Re: legal FAQ for committers and contributors?

2005-08-02 Thread Rob Oxspring
Just fyi, the link from doesn't work as it spells 
licence the american way whereas the document linked from names the file the english way.

The licence FAQ is available at:



David Crossley wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

robert burrell donkin wrote:

IIRC when the legal-discuss mailing list was first created, the idea of
a legal FAQ for committers was floated preferably written by someone
with legal training. AFAIK this hasn't happened yet.

this is something the foundation is going to need. i'd be willing to
help write up content for such a FAQ.


As it happens, I suggested more or less the same on the board@ mailing
list on Sunday. I suggested it as a task of our V.P., Legal Affairs.
Whatever the approach, I'd be happy if we can finally build that
legal/license FAQ. The most important thing is to communicate the
(reviewed) results to everyone, especially to all the PMCs, so everyone
and every project is on the same level.

I'll try to find time to help you with the FAQ and I hope we get some
additional help. The FAQ page is already linked to [1], but it's just
not there, yet. Another important point IMO is to add information on the
need for a CLA on the introduction for contributors page.

[1] (Look for License FAQ)

This is very interesting. For a long time i was wondering
the same thing. Yet while i was editing some other top-level
docs i found the Licence FAQ. Obviously i and others had
overlooked it all this time. It was only linked from the

So yesterday i linked it into [1]. Hopefully it is now
more obvious. The trouble was that i can't spell american
so the link was broken, fixed now.

We do still need a general Legal FAQ of course.


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Re: legal FAQ for committers and contributors?

2005-08-02 Thread Rob Oxspring

Seems that last sentance never reached the brain :)

Sorry for the noise,


David Crossley wrote:

Rob Oxspring wrote:

Just fyi, the link from doesn't work as it 
spells licence the american way whereas the document linked from names the file the english way.

That is what i meant below. It is already fixed, but
are still seeing the delay with publishing the websites.

David Crossley wrote:

[1] (Look for License FAQ)

So yesterday i linked it into [1]. Hopefully it is now
more obvious. The trouble was that i can't spell american
so the link was broken, fixed now.

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2004-01-13 Thread Rob Oxspring

Could anyone point me to the right people / list to speak to? - I finally
got around to signing and faxing my CLA back in November and was kind of
expecting an email or something to confirm it arrived.  Is there any way to
check the CLA status?



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2004-01-13 Thread Rob Oxspring
Knew I'd seen something like that around somewhere!



- Original Message - 
From: Jeremias Maerki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: CLA

 Your CLA seems to be on file. See Jim's list:

 (your name appears in italics)

 On 13.01.2004 20:40:41 Rob Oxspring wrote:
  Could anyone point me to the right people / list to speak to? - I
  got around to signing and faxing my CLA back in November and was kind of
  expecting an email or something to confirm it arrived.  Is there any way
  check the CLA status?

 Jeremias Maerki

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Newsletter - to be or not to be?

2003-11-30 Thread Rob Oxspring
Right then, I don't really want to start another round of endless
discussions so I'll try to keep this short and to the point.  Do people want
the newsletter to continue?  If so then I'm happy to edit the Oct/Nov issue
with no promises to tackle subsequent issues - aiming to publish in a week
or so.

As much as voting with +1s would be appreciated, voting with content would
be better as would someone setting up the dedicated newsletter@ mailing
list.  To vote with content just use the wiki:


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Re: Information channels, Re: Inappropriate use of announce@

2003-10-20 Thread Rob Oxspring
I've been trying to stay out of all this but the logic here just made me
bite and chime in.

- Original Message - 
From: Erik Abele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: Information channels, Re: Inappropriate use of announce@


 I think what David and others (including me) wanted to suggest is to go
 way of least astonishment/frustration:

Surely nobody disagrees.

 we know that everybody has
 own preferences

Again I would have thought that most of us are grown up enough to realise

 so why don't we just go with a pull-model instead of
 the *whole content* onto some list of subscribers?

Now just hold on here. How do you get to the assumption that the pull-model
is the solution? Can't people's preferences include the push-model too?

 Why not just
 the availability of the newsletter? Do we really have to dump it to some
 list? And, if we have to, why can't this be a dedicated list?

And now we get back to common sense.  Using a dedicated list for the full
contents and a preceding announcement on the announce@ list lets the readers
exercise their preference perfectly.  Those who don't like 100k emails
don't have to take them, and those that like to read offline can do so at
their leisure.  Note that this approach could equally coexist with the
suggested RSS solution, although the RSS proponents should step forward to
organise this if they want it.


  I very much enjoyed the hard work that Tetsuya put into the newsletter
  and I'm very sad to see him step down because of such puny reasons as
  which mailing list this newsletter should be sent.

 I fully agree and given that nobody critizied the newsletter itself, I
 not understand why Tetsuya resigned. That looks really weird to my

I know from first hand experience that editing the Newsletter (Jakarta
Newsletter in my case) is a time consuming process that tends to be silently
appreciated.  As such, comments perceived (not necessarily intended) to be
negative quickly swamp the
positive ones and it's very easy to burn out.  If people think that the
newsletter@ address is the way forward then lets make the list now.  If
people think that the distribution should be different then they have an
ideal opportunity to change it: just step up to edit the next edition.

Hopefully Tetsuya will continue to contribute and may come back to edit
future issues but I fully understand why he feels ready to step down right
now.  Anyone who doesn't understand should volunteer to handle an issue or

Whatever Tetsuya feels, there's no reason for the newsletter to die.
Equally we shouldn't rely on the energy of one person to edit every issue.
IMHO we should decide now how the next issue will be distributed and towards
the end of November call for a volunteer to release the letter.  If that
person wants to continue afterwards then fine, otherwise we just call for
another editor in January.

Anyway, just my 2p,


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Re: Jakarta Newsletter Issue 9 -- May-June 2003

2003-07-11 Thread Rob Oxspring

- Original Message - 
From: Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on 7/10/03 4:21 PM Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
  So an apache-wide newsletter would be great. And posting it to apache wide
  announce, or even xposting it to all announce mailing list - sure. I'd
  love that. Having it on the web is nice for archival too - but I certainly
  do not mind 5-25k of well written quality newsletter (like the recent one,
  or like apache week) delivered to my doorstep.

+1.  I wanted to expand the newsletter to non-jakarta stuff from the beginning 
but never found the time to do it properly.  

  Keep up the good work - and think broad - there are no real boundaries in
  the ASF, except for those we invent ourselves.
 I can hardly agree more with Dirk's view.
 I think we should have an apache-wide newsletter and deliver it thru once a month.

Previously the announcement lists have always been the target lists except when 
getting comments on drafts - I would have thought the annoncements list(s) 
would be sufficient now that the wiki live draft is in place - so the 
controversial community posting could probably be dropped for the future.

One point I would like to make though, and not wanting to detract from this 
fantastic issue (thanks Tetsuya!), is that keeping the up the momentum has 
proved difficult at times over the last year and that not every project has 
something useful to say every month.  Building the newsletter via the wiki 
makes it easier to contribute but I suspect that the normal size of a monthly 
apache newsletter still wouldn't be much bigger than this one.  I guess what 
I'm saying is that I think we should let the newsletter grow too big before we 
start carving it up into even/odd months or similar schemes.

I do still like the idea of the full contents via email though as it makes it 
easier to catch up offline.  I'm pretty sure that any issues 100k could be 
edited down for the email version with links to the full copy online but I'm 
still not expecting to see too many that size anyway.  

Maybe I'm underestimating and need to explore * again.

 At apachecon one of the most packed sessions is always the explaination
 about all the different projects in one confy session.
 This newsletter tells people about the status quo without having to
 shop around for info. I think it would be a great tool to increase
 crosspollination and awareness even for people inside the ASF (me first!)

Its good to see these two points being made - switch the ASF to Jakarta and 
they were the exact reasons that I wanted to start up a newsletter! (The 
jakarta limitted scope relating purely to my apache exposure at the time)


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Re: Jakarta Newsletter Issue 9 -- May-June 2003

2003-07-11 Thread Rob Oxspring

- Original Message - 
From: Noel J. Bergman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stefano Mazzocchi applauded:
  on 7/10/03 4:21 PM Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
  I think we should have an apache-wide newsletter and deliver it thru once a month.
 +1 except for the frequency, which I shan't comment upon.  Kitahata-san
 seems to have taken upon his shoulders the chief responsibility for pulling
 together the newsletter.  Those who do the work ought to have a say in the

Certainly those doing the sending should have the final say but I do think that 
monthly is the right period to aim for - much longer and the newsletter gets 
too big and a little stale.  The workload may be higher but that should be a 
reason to spread the load not reduce the frequency - a rolling team of people 
would keep the impact on personal time to a minimum.  

 If there is a widespread objection to posting the newsletter body, posting a
 brief notice with link is hard to argue against.

This is true but I'd like to be clearer on what people are objecting to first, 
I understand complaints about crossposting the body but are there serious 
objections to posting the full body to one central list?

If so then fair enough but I'm curious.


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Jakarta Newsletter

2003-02-28 Thread Rob Oxspring

For those of you that don't know I'm behind the effort for a monthly(ish)
newsletter from the folks at jakarta.  The original aim was to help
developers stay informed of whats going on in the rest of Jakarta without
them having to monitor every list, each subproject would send in tidbits
of the interesting stuff that had been going on.  Its an opportunity to
let other developers know of changes / plans / decisions that aren't
necessarily worth going out to a project specific announcements list.  To
get a feel for the contents you can browse previous newsletters here:

But it doesn't have to be solely Jakarta related:
Last month we had an entry from letting us know that some
of our components were moving to that umbrella which seemed reasonable. 
There also seems to be a general feeling that projects such as Ant,
Avalon, James should still be invited to contribute to the letter even
though they're not strictly jakarta projects any more.  Thanks to all
this and a long running intention to invite the xml team to contribute I
thought it was time to invite one and all to contribute.

If this all works out then I guess we can talk about breaking away from
the Jakarta name and format changes but for now I thought it would be
good to just test the water and plug the contributions into the next
issue of the Jakarta Newsletter (next week sometime).

So what does it take to contribute? Pretty simple really - just email me
with a summary of what's been going on in your favorite project during
the last month and it will get included so long as I spot it flying past
(stick Newsletter somewhere in the subject line to get better odds). 
Sending text inline has been quite successful so far although patches to
the xdoc (once I've started it) would make life easier.  Alternatively we
could start up a Wiki page and have people add to it as they see fit. 
Its a good plan to let the people at the project know so that effort is
not duplicated.  

I plan to pull together any contributions on monday and post the first
draft on, more drafts will appear as more
contributions come in and by the end of next week I hope to be ready to
post the finished copy on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you want to discuss the newsletter generally then I'm sub'd to and which seem to be the
best places to aim. 

Thanks in advance,


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