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The following page has been changed by BrianStansberry:

The comment on the change is:
Add discussion of JCL in JBoss 4.0.2

  (With thanks to David Karlsen for this information)
  For more information see[EMAIL 
+ == How Can I Use Commons-Logging In JBoss 4.0.2? ==
+ {{{
+ I'm using JBoss 4.0.2. Commons-Logging doesn't seem to recognize the file in my WAR. Help!
+ }}}
+ Some JBoss services use commons-logging, so it's on the server classpath. 
Copies of commons-logging loaded from a webapp's WEB-INF/lib folder were 
causing type conflicts with the version on the server classpath, so beginning 
with version 4.0.2 JBoss disables loading commons-logging from a WAR.  This has 
the side effect of preventing commons-logging from accessing logging libraries 
that are placed in the WEB-INF/lib folder.
+ Fortunately, there is an easy fix:
+ {{{
+ Place your logging library jar (e.g. avalon-framework.jar) in JBoss' 
server/.../lib folder (where "..." is "all" or "default" or a custom 
configuration you use).
+ }}}
+ This places your logging library on the server classpath, where the copy of 
commons-logging used by JBoss can see it.  The downside to this is your logging 
library is no longer hot-deployable, so upgrading it will require a server 
  == How can I close loggers when using Commons-Logging? ==

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