rleland     2003/08/21 21:20:48

  Added:       validator/xdocs faq.fml
  Removed:     validator/xdocs faq.xml
  Maven now calls faq.xml files faq.fml
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/validator/xdocs/faq.fml
  Index: faq.fml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <title>Validator FAQ</title>
    <section name="Frequently Asked Questions">
        This document will be derived from the FAQ maintained in the 
        <a href='http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?ValidatorProjectPages'>
        Validator Wiki</a>.So these questions and answers are user provided.
        and should be searched before posting to the mailing lists.  
      <p><strong>Building Validator</strong></p>
          <a href="#how-to-build">
            How do I build Validator?
      <subsection name="Building Validator">
            <a name="how-to-build">
              How do I build Validator?
            Validator uses Maven for its build system. So you should be able to build 
Validator just like
            any other Maven enabled project. By typing'maven' Please see the 
            <a href="http://maven.apache.org/start/index.html";>Maven</a> 
            documentation for details.

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