dirkv       2003/11/17 13:46:23

  Added:       jjar/xdocs index.xml
  copy of jjar.xml as homepage
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/jjar/xdocs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Geir Magnusson Jr.</author>
  <section name="JJAR : Jakarta JAR Archive Repository">
        <a href="jjar.html#introduction">Introduction</a>
        <a href="jjar.html#The Repository">The Repository</a>
        <a href="jjar.html#The Toolset">The Toolset</a>
            <a href="jjar.html#commandline">Java Commandline Tool</a>
            <a href="jjar.html#anttool">Jakarta Ant Support</a>
        <a href="jjar.html#use cases">Use Cases</a>
            <a href="jjar.html#listrepo">Listing The Repository</a>
            <a href="jjar.html#listsingle">Listing the Details of a Single Package</a>
            <a href="jjar.html#verifyjar">Verifying a Jar</a>
            <a href="jjar.html#fetchpackage">Fetching a Package</a>
            <a href="jjar.html#antselfdep">Project Build Self-Dependency with Ant</a>
  <section name="Introduction">
    <b>JJAR</b> is an acronym for Jakarta JAR Archive Repository, 
    an attempt at making a <a href="http://www.cpan.org";>CPAN</a>-like
    service/infrastructure for the Java development community.
  <b>Note :</b> <i>Until JJAR is officially in production, no guarantees
  will be made as to the correctness of the delivered jars.  Best
  efforts will be made, but at any time, what you get might not be
  what you want.</i>
    Currently, JJAR is an experimental work in progress.  It does
    work as advertised, and every effort is being made to ensure
    that it works at any point in time.  However, as we are learning
    about what works and what doesn't, change will happen.  Further
    this is currently not an official Jakarta Commons project, but
    a well-organized sandbox project.  Therefore, production dependencies
    are discouraged.
  <b>Repeat :</b> <i> JJAR is neither an official Jakarta project, nor an 
  official Jakarta Commons project.  This document may have been
  found via a http://jakarta.apache.org/jjar/ link - it is there for
  information purposes for the repository.</i>
    Ok.  Now that that's over, simply put, JJAR consists of two parts :
    A distributed repository consisting of jars from various
    projects (which we call <i>packages</i>)
     as well as version and dependency information about
    those packages.   This logical repository consists of
    a central main repository, and any number of sub-repositories,
    each responsible for a given project (or projects.)
    A toolset to allow the navigation and fetching from this repository,
    as well as direct access to repository information, such as 
    project dependencies.
    Together, these two parts [hopefully] make up a complete system
    for package management and delivery for building Java applications.
  <section name="The Repository">
  As currently defined, a repository physically consists of a directory
  containing a <i>repository descriptor</i>, an XML file containing 
  repository information, and a set of jars described by that descriptor.
  There is no strict requirement as to how a repository is implemented. 
  The expected common implementation will be via http through a regular
  web server (no server-side programmatic support will be required.)
  However, in the case of local or enterprise use, it is expected that
  local file access will be enough.  The technical limitation will be 
  that there is a protocol handler for the access method of choice.
  The central repository will be located on http://jakarta.apache.org/jjar/.  
  The central repository will contain information on any project that 
  does not want to host it's own repository.  For any project that does
  host it's own repository (a <i>remote repository</i>), 
  the central repository will simply contain 
  information about the remote repository.  The JJAR toolkit will use this
  information to tie the central and remote repositories together in a 
  seamless manner.
  The repository is distributed for several reasons :
      This reduces the maintenance load on the Jakarta volunteers that
      manage JJAR.
      It allows easy inclusion of non-Jakarta projects.
      It allows the developers of projects to define their dependencies
      and use JJAR to assist in their own build processes if using Ant.
      In other words, JJAR can be used to get the jars that satisfy the
      dependencies for the building of their project, thus removing the
      requirement of putting support jars in CVS, or worse, making users
      go on a treasure hunt gathering the required jars.
  <section name="The Toolset">
   The toolset is designed for general command-line use, integration
    with Java applications, and direct integration with
    <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/";>Ant</a> the fab Java-based
    build tool (rapidly becoming the Perl of Java...).
  <a name="commandline"><strong>Commandline Tool</strong></a>
    For command line use, a small Java program has been included.  It is 
    included in the jjar.jar distribution jar.  To use it, it is invoked
    as :
       $ java -jar jjar.jar <i>command</i> [<i>parameters</i>]
    Where <i>command</i> is the main action to take, and <i>parameters</i>
    are the action-specific parameters of the command.  The current set is
    listed below :
        <td colspan="2"><hr/></td>
        <td colspan="2">list [-p <i>packagename]</i> : List one or all packages in 
        <td></td><td>Example : java -jar jjar.jar list </td>
        <td colspan="2"><hr/></td>
        <td colspan="2">verify [-j <i>jarname</i>] : Verify jars in the classpath, or 
        <td></td><td>Example : java -jar jjar.jar verify -j foo.jar </td>
         <td colspan="2"><hr/></td>
        <td colspan="2">fetch -p <i>package</i> [-nd | -od] [-vi] [-d 
<i>directory</i>] [-v <i>version</i>] [-j <i>outputjarname</i>] : Fetch jars from the 
        <td></td><td>Notes: -nd = no depeondences. -od = only dependencies.  -vi = 
'verify ignore' - will check to find each package/dependency
        and not fetch if found.  Without -j, will go to 'default name'.  Without -v, 
will get 'default' version. -d specifies local directory
        to hold the jars (the local repository).</td>
         <td></td><td>Example : java -jar jjar.jar verify -j foo.jar </td>
        <td colspan="2"><hr/></td>
     Please note that this documentation may be incomplete.
  <a name="anttool"><strong>Jakarta Ant Support</strong></a>
  JJAR also offers direct support for the fabulous Java-based
  build tool <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/";>Ant</a>.
  Please see the Ant site for more information.  The following
  assumes that you understand the basics of Ant, and that you
  have it installed on your computer.
  Ant support in JJAR is intended to simplify building projects 
  by providing a facility to fetch the packages that a project
  depends on, as well as the dependencies for that package.  The
  driving idea here is that a project will use JJAR to get any
  packages it depends on, and therefore removes the requirment of
  providing those jars to the users or developers of the package.
  To do this, JJAR includes the <code>JJARTask</code> class that
  is an Ant task, and can be used directly in Ant.  It is use like 
  this.  The following  bit of a build.xml ant 'script' comes from
  the /examples/ant-task/ example in the JJAR distribution :
   <!-- declare our 'jjar' ant task. Assumes jjar.jar in  -->
   <!-- local directory                                   -->
   <taskdef name="jjar" classname="org.apache.commons.jjar.JJARTask">
        <pathelement location="jjar.jar"/>
    <!-- task to get jars for the jakarta-velocity package -->
    <!-- version 1.2-dev, and places them in the           -->
    <!-- ${rep.local} repository                           -->
    <target name="fetchjars">
       <jjar package="jakarta-velocity" 
  So what we did here was define a task &lt;jjar&gt; to Ant, and then 
  invoked the jjar task to fetch the jar and dependency jars for
  the jakarta-velocity package, version 1.2-dev.
  A more interesting example is how to then let jjar get some dependencies
  and also add them to the classpath.  Again, from the /examples/ant-task/build.xml
  example : 
  <!-- assume jjar task defined...           -->
  <target name="test-classpath">
      <!-- use JJAR to fetch the Velocity package and -->
      <!-- dependencies, placing in the repository    -->
      <jjar package="jakarta-velocity" 
      <!-- lets see if that worked -->
      <property name="jjarpath" refid="jjarclasspath"/>
      <echo message="jjarclasspath:  ${jjarpath}"/>
      <!-- now compile the test file, using the jjar classpath -->
       <javac  srcdir="${src.dir}"
               destdir="." >
              <classpath refid="jjarclasspath"/> 
  Here, we use JJAR to fetch Velocity, but then let JJAR add those
  jars to a path called 'jjarclasspath', which we then include
  in the &lt;javac&gt; task, using the jars to build the code.
  The important thing about that last example is that as a user of
  Velocity, you no longer care what the Velocity developers add as
  dependencies to their project - as they add dependencies, they 
  will update the repository, and the jars will automatically be 
  downloaded, and automatically added to the classpath for
  <section name="Use Cases">
  There are quite a few use-cases that have been identified, and by
  listing them here, it is hoped that you get a flavor of what this
  is about, if the flowery prose above didn't get the idea across.
  In many of the examples below, the command line JJAR tool will be
  demonstrated.  To use it, you must build the jjar.jar file.  
  Please see the section on 'Building JJAR'.
  <a name="listrepo"><strong>Listing All Packages In The Repository</strong></a>
  This is the simplest use of the toolset - you simply want to see whats there.
  Currently, you can do this with the command line tool :
     java -jar jjar.jar list
  And you will get a list of all packages and dependencies dumped out, something like :
  JJAR : Jakarta Jar Archive Respository v0.1
  Repository contains 9 packages : 
      desc     : Velocity JSP taglibrary
      default  : 0.01-dev
      versions : 
        0.01-dev deps : jakarta-servletapi:4.0, jakarta-commons-collections:0.0-1, 
      desc     : Jakarta Velocity template engine
      default  : 1.0-1
      versions : 
        1.0-1 deps : 
        1.1 deps : jakarta-commons-collections:0.0-1, 
        1.2-dev deps : jakarta-commons-collections:0.0-1, 
      desc     : Java API for XML Processing
      default  : 1.0
      versions : 
        1.0 deps : 
  <a name="listsingle"><strong>Listing A Single Package</strong></a>
  In the (usual) case where you weren't interested in the entire repository,
  you can simply see the information and dependencies about a specific
  package :
     java -jar jjar.jar list -p <i>package</i>
  Where <i>package</i> is the package you wish to query, of course.  You might see :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] jjar]$ java -jar jjar.jar list -p jakarta-velocity
  JJAR : Jakarta Jar Archive Respository v0.1
      desc     : Jakarta Velocity template engine
      default  : 1.0-1
      versions : 
        1.0-1 deps : 
        1.1 deps : jakarta-commons-collections:0.0-1, 
        1.2-dev deps : jakarta-commons-collections:0.0-1, 
  This output tells us a few things.  First, that the repository knows about 3 versions
  of Velocity, 1.0-1, 1.1 and 1.2-dev.  Next, it lists the dependencies of each of the 
  versions, both the package as well as the version.  Finally, it tells us the
  default version of the package, in the event that we had no preference.
  <a name="verifyjar"><strong>Verify a Jar (show package and version)</strong></a>
  Suppose you have a jar, and wish to figure out what JJAR package name and version it 
  JJAR's toolset can do that :
       java -jar jjar.jar verify -j <i>jarname</i>
  where <i>jarname</i> is the JAR file you wish to query.  This can be useful to
  check a set of jars to make sure that they satisfy all dependencies.
  <a name="fetchpackage"><strong>Fetching a Package</strong></a>
  Use JJAR to fetch a package and it's dependencies :
      java -jar jjar.jar fetch -p jakarta-velocity -v 1.1
  The jars will be placed in the current directory.
  <a name="antselfdep"><strong>Project Self-Dependency with Ant</strong></a>
  An interesting use-case is demonstrated by the Veltag JSP taglib
  contribution in the Jakarta Velocity project.  (Look in the
  <code>/contrib/temporary/veltag</code> directory.)
    This project maintains its own repository descriptor, and keeps it
    in the project's CVS.
    This project has an entry in the central repository which points back
    to the project's CVS, so the JJAR toolset will first go to the 
    central repository, and then get the Veltag information from the Veltag
    The project's build script has the following :
    <!-- target to bootstrap by fetching jjar from central repository -->
    <target name="getjjar" depends="jjarcheck"  unless="jjar.present">
       <get src=""; dest="${bin}/${jjar.jar}"/>
    <!-- normal compile target uses JJAR to fetch dependencies -->
    <target name="compile" depends="static" description="Compile">
      <taskdef name="jjar" classname="org.apache.commons.jjar.JJARTask">
            <pathelement location="${bin}/${jjar.jar}"/>
      <jjar package="veltag" 
            pathrefid="jjarclasspath"  >
      <javac  srcdir="${source.home}/java"
          <classpath refid="jjarclasspath"/>
     which causes the plain-vanilla build to use JJAR to find it's own 
     dependencies, fetch the dependencies, and place them in the 
     classpath to use in the build.
  The end result is that the Veltag developers, who dictate their project
  dependencies anyway, use the JJAR repository mechanism as the single
  point of maintenance, which then provides inclusion of the Veltag 
  project in the JJAR repository system, as well as a maintenance free
  build.xml file.  As they add external dependencies to the project, 
  they automatically get included in the build.
  To the user, after they get a snapshot of CVS or a distribution copy, 
  all they have to do is :
    $ ant getjjar
    $ ant jar
  The first command is a 'bootstrap' which does a simple ant 'get' to 
  get a copy of JJAR from the repository.  The second builds the jar,
  using JJAR to figure out the dependencies, fetch needed jars, and
  add those to the classpath.
  Then, as the project evolves and the developers add new dependencies 
  (or the developers of the existing dependencies change things) then
  anyone building this project is immune to those changes, as a simple
    $cvs update
    $ant jar
  will take care of all.
  Note, there are still quite a few details to be worked out with Ant support...

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