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The following page has been changed by StephenColebourne:

The comment on the change is:
Update for 2.2

  ==== Development plan for 2.2 ====
+  1. Bug fixes
+  1. StrTokenizer
+  1. StrBuilder
+  1. VariableFormatter/interpolator - 
[ 18962]
- Release the text package and bug fixes.
- ==== Seeking opinions (2.1) ====
-  1. [ 22692]   
StringUtils.split ignores empty items - '''new splitPreserveAllTokens Needs to 
be reviewed.'''
-  1. [ 24910]   new 
StringUtils.split methods that split on the whole separator string - 
'''committed as splitByWholeSeparator''' 
-  1. [ 15082]   [lang] 
elapsed time formatting utility method - '''DurationFormatUtils.'''
-  1. DateUtils.isSameDay()
-  1. DurationUtils ISO_EXTENDED_FORMAT uses FastDateFormat. This has problems 
with padding of years. See commented TODO in DurationFormatUtils. - '''No 
longer uses FastDateFormat. Instead it uses the DurationFormatUtils format 
code, of which a new variant has been added'''
- === Pushed back (2.1) ===
+ === Other ideas ===
   1. [ 21663]   [lang] 
Add support in ToStringStyle for DateFormat. - '''Grows quickly into 
   1. [ 27643]   
[lang][patch] ClassUtils.newInstance method - '''Seems unnecessary'''
   1. [ 29149]   [lang] 
StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml() doesn't handle an empty entity - '''Empty 
entity is in fact illegal HTML, so need to decide if we should ignore. Current 
behaviour seems acceptable as we're not in the work with bad HTML market.'''
-  1. StringBuffer replacement - '''Probably 2.2/3.0. A lot of work in this I'd 
imagine. '''
   1. [ 26659]   [lang] 
add method to DateUtils to get the distance between 2 dates - '''Mainly 
replicated by DurationFormatUtils, or non-obvious'''
   1. [ 29692]   [lang] 
String indentation feature request - '''Needs design as a non-simple problem'''
   1. [ 22172]   [lang] 
DateUtils.parseCVS behavior parsing "h:mm z" - '''Moved to sandbox'''
   1. [ 26297]   [lang] 
BitSetUtils class, toIndexArray and fromIndexArray
-  1. [ 26922]   [lang] 
public static boolean DateUtils.equals(Date dt1, Date dt2)
   1. [ 21333]   Add 
TimeoutController - '''Class in HttpClient. Leaving til 3.0 as not much 
movement on it'''
   1. [ 30674]     
Support HttpClient's DateParser class - '''This is basically a Date 
parseDate(String dateValue, String[] dateFormats) method. '''
+  1. LocaleUtils - including toLocale(String,String)
+  1. CloneUtils - multiple ways to clone an object
-  1. [ 15082]   [lang] 
elapsed time formatting utility method - '''DurationFormatUtils. Needs 
-  1. New text package with Interpolation class moved there and 
MappedMessageFormat from code in Digester.
-  1. [ 18962]   [lang] 
New Method: getSubstitutedValues( String, Map ) - 
'''org.apache.commons.lang.text.Interpolation available for opinions'''
- === Resolved list (2.1) ===
-  1. [ 30929]     
[lang] Nestable.indexOfThrowable(Class)uses Class.equals() to match - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 27592]   [lang] 
WordUtils capitalize improvement - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 23557]   
WordUtils.capitalizeFully(String str) should take a delimiter - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 27778]   [lang] 
add remove methods to ArrayUtils - '''DONE'''
-  1. StringTokenizer replacement: '''(DONE - Tokenizer)'''
-  1. [ 25227]   [lang] 
StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml() doesn't handle hex entities - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 27640]   
[lang][patch] ClassUtils.primitivesToWrappers method - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 23749]   [lang] 
[PATCH] NumberRange - adds inclusive and exclusive end points - '''WONTFIX'''
-  1. [ 27876]   [lang] 
ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(null) throws exception by design - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 27877]   
[lang][patch] Make ClassUtils methods null-safe and not throw an IAE. - 
-  1. StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf() - '''Appears to be DONE'''
-  1. [ 29673]   [lang] 
ExceptionUtils: new getCause() methodname (for tomcat-exception) - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 25560]   
DateUtils.truncate() is off by one hour when using a date in DST switch 'zone' 
- '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 19331]   [lang] 
General case: infinite loop: ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString - '''The 
bugzilla entry''' '''''Gary Gregory 2003-06-23 17:27''''' '''shows this to have 
been fixed.'''
-  1. [ 29294]   
[lang][PATCH] Fix the Fraction class - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 29794]   Add 
convenience format(long) methods to FastDateFormat - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 28468]   
StringUtils.defaultString: Documentation error - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 22489]   
[lang]patch] StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable() - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 26646]   [lang] 
FastDateFormat.getDateInstance(int, Locale) always uses the pattern from the 
first invocation - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 31181]  
FastDateFormat year bug - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 32198]           
[lang] Error in JavaDoc for StringUtils.chomp(String, String) - '''DONE'''
-  1. [ 22717]   [lang] 
MutableNumbers - '''see lang.mutable.''' - '''COMPLETE'''
-  1. [ 30334]   [lang] 
New class proposal: '''CharacterEncoding''' - '''COMPLETE'''
-  1. [ 29163]   Make 
StopWatch validate state transitions - '''COMPLETE'''
-  1. [ 26056]   [lang] 
Add methods to ArrayUtils: add at end and insert-like ops - '''DONE - 
add(Object[], Object) is overloaded for all the primitives, as is add(Object[], 
int, Object) and addAll(Object[], Object[]). ''

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