Re: [SVHMPC] 0K Re: OpenMoko light web server

2007-04-18 Thread Florent THIERY

I'm still on the widget driven
GUI concept.  Having a single common rendering approach using HTML/Widgets
would provide some interesting advantages.

Not only on the graphical coherence, but also on the novel
mixed/hybrid uses that will be feasible (semi web/local). Why not
considering a phone's GUI as a mosaïc of widgets? Little apps for
little devices...

Nokia took the opposite position : It needs java, and
is specific.

Don't you believe that native OSX/netvibes/googlehomepage widget
support will be a killer app for openmoko? I may be quite stupid, but
i sometimes wonder if choosing a technology should be driven by an
already existing and flourishing content ecosystem. There are more
than 1000 OSX widgets,  700 netvibes... All having a particular

For non-believers, there's jackfield that already offers limited OS
widget support:

About the web/javascript core engine, everybody seems to go webkit
(iphone, nokia S60, OSX dashboard...). Let's wish success to the
webkit google code project!

You wouln't often want to go online on mobility situations (i mean,
real webbrowsing), but checking your news or searching places you
already know can be very useful. And that's exactly what web widgets
This file is an OSX Dashboard-compatible widget, allowing to embedd
any netvibes ecosystem's element; which contains (as of today): 743
modules, 84000 rss. All in a handeld form factor compatibility

The same type of architecture (web widget in a widget) could save lots
of time: no need to develop a dedicated rss reader, or small handy
modules (weather, games,  finance, wikipedia).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Jamie Allsop

Bryan Larsen wrote:


A scripting language should be chosen as the default.  Yes, it'll be a
hard choice, but there's also no 'wrong choice' (except for none).
I've put a lot of work into  Please
comment here or on the discussion page.

Yes this page is very good. One thing you might want to note also is 
that there is a nice C++ binding for Python in boost 
Please don't infer from this that I am a big Python fan, most of my 
scripting to date has been with Perl, however I do see Python as being a 
language that could be more generally useful as a default.

Harold, Sean and the rest of the OpenMoko team:  please, please make a
decision, and make it soon.  There are several of us that are delaying
development of OpenMoko applications in the hope that a scripting
language will be chosen soon.

Certainly this would be nice to know.


Apologies for quoting so liberally from list e-mails, but I feel it was
the right thing to do.

thank you,

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Dmitri Hrapof

Jamie Allsop пишет:
Yes this page is very good. One thing you might want to note also is 
that there is a nice C++ binding for Python in boost 
Please don't infer from this that I am a big Python fan, most of my 
scripting to date has been with Perl, however I do see Python as being 
a language that could be more generally useful as a default.
Once upon a time there was a nice idea to make Scheme the default 
scripting language for the GNU project. (And it even worked in Gimp :)
Today I suddenly realized I had been wasting my time by not porting 
some Common Lisp implementation to OpenMoko. :)

I was waiting for the hardware, but I could use an emulator! Am I correct?
Will a working clisp or say, gambit scheme influence the choice of 
default scripting language? :)

Sincerely yours,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Florent THIERY

Is there a way to add a poll feature to the wiki? This would give a
quantitative about the community's opinion...



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Florent THIERY

What about:

Seems strange not to have this extension in the wiki...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Jim Thompson

On Apr 18, 2007, at 1:44 AM, Dmitri Hrapof wrote:

Jamie Allsop пишет:
Yes this page is very good. One thing you might want to note also  
is that there is a nice C++ binding for Python in boost Please don't infer from this that I am a big  
Python fan, most of my scripting to date has been with Perl,  
however I do see Python as being a language that could be more  
generally useful as a default.
Once upon a time there was a nice idea to make Scheme the default  
scripting language for the GNU project. (And it even worked in Gimp :)

Yes, unfortunately it was still Scheme.

Today I suddenly realized I had been wasting my time by not  
porting some Common Lisp implementation to OpenMoko. :)

Yes, you are.  Get to work!  :-)
I was waiting for the hardware, but I could use an emulator! Am I  

Will a working clisp or say, gambit scheme influence the choice of  
default scripting language? :)

Unlikely, but I would use it.

You don't want a scripting language, you want a language that makes  
it possible to build domain-specific languages.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
PyGTK looks like the most likely contender to me -- not just because I
wrote a book about it and I'm the author of almost everything
Python-related in OE, but also because PyGTK is pretty mature and
easy to extend (you probably have seen Zecke's work in wrapping the Moko
classes did you?).

The thing that worries me is the performance. The Neo1973 has a really
slow CPU. I didn't test on a device yet, but I'm afraid running
'import gtk' alone will take roughly 30 seconds, if not more.

We will probably have to jump through hoops to make _any_ scripting
language to perform reasonably on the Neo1973 (first incarnation).


- Michael Lauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Software for the worlds' first truly open Free Software mobile phone

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Jim Thompson

On Apr 18, 2007, at 2:41 AM, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:

PyGTK looks like the most likely contender to me -- not just because I
wrote a book about it and I'm the author of almost everything
Python-related in OE, but also because PyGTK is pretty mature and
easy to extend (you probably have seen Zecke's work in wrapping the  

classes did you?).

The thing that worries me is the performance. The Neo1973 has a really
slow CPU. I didn't test on a device yet, but I'm afraid running
'import gtk' alone will take roughly 30 seconds, if not more.

We will probably have to jump through hoops to make _any_ scripting
language to perform reasonably on the Neo1973 (first incarnation).

Well, python is known to be slow.

There is plenty of CPU on the OpenMoko for something like Lua.. or  
lisp, or scheme

might look into Chicken Scheme:

It runs on the Nokia 770: 
20handhelds, and the Zaurus, both of which have less CPU

than the Neo1973.

Chicken Scheme compiles to 'C'.  Its fast, way faster than Python. 

One of the more recent additions to Chicken is the 'Easy Foreign  
Function Interface'. This enables you to embed C or C++ code inside  
your Scheme code and it gets converted to Scheme automatically. The  
example given in the manual or uses  
Chicken Scheme to write a Qt application. The Qt classes get  
automatic wrappers generated using the object system (TinyClos). So  
the actual Scheme code looks like:

(define a (apply make QApplication (receive (argc+argv
(define hello (make QPushButton hello world! #f))
(resize hello 100 30)
(setMainWidget a hello)
(show hello)
(exec a)
(destroy hello)
(destroy a)

There is a GTK SWIG for Chicken: 

Someone should also look into putting Einstein http:// the NewtonOS port on the Neo1973.   
It already runs on the

Nokia 770 and the Zaurus.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Matthew S. Hamrick
I think maybe we need a new version of Godwin's law... any  
discussion about scripting languages should stop as soon as someone  
mentions Lisp (or Smalltalk.)

But seriously... speed probably shouldn't be THE deciding factor in a  
built-in scripting language. It's the ability to get things done  
simply. I think that's why javascript / livewire made it's way into  
Navigator and Spyglass. They were just enough to get done what  
needed doing. I've never been the worlds biggest fan of AppleScript,  
but I like that Apple says it's there to stitch apps together.

At PalmSource, some of the Ex-Be guys worked on a tool called the  
Binder (now known as OpenBinder (as in I  
come from a CORBA background, so I was slightly less than impressed  
that the only language bindings it supported out of the box was C++.  
But, for a while there, PalmSource was pushing the idea of opening up  
all application objects to a regular interface and adding other  
language bindings.

So... whatever the default scripting language, let's just make sure  
it has a way to get at the objects exposed by applications.

That being said... I vote for Smalltalk.

-Matt H.

On Apr 18, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Jim Thompson wrote:

On Apr 18, 2007, at 2:41 AM, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:

PyGTK looks like the most likely contender to me -- not just  
because I

wrote a book about it and I'm the author of almost everything
Python-related in OE, but also because PyGTK is pretty mature and
easy to extend (you probably have seen Zecke's work in wrapping  
the Moko

classes did you?).

The thing that worries me is the performance. The Neo1973 has a  

slow CPU. I didn't test on a device yet, but I'm afraid running
'import gtk' alone will take roughly 30 seconds, if not more.

We will probably have to jump through hoops to make _any_ scripting
language to perform reasonably on the Neo1973 (first incarnation).

Well, python is known to be slow.

There is plenty of CPU on the OpenMoko for something like Lua.. or  
lisp, or scheme

might look into Chicken Scheme:

It runs on the Nokia 770: 
20handhelds, and the Zaurus, both of which have less CPU

than the Neo1973.

Chicken Scheme compiles to 'C'.  Its fast, way faster than Python. 

One of the more recent additions to Chicken is the 'Easy Foreign  
Function Interface'. This enables you to embed C or C++ code inside  
your Scheme code and it gets converted to Scheme automatically. The  
example given in the manual or uses  
Chicken Scheme to write a Qt application. The Qt classes get  
automatic wrappers generated using the object system (TinyClos). So  
the actual Scheme code looks like:

(define a (apply make QApplication (receive (argc+argv
(define hello (make QPushButton hello world! #f))
(resize hello 100 30)
(setMainWidget a hello)
(show hello)
(exec a)
(destroy hello)
(destroy a)

There is a GTK SWIG for Chicken: 

Someone should also look into putting Einstein http:// the NewtonOS port on the  
Neo1973.  It already runs on the

Nokia 770 and the Zaurus.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-18 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 18.04.2007 um 19:02 schrieb Matthew S. Hamrick:

I think maybe we need a new version of Godwin's law... any  
discussion about scripting languages should stop as soon as someone  
mentions Lisp (or Smalltalk.)

Well, as a Mac addict, I propose to consider AppleScript, Automator  
and F-Script :-)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Status update on the phones?

2007-04-18 Thread Marcel de Jong
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I was wondering (along, I'm sure, with many others here on this list)
what the current status is of the P1 phones.
Is there 'light at the end of the tunnel' yet, for you guys? :)
A few weeks ago, Sean mentioned some problems that might be quickly
fixed, or might need another hardware spin. I'm curious what it
eventually was/is. :)

Also, can translators already start doing some work on (some of) the
apps (aside from the Wiki that is), or are these apps still too much in

If we can start translating, is there somewhere a way to be able to grab
the sources, and update the translation files?

I tried the rsync instructions on this page:
But that didn't work out for me. (my coding skills are rusty, and I
don't have much experience working with rsync or with svn.)

Or do I need to use the Openmoko makefile to grab these files?

Marcel de Jong
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


OpenMoko community mailing list

picture viewer

2007-04-18 Thread Frank Coenen


Browsing the wiki, I found that the picture viewer was to be a stylus
Viewing photos is something you do together, making it very unpractical to
do with a stylus.

I think it should be a combination of both stylus and finger.
Managing and looking for a specific dir should be done with a stylus.
Here the approach should be like with the RSS-reader. At the top a list of
photos in your current directory, at the bottom a preview.

Then you should be able to switch to either slide show or full screen-mode.
Both are the same, with the exception of course that the slide show switches
the photo's automatically (and will rotate them so that the most amount of
screen space is used)
In full screen or slide show mode, if you then press the screen, 5 controls
will appear:
- scroll-wheel - Either for zooming or switching between the photos
- button to switch to either zoom or next-prev-picture mode
- button to rotate the picture 90 dec clockwise
- button to remove the on screen controls again. (so that you will only see
the picture, until you press the screen again)
- a button to go back to stylus mode

here are two mock ups, note that the left most button will change from zoom
- switch mode.

Kind regards,

OpenMoko community mailing list