[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report September 2014

2014-09-01 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Status Report September 2014   

Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.

  New Releases: Apache Sling Default GET Servlets 2.1.10, Apache Sling Explorer 1.0.4 (September 1st, 2014)  
 New Releases: Apache Sling JSON Library 2.0.8, and Apache Sling Default POST Servlets 2.3.6 (August 28th, 2014)
New Releases: Apache Sling Commons Mime 2.1.6, and Apache Sling Commons OSGi 2.2.2 (August 19th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Tenant 1.0.2 (August 18th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Query 2.0.0 (August 11th, 2014)
New Releases: Apache Sling Auth Core 1.1.8, Apache Sling Auth Selector 1.0.6, Apache Sling Form Based Authentication 1.0.6, and Apache Sling OpenID Authentication 1.0.4 (August 11th, 2014)
New Releases: Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.12 (August 8st, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Parent 20 (August 1st, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling IDE Tooling 1.0.2 (June 29th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Bundle JCR Install Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Tooling Support Install 1.0.0 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Bundle Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Servlet Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0 (July 1st, 2014)


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[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report September 2014

2014-08-28 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Status Report September 2014   

 Comment: Updated release list 

Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.

New Releases: Apache Sling JSON Library 2.0.8, and Apache Sling Default POST Servlets 2.3.6 (August 28th, 2014) 
 New Releases: Apache Sling Commons Mime 2.1.6, and Apache Sling Commons OSGi 2.2.2 (August 19th, 2014) 
 New Release: Apache Sling Tenant 1.0.2 (August 18th, 2014) 
 New Release: Apache Sling Query 2.0.0 (August 11th, 2014) 
 New Releases: Apache Sling Auth Core 1.1.8, Apache Sling Auth Selector 1.0.6, Apache Sling Form Based Authentication 1.0.6, and Apache Sling OpenID Authentication 1.0.4 (August 11th, 2014) 
 New Releases: Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.12 (August 8st, 2014) 
 New Release: Apache Sling Parent 20 (August 1st, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling IDE Tooling 1.0.2 (June 29th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Bundle JCR Install Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Tooling Support Install 1.0.0 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Bundle Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Servlet Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0 (July 1st, 2014)


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[CONF] Apache Sling MultiTenancy Scenarios and Usecases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)


Stefan Seifert hat eine Seite erstellt:

MultiTenancy Scenarios and Usecases   


 MultiTenancy Status Quo (August 2014) 
 Definition of terms 

MultiTenancy Status Quo (August 2014)
Resources and discussion on MultiTenancy in Sling from the last months:

Current implementation of Sling Tenant: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/contrib/extensions/tenant 
Other Wiki pages:

 Multitenancy Support (First draft Felix Meschberger from 2009)
 Multitenancy Support Integration (proposal from Andreas Schaefer from February 2014)
Recent discussions in the Mailing list:

RT from Carsten Ziegeler: http://apache-sling.73963.n3.nabble.com/RT-Multi-Tenancy-td4037558.html 
Proposal from Andreas Schaefer: http://apache-sling.73963.n3.nabble.com/Tenant-Implementation-in-Sling-td4031217.html 

Definition of terms

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[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)

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[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)


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Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases hinzu


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[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)


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Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases hinzu


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[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)


Stefan Seifert bearbeitete die Seite:

Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases   

After reviewing the discussions in the mailing lists there seem to be two major usecases that have the need for a Multitenancy support. Although there have some shared requirements, both have a set of special requirements with some complexity to implement that are not so relevant for the other. Of course mixes of both scenarios are possible as well.// TODO 
 Virtual Hosting Scenario 
 Image Added 
 In this scenario Sling is used for virtual hosting, that means hosting multiple tenants that should be fully isolated.The main goal according to the wikipedia definition is cost saving, that means instead of a single sling instance and the corresponding infrastructure for each tenant all tenants are hosted in a shared instance. There is no need for content sharing. Usually the users of each tenant are distinct from each other. 
 Massive Multi Site Scenario 
 Image Added 
 In this scenario the whole instance is used by one corporation which has the need to host a huge number of sites (e.g. 100 or 1,000 or more sites) in a single instance. Besides cost saving of having a single instance, additional goals are the support of content sharing. Although there are some users that have only access to a single site, there are plenty of users that can have access to multiple sites (read/write or only read). To structure the huge number of sites a hierarchy of regions and subregions is used. 

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)
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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)


Stefan Seifert bearbeitete die Seite:

Multitenancy Scenarios and Usecases   


 Virtual Hosting Scenario 
 Massive Multi Site Scenario 

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Image RemovedImage Added

  In this scenario Sling is used for virtual hosting, that means hosting multiple tenants that should be fully isolated.   The main goal according to the wikipedia definition is cost saving, that means instead of a single sling instance and the corresponding infrastructure for each tenant all tenants are hosted in a shared instance. There is no need for content sharing.   Usually the users of each tenant are distinct from each other.  
  In this scenario the whole instance is used by one corporation which has the need to host a huge number of sites (e.g. 100 or 1,000 or more sites) in a single instance.   Besides cost saving of having a single instance, additional goals are the support of content sharing. Although there are some users that have only access to a single site, there are plenty of users that can have access to multiple sites (read/write or only read).   To structure the huge number of sites a hierarchy of regions and subregions is used.  


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[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy scenarios and use cases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)
 It may be required to adapt certain configuration settings per region and/or site 


 Usage of admin session in code is problematic, because it gives access to all custom scripts and all content of other tenants 
 All code uploaded by tenants has to be considered potentially malicious, the tenants do not trust each other 
 A Tenant Admin user concept is required 

 Usage of admin session is not problematic, because all code is maintained and governed centrally 


 It is required to be able to adapt certain configuration settings on a tenant level 
 It may be required to to define separate configuration for different sites of a tenant as well 

 It is required to support configurations on multiple levels - globally, regions, sub-regions, sites 
 Configuration inheritance between the levels is required 
 Access to the different configuration levels can be controlled by ACLs 

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy scenarios and use cases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)

Bundles are deployed globally, all regions and sites can use them
It may be required to adapt certain configuration settings per region and/or site


Usage of admin session in code is problematic, because it gives access to all custom scripts and all content of other tenants
All code uploaded by tenants has to be considered potentially malicious, the tenants do not trust each other
A Tenant Admin user concept is required

Usage of admin session is not problematic, because all code is maintained and governed centrally


It is required to be able to adapt certain configuration settings on a tenant level
It may be required to to define separate configuration for different sites of a tenant as well

It is required to support configurations on multiple levels - globally, regions, sub-regions, sites
Configuration inheritance between the levels is required
Access to the different configuration levels can be controlled by ACLs

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy scenarios and use cases

2014-08-12 Thread Stefan Seifert (Confluence)


Stefan Seifert bearbeitete die Seite:

Multitenancy scenarios and use cases   


Current implementation of Sling Tenant: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/contrib/extensions/tenant (no documentation available besides the source code currently)
Other Wiki pages:

 Multitenancy Support (First draft Felix Meschberger from 2009)
 Multitenancy Support Integration (proposal from Andreas Schaefer from February 2014)
Recent discussions in the Mailing list:

RT from Carsten Ziegeler (August 24): http://apache-sling.73963.n3.nabble.com/RT-Multi-Tenancy-td4037558.html 
Proposal from Andreas Schaefer (February 2014): http://apache-sling.73963.n3.nabble.com/Tenant-Implementation-in-Sling-td4031217.html 


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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report September 2014

2014-07-01 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Status Report September 2014   

 Comment: New Release: Apache Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0 (July 1st, 2014) 


New Release: Apache Sling Bundle JCR Install Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Tooling Support Install 1.0.0 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Bundle Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Servlet Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
 New Release: Apache Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0 (July 1st, 2014) 

Documentation and infrastructure

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[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report September 2014

2014-06-05 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu created a page:

Status Report September 2014   

 September Board Report (not submitted)
Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.
There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.
Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.

New Release: Apache Sling Bundle JCR Install Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Tooling Support Install 1.0.0 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Bundle Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)
New Release: Apache Sling Servlet Archetype 1.0.2 (June 4th, 2014)

Documentation and infrastructure

Website has moved to Apache CMS
Dist folder has moved to svn

Project Branding is tracked in SLING-2696.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-06-05 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Known issue - SLING-3644 


  SLING-3586 - Publishing content fails if intermediate nodes are not present in the repository . The workaround is to manually create the missing nodes in the repository .
 SLING-3591 - Unable to delete all nodes of a full coverage aggregate . The workaround is to manually delete the child nodes .
 SLING-3573 - Local resources which are no longer present in the repository are not deleted when importing . The workaround is to manually delete the workspace files .
 SLING-3644 - Improve handling of binary properties outside nt:file file nodes. Currently there is no workaround, but in practice this is not an often-encountered situation. 


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[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report June 2014

2014-06-04 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (Confluence)

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


 sling-ide-tooling-server-definition.png  - 48 kB PNG File 

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


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Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

The tooling supports content and bundle modules. Content modules typically hold Sling scripts - like JSP and ESP files, client-side resources like CSS and JSS file, but also arbitrary repository content. Content modules support support setting JCR properties for nodes other than nodes and files, based on the FileVault serialization format. You can read mode about FileVault atthe Apache Jackkrabit FileVault docs Bundle modules represent a single OSGi bundle.

port: used for connecting to the server
publishing interval: controls how fast the resources will be published after a change. We recommend setting the interval to 0, for fast deploy times
username, password, context path: controls the connection details to the CQ Sling instance.
debug port: used for connecting in debug mode

 Image Removed 
 For working with OSGi bundles, a special support bundle must be installed to support fast bundle redeployment. If it is not present, you can install it using the hyperlink from the Install section. 
 Image Added 
You can now connect to the server
Filtering topics - including filter.xml definition
Bundle sync
 The only requirement for bundle projects is that they are Java projects which generate an exploded OSGi bundle in their output directory. That requires at least a valid OSGi Manifest located in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, but typically one of more Java classes. Other   auxiliary files, such as Declarative Service descriptors, must also be placed under the project's output directory. 
Gathering debug information

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


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Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Basic documentation for bundle sync 

The only requirement for bundle projects is that they are Java projects which generate an exploded OSGi bundle in their output directory. That requires at least a valid OSGi Manifest located in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, but typically one of more Java classes. Other  auxiliary files, such as Declarative Service descriptors, must also be placed under the project's output directory.
 To mark a project as being a Sling bundle, right click it in the Project Explorer and Select Configure - Convert to Sling Bundle Project... . A dialog will appear with all the candidate Sling bundle project from the workspace so that you can quickly select multiple projects. 
 Image Added 
 The final step is to open the Servers view and use the Add and Remove... dialog to add the newly created modules to the server. 
 Image Added 
 After OSGi bundle projects are deployed, each change will cause the bundle to be redeployed on the server. 
Gathering debug information

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

You can now connect to the server
Content sync
 Filtering topics - including filter.xml definition 
 Content projects are required to have at least 

 a jcr_root directory, which contains the serialized content of the repository 
 a META-INF/vault/filter.xml file, which contains the workspace filter definition 

 All changes performed in the local workspace are synchronized to the repository, given that they are included in the workspace filter definition. 
 Converting existing projects 
 To mark a project as being a Sling content module, click it in the Project Explorer and Select Configure - Convert to Sling Content Project... . A dialog will pop up and will ask you to confirm the inferred location of the jcr_root directory. You can also change this from the project properties, the Sling page. 
 filter.xml - workspace filter definition 
 A content project does not synchronize all its contents to the workspace. Instead, it looks for a filter.xml file which defines which content is included in synchronization operations. More information about the filter.xml file format and semantics can be found at FileVault docs - Workspace Filter 
Bundle sync
The only requirement for bundle projects is that they are Java projects which generate an exploded OSGi bundle in their output directory. That requires at least a valid OSGi Manifest located in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, but typically one of more Java classes. Other auxiliary files, such as Declarative Service descriptors, must also be placed under the project's output directory.
 Converting existing projects 
To mark a project as being a Sling bundle module, right click it in the Project Explorer and Select Configure - Convert to Sling Bundle Project... . A dialog will appear with all the candidate Sling bundle project from the workspace so that you can quickly select multiple projects.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

To mark a project as being a Sling content module, click it in the Project Explorer and Select Configure - Convert to Sling Content Project... . A dialog will pop up and will ask you to confirm the inferred location of the jcr_root directory. You can also change this from the project properties, the Sling page.
 Content navigator 
 In the Project Explorer view there is an additional 'jcr_root' contribution to the project. It is denoted by a folder icon with a small web overlay. This contribution provides a logical view over the repository content, taking into account JCR metadata. As such, .content.xml files will be folded into the corresponding node. 
 Image Added 
 Node properties can be edited in a distinct JCR properties view. 
 Image Added 
filter.xml - workspace filter definition

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Creating a new bundle project 

The only requirement for bundle projects is that they are Java projects which generate an exploded OSGi bundle in their output directory. That requires at least a valid OSGi Manifest located in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, but typically one of more Java classes. Other auxiliary files, such as Declarative Service descriptors, must also be placed under the project's output directory.
 Creating a new bundle project 
 Creating a new Sling bundle project is easily done by using the new Sling Bundle Project Wizard. This wizard is only available when the Maven-based integration is installed. To kick off, start by selected File - New - Project and select Sling Bundle Project under the Sling category. 
 Image Added 
 The next page allows you to select the archetype to use. It's recommended to select the latest version of the archetype. 
 Image Added 
 You will be asked to configure the archetype's properties. 
 Image Added 
 Finally, you can select whether to add the project to an existing server or create a new one. 
 Image Added 
 Once you press finish, the project will be created and deployed to the server. 
Converting existing projects

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


 sling-ide-new-content-project.png  - 28 kB PNG File 

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Creating a new content project 

All changes performed in the local workspace are synchronized to the repository, given that they are included in the workspace filter definition.
 Creating a new content project 
 Creating a new Sling content project is easily done by using the new Sling Content Project Wizard. To kick off, start by selected File - New - Project and select Sling Content Project under the Sling category. 
 Image Added 
 You will then be asked to name the project and select its location. 
 Image Added 
 Finally, you can select whether to add the project to an existing server or create a new one. 
 Image Added 
 Once you press finish, the project will be created and deployed to the server. 
Converting existing projects

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Added known issues 

One often-occuring situation is that a Maven project using the maven-scr-plugin generates the descriptors outside of target/classes, typically in target/scr-plugin-generated. To fix this, make sure that you're using the maven-scr-plugin 1.15.0 or newer and that you have not set a custom outputDirectory.
 Known issues 
 The content sync implementation tries to mimic the FileVault semantics as closely as possible. However, it is possible that some more exotic content structures will not be handled properly. Some of the problems we're are of are: 

  SLING-3586 - Publishing content fails if intermediate nodes are not present in the repository . The workaround is to manually create the missing nodes in the repository . 
 SLING-3591 - Unable to delete all nodes of a full coverage aggregate . The workaround is to manually delete the child nodes . 
 SLING-3573 - Local resources which are no longer present in the repository are not deleted when importing . The workaround is to manually delete the workspace files . 


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Deploying projects on the server 

A content project does not synchronize all its contents to the workspace. Instead, it looks for a filter.xml file which defines which content is included in synchronization operations. More information about the filter.xml file format and semantics can be found at FileVault docs - Workspace Filter 
 Deploying projects on the server 
 To deploy a project on the server, open the Servers view and use the Add and Remove... dialog to add one or more modules. 
 Image Added 
 After content projects are deployed, each change will cause the changed resources to be updated in the repository. 
Bundle sync
The only requirement for bundle projects is that they are Java projects which generate an exploded OSGi bundle in their output directory. That requires at least a valid OSGi Manifest located in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, but typically one of more Java classes. Other auxiliary files, such as Declarative Service descriptors, must also be placed under the project's output directory.
To mark a project as being a Sling bundle module, right click it in the Project Explorer and Select Configure - Convert to Sling Bundle Project... . A dialog will appear with all the candidate Sling bundle project from the workspace so that you can quickly select multiple projects.
 The final step is to  
 Deploying projects on the server 
 To deploy a project on the server, open the Servers view and use the Add and Remove... dialog to add the newly created modules to the serverone or more modules.
After OSGi bundle projects are deployed, each change will cause the bundle to be redeployed on the server.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


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Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


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Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-26 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Manual content sync 

After content projects are deployed, each change will cause the changed resources to be updated in the repository.
 Manual content sync 
 It is possible to manually import/export content from/to the repository. The precondition is that the content project must be associated with a started Sling launchpad server. The actions are available on the project root, or on any child resource under the jcr_root folder. 
 The export wizard is available under the Sling - Export Content ... action. 
 Image Added 
 The import wizard is available under the Sling - Export Content ... action. 
 Image Added 
Bundle sync
The only requirement for bundle projects is that they are Java projects which generate an exploded OSGi bundle in their output directory. That requires at least a valid OSGi Manifest located in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, but typically one of more Java classes. Other auxiliary files, such as Declarative Service descriptors, must also be placed under the project's output directory.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-23 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


 sling-ide-tooling-missing-scr-descriptor.png  - 32 kB PNG File 

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-23 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Updated troubleshooting to reflect SLING-3550 

Additional information can be obtained by enabling the Eclipse platform tracing facility. To do so, open the Eclipse preferences and navigate to General - Tracing. Make sure that 'Enable tracing' is checked and all options under 'Sling IDE Tooling' are enabled.
 My bundle is deployed, but services are not picked up 
 Why do I get an errror about No SCR descriptor found at...? 
Bundle deployment assumes that the OSGi bundle is packaged into the project's output directory. This includes:

the manifest
compiled class files
Declarative Services descriptor 



One often-occuring situation is that a Maven project using the maven-scr-plugin generates the descriptors outside of target/classes, typically in target/scr-plugin-generated. The fix is to either configure the maven-scr-plugin to generate its descriptors under target-classes, by settings its outputDirectory , or to update to To fix this, make sure that you're using the maven-scr-plugin 1.15.0 or newer , which places the SCR descriptors under target/classes by defaultand that you have not set a custom outputDirectory.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-23 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

Why do I get an errror about No SCR descriptor found at...?
 Image Added 
Bundle deployment assumes that the OSGi bundle is packaged into the project's output directory. This includes:

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-23 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: typo 

Additional information can be obtained by enabling the Eclipse platform tracing facility. To do so, open the Eclipse preferences and navigate to General - Tracing. Make sure that 'Enable tracing' is checked and all options under 'Sling IDE Tooling' are enabled.
 Why do I get an errror about No  
 DS descriptor found at...? 
Bundle deployment assumes that the OSGi bundle is packaged into the project's output directory. This includes:

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-20 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

You can now connect to the server
Content sync
 Filtering topics - including filter.xml definition 
Bundle sync

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-15 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

Bundle sync
 All operations that are performed on the Sling launchpad are logged in the Sling console. To view these operations, open the Eclipse console view and select Open Console - Sling Console. 
 Image Added 
 Additional information can be obtained by enabling the Eclipse platform tracing facility. To do so, open the Eclipse preferences and navigate to General - Tracing. Make sure that 'Enable tracing' is checked and all options under 'Sling IDE Tooling' are enabled. 
 Image Added 

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-14 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-13 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu added a file to the page
Sling IDE tooling User Guide


 sling-ide-tooling-console.png  - 29 kB PNG File 

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-13 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

Bundle sync
 Gathering debug information 
All operations that are performed on the Sling launchpad are logged in the Sling console. To view these operations, open the Eclipse console view and select Open Console - Sling Console.
Additional information can be obtained by enabling the Eclipse platform tracing facility. To do so, open the Eclipse preferences and navigate to General - Tracing. Make sure that 'Enable tracing' is checked and all options under 'Sling IDE Tooling' are enabled.
 My bundle is deployed, but services are not picked up 
 Bundle deployment assumes that the OSGi bundle is packaged into the project's output directory. This includes: 

 the manifest 
 compiled class files 
 Declarative Services descriptor 

 For now there is no validation if anything is missing. One often-occuring situation is that a Maven project using the maven-scr-plugin generates the descriptors outside of target/classes, typically in target/scr-plugin-generated. The fix is to either configure the maven-scr-plugin to generate its descriptors under target-classes, by settings its outputDirectory , or to update to the maven-scr-plugin 1.15.0 or newer, which places the SCR descriptors under target/classes by default. 

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling IDE tooling User Guide

2014-05-13 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu edited the page:

Sling IDE tooling User Guide   

 Comment: Juno - Kepler 

The Sling IDE tooling is known to work on Eclipse versions starting with IndigoKepler. There is a hard dependency on the faceted project framework, which is included in the 'Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers' package. If you're running a different package, you can always install it from the main Eclipse update site.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Replication - HTTP API (proposal)

2014-03-21 Thread Tommaso Teofili (Confluence)

API Implementation
Custom servlets vs Standard servlets

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[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report March 2014

2014-03-07 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (Confluence)


Carsten Ziegeler bearbeitete die Seite:

Status Report March 2014   

Last PMC member addition was Mike Mueller, September 2010.

 Apache Sling Commons Log 4.0.0, Apache Sling Security 1.0.0, Apache Sling JCR Registration 1.0.0, Apache Sling Bundle Resource 2.2.20, Apache Sling JCR Base 2.2.2, Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.6, Apache Sling Scripting API 2.1.6, Apache Sling Scripting Core 2.0.26, Apache Sling Servlets Get 2.1.6, and Apache Sling Servlets Post 2.3.4 (March 7th, 2014)  
  Apache Sling Maven Launchpad Plugin 2.3.0 (March 6th, 2014)  
  Apache Sling API 2.6.0, and Apache Sling Engine 2.3.0 (March 3rd, 2014)  
  Apache Sling Servlets Resolver 2.3.0, and Apache Sling Resource Merger 1.0.0 (February 24th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling JCR API 2.2.0, Apache Sling JCR Base 2.2.0, and Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.3.0 (February 17th, 2014) 
Apache Sling Service User Mapper 1.0.0, and Apache Sling Resource Resolver Mock 0.2.0 (February 6th, 2014)
 Apache Sling Health Check Core 1.1.0, Apache Sling Health Check Webconsole 1.1.0, and Apache Sling Auth Core 1.1.6 (January 31th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Pax Exam Utilities 1.0.2 (January 28th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling API 2.5.0, and Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.4 (January 24th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Installer Core 3.5.0, and Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.2 (January 19th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Web Console Security Provider 1.1.2 (December 17th, 2013) 
 Apache Sling Maven JSPC Plugin 2.0.8 (December 14th, 2013) 


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[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report March 2014

2014-03-07 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (Confluence)


Carsten Ziegeler bearbeitete die Seite:

Status Report March 2014   


  March Board Report (submitted 07-MAR-2014)  

Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report January 2014

2014-03-05 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (Confluence)


Carsten Ziegeler hat eine Seite erstellt:

Status Report January 2014   

Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.
There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.
Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.
1 new committers: Tommaso Teofili
Last PMC member addition was Mike Mueller, September 2010.

 Apache Sling Servlets Resolver 2.3.0, and Apache Sling Resource Merger 1.0.0 (February 24th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling JCR API 2.2.0, Apache Sling JCR Base 2.2.0, and Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.3.0 (February 17th, 2014) 
Apache Sling Service User Mapper 1.0.0, and Apache Sling Resource Resolver Mock 0.2.0 (February 6th, 2014)
 Apache Sling Health Check Core 1.1.0, Apache Sling Health Check Webconsole 1.1.0, and Apache Sling Auth Core 1.1.6 (January 31th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Pax Exam Utilities 1.0.2 (January 28th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling API 2.5.0, and Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.4 (January 24th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Installer Core 3.5.0, and Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.2 (January 19th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Web Console Security Provider 1.1.2 (December 17th, 2013) 
 Apache Sling Maven JSPC Plugin 2.0.8 (December 14th, 2013) 

Documentation and infrastructure

Website has moved to Apache CMS
Dist folder has moved to svn

Project Branding is tracked in SLING-2696.

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report March 2014

2014-03-05 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (Confluence)


Carsten Ziegeler bearbeitete die Seite:

Status Report March 2014   

Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.
There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.
Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.
1 new committers: Tommaso Teofili
Last PMC member addition was Mike Mueller, September 2010.

 Apache Sling Servlets Resolver 2.3.0, and Apache Sling Resource Merger 1.0.0 (February 24th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling JCR API 2.2.0, Apache Sling JCR Base 2.2.0, and Apache Sling JCR Resource 2.3.0 (February 17th, 2014) 
Apache Sling Service User Mapper 1.0.0, and Apache Sling Resource Resolver Mock 0.2.0 (February 6th, 2014)
 Apache Sling Health Check Core 1.1.0, Apache Sling Health Check Webconsole 1.1.0, and Apache Sling Auth Core 1.1.6 (January 31th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Pax Exam Utilities 1.0.2 (January 28th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling API 2.5.0, and Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.4 (January 24th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Installer Core 3.5.0, and Apache Sling Eventing 3.3.2 (January 19th, 2014) 
 Apache Sling Web Console Security Provider 1.1.2 (December 17th, 2013) 
 Apache Sling Maven JSPC Plugin 2.0.8 (December 14th, 2013) 

Documentation and infrastructure

Website has moved to Apache CMS
Dist folder has moved to svn

Project Branding is tracked in SLING-2696.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Replication - HTTP API (proposal)

2014-02-25 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (Confluence)


Carsten Ziegeler bearbeitete die Seite:

Replication - HTTP API (proposal)   


 Should allow CRUD operations for agent configs 

Configs need to have a JCR representation (either the default one or a new one) in order to support the following workflow: configure all agents on a author instance and replicate configuration to all publish instances.

Command API

 Should allow Replicate/Import Package/Export Package 

Commands might be issued to multiple agents at once (but this not a strong requirement I think)

Monitoring API

 Should allow inspection to internal queues of replication agents 
 Should allow inspection of commands history 


Create config - POST /system/replication/config
Read config - GET /system/replication/config/publish{config identifier} 
Update config - PUT /system/replication/config/publish{config identifier} 
Delete config - DELETE /system/replication/config/publish{config identifier} or POST with:operation=delete 

Command API
For command and monitoring APIs we can have two kind of APIs. We do not need to implement both variants, and I do not think there is a strict requirement for choosing one variant or another.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Replication - HTTP API (proposal)

2014-02-25 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (Confluence)


Carsten Ziegeler hat Seite einen Kommentar hinzugefgt

Replication - HTTP API (proposal)   

For the monitoring API we should go with the granular one, as the request is directly addressing the agent (resource)
The command API should directly address the agent and provide the information via request parameters or http headers etc., e.g.
POST /system/replication/agent/{agentName}

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[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy Support Integration

2014-02-24 Thread Andreas Schaefer (Confluence)
 by Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, Team Collaboration Software  

[CONF] Apache Sling Multitenancy Support Integration

2014-02-24 Thread Andreas Schaefer (Confluence)


Andreas Schaefer edited the page:

Multitenancy Support Integration   

Like with tenants in an apparment complex tenants in Sling are users that have their own space but share common amnemities like an elevator, laundry room and so on.Now for Sling Tenantsmean severals things and this document wants to document them, their use cases and look for an implementation of the requirements in Sling.
 This page is based on theMultitenancy Support page that describes the Tenant feature as well as the current Tenant module. 
Currently there is a Tenantmodule in the contrib/extensionspackage which provides the following:
This package provides the basics but does not provide any implementation a multi-teant aware server. There are also parts of the proposal missing like providing the Tenant on the Sling Http Servlet Request.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Replication - HTTP API (proposal)

2014-02-13 Thread Marius Petria (Confluence)
 on which is best.

Conclusion: Granular design is desirable if we can get some agreement on how to represent the dynamic hierarchy.

 Sample payloads 
 Replicate to multiple agents 
 POST /system/replication/all/replicate 
action : add,
paths : [ /content/tree1, /content/tree2 ],
agents : [ publish1, publish2 ]
statusList : [ { agent : publish1, status : queued },
{ agent : publish2, status : error } ]
id : ds54eaw543rft4

Import to multiple agents

POST /system/replication/all/import
action : import,
paths : [ /content/tree1, /content/tree2 ],
agents : [ publish1, publish2 ],
package: packagestream
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=packagestream; filename=vltpackage.zip
Content-Type: application/octetstream

(binary data)

statusList : [ { agent : publish1, status : queued },
{ agent : publish2, status : error } ],
id: dfqw43t3g


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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling Feature Flags support

2014-01-29 Thread Felix Meschberger (Confluence)


Felix Meschberger hat Seite einen Kommentar hinzugefgt

Sling Feature Flags support   

Re. Show/Hide Resources: This is currently implemented. Yet the descendant Resources ... are hidden as well part is only true if enumerating down the tree usinglistChildren. Directly accessing a resource below a hidden resource is still possible.
Re Alternate between resources: This is currently implemented: a resource can be tagged with a flag name is only visible if the flag is set. When prefixing the flag name with a dash (-), the resource is only visible if the flag is disabled.
Re Alter Resource rendering: Since scripts are resources, they can be hidden with flags and thus this should be possible.
Re Use variants of OSGi Services: I don't think we should do that at all, because it causes different behaviour depending on how you access the service. IMHO these methods should really just be wrappers around the service access methods in the OSGi BundleContext.
Preliminary documentation is available in the documentation staging area on the Feature Flags page.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Testing Options

2014-01-24 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)
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[CONF] Apache Sling Testing Options

2014-01-24 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)
Within Sling JVM
Within Sling JVM

Usable with running instance?
Yes (by definition)
Yes (see SLING-3328)

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2014-01-22 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


Justin Edelson edited the page:

YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory   


 Table of Contents


  This functionality has been renamed Sling Models and is documented at http://sling.staging.apache.org/documentation/bundles/models.html  

Many Sling projects want to be able to create model objects - POJOs which are automatically mapped from Sling objects, typically resources, but also request objects. Sometimes these POJOs need OSGi services as well.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling Feature Flags support

2014-01-17 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)


Bertrand Delacretaz a modifi la page:

Sling Feature Flags support   

Need to be careful about caching.
 Alternate between resources based on feature flags 
 Resource A is visible only if SomeFeature is not active.  Resource B is visible only if SomeFeature is active.  A and B are never visible simultaneously.  Having to create multiple related features for that would be a pain. 
 This is basic A/B testing and also applies to soft launching a new feature (B) that replaces an existing one (A). 
 The constraints of the show/hide resources use case above also apply here. 
Alter Resource rendering
Can be achieved transparently by hiding rendering scripts and servlets.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling book

2014-01-13 Thread Robert Munteanu (Confluence)


Robert Munteanu created a page:

Sling book   

Page for gathering objectives and implementation ideas regarding the Sling book initiative initially discussed in the [Happy new year] A new year with Sling (2013 Recap and a whishlist for 2014) mailing list thread.
Requirements ( unstructured )

The golden goal would be a book covering all the stable parts of sling. IMHO it is essential for the success of Sling in the next years to flatten the learningcurve.

Implementation ideas

use the recently contributed samples/mail-archive as the supporting app for a more complete description of how to write Sling apps

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[CONF] Apache Sling Solving the Authentication Handler Credential Validation Problem

2014-01-12 Thread Chetan Mehrotra (Confluence)



if (credentials == null) {
if (Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext()) != null) {
return getRepository().login(null, workspace);
} else {
// TODO: getAnonCredentials(this.anonUser) should not be used for anonymous access
return getRepository().login(new GuestCredentials(), workspace);
} else {
return getRepository().login(credentials, workspace);

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[CONF] Apache Sling Solving the Authentication Handler Credential Validation Problem

2014-01-12 Thread Chetan Mehrotra (Confluence)


Chetan Mehrotra edited the page:

Solving the Authentication Handler Credential Validation Problem   

One approach to mitigate this problem would be to leverage the ServiceUserMapper service which is also used in the context of the service authentication mechanism: a sub service name user.identified is defined and each consumer of this mechanism must have a user mapping for this subservice to the mock user *.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Proxy Server Resource Provider

2014-01-10 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


Justin Edelson added a comment to the page:

Proxy Server Resource Provider   

Looks interesting. Some things to consider:

Security - what if the target requires authentication?
Caching - can we cache the target resources using some configurable TTL?

I'm not sure about the ResourceProvider definitions being in the repository. Shouldn't these just be factory components?

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[CONF] Apache Sling Proxy Server Resource Provider

2014-01-10 Thread Felix Meschberger (Confluence)


Felix Meschberger hat Seite einen Kommentar hinzugefgt

Proxy Server Resource Provider   

Right Security would have to be considered (not really eager to store credentials in the repository, though). And caching certainly is one optimization we have to do.
Having factory configuration would certainly make it easier to update etc. Having it in the repository would indicate the root node in the repository where this hangs out. Yet, of course, we could as well generate such a marker node on demand when the configuration is created.

Als Antwort auf einen Kommentar von Justin Edelson :

Looks interesting. Some things to consider:

Security - what if the target requires authentication?
Caching - can we cache the target resources using some configurable TTL?

I'm not sure about the ResourceProvider definitions being in the repository. Shouldn't these just be factory components?

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2014-01-07 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2014-01-07 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)
@Inject @Source(script-bindings)
Resource getResource();

 If the injected object does not match the desired type and the object implements the Adaptable interface, YAMF will try to adapt it. This provides the ability to create rich object graphs. For example: 

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2014-01-07 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)
Get a request attribute
ServletRequest objects

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[CONF] Apache Sling Supporting CRUD

2014-01-06 Thread Anonymous (Confluence)


 Anonymous added a comment to the page:

Supporting CRUD   

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[CONF] Apache Sling Supporting CRUD

2014-01-06 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)


Bertrand Delacretaz a supprim un commentaire du page:

Supporting CRUD   

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[CONF] Apache Sling Jackrabbit 2 in Sling

2014-01-06 Thread Anonymous (Confluence)


 Anonymous added a comment to the page:

Jackrabbit 2 in Sling   

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[CONF] Apache Sling Jackrabbit 2 in Sling

2014-01-06 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)


Bertrand Delacretaz a supprim un commentaire du page:

Jackrabbit 2 in Sling   

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2014-01-06 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


Justin Edelson added a comment to the page:

YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory   

HiVasily Lazerko, these questions are better posted to the sling-dev or sling-users mailing lists.
I'm not sure what you mean by TLD is not ready. There's no TLD for YAMF and there shouldn't need to be one. This would violate one of the design goals (Client doesn't know/care that YAMF is involved) 
Your description is a bit vague and references a class which doesn't exist. Can you explain in a bit more detail? Is anything logged?

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[CONF] Apache Sling Health Checks Executor Design

2014-01-01 Thread Georg Henzler (Confluence)




 * Interface for health check results that are returned from
 * the executor providing additional information (execution
 * timing, health check meta data).
public interface HealthCheckExecutionResult {
	 * The actual result as returned by the health check
Result getHealthCheckResult();
 * Meta information about the health check like its name,
 * tags or additional attributes that might be added via
 * OSGi service properties later.
HealthCheckDescriptor getHealthCheckDescriptor();
 * The elapsed time in ms.
long getElapsedTimeInMs();
 * The time the health check finished.
Date getFinishedAt();


  The API variant B is mostly in line with the current version in SVN, but it improves the structure of HealthCheckExecutionResultand adds the conventience method execute(String... tags)  

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[CONF] Apache Sling Health Checks Executor Design

2014-01-01 Thread Georg Henzler (Confluence)



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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling-based JCR explorer

2013-12-31 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)


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Sling-based JCR explorer


 testing gliffy.png  - 37 kB Fichier PNG 

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[CONF] Apache Sling Health Checks Executor Design

2013-12-31 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)


Bertrand Delacretaz a modifi la page:

Health Checks Executor Design   


 Bloc de code



 public class Result {
   /** Optional metadata, the HealthCheckExecutor initializes this
*  with the HC's service properties, and adds timing information
*  like the result's creation timestamp and time to live (TTL), used
*  for caching. HC's can add any relevant metadata here. TTL, for example,
*  can be defined in the HC's service properties, with a default set
*  by the executor's configuration.
   public MapString, Object getMetadata();

   /** If this Result's metadata includes a creation timestamp and
*  time to live, this is used to expire results from the
*  HealthCheckExecutor's cache
   public boolean isExpired();

   // the rest is unchanged


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[CONF] Apache Sling Health Checks Executor Design

2013-12-31 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)


Bertrand Delacretaz a modifi la page:

Health Checks Executor Design   

An HTTP front-end uses a set of HCs, selected by tags, to decide whether to include a Sling instance in the pool used to process incoming requests. Every few seconds, the front-end pings a specific servlet on the Sling instance, which provides the aggregated HC results in a format specified by the front-end. Cached results are not acceptable in this case, the servlet must either reply quickly with an OK status, or fail after a timeout specified by the front-end. HCs are executed in parallel as in use case B. 
 Suggested API changes 
API variant A

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[CONF] Apache Sling Health Checks Executor Design

2013-12-31 Thread Georg Henzler (Confluence)


Georg Henzler edited the page:

Health Checks Executor Design   

For use case C we also need an AggregatedResult, which extends Result with a getIndividualResults() method that returns a ListResult. TheAggregatedResult's state is the highest of its individual results states, and its log is the sum of the individual results logs.
 API variant B 


  See current version in SVN  


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[CONF] Apache Sling Health Checks Executor Design

2013-12-31 Thread Georg Henzler (Confluence)


Georg Henzler edited the page:

Health Checks Executor Design   

An HTTP front-end uses a set of HCs, selected by tags, to decide whether to include a Sling instance in the pool used to process incoming requests. Every few seconds, the front-end pings a specific servlet on the Sling instance, which provides the aggregated HC results in a format specified by the front-end.

Cached results are not acceptable in this case,
 the servlet must either reply quickly with an OK status, or fail after a timeout specified by the front-end. HCs are executed in parallel as in use case B.


  Georg: Cached results are totally fine for short TTLs (2 sec is the default, the actual driver for having the cache is JMX and the JMX module would even be fine with 500ms TTL as the whole point is to not execute checks several times for each JMX attribute exposed).   

 Suggested API changes 
API variant A

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-23 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)
 @Default - set default values for a field or method 

 Available Injectors 

 Value Map (valuemap) - adapt the adaptable to a ValueMap and retrive properties. 
 OSGI Services (osgi-services) - lookup services based on class name (including List and Array support). Effectively ignores name. 
 Script Bindings (script-bindings) - gets script bindings from request and looks up by name. 
 Child Resources (child-resources) - gets child resources by name. 
 Request Attributes (request-atttributes) - gets request attributes 

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-23 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


Justin Edelson edited the page:

YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory   


 Value Map (valuemap) - adapt the adaptable to a ValueMap and retrive properties. 
 OSGI Services (osgi-services) - lookup services based on class name (including List and Array support). Effectively ignores name. 
 Script Bindings (script-bindings) - gets script bindings from request and looks up by name. 
 Child Resources (child-resources) - gets child resources by name. 
 Request Attributes (request-atttributes) - gets request attributes 

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-22 Thread Vasily Lazerko (Confluence)


Vasily Lazerko added a comment to the page:

YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory   

I tried to use YAMF in my JSP as c:set var=myModel value=%=resource.adaptTo('org.apache.sling.yamf.it.models.MyModel')%/ while TLD is not ready. 
It worked almost fine except returning null when I addedorg.apache.sling.api.resource.Resource or any other required non-property field.
 c:set var=myModel value=%=slingRequest.adaptTo('org.apache.sling.yamf.it.models.MyModel')%/injects Resource but not simple String properties. 
What can you suggest? I can contribute with some coding if you gave me your solution.

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-22 Thread Vasily Lazerko (Confluence)


Vasily Lazerko edited a comment on the page:

YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory   

I tried to use YAMF in my JSP as c:set var=myModel value=%=resource.adaptTo('org.apache.sling.yamf.it.models.MyModel')%/ while TLD is not ready. 
 c:set var=myModel value=%=slingRequest.adaptTo('org.apache.sling.yamf.it.models.MyModel')%/ is vice-versa:injects Resource but not simple String properties. 

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-20 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


Justin Edelson edited the page:

YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory   


 Code Block



public class MyModel {

 private PrintWriter out;

 private Logger logger;

 private ListServlet servlets;


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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-19 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


public class MyModel {

 private PrintWriter out;

 private Logger logger;

  protected void sayHello() {


 Code Block



public interface MyModel {

 @Inject @Projection(resource)
  String getPropertyName();


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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-19 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)

public class MyModel {

 @Inject @Optional
 private String otherName;

   OSGi services can be injected: 

public class MyModel {

 private ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory;

 In this case, the name is not used -- only the class name. Lists and arrays are supported: 

public class MyModel {

 private ListServlet servlets;

 OSGi injection can be filtered: 

public class MyModel {

 private PrintWriter out;

 private Logger logger;

 private ListServlet servlets;

 The @PostConstruct annotation can be used to add methods which are invoked upon completion of all injections: 

public class MyModel {

 private PrintWriter out;

 private Logger logger;

  protected void sayHello() {

   @PostConstruct methods in a super class will be invoked first.Using projection, you can inject based on a child object of the adaptable. 

public interface MyModel {

 @Inject @Projection(resource)
  String getPropertyName();

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-19 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


public class MyModel {

 private PrintWriter out;

 private Logger logger;

  protected void sayHello() {

   @PostConstruct methods in a super class will be invoked first.Using projection, you can inject based on a child object of the adaptable.  

 Code Block



public interface MyModel {

 @Inject @Projection(resource)
  String getPropertyName();


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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-19 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)


Justin Edelson edited the page:

YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory   

 Client code doesn't need to be aware that YAMF is being used. It just uses the Sling Adapter framework: 

 Code Block

MyModel model = resource.adaptTo(MyModel.class)

sling:adaptTo adaptable=${resource} adaptTo=org.apache.sling.yamf.it.models.MyModel var=model/

${sling:adaptTo(resource, 'org.apache.sling.yamf.it.models.MyModel')}


 Other Options 
 If the field or method name doesn't exactly match the property name, @Named can be used:   

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[CONF] Apache Sling YAMF - Yet Another Model Factory

2013-12-19 Thread Justin Edelson (Confluence)



public class MyModel {

@Inject @Default(intValues={1,2,3,4})
private int[] integers;

   OSGi services can be injected:   

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[CONF] Apache Sling Solving the Authentication Handler Credential Validation Problem

2013-12-16 Thread Alexander Klimetschek (Confluence)


Alexander Klimetschek hat Seite einen Kommentar hinzugefgt

Solving the Authentication Handler Credential Validation Problem   

I had some ideas on the listabout using SlingRepository.loginService() in preauthenticated auth handlers(plus that user.identified username) as a way to do the login. Then by configuring the service user mapping (whitelisted) you can restrict which service/auth handler can do that. Then loginAdministrative() usages can be removed from auth handlers, as well as all other broad trust mechanisms (trusted credentials attribute, null login?, etc.). This might already be covered by this proposal, but I am not 100% sure.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Solving the Authentication Handler Credential Validation Problem

2013-12-16 Thread Alexander Klimetschek (Confluence)


Alexander Klimetschek hat einen Kommentar zu Seite bearbeitet:

Solving the Authentication Handler Credential Validation Problem   

I had some ideas on the listabout listabout using SlingRepository.loginService() in preauthenticated auth handlers(plus that user.identified username) as a way to do the login. Then by configuring the service user mapping (whitelisted) you can restrict which service/auth handler can do that. Then loginAdministrative() usages can be removed from auth handlers, as well as all other broad trust mechanisms (trusted credentials attribute, null login?, etc.). This might already be covered by this proposal, but I am not 100% sure.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling Feature Flags support

2013-12-10 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)

Sling Feature Flags support
Page  added by Bertrand Delacretaz


 See also https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-3148 for the timeline/history of this.

Feature Flags use cases

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[CONF] Apache Sling Sling Feature Flags support

2013-12-10 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)

Sling Feature Flags support
Page edited by Bertrand Delacretaz

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See also https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-3148 for the timeline/history of this.  
For now we have a basic prototype at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/whiteboard/bdelacretaz/feature-flags/ that allows for checking if a named feature flag is active or not. This is the easy part.  h1. What sets a feature flag As described by Roy Fielding on the Sling dev list (http://markmail.org/message/rueoiuacmft5fdet)  {quote} Likewise, you should expect to have both a global setting for each flag and a per-user mask, and the person running the flip switch control panel needs to be able to choose froma) off for all users   b) off for unassigned users   c) proportional assignment to on (X out of N users, max M)   d) logical (custom code) assignment to on   e) on for unassigned users   f) on for all users {quote}  
h1. Feature Flags use cases 
{warning:title=Work in Progress} This is still experimental, work in progress, not final etc...just rough ideas for now. {warning}  h2. Show/Hide Resources Make some Resources completely invisible in specific requests, based on feature flags.  All descendant Resources of a hidden Resource are hidden as well.  Need to be careful about caching.  h2. Alter Resource rendering Can be achieved transparently by hiding rendering scripts and servlets.  Need to be careful about caching.  Might need to happen on the client as well as on the server, depending on the desired caching behavior.  h2. Use variants of OSGi services A call to sling.getService(foo) in a rendering script, for example, can return different variants of the foo service depending on which feature flags are active.  The usage value needs to be weighed against implementation difficulty... 

Full Content

See also https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-3148 for the timeline/history of this.

For now we have a basic prototype at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/whiteboard/bdelacretaz/feature-flags/ that allows for checking if a named feature flag is active or not. This is the easy part.

What sets a feature flag
As described by Roy Fielding on the Sling dev list (http://markmail.org/message/rueoiuacmft5fdet)

Likewise, you should expect to have both a global setting for each flag and a per-user mask, and the person running the flip switch control panel needs to be able to choose from

  a) off for all users
  b) off for unassigned users
  c) proportional assignment to on (X out of N users, max M)
  d) logical (custom code) assignment to on
  e) on for unassigned users
  f) on for all users

Feature Flags use cases

Work in ProgressThis is still experimental, work in progress, not final etc...just rough ideas for now.

Show/Hide Resources
Make some Resources completely invisible in specific requests, based on feature flags.

All descendant Resources of a hidden Resource are hidden as well.

Need to be careful about caching.

Alter Resource rendering
Can be achieved transparently by hiding rendering scripts and servlets.

Need to be careful about caching.

Might need to happen on the client as well as on the server, depending on the desired caching behavior.

Use variants of OSGi services
A call to sling.getService("foo") in a rendering script, for example, can return different variants of the "foo" service depending on which feature flags are active.

The usage value needs to be weighed against implementation difficulty...

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[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report December 2013

2013-12-09 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (Confluence)

Status Report December 2013
Page edited by Bertrand Delacretaz

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Amit Gupta, Chetan Mehrotra  
Last PMC member addition was Mike Mueller, September 2010.  
Releases * Apache Sling Resource-Based Discovery Service 1.0.2 (December 3rd, 2013) 
* Apache Sling Commons Log 3.0.2 (September 12th, 2013)  
Documentation and infrastructure 
 * Website has moved to Apache CMS 

Full Content

December Board Report (not submitted yet)

Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.

There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.


Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.

2 new committers:
Amit Gupta, Chetan Mehrotra

Last PMC member addition was Mike Mueller, September 2010.


	Apache Sling Resource-Based Discovery Service 1.0.2 (December 3rd, 2013)
	Apache Sling Testing Utilities 2.0.16 (November 27th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Web Console Security Provider 1.1.0 (October 28th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Event 3.3.0, Apache Sling Commons Scheduler 2.4.2, Apache Sling Commons Threads 3.2.0, Apache Sling Health Check Core 1.0.6, Apache Sling Health Check JMX 1.0.6, Apache Sling JMX Resource Provider 0.6.0 (October 24th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Engine 2.2.10 (October 12th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Auth Core 1.1.4, Apache Sling Commons Scheduler 2.4.0, Apache Sling Resource Inventory 0.5.0, Apache Sling JMX Resource Provider 0.5.0 (October 7th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Health Check Tools: org.apache.sling.hc.core-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.it-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.jmx-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.samples-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.support-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.webconsole-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.junit.healthcheck-1.0.6 (September 30th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Commons Log 3.0.2 (September 12th, 2013)

Documentation and infrastructure

	Website has moved to Apache CMS
	Dist folder has moved to svn

Project Branding is tracked in SLING-2696.

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[CONF] Apache Sling Status Report December 2013

2013-12-09 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (Confluence)

Status Report December 2013
Page edited by Carsten Ziegeler

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{excerpt}December Board Report (not submitted yet){excerpt} (submitted 10-DEC-2013){excerpt} 
 Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content. 

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December Board Report (submitted 10-DEC-2013)

Apache Sling is an OSGI-based scriptable web framework that uses a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content.

There are no issues which require board attention at the moment.


Good activity level overall, contributions from different people continue.

2 new committers:
Amit Gupta, Chetan Mehrotra

Last PMC member addition was Mike Mueller, September 2010.


	Apache Sling Resource-Based Discovery Service 1.0.2 (December 3rd, 2013)
	Apache Sling Testing Utilities 2.0.16 (November 27th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Web Console Security Provider 1.1.0 (October 28th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Event 3.3.0, Apache Sling Commons Scheduler 2.4.2, Apache Sling Commons Threads 3.2.0, Apache Sling Health Check Core 1.0.6, Apache Sling Health Check JMX 1.0.6, Apache Sling JMX Resource Provider 0.6.0 (October 24th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Engine 2.2.10 (October 12th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Auth Core 1.1.4, Apache Sling Commons Scheduler 2.4.0, Apache Sling Resource Inventory 0.5.0, Apache Sling JMX Resource Provider 0.5.0 (October 7th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Health Check Tools: org.apache.sling.hc.core-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.it-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.jmx-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.samples-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.support-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.hc.webconsole-1.0.4,org.apache.sling.junit.healthcheck-1.0.6 (September 30th, 2013)
	Apache Sling Commons Log 3.0.2 (September 12th, 2013)

Documentation and infrastructure

	Website has moved to Apache CMS
	Dist folder has moved to svn

Project Branding is tracked in SLING-2696.

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