Re: [PR] Hadoop 18325: ABFS: Add correlated metric support for ABFS operations [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

anujmodi2021 commented on code in PR #6314:

@@ -700,6 +698,18 @@ public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
 if (isClosed) {
+if (abfsStore.getClient().isMetricCollectionEnabled()) {
+  TracingContext tracingMetricContext = new TracingContext(
+  clientCorrelationId,
+  fileSystemId, FSOperationType.GET_ATTR, true,

Review Comment:
   Here for metric tracing context we are using fileSystemId only, where as the 
metric tracing context created in ABfsClient, we are suing hostname...
   Any reason for this difference?

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17299. Adding rack failure tolerance when creating a new file [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6614:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 47s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 4 new or modified test files.  |
    _ branch-2.10 Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   2m 27s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  13m  5s |  |  branch-2.10 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   2m 11s |  |  branch-2.10 passed with JDK 
Azul Systems, Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 48s |  |  branch-2.10 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 46s |  |  branch-2.10 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 47s |  |  branch-2.10 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 56s |  |  branch-2.10 passed with JDK 
Azul Systems, Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 20s |  |  branch-2.10 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   2m 44s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs in branch-2.10 has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   0m 25s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m 33s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   2m  7s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Azul Systems, Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   2m  7s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 44s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m 44s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 40s |  |  hadoop-hdfs-project: The 
patch generated 0 new + 283 unchanged - 2 fixed = 283 total (was 285)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 46s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Azul Systems, Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 12s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   4m 44s |  |  the patch passed  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   1m 28s |  |  hadoop-hdfs-client in the patch 
passed.  |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  |  97m  4s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 36s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 153m 25s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | hadoop.hdfs.TestLeaseRecovery2 |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.server.TestJournalNodeRespectsBindHostKeys |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.TestFileLengthOnClusterRestart |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.TestSnapshotDeletion |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.TestSnapshotBlocksMap |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 4fef73a925b4 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | branch-2.10 / 74af92713123574b90dac1bc60fb86bf31cae1c7 |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09 |
   | Multi-JDK versions | /usr/lib/jvm/zulu-7-amd64:Azul Systems, 
Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10 /usr/lib/jvm/java

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-14837) Handle S3A "glacier" data

2024-03-17 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-14837:

bpahuja commented on PR #6407:

   Hello @steveloughran, Just a gentle reminder to review the PR :) , Do take a 
look whenever you get some time 

> Handle S3A "glacier" data
> -
> Key: HADOOP-14837
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Sub-task
>  Components: fs/s3
>Affects Versions: 3.0.0-beta1
>Reporter: Steve Loughran
>Assignee: Bhavay Pahuja
>Priority: Minor
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> SPARK-21797 covers how if you have AWS S3 set to copy some files to glacier, 
> they appear in the listing but GETs fail, and so does everything else
> We should think about how best to handle this.
> # report better
> # if listings can identify files which are glaciated then maybe we could have 
> an option to filter them out
> # test & see what happens

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Re: [PR] HADOOP-14837 : Support Read Restored Glacier Objects [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

bpahuja commented on PR #6407:

   Hello @steveloughran, Just a gentle reminder to review the PR :) , Do take a 
look whenever you get some time 

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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[PR] WIP: ApacheHttpClient adaptation in ABFS. [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

saxenapranav opened a new pull request, #6633:

   WIP Draft PR.

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19088) upgrade to jersey-json 1.22.0

2024-03-17 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-19088:

dineshchitlangia merged PR #6627:

> upgrade to jersey-json 1.22.0
> -
> Key: HADOOP-19088
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: build
>Affects Versions: 3.3.6
>Reporter: PJ Fanning
>Assignee: PJ Fanning
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Fix For: 3.5.0
> Tidies up support for Jettison and Jackson versions used by Hadoop

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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Re: [PR] HADOOP-19088. Use jersey-json 1.22.0 (#6585) [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

dineshchitlangia merged PR #6627:

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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Re: [PR] HDFS-17299. Adding rack failure tolerance when creating a new file [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6614:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 22s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 4 new or modified test files.  |
    _ branch-2.10 Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   2m 24s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  10m 26s |  |  branch-2.10 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 30s |  |  branch-2.10 passed with JDK 
Azul Systems, Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 12s |  |  branch-2.10 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 29s |  |  branch-2.10 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 16s |  |  branch-2.10 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 17s |  |  branch-2.10 passed with JDK 
Azul Systems, Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 56s |  |  branch-2.10 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 43s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs in branch-2.10 has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   0m 18s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m  3s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 25s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Azul Systems, Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m 25s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m  9s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m  9s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 24s |  |  hadoop-hdfs-project: The 
patch generated 0 new + 283 unchanged - 2 fixed = 283 total (was 285)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m  6s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 11s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Azul Systems, Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 53s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   2m 49s |  |  the patch passed  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   1m 13s |  |  hadoop-hdfs-client in the patch 
passed.  |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  |  74m  5s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 25s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 113m 47s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | hadoop.hdfs.web.TestWebHDFS |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.server.TestJournalNodeRespectsBindHostKeys |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.TestPipelinesFailover |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.TestDFSInotifyEventInputStream |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.TestLeaseRecovery2 |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 20973d4a3aad 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | branch-2.10 / 74af92713123574b90dac1bc60fb86bf31cae1c7 |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_362-8u372-ga~us1-0ubuntu1~18.04-b09 |
   | Multi-JDK versions | /usr/lib/jvm/zulu-7-amd64:Azul Systems, 
Inc.-1.7.0_262-b10 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64:Private 

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-14451) Deadlock in NativeIO

2024-03-17 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-14451:

vinayakumarb merged PR #6632:

> Deadlock in NativeIO
> Key: HADOOP-14451
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Affects Versions: 2.8.0, 3.0.0-alpha1
>Reporter: Ajith S
>Assignee: Vinayakumar B
>Priority: Blocker
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Attachments: HADOOP-14451-01.patch, HADOOP-14451-02.patch, 
> HADOOP-14451-03.patch, HADOOP-14451-04.patch, Nodemanager.jstack
>  Time Spent: 0.5h
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> * Scenario:
>   1. One thread calls a static method of NativeIO, which loads static block 
> of NativeIo.
>   2. Second thread calls a static method of NativeIo.POSIX, which loads a 
> static block of NativeIO.POSIX class
> Both try to lock on same object inside native code gets into deadlock.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-14451) Deadlock in NativeIO

2024-03-17 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-14451:

vinayakumarb commented on PR #6632:

   Thanks @dineshchitlangia 

> Deadlock in NativeIO
> Key: HADOOP-14451
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Affects Versions: 2.8.0, 3.0.0-alpha1
>Reporter: Ajith S
>Assignee: Vinayakumar B
>Priority: Blocker
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Attachments: HADOOP-14451-01.patch, HADOOP-14451-02.patch, 
> HADOOP-14451-03.patch, HADOOP-14451-04.patch, Nodemanager.jstack
>  Time Spent: 0.5h
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> * Scenario:
>   1. One thread calls a static method of NativeIO, which loads static block 
> of NativeIo.
>   2. Second thread calls a static method of NativeIo.POSIX, which loads a 
> static block of NativeIO.POSIX class
> Both try to lock on same object inside native code gets into deadlock.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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Re: [PR] HADOOP-14451. Deadlock in NativeIO [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

vinayakumarb commented on PR #6632:

   Thanks @dineshchitlangia 

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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Re: [PR] HADOOP-14451. Deadlock in NativeIO [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

vinayakumarb merged PR #6632:

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

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Re: [PR] WIP [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6629:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 20s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +0 :ok: |  xmllint  |   0m  1s |  |  xmllint was not available.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | -1 :x: |  pathlen  |   0m  0s | 
 |  The patch appears to contain 7 files with names longer than 240  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 1 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  14m  5s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  21m 21s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   9m 58s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   8m 58s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   2m  9s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  14m 13s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   5m 17s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   5m 31s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 13s |  |  branch/hadoop-project no spotbugs 
output file (spotbugsXml.xml)  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 12s |  |  branch/hadoop-assemblies no spotbugs 
output file (spotbugsXml.xml)  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   0m 46s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-rbf in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   6m 59s | 
 |  hadoop-yarn-project in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |  20m 12s | 
 |  root in trunk has 5 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  21m 39s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   1m 26s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  23m 27s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   9m 41s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   9m 41s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   8m 45s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   8m 45s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   2m 14s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  12m 26s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   5m 11s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   5m 25s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 14s |  |  hadoop-project has no data from 
spotbugs  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 11s |  |  hadoop-assemblies has no data from 
spotbugs  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  21m 17s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  | 662m 33s | 
 |  root in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   1m  4s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 935m 12s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | hadoop.hdfs.TestReadStri

Re: [PR] WIP [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6629:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 21s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +0 :ok: |  xmllint  |   0m  0s |  |  xmllint was not available.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | -1 :x: |  pathlen  |   0m  0s | 
 |  The patch appears to contain 7 files with names longer than 240  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 1 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  14m  9s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  20m 46s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   9m 57s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   9m 12s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   2m 17s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  13m 37s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   4m 58s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   4m 56s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 12s |  |  branch/hadoop-project no spotbugs 
output file (spotbugsXml.xml)  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 11s |  |  branch/hadoop-assemblies no spotbugs 
output file (spotbugsXml.xml)  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   7m 10s | 
 |  hadoop-yarn-project in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |  20m 16s | 
 |  root in trunk has 5 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  22m  2s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   1m 23s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  23m 19s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   9m 30s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   9m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   8m 56s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   8m 56s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   2m  6s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  11m 41s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   4m 54s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   5m  8s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 11s |  |  hadoop-project has no data from 
spotbugs  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 11s |  |  hadoop-assemblies has no data from 
spotbugs  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  22m  5s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  | 662m  2s | 
 |  root in the patch failed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   1m  3s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 931m 25s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | hadoop.hdfs.TestReadStripedFileWithMissingBlocks |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.TestPread |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.TestAddStripedBlocks |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.TestDFSClientFailover |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.TestDecommissionWithStriped |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.TestDFSStripedOutputStreamWithRandomECPolicy |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.TestBalancerWithHA

Re: [PR] HDFS-17299. Adding rack failure tolerance when creating a new file [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

shahrs87 merged PR #6614:

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17380. FsImageValidation: remove inaccessible nodes. [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

Hexiaoqiao commented on PR #6549:

   Committed to trunk. Please let me know if we need to backport to other 
active branches.
   Thanks @szetszwo for your works!

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URL above to go to the specific comment.

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17380. FsImageValidation: remove inaccessible nodes. [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

Hexiaoqiao merged PR #6549:

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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[jira] [Assigned] (HADOOP-19113) Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations: Improvement

2024-03-17 Thread Han Liu (Jira)


Han Liu reassigned HADOOP-19113:

Assignee: Han Liu

> Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations: Improvement
> --
> Key: HADOOP-19113
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>Reporter: Han Liu
>Assignee: Han Liu
>Priority: Minor
> Compatibility benchmark is a tool to quickly assess availabilities of 
> Hadoop-Compatible File System APIs. The basic benchmark has been established, 
> while there are still some improvements that has not been completed.
> This issue tracks these further improvements of the benchmark tool.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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For additional commands, e-mail:

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19085) Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations

2024-03-17 Thread Han Liu (Jira)


Han Liu commented on HADOOP-19085:

Really thanks for the code review and the final commit of the code! [~drankye] 

I created a new issue for further improvements of the benchmark. Improvements 
may include suggestions that has not been completed, such as PathCapabilities 
in the final report, windows support, etc. We can continue the discussion and 
future works there. [] [~drankye] 


> Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations
> -
> Key: HADOOP-19085
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>Reporter: Han Liu
>Assignee: Han Liu
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Attachments: HADOOP-19085.001.patch, HDFS Compatibility Benchmark 
> Design.pdf
> {*}Background:{*}Hadoop-Compatible File System (HCFS) is a core conception in 
> big data storage ecosystem, providing unified interfaces and generally clear 
> semantics, and has become the de-factor standard for industry storage systems 
> to follow and conform with. There have been a series of HCFS implementations 
> in Hadoop, such as S3AFileSystem for Amazon's S3 Object Store, WASB for 
> Microsoft's Azure Blob Storage and OSS connector for Alibaba Cloud Object 
> Storage, and more from storage service's providers on their own.
> {*}Problems:{*}However, as indicated by, there is no formal 
> suite to do compatibility assessment of a file system for all such HCFS 
> implementations. Thus, whether the functionality is well accomplished and 
> meets the core compatible expectations mainly relies on service provider's 
> own report. Meanwhile, Hadoop is also developing and new features are 
> continuously contributing to HCFS interfaces for existing implementations to 
> follow and update, in which case, Hadoop also needs a tool to quickly assess 
> if these features are supported or not for a specific HCFS implementation. 
> Besides, the known hadoop command line tool or hdfs shell is used to directly 
> interact with a HCFS storage system, where most commands correspond to 
> specific HCFS interfaces and work well. Still, there are cases that are 
> complicated and may not work, like expunge command. To check such commands 
> for an HCFS, we also need an approach to figure them out.
> {*}Proposal:{*}Accordingly, we propose to define a formal HCFS compatibility 
> benchmark and provide corresponding tool to do the compatibility assessment 
> for an HCFS storage system. The benchmark and tool should consider both HCFS 
> interfaces and hdfs shell commands. Different scenarios require different 
> kinds of compatibilities. For such consideration, we could define different 
> suites in the benchmark.
> *Benefits:* We intend the benchmark and tool to be useful for both storage 
> providers and storage users. For end users, it can be used to evalute the 
> compatibility level and determine if the storage system in question is 
> suitable for the required scenarios. For storage providers, it helps to 
> quickly generate an objective and reliable report about core functioins of 
> the storage service. As an instance, if the HCFS got a 100% on a suite named 
> 'tpcds', it is demonstrated that all functions needed by a tpcds program have 
> been well achieved. It is also a guide indicating how storage service 
> abilities can map to HCFS interfaces, such as storage class on S3.
> Any thoughts? Comments and feedback are mostly welcomed. Thanks in advance.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[jira] [Created] (HADOOP-19113) Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations: Improvement

2024-03-17 Thread Han Liu (Jira)
Han Liu created HADOOP-19113:

 Summary: Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations: 
 Key: HADOOP-19113
 Project: Hadoop Common
  Issue Type: Improvement
Reporter: Han Liu

Compatibility benchmark is a tool to quickly assess availabilities of 
Hadoop-Compatible File System APIs. The basic benchmark has been established, 
while there are still some improvements that has not been completed.

This issue tracks these further improvements of the benchmark tool.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [PR] WIP [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6629:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 48s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  1s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +0 :ok: |  xmllint  |   0m  0s |  |  xmllint was not available.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | -1 :x: |  pathlen  |   0m  0s | 
 |  The patch appears to contain 7 files with names longer than 240  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 1 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  15m 41s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  36m 44s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  19m 33s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  17m 53s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m 56s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  21m 45s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   9m  3s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   7m 47s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 19s |  |  branch/hadoop-project no spotbugs 
output file (spotbugsXml.xml)  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 20s |  |  branch/hadoop-assemblies no spotbugs 
output file (spotbugsXml.xml)  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |  11m 14s | 
 |  hadoop-yarn-project in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |  32m  7s | 
 |  root in trunk has 5 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  38m 48s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   1m 32s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  42m 40s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  18m 58s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  18m 58s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  17m 37s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  17m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m 42s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  20m 25s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   8m 51s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   7m 50s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 19s |  |  hadoop-project has no data from 
spotbugs  |
   | +0 :ok: |  spotbugs  |   0m 20s |  |  hadoop-assemblies has no data from 
spotbugs  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  37m 57s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  | 777m  5s | 
 |  root in the patch failed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   1m 39s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 1232m 34s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.diskbalancer.command.TestDiskBalancerCommand |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-14451) Deadlock in NativeIO

2024-03-17 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-14451:

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6632:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |  18m 30s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 1 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m 12s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   7m 59s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 45s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m  1s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 40s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 31s | 
 |  hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  20m 25s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   0m 32s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   7m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  cc  |   7m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  golang  |   7m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   7m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 42s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 58s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 36s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m 34s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  20m  2s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  |  16m 32s | 
 |  hadoop-common in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 41s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 134m  8s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | 
hadoop.crypto.TestCryptoStreamsWithOpensslSm4CtrCryptoCodec |
   |   | hadoop.crypto.TestCryptoCodec |
   |   | hadoop.service.launcher.TestServiceInterruptHandling |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets cc golang |
   | uname | Linux 7ba18ff39419 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | trunk / f5683d6fd75c74d4f93b6afdddc8ee9ff4d3a93a |
   | Default Java | Red Hat, Inc.-1.8.0_402-b06 |
   |  Test Results | |
   | Max. process+thread count | 1994 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
   | modules | C: hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common U: 
hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common |
   | Console output | |
   | versions | git=2.9.5 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=4.2.2 |
   | Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.14.0 |
   This message was automatically generated.

> Deadlock in NativeIO
> Key: HADOOP-14451
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Is

Re: [PR] HADOOP-14451. Deadlock in NativeIO [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6632:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |  18m 30s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 1 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m 12s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   7m 59s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 45s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m  1s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 40s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 31s | 
 |  hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  20m 25s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   0m 32s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   7m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  cc  |   7m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  golang  |   7m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   7m 37s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 42s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 58s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 36s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m 34s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  20m  2s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  |  16m 32s | 
 |  hadoop-common in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 41s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 134m  8s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | 
hadoop.crypto.TestCryptoStreamsWithOpensslSm4CtrCryptoCodec |
   |   | hadoop.crypto.TestCryptoCodec |
   |   | hadoop.service.launcher.TestServiceInterruptHandling |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets cc golang |
   | uname | Linux 7ba18ff39419 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | trunk / f5683d6fd75c74d4f93b6afdddc8ee9ff4d3a93a |
   | Default Java | Red Hat, Inc.-1.8.0_402-b06 |
   |  Test Results | |
   | Max. process+thread count | 1994 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
   | modules | C: hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common U: 
hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common |
   | Console output | |
   | versions | git=2.9.5 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=4.2.2 |
   | Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.14.0 |
   This message was automatically generated.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:

For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17299. Adding rack failure tolerance when creating a new file [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

shahrs87 commented on code in PR #6614:

@@ -1707,4 +1708,154 @@ public void testStorageFavouredNodes()
   assertEquals("Number of SSD should be 1 but was : " + numSSD, 1, numSSD);
+  @Test
+  public void testSingleRackFailureDuringPipelineSetupMinReplicationPossible() 
throws Exception {
+Configuration conf = getTestConfiguration();
+// 3 racks & 6 nodes. 1 per rack for 2 racks and 3 nodes in the 3rd rack
+try (MiniDFSCluster cluster = new 
+.racks(new String[] {"/rack1", "/rack2", "/rack3", "/rack3", "/rack3", 
"/rack3"}).build()) {
+  cluster.waitClusterUp();
+  DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
+  // kill all the DNs in the 3rd rack.
+  cluster.stopDataNode(5);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(4);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(3);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(2);
+  // create a file with replication 3, for rack fault tolerant BPP,
+  DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path("/testFile"), 1024L, (short) 3, 
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void 
+  throws Exception {
+Configuration conf = getTestConfiguration();
+// 3 racks & 6 nodes. 1 per rack for 2 racks and 3 nodes in the 3rd rack
+try (MiniDFSCluster cluster = new 
+.racks(new String[] {"/rack1", "/rack2", "/rack3", "/rack3", "/rack3", 
"/rack3"}).build()) {
+  cluster.waitClusterUp();
+  DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
+  // kill one DN, so only 2 racks stays with active DN
+  cluster.stopDataNode(5);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(4);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(3);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(2);
+  boolean threw = false;
+  try {
+DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path("/testFile"), 1024L, (short) 3, 
+  } catch (IOException e) {
+threw = true;
+  }
+  assertTrue(threw);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void 
testMultipleRackFailureDuringPipelineSetupMinReplicationPossible() throws 
Exception {
+Configuration conf = getTestConfiguration();
+// 3 racks & 3 nodes. 1 per rack

Review Comment:
   The comments are not correct. Can you please update them? @ritegarg 

@@ -1707,4 +1708,154 @@ public void testStorageFavouredNodes()
   assertEquals("Number of SSD should be 1 but was : " + numSSD, 1, numSSD);
+  @Test
+  public void testSingleRackFailureDuringPipelineSetupMinReplicationPossible() 
throws Exception {
+Configuration conf = getTestConfiguration();
+// 3 racks & 6 nodes. 1 per rack for 2 racks and 3 nodes in the 3rd rack
+try (MiniDFSCluster cluster = new 
+.racks(new String[] {"/rack1", "/rack2", "/rack3", "/rack3", "/rack3", 
"/rack3"}).build()) {
+  cluster.waitClusterUp();
+  DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
+  // kill all the DNs in the 3rd rack.
+  cluster.stopDataNode(5);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(4);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(3);
+  cluster.stopDataNode(2);

Re: [PR] YARN-11664: Remove HDFS Binaries/Jars Dependency From Yarn [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6631:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |  12m 37s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  2s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 15 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  14m 23s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m 15s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  17m 19s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  15m 58s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m 33s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   8m 23s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   6m 59s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   7m 16s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   2m 36s | 
 |  hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   2m 43s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-client in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 32s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-rbf in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 13s | 
 in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  33m  8s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   0m 32s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   5m 10s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 47s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  16m 47s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m  8s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  16m  8s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   4m 25s | 
 |  root: The patch generated 7 new + 1212 unchanged - 5 fixed = 1219 total 
(was 1217)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   8m 23s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | -1 :x: |  javadoc  |   0m 59s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-client in the patch failed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   7m 13s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_392-8u392-ga-1~20.04-b08  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |  16m 19s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :gree

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-14451) Deadlock in NativeIO

2024-03-17 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-14451:

vinayakumarb opened a new pull request, #6632:

   ### Description of PR
   * Scenario:
 1. One thread calls a static method of NativeIO, which loads static block 
of NativeIo.
 2. Second thread calls a static method of NativeIo.POSIX, which loads a 
static block of NativeIO.POSIX class
   Both try to lock on same object inside native code gets into deadlock.
   ### How was this patch tested?
   Reproducible Unit tests.
   ### For code changes:
   - [* ] Does the title or this PR starts with the corresponding JIRA issue id 
(e.g. 'HADOOP-17799. Your PR title ...')?
   - [ ] Object storage: have the integration tests been executed and the 
endpoint declared according to the connector-specific documentation?
   - [ ] If adding new dependencies to the code, are these dependencies 
licensed in a way that is compatible for inclusion under [ASF 
   - [ ] If applicable, have you updated the `LICENSE`, `LICENSE-binary`, 
`NOTICE-binary` files?

> Deadlock in NativeIO
> Key: HADOOP-14451
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Affects Versions: 2.8.0, 3.0.0-alpha1
>Reporter: Ajith S
>Assignee: Vinayakumar B
>Priority: Blocker
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Attachments: HADOOP-14451-01.patch, HADOOP-14451-02.patch, 
> HADOOP-14451-03.patch, HADOOP-14451-04.patch, Nodemanager.jstack
>  Time Spent: 0.5h
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> * Scenario:
>   1. One thread calls a static method of NativeIO, which loads static block 
> of NativeIo.
>   2. Second thread calls a static method of NativeIo.POSIX, which loads a 
> static block of NativeIO.POSIX class
> Both try to lock on same object inside native code gets into deadlock.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[PR] HADOOP-14451. Deadlock in NativeIO [hadoop]

2024-03-17 Thread via GitHub

vinayakumarb opened a new pull request, #6632:

   ### Description of PR
   * Scenario:
 1. One thread calls a static method of NativeIO, which loads static block 
of NativeIo.
 2. Second thread calls a static method of NativeIo.POSIX, which loads a 
static block of NativeIO.POSIX class
   Both try to lock on same object inside native code gets into deadlock.
   ### How was this patch tested?
   Reproducible Unit tests.
   ### For code changes:
   - [* ] Does the title or this PR starts with the corresponding JIRA issue id 
(e.g. 'HADOOP-17799. Your PR title ...')?
   - [ ] Object storage: have the integration tests been executed and the 
endpoint declared according to the connector-specific documentation?
   - [ ] If adding new dependencies to the code, are these dependencies 
licensed in a way that is compatible for inclusion under [ASF 
   - [ ] If applicable, have you updated the `LICENSE`, `LICENSE-binary`, 
`NOTICE-binary` files?

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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[jira] [Updated] (HADOOP-14451) Deadlock in NativeIO

2024-03-17 Thread Vinayakumar B (Jira)


Vinayakumar B updated HADOOP-14451:
* Scenario:
  1. One thread calls a static method of NativeIO, which loads static block of 
  2. Second thread calls a static method of NativeIo.POSIX, which loads a 
static block of NativeIO.POSIX class

Both try to lock on same object inside native code gets into deadlock.

> Deadlock in NativeIO
> Key: HADOOP-14451
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Affects Versions: 2.8.0, 3.0.0-alpha1
>Reporter: Ajith S
>Assignee: Vinayakumar B
>Priority: Blocker
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Attachments: HADOOP-14451-01.patch, HADOOP-14451-02.patch, 
> HADOOP-14451-03.patch, HADOOP-14451-04.patch, Nodemanager.jstack
>  Time Spent: 0.5h
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> * Scenario:
>   1. One thread calls a static method of NativeIO, which loads static block 
> of NativeIo.
>   2. Second thread calls a static method of NativeIo.POSIX, which loads a 
> static block of NativeIO.POSIX class
> Both try to lock on same object inside native code gets into deadlock.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[jira] [Resolved] (HADOOP-19085) Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations

2024-03-17 Thread Kai Zheng (Jira)


Kai Zheng resolved HADOOP-19085.

Hadoop Flags: Reviewed
Target Version/s: 3.3.6
  Resolution: Fixed

> Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations
> -
> Key: HADOOP-19085
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>Reporter: Han Liu
>Assignee: Han Liu
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Attachments: HADOOP-19085.001.patch, HDFS Compatibility Benchmark 
> Design.pdf
> {*}Background:{*}Hadoop-Compatible File System (HCFS) is a core conception in 
> big data storage ecosystem, providing unified interfaces and generally clear 
> semantics, and has become the de-factor standard for industry storage systems 
> to follow and conform with. There have been a series of HCFS implementations 
> in Hadoop, such as S3AFileSystem for Amazon's S3 Object Store, WASB for 
> Microsoft's Azure Blob Storage and OSS connector for Alibaba Cloud Object 
> Storage, and more from storage service's providers on their own.
> {*}Problems:{*}However, as indicated by, there is no formal 
> suite to do compatibility assessment of a file system for all such HCFS 
> implementations. Thus, whether the functionality is well accomplished and 
> meets the core compatible expectations mainly relies on service provider's 
> own report. Meanwhile, Hadoop is also developing and new features are 
> continuously contributing to HCFS interfaces for existing implementations to 
> follow and update, in which case, Hadoop also needs a tool to quickly assess 
> if these features are supported or not for a specific HCFS implementation. 
> Besides, the known hadoop command line tool or hdfs shell is used to directly 
> interact with a HCFS storage system, where most commands correspond to 
> specific HCFS interfaces and work well. Still, there are cases that are 
> complicated and may not work, like expunge command. To check such commands 
> for an HCFS, we also need an approach to figure them out.
> {*}Proposal:{*}Accordingly, we propose to define a formal HCFS compatibility 
> benchmark and provide corresponding tool to do the compatibility assessment 
> for an HCFS storage system. The benchmark and tool should consider both HCFS 
> interfaces and hdfs shell commands. Different scenarios require different 
> kinds of compatibilities. For such consideration, we could define different 
> suites in the benchmark.
> *Benefits:* We intend the benchmark and tool to be useful for both storage 
> providers and storage users. For end users, it can be used to evalute the 
> compatibility level and determine if the storage system in question is 
> suitable for the required scenarios. For storage providers, it helps to 
> quickly generate an objective and reliable report about core functioins of 
> the storage service. As an instance, if the HCFS got a 100% on a suite named 
> 'tpcds', it is demonstrated that all functions needed by a tpcds program have 
> been well achieved. It is also a guide indicating how storage service 
> abilities can map to HCFS interfaces, such as storage class on S3.
> Any thoughts? Comments and feedback are mostly welcomed. Thanks in advance.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19085) Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations

2024-03-17 Thread Kai Zheng (Jira)


Kai Zheng commented on HADOOP-19085:

For the valuable suggestions mentioned in the discussion, I suggest we follow 
up in separate issues, [~han.liu]. 

> Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations
> -
> Key: HADOOP-19085
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>Reporter: Han Liu
>Assignee: Han Liu
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Attachments: HADOOP-19085.001.patch, HDFS Compatibility Benchmark 
> Design.pdf
> {*}Background:{*}Hadoop-Compatible File System (HCFS) is a core conception in 
> big data storage ecosystem, providing unified interfaces and generally clear 
> semantics, and has become the de-factor standard for industry storage systems 
> to follow and conform with. There have been a series of HCFS implementations 
> in Hadoop, such as S3AFileSystem for Amazon's S3 Object Store, WASB for 
> Microsoft's Azure Blob Storage and OSS connector for Alibaba Cloud Object 
> Storage, and more from storage service's providers on their own.
> {*}Problems:{*}However, as indicated by, there is no formal 
> suite to do compatibility assessment of a file system for all such HCFS 
> implementations. Thus, whether the functionality is well accomplished and 
> meets the core compatible expectations mainly relies on service provider's 
> own report. Meanwhile, Hadoop is also developing and new features are 
> continuously contributing to HCFS interfaces for existing implementations to 
> follow and update, in which case, Hadoop also needs a tool to quickly assess 
> if these features are supported or not for a specific HCFS implementation. 
> Besides, the known hadoop command line tool or hdfs shell is used to directly 
> interact with a HCFS storage system, where most commands correspond to 
> specific HCFS interfaces and work well. Still, there are cases that are 
> complicated and may not work, like expunge command. To check such commands 
> for an HCFS, we also need an approach to figure them out.
> {*}Proposal:{*}Accordingly, we propose to define a formal HCFS compatibility 
> benchmark and provide corresponding tool to do the compatibility assessment 
> for an HCFS storage system. The benchmark and tool should consider both HCFS 
> interfaces and hdfs shell commands. Different scenarios require different 
> kinds of compatibilities. For such consideration, we could define different 
> suites in the benchmark.
> *Benefits:* We intend the benchmark and tool to be useful for both storage 
> providers and storage users. For end users, it can be used to evalute the 
> compatibility level and determine if the storage system in question is 
> suitable for the required scenarios. For storage providers, it helps to 
> quickly generate an objective and reliable report about core functioins of 
> the storage service. As an instance, if the HCFS got a 100% on a suite named 
> 'tpcds', it is demonstrated that all functions needed by a tpcds program have 
> been well achieved. It is also a guide indicating how storage service 
> abilities can map to HCFS interfaces, such as storage class on S3.
> Any thoughts? Comments and feedback are mostly welcomed. Thanks in advance.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19085) Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations

2024-03-17 Thread Kai Zheng (Jira)


Kai Zheng commented on HADOOP-19085:

The patch was just committed. Thanks [~han.liu] for the contribution, and 
[] for the guidance!

> Compatibility Benchmark over HCFS Implementations
> -
> Key: HADOOP-19085
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>Reporter: Han Liu
>Assignee: Han Liu
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> Attachments: HADOOP-19085.001.patch, HDFS Compatibility Benchmark 
> Design.pdf
> {*}Background:{*}Hadoop-Compatible File System (HCFS) is a core conception in 
> big data storage ecosystem, providing unified interfaces and generally clear 
> semantics, and has become the de-factor standard for industry storage systems 
> to follow and conform with. There have been a series of HCFS implementations 
> in Hadoop, such as S3AFileSystem for Amazon's S3 Object Store, WASB for 
> Microsoft's Azure Blob Storage and OSS connector for Alibaba Cloud Object 
> Storage, and more from storage service's providers on their own.
> {*}Problems:{*}However, as indicated by, there is no formal 
> suite to do compatibility assessment of a file system for all such HCFS 
> implementations. Thus, whether the functionality is well accomplished and 
> meets the core compatible expectations mainly relies on service provider's 
> own report. Meanwhile, Hadoop is also developing and new features are 
> continuously contributing to HCFS interfaces for existing implementations to 
> follow and update, in which case, Hadoop also needs a tool to quickly assess 
> if these features are supported or not for a specific HCFS implementation. 
> Besides, the known hadoop command line tool or hdfs shell is used to directly 
> interact with a HCFS storage system, where most commands correspond to 
> specific HCFS interfaces and work well. Still, there are cases that are 
> complicated and may not work, like expunge command. To check such commands 
> for an HCFS, we also need an approach to figure them out.
> {*}Proposal:{*}Accordingly, we propose to define a formal HCFS compatibility 
> benchmark and provide corresponding tool to do the compatibility assessment 
> for an HCFS storage system. The benchmark and tool should consider both HCFS 
> interfaces and hdfs shell commands. Different scenarios require different 
> kinds of compatibilities. For such consideration, we could define different 
> suites in the benchmark.
> *Benefits:* We intend the benchmark and tool to be useful for both storage 
> providers and storage users. For end users, it can be used to evalute the 
> compatibility level and determine if the storage system in question is 
> suitable for the required scenarios. For storage providers, it helps to 
> quickly generate an objective and reliable report about core functioins of 
> the storage service. As an instance, if the HCFS got a 100% on a suite named 
> 'tpcds', it is demonstrated that all functions needed by a tpcds program have 
> been well achieved. It is also a guide indicating how storage service 
> abilities can map to HCFS interfaces, such as storage class on S3.
> Any thoughts? Comments and feedback are mostly welcomed. Thanks in advance.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[jira] [Assigned] (HADOOP-19112) Hadoop 3.4.0 release wrap-up

2024-03-17 Thread Shilun Fan (Jira)


Shilun Fan reassigned HADOOP-19112:

Assignee: Shilun Fan

> Hadoop 3.4.0 release wrap-up
> Key: HADOOP-19112
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Sub-task
>  Components: common
>Affects Versions: 3.4.0
>Reporter: Shilun Fan
>Assignee: Shilun Fan
>Priority: Major

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[jira] [Created] (HADOOP-19112) Hadoop 3.4.0 release wrap-up

2024-03-17 Thread Shilun Fan (Jira)
Shilun Fan created HADOOP-19112:

 Summary: Hadoop 3.4.0 release wrap-up
 Key: HADOOP-19112
 Project: Hadoop Common
  Issue Type: Sub-task
  Components: common
Affects Versions: 3.4.0
Reporter: Shilun Fan

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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