[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2013-10-14 Thread Bob Harner (Confluence)

Confluence Site Setup
Page edited by Bob Harner

Minor worsmithing

 Changes (1)

_For more details see the [SiteExporter README|https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tapestry/tapestry-site/trunk/README]._  
SiteExporter is a command-line Java program that is run hourly (currently at 20 minutes after the hour) from Apaches BuildBot. It makes a web service call to Confluence (to its RSS feed, actually) to get a list of each page pages that has have changed since the last run, and the HTML-formatted export of those pages. For each, it post-processes the file (described below). Finally, SiteExporter commits all changed HTML files into Tapestrys part of the Apache Subversion repository, which (nearly instantly) makes it available to the public at http://tapestry.apache.org, and commit emails are sent to Tapestrys commits mailing list. 
 Attachments (to Confluence pages) are exported in roughly the same way. 

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 Confluence Site Setup


This document describes our web site setup: what is where and how it works.


Most of the web site and documentation (with the notable exception of the Javadoc API pages) are kept in Confluence.

Since the Confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isn't capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all wiki spaces are statically exported. The SiteExporter program is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically.

How SiteExporter works

For more details see the SiteExporter README.

SiteExporter is a command-line Java program that is run hourly (currently at 20 minutes after the hour) from Apache's BuildBot. It makes a web service call to Confluence (to its RSS feed, actually) to get a list of pages that have changed since the last run, and the HTML-formatted export of those pages. For each, it post-processes the file (described below). Finally, SiteExporter commits all changed HTML files into Tapestry's part of the Apache Subversion repository, which (nearly instantly) makes it available to the public at http://tapestry.apache.org, and commit emails are sent to Tapestry's "commits" mailing list.

Attachments (to Confluence pages) are exported in roughly the same way.

The time between saving a change in Confluence and seeing the result on the public site is at most 1 hour, depending on when you do it. If you save a change at 19 minutes after the hour you'll see the change in about a minute. If you publish it at 21 minutes after the hour then you'll have to wait almost an hour.

 HTML files in SVN 

 Cache File 

 SiteExporter source 

 Velocity template 

Post-processing HTML Pages

HTML pages exported from Confluence are post-processed in several ways before being committed to SVN. Here are just a few of the things going on:

	Tagsoup is used to clean up the HTML.
	The breadcrumb links are updated.
	Empty paragraph (p) tags are removed from the top of the page.
	{code} macro output (code examples) are detected, and SyntaxHighlighter _javascript_ links are added to the page when needed.
	{include} tags (when one Confluence page includes another) are detected, causing the including page to be regenerated autoamtically.
	{children} tags are also detected and handled

Manual Intervention

You can 

[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2013-10-01 Thread Bob Harner (Confluence)

Confluence Site Setup
Page edited by Bob Harner

Rewrote to describe the SiteExporter program rather than the dead Autoexport program

 Changes (24)

This document describes our web site setup: what is where and how does it works. 
 h1. Overview  
Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence.  
Most of the web site and documentation (with the notable exception of the Javadoc API pages) are kept in Confluence. 
Since the cConfluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isnt capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all wiki spaces are statically exported. The SiteExporter program is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. 
The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to {{/www/confluence-exports}} on people.apache.org.  
h2. How SiteExporter works 
On people.apache.org _another_ cron job copies the exported Tapestry space to {{~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/}} which is available as [http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/].  
_For more details see the [SiteExporter README|https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tapestry/tapestry-site/trunk/README]._ 
{note} This will shortly be updated to copy our space to a {{/www/tapestry.apache.org}} which is the folder that itself is copied out and available as [http://tapestry.apache.org]. {note} 
SiteExporter is a command-line Java program that is run hourly (currently at 20 minutes after the hour) from Apaches BuildBot. It makes a web service call to Confluence (to its RSS feed, actually) to get a list of each page that has changed since the last run, and the HTML-formatted export of those pages. For each, it post-processes the file (described below). Finally, SiteExporter commits all changed HTML files into Tapestrys part of the Apache Subversion repository, which (nearly instantly) makes it available to the public at http://tapestry.apache.org, and commit emails are sent to Tapestrys commits mailing list. 
Yes, this is a bit [Rube Goldberg|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rube_Goldberg_machine], and the multiple steps, hops, and cron jobs mean it can be quite some time between a change in Confluence, and the content being visible (possibly a couple of hours). 
Attachments (to Confluence pages) are exported in roughly the same way. 
{info} Content copied to {{/www/tapestry.apache.org}} is not immediately visible; yet another cron job \(!) copies this content to the main Apache web server, about once an hour. On the other hand, content {{~uli}} is available in real time. {info} 
The time between saving a change in Confluence and seeing the result on the public site is at most 1 hour, depending on when you do it. If you save a change at 19 minutes after the hour youll see the change in about a minute. If you publish it at 21 minutes after the hour then youll have to wait almost an hour. 
| HTML files in SVN | https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/tapestry | | Cache File | https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/tapestry/content/cache/main.pageCache | | SiteExporter source | https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tapestry/tapestry-site/trunk | | Velocity template | https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tapestry/tapestry-site/trunk/template/template.vm |  h3. Post-processing HTML Pages  HTML pages exported from Confluence are post-processed in several ways before being committed to SVN. Here are just a few of the things going on:  * Tagsoup is used to clean up the HTML. * The breadcrumb links are updated. * Empty paragraph (p) tags are removed from the top of the page. * \{code\} macro output (code examples) are detected, and SyntaxHighlighter _javascript_ links are added to the page when needed. * \{include\} tags (when one Confluence page includes another) are detected, causing the _including_ page to be regenerated autoamtically. * \{children\} tags are also detected and handled  h2. Manual Intervention  You can cause the _whole site_ to be republished by deleting the main.pageCache file (above) in the subversion repo. This is usually only needed after changing the template.  h2. Changing SiteExporter itself  Currently the SiteExporter source code is an unmodified copy of a program of the same name written by Dan Kulp for the Apache 

[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2010-11-30 Thread confluence

Confluence Site Setup
Page edited by Bob Harner

Updated Wiki Formatting Guidelines per Howard's e-mail.

 Changes (4)

h1. Wiki Formatting Guidelines  
* Precede annotation names with @.  If the annotation name is hyperlinked, put the @ character _outside_ of the link:  @\[AnnotationType|http://...AnnotationType.html\] 
* When linking to an API (Javadoc) page, start the URL as http://tapestry.apache.org/current/apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/... (because current is a link to the current version) 
* The first reference to a type on a page should be a link to http://tapestry.apache.org/current/apidocs/...  (or the component reference) * Treat the page title as if it were an h0. element, and put top level sections within the page as h1. * Page names as headings should have All Words Captialized. * For other headings, only the first word of multi-word headings should be capitalized, e.g. h2. Naming conventions (following Wikipedia) * Use {{code}} font for method and property names:  \{\{myProperty\}\}, \{\{someMethod()\}\}. * Use the default font for Class names (qualified or not). * Use the default font for path names. * Use \{code\} for listings, not \{noformat\}. * Use \{noformat\} for console output. * Images and diagrams should be small-sized thumbnails, centered, with no border. 
* _Proposed: Each page should include explicit links to its child pages. Dont rely on the Child Pages links at the bottom, which dont carry over to the exported site._ * _Proposed: In pages other than the User Guide pages, subsections that briefly discuss topics that are more fully covered in the User Guide should lead with a Main Article: \[Foo\] line, where Foo is the name of the page in the User Guide. Example: the Template Localization section of [Component Templates]_ * _Proposed: User Guide pages should generally start with a right-floated Related Articles box that provides links to related content in the FAQ, Cookbook, Cheat Sheets, etc.  [Example|Component Classes]_ 
* _Proposed: The page title should be an h1. heading, and the other headings should be h2 or lower (following Wikipedia)_ 
* _Proposed: The lead paragraph should generally lead with the title word or phrase in bold (following Wikipedia)_  

Full Content

This document describes our site setup: what is where and how does it work.


Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence. 

Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isn't capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported. 

The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to /www/confluence-exports on people.apache.org. 

On people.apache.org another cron job copies the exported Tapestry space to ~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/ which is available as http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/. 

This will shortly be updated to copy our space to a /www/tapestry.apache.org which is the folder that itself is copied out and available as http://tapestry.apache.org.

Yes, this is a bit Rube Goldberg, and the multiple steps, hops, and cron jobs mean it can be quite some time between a change in Confluence, and the content being visible (possibly a couple of hours).

Content copied to /www/tapestry.apache.org is not immediately visible; yet another cron job !) copies this content to the main Apache web server, about once an hour. On the other hand, content ~uli is available in real time.

Wiki Formatting Guidelines

	Precede annotation names with '@'.  If the annotation name is hyperlinked, put the '@' character outside of the link:  @[AnnotationType|http://...AnnotationType.html]
	The first reference to a type on a page should be a link to http://tapestry.apache.org/current/apidocs/...  (or the component reference)
	Treat the page title as if it were an h0. element, and put top level sections within the page as h1.
	Page names as headings should have All Words Captialized.
	For other headings, only the first word of multi-word headings should be capitalized, e.g. "h2. Naming conventions" (following Wikipedia)
	Use code font for method and property names:  myProperty, someMethod().
	Use the default font for Class names (qualified or not).
	Use the default font for path names.
	Use {code} for listings, not {noformat}.
	Use {noformat} for console output.
	Images and diagrams should be small-sized thumbnails, centered, with no border.
	Proposed: Each page should 

[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2010-11-29 Thread confluence

Confluence Site Setup
Page edited by Bob Harner

Added "Wiki Formatting Guidelines" section, mostly just "proposed"

 Changes (1)

h1. Wiki Formatting Guidelines  * Precede annotation names with @.  If the annotation name is hyperlinked, put the @ character _outside_ of the link. * When linking to an API (Javadoc) page, start the URL as http://tapestry.apache.org/current/apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/... (because current is a link to the current version) * _Proposed: Each page should include explicit links to its child pages. Dont rely on the Child Pages links at the bottom, which dont carry over to the exported site._ * _Proposed: In pages other than the User Guide pages, subsections that briefly discuss topics that are more fully covered in the User Guide should lead with a Main Article: \[Foo\] line, where Foo is the name of the page in the User Guide. Example: the Template Localization section of [Component Templates]_ * _Proposed: User Guide pages should generally start with a right-floated Related Articles box that provides links to related content in the FAQ, Cookbook, Cheat Sheets, etc.  [Example|Component Classes]_ * _Proposed: The page title should be an h1. heading, and the other headings should be h2 or lower (following Wikipedia)_ * _Proposed: The lead paragraph should generally lead with the title word or phrase in bold (following Wikipedia)_  
h1. Website structure  

Full Content

This document describes our site setup: what is where and how does it work.


Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence. 

Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isn't capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported. 

The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to /www/confluence-exports on people.apache.org. 

On people.apache.org another cron job copies the exported Tapestry space to ~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/ which is available as http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/. 

This will shortly be updated to copy our space to a /www/tapestry.apache.org which is the folder that itself is copied out and available as http://tapestry.apache.org.

Yes, this is a bit Rube Goldberg, and the multiple steps, hops, and cron jobs mean it can be quite some time between a change in Confluence, and the content being visible (possibly a couple of hours).

Content copied to /www/tapestry.apache.org is not immediately visible; yet another cron job !) copies this content to the main Apache web server, about once an hour. On the other hand, content ~uli is available in real time.

Wiki Formatting Guidelines

	Precede annotation names with '@'.  If the annotation name is hyperlinked, put the '@' character outside of the link.
	When linking to an API (Javadoc) page, start the URL as http://tapestry.apache.org/current/apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/... (because "current" is a link to the current version)
	Proposed: Each page should include explicit links to its child pages. Don't rely on the "Child Pages" links at the bottom, which don't carry over to the exported site.
	Proposed: In pages other than the User Guide pages, subsections that briefly discuss topics that are more fully covered in the User Guide should lead with a "Main Article: [Foo]" line, where Foo is the name of the page in the User Guide. Example: the "Template Localization" section of Component Templates
	Proposed: User Guide pages should generally start with a right-floated "Related Articles" box that provides links to related content in the FAQ, Cookbook, Cheat Sheets, etc.  Example
	Proposed: The page title should be an "h1." heading, and the other headings should be h2 or lower (following Wikipedia)
	Proposed: The lead paragraph should generally lead with the title word or phrase in bold (following Wikipedia)

Website structure

The Index page includes the Banner and Key Features pages as well as the blog posts. All other pages are just plain pages and may or may not include other parts. In addition the Navigation, Small Banner and Footer pages exist.

Our Autoexport template glues everything together. It adds the contents of the Navigation and Footer pages in the appropriate places and on all pages except the Index page.  It also adds the contents of the Small Banner page as well as the breadcrumbs navigation.

Because we include some pages in others it is sometimes necessary to reexport the whole space because the Autoexport 

[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2010-11-29 Thread confluence

Confluence Site Setup
comment added by  Howard M. Lewis Ship

   I don't know that it is necessary to identify the page title as an h1. element, since the export template will identify the page title.

You can see what I'm doing with the {tutorialnav} macro to generate the layout for a page of the Tutorial, with navigation. If I get a chance, I want to turn this into a plugin that can be smarter about building the content automatically (and highlighting the current page as well).

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[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2010-11-19 Thread confluence

Confluence Site Setup
Page moved by Howard M. Lewis Ship


Apache Tapestry


Apache Tapestry
 Developer Information

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[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2010-11-19 Thread confluence

Confluence Site Setup
Page edited by Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Changes (6)

h1. Overview  
Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence. Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isnt capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported. The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to {{/www/confluence-exports}} on people.apache.org. On people.apache.org another cronjob copies the exported Tapestry space to {{~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/}} which is available as http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/. Later, the same cronjob will copy our space to a directory that gets synched with the main webservers and makes the space available as http://tapestry.apache.org. 
Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence.  
Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isnt capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported.   The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to {{/www/confluence-exports}} on people.apache.org.   On people.apache.org another cron job copies the exported Tapestry space to {{~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/}} which is available as [http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/].   {note} This will shortly be updated to copy our space to a /www/tapestry.apache.org which is the folder that itself is copied out and available as [http://tapestry.apache.org]. {note}  
h1. Website structure  
The [Index] page includes the [Banner] and [Key Features] pages as well as the blog posts. All other pages are just plain pages and may or may not include other parts. In addition the [Navigation], [Small Banner] and [Footer] pages exist. Our [Autoexport template|http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tapestry/tapestry-site/branches/post-5.2-site/autoexport_template.txt] glues everything together. It adds the contents of the [Navigation] and [Footer] pages in the appropriate places and on all pages except the [Index] page it also adds the contents of the [Small Banner] page as well as the breadcrumbs navigation. 
Our [Autoexport template|http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tapestry/tapestry-site/branches/post-5.2-site/autoexport_template.txt] glues everything together. It adds the contents of the [Navigation] and [Footer] pages in the appropriate places and on all pages except the [Index] page.  It also adds the contents of the [Small Banner] page as well as the breadcrumbs navigation.  
Because we include some pages in others it is sometimes necessary to reexport the whole space because the Autoexport plugin will only export the changed page, not the pages where the changed page is included. To do so you have to be a confluence administrator. You can then manually export our space via the Autoexport administrative console. 
 {warning} HLS: Ive noticed that pages with footnotes that are combined with the \{include\} macro do not render correctly ... the footnote numbers and anchors reset back to 1 for each included page. Perhaps theres a way to fix that with the template? {warning}  h1. Updating the template  You must be a Confluence Administrator.  Unfortunately, Confluence cant read content directly from Subversion.  Checkout a workspace to https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tapestry/tapestry-site/branches/post-5.2-site  Edit the autoexport_template.txt there, then check it back in.  From the *Browse* menu (at the top of the Confluence page), select *Confluence Admin*.  From the *Configuration* left side menu, click *Auto Export*.  From *AutoExport Templates Management* you can scroll down to *Apache Tapestry* and click *Edit Template*.  Copy the contents of the autoexport_template.txt file to the text area and hit update.  Now, under *Rebuild exported spaces*, select *Apache Tapestry* and click *Export Space(s)*. 

Full Content

This document describes our site setup: what is where and how does it work.


Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence. 

Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isn't capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported. 

The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is 

[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2010-11-19 Thread confluence

Confluence Site Setup
Page edited by Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Changes (3)

The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to {{/www/confluence-exports}} on people.apache.org.   
On people.apache.org _another_ cron job copies the exported Tapestry space to {{~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/}} which is available as [http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/]. 
This will shortly be updated to copy our space to a {{/www/tapestry.apache.org}} which is the folder that itself is copied out and available as [http://tapestry.apache.org]. 
Yes, this is a bit [Rube Goldberg|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rube_Goldberg_machine], and the multiple steps, hops, and cron jobs mean it can be quite some time between a change in Confluence, and the content being visible (possibly a couple of hours).  {info} Content copied to {{/www/tapestry.apache.org}} is not immediately visible; yet another cron job \(!) copies this content to the main Apache web server, about once an hour. On the other hand, content {{~uli}} is available in real time. {info}  
h1. Website structure  

Full Content

This document describes our site setup: what is where and how does it work.


Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence. 

Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isn't capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported. 

The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to /www/confluence-exports on people.apache.org. 

On people.apache.org another cron job copies the exported Tapestry space to ~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/ which is available as http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/. 

This will shortly be updated to copy our space to a /www/tapestry.apache.org which is the folder that itself is copied out and available as http://tapestry.apache.org.

Yes, this is a bit Rube Goldberg, and the multiple steps, hops, and cron jobs mean it can be quite some time between a change in Confluence, and the content being visible (possibly a couple of hours).

Content copied to /www/tapestry.apache.org is not immediately visible; yet another cron job !) copies this content to the main Apache web server, about once an hour. On the other hand, content ~uli is available in real time.

Website structure

The Index page includes the Banner and Key Features pages as well as the blog posts. All other pages are just plain pages and may or may not include other parts. In addition the Navigation, Small Banner and Footer pages exist.

Our Autoexport template glues everything together. It adds the contents of the Navigation and Footer pages in the appropriate places and on all pages except the Index page.  It also adds the contents of the Small Banner page as well as the breadcrumbs navigation.

Because we include some pages in others it is sometimes necessary to reexport the whole space because the Autoexport plugin will only export the changed page, not the pages where the changed page is included. To do so you have to be a confluence administrator. You can then manually export our space via the Autoexport administrative console.

HLS: I've noticed that pages with footnotes that are combined with the {include} macro do not render correctly ... the footnote numbers and anchors reset back to 1 for each included page. Perhaps there's a way to fix that with the template?

Updating the template

You must be a Confluence Administrator.

Unfortunately, Confluence can't read content directly from Subversion.

Checkout a workspace to https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tapestry/tapestry-site/branches/post-5.2-site

Edit the autoexport_template.txt there, then check it back in.

From the Browse menu (at the top of the Confluence page), select Confluence Admin.

From the Configuration left side menu, click Auto Export.

From AutoExport Templates Management you can scroll down to Apache Tapestry and click Edit Template.

Copy the contents of the autoexport_template.txt file to the text area and hit update.

Now, under Rebuild exported spaces, select Apache Tapestry and click Export Space(s).

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[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2010-11-18 Thread confluence

Confluence Site Setup
Page  added by Ulrich Stärk


 This document describes our site setup: what is where and how does it work.

Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence. Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isn't capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported. The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to /www/confluence-exports on people.apache.org. On people.apache.org another cronjob copies the exported Tapestry space to ~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/ which is available as http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/. Later, the same cronjob will copy our space to a directory that gets synched with the main webservers and makes the space available as http://tapestry.apache.org.

Website structure

The Index page includes the Banner and Key Features pages as well as the blog posts. All other pages are just plain pages and may or may not include other parts. In addition the Navigation, Small Banner and Footer pages exist. Our Autoexport template glues everything together. It adds the contents of the Navigation and Footer pages in the appropriate places and on all pages except the Index page it also adds the contents of the Small Banner page as well as the breadcrumbs navigation.

Because we include some pages in others it is sometimes necessary to reexport the whole space because the Autoexport plugin will only export the changed page, not the pages where the changed page is included. To do so you have to be a confluence administrator. You can then manually export our space via the Autoexport administrative console.

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[CONF] Apache Tapestry Confluence Site Setup

2010-11-18 Thread confluence

Confluence Site Setup
Page edited by Ulrich Stärk

 Changes (1)

This document describes our site setup: what is where and how does it work.  
h1. Overview  
Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence. Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isnt capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported. The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to {{/www/confluence-exports}} on people.apache.org. On people.apache.org another cronjob copies the exported Tapestry space to {{~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/}} which is available as http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/. Later, the same cronjob will copy our space to a directory that gets synched with the main webservers and makes the space available as http://tapestry.apache.org.  

Full Content

This document describes our site setup: what is where and how does it work.


Our website and documentation are kept in Confluence. Since the confluence instance at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/ isn't capable of handling a lot of incoming requests, all spaces are statically exported. The Autoexport plugin for Confluence is responsible for that. Once a page in Confluence changes, that page gets re-exported automatically. The Autoexport plugin is configured to export the pages to a directory on thor (the machine Confluence is running on). From there a cron job copies the exports to /www/confluence-exports on people.apache.org. On people.apache.org another cronjob copies the exported Tapestry space to ~uli/public_html/tapestry-site/ which is available as http://people.apache.org/~uli/tapestry-site/. Later, the same cronjob will copy our space to a directory that gets synched with the main webservers and makes the space available as http://tapestry.apache.org.

Website structure

The Index page includes the Banner and Key Features pages as well as the blog posts. All other pages are just plain pages and may or may not include other parts. In addition the Navigation, Small Banner and Footer pages exist. Our Autoexport template glues everything together. It adds the contents of the Navigation and Footer pages in the appropriate places and on all pages except the Index page it also adds the contents of the Small Banner page as well as the breadcrumbs navigation.

Because we include some pages in others it is sometimes necessary to reexport the whole space because the Autoexport plugin will only export the changed page, not the pages where the changed page is included. To do so you have to be a confluence administrator. You can then manually export our space via the Autoexport administrative console.

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