Re: httpclient dont support ö ?

2004-03-18 Thread Sven Köhler
nun habe ich noch das problem das er kein Dateien mit  umlauten versenden
kann,z.b Übung1.txt
I guess you're talking about the content-disposition header or 
http-headers with umlauts in general - i think there's no standard for 
sending them.
First, i have to define a http-header to be more like a byte[]-array 
than a String (in the Java sence). The bytes will have to be 
interpretated by a Charset like UTF8, ISO8859-1 etc. to become a String 
on the client-side. MaxOSX might use UTF8, Linux and Windows should use 
the current locale. So there is no correct way to store a umlaut in a 
HTTP-header since HttpClient cannot know the Charset that the client 
will use.

The Charset for the Headers and the Charset used for the URL are one of 
the weaknesses of the HTTP-Protocol. UTF8 may become a standard - but 
this will surely take a while.

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Re: httpclient dont support ö ?

2004-03-18 Thread Sven Köhler
There are two exceptions to this.  One is in the case of the URL query 
string, the other is for some authentication methods.

For more on the query string take a look at[]) 
So where's the sollution?

Using UTF-8 for the query-string is neither right nor wrong. The 
server-side (servlet, perl-script, whatever) may simple use any charset 
it likes to interpretate the query-string.
It is a insufficiency of the HttpClient-API that i cannot specifiy the 
charset used for the query-string.

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Re: \ in path (instead of /)

2003-12-20 Thread Sven Köhler

It might be worthwhile to allow these slashes to be parsed as if they were
such URLs are totally invalid in my eyes. it's nice that some browsers 
accept them, but i wouldn't care if HttpClient doesn't. Additional it's 
farely easy to replace them by yourself.

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Re: Sockets and Java NIO?

2003-12-19 Thread Sven Köhler
Does HttpClient make use of Java NIO when in a Java 1.4.x
context? If not, is there any work being done in this direction?

it doesn't make sense since reading and writing to the socket is done in 
the thread, from which the methods are called. NIO would make sense, if 
the API of HttpClient would be somehow asynchronious. That would mean 
that you can drop a Job into a Queue and that it's executed in the 
background. As this is not the case, using NIO doesn't make any sense.

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Re: how to specify HTTP 1.0?

2003-12-16 Thread Sven Köhler
But I can't find out how to actually tell HTTPClient to use HTTP 1.0 instead
of HTTP1.1?
As far as i remeber

HttpMethod m = ...;
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Re: Does HttpClient decompress compressed HTTP transfers?

2003-11-18 Thread Sven Köhler
It'd be rather easy to wrap the streams in a DeflaterOutputStream or an 
InflaterInputStream.  Of course, due to limitations in Java's deflate 
compression, one must extend DeflaterOutputStream to allow true stream 
deflation.  The problem with the current implementation is that there is 
no way to flush a partially deflated stream -- deflate waits until it 
reaches an optimal spot to actually perform the deflation and do the 
I was talking about decompression downloads. flush() would only be 
needed to compress POST or PUT requests and that may be poorly supported.

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Re: HttpMethodBase.releaseConnection() finished download

2003-11-14 Thread Sven Köhler
Adding the ability to abort methods is planned for the 2.1 release, 
but I don't think anyone has begun work on it yet.  If you come up 
with a good solution that you are willing to submit we would be happy 
to make use of it.
So what would you suggest how an abort should look like? For me, a 
boolean paramter for the releaseConnection-method would be sufficient.
(releaseConnection() would be a shortcut to releaseConnection(boolean) 

I need this now, so i would try to implement a patch.
Well, i had a short look at the source. Beside that the call to 
releaseConnection() is delegeted from one Class to another, i cannot 
find the place where the InputStream is read until EOF and i cannot 
imagine how i should avoid it.

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Re: Cookies, Chunked-Post Threads

2003-11-13 Thread Sven Köhler
browsers make requests in parallel for *one* user!
Meaning that all the cookies returned end up in the
same cookie store, as they do here.
A proxy servlet will make requests for different users
(browsers) and therefore has to maintain a different
state for each user. That state is typically associated
with the session between the browser and servlet.
I maintain a HttpState-Object for each Session the Servlet sees.

It's either that, or different state objects for each
session. But you can't just throw all cookies returned
for all users into a single state and expect the HTTP
client to figure out which cookie belongs to which
Sorry, it seems we missunderstood each other. I never wanted to put all 
in one HttpState-Object. My intention was to maintain one CookieBox 
per Session and that's what i do with the HttpState-Objects at the moment.

Everything works fine now.
Thanks for your help.

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Re: Cookies, Chunked-Post Threads

2003-11-12 Thread Sven Köhler
   (HostConfiguration, HttpMethod, HttpState)
If you have used the same client from different
threads without specifying different states, that
might be a problem.
Well, i use this method now from different thread with different 
HttpStates. I'd like to use even one HttpState-Object from different 
threads! Is that possible. I'm doing that right now, but i'm not sure if 
 the HttpClient-APIs cares about that case.

If not, that would be very easy:

synchronized (state)
  //get cookie headers
//execute HTTP-request

synchronized (state)
  //put cookie header

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Re: Cookies, Chunked-Post Threads

2003-11-12 Thread Sven Köhler
unless you have taken special precautions, the state object
is used to store cookies. Using the same state from different
threads can mix up the cookies from different clients pretty
Once you have the cookie problem solved, there is no issue
with using the same state object. I dimly remember seeing
some synchronized statements in there. Anyway, except for
storing cookies, it is accessed read-only.
Well, it's a that odd application of the HttpState-Object since every 
browser makes multiple requests to a server in parrallel. So this would 
be a feature i would request.

Well, most methods of HttpState seem to be synchronized, but as i 
already mentioned, it's pretty easy to easy to solve any bad mix-up.

What i don't want is to serialize (meaning executing one after another) 
the HTTP-Requests. I want them to execute in parralel.

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