[Hadoop Wiki] Update of Chukwa_How_To_Contribute by EricYang

2013-01-10 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Hadoop Wiki for change 

The Chukwa_How_To_Contribute page has been changed by EricYang:

   Committing Documentation 
- Chukwa's official documentation is authored using 
[[http://forrest.apache.org/|Forrest]].  To commit documentation changes you 
must have Forrest installed and the {{{forrest}}} executable on your 
{{{$PATH}}}. Note that the current version (0.8) doesn't work properly with 
Java 6, use Java 5 instead. Documentation is of two types:
+ Chukwa's official documentation is authored using Maven APT format.  To 
commit documentation changes you must have Maven installed and the {{{mvn}}} 
executable on your {{{$PATH}}}. Documentation is of two types:
   1. End-user documentation, versioned with releases; and,
   1. The website.  This is maintained separately in subversion, republished as 
it is changed.
- To commit end-user documentation changes to trunk or a branch, ask the user 
to submit only changes made to the *.xml files in {{{src/docs}}}. Apply that 
patch, run {{{ant docs}}} to generate the html, and then commit.  End-user 
documentation is only published to the web when releases are made, as described 
in HowToRelease.
+ To commit end-user documentation changes to trunk or a branch, ask the user 
to submit only changes made to the *.apt files in {{{src/docs}}}. Apply that 
patch, run {{{mvn site}}} to generate the html, and then {{{mvn site-deploy}} 
to publish.  End-user documentation is only published to the web when releases 
are made, as described in HowToRelease.
  To commit changes to the website and re-publish them: {{{
  svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/chukwa/site
  cd site
- ant
+ mvn site
- firefox publish/index.html # preview the changes
+ firefox target/index.html # preview the changes
  svn stat   # check for new pages
  svn add# add any new pages
  svn commit
+ mvn site-deploy
- ssh people.apache.org
- cd /www/incubator.apache.org/chukwa
- svn up
- Changes to website (''via svn up'') might take upto an hour to be reflected 
on Chukwa site.
+ Changes to website (''via mvn site-deploy'') might take upto an hour to be 
reflected on Chukwa site.
  == Backporting commits to previous branches ==

[Hadoop Wiki] Update of Chukwa_How_To_Contribute by EricYang

2013-01-10 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Hadoop Wiki for change 

The Chukwa_How_To_Contribute page has been changed by EricYang:

   1. End-user documentation, versioned with releases; and,
   1. The website.  This is maintained separately in subversion, republished as 
it is changed.
- To commit end-user documentation changes to trunk or a branch, ask the user 
to submit only changes made to the *.apt files in {{{src/docs}}}. Apply that 
patch, run {{{mvn site}}} to generate the html, and then {{{mvn site-deploy}} 
to publish.  End-user documentation is only published to the web when releases 
are made, as described in HowToRelease.
+ To commit end-user documentation changes to trunk or a branch, ask the user 
to submit only changes made to the *.apt files in {{{src/docs}}}. Apply that 
patch, run {{{mvn site}}} to generate the html, and then {{{mvn site-deploy}} 
to publish.  End-user documentation is only published to the web when releases 
are made, as described in [[Chukwa_How_To_Release]].
  To commit changes to the website and re-publish them: {{{
  svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/chukwa/site

[Hadoop Wiki] Update of Chukwa_How_To_Contribute by EricYang

2013-01-02 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Hadoop Wiki for change 

The Chukwa_How_To_Contribute page has been changed by EricYang:

New page:
= Guide for Chukwa Committers =

This page contains Chukwa specific guidelines for committers.

== New committers ==

New committers are encouraged to first read Apache's generic committer 

 * [[http://www.apache.org/dev/new-committers-guide.html|Apache New Committer 
 * [[http://www.apache.org/dev/committers.html|Apache Committer FAQ]]

The first act of a new core committer is typically to add their name to the 
[[http://hadoop.apache.org/common/credits.html|credits]] page.  This requires 
changing the XML source in 
 Once done, update the Chukwa website as described [[#Documentation|here]].

== Review ==

Chukwa committers should, as often as possible, attempt to review patches 
submitted by others.  Ideally every submitted patch will get reviewed by a 
committer within a few days.  If a committer reviews a patch they've not 
authored, and believe it to be of sufficient quality, then they can commit the 
patch, otherwise the patch should be cancelled with a clear explanation for why 
it was rejected.

The list of submitted patches is in the 
 Review Queue]].  This is ordered by time of last modification.  Committers 
should scan the list from top-to-bottom, looking for patches that they feel 
qualified to review and possibly commit.

For non-trivial changes, it is best to get another committer to review your own 
patches before commit. Use Submit Patch like other contributors, and then 
wait for a +1 from another committer before committing.

== Reject ==

Patches should be rejected which do not adhere to the guidelines in 
HowToContribute and to the CodeReviewChecklist.  Committers should always be 
polite to contributors and try to instruct and encourage them to contribute 
better patches.  If a committer wishes to improve an unacceptable patch, then 
it should first be rejected, and a new patch should be attached by the 
committer for review.

== Commit ==

When you commit a patch, please:

 1. Add an entry in CHANGES.txt, at the end of the appropriate section.  This 
should include the Jira issue id, and the name of the contributor.
 1. Include the Jira issue id in the commit message, along with a short 
description of the change and the name of the contributor if it is not you.  Be 
sure to get the issue id right, as this causes Jira to link to the change in 
Subversion (use the issue's All tab to see these).
 1. Resolve the issue as fixed, thanking the contributor.  Always set the Fix 
Version at this point, but please only set a single fix version, the earliest 
release in which the change will appear. '''Special case'''- when committing to 
a ''non-mainline'' branch (such as branch-0.5.0), please set fix-version to 
either 0.5.x or 0.6.x appropriately too.
 1. Use the -E option to make sure that empty files are removed during the 

 Committing Documentation 

Hadoop's official documentation is authored using 
[[http://forrest.apache.org/|Forrest]].  To commit documentation changes you 
must have Forrest installed and the {{{forrest}}} executable on your 
{{{$PATH}}}. Note that the current version (0.8) doesn't work properly with 
Java 6, use Java 5 instead. Documentation is of two types:
 1. End-user documentation, versioned with releases; and,
 1. The website.  This is maintained separately in subversion, republished as 
it is changed.

To commit end-user documentation changes to trunk or a branch, ask the user to 
submit only changes made to the *.xml files in {{{src/docs}}}. Apply that 
patch, run {{{ant docs}}} to generate the html, and then commit.  End-user 
documentation is only published to the web when releases are made, as described 
in HowToRelease.

To commit changes to the website and re-publish them: {{{
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/chukwa/site
cd site
firefox publish/index.html # preview the changes
svn stat   # check for new pages
svn add# add any new pages
svn commit
ssh people.apache.org
cd /www/incubator.apache.org/chukwa
svn up

Changes to website (''via svn up'') might take upto an hour to be reflected on 
Chukwa site.

== Backporting commits to previous branches ==

If a patch needs to be backported to previous branches, follow these steps. 
 1. Commit the changes to trunk and note down the revision number, say 4001. 
(Revision number is displayed as response to your ''svn commit'' command).
 2. Check out the desired branch and execute this command from the root 
directory. {{{
svn merge -r 4000:4001 

[Hadoop Wiki] Update of Chukwa_How_To_Contribute by EricYang

2013-01-02 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Hadoop Wiki for change 

The Chukwa_How_To_Contribute page has been changed by EricYang:

   Committing Documentation 
- Hadoop's official documentation is authored using 
[[http://forrest.apache.org/|Forrest]].  To commit documentation changes you 
must have Forrest installed and the {{{forrest}}} executable on your 
{{{$PATH}}}. Note that the current version (0.8) doesn't work properly with 
Java 6, use Java 5 instead. Documentation is of two types:
+ Chukwa's official documentation is authored using 
[[http://forrest.apache.org/|Forrest]].  To commit documentation changes you 
must have Forrest installed and the {{{forrest}}} executable on your 
{{{$PATH}}}. Note that the current version (0.8) doesn't work properly with 
Java 6, use Java 5 instead. Documentation is of two types:
   1. End-user documentation, versioned with releases; and,
   1. The website.  This is maintained separately in subversion, republished as 
it is changed.
@@ -73, +73 @@

  Please be sure to include Jira number(s) in the commit message for merge 
commits.  Sometimes developers just put something like merge -r 4000:4001 in 
the merge message, which fails to trigger the Jira/Subversion integration, so 
the Jira doesn't record the branch commit.  It is important to link to the Jira 
number, so that when looking at the Jira it will be clear that this patch has 
been merged to this branch.
- == Patches that break HDFS and MapReduce ==
- In general, the process flow is that Hudson notices the checkin and 
automatically builds the new versions of the common libraries and pushes them 
to Nexus, the Apache Maven repository.
- However, to speed up the process or if Hudson is not working properly, 
developers can push builds manually to Nexus. To do so, they need to create a 
file in ~/.m2/settings.xml that looks like: {{{
- settings
-   servers
- !-- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven --
- server
-   idapache.snapshots.https/id
-   username !-- YOUR APACHE SVN USERNAME -- /username
-   password !-- YOUR APACHE SVN PASSWORD -- /password
- /server
- !-- To publish a website of some part of Maven --
- server
-   idapache.website/id
-   username !-- YOUR APACHE SSH USERNAME -- /username
-   filePermissions664/filePermissions
-   directoryPermissions775/directoryPermissions
- /server
- !-- To stage a release of some part of Maven --
- server
-   idapache.releases.https/id
-   username !-- YOUR APACHE SVN USERNAME -- /username
-   password !-- YOUR APACHE SVN PASSWORD -- /password
- /server
- !-- To stage a website of some part of Maven --
- server
-   idstagingSite/id
-   !-- must match hard-coded repository identifier in site:stage-deploy 
-   username !-- YOUR APACHE SSH USERNAME -- /username
-   filePermissions664/filePermissions
-   directoryPermissions775/directoryPermissions
- /server
-   /servers
- /settings
- }}}
- After you have committed the change to Common, do an ant mvn-publish to 
publish the new jars. 
- As a security note, since the settings.xml file contains your Apache svn 
password in the clear, I prefer to leave the settings file encrypted using gpg 
when I'm not using it. I also don't ever publish from a shared machine, but 
that is just me being paranoid. :)
  == Dialog ==
  Committers should hang out in the #chukwa room on irc.freenode.net for 
real-time discussions.  However any substantive discussion (as with any 
off-list project-related discussion) should be re-iterated in Jira or on the 
developer list.