly different.\\ 
| Apache Project Page | !openoffice.apache.org-home-page.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Possibly migrate content from oo.o site and deprecate to be only used as an alias. \\ 
 \\ Above can be summed up with \- NEW TEMPLATE SWEET BABY JESUS ughhh-hummm sorry (Samer). Consider initializr/bootstrap \:D \\ | | Apache Project Page\\  \\ www.openoffice.apache.org\\ | !openoffice.apache.org-home-page.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Keep openoffice.apache.org as the project home. \\ 
Unified the navigation paradigm, good. \\ 
 *Logo is updated,* old screen cap here\\ 
Single placement of logo in template. \\ | 
Navigation paradigm not aweful\! Lower priority\!\\ | | CWiki\\  \\ 
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/ | CWiki | !cwiki-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Single logo that is placed into the template (I think). 
This might be a confluence wiki setting rather than code change. \\ Infra might help here, we would provide replacement logo, it should be sized correctly. \\ (Actually we would need to work with Infrastructure and alter the page templates. A project volunteer might be needed during Confluence upgrades.) | 
| MWiki \\  \\ 
http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Main_Page | MWiki | !mwiki-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Single logo in template. 
\\ Consistent.nbsp; Clean feel. \\ \\ Home page content seems random. \\ | 
| Forum \\ | !forum-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\  !forum-language-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | Refers to incubation. \\ 
| Forum \\  \\ http://forum.openoffice.org/ \\ | !forum-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=200!\\  !forum-language-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | -Refers to incubation.- No Longer, screen cap is old. \\ 
What is the context of the Google search box.nbsp; 
There is no words to indicate its purpose. What context am I searching in. \\ \\ Language selection is displayed twice. \\ \\ 
Bad logos. logos\! 
\\ Icons in forums will need to be updated. \\ 
Inconsistent download badges. \\ (This must be addressed by first having dedicated volunteers who understand phpBB. Those volunteers would work with the Forum admins.) | 
| Bugzilla \\  \\ 
https://issues.apache.org/ooo/ | Bugzilla | !bugzilla-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Is there a way we can insert a brand logo on the home page? 
Not a big deal, just a visual confirmation to the user they are in the right bug tracker. \\ 
 \\ Low Priority (-Samer) \\ | | Template and Extension Site Hosted on SourceForge \\  \\ 
(Once we have a correct logo then we need to contact the Bugzilla admins to find out if these are customizations that easily survive upgrades.)\\ 
http://extensions.openoffice.org/ | Template and Extension Site Hosted on SourceForge | !templates-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1! !extensions-homepage.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Styling almost matches MWiki, positive note. 
\\ Search boxes inconsistent. \\ 

Full Content

We may not need CSS changes or changes to layout specifically. But the logo and branding should become more consistent.

Website's Artifacts


[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4 - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4 - Installation
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (7)

h2. Installation Artifacts  
|| || Current 3.4.1 || Proposed 4.01 || Comment || 
| Set Up Icon | !set-up-icon.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Just an update to the logo.\\  Keep the arrow.\\ | Excellent Icon \\ | 
| Set Up Icon | | No Change \\ | Excellent Icon \\ | 
| Unpacker | !install-screen.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Change text from OpenOffice.org to Apache OpenOffice 
Same with window title. \\
Remove incubation status and references. \\
Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo. \\
Remove the globe Logo. | Refers to Incubation\! \\ 
Inconsistent with branding. \\ | 
| Unpack Directory | !install-screen-2.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Fix the logo area so its not bleeding. | Inconsistent with branding. 
Position seems a little off. \\ | 
| Installer | !install-screen-3.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Change text from OpenOffice.org to Apache OpenOffice 
Same with window title. \\
Remove incubation status and references. \\
Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo. \\
Remove the globe Logo. | Refers to Incubation\! \\ 
Inconsistent with branding. \\ | 
| Installer Wizard | !install-screen-4.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Its fine layout wise, will just get new logo. | Inconsistent with branding. | 

Full Content

Installation is important because this is the software equivalent to an un-boxing. This is the user's first impression

Many commercial products use the installation wizard to promote products and their features. Luckily AOO installs pretty quick so the user won't be spending time here

But on the wizard screens we would need to update the branding so that it clean, crispy and consistent with branding.

Installation Artifacts

 Current 3.4.1  
 Proposed 4.1  

 Set Up Icon 

 No Change  
 Excellent Icon  

 Change text from "OpenOffice.org" to "Apache OpenOffice" 
Same with window title. 
Remove incubation status and references. 
Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo. 
Remove the globe Logo. 
 Refers to Incubation 
Inconsistent with branding.  

 Unpack Directory 
 Fix the logo area so its not bleeding. 
 Inconsistent with branding. 
Position seems a little off.  

 Change text from "OpenOffice.org" to "Apache OpenOffice" 
Same with window title. 
Remove incubation status and references. 
Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo. 
Remove the globe Logo. 
 Refers to Incubation 
Inconsistent with branding.  

 Installer Wizard  
 Its fine layout wise, will just get new logo.  
 Inconsistent with branding. 

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1x - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1x - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1x - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1x - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1x - Installation
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(160 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Installation
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (12)

Low priority/No work needs to be focused on the 4.1 cycle on the installer. Minor changes for consistency sake.   
Installation is important because this is the software equivalent to an un-boxing.nbsp; This is the users first impression\!  
Many commercial products use the installation wizard to promote products and their features.nbsp; Luckily AOO installs pretty quick so the user wont be spending time here\!  
But on the wizard screens we would need to update the branding so that it clean, crispy and consistent with branding. Done\! 
 h2. Installation Artifacts  
|| || Current 3.4.1 4.0.1 || Proposed 4.1 || Comment || 
| Set Up Icon | !http://dynomie.com/ext/iconinstall.png|border=1! | No Change | Excellent Icon | 
| Unpacker \\ | \\ | Change text from OpenOffice.org to Apache OpenOffice \\ Same with window title. \\ Remove incubation status and references. \\ Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo. \\ Remove the globe Logo. | Refers to Incubation\! \\ 
| Unpacker \\ | !http://dynomie.com/ext/install1.png|border=1,width=200!\\ | Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. \-Samer\\ 
Low Priority | Inconsistent with branding. | 
| Unpack Directory | \\ | Fix the logo area so its not bleeding. | Inconsistent with branding. \\ Position seems a little off. \\ | | Installer \\ | \\ | Change text from OpenOffice.org to Apache OpenOffice \\ Same with window title. \\ Remove incubation status and references. \\ Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo. \\ Remove the globe Logo. | Refers to Incubation\! \\ 
| Unpack Directory | !http://dynomie.com/ext/install2.png|border=1,width=200!\\ | No Changes\\ | \\ | | Installer \\ | !http://dynomie.com/ext/install3.png|border=1,width=200!\\ \\ | Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. \-Samer\\ 
Low Priority | Inconsistent with branding. | 
| Installer Wizard \\ | \\ | Its fine layout wise, will just get new logo. \\ | Inconsistent with branding. | 
| Installer Wizard \\ | !http://dynomie.com/ext/install4.png|border=1,width=200!\\ | No Changes \\ | \\ | 

Full Content

Low priority/No work needs to be focused on the 4.1 cycle on the installer. Minor changes for consistency sake.

Installation is important because this is the software equivalent to an un-boxing. This is the user's first impression

Many commercial products use the installation wizard to promote products and their features. Luckily AOO installs pretty quick so the user won't be spending time here

But on the wizard screens we would need to update the branding so that it clean, crispy and consistent with branding. Done

Installation Artifacts

 Proposed 4.1  

 Set Up Icon 
 No Change  
 Excellent Icon  

 Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. Samer
 Low Priority 
 Inconsistent with branding. 

 Unpack Directory 
 No Changes 

 Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. Samer
 Low Priority 
 Inconsistent with branding. 

 Installer Wizard  
 No Changes  

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1x - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1x - Installation
Page  added by Samer Mansour


 Low priority/No work needs to be focused on the 4.1 cycle on the installer. Minor changes for consistency sake.

Installation is important because this is the software equivalent to an un-boxing. This is the user's first impression

Many commercial products use the installation wizard to promote products and their features. Luckily AOO installs pretty quick so the user won't be spending time here

But on the wizard screens we would need to update the branding so that it clean, crispy and consistent with branding. Done

Installation Artifacts

 Proposed 4.1  

 Set Up Icon 
 No Change  
 Excellent Icon  

 Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. Samer
 Low Priority 
 Inconsistent with branding. 

 Unpack Directory 
 No Changes 

 Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. Samer
 Low Priority 
 Inconsistent with branding. 

 Installer Wizard  
 No Changes  

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1x - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1x - Installation
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(130 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1x - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1x - Installation
File attached by  Samer Mansour

(49 kB image/png)

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4.1 - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4.1 - Installation
Page edited by Samer Mansour

 Changes (0)


Full Content

Low priority/No work needs to be focused on the 4.1 cycle on the installer. Minor changes for consistency sake.

Installation is important because this is the software equivalent to an un-boxing. This is the user's first impression

Many commercial products use the installation wizard to promote products and their features. Luckily AOO installs pretty quick so the user won't be spending time here

But on the wizard screens we would need to update the branding so that it clean, crispy and consistent with branding. Done

Installation Artifacts

 Proposed 4.1  

 Set Up Icon 
 No Change  
 Excellent Icon  

 Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. Samer
 Low Priority 
 Inconsistent with branding. 

 Unpack Directory 
 No Changes 

 Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. Samer
 Low Priority 
 Inconsistent with branding. 

 Installer Wizard  
 No Changes  

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[CONF] Apache OpenOffice Community AOO4 - Installation

2013-10-04 Thread Samer Mansour (Confluence)

AOO4 - Installation
Page edited by Samer Mansour

Reverted from v. 3

 Changes (10)

Low priority/No work needs to be focused on the 4.1 cycle on the installer. Minor changes for consistency sake.   
Installation is important because this is the software equivalent to an un-boxing.nbsp; This is the users first impression\!  
Many commercial products use the installation wizard to promote products and their features.nbsp; Luckily AOO installs pretty quick so the user wont be spending time here\!  
But on the wizard screens we would need to update the branding so that it clean, crispy and consistent with branding. Done\! 
 h2. Installation Artifacts  
|| || 4.0.1 \\ || Proposed 4.1 \\ || Comment \\ || | Set Up Icon | !http://dynomie.com/ext/iconinstall.png|border=1! | No Change \\ | Excellent Icon \\ | | Unpacker \\ | !http://dynomie.com/ext/install1.png|border=1,width=200!\\ | Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. \-Samer\\ 
|| || Current 3.4.1 \\ || Proposed 4.0\\ || Comment \\ || | Set Up Icon | !set-up-icon.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Just an update to the logo.\\  Keep the arrow.\\ | Excellent Icon \\ | | Unpacker \\ | !install-screen.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Change text from OpenOffice.org to Apache OpenOffice\\  Same with window title.\\  Remove incubation status and references.\\  Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo.\\  Remove the globe Logo. | Refers to Incubation\! \\ 
Low Priority | Inconsistent with branding. | 
| Unpack Directory | !http://dynomie.com/ext/install2.png|border=1,width=200!\\ | No Changes\\ | \\ | | Installer \\ | !http://dynomie.com/ext/install3.png|border=1,width=200!\\ \\ | Not gonna cry but the logo is not consistent. \-Samer\\ 
| Unpack Directory | !install-screen-2.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Fix the logo area so its not bleeding. | Inconsistent with branding. \\ Position seems a little off. \\ | | Installer \\ | !install-screen-3.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Change text from OpenOffice.org to Apache OpenOffice\\  Same with window title.\\  Remove incubation status and references.\\  Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo.\\  Remove the globe Logo. | Refers to Incubation\! \\ 
Low Priority | Inconsistent with branding. | 
| Installer Wizard \\ | !http://dynomie.com/ext/install4.png|border=1,width=200!\\ | No Changes \\ | \\ | 
| Installer Wizard \\ | !install-screen-4.png|thumbnail,border=1! | Its fine layout wise, will just get new logo.\\ | Inconsistent with branding. | 

Full Content

Installation is important because this is the software equivalent to an un-boxing. This is the user's first impression

Many commercial products use the installation wizard to promote products and their features. Luckily AOO installs pretty quick so the user won't be spending time here

But on the wizard screens we would need to update the branding so that it clean, crispy and consistent with branding.

Installation Artifacts

 Current 3.4.1  
 Proposed 4.0 

 Set Up Icon 
 Just an update to the logo.
 Keep the arrow. 
 Excellent Icon  

 Change text from "OpenOffice.org" to "Apache OpenOffice"
 Same with window title.
 Remove incubation status and references.
 Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo.
 Remove the globe Logo. 
 Refers to Incubation 
Inconsistent with branding.  

 Unpack Directory 
 Fix the logo area so its not bleeding. 
 Inconsistent with branding. 
Position seems a little off.  

 Change text from "OpenOffice.org" to "Apache OpenOffice"
 Same with window title.
 Remove incubation status and references.
 Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo.
 Remove the globe Logo. 
 Refers to Incubation 
Inconsistent with branding.  

 Installer Wizard  
 Its fine layout wise, will just get new logo. 
 Inconsistent with branding. 

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