Re: [testutils] Is there any commons area for generic test code?

2004-06-11 Thread Arnd Kohrs
Alex Karasulu wrote:

 Back on topic, I'm fine with guidelines. But I only have general ones at
 the moment:

  o I want to minimize dependencies avoiding them whenever possible.
  o Keep things simple.
  o This should not be an area for dumping project test code.
  o Keep the amount of specificity low: meaning this is not where you
keep your test cases for testing an LDAP server or a cryptography
library etcetera.  It should be for generic test utilities
in addition to junit used for writing unit tests, beta tests,
and stress tests
  o Commons-test should be here for making your domain specific
TestCases all that much easier to write while avoiding the
duplication of common testing and setup code.


Hi Everyone,
contrary to as someone pointed out on this thread I think this subject 
is very exciting.  For my development projects I have also founded a 
package of extensions for JUnit testing:  The following areas were 
important so far:
 - Assertions for common issues: instanceof, thrown exceptions, array 
element equality etc.
 - Threading: validate error free execution and termination of threads.
 - Futures: constraints Future objects.
 - Beans: validate property accessors and property change events.
 - DataObject: validate implementation of equals, hashCode and 
 - Logging: add log interface to TestCase
 - Watchdog: terminate test after maximum execution time.

Some extensions are static and others integrate with the JUnit 
framework, ie. inherit from TestCase in order to maximize automation.

The intention of the extensions was to permit to write JUnit test-cases 
quickly without duplication and simple access to the features also for 
the not-so-seasoned JUnit users.  So these extensions are all accessible 
through one TestCase class: BellsAndWhistlesTestCase.

This is all to say that I encourage the effort to found the sandbox 
project.  I will try to contribute from these if suitable once the test 
project materializes.

For these extensions dependencies on Logging, BeanUtils and even 
Functors have been introduced.
I do not see the need to avoid dependency in a test-utils project. 
Test-utils are used during the development and are usually not part of 
the developed product.  I would not put the minimization of dependencies 
too high on the agenda, as the testing has a different scope.

For the name, IMO 'testutils' is a better choice than 'test' as it 
provides for less ambiguity.  Maybe even the focus on UnitTesting should 
be highlighted: 'unittestutils'.


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[Functor] [patch] IsInstanceOf

2004-04-28 Thread Arnd Kohrs
Dear All,

I have started using the sandbox functors for my projects.  It seems 
that parts of the code may still need some streamlining.

I gave a shot at IsInstanceOf.

Please receive attached a patch which changes IsInstanceOf from a 
UnaryPredicate to a BinaryPredicate (as the binary operator instanceof )

I tried to structure it in the same way as the Predicate IsElementOf. 
In this way the code becomes more compact and more coherent in addition 
of providing all three kinds of Predicates.

Unfortunately, the changes are not backward compatible since it has 
become now a BinaryPredicate, which I hope it not of show-stopper 
importance at this stage of project.

Can the maintainers please consider the application of this patch.

I plan to regularly contribute to this projects in the future and I 
really hope that this project is not doomed, which the lack of exchange 
on its behalf may suggest.

Index: src/java/org/apache/commons/functor/core/
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2
--- src/java/org/apache/commons/functor/core/  28 Feb 2004 03:35:24 
-  1.2
+++ src/java/org/apache/commons/functor/core/  28 Apr 2004 19:11:20 
@@ -15,9 +15,13 @@
 package org.apache.commons.functor.core;
+import org.apache.commons.functor.BinaryPredicate;
+import org.apache.commons.functor.Predicate;
 import org.apache.commons.functor.UnaryPredicate;
+import org.apache.commons.functor.adapter.BoundPredicate;
+import org.apache.commons.functor.adapter.RightBoundPredicate;
  * [EMAIL PROTECTED] #test Tests} 
@@ -28,47 +32,55 @@
  * @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2004/02/28 03:35:24 $
  * @author Rodney Waldhoff
-public final class IsInstanceOf implements UnaryPredicate, Serializable {
+public final class IsInstanceOf implements BinaryPredicate, Serializable {
-// constructor
-public IsInstanceOf(Class klass) {
-this.klass = klass;
+/** Public constructor not needed, since one instance should always suffice. */
+private IsInstanceOf() {
-// predicate interface
-public boolean test(Object obj) {
-return klass.isInstance(obj);
+/** Tests if an object is an instance of the type given. 
+ * @param instance The candidate of which the type is under question.
+ * @param klass The class.
+ */
+public boolean test(Object instance, Object klass) {
+return ((Class)klass).isInstance(instance);
-public boolean equals(Object that) {
-if(that instanceof IsInstanceOf) {
-return equals((IsInstanceOf)that);
-} else {
-return false;
+public String toString() {
+return IsInstanceOf;
+/** The singleton instance. */
+private static final IsInstanceOf INSTANCE = new IsInstanceOf();
+/** Returns the IsInstanceOf instance. */
+public static BinaryPredicate instance(){
+return INSTANCE;
-public boolean equals(IsInstanceOf that) {
-return (null != that  (null == this.klass ? null == that.klass : 
+/** Returns an UnaryPredicate which tests if an argument is of the specified 
class. */ 
+public static UnaryPredicate instance(Class klass){
+return new RightBoundPredicate(instance(),klass); 
-public int hashCode() {
-int hash = IsInstanceOf.hashCode();
-if(null != klass) {
-hash ^= klass.hashCode();
-return hash;
+/** Returns a Predicate which tests if a specified argument is of the specified 
class. */
+public static Predicate instance(Object instance, Class klass){
+return new BoundPredicate(instance(klass),instance); 
-public String toString() {
-return IsInstanceOf + klass + ;
+ * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
+ */
+public boolean equals(Object that) {
+return that instanceof IsInstanceOf;
-// attributes
-private Class klass;
+ * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
+ */
+public int hashCode() {
+return IsInstanceOf.hashCode();
Index: src/test/org/apache/commons/functor/core/
RCS file: 

Re: [functor] some thoughts

2003-03-28 Thread Arnd Kohrs
 Rodney == Rodney Waldhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Arnd - functors are very often defined (in my experience) as anonymous
Arnd inner classes, therefore it would be nice if the to be
Arnd implemented methodname is as short as possible for not
Arnd compromising the readability of the code.  I would suggest
Arnd eval() instead evaluate(), is() instead of test() and
Arnd run() is already short.

Rodney The letters uate are a rather small part of what makes
Rodney defining blocks as anonymous inner classes in java
Rodney syntactically awkward, but there may be something to your
Rodney argument there.  While I have an opinion, any isomorphic
Rodney representation of these interfaces is pretty much OK with
Rodney me.

Now that you write it, it is as well obvious to me that eval is in
fact an abbreviation and does not exist as an english word (at least
outside of the tech (err ... that is 'technology' ;-) community).

In general I do not like abbreviated words as identifier names.  My
reasoning is that it obfuscates the programmers intention and may
imply futile documentation.  I don't think that eval() obfuscates
evaluate(), but this is obviously just my opinion since eval()
does appear awkward to you as a replacement for evaluate().
Arnd - IMHO Predicate.test() is (in a world of JUnit testers) a bit
Arnd misleading, since test has overloaded semantics.  I like
Arnd is().

Rodney I'm also a little troubled by Predicate.test, but more so by
Rodney  My thinking was that in most cases, the
Rodney method-name for the functor is a verb that can be applied to
Rodney the functor.  I.e., you run a Procedure or evaluate a
Rodney Function, but you don't is a Predicate.  (And similiarly,
Rodney you could look at those verbs as applying to the arguments
Rodney of those functors.) My preference would have been for
Rodney Predicate.assert, but that's out for obvious reasons, or
Rodney Predicate.evaluate, but I think we want to keep the Function
Rodney and Predicate signatures different.

Your arguments are coherent for the current method names and I tend to

In principle all functors are Functions.  Predicates are functions which
have boolean results.  Procedures are Functions which have VOID results.
So these three concept may all be evaluated.  But for Procedures we
know already that the result is not interesting therefore they the
associated action may be run which does not imply a result (as
evaluate does).  Furthermore Predicate is a Function which if
evaluated produces a boolean result.  Using evaluate as an action
would not imply the contraint result type.  However is does imply that
the outcome is boolean.  So from this 'result' angle is may not be
such a bad choice.

Rodney Recently it occurred to me (following the language Backus
Rodney uses in Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann
Rodney Style?
Rodney and is sometimes used in mathematical circles) that it might
Rodney be reasonable to say you apply a Function (i.e.,
Rodney Function.apply), which would free up evaluate for the
Rodney Predicate method.

I could agree on apply (if it leads to eliminating test). However
apply, does in my limited english language understanding not imply a
result and a result is somehow what is interesting when using a



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Re: [lang] Functor debate

2003-03-26 Thread Arnd Kohrs

 Stephen == Stephen Colebourne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1. Functor Types
 - Function: Functor which has a result
 - Predicate: Functor which has a boolean result
 - Procedure: Functor which has no result

 2. Number of Arguments
 - *Unary*Functor: one argument functor
 - *Binary*Functor: two argument functor
 - Functor: (Null-ary) no argument functor

Stephen I don't dispute that this is the 'correct' or 'right'
Stephen design for a full functor implementation. However this is
Stephen very much bigger in concept, and in 'religion', than [lang]
Stephen could support or would wish to. [lang]s functors do not
Stephen have this goal - they aim to be simple commonly used
Stephen callback interfaces.

If the bigger concept 'functor' does compromise the narrower 'callback'
scope of the current [lang].functor package then the package should be
renamed to more explicitly state its scope. [lang].callback would in my
opinion much more appropriate.  The package name [lang].functor is not
only misleading about its scope but will certainly lead to confusions
with the 'heavier' concept functor.

So if the renamings, which I suggested earlier, are not acceptable
(which I agree on since the scope of the package is to standardize
commonly used callback interfaces (and not more)), then it is a good
idea to rename the package to a better name.

I suggest that [Lang].functor is renamed to [Lang].callback.

What do you think?


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Re: [lang] scope for version 2

2003-03-24 Thread Arnd Kohrs
 Henri == Henri Yandell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Henri Been a while since the last one of these, so I expect a few
Henri bits to be missing. Feel free to chime in on things I've
Henri missed:

Henri Next release will be Lang 2.0.

Henri  Lang 2.0 scope:
Henri org.apache.commons.lang.functor.*
HenriThere is obviously a clash with Collections here, which
HenriLang seeks to
Henri resolve. Also there is a clash with Rodney's [Functor]
Henri package. From what I understand, despite the similar naming,
Henri [Functor] goes a lot further into the concepts than .functor
Henri does, with .functor being a simpler setup etc. I'm going on
Henri hearsay though, not having looked at the code yet.

Dear All,

my opinion on lang.functor probably comes too late to have any impact on
the course of the release of Lang.  But still feel the urge to express
my feeling that something goes into the wrong direction with lang.functor.

In my opinion lang.functor should not enter 2.0 in the current state:

The major issue which I have is the naming of the interfaces.  While
names like UnaryFunction or BinaryProcedure may sound a bit esoteric
for the unaccustomed ear, these names do however expose the real nature
of the interface or their implementations.

- Executor is the interface for something which is executed not as the
  name suggests something that executes.  If renamed to
  UnaryProcedure, I would be able to grasp the nature of this
  interface and its associated Utils class without refering to the

- While the notion of Factory is widely known and the nature
  of this interface is well exposed by the class name, one may wonder
  why a creational pattern like Factory is found in generic
  functor package.  The name Factory suggests that this interface should
  only be used in Factory contexts.  IMHO, Function (in the context
  its of Unary and Binary counterparts.) is more general and allows
  for the same purposes originally intended.  The user programmer may
  then class WidgetFactory implements Function or class WidgetFactory
  implements UnaryFunction if the Widget creation should be
  parameterized with one argument.  How would we proceed in the future
  if the names are not changed and we would like to introduce
  parameterized Factories?  UnaryFactory?

- Predicate is fine as a name. 

- Transformer does imply an argument.  But does it imply as well that
  there is a result?  Furthermore, the name somehow suggests that it is
  to be used to 'transform' objects, which is in my experience never the
  case: The argment object is usually left unchanged while a result is
  calculated as function of the argument object.  Wouldn't
  UnaryFunction not be a more indicative name for this interface?

I believe that the names where chosen with the intent to gradually
remove the counterparts in Collections.  However, currently there is no
dependence of Collections on Lang.functor, so renaming the interfaces would not
do any harm.  Of course I aggree that the migration of Collections to
lang.functor would be quite smooth.  However, in the longterm
Collections will have to live with the same naming problems as I have
described above.

I suggest to do the following renamings in for Lang 2.0:

- Executor-- UnaryProcedure
- Executor.execute(..)--
- Factory -- Function
- Factory.create() -- Function.apply()
- Transformer -- UnaryFunction
- Transformer.transform() -- UnaryFunction.apply(..)
- rename all the Utils classes accordingly

- possibly complement with missing interfaces:
  - Procedure
  - UnaryPredicate
  - possibly add BinaryPredicate, BinaryProcedure, BinaryFunction

Then in the future the functor component (currently in Sandbox) may grow
up as a place for more advanced functor stuff (also to complement
collections) based on the interfaces provided in lang.functor.

Of course, these proposals look like major changes right before a
release.  And performing major changes right before a release is very
risky and should be avoided.  However, while the changes seem major,
they are only renaming refactorings which could be implemented quickly
without changing any algorithms or functionality.  If the lang.functor
is not improved now before the Lang2.0 it may never be improved and
collections will always rely on questionably named interfaces and
probably Collections will never live up to its opportunities.



PS: Please have a look at commons-sandbox-functor.  Further, if you have
some time at hand to get inspired about functors read . 

PPS: Please excuse if I have tripped over some jakarta rules and
regulations.  I have only been following jakarta commons for a several
months and may not be well accustomed to jakarta release interaction

PPP: I would of course volounteer to implement the suggested changes
myself, I they were generally aggreed upon.

Re: [lang] Functor debate

2003-03-24 Thread Arnd Kohrs
 Stephen == scolebourne  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 from: Arnd Kohrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] I suggest to do the
 following renamings in for Lang 2.0:

 - Executor -- UnaryProcedure
 - Executor.execute(..)  --
 - Factory -- Function
 - Factory.create() -- Function.apply()
 - Transformer -- UnaryFunction
 - Transformer.transform() -- UnaryFunction.apply(..)
 - rename all the Utils classes accordingly

 - possibly complement with missing interfaces:
 - Procedure
 - UnaryPredicate
 - possibly add BinaryPredicate, BinaryProcedure, BinaryFunction

Stephen You are correct in your evaluation that the names chosen do
Stephen not allow for other later functions, such as Binary or
Stephen no-argument forms. They are instead chosen to be simple.

I don't agree that the current names chosen in lang.functor are simple,
and provided arguments for it in my first post (which you dit not
respond to).  I do not make this up: When I read about a lang.functor
package to be included in 2.0, I checked it out, and was as confused
when I browsed over the class names, as people would be about the other
functors when first encountering.  I needed to look-up for example
Factory and then mapped it in my mind to no-arg function.  Factory by
itself does not sufficiently explain its nature.

To put it differently, I suggest a renaming refactoring because the
current naming is not indicative enough nor coherent.

Stephen My rule of thumb is [lang] simple, other project ([functor]
Stephen in this case) higher level/more complex. You're never going
Stephen to convince me that 'BinaryPredicate' is simple in concept
Stephen even if it is the formal computer science solution.

IMHO it does not serve a rational evaluation of my proposal to choose
'BinaryPredicate' as an example 
 - which I did not suggest to be added to lang.functor (only as a
   possibility).  The addiction of binary functors to lang is not
   important now.
 - and which does not have a lang.functor counterpart in the current
   lang.functor package:
   Obviously it is not as simple as a NON-existing concept.

 PS: Please have a look at commons-sandbox-functor.  Further, if
 you have some time at hand to get inspired about functors read .

Stephen Yes I've taken a look before, and the concepts seem
Stephen sound. However, it requires you to invest more effort in
Stephen learning the framework and its intracies - it is more
Stephen complex. As such I know that I would not choose to use the
Stephen complex functors. Whereas I find those in [lang] simpler,
Stephen if less flexible. Everythings a tradeoff ;-)

I find it easier to adopt a conceptual framwork which has a coherent
naming convention.  There is not coherence in Executor, Transformer,
Factory and Predicate although the coexitence of in the same package
would suggest so.

All which needs to be understood if these functors where renamed
following the naming which are customary in functor libraries and
which I referred to, is founded on two orthogonal concepts:

1. Functor Types
- Function: Functor which has a result
- Predicate: Functor which has a boolean result
- Procedure: Functor which has no result

2. Number of Arguments
- *Unary*Functor: one argument functor
- *Binary*Functor: two argument functor
- Functor: (Null-ary) no argument functor

Once these two axises are understood there is no need to provide extra
explanation for instances of Functor interfaces in this space.  This is 
not the case for, Factory, Transformer and Executor.  

Example BinaryPredicate: is a Functor with a boolean result which has
two arguments.

It is not necessary to understand possible extensions of this concept,
e.g. internal iterators or functor composition.  At least not more as if
one wanted to use Transformer.

For Lang2.0 I would only go as far as limiting functors to Null-ary and Unary
functor interfaces, as there currently seems to be no need for Binary

I see the lang.functor as a light-weight place for standardizing
interfaces of functors.  Then other components may provide internal
iterators or related interfaces based on lang.functors such as
Collections.  And functor utility components may provide the
compositions and default implementations using the same functor
interfaces which are defined in Lang.

If lang cannot provide a functor package which may be used as a standard
or if this is out of the lang scope, the incoherent current approach to
functors may discourage the evolving and adoption of a functor component
with a broader scope.  Therefore, without modifications, I would opt for
dropping functor from lang, and leave the rudimentary functor stuff in
collections, as the lang package does not aim for a broader scope.

Please take no offense in my argumentation.  I know that a lot of people
have strong feelings about functors and I

Re: [beanutils][digester] about time for a release?

2003-01-07 Thread Arnd Kohrs
 robert == robert burrell donkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
robert there is one more matter that i think should be
robert considered. we've had several requests to make
robert MethodUtils.getMatchingAccessibleMethod(). you know my
robert opinions on the current MethodUtils API but i don't really
robert think that adding this method will make things worse than
robert they are already. should this be made public?

Yes please.  There is no point of hiding getMatchingAccessibleMethod()
while invokeMethod() is public.

so I am all +1.


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Re: [Beanutils] MethodUtils: private getMatchingAccessibleMethod()

2002-12-20 Thread Arnd Kohrs
 Robert == robert burrell donkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Robert On Thursday, December 19, 2002, at 05:53 PM, Arnd Kohrs

Arnd is there any particular reason why
Arnd MethodUtils.getMatchingAccessibleMethod(...)  should have
Arnd private access?

Robert yes - but it's a long story (and a little bit political) :)

I guess the reason is that it would be too hard to document its behavior
exactly ;-).  However, since I can use MethodUtils.invokeMethod(...), I have
implicitly access to it.

My use of it would be the validation of arguments for the creation of a
closure which evaluates to a call to MethodUtils.invokeMethod(...).  So
that if a closure is constructed without throwing an
IllegalArgumentException, it is valid and may be executed without
anticipating a NoSuchMethodException.

Robert if you want it public, why not roll your own version from
Robert the source?

Overhead of duplication!  

I don't understand why a method which invokes a loosely specified method is
public, but a method which just tells me if a loosely specified method
exists needs to be private?

May be my reasoning has some merit, and
MethodUtils.getMatchingAccessibleMethod() can be changed to public.  If
this is not possible then maybe invokeMethod(...) should be deprecated.




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