What was the problem with maven ??


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Dion Gillard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyé : lundi 19 juillet 2004 08:03
> À : Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Objet : Re: cvs commit: jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib ant-1.5.jar 
> commons-beanutils-1.6.jar
> commons-cli-1.0-beta-2.jar commons-betwixt-20030211.133854.jar xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar 
> commons-jelly-
> 20030902.160215.jar hsqldb-1.7.1.jar dom4j-1.4.jar xerces-2.4.0.jar
> Out of curiosity, how are you generating the web site now?
> On 17 Jul 2004 10:27:23 -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > tomdz       2004/07/17 03:27:23
> >
> >   Modified:    sql      build.xml .classpath
> >   Added:       sql      build.properties
> >                sql/lib  ant-1.5.jar commons-beanutils-1.6.jar
> >                         commons-cli-1.0-beta-2.jar
> >                         commons-betwixt-20030211.133854.jar
> >                         xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar
> >                         commons-jelly-20030902.160215.jar hsqldb-1.7.1.jar
> >                         dom4j-1.4.jar xerces-2.4.0.jar ant-optional-1.5.jar
> >                         commons-collections-3.0-dev.jar
> >                         commons-digester-1.5.jar commons-logging-1.0.3.jar
> >                         axion-1.0-M1.jar junit-3.8.1.jar
> >   Removed:     sql      project.properties maven.xml project.xml
> >   Log:
> >   Build process now uses plain Ant (no maven anymore)
> >
> >   Revision  Changes    Path
> >   1.7       +129 -174  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/build.xml
> >
> >   Index: build.xml
> >   ===================================================================
> >   RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/build.xml,v
> >   retrieving revision 1.6
> >   retrieving revision 1.7
> >   diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
> >   --- build.xml 16 Dec 2003 16:03:07 -0000      1.6
> >   +++ build.xml 17 Jul 2004 10:27:22 -0000      1.7
> >   @@ -1,179 +1,134 @@
> >    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> >
> >   -<!--build.xml generated by maven from project.xml version 1.0-dev
> >   -  on date December 16 2003, time 0716-->
> >   +<!--
> >   +/* Copyright 2002-2004 Apache Software Foundation
> >   + *
> >   + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
> >   + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
> >   + * You may obtain a copy of the License at
> >   + *
> >   + *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
> >   + *
> >   + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
> >   + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
> >   + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
> >   + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
> >   + * limitations under the License.
> >   + */
> >   +-->
> >
> >   -<project default="jar" name="commons-sql" basedir=".">
> >   -  <property name="defaulttargetdir" value="target">
> >   -  </property>
> >   -  <property name="libdir" value="target/lib">
> >   -  </property>
> >   -  <property name="classesdir" value="target/classes">
> >   -  </property>
> >   -  <property name="testclassesdir" value="target/test-classes">
> >   -  </property>
> >   -  <property name="testreportdir" value="target/test-reports">
> >   -  </property>
> >   -  <property name="distdir" value="dist">
> >   -  </property>
> >   -  <property name="javadocdir" value="dist/docs/api">
> >   -  </property>
> >   -  <property name="final.name" value="commons-sql-1.0-dev">
> >   -  </property>
> >   -  <target name="init" description="o Initializes some properties">
> >   -    <mkdir dir="${libdir}">
> >   -    </mkdir>
> >   -    <condition property="noget">
> >   -      <equals arg2="only" arg1="${build.sysclasspath}">
> >   -      </equals>
> >   -    </condition>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="compile" description="o Compile the code" depends="get-deps">
> >   -    <mkdir dir="${classesdir}">
> >   -    </mkdir>
> >   -    <javac destdir="${classesdir}" deprecation="true" debug="true" 
> > optimize="false"
> excludes="**/package.html">
> >   -      <src>
> >   -        <pathelement location="src/java">
> >   -        </pathelement>
> >   -      </src>
> >   -      <classpath>
> >   -        <fileset dir="${libdir}">
> >   -          <include name="*.jar">
> >   -          </include>
> >   -        </fileset>
> >   -      </classpath>
> >   -    </javac>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="jar" description="o Create the jar" depends="compile,test">
> >   -    <jar jarfile="target/${final.name}.jar" excludes="**/package.html"
> basedir="${classesdir}">
> >   -    </jar>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="clean" description="o Clean up the generated directories">
> >   -    <delete dir="${defaulttargetdir}">
> >   -    </delete>
> >   -    <delete dir="${distdir}">
> >   -    </delete>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="dist" description="o Create a distribution" depends="jar, 
> > javadoc">
> >   -    <mkdir dir="dist">
> >   -    </mkdir>
> >   -    <copy todir="dist">
> >   -      <fileset dir="${defaulttargetdir}" includes="*.jar">
> >   -      </fileset>
> >   -      <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="LICENSE*, README*">
> >   -      </fileset>
> >   -    </copy>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="test" description="o Run the test cases" if="test.failure" 
> > depends="internal-
> test">
> >   -    <fail message="There were test failures.">
> >   -    </fail>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="internal-test" depends="compile-tests">
> >   -    <mkdir dir="${testreportdir}">
> >   -    </mkdir>
> >   -    <junit dir="./" failureproperty="test.failure" printSummary="yes" 
> > fork="true"
> haltonerror="true">
> >   -      <sysproperty key="basedir" value=".">
> >   -      </sysproperty>
> >   -      <formatter type="xml">
> >   -      </formatter>
> >   -      <formatter usefile="false" type="plain">
> >   -      </formatter>
> >   -      <classpath>
> >   -        <fileset dir="${libdir}">
> >   -          <include name="*.jar">
> >   -          </include>
> >   -        </fileset>
> >   -        <pathelement path="${testclassesdir}">
> >   -        </pathelement>
> >   -        <pathelement path="${classesdir}">
> >   -        </pathelement>
> >   -      </classpath>
> >   -      <batchtest todir="${testreportdir}">
> >   -        <fileset dir="src/test">
> >   -          <include name="**/Test*.java">
> >   -          </include>
> >   -        </fileset>
> >   -      </batchtest>
> >   -    </junit>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="compile-tests" depends="compile">
> >   -    <mkdir dir="${testclassesdir}">
> >   -    </mkdir>
> >   -    <javac destdir="${testclassesdir}" deprecation="true" debug="true" 
> > optimize="false"
> excludes="**/package.html">
> >   -      <src>
> >   -        <pathelement location="src/test">
> >   -        </pathelement>
> >   -      </src>
> >   -      <classpath>
> >   -        <fileset dir="${libdir}">
> >   -          <include name="*.jar">
> >   -          </include>
> >   -        </fileset>
> >   -        <pathelement path="${classesdir}">
> >   -        </pathelement>
> >   -      </classpath>
> >   -    </javac>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="javadoc" description="o Generate javadoc" depends="jar">
> >   -    <mkdir dir="${javadocdir}">
> >   -    </mkdir>
> >   -    <tstamp>
> >   -      <format pattern="2002-yyyy" property="year">
> >   -      </format>
> >   -    </tstamp>
> >   -    <property name="copyright" value="Copyright &amp;copy;  Apache Software 
> > Foundation. All
> Rights Reserved.">
> >   -    </property>
> >   -    <property name="title" value="commons-sql 1.0-dev API">
> >   -    </property>
> >   -    <javadoc use="true" private="true" destdir="${javadocdir}" author="true" 
> > version="true"
> sourcepath="src/java" packagenames="org.apache.commons.sql.*">
> >   -      <classpath>
> >   -        <fileset dir="${libdir}">
> >   -          <include name="*.jar">
> >   -          </include>
> >   +<project default="dist" name="commons-sql" basedir=".">
> >   +    <property file="${user.home}/build.properties" />
> >   +    <property file="build.properties"/>
> >   +
> >   +    <path id="compilation-classpath">
> >   +        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
> >   +            <include name="**/*.jar"/>
> >   +            <include name="**/*.zip"/>
> >            </fileset>
> >   -        <pathelement location="target/${final.name}.jar">
> >   -        </pathelement>
> >   -      </classpath>
> >   -    </javadoc>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="get-deps" unless="noget" depends="init">
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/commons-logging/jars/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/commons-beanutils-1.6.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/commons-beanutils/jars/commons-beanutils-1.6.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/commons-collections-3.0-dev.jar" usetimestamp="true"
> ignoreerrors="true" 
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/commons-collections/jars/commons-collections-3.0-
> dev.jar">
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/commons-digester-1.5.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/commons-digester/jars/commons-digester-1.5.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/commons-betwixt-20030211.133854.jar" 
> > usetimestamp="true"
> ignoreerrors="true" 
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/commons-betwixt/jars/commons-betwixt-
> 20030211.133854.jar">
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/commons-jelly-20030902.160215.jar" usetimestamp="true"
> ignoreerrors="true" src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/commons-jelly/jars/commons-jelly-
> 20030902.160215.jar">
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/commons-cli-1.0-beta-2.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/commons-cli/jars/commons-cli-1.0-beta-2.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/ant-1.5.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.5.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/dom4j-1.4.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/dom4j/jars/dom4j-1.4.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/xml-apis/jars/xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/xerces-2.4.0.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/xerces/jars/xerces-2.4.0.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/axion-1.0-M1.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/axion/jars/axion-1.0-M1.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/hsqldb/jars/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/junit-3.8.1.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/junit/jars/junit-3.8.1.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/ant-1.5.jar" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-1.5.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <get dest="${libdir}/ant-optional-1.5.jar" usetimestamp="true" 
> > ignoreerrors="true"
> src="http://ibiblio.org/maven/ant/jars/ant-optional-1.5.jar";>
> >   -    </get>
> >   -  </target>
> >   -  <target name="install-maven">
> >   -    <get dest="${user.home}/maven-install-latest.jar" usetimestamp="true"
> src="${repo}/maven/maven-install-latest.jar">
> >   -    </get>
> >   -    <unjar dest="${maven.home}" src="${user.home}/maven-install-latest.jar">
> >   -    </unjar>
> >   -  </target>
> >   +        <pathelement path="${build.java.dir}"/>
> >   +        <pathelement path="${build.test.dir}"/>
> >   +    </path>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="init"
> >   +            description="Initializes the build process">
> >   +        <tstamp/>
> >   +        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
> >   +        <mkdir dir="${build.java.dir}"/>
> >   +        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="compile"
> >   +            description="Compiles the code"
> >   +            depends="init">
> >   +        <javac srcdir="${src.java.dir}"
> >   +               destdir="${build.java.dir}"
> >   +               deprecation="true"
> >   +               debug="true"
> >   +               optimize="false">
> >   +            <classpath refid="compilation-classpath"/>
> >   +        </javac>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="jar"
> >   +            description="Creates the jar"
> >   +            depends="compile">
> >   +        <jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${dist-filename-prefix}.jar"
> >   +            basedir="${build.java.dir}"
> >   +             includes="org/**"/>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="clean"
> >   +            description="Cleans up the generated directories">
> >   +        <delete failonerror="false"
> >   +                dir="${build.dir}"/>
> >   +        <delete failonerror="false"
> >   +                dir="${dist.dir}"/>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="javadoc"
> >   +            description="Generates javadoc"
> >   +            depends="init">
> >   +        <javadoc use="true"
> >   +                 protected="true"
> >   +                 destdir="${build.javadoc.dir}"
> >   +                 author="true"
> >   +                 doctitle="${javadoc.title}"
> >   +                 windowtitle="${javadoc.title}"
> >   +                 bottom="${javadoc.footer}"
> >   +                 version="true"
> >   +                 sourcepath="${src.java.dir}"
> >   +                 packagenames="org.*">
> >   +            <classpath refid="compilation-classpath"/>
> >   +        </javadoc>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="dist"
> >   +            description="Creates the distribution"
> >   +            depends="jar, javadoc">
> >   +        <jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${dist-filename-prefix}-javadoc.jar"
> >   +             basedir="${build.javadoc.dir}"/>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="compile-tests"
> >   +            description="Compiles the unit tests"
> >   +            depends="compile">
> >   +        <mkdir dir="${build.test.dir}"/>
> >   +        <javac srcdir="${src.test.dir}"
> >   +               destdir="${build.test.dir}"
> >   +               deprecation="true"
> >   +               debug="true"
> >   +               optimize="false">
> >   +            <classpath refid="compilation-classpath"/>
> >   +        </javac>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="junit"
> >   +            description="Runs the test cases"
> >   +            depends="compile-tests">
> >   +        <junit dir="."
> >   +               printSummary="yes"
> >   +               fork="true"
> >   +               haltonerror="false">
> >   +            <formatter type="xml"/>
> >   +            <formatter type="plain"/>
> >   +            <classpath refid="compilation-classpath"/>
> >   +            <batchtest todir="${build.test.dir}">
> >   +                <fileset dir="${src.test.dir}"
> >   +                         includes="**/Test*.java"/>
> >   +            </batchtest>
> >   +        </junit>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >   +    <target name="junit-report"
> >   +            description="Creates a test report in html form">
> >   +        <junitreport todir="${build.test.dir}">
> >   +            <fileset dir="${build.test.dir}" casesensitive="false">
> >   +                <include name="test*.xml"/>
> >   +            </fileset>
> >   +            <report format="frames"
> >   +                    todir="${build.test.dir}"/>
> >   +        </junitreport>
> >   +    </target>
> >   +
> >    </project>
> >
> >   1.2       +17 -38    jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/.classpath
> >
> >   Index: .classpath
> >   ===================================================================
> >   RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/.classpath,v
> >   retrieving revision 1.1
> >   retrieving revision 1.2
> >   diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
> >   --- .classpath        5 Feb 2003 08:08:39 -0000       1.1
> >   +++ .classpath        17 Jul 2004 10:27:22 -0000      1.2
> >   @@ -1,40 +1,19 @@
> >    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> >   -
> >    <classpath>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="src" path="src/java">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="src" path="src/test">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" rootpath="JRE_SRCROOT" path="JRE_LIB" 
> > sourcepath="JRE_SRC">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" 
> > path="MAVEN_REPO/commons-logging/jars/commons-logging-1.0.1.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" 
> > path="MAVEN_REPO/commons-beanutils/jars/commons-beanutils-
> SNAPSHOT.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" 
> > path="MAVEN_REPO/commons-betwixt/jars/commons-betwixt-
> SNAPSHOT.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" 
> > path="MAVEN_REPO/commons-jelly/jars/commons-jelly-SNAPSHOT.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" 
> > path="MAVEN_REPO/commons-cli/jars/commons-cli-SNAPSHOT.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" path="MAVEN_REPO/jdbc/jars/jdbc-2.0.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" path="MAVEN_REPO/ant/jars/ant-1.5.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" 
> > path="MAVEN_REPO/commons-collections/jars/commons-collections-
> 2.1-dev.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" 
> > path="MAVEN_REPO/commons-digester/jars/commons-digester-1.2.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" path="MAVEN_REPO/dom4j/jars/dom4j-1.4-dev-8.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" path="MAVEN_REPO/xml-apis/jars/xml-apis-2.0.2.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" path="MAVEN_REPO/xerces/jars/xerces-2.0.0.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" 
> > path="MAVEN_REPO/axion/jars/axion-1.0-dev.20020830.060007.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="var" path="MAVEN_REPO/hsqldb/jars/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -  <classpathentry kind="output" path="target\classes">
> >   -  </classpathentry>
> >   -</classpath>
> >   \ No newline at end of file
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="src" path="src/java"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="src" path="src/test"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry sourcepath="JRE_SRC" kind="var" path="JRE_LIB"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/junit-3.8.1.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-betwixt-20030211.133854.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-digester-1.5.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-jelly-20030902.160215.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/dom4j-1.4.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-beanutils-1.6.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-collections-3.0-dev.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/ant-1.5.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/xerces-2.4.0.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-cli-1.0-beta-2.jar"/>
> >   +     <classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>
> >   +</classpath>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/build.properties
> >
> >   Index: build.properties
> >   ===================================================================
> >   #   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
> >   #
> >   #   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
> >   #   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
> >   #   You may obtain a copy of the License at
> >   #
> >   #       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
> >   #
> >   #   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
> >   #   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
> >   #   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
> >   #   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
> >   #   limitations under the License.
> >
> >   lib.dir=lib
> >
> >   src.dir=src
> >   src.java.dir=${src.dir}/java
> >   src.test.dir=${src.dir}/test
> >
> >   build.dir=target
> >   build.java.dir=${build.dir}/classes
> >   build.test.dir=${build.dir}/test
> >   build.javadoc.dir=${build.dir}/javadoc
> >
> >   dist.dir=dist
> >
> >   project-name=commons-sql
> >   version=1.0-dev
> >   dist-filename-prefix=${project-name}-${version}
> >
> >   javadoc.title=${project-name} ${version} API Documentation
> >   javadoc.footer=Copyright &amp;copy;  Apache Software Foundation. All Rights 
> > Reserved.
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/ant-1.5.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/commons-beanutils-1.6.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/commons-cli-1.0-beta-2.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  
> > jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/commons-betwixt-20030211.133854.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  
> > jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/commons-jelly-20030902.160215.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/dom4j-1.4.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/xerces-2.4.0.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/ant-optional-1.5.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  
> > jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/commons-collections-3.0-dev.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/commons-digester-1.5.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/axion-1.0-M1.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> >   1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/sql/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar
> >
> >         <<Binary file>>
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> --
> http://www.multitask.com.au/people/dion/
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