Re: File Uploading using HttpClient

2004-10-20 Thread Michael McGrady
Not sure what you are saying here, Gluck.  Can you explain?  I 
personally see these two implementations as competing applications.

Michael McGrady
Ortwin Glück wrote:

IndianAtTech wrote:
Thanks for the Information.   I have found FileUpload API from Jakarta
commons project
Why do we have 2 API for Uploading from Same project
1. MultipartFileUpload - (Jakarta-commons)HttpClient - Project

This is a client side interface to upload to a server.
2. FileUpload  - (Jakarta Commons)

This is a server side interface to consume the uploaded file.
Or, Is  there any conceptual difference between two  API??

Yes. See above.
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Re: 'Socket closed' exception using

2004-05-12 Thread Michael McGrady
How are you setting your headers?  That is sometimes the issue on socket 

At 10:25 AM 5/12/2004, Preygel, Sofya wrote:

We are trying to use HTTPClient.execute(PostMethod) for sending SOAP
requests to Connotate's Web Mining Server (WMS). The requests are sent
every 1 minute, and in most cases everything works fine. However, every
so often (sometimes way too often!) we are getting the 'Socket closed'
exception. The socket timeout was initially set to 10 seconds (1
millis), but even after I set it to 120 seconds (12 millis), we are
still seeing it happening quite often. I tried to use both the
getResponseBodyAsString() and getResponseBodyAsStream() to retrieve the
response, but it does not change anything.
The application is running on Windows 2000 (SP4). I tried both the
HTTPClient v2.0 (final) and the latest night build (as of yesterday),
but the results are the same. We are using HTTP 1.0
(PostMethod.setHttp11(false)), with the application running on the same
computer as the WMS.
I will appreciate any suggestions about what can be done here.

Thank you,
Stack trace:
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter PostMethod.renerateRequestBody()
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter getContentCharSet( Header
contentheader )
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HeaderElement.parse(String)
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int,
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int,
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - Using buffered request body
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - Request body sent
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HttpConnection.close()
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HttpConnection.close()
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HttpConnection.close()
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HttpConnection.releaseConnection()
08:54:37 ERROR [Thread-19] - I/O exception executing the get data
request 'Execute'. Socket closed
at Method)
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RE: 'Socket closed' exception using

2004-05-12 Thread Michael McGrady
I meant how do you set the response headers?  That is probably where the 
problem is.

At 10:32 AM 5/12/2004, Preygel, Sofya wrote:
Here it is:
  PostMethod post = new PostMethod(m_URL);
  post.setRequestHeader(Content-type, text/xml;charset=utf-8);
  post.setRequestHeader(Content-type, text/xml;
  post.setRequestHeader(SOAPAction,; + action);
I tried to also use keep-alive connection option (even though I know
it makes little sense for HTTP 1.0), but to no avail.
-Original Message-
From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:29 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Preygel, Sofya
Subject: Re: 'Socket closed' exception using
How are you setting your headers?  That is sometimes the issue
on socket closings.
At 10:25 AM 5/12/2004, Preygel, Sofya wrote:


We are trying to use HTTPClient.execute(PostMethod) for
sending SOAP
requests to Connotate's Web Mining Server (WMS). The
requests are sent
every 1 minute, and in most cases everything works fine.
However, every
so often (sometimes way too often!) we are getting the
'Socket closed'
exception. The socket timeout was initially set to 10
seconds (1
millis), but even after I set it to 120 seconds (12
millis), we are
still seeing it happening quite often. I tried to use
both the
getResponseBodyAsString() and getResponseBodyAsStream()
to retrieve the
response, but it does not change anything.
The application is running on Windows 2000 (SP4). I
tried both the
HTTPClient v2.0 (final) and the latest night build (as
of yesterday),
but the results are the same. We are using HTTP 1.0
(PostMethod.setHttp11(false)), with the application
running on the same
computer as the WMS.
I will appreciate any suggestions about what can be done
Thank you,
Stack trace:
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter getContentCharSet(
contentheader )
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int,
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int,
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - Using buffered request body
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - Request body sent
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
08:54:37 ERROR [Thread-19] - I/O exception executing the
get data
request 'Execute'. Socket closed
at Method)

Re: @author tags

2004-03-16 Thread Michael McGrady
+1  What are these social issues?  I keep hearing the label but don't 
know the reality.  Are they important?  If people have troubles, let them 
have them.  That's my take on that sort of thing.

At 12:30 AM 3/16/2004, you wrote:
Hello Eric,

I was thinking about some kind of metrics, too.
Not as advanced as yours, of course :-) But then
I felt that a ranking is not the best approach. It
may lure people to use tricks just to improve
their ranking.
There should be something that indicates the
kind and volume of contributions, sure. Like
that many mails, that many bug reports, and
so on. But instead of trying to compute a ranking
from it, I would prefer a randomized order, with
the kind and volume of contributions listed for
each person. Maybe with some hall of fame
into which the major contributors can be voted.
Somehow I feel that the social issues should not
be tackled with a purely technical solution.

15.03.2004 22:52
Please respond to Commons HttpClient Project
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject:Re: @author tags
At the risk of adding fuel to an unproductive discussion, I thought I'd
throw in my comments:

Having noted some of the social issues, I do have to say that this
mailing list has been very friendly and welcoming, and my compliments to
everyone for keeping it that way.
While not an entirely accurate measure, I have an urge to suggest a
mathematical and statistical recognition metric, combining:
* # of emails written to developer list
* # of patches submitted
* # of responses to bugzilla issues, wherein said person is not the
  reporter of the particular issue.
* # of bugzilla issues reported, wherein reporting does not result
  in an INVALID categorization
* negative points for each INVALID Bugzilla report (people wasting
  time and energy on behalf of the group)
* Other contributions?
My gut instinct is that some of these contributions should be weighted
more than others, but seeing as this is a quagmire, I'm not sure I'd
want to suggest what that weighting would be - at least not yet.  The
resulting number could be used to generate a ranking, and possibly a
weighting of each contributor.
With each release, the tally should be accumulated for some time period
prior to that release (6 months?), and those people should be recognized
in the release notes, and perhaps also on the web site.
Such a metric would at least be an improvement over what we have now.
It would at least recognize people who do nothing more than track down
bugs.  It would also give us some visibility into the size and
involvement of the HttpClient community.
Darts welcome!


Michael Becke wrote:

 The ASF has recently recommended that we discontinue use of @author
 tags.  When first starting out I always enjoyed seeing my name in
 lights, though I do agree with the ASF's opinion on this matter.  If
 we come to a consensus to remove @authors I suggest that we remove
 them from all existing code, as well as leave them out of new
 additions.   Any comments?


 Begin forwarded message:  ASF Board Summary for February 18, 2004


   - author tags are officially discouraged. these create difficulties
 establishing the proper ownership and the protection of our
 committers. there are other social issues dealing with
 development, but the Board is concerned about the legal
 around the use of author tags

   - it is quite acceptable and encouraged to recognize developers'
 in a CHANGES file, or some other descriptive file which is
 with the overall PMC or release rather than individual files.


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Re: @author tags

2004-03-16 Thread Michael McGrady
Thanks, Roland!  You are a balanced mind.  Refreshing!  I read the IBM and 
SCO complaint.  There is nothing extra-ordinary about that.  If someone 
were taking proprietary code and introducing it into open source, that 
would be something that should be stopped.  The @author tags are not 
related to this sort of conduct, unless we were trying to hide this 
activity by not using the tags.  The proper response to these shennanigans 
would be to discourage it openly and provide the best way we could to 
identify culprits.  Truth, not fiction and not falsity, is the best defense 
in legal matters.

At 12:30 AM 3/16/2004, you wrote:
Hello Michael,

I hope this mail is still readable once it is converted
to text-only format...

 Fuel to this fire, I think, is fine.  Why not talk it out?

Primarily because this mailing list is not for legal discussion,
and we'll never ever talk it out. You are a lawyer, most of us
are not. Your views are founded in your knowledge of the law of
the country you work in, while ours are based on news reports
about seemingly nonsensical lawsuits filed in the US. You can't
convince us because we don't have the background knowledge to
verify your arguments.
For my part, I believe that there will always be at least one
lawyer that represents the opposite of your views, if paid enough
money. That's why it takes judges to make verdicts, right?
 * Based on what I've read,
 Would you spell out what [you've] read to make you think this?  What
 of allegations?  What kind of analysis of code?  How does this relate to
 ASF?  You are too dark here.  Let us know what you actually are
thinking? should be a good starting point. I remember that one
example of stolen code involves indentical comments that go back
to a common code base from which both, the proprietary and the open
source software, got the same code. Or something like that.

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-16 Thread Michael McGrady
Hello, Roland, you wrote:

Your views are founded in your knowledge of the law of
the country you work in, while ours are based on news reports
about seemingly nonsensical lawsuits filed in the US.
This is a media blitz that sells crap to the hoi polloi.  The truth is 
that there are few cases filed that make no sense, and many cases filed 
that do make sense but are made to look strange by the media.

You can't
convince us because we don't have the background knowledge to
verify your arguments.
For my part, I believe that there will always be at least one
lawyer that represents the opposite of your views, if paid enough
money. That's why it takes judges to make verdicts, right?
Judge only decide the law.  Juries make verdicts.  The idea that law is so 
flexible, like a debating class is not true.  Only a few attorneys, and 
usually really good ones making a legitimate point, try to extend the law 
beyond its present boundaries.  Judges are bound to use precedent, which 
means that such original arguments can only be changed ultimately in the 
appellate courts.  All courts in the U.S., further, have clear rules which 
allow the courts to punish people who file dumb lawsuits, along with their 
lawyers. should be a good starting point. I remember that one
example of stolen code involves indentical comments that go back
to a common code base from which both, the proprietary and the open
source software, got the same code. Or something like that.
Thanks, again, for this.  I see nothing startling or requiring a change in 
this sort of suit.  That does not seem frivolous or related to the @author 
tags in a negative way to me.

RE: @author tags

2004-03-16 Thread Michael McGrady

At 06:11 AM 3/16/2004, you wrote:

Eric, Roland, et al
I am a little hesitant to have (some sort of) a formal ranking system due to
(1) difficulty to keep it objective. It will inevitably require an 
arbiter, a someone whose opinion would be regarded as unbiased by the 
overwhelming majority of HttpClient regulars. To me, that would mean that 
such person should not be a committer or a contributor him/herself. 
Basically it would take Jeff Jandalf or someone of Jeff's calibre. I am 
not really sure Jeff would want to assume such a burden, and I simply 
can't think of anyone else not directly involved with HttpClient who could 
take such a role

(2) difficulty to keep it up to date. Let us be realistic: we have 
difficulty to keep our changelog up to date, let alone such a delicate 
matter as a ranking system.

(3) intention to keep HttpClient non-competitive. I do not think it is be 
a major revelation to say that most of us contribute to Apache Jakarta 
because we are willing to trade some of our free time and work for some 
recognition within the community of peers. Still, I do not want HttpClient 
to evolve (or degrade) into a racing competition of a sort. At the moment 
HttpClient is a delicate ecology that so far produced decent results. I 
really want to keep it that way.

I think a simple extension to the existing changelog in a form of 
'proposed by', 'inspired by', 'contributed by', 'verified by' 'helped by', 
'tested by' clauses per major change/commit would be sufficient for the 
time being. Until the dust settles at the Jakarta PMC level



-Original Message-
From: Eric Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 14:29
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: @author tags
Roland Weber wrote:

Hello Eric,

I was thinking about some kind of metrics, too.
Not as advanced as yours, of course :-) But then
I felt that a ranking is not the best approach. It
may lure people to use tricks just to improve
their ranking.

Too true.  My perspective on this matter is colored by the fact that
everyone on this mailing list is very open and complimentary to each

other, so I have a hard time seeing that happen here.  I certainly don't

want to do anything that would change that environment.  As with any

useful metric, it would require refinement over time, to prevent

spoofing (I hope this isn't ever necessary), and to adjust for the

relative value of contributions (size of patch, for example).  The point

of the recognition, I think, is to provide a compliment and

encouragement to any and all that contribute, not necessarily to

perfectly correlate with some abstract notion of the value of

contributions.  If anything, my suggestion was intended to be more

inclusive than what we do now.

So perhaps as a refinement, then, take something like the ranking I

suggested earlier, compute the order and then divide into three groups -

high, medium, and low involvement (or four, with the bottom fourth not

actually recognized officially?).  This would prevent people from

competing to be first in the ranking, as people would just be

recognized by which group they fell into.

There should be something that indicates the
kind and volume of contributions, sure. Like
that many mails, that many bug reports, and
so on. But instead of trying to compute a ranking
from it, I would prefer a randomized order, with
the kind and volume of contributions listed for
each person. Maybe with some hall of fame
into which the major contributors can be voted.

Somehow I feel that the social issues should not
be tackled with a purely technical solution.

After watching my spouse do grading of her student's papers, I think in
the end there is always a necessary fudge factor involved in something

that effectively looks like grading.  That fudge factor that might push

someone either up or down.  For example, someone might come in late in a

beta cycle with a key patch, and do so quickly, promptly, and

correctly.  Someone would have to invoke the judgement for an

appropriate recategorization, perhaps the person doing the release?



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RE: @author tags

2004-03-16 Thread Michael McGrady
This is a really good idea, Oleg.  I am surprised, frankly, that we allow 
people to use the @author tags without having signed the agreement 
first.  That would be a real problem.

At 06:21 AM 3/16/2004, you wrote:

In an attempt to reach a conclusion in this seemingly never-ending and 
fruitless discussion I suggest that as of now we discontinue the use of 
@author for all contributions submitted by people who have not signed 
Apache CLA That should address 
legal concerns expressed during the discussion regardless how justified or 
unjustified they are

Mike, probably we should run a vote on this matter and get it over with. 
What do you think?


-Original Message-
From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 23:29
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: @author tags
Fuel to this fire, I think, is fine.  Why not talk it out?  Why not share

perspectives and information?  I have some remarks about what you have

said, that I hope are helpful, see infra:


TAGS?  Even though I am a lawyer, and a good one, I think, I cannot

identify such an issue.  This is a myth, in my opinion.  See in

At 01:52 PM 3/15/2004, you wrote:
At the risk of adding fuel to an unproductive discussion, I thought I'd
throw in my comments:


* IANAL, however, it strikes me that there is at least some small
  legal exposure in the @author tags.  As a contributor of sorts,
  but not an official committer, there are certain documents that
  I/my company need not sign with respect to my contributions to
  ASF.  The @author tag, unfortunately, adds some ambiguity back
  into the equation, insofar as I *could* appear to be a significant
  contributor even though the same level of paperwork may not be
  associatiated with my contributions.
As a lawyer, none of this makes the least sense to me.  However ambiguous

or not these things are is not related to the existence or non-existence of

legal issues.  What legal exposure to you see and why?  Nothing said here

relates at all to any legal exposure.

* Based on what I've read, it would appear that certain unnamed
  three letter companies are creating allegations based on the most
  superficial of analyses of code.  May this be ASFs way of
  protecting the innocent from spurious supeonas?  I'll grant that
  it is a very narrow margin of defense, nothing more, although one
  that apparently would defeat said unnamed three letter companies.
Would you spell out what [you've] read to make you think this?  What kind

of allegations?  What kind of analysis of code?  How does this relate to

ASF?  You are too dark here.  Let us know what you actually are thinking?


* Some people contribute merely by monitoring the mailing list and
  perhaps testing, sending in a wire log that helps to find a
 bug.  Do we want to recognize those people as well?
* Some contributions have been in the form of one-line patches
  that are not in unidiff format, and do not have an associated
  Bugzilla entry.  Do we recognize them?
* Since the @author tag is certainly at the moment somewhat
  arbitrary in its actual recognition, its continued use may
  currently discourage contribution to the extent that people feel
  like the community is short-changing their contribution.
The @author tag does not rule out anything.  So, the use of this tag could

hardly be responsible for other things that are not done.  I don't see,

further, what is arbitrary about the @author tag.  If used properly, it

does what it is supposed to do.  How is that arbitrary?

Having noted some of the social issues, I do have to say that this

mailing list has been very friendly and welcoming, and my compliments to

everyone for keeping it that way.

While not an entirely accurate measure, I have an urge to suggest a
mathematical and statistical recognition metric, combining:

* # of emails written to developer list
I would suggest that this is not helpful.  Some idiots have automatic

emails sent when out of the office, for example.  That hardly deserves 

* # of patches submitted

Doesn't this depend on whether the quality is good.  Submissions are one

thing.  Reasonable submissions are another.

* # of responses to bugzilla issues, wherein said person is not the
  reporter of the particular issue.

* # of bugzilla issues reported, wherein reporting does not result
  in an INVALID categorization

* negative points for each INVALID Bugzilla report (people wasting
  time and energy on behalf of the group)
Again, this depends on the quality of the INVALID[ity] doesn't it?

* Other contributions?

My gut instinct is that some of these contributions should be weighted
more than others, but seeing as this is a quagmire, I'm not sure

Re: @author tags

2004-03-15 Thread Michael McGrady
Fuel to this fire, I think, is fine.  Why not talk it out?  Why not share 
perspectives and information?  I have some remarks about what you have 
said, that I hope are helpful, see infra:

TAGS?  Even though I am a lawyer, and a good one, I think, I cannot 
identify such an issue.  This is a myth, in my opinion.  See in

At 01:52 PM 3/15/2004, you wrote:
At the risk of adding fuel to an unproductive discussion, I thought I'd 
throw in my comments:


   * IANAL, however, it strikes me that there is at least some small
 legal exposure in the @author tags.  As a contributor of sorts,
 but not an official committer, there are certain documents that
 I/my company need not sign with respect to my contributions to
 ASF.  The @author tag, unfortunately, adds some ambiguity back
 into the equation, insofar as I *could* appear to be a significant
 contributor even though the same level of paperwork may not be
 associatiated with my contributions.
As a lawyer, none of this makes the least sense to me.  However ambiguous 
or not these things are is not related to the existence or non-existence of 
legal issues.  What legal exposure to you see and why?  Nothing said here 
relates at all to any legal exposure.

   * Based on what I've read, it would appear that certain unnamed
 three letter companies are creating allegations based on the most
 superficial of analyses of code.  May this be ASFs way of
 protecting the innocent from spurious supeonas?  I'll grant that
 it is a very narrow margin of defense, nothing more, although one
 that apparently would defeat said unnamed three letter companies.
Would you spell out what [you've] read to make you think this?  What kind 
of allegations?  What kind of analysis of code?  How does this relate to 
ASF?  You are too dark here.  Let us know what you actually are thinking?


   * Some people contribute merely by monitoring the mailing list and
 perhaps testing, sending in a wire log that helps to find a 
bug.  Do we want to recognize those people as well?
   * Some contributions have been in the form of one-line patches
 that are not in unidiff format, and do not have an associated
 Bugzilla entry.  Do we recognize them?
   * Since the @author tag is certainly at the moment somewhat
 arbitrary in its actual recognition, its continued use may
 currently discourage contribution to the extent that people feel
 like the community is short-changing their contribution.
The @author tag does not rule out anything.  So, the use of this tag could 
hardly be responsible for other things that are not done.  I don't see, 
further, what is arbitrary about the @author tag.  If used properly, it 
does what it is supposed to do.  How is that arbitrary?

Having noted some of the social issues, I do have to say that this 
mailing list has been very friendly and welcoming, and my compliments to 
everyone for keeping it that way.

While not an entirely accurate measure, I have an urge to suggest a 
mathematical and statistical recognition metric, combining:

   * # of emails written to developer list
I would suggest that this is not helpful.  Some idiots have automatic 
emails sent when out of the office, for example.  That hardly deserves merit.

   * # of patches submitted
Doesn't this depend on whether the quality is good.  Submissions are one 
thing.  Reasonable submissions are another.

   * # of responses to bugzilla issues, wherein said person is not the
 reporter of the particular issue.

   * # of bugzilla issues reported, wherein reporting does not result
 in an INVALID categorization

   * negative points for each INVALID Bugzilla report (people wasting
 time and energy on behalf of the group)
Again, this depends on the quality of the INVALID[ity] doesn't it?

   * Other contributions?

My gut instinct is that some of these contributions should be weighted 
more than others, but seeing as this is a quagmire, I'm not sure I'd want 
to suggest what that weighting would be - at least not yet.  The resulting 
number could be used to generate a ranking, and possibly a weighting of 
each contributor.

With each release, the tally should be accumulated for some time period 
prior to that release (6 months?), and those people should be recognized 
in the release notes, and perhaps also on the web site.

Such a metric would at least be an improvement over what we have now.
It would at least recognize people who do nothing more than track down 
bugs.  It would also give us some visibility into the size and involvement 
of the HttpClient community.

Darts welcome!
This is all a quagmire, I would suggest.  I sure would not want to have to 
deal with this in any respect.  It is like looking something up in the 
Yellow Pages.  No one likes to do it and it is not good information except 
for those that simply have to 

Re: @author tags

2004-03-12 Thread Michael McGrady


The use of @author tags has a lot more than ownership or braggadocio to 
recommend itself to us.  When we see certain authors, then we know that we 
don't have to double check the code too much.  We might even stop for that 
reason alone to see what they do.  Other authors, maybe we do the 
opposite.  This is not unimportant.

We can also see where people are interested in or good at various aspects 
of coding.  There are lots of reasons to know who did what and when as well 
as for what reason.  There is no reason that has been given that I find at 
all persuasive to not know who coded something.  The deliberate creation of 
ignorance about these matters should be suspicious to our common sense.


Roland Weber wrote:

Right now, there is a company with three capital letters on
the loose, which is suing other companies (including another
one with three capital letters) for reasons that most of the
open source community considers to be silly. But it may be
an expensive and lengthy enterprise to prove in court that
a silly thing is a silly thing. If removing author tags may
reduce the risk of being sued, then rip them out.
1.  There is no legal liability engendered by the @author tags.  If there 
is, please indicate how so.  Wild speculations about other suits is not 

2.  Any alternative to @author tags will face exactly the same legal liability.

With respect to everyone involved in this decision to break something that 
is not broken, this is all really not very smart.  Some of the best 
programmers in the world are on these lists.  Unfortunately, some of the 
worst jail house lawyers are also on this list.  The list needs to know 
that this is all legal baloney.

There is NOTHING fixed or protected legally by doing something with the 
@author tags.  Anyone who thinks so is simply way off beam.

All this talk about legal liability is nothing but well-intentioned smoke 
and mirrors.  There is NO REALITY to the legal aspect of this discussion.

Please get a real decision on this by someone that knows what they are 
talking about in the legal arena or stop this wild speculating about legal 

No one who is attributed through @author tags is legally liable for 
anything they should not be legally liable for and any workable alternative 
won't change the legal liability a bit.

Please, if you are advocating a change for legal reasons, understand that 
you are just wrong, that you don't know what you are talking about in this 
case.  This is really not even debatable.  Okay?  PLEASE identify a real 
problem rather than speculating about the legal arena generally.  That is 
emotionally appealing but not helpful, in my opinion, even if 
well-intentioned.  The bugaboo of having to hide reality because people can 
sue for any silly reason is great copy for inquiring minds that read 
newspaper rags, but it is, again, a silly way to behave in a responsible 
arena.  This is almost identical to an argument that we should not use 
plumbing but should build outhouses because sewer pipes sometimes 
break.  Don't screw the area of open source coding up over wild and 
inaccurate speculation about legal liability.  If you want to harm the open 
source community, in my opinion, this is a good start.

Re: @author tags

2004-03-12 Thread Michael McGrady
Roland Weber and, then, Chris Lamprecht wrote:

 a silly thing is a silly thing. If removing author tags may
 reduce the risk of being sued, then rip them out.
One reason cited for removing the @author tags is for legal protection --
and it's a good reason.  But I don't see how removing @author tags can offer
any legal protection, unless you also clean out the CVS logs (which store
who committed each change to each file, down to the exact lines of code they
changed).  Not to mention the bugzilla database, this message forum, etc.
It WOULD BE a good reason if there were a legal problem.  There is 
not.  However, as Chris Lamprecht correctly notes, any workable alternative 
would have exactly the same non-existent problems.  This discussion has 
begun over a non-problem.  It is bureaucracy gone haywire once again. 

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-12 Thread Michael McGrady
Roland Weber wrote:

I don't see that either. But if some of the top Apache guys
feel, believe or know otherwise, that's good enough for me.
Know what?  This has become a recreation of illusions and delusions.  This 
is like Franz Kafka's book The Trial.  There are vague and unsubstantiated 
reasons for changing the entire attribution structure of the open source 
community.  This is not good thinking.

If the only purpose of the tags is to feature contributor names
in a prominent place - namely the source code - then the
real question becomes whether we can achieve this goal
in some other way with reasonable effort.
This is NOT the only goal.  That is not even close to accurate.

Concerning the CVS log, you have to be aware that the
committer is not always the contributor. A contributor
may put a patch in bugzilla, which is then comitted by
someone else.
Well, in the paranoid sort of talk we are having, then the committer 
becomes subject to these imagined but unreal legal assaults.  Indeed, where 
an author is hidden, the Foundation would become liable for a 
conspiracy of hiding the real culprits.  This is all silly from a legal 

In general, I don't believe that the removal of author tags
is to disguise from where the code came. Rather, some
people may be afraid to find their name in the author tag
of code which has no longer anything to do with what
they actually contributed long ago.
This is yet another reason?  This is also not right.  The @author tags keep 
track of rather than obscure people's relation to existing code.  The 
destruction of this useful device will create rather than solve anything 
akin to this imagined problem.

Then it would become
their problem to dig through the CVS logs, bugzilla, and
the mailing list archives to prove that they are *not* the
To whom?  This is just imaginary.  This is Alice in Wonderland thinking.

Love yah, Roland, but this is not your shining hour.  Really, there is no 
legal difficulty, but this recommendation might create one.  Microsoft 
could not have come up with a better way to screw up the code. 

Re: @author tags

2004-03-12 Thread Michael McGrady
Roland Weber wrote:

 The ASF has recently recommended that we discontinue use of @author
For me, that is reason enough to remove the author tags
in the absence of better reasons to keep them. I trust the
ASF implicitly to have discussed this matter thoroughly.
If I didn't trust them, I'd search whether that discussion
is documented online, possibly in some other mailing list.
Well, I am not so sanguine.  I can cite cases ad nauseum where responsible 
parties make mistakes on fundamental matters.  This is just not a good idea 
on legal grounds.  Maybe there is a less than obvious agenda that has 
nothing to do with legality.  That is more likely, I would think.

Someone got a link at hand?
I would love to see this.


RE: @author tags

2004-03-12 Thread Michael McGrady
We all love Roland.  No issue there.  However, I really cannot see how the 
@author tag hides any contributions.  Maybe on that issue I am lost?  That 
is another matter altogether.  I was discussing the legal ramifications solely.

At 05:19 AM 3/12/2004, you wrote:

 Love yah, Roland, but this is not your shining hour.

Actually Roland shines when it comes to giving feedback to proposed 
changes, patches, answering questions, and helping people on the mailing. 
He is precisely the reason I (as a HttpClient project committer) would 
like to have a better attribution structure that goes beyond @author tag. 
The @author may be a very misleading indicator of one's contribution and 
its value. Roland contribution is currently MASSIVELY understated within 
the existing attribution structure. As much as I would regret to see 
@author go, at the same time I would whole-heartedly welcome a better 
system of giving due credits to the regular contributors like Roland. If 
the board comes up with viable substitution to the @author tag, so be it


-Original Message-
From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 13:38
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: @author tags
Roland Weber wrote:

I don't see that either. But if some of the top Apache guys
feel, believe or know otherwise, that's good enough for me.
Know what?  This has become a recreation of illusions and delusions.  This

is like Franz Kafka's book The Trial.  There are vague and unsubstantiated

reasons for changing the entire attribution structure of the open source

community.  This is not good thinking.

If the only purpose of the tags is to feature contributor names
in a prominent place - namely the source code - then the
real question becomes whether we can achieve this goal
in some other way with reasonable effort.
This is NOT the only goal.  That is not even close to accurate.

Concerning the CVS log, you have to be aware that the
committer is not always the contributor. A contributor
may put a patch in bugzilla, which is then comitted by
someone else.
Well, in the paranoid sort of talk we are having, then the committer

becomes subject to these imagined but unreal legal assaults.  Indeed, where

an author is hidden, the Foundation would become liable for a

conspiracy of hiding the real culprits.  This is all silly from a legal


In general, I don't believe that the removal of author tags
is to disguise from where the code came. Rather, some
people may be afraid to find their name in the author tag
of code which has no longer anything to do with what
they actually contributed long ago.
This is yet another reason?  This is also not right.  The @author tags keep

track of rather than obscure people's relation to existing code.  The

destruction of this useful device will create rather than solve anything

akin to this imagined problem.

Then it would become
their problem to dig through the CVS logs, bugzilla, and
the mailing list archives to prove that they are *not* the
To whom?  This is just imaginary.  This is Alice in Wonderland thinking.

Love yah, Roland, but this is not your shining hour.  Really, there is no

legal difficulty, but this recommendation might create one.  Microsoft

could not have come up with a better way to screw up the code.

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-12 Thread Michael McGrady
Does anyone have the recommendation or the reasoning?  There seems to be 
a dirth of information on what they were thinking about.  Just to assume 
that representatives of the various projects know more than the members of 
the projects about this issue is not a good way to go, in my opinion.


At 06:01 AM 3/12/2004, you wrote:

As far as I can see, the discussion is happening on many project lists, 
and on the pmc list.  You would think [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be a better 
forum, but its quiet there.

Because this is a board recomendation individual projects have to make 
their own dicisions on wether to implement it or not.  HttpClients 
committers and community will have to decide to do this or not for 
HttpClient.  As HttpClient is still part of Commons, this decision could 
be defered to all of Commons, but given HttpClients top level aspirations, 
I would encourage HttpClient to make this decision on its own.


Adrian Sutton wrote:

Hi all,
I understand that people have a lot to say on this topic, however this is
most definitely not the list to say it on.  No one on this list has the
legal authority to represent or make decisions on behalf of the ASF and this
is an ASF decision.  The recommendation that author tags not be used came
down from the board of the ASF which does have the ability to make such
decisions, nothing we say here will change that.
I certainly don't intend to tell people not to voice their opinions on this
matter, every decision in the ASF can potentially be reversed but such
issues need to be taken to the ASF board or at least the PMC (the PMC is
apparently already hotly debating this topic).
My biggest problem at the moment is thinking of a list that non-committers
can subscribe to that would be appropriate for this conversation.  license@
is closed, community@ is closed board@ is closed, pmc@ is closed.  Where
exactly is the best place for these conversations to take place in a manner
that is open to contributions from everyone?

Adrian Sutton.

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-11 Thread Michael McGrady
The tags clearly are not ownership oriented.  That is why they have dates 
and what was done.

At 01:29 AM 3/11/2004, you wrote:
That's exactly the problem:
not necessarily who edited the file last, but the owner
There are people who see a chance to contribute an
enhancement or bug fix. We'd like to have them listed
as someone who contributed, but *without* the
responsibility of being the owner of the code.

Chris Lamprecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
11.03.2004 09:54
Please respond to Commons HttpClient Project
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject:Re: @author tags
I'm currently reading _The Pragmatic Programmer_, and I just came across
following in a section entitled Comments in Code on page 250:
One of the most important pieces of information that should appear in the
source file is the author's name -- not necessarily who edited the file
last, but the owner.  Attaching responsibility and accountability to
code does wonders in keeping people honest ...

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-11 Thread Michael McGrady
Can someone tell me in a word or two WHY this change is important?  What is 
the problem that needs to be fixed?

At 07:03 AM 3/11/2004, you wrote:
Very nice quote.  But the owner of HttpClient (and all jakarta project 
code) is *very* clear.  The owner is the Apache Software Foundation 
(ASF).  The individual contributor has contributed the code, and does need 
to be recognized, but when a commit is made that code no longer belongs to 
them.  It belongs to the ASF.

So to follow the Pragmatic Programmer, only the ASF should be listed as 
the owner, which makes @author tags useless, and confusing from a legal 
perspective.  The copyright statement at the top of every source file 
attributes ownership to the ASF.  Removal of the @author tags is supposed 
to help protect those listed as @authors legal entanglements, and to 
empower the PMC.

Removing the @author tags does make sense.  The only thing that I am 
disappointed about is that there has been no suitable replacement 
recognition mechanism agreed upon.  But its still being disucssed by the PMC.


Roland Weber wrote:

That's exactly the problem:
not necessarily who edited the file last, but the owner
There are people who see a chance to contribute an
enhancement or bug fix. We'd like to have them listed
as someone who contributed, but *without* the
responsibility of being the owner of the code.

Chris Lamprecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
11.03.2004 09:54
Please respond to Commons HttpClient Project
   To: Commons HttpClient Project 
   cc:Subject:Re: @author tags

I'm currently reading _The Pragmatic Programmer_, and I just came across the
following in a section entitled Comments in Code on page 250:
One of the most important pieces of information that should appear in the
source file is the author's name -- not necessarily who edited the file
last, but the owner.  Attaching responsibility and accountability to source
code does wonders in keeping people honest ...

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-11 Thread Michael McGrady
Bravo, author of code and especially code parts does not mean owner in 
any sense. Author means author, which is accurate.

At 09:07 AM 3/11/2004, you wrote:
I think that owner is intended in the sense of the primary person 
responsible for maintaining, not in the sense of the legel owner.

The programmer is only very rarely the legal owner of his work.

Jeff Dever wrote:

Very nice quote.  But the owner of HttpClient (and all jakarta project 
code) is *very* clear.  The owner is the Apache Software Foundation 
(ASF).  The individual contributor has contributed the code, and does 
need to be recognized, but when a commit is made that code no longer 
belongs to them.  It belongs to the ASF.
So to follow the Pragmatic Programmer, only the ASF should be listed as 
the owner, which makes @author tags useless, and confusing from a legal 
perspective.  The copyright statement at the top of every source file 
attributes ownership to the ASF.  Removal of the @author tags is supposed 
to help protect those listed as @authors legal entanglements, and to 
empower the PMC.
Removing the @author tags does make sense.  The only thing that I am 
disappointed about is that there has been no suitable replacement 
recognition mechanism agreed upon.  But its still being disucssed by the PMC.

Roland Weber wrote:

That's exactly the problem:
not necessarily who edited the file last, but the owner
There are people who see a chance to contribute an
enhancement or bug fix. We'd like to have them listed
as someone who contributed, but *without* the
responsibility of being the owner of the code.

Chris Lamprecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
11.03.2004 09:54
Please respond to Commons HttpClient Project
   To: Commons HttpClient Project 
   cc:Subject:Re: @author tags

I'm currently reading _The Pragmatic Programmer_, and I just came across the
following in a section entitled Comments in Code on page 250:
One of the most important pieces of information that should appear in the
source file is the author's name -- not necessarily who edited the file
last, but the owner.  Attaching responsibility and accountability to source
code does wonders in keeping people honest ...

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-11 Thread Michael McGrady
On the first issue, I am a lawyer and I can assure you that this worry is, 
frankly, silly.  Unless you are going to hide who did coding, then this is 
also completely ineffective to meet that worry, which, as I said, is silly 

The second issue cannot be commented on because what the social issues 
are is not stated.  Presumably it has something to do with who really did 
the work or something.  That should not be an issue if the tag is used 
properly.  I cannot see, again, how changing how credit is appropriated and 
documented would change any social issues.  Are there any real cases that 
have actually been at issue that could shed any light on this seemingly 
unnecessary change in the use of the @author tag?

This response has made me think more than ever that this is really a 
totally unnecessary action which will create a problem and solves none.

At 10:04 AM 3/11/2004, you wrote:
I'm not on the board, but I'm aware of two issues:

1) The ASF board has concerns over the legal ramifications of @author
tags in code.  IE it might be possible for someone to sue someone listed
as an @author.
2) The tags have caused social issues in some projects (conflicts
between people) which has not happened on HttpClient.

Michael McGrady wrote:
 Can someone tell me in a word or two WHY this change is important?  What
 is the problem that needs to be fixed?

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-10 Thread Michael McGrady
I personally think that this is a much more important mistake than people 
may realize.  I would counsel you to go slowly on this one.  This one may 
bite you on the butt.

At 11:02 PM 3/9/2004, you wrote:
I personally regret this decision. I feel the author tag may be pretty
much the only motivating factor for casual contributions. But I will not

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 04:32, Michael Becke wrote:
 The ASF has recently recommended that we discontinue use of @author
 tags.  When first starting out I always enjoyed seeing my name in
 lights, though I do agree with the ASF's opinion on this matter.  If
 we come to a consensus to remove @authors I suggest that we remove them
 from all existing code, as well as leave them out of new additions.
 Any comments?


 Begin forwarded message:  ASF Board Summary for February 18, 2004

- author tags are officially discouraged. these create difficulties
  establishing the proper ownership and the protection of our
  committers. there are other social issues dealing with
  development, but the Board is concerned about the legal
  around the use of author tags
- it is quite acceptable and encouraged to recognize developers'
  in a CHANGES file, or some other descriptive file which is
  with the overall PMC or release rather than individual files.

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-10 Thread Michael McGrady
My understanding of human psychology leads me to think that whomever came 
up with this idea has underestimated the importance of the @author tags to 
the open source community.

At 09:49 AM 3/10/2004, you wrote:
Michael, are you saying that removing @author tags would be a mistake? 
What in particular worries you?  In what way do you think it would bite 
us on the butt?


Michael McGrady wrote:

I personally think that this is a much more important mistake than people 
may realize.  I would counsel you to go slowly on this one.  This one may 
bite you on the butt.
At 11:02 PM 3/9/2004, you wrote:

I personally regret this decision. I feel the author tag may be pretty
much the only motivating factor for casual contributions. But I will not

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 04:32, Michael Becke wrote:
 The ASF has recently recommended that we discontinue use of @author
 tags.  When first starting out I always enjoyed seeing my name in
 lights, though I do agree with the ASF's opinion on this matter.  If
 we come to a consensus to remove @authors I suggest that we remove them
 from all existing code, as well as leave them out of new additions.
 Any comments?


 Begin forwarded message:  ASF Board Summary for February 18, 2004

- author tags are officially discouraged. these create difficulties
  establishing the proper ownership and the protection of our
  committers. there are other social issues dealing with
  development, but the Board is concerned about the legal
  around the use of author tags
- it is quite acceptable and encouraged to recognize developers'
  in a CHANGES file, or some other descriptive file which is
  with the overall PMC or release rather than individual files.

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