[patch] [math] changes to QR decomposition

2006-07-20 Thread Joni Salonen

Hi all, I've made some changes to the QR-decomposition code, namely:

- rewritten some comments for clarity
- extract the Householder transformation routine to a private method
- change the decomposition to "economy sized" in which Q is not always
square which saves memory in the m >= n case and seems to be how most
other libraries handle the decomposition
- changed some unit tests

Hopefully the extraction of the Householder transformation routine
makes subsequent modifications (e.g. adding solver routines) or
adaption of the code (e.g. for SVD which was recently discussed?)


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Re: [math] Q-R -decomposition

2006-05-21 Thread Joni Salonen

I am reviewing the implementation code and the Householder reflections
algorithm to figure out why this is the case.  The definitions that I
have seen (including the ones that you reference in the javadoc) use
the second approach (R is square).  Generally, m is assumed to be
greater than or equal to n and I think the matrix has to be full rank
for the decomp to be unique.  I am not an expert in this area, so will
defer to others if there are good arguments for using the definition
that your implementation uses.  The important thing is to document
exactly what the code does, both in the interface javadoc and the
impl.  It would be awkward in this case to have the interface
under-specified regarding the dimensions of the factors, so this
should probably be settled independently of the algorithm.

About the dimensions, it depends on what your requirements are. If you
require that the columns of Q form an orthogonal basis of R^m, Q has
to be m x m. If that condition is relaxed and m >= n, the last rows of
R will be zero. This means that the last columns of Q don't contribute
to the product QR. In this case Q can be m x n. The latter form is
called "the economy-size decomposition" in MATLAB documentation:
The two forms are mentioned also here:
JAMA uses the economy-size decomposition.

(After sending my last email I realised that if m <= n, Q can't be m x
n already for the fact that at most m vectors can be linearly
independent--let alone orthogonal--in R^m.)

IIRC, for the factorization to be unique, the matrix has to have full
rank and the diagonal elements of R have to be positive, but a
factorization exists and can be computed with the Householder
algorithm even if the matrix is singular.

Another thing I'm not sure of is the naming; I've named the classes
without regard to the fact that they work only with real matrices. If
there is to be support for complex and arbitrary precision matrices,
perhaps a rename would be due?

> It seems that many decompositions are used for solving linear systems.
> A decomposition object "knows" what the system is like and has access
> to the raw factorized data that can be packed in some way, so it would
> make some sense to ask it solve systems, too. Plus: users would be
> able to switch between different implementations, like with the
> Collections API.

Beyond what is available in the API (Q and R), what exactly does the
QR Decomp "know" that makes solving easier?

It has Q stored as a list of Householder vectors. Multiplying a matrix
with Q or Q' that is stored in this format is not much more expensive
than a normal matrix multiplication, but it's a lot more efficient
when compared to first calculating an explicit form of Q and then
multiplying. It might be better numerically too, but I cannot be sure.

Re: [math] Q-R -decomposition

2006-05-20 Thread Joni Salonen

> The algorithm used there produces the matrix R and an array of
> Householder vectors. When the getQ() is called, the Householder
> vectors are made into matrices that are multiplied together to yield
> the Q matrix. This seems to be the best way to go about things.
That seems fine to me, in terms of the state maintained in the decomp
class and the API as well - i.e., provide the accessors for Q and R,
but maintain state efficiently.

Done; this is what QRDecompositionImpl does now. Singular and
rectangular cases are covered. The tests are more extensive, too.

There is one thing I'm not sure about: matrix dimensions. Some sources
define the QR-factorization of an m x n matrix so that Q is m x m
(square) and R is m x n, others say that Q is m x n and R is n x n
(square). The current implementation does the former. Of course it's
also possible to define Q as m x r and R as r x n, where r is min{m,
n} or the rank of the original matrix. Do you have any insights on
what should be done?

> I suppose we won't have a base interface for matrix decompositions?

We can talk about that, but if we go with the design above, there is
really no place for it, unless I am missing something.  Now is a good
time to discuss these things, though, as once we define the API, we
(and our users) are going to have to live with it for some time.
Other than a "decompose" method (which the design above does not
include), its hard for me to see what a base decomposition interface
would include. The accessors are all different depending on the
decomp.  Could be I am missing something, though, so if you have ideas
about how to better structure this, please speak up.

It seems that many decompositions are used for solving linear systems.
A decomposition object "knows" what the system is like and has access
to the raw factorized data that can be packed in some way, so it would
make some sense to ask it solve systems, too. Plus: users would be
able to switch between different implementations, like with the
Collections API.

Then again, solving systems doesn't seem like something inherent to
the idea of a matrix factorization. Could it be a better idea to have
an interface like "LinearSystemSolver" which then can be implemented
by decomposition classes?

Re: [math] Q-R -decomposition

2006-05-08 Thread Joni Salonen

Sorry about the late reply; I was practically all of April on holidays
and now I find myself occupied by final exams.

+1 - see below.  The only real question here is do we need a
subpackage for matrix decompositions.  Since I think it is unlikely
that we will have more than a handful of these, I am OK putting these
into the top level, i.e. in .linear.

That seems fine to  me.

> I also had a look at Jama yesterday. There they defer the explicit
> generation of the Q part of the decomposition until the user calls
> getQ(), which I guess has a computational advantage over calculating
> the whole decomp if the user of the API only needs R. This of course
> implies that the algorithm has a state and it's most natural to
> implement it as a class of its own.

Again, I think this should be a separate (immutable) class with state,
with the decomp done in the constructor, which should take a
RealMatrix (not impl) as argument (using getData to copy if argument
is not a RealMatrixImp).  I am not sure I understand what you mean
about the Q and R accessors in Jama.  It looks to me like they are
just doing transformations to provide Q and R separately.  I think it
makes sense to provide those accessors (as we should in the LU case
when we externalize that).

The algorithm used there produces the matrix R and an array of
Householder vectors. When the getQ() is called, the Householder
vectors are made into matrices that are multiplied together to yield
the Q matrix. This seems to be the best way to go about things.

> From the release plan I read that the QR-decomposition will be needed
> for linear regression. Does that mean that it will be used mainly for
> least-squares fitting? In that case both Q and R are needed most of
> the time, so having the algorithm in a separate class is not strictly
> necessary..

The immediate motivation is for solving the normal equations.  I don't
think we should include the solve() method that Jama has in this
class, though.  I think it is more natural to have that in the OLS

Tests are a good start.

Returning to the overall API design, I think it makes sense to follow
the abstract factory pattern used elsewhere in [math] (e.g. the
distributions package) to provide for pluggable decomp implementations
with defaults provided.  So what we would end up with would be an
abstract DecompositionFactory class with a concrete
DecompositionFactoryImpl subclass providing default implementations.
Interfaces for decompositions would be abstracted.  User code with
look like this:

QRDecomposition qr =

where QRDecomposition is the interface and
DecompositionFactory.newInstance() returns a DecompositionFactoryImpl
and createQRDecomposition(matrix) invokes the constructor for
QRDecompositionImpl, which is the default implementation.  This setup
is used in the distributions and analysis packages to provide
pluggable implementations.

Seems good to me. What do you think is better as a method name,
"createQRDecomposition" or "newQRDecomposition"? Both styles seem to
be in use.

I suppose we won't have a base interface for matrix decompositions?

To get started, we can just define QRDecomposition,
QRDecompositionImpl.  If there are no objections / better ideas, we
can then add the factory impls and do the same for LU decomp (and
Cholesky, which I think we may also have laying around somewhere).

Alright, I'm on it.


Re: [math] Q-R -decomposition

2006-03-31 Thread Joni Salonen
On 3/30/06, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great!  The first thing to do is to open a Bugzilla ticket and attach
> the code to it, with that apache license in the class file headers
> (look at any apache java class for an example).   Ideally, you should
> also develop and include a test class.  Your main method could be the
> start of this.  Have a look at the RealMatrix test classes for
> examples.  We can talk further about design here on the list.   From a
> quick glance at your code, it looks like you have just implemented the
> decomp algorithm statically (which is a great start) and we should
> talk about how to structure the API, class name, numerical stability,
> and package placement.
I have created some tests now and included them in the bugzilla ticket.

It would seem most natural to implement QR in math.linear because
that's where the rest of the linear algebra related stuff is.
Initially I thought the algorithm, as it doesn't require state as
such, could be included in the RealMatrix or RealMatrixImpl class,
like the LU decomposition. But I'm not sure if that would be pushing
too many responsibilities to one class. What is your view on this?

I also had a look at Jama yesterday. There they defer the explicit
generation of the Q part of the decomposition until the user calls
getQ(), which I guess has a computational advantage over calculating
the whole decomp if the user of the API only needs R. This of course
implies that the algorithm has a state and it's most natural to
implement it as a class of its own.

>From the release plan I read that the QR-decomposition will be needed
for linear regression. Does that mean that it will be used mainly for
least-squares fitting? In that case both Q and R are needed most of
the time, so having the algorithm in a separate class is not strictly

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[math] Q-R -decomposition

2006-03-29 Thread Joni Salonen
Hello! I read from the commons math web page that  Q-R -decomposition
of matrices is on the wish list. Last night and this afternoon I had
some free time so I created a clean-room implementation of this
decomposition using Householder reflectors. The main source of
information was the description of the algorithm found in Wikipedia:

I would be interested in working towards getting this algorithm
integrated in commons-math, but how should I proceed? And does anyone
have suggestions on how to improve the implementation? The source code
is downloadable from
(should be understandable but may not be up to Apache standards yet)

There is a problem with the current implementation though: it only
works for non-singular square matrices. What will the usage of the
algorithm be like? Should the singular and non-square cases be
implemented, too?

Kind regards,
Joni Salonen

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