hadoop git commit: HDFS-12317. HDFS metrics render error in the page of Github. Contributed by Yiqun Lin.

2017-08-31 Thread yqlin
Repository: hadoop
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/branch-2 004231dc0 -> 41d8e4e9b

HDFS-12317. HDFS metrics render error in the page of Github. Contributed by 
Yiqun Lin.

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/commit/41d8e4e9
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/tree/41d8e4e9
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/diff/41d8e4e9

Branch: refs/heads/branch-2
Commit: 41d8e4e9b3d575316143134689dc6fc041f6ad8c
Parents: 004231d
Author: Yiqun Lin 
Authored: Fri Sep 1 10:13:01 2017 +0800
Committer: Yiqun Lin 
Committed: Fri Sep 1 10:13:01 2017 +0800

 .../hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md  | 24 ++--
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md 
index cc46148..dcf7b10 100644
--- a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md
+++ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as ProcessName, 
SessionId, and Hostname a
 | `GenerateEDEKTimeAvgTime` | Average time of generating EDEK in milliseconds |
 | `WarmUpEDEKTimeNumOps` | Total number of warming up EDEK |
 | `WarmUpEDEKTimeAvgTime` | Average time of warming up EDEK in milliseconds |
-| `ResourceCheckTime`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of NameNode resource check latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
-| `BlockReport`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of storage block report latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `ResourceCheckTime`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of NameNode resource check latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `BlockReport`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of storage block report latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as HAState and 
Hostname as additional inf
 | `NumInMaintenanceLiveDataNodes` | Number of live Datanodes which are in 
maintenance state |
 | `NumInMaintenanceDeadDataNodes` | Number of dead Datanodes which are in 
maintenance state |
 | `NumEnteringMaintenanceDataNodes` | Number of Datanodes that are entering 
the maintenance state |
-| `FSN(Read|Write)Lock`*OperationName*`NumOps` | Total number of acquiring 
lock by operations |
-| `FSN(Read|Write)Lock`*OperationName*`AvgTime` | Average time of holding the 
lock by operations in milliseconds |
+| `FSN(Read/Write)Lock`*OperationName*`NumOps` | Total number of acquiring 
lock by operations |
+| `FSN(Read/Write)Lock`*OperationName*`AvgTime` | Average time of holding the 
lock by operations in milliseconds |
@@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as SessionId and 
Hostname as additional i
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictedWithoutRead` | Total number of blocks evicted in memory 
without ever being read from memory |
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowMsNumOps` | Number of blocks evicted in memory|
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowMsAvgTime` | Average time of blocks in memory 
before being evicted in milliseconds |
-| `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindows`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | 
The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of latency between memory write and eviction in 
milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no 
intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindows`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | 
The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of latency between memory write and eviction in 
milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no 
intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
 | `RamDiskBlocksLazyPersisted` | Total number of blocks written to disk by 
lazy writer |
 | `RamDiskBlocksDeletedBeforeLazyPersisted` | Total number o

[48/50] [abbrv] hadoop git commit: HDFS-12317. HDFS metrics render error in the page of Github. Contributed by Yiqun Lin.

2017-08-31 Thread stevel
HDFS-12317. HDFS metrics render error in the page of Github. Contributed by 
Yiqun Lin.

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/commit/ac12e153
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/tree/ac12e153
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/diff/ac12e153

Branch: refs/heads/HADOOP-13345
Commit: ac12e153a8cddb5def3b7f308c7d4d990b5b0436
Parents: 71bbb86
Author: Yiqun Lin 
Authored: Thu Aug 31 17:23:17 2017 +0800
Committer: Yiqun Lin 
Committed: Thu Aug 31 17:23:17 2017 +0800

 .../hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md  | 24 ++--
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md 
index 4543fac..367d9e0 100644
--- a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md
+++ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as ProcessName, 
SessionId, and Hostname a
 | `GenerateEDEKTimeAvgTime` | Average time of generating EDEK in milliseconds |
 | `WarmUpEDEKTimeNumOps` | Total number of warming up EDEK |
 | `WarmUpEDEKTimeAvgTime` | Average time of warming up EDEK in milliseconds |
-| `ResourceCheckTime`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of NameNode resource check latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
-| `StorageBlockReport`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of storage block report latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `ResourceCheckTime`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of NameNode resource check latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `StorageBlockReport`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of storage block report latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as HAState and 
Hostname as additional inf
 | `NumInMaintenanceLiveDataNodes` | Number of live Datanodes which are in 
maintenance state |
 | `NumInMaintenanceDeadDataNodes` | Number of dead Datanodes which are in 
maintenance state |
 | `NumEnteringMaintenanceDataNodes` | Number of Datanodes that are entering 
the maintenance state |
-| `FSN(Read|Write)Lock`*OperationName*`NumOps` | Total number of acquiring 
lock by operations |
-| `FSN(Read|Write)Lock`*OperationName*`AvgTime` | Average time of holding the 
lock by operations in milliseconds |
+| `FSN(Read/Write)Lock`*OperationName*`NumOps` | Total number of acquiring 
lock by operations |
+| `FSN(Read/Write)Lock`*OperationName*`AvgTime` | Average time of holding the 
lock by operations in milliseconds |
@@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as SessionId and 
Hostname as additional i
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictedWithoutRead` | Total number of blocks evicted in memory 
without ever being read from memory |
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowMsNumOps` | Number of blocks evicted in memory|
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowMsAvgTime` | Average time of blocks in memory 
before being evicted in milliseconds |
-| `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindows`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | 
The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of latency between memory write and eviction in 
milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no 
intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindows`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | 
The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of latency between memory write and eviction in 
milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no 
intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
 | `RamDiskBlocksLazyPersisted` | Total number of blocks written to disk by 
lazy writer |
 | `RamDiskBlocksDeletedBeforeLazyPersisted` | Total number of blocks deleted 
by application before being persisted to disk 

hadoop git commit: HDFS-12317. HDFS metrics render error in the page of Github. Contributed by Yiqun Lin.

2017-08-31 Thread yqlin
Repository: hadoop
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk 71bbb86d6 -> ac12e153a

HDFS-12317. HDFS metrics render error in the page of Github. Contributed by 
Yiqun Lin.

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/commit/ac12e153
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/tree/ac12e153
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/diff/ac12e153

Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: ac12e153a8cddb5def3b7f308c7d4d990b5b0436
Parents: 71bbb86
Author: Yiqun Lin 
Authored: Thu Aug 31 17:23:17 2017 +0800
Committer: Yiqun Lin 
Committed: Thu Aug 31 17:23:17 2017 +0800

 .../hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md  | 24 ++--
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md 
index 4543fac..367d9e0 100644
--- a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md
+++ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/Metrics.md
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as ProcessName, 
SessionId, and Hostname a
 | `GenerateEDEKTimeAvgTime` | Average time of generating EDEK in milliseconds |
 | `WarmUpEDEKTimeNumOps` | Total number of warming up EDEK |
 | `WarmUpEDEKTimeAvgTime` | Average time of warming up EDEK in milliseconds |
-| `ResourceCheckTime`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of NameNode resource check latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
-| `StorageBlockReport`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of storage block report latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `ResourceCheckTime`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of NameNode resource check latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `StorageBlockReport`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | The 
50/75/90/95/99th percentile of storage block report latency in milliseconds. 
Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The 
intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as HAState and 
Hostname as additional inf
 | `NumInMaintenanceLiveDataNodes` | Number of live Datanodes which are in 
maintenance state |
 | `NumInMaintenanceDeadDataNodes` | Number of dead Datanodes which are in 
maintenance state |
 | `NumEnteringMaintenanceDataNodes` | Number of Datanodes that are entering 
the maintenance state |
-| `FSN(Read|Write)Lock`*OperationName*`NumOps` | Total number of acquiring 
lock by operations |
-| `FSN(Read|Write)Lock`*OperationName*`AvgTime` | Average time of holding the 
lock by operations in milliseconds |
+| `FSN(Read/Write)Lock`*OperationName*`NumOps` | Total number of acquiring 
lock by operations |
+| `FSN(Read/Write)Lock`*OperationName*`AvgTime` | Average time of holding the 
lock by operations in milliseconds |
@@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ Each metrics record contains tags such as SessionId and 
Hostname as additional i
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictedWithoutRead` | Total number of blocks evicted in memory 
without ever being read from memory |
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowMsNumOps` | Number of blocks evicted in memory|
 | `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowMsAvgTime` | Average time of blocks in memory 
before being evicted in milliseconds |
-| `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindows`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | 
The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of latency between memory write and eviction in 
milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no 
intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
+| `RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindows`*num*`s(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency` | 
The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of latency between memory write and eviction in 
milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no 
intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
 | `RamDiskBlocksLazyPersisted` | Total number of blocks written to disk by 
lazy writer |
 | `RamDiskBlocksDeletedBeforeLazyPersisted` | Tota