Re: [PR] HDFS-17424 [FGL] DelegationTokenSecretManager supports fine-grained lock [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

ferhui commented on code in PR #6696:

@@ -22,11 +22,10 @@
-import java.util.ArrayList;

Review Comment:
   Why remove it here? seems it caused compiling failure.

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17424 [FGL] DelegationTokenSecretManager supports fine-grained lock [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

yuanboliu commented on PR #6696:

   @ferhui Thanks for your reply, triggerred it.

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17424 [FGL] DelegationTokenSecretManager supports fine-grained lock [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6696:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   6m 47s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | -1 :x: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch doesn't appear to include 
any new or modified tests. Please justify why no new tests are needed for this 
patch. Also please list what manual steps were performed to verify this patch.  
    _ HDFS-17384 Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m 56s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 44s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 39s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 40s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 42s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 42s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m  5s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m 48s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  21m 29s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  mvninstall  |   0m 24s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch failed.  |
   | -1 :x: |  compile  |   0m 25s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch failed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1.  |
   | -1 :x: |  javac  |   0m 25s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch failed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1.  |
   | -1 :x: |  compile  |   0m 24s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch failed with JDK Private 
Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06.  |
   | -1 :x: |  javac  |   0m 24s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch failed with JDK Private 
Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 31s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | -1 :x: |  mvnsite  |   0m 24s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch failed.  |
   | -1 :x: |  javadoc  |   0m 21s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch failed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1.  |
   | -1 :x: |  javadoc  |   1m  0s | 

Re: [PR] HDFS-15413. add to fix read ecfile timeout [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

haiyang1987 commented on code in PR #5829:

@@ -233,41 +235,62 @@ private ByteBufferStrategy[] 
getReadStrategies(StripingChunk chunk) {
   private int readToBuffer(BlockReader blockReader,
   DatanodeInfo currentNode, ByteBufferStrategy strategy,
-  ExtendedBlock currentBlock) throws IOException {
+  LocatedBlock currentBlock, int chunkIndex) throws IOException {
 final int targetLength = strategy.getTargetLength();
-int length = 0;
-try {
-  while (length < targetLength) {
-int ret = strategy.readFromBlock(blockReader);
-if (ret < 0) {
-  throw new IOException("Unexpected EOS from the reader");
+int curAttempts = 0;
+while (curAttempts < readDNMaxAttempts) {
+  curAttempts++;
+  int length = 0;
+  try {
+while (length < targetLength) {
+  int ret = strategy.readFromBlock(blockReader);
+  if (ret < 0) {
+throw new IOException("Unexpected EOS from the reader");
+  }
+  length += ret;
+return length;
+  } catch (ChecksumException ce) {
+DFSClient.LOG.warn("Found Checksum error for "
++ currentBlock + " from " + currentNode
++ " at " + ce.getPos());
+//Clear buffer to make next decode success
+// we want to remember which block replicas we have tried
+throw ce;
+  } catch (IOException e) {
+//Clear buffer to make next decode success
+if (curAttempts < readDNMaxAttempts) {
+  if (readerInfos[chunkIndex].reader != null) {
+  }
+  if (dfsStripedInputStream.createBlockReader(currentBlock,
+  alignedStripe.getOffsetInBlock(), targetBlocks,

Review Comment:
   yeah, Agree with @zhangshuyan0 comment.
   `readToBuffer(reader, datanode, strategy, currentBlock, chunkIndex, ret) ` 
   here we shoud use `alignedStripe.getOffsetInBlock()+ret` instead of `ret`

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17455. Fix Client throw IndexOutOfBoundsException in DFSInputStream#fetchBlockAt [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

haiyang1987 commented on PR #6710:

   Thanks @ZanderXu for your detailed review, i will update it later.

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Re: [PR] YARN-11670. Add CallerContext in NodeManager [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

dineshchitlangia commented on PR #6688:

   Thanks @yangjiandan  for contribution and @whbing  & @slfan1989  for your 

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Re: [PR] YARN-11670. Add CallerContext in NodeManager [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

dineshchitlangia merged PR #6688:

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17455. Fix Client throw IndexOutOfBoundsException in DFSInputStream#fetchBlockAt [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

ZanderXu commented on code in PR #6710:

@@ -287,4 +300,69 @@ public void testReadWithoutPreferredCachingReplica() 
throws IOException {
+  @Test
+  public void testCreateBlockReaderWhenInvalidBlockTokenException() throws
+  IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
+GenericTestUtils.setLogLevel(DFSClient.LOG, Level.DEBUG);
+Configuration conf = new Configuration();
+DFSClientFaultInjector oldFaultInjector = DFSClientFaultInjector.get();
+try (MiniDFSCluster cluster = new 
MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(3).build()) {
+  cluster.waitActive();
+  DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
+  String file = "/testfile";
+  Path path = new Path(file);
+  long fileLen = 1024 * 64;
+  EnumSet createFlags = EnumSet.of(CREATE);
+  FSDataOutputStream out =  fs.create(path, FsPermission.getFileDefault(), 

Review Comment:
   this out should be closed in the `finally` logic, right?

@@ -287,4 +300,69 @@ public void testReadWithoutPreferredCachingReplica() 
throws IOException {
+  @Test
+  public void testCreateBlockReaderWhenInvalidBlockTokenException() throws
+  IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
+GenericTestUtils.setLogLevel(DFSClient.LOG, Level.DEBUG);
+Configuration conf = new Configuration();
+DFSClientFaultInjector oldFaultInjector = DFSClientFaultInjector.get();
+try (MiniDFSCluster cluster = new 
MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(3).build()) {
+  cluster.waitActive();
+  DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
+  String file = "/testfile";
+  Path path = new Path(file);
+  long fileLen = 1024 * 64;
+  EnumSet createFlags = EnumSet.of(CREATE);
+  FSDataOutputStream out =  fs.create(path, FsPermission.getFileDefault(), 
+  fs.getConf().getInt(IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, 4096), (short) 3,
+  fs.getDefaultBlockSize(path), null);
+  int bufferLen = 1024;
+  byte[] toWrite = new byte[bufferLen];
+  Random rb = new Random(0);
+  long bytesToWrite = fileLen;
+  while (bytesToWrite > 0) {
+int bytesToWriteNext = (bufferLen < bytesToWrite) ? bufferLen : (int) 
+out.write(toWrite, 0, bytesToWriteNext);

Review Comment:
   Please add some comments to show that you just want to create a file which 
only contains one UC block.

@@ -287,4 +300,69 @@ public void testReadWithoutPreferredCachingReplica() 
throws IOException {
+  @Test
+  public void testCreateBlockReaderWhenInvalidBlockTokenException() throws
+  IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
+GenericTestUtils.setLogLevel(DFSClient.LOG, Level.DEBUG);
+Configuration conf = new Configuration();
+DFSClientFaultInjector oldFaultInjector = DFSClientFaultInjector.get();
+try (MiniDFSCluster cluster = new 
MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(3).build()) {
+  cluster.waitActive();
+  DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
+  String file = "/testfile";
+  Path path = new Path(file);
+  long fileLen = 1024 * 64;
+  EnumSet createFlags = EnumSet.of(CREATE);
+  FSDataOutputStream out =  fs.create(path, FsPermission.getFileDefault(), 
+  fs.getConf().getInt(IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, 4096), (short) 3,
+  fs.getDefaultBlockSize(path), null);

Review Comment:
   What's the default block size? 256MB? If so, please hardcode it.

@@ -520,6 +520,15 @@ private LocatedBlock fetchBlockAt(long offset, long 
length, boolean useCache)
 // Update the LastLocatedBlock, if offset is for last block.
 if (offset >= locatedBlocks.getFileLength()) {
   setLocatedBlocksFields(newBlocks, getLastBlockLength(newBlocks));
+  // Here locatedBlocks has been updated, need to check offset again.
+  // If offset to the portion of the last block, will return the last 
+  // otherwise the block containing the specified offset needs to be 
searched again.
+  if (offset >= locatedBlocks.getFileLength()) {

Review Comment:
   Make sense. Please make the comments clearer.
  * After updating the locatedBlock, the block to which the offset 
  * should 

Re: [PR] HDFS-17411. [FGL] Client RPCs involving snapshot support fine-grained lock [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

ferhui commented on PR #6714:

   Thanks for contribution. Merged.

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17411. [FGL] Client RPCs involving snapshot support fine-grained lock [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

ferhui merged PR #6714:

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17397. Choose another DN as soon as possible, when encountering network issues [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

charlesy6 commented on PR #6591:

   This patch works for me, lgtm.

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[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-18679) Add API for bulk/paged object deletion

2024-04-08 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-18679:

mukund-thakur commented on code in PR #6494:

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.fs;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
+import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.statistics.IOStatisticsSource;
+import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
+ * API for bulk deletion of objects/files,
+ * but not directories.
+ * After use, call {@code close()} to release any resources and
+ * to guarantee store IOStatistics are updated.
+ * 
+ * Callers MUST have no expectation that parent directories will exist after 
+ * operation completes; if an object store needs to explicitly look for and 
+ * directory markers, that step will be omitted.
+ * 
+ * Be aware that on some stores (AWS S3) each object listed in a bulk delete 
+ * against the write IOPS limit; large page sizes are counterproductive here, 
+ * are attempts at parallel submissions across multiple threads.
+ * @see";>HADOOP-16823.
+ *  Large DeleteObject requests are their own Thundering Herd
+ * 
+ */
+public interface BulkDelete extends IOStatisticsSource, Closeable {
+  /**
+   * The maximum number of objects/files to delete in a single request.
+   * @return a number greater than or equal to zero.
+   */
+  int pageSize();

Review Comment:
   shouldn't this be greater than 0? 
   equal to 0 doesn't make sense. also we have the check in S3A impl. 

> Add API for bulk/paged object deletion
> --
> Key: HADOOP-18679
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Sub-task
>  Components: fs/s3
>Affects Versions: 3.3.5
>Reporter: Steve Loughran
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> iceberg and hbase could benefit from being able to give a list of individual 
> files to delete -files which may be scattered round the bucket for better 
> read peformance. 
> Add some new optional interface for an object store which allows a caller to 
> submit a list of paths to files to delete, where
> the expectation is
> * if a path is a file: delete
> * if a path is a dir, outcome undefined
> For s3 that'd let us build these into DeleteRequest objects, and submit, 
> without any probes first.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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Re: [PR] HADOOP-18679. Add API for bulk/paged object deletion [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

mukund-thakur commented on code in PR #6494:

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.fs;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
+import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.statistics.IOStatisticsSource;
+import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
+ * API for bulk deletion of objects/files,
+ * but not directories.
+ * After use, call {@code close()} to release any resources and
+ * to guarantee store IOStatistics are updated.
+ * 
+ * Callers MUST have no expectation that parent directories will exist after 
+ * operation completes; if an object store needs to explicitly look for and 
+ * directory markers, that step will be omitted.
+ * 
+ * Be aware that on some stores (AWS S3) each object listed in a bulk delete 
+ * against the write IOPS limit; large page sizes are counterproductive here, 
+ * are attempts at parallel submissions across multiple threads.
+ * @see";>HADOOP-16823.
+ *  Large DeleteObject requests are their own Thundering Herd
+ * 
+ */
+public interface BulkDelete extends IOStatisticsSource, Closeable {
+  /**
+   * The maximum number of objects/files to delete in a single request.
+   * @return a number greater than or equal to zero.
+   */
+  int pageSize();

Review Comment:
   shouldn't this be greater than 0? 
   equal to 0 doesn't make sense. also we have the check in S3A impl. 

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17453. IncrementalBlockReport can have race condition with Edit Log Tailer [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6708:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 31s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 3 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  44m 34s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 23s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 16s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   1m 13s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 25s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m  8s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 44s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 16s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  35m 50s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m 13s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 15s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m 15s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m  7s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m  7s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 59s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 12s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 53s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 39s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 18s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  35m 46s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  | 229m 12s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 46s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 370m 49s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.TestBlockReplacement |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.TestHASafeMode |
   |   | |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.45 ServerAPI=1.45 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 7befa78cf720 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | trunk / 599d98d3752389b500fe0ae6ab24ad8c2f303322 |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   | Multi-JDK versions | 
Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   |  Test Results | |
   | Max. process+thread count | 4205 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
   | modules | C: hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs U: 
hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs |
   | Console output | |
   | versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=4.2.2 |
   | Powered by |

Re: [PR] HADOOP-18679. Add API for bulk/paged object deletion [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

mukund-thakur commented on code in PR #6494:

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.fs;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
+import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.statistics.IOStatisticsSource;
+import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
+ * API for bulk deletion of objects/files,
+ * but not directories.
+ * After use, call {@code close()} to release any resources and
+ * to guarantee store IOStatistics are updated.
+ * 
+ * Callers MUST have no expectation that parent directories will exist after 
+ * operation completes; if an object store needs to explicitly look for and 
+ * directory markers, that step will be omitted.
+ * 
+ * Be aware that on some stores (AWS S3) each object listed in a bulk delete 
+ * against the write IOPS limit; large page sizes are counterproductive here, 
+ * are attempts at parallel submissions across multiple threads.
+ * @see";>HADOOP-16823.
+ *  Large DeleteObject requests are their own Thundering Herd
+ * 
+ */
+public interface BulkDelete extends IOStatisticsSource, Closeable {
+  /**
+   * The maximum number of objects/files to delete in a single request.
+   * @return a number greater than or equal to zero.
+   */
+  int pageSize();
+  /**
+   * Base path of a bulk delete operation.
+   * All paths submitted in {@link #bulkDelete(List)} must be under this path.
+   */
+  Path basePath();
+  /**
+   * Delete a list of files/objects.
+   * 
+   *   Files must be under the path provided in {@link #basePath()}.

Review Comment:
   writing contract tests for this locally., can't find the implementation of 
this in S3A. 

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

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For additional commands, e-mail:

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-18679) Add API for bulk/paged object deletion

2024-04-08 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-18679:

mukund-thakur commented on code in PR #6494:

@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl;
+import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Retries;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AStore;
+import org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.Tuples;
+import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
+import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
+import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Invoker.once;
+import static org.apache.hadoop.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;
+import static org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.Tuples.pair;
+ * Callbacks for the bulk delete operation.
+ */
+public class BulkDeleteOperationCallbacksImpl implements
+BulkDeleteOperation.BulkDeleteOperationCallbacks {
+  /**
+   * Path for logging.
+   */
+  private final String path;
+  /** Page size for bulk delete. */
+  private final int pageSize;
+  /** span for operations. */
+  private final AuditSpan span;
+  /**
+   * Store.
+   */
+  private final S3AStore store;
+  public BulkDeleteOperationCallbacksImpl(final S3AStore store,
+  String path, int pageSize, AuditSpan span) {
+this.span = span;
+this.pageSize = pageSize;
+this.path = path; = store;
+  }
+  @Override
+  @Retries.RetryTranslated
+  public List> bulkDelete(final 
List keysToDelete)
+  throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+final int size = keysToDelete.size();
+checkArgument(size <= pageSize,
+"Too many paths to delete in one operation: %s", size);
+if (size == 0) {
+  return emptyList();
+if (size == 1) {
+  return deleteSingleObject(keysToDelete.get(0).key());
+final DeleteObjectsResponse response = once("bulkDelete", path, () ->
+final List errors = response.errors();
+if (errors.isEmpty()) {
+  // all good.
+  return emptyList();
+} else {
+  return
+  .map(e -> pair(e.key(), e.message()))
+  .collect(Collectors.toList());
+  }
+  /**
+   * Delete a single object.
+   * @param key key to delete
+   * @return list of keys which failed to delete: length 0 or 1.
+   * @throws IOException IO problem other than AccessDeniedException
+   */
+  @Retries.RetryTranslated
+  private List> deleteSingleObject(final String key) 
throws IOException {

Review Comment:
   after checking locally, this is fine. 

> Add API for bulk/paged object deletion
> --
> Key: HADOOP-18679
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Sub-task
>  Components: fs/s3
>Affects Versions: 3.3.5
>Reporter: Steve Loughran
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> iceberg and hbase could benefit from being able to give a list of individual 
> files to delete -files which may be scattered round the bucket for better 
> read peformance. 
> Add some new optional interface for an object store which allows a caller to 
> subm

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-18679) Add API for bulk/paged object deletion

2024-04-08 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-18679:

mukund-thakur commented on code in PR #6494:

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.fs;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
+import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.statistics.IOStatisticsSource;
+import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
+ * API for bulk deletion of objects/files,
+ * but not directories.
+ * After use, call {@code close()} to release any resources and
+ * to guarantee store IOStatistics are updated.
+ * 
+ * Callers MUST have no expectation that parent directories will exist after 
+ * operation completes; if an object store needs to explicitly look for and 
+ * directory markers, that step will be omitted.
+ * 
+ * Be aware that on some stores (AWS S3) each object listed in a bulk delete 
+ * against the write IOPS limit; large page sizes are counterproductive here, 
+ * are attempts at parallel submissions across multiple threads.
+ * @see";>HADOOP-16823.
+ *  Large DeleteObject requests are their own Thundering Herd
+ * 
+ */
+public interface BulkDelete extends IOStatisticsSource, Closeable {
+  /**
+   * The maximum number of objects/files to delete in a single request.
+   * @return a number greater than or equal to zero.
+   */
+  int pageSize();
+  /**
+   * Base path of a bulk delete operation.
+   * All paths submitted in {@link #bulkDelete(List)} must be under this path.
+   */
+  Path basePath();
+  /**
+   * Delete a list of files/objects.
+   * 
+   *   Files must be under the path provided in {@link #basePath()}.

Review Comment:
   writing contract tests for this locally., can't find the implementation of 
this in S3A. 

> Add API for bulk/paged object deletion
> --
> Key: HADOOP-18679
> URL:
> Project: Hadoop Common
>  Issue Type: Sub-task
>  Components: fs/s3
>Affects Versions: 3.3.5
>Reporter: Steve Loughran
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: pull-request-available
> iceberg and hbase could benefit from being able to give a list of individual 
> files to delete -files which may be scattered round the bucket for better 
> read peformance. 
> Add some new optional interface for an object store which allows a caller to 
> submit a list of paths to files to delete, where
> the expectation is
> * if a path is a file: delete
> * if a path is a dir, outcome undefined
> For s3 that'd let us build these into DeleteRequest objects, and submit, 
> without any probes first.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [PR] HADOOP-18679. Add API for bulk/paged object deletion [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

mukund-thakur commented on code in PR #6494:

@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl;
+import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Retries;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AStore;
+import org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.Tuples;
+import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
+import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
+import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Invoker.once;
+import static org.apache.hadoop.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;
+import static org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.Tuples.pair;
+ * Callbacks for the bulk delete operation.
+ */
+public class BulkDeleteOperationCallbacksImpl implements
+BulkDeleteOperation.BulkDeleteOperationCallbacks {
+  /**
+   * Path for logging.
+   */
+  private final String path;
+  /** Page size for bulk delete. */
+  private final int pageSize;
+  /** span for operations. */
+  private final AuditSpan span;
+  /**
+   * Store.
+   */
+  private final S3AStore store;
+  public BulkDeleteOperationCallbacksImpl(final S3AStore store,
+  String path, int pageSize, AuditSpan span) {
+this.span = span;
+this.pageSize = pageSize;
+this.path = path; = store;
+  }
+  @Override
+  @Retries.RetryTranslated
+  public List> bulkDelete(final 
List keysToDelete)
+  throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+final int size = keysToDelete.size();
+checkArgument(size <= pageSize,
+"Too many paths to delete in one operation: %s", size);
+if (size == 0) {
+  return emptyList();
+if (size == 1) {
+  return deleteSingleObject(keysToDelete.get(0).key());
+final DeleteObjectsResponse response = once("bulkDelete", path, () ->
+final List errors = response.errors();
+if (errors.isEmpty()) {
+  // all good.
+  return emptyList();
+} else {
+  return
+  .map(e -> pair(e.key(), e.message()))
+  .collect(Collectors.toList());
+  }
+  /**
+   * Delete a single object.
+   * @param key key to delete
+   * @return list of keys which failed to delete: length 0 or 1.
+   * @throws IOException IO problem other than AccessDeniedException
+   */
+  @Retries.RetryTranslated
+  private List> deleteSingleObject(final String key) 
throws IOException {

Review Comment:
   after checking locally, this is fine. 

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:

For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [PR] HADOOP-19131. Assist reflection IO with WrappedOperations class [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6686:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 30s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 2 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  14m 49s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m 14s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  17m 27s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m  3s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m 30s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   2m 41s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 57s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 46s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 55s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  34m  0s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  patch  |  34m 27s |  |  Used diff version of patch file. 
Binary files and potentially other changes not applied. Please rebase and 
squash commits if necessary.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   0m 33s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m 28s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 58s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  16m 58s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 13s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  16m 13s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   4m 24s | 
 |  root: The patch generated 12 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed = 12 total (was 0) 
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   2m 39s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | -1 :x: |  javadoc  |   1m 12s | 
 |  hadoop-common in the patch failed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 46s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   2m 47s | 
 |  hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common generated 1 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed 
= 1 total (was 0)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  34m 34s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |  19m 48s |  |  hadoop-common in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   3m 12s |  |  hadoop-aws in the patch passed. 
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   1m  6s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 245m 57s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | SpotBugs | module:hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common |
   |  |  Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from Throwable to Exception in, Class)  At in, Class)  At[line 215] |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.45 ServerAPI=1.45 base:

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19131) Assist reflection IO with WrappedOperations class

2024-04-08 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-19131:

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6686:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 30s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 2 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  14m 49s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m 14s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  17m 27s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m  3s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m 30s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   2m 41s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 57s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 46s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 55s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  34m  0s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  patch  |  34m 27s |  |  Used diff version of patch file. 
Binary files and potentially other changes not applied. Please rebase and 
squash commits if necessary.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   0m 33s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m 28s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 58s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  16m 58s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 13s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  16m 13s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   4m 24s | 
 |  root: The patch generated 12 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed = 12 total (was 0) 
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   2m 39s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | -1 :x: |  javadoc  |   1m 12s | 
 |  hadoop-common in the patch failed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 46s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   2m 47s | 
 |  hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common generated 1 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed 
= 1 total (was 0)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  34m 34s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |  19m 48s |  |  hadoop-common in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   3m 12s |  |  hadoop-aws in the patch passed. 
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   1m  6s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 245m 57s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | SpotBugs | module:hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common |
   |  |  Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from Throwable to Exception in, Class)  At in

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19139) [ABFS]: No GetPathStatus call for opening AbfsInputStream

2024-04-08 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-19139:

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6699:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 47s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 5 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  50m 20s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 37s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 33s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 30s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 38s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 37s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 32s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m  5s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  39m 14s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  patch  |  39m 34s |  |  Used diff version of patch file. 
Binary files and potentially other changes not applied. Please rebase and 
squash commits if necessary.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   0m 28s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  1s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   0m 19s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure: The patch generated 19 new + 15 unchanged - 0 
fixed = 34 total (was 15)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 24s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m  5s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure generated 1 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed = 1 total 
(was 0)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  39m 12s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   2m 23s |  |  hadoop-azure in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 34s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 145m 37s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | SpotBugs | module:hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of;
 locked 78% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 617] |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 00abc8e5bbd7 5.15.0-94-generic

Re: [PR] HADOOP-19139.No GetPathStatus for opening AbfsInputStream [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6699:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 47s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 5 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  50m 20s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 37s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 33s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 30s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 38s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 37s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 32s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m  5s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  39m 14s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  patch  |  39m 34s |  |  Used diff version of patch file. 
Binary files and potentially other changes not applied. Please rebase and 
squash commits if necessary.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   0m 28s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  1s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   0m 19s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure: The patch generated 19 new + 15 unchanged - 0 
fixed = 34 total (was 15)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 24s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m  5s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure generated 1 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed = 1 total 
(was 0)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  39m 12s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   2m 23s |  |  hadoop-azure in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 34s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 145m 37s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | SpotBugs | module:hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of;
 locked 78% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 617] |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 00abc8e5bbd7 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | trunk / 2c9da9e2717f42d66e13d3bd89796baee39a530e |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.

Re: [PR] HDFS-17455. Fix Client throw IndexOutOfBoundsException in DFSInputStream#fetchBlockAt [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6710:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 33s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 1 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  14m 36s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m 23s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   5m 26s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   5m 18s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   1m 26s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   2m 25s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 51s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   2m 25s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   2m 39s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-client in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  35m 40s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   0m 34s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m 59s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   5m 19s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   5m 19s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   5m 13s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   5m 13s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   1m 14s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   2m  7s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 32s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   2m 13s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   5m 52s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  35m 34s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   2m 27s |  |  hadoop-hdfs-client in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  | 224m 46s |  |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 47s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 399m 16s |  |  |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.45 ServerAPI=1.45 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 1f085f5a0d20 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | trunk / 79945e9cdbd32db5d94259d764339c83a8dc8beb |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   | Multi-JDK versions | 
Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   |  Test Results | |
   | Max. process+thread count | 3747 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
   | modules | C: hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-client 
hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs U: hadoop-hdfs-project |
   | Co

Re: [PR] HDFS-15413. add to fix read ecfile timeout [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

zhangshuyan0 commented on code in PR #5829:

@@ -284,7 +307,8 @@ private Callable readCells(final 
BlockReader reader,
   int ret = 0;
   for (ByteBufferStrategy strategy : strategies) {
-int bytesReead = readToBuffer(reader, datanode, strategy, 
+int bytesReead = readToBuffer(reader, datanode, strategy, currentBlock,

Review Comment:
   Could you please correct this variable name by the way? `bytesReead` -> 

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

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For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [PR] HDFS-15413. add to fix read ecfile timeout [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

zhangshuyan0 commented on code in PR #5829:

@@ -233,41 +235,62 @@ private ByteBufferStrategy[] 
getReadStrategies(StripingChunk chunk) {
   private int readToBuffer(BlockReader blockReader,
   DatanodeInfo currentNode, ByteBufferStrategy strategy,
-  ExtendedBlock currentBlock) throws IOException {
+  LocatedBlock currentBlock, int chunkIndex) throws IOException {
 final int targetLength = strategy.getTargetLength();
-int length = 0;
-try {
-  while (length < targetLength) {
-int ret = strategy.readFromBlock(blockReader);
-if (ret < 0) {
-  throw new IOException("Unexpected EOS from the reader");
+int curAttempts = 0;
+while (curAttempts < readDNMaxAttempts) {
+  curAttempts++;
+  int length = 0;
+  try {
+while (length < targetLength) {
+  int ret = strategy.readFromBlock(blockReader);
+  if (ret < 0) {
+throw new IOException("Unexpected EOS from the reader");
+  }
+  length += ret;
+return length;
+  } catch (ChecksumException ce) {
+DFSClient.LOG.warn("Found Checksum error for "
++ currentBlock + " from " + currentNode
++ " at " + ce.getPos());
+//Clear buffer to make next decode success
+// we want to remember which block replicas we have tried
+throw ce;
+  } catch (IOException e) {
+//Clear buffer to make next decode success
+if (curAttempts < readDNMaxAttempts) {
+  if (readerInfos[chunkIndex].reader != null) {
+  }
+  if (dfsStripedInputStream.createBlockReader(currentBlock,
+  alignedStripe.getOffsetInBlock(), targetBlocks,

Review Comment:
   Great catch! Agree with @haiyang1987 's idea. But the solution seems flawed. 
Should we use `alignedStripe.getOffsetInBlock()+ret` instead of `ret` here? 
Looking forward to your reply! @haiyang1987 

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:

For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [PR] HDFS-17453. IncrementalBlockReport can have race condition with Edit Log Tailer [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6708:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 30s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 3 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  mvninstall  |  11m 13s | 
 |  root in trunk failed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 12s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m  6s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   1m  5s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 16s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m  3s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 34s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 23s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  39m  2s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m 12s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 12s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m 12s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 10s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m 10s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 58s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 10s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 51s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 33s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 19s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  38m 57s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  | 231m 41s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 47s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 345m 12s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.TestBlockReplacement |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.TestHASafeMode |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.TestPendingDataNodeMessages |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.45 ServerAPI=1.45 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 776c2e26b89e 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | trunk / 181bccb1ca5c0bd6755ae2a03058cd93bd1cb338 |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   | Multi-JDK versions | 
Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   |  Test Results | |
   | Max. process+thread count | 4432 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
   | modules | C: hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs U: 
hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs |

Re: [PR] HDFS-17453. IncrementalBlockReport can have race condition with Edit Log Tailer [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6708:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 30s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 3 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  44m 33s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 23s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 18s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   1m 26s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 19s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m  8s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 40s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 19s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  37m 31s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m  9s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 10s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m 10s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m  3s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m  3s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 57s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 12s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 50s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 30s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 11s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  37m 18s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  | 231m 42s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 43s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 375m 51s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.TestBlockReplacement |
   |   | hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.TestPendingDataNodeMessages |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.45 ServerAPI=1.45 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 292dbe764264 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | trunk / 91a7973c8f68e79476deb1cb956bf8b9d663b972 |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   | Multi-JDK versions | 
Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   |  Test Results | |
   | Max. process+thread count | 4446 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
   | modules | C: hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs U: 
hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs |
   | Console output | |
   | versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=4.2.2 |
   | Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.14.0 http

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19139) [ABFS]: No GetPathStatus call for opening AbfsInputStream

2024-04-08 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-19139:

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6699:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   1m  5s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 4 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  52m 50s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 43s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 36s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 30s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 41s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 40s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 35s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m 11s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  41m 30s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  patch  |  41m 51s |  |  Used diff version of patch file. 
Binary files and potentially other changes not applied. Please rebase and 
squash commits if necessary.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   0m 28s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure: The patch generated 17 new + 15 unchanged - 0 
fixed = 32 total (was 15)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 25s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 14s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure generated 2 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed = 2 total 
(was 0)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  41m 35s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   2m 23s |  |  hadoop-azure in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 35s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 154m 58s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | SpotBugs | module:hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of; locked 
88% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 611] |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of;
 locked 76% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 611] |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:

Re: [PR] HADOOP-19139.No GetPathStatus for opening AbfsInputStream [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6699:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   1m  5s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 4 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  52m 50s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 43s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 36s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 30s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 41s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 40s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 35s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m 11s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  41m 30s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  patch  |  41m 51s |  |  Used diff version of patch file. 
Binary files and potentially other changes not applied. Please rebase and 
squash commits if necessary.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   0m 28s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure: The patch generated 17 new + 15 unchanged - 0 
fixed = 32 total (was 15)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 34s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 25s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 14s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure generated 2 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed = 2 total 
(was 0)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  41m 35s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   2m 23s |  |  hadoop-azure in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 35s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 154m 58s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | SpotBugs | module:hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of; locked 
88% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 611] |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of;
 locked 76% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 611] |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 186425c9358b 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubu

Re: [PR] HDFS-17445. [FGL] some operations support fine-grained locking [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6715:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 47s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 1 new or modified test files.  |
    _ HDFS-17384 Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  49m 55s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 24s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 14s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   1m 15s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 24s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m  8s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 45s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 20s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  40m 17s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m 10s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 14s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m 14s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m  6s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m  6s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   1m  3s |  |  
hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs: The patch generated 0 new + 414 unchanged - 5 
fixed = 414 total (was 419)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 12s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 56s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 37s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 21s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  40m 57s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  unit  | 265m 51s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 50s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 423m  3s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | Failed junit tests | hadoop.hdfs.TestRollingUpgrade |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux efc842443c95 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | HDFS-17384 / b3fd94c82ce9e3ad425876cc848d66a9fc319a7d |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   | Multi-JDK versions | 
Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   |  Test Results | |
   | Max. process+thread count | 2832 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
   | modules | C: hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs U: 
hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs |
   | Console output | |
   | versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=

Re: [PR] YARN-11664: Remove HDFS Binaries/Jars Dependency From Yarn [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

shameersss1 commented on PR #6631:

   @steveloughran  - I am not sure why checkstyle still complains about 
IOStreamPair class. It already contain package name. Please do a review

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[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19139) [ABFS]: No GetPathStatus call for opening AbfsInputStream

2024-04-08 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-19139:

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6699:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 33s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 4 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  mvninstall  |  45m 13s | 
 |  root in trunk failed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 37s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 30s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 27s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 38s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 36s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 30s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m  4s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  35m 11s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  patch  |  35m 30s |  |  Used diff version of patch file. 
Binary files and potentially other changes not applied. Please rebase and 
squash commits if necessary.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   0m 28s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 29s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 29s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   0m 19s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure: The patch generated 18 new + 15 unchanged - 0 
fixed = 33 total (was 15)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 25s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 25s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m  3s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure generated 2 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed = 2 total 
(was 0)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  33m  9s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   2m 29s |  |  hadoop-azure in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 35s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 130m 25s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | SpotBugs | module:hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of; locked 
88% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 609] |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of;
 locked 76% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 609] |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker |

Re: [PR] HADOOP-19139.No GetPathStatus for opening AbfsInputStream [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6699:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 33s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  1s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  1s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 4 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | -1 :x: |  mvninstall  |  45m 13s | 
 |  root in trunk failed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 37s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 30s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 27s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 38s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 36s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 30s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   1m  4s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  35m 11s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  patch  |  35m 30s |  |  Used diff version of patch file. 
Binary files and potentially other changes not applied. Please rebase and 
squash commits if necessary.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   0m 28s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 29s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 29s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   0m 26s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | -0 :warning: |  checkstyle  |   0m 19s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure: The patch generated 18 new + 15 unchanged - 0 
fixed = 33 total (was 15)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   0m 30s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 25s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 25s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m  3s | 
 |  hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure generated 2 new + 0 unchanged - 0 fixed = 2 total 
(was 0)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  33m  9s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   2m 29s |  |  hadoop-azure in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 35s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 130m 25s |  |  |
   | Reason | Tests |
   | SpotBugs | module:hadoop-tools/hadoop-azure |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of; locked 
88% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 609] |
   |  |  Inconsistent synchronization of;
 locked 76% of time  Unsynchronized access at of time  
Unsynchronized access at[line 609] |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.44 ServerAPI=1.44 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvnin

Re: [PR] HDFS-17454. Fix namenode fsck swallows the exception stacktrace, this can help us to troubleshooting log. [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

xiaojunxiang2023 commented on PR #6709:

   > Can you add a test for this, considering now we are propagating the real 
error back to the client.
   > I think if the actual error is being thrown in that case on the client 
side we can live with just the message, rather than having the entire trace.
   ok, I'll add a test class for this PR later.
   Besides, It's not HDFSClient that's actually causing an error, but 
NameNodeFsck, which uses a DFSClient object that doesn't support Kerbeors. And 
I will submit another PR to solve the NameNodeFsck's bug later.

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17454. Fix namenode fsck swallows the exception stacktrace, this can help us to troubleshooting log. [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

xiaojunxiang2023 commented on PR #6709:

   > Can you add a test for this, considering now we are propagating the real 
error back to the client.
   > I think if the actual error is being thrown in that case on the client 
side we can live with just the message, rather than having the entire trace.
   ok, I'll add a test class for this PR later.
   Besides, It's not HDFSClient that's actually causing an error, but 
NameNodeFsck, which uses a DFSClient object that doesn't support Kerbeors. And 
I will submit another PR to solve the NameNodeFsck's bug later.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17454. Fix namenode fsck swallows the exception stacktrace, this can help us to troubleshooting log. [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

xiaojunxiang2023 commented on PR #6709:

   > Can you add a test for this, considering now we are propagating the real 
error back to the client.
   > I think if the actual error is being thrown in that case on the client 
side we can live with just the message, rather than having the entire trace.
   ok, I'll add a test class for this PR later.
   Besides, It's not HDFSClient that's actually causing an error, but 
NameNodeFsck, which uses a DFSClient object that doesn't support Kerbeors. And 
I will submit another PR to solve the NameNodeFsck's bug later.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17411. [FGL] Client RPCs involving snapshot support fine-grained lock [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6714:

   :confetti_ball: **+1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 32s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  0s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 1 new or modified test files.  |
    _ HDFS-17384 Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  44m 30s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 24s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 14s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   1m 12s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 25s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m  8s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 45s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 18s |  |  HDFS-17384 passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  35m 28s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   1m 11s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m 13s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m 13s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |   1m  8s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |   1m  8s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   0m 57s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |   1m 14s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   0m 52s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |   1m 36s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |   3m 16s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  35m  6s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  | 231m 45s |  |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  asflicense  |   0m 46s |  |  The patch does not 
generate ASF License warnings.  |
   |  |   | 372m 26s |  |  |
   | Subsystem | Report/Notes |
   | Docker | ClientAPI=1.45 ServerAPI=1.45 base:
   | GITHUB PR | |
   | Optional Tests | dupname asflicense compile javac javadoc mvninstall 
mvnsite unit shadedclient spotbugs checkstyle codespell detsecrets |
   | uname | Linux 92661452c06c 5.15.0-94-generic #104-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 9 
15:25:40 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
   | Build tool | maven |
   | Personality | dev-support/bin/ |
   | git revision | HDFS-17384 / 27f029a4fb0c1bbdd36778189f811e266477a0d8 |
   | Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   | Multi-JDK versions | 
Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06 |
   |  Test Results | |
   | Max. process+thread count | 4267 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
   | modules | C: hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs U: 
hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs |
   | Console output | |
   | versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 spotbugs=4.2.2 |
   | Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.14.0 |
   This message was automatically generated.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: common-issues-unsubscr...@hadoop.apache.or

Re: [PR] HDFS-17455. Fix Client throw IndexOutOfBoundsException in DFSInputStream#fetchBlockAt [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

haiyang1987 commented on PR #6710:

   > Thanks @haiyang1987 for your report. Nice catch.
   > Just changing the exception type is a not a good solution. For this case, 
InputStream should read data from the last UC block, right? If so, can you fix 
this logic so that the InputStream reads the last UC block instead of throwing 
an exception?
   Thanks @ZanderXu for your comment.

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17455. Fix Client throw IndexOutOfBoundsException in DFSInputStream#fetchBlockAt [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

haiyang1987 commented on PR #6710:

   Update PR.
   Hi @ZanderXu @Hexiaoqiao @ayushtkn @zhangshuyan0 please help me review this 
PR when you are free, thanks ~

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Re: [PR] HDFS-17397. Choose another DN as soon as possible, when encountering network issues [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

Hexiaoqiao commented on PR #6591:

   @xleoken Thanks for your works and patch. However I don't think it is the 
graceful solution or improvement as mentioned above. Thanks again.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-19078) reduce use of

2024-04-08 Thread ASF GitHub Bot (Jira)


ASF GitHub Bot commented on HADOOP-19078:

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6555:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 30s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  2s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 60 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  14m 41s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m  5s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 59s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  15m 45s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m 15s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  16m 20s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |  14m 14s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |  14m 11s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   0m 58s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-httpfs in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 29s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-rbf in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 10s | 
 in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  33m 26s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   0m 32s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   9m 21s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 32s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  16m 32s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  15m 51s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  15m 51s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m  9s |  |  root: The patch generated 
0 new + 324 unchanged - 4 fixed = 324 total (was 328)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  16m  6s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |  14m 13s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |  14m  7s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |  28m 42s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  33m 46s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |  19m 18s |  |  hadoop-common in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  | 226m 37s |  |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   6m 18s |  |  hadoop-hdfs-httpfs in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   6m  3s |  |  hadoop-yarn-common in the patch 
passed.  |

Re: [PR] HADOOP-19078. Reduce use of [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

hadoop-yetus commented on PR #6555:

   :broken_heart: **-1 overall**
   | Vote | Subsystem | Runtime |  Logfile | Comment |
   | +0 :ok: |  reexec  |   0m 30s |  |  Docker mode activated.  |
    _ Prechecks _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  dupname  |   0m  2s |  |  No case conflicting files 
found.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  codespell  |   0m  0s |  |  codespell was not available.  |
   | +0 :ok: |  detsecrets  |   0m  0s |  |  detect-secrets was not available.  
   | +1 :green_heart: |  @author  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch does not contain 
any @author tags.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  test4tests  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch appears to 
include 60 new or modified test files.  |
    _ trunk Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |  14m 41s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for branch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |  32m  5s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 59s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  15m 45s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m 15s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  16m 20s |  |  trunk passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |  14m 14s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |  14m 11s |  |  trunk passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   0m 58s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-httpfs in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 29s | 
 |  hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-rbf in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs 
warnings.  |
   | -1 :x: |  spotbugs  |   1m 10s | 
 in trunk has 1 extant spotbugs warnings.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  33m 26s |  |  branch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Patch Compile Tests _ |
   | +0 :ok: |  mvndep  |   0m 32s |  |  Maven dependency ordering for patch  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvninstall  |   9m 21s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  16m 32s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  16m 32s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  compile  |  15m 51s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javac  |  15m 51s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  blanks  |   0m  0s |  |  The patch has no blanks 
issues.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  checkstyle  |   4m  9s |  |  root: The patch generated 
0 new + 324 unchanged - 4 fixed = 324 total (was 328)  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  mvnsite  |  16m  6s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |  14m 13s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Ubuntu-11.0.22+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu220.04.1  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  javadoc  |  14m  7s |  |  the patch passed with JDK 
Private Build-1.8.0_402-8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~20.04-b06  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  spotbugs  |  28m 42s |  |  the patch passed  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  shadedclient  |  33m 46s |  |  patch has no errors 
when building and testing our client artifacts.  |
    _ Other Tests _ |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |  19m 18s |  |  hadoop-common in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  | 226m 37s |  |  hadoop-hdfs in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   6m 18s |  |  hadoop-hdfs-httpfs in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   6m  3s |  |  hadoop-yarn-common in the patch 
passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   4m 39s |  |  
hadoop-yarn-server-applicationhistoryservice in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  |   2m  7s |  |  
hadoop-yarn-server-timelineservice in the patch passed.  |
   | +1 :green_heart: |  unit  | 1

Re: [PR] HDFS-17397. Choose another DN as soon as possible, when encountering network issues [hadoop]

2024-04-08 Thread via GitHub

xleoken commented on PR #6591:

   cc @Hexiaoqiao @ZanderXu @slfan1989 @shahrs87

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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