Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Paul Fertser
Thomas Franck writes:
 I've updated to the recent version of SHR unstable (opkg update/upgrade
 yesterday) and tried to pair with my car today.. (BMW Pro Radio)

 I followed the instructions from the Wiki [1] (not much to follow for
 SHR, it seems) and I got the MAC from the car.. used the simple-agent to
 pair.. my car asked me to enter a PIN for pairing.. then the FR asked me
 for it.. and once I entered that it's happy.. (trying a second time
 quits with message that there's already a bond with that device)

Yes, it seems you used the correct instructions. You might want to remove
the bonding before trying again, for that supply an additional dummy
parameter to simple-agent.

 However.. my car kept trying to pair with the FR (display said something
 like Pairing in progress.. with the only option to abort.. :(

Hm, that is strange. You need to try to remove the bonding and to try
again. Probably you hit some timeout or something else went wrong.

 Needless to say, pairing with my Nokia 6500C works like a charm.. :(

It'd be interesting to try it with some laptop (running bluez4, of

 The Wiki [1] says that I should log with hcidump -l 4096 -w bt.dump
 but that command is not available on my FR...

Hm, it should be, probably in some additional bluez package (but do
not install bluez3!)

Be free, use free ( software!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: intone a2dp (bluetooth) support

2009-06-11 Thread William Kenworthy
Just another data point - if your using streaming audio across wifi (I
am using mplayer streaming from my ISP's radio offerings), a2dp can
suffer badly if using wmiconfig -i eth0 --power maxperf - it seriously
interferes with bluetooth


On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 15:55 +0100, Michael Sheldon wrote:
 Yorick Moko wrote:
  One thing I don't understand:
  intone with a2dp: mplayer usage around 40% and sometimes spikes to
  everything available (80-85%) == no fluent playback
  intone without a2dp: 12% cpu == fluent playback
  how come?
  Well the a2dp stuff seems to be fairly cpu intensive, presumably
 because it's having to performing sbc encoding before sending the audio
 to the device (most devices support direct streaming of mp3 data but I
 don't think this is possible with mplayer, it is with gstreamer though).
 You should still be able to get reasonable mp3 playback, you won't get
 acceptable ogg playback though, as the combination of a2dp and ogg
 decoding appears to be too much for the cpu to handle.
  If you're getting very choppy playback with mp3s and you're using
 bluez4 then try running hciconfig hci0 lm master; hciconfig hci0 lp
 hold,sniff,park after starting the bluetooth daemon.
 Openmoko community mailing list
William Kenworthy
Home in Perth!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread David Reyes Samblas Martinez
I think they have chose another form factor for this application :)

2009/6/11 jeremy jozwik
 what about increase, decrease and stop vibration*?

 *openvibe ref

 On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Jeremy McNaughton wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:46 PM, wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  I'm not sure if I can share this, but I KNOW what it is :)
  Sometime ago I clicked on the right (or wrong) place and I found images
  and even a video about it. I promissed Wolfgang I wouldn't tell, so I
  will not, but I can give some other hints :)
  It doesn't have one, but theree buttons.
  My dos centavos

 My guess is a portable media player... reverse, play/pause, and forward.


 Openmoko community mailing list

 Openmoko community mailing list

David Reyes Samblas Martinez
Open ultraportable  embedded solutions
Openmoko, Openpandora,  Arduino
Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Battery ID chip - help needed

2009-06-11 Thread Werner Almesberger
Christoph Pulster wrote:
 While working out a solution, we get stuck on the point the battery has  
 some coded ID-Chip. This chip is not available on the market.
 Also the data can not be copied to another IC because its crypted.

Hmm, I wonder what that would be or what it would do :-)

I haven't actually taken apart a GTA02 battery yet, but what should
be in there are some pretty standard Li-Ion protection circuit (note
that cut-off voltage and cut-off behaviour can differ among such
protection circuits, e.g., the GTA02 battery needs some prodding to
come back to life after a cut-off. That's what caused all the fun
with the Vsys cap problems.) and of course the Coulomb counter.

The bq27000 is a pretty accessible part. You can buy it at Digi-Key.
No secret handshake involved :-)

Paul Fertser and Joerg have done some investigation on the factory
settings of the bq27000, so they may have suggestions for a better

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Battery ID chip - help needed

2009-06-11 Thread Paul Fertser
Werner Almesberger writes:
 Paul Fertser and Joerg have done some investigation on the factory
 settings of the bq27000, so they may have suggestions for a better

Yeah, the main suggestion being don't forget to actually configure
it! :)

Reconfiguration after the pack is out of the factory is hard because
it needs 21V on PROG pin, so the right thing should be done from the

For that one needs to carefully look at all accessible documentation
for particular cells and then fill bq27000 eeprom accordingly. The
datasheet is quite clear about what is expected to be there and proper
programming will bring more accurate measurements and therefore
improve user experience :)

Be free, use free ( software!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: a starting point for a community organization charter on the wiki

2009-06-11 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:21 AM, Jeremy wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 I've started a (very rough) draft charter for the community
 organization on the wiki here:

 With a little help this could eventually become our charter for a
 sub-group of Linux International.

Great Jeremy, I respect your work to help the community to go to a
direction and not just mess around! I think that the idea of a
foundation is great and skilled people (like you) are needed to set it

I hope that people will get involved in the discussion and people with
experience about organizations and foundations would step up. Don't be
ashamed, we need you!

and Jeremy, I don't think you're stepping on anyone's feet as long as
things are open and you welcome people to participate. If someone
feels ignored, they should again tell you that.

I wouldn't oppose if you had some leader position - the leader doesn't
have to know everything about everything as long as he has people to
work with, who know at least the most of something :)


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: First SSH to FR: Permission denied

2009-06-11 Thread Ed Kapitein
On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 23:27 -0500, Mike wrote:
 I am now trying and have no response. In fact, I get:
 ping -I usb0
 PING ( from usb0: 56(84) bytes of 
 From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
 From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
 From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
 From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable
 From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable
 From icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable
 --- ping statistics ---
 9 packets transmitted, 0 received, +6 errors, 100% packet loss, time 8147ms
 pipe 3
 ifconfig -a 
 eth0 ...
 usb0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr DE:D7:63:45:48:6B
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Hi Mike,

It seems your usb interface is down. the UP before broadcast is missing!

From my FR:
usb0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ea:83:b5:ec:59:0a
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  inet6 addr: fe80::e883:b5ff:feec:590a/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:472185 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:645971 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:149186833 (142.2 MiB)  TX bytes:840254294 (801.3 MiB)

Perhaps you need to issue ifconfig usb0 up?

Good luck!

 my firewall is off and I added om to /etc/hosts
 On Wednesday 10 June 2009 21:47:35 Korbinian Rosenegger wrote:
  Try, the IP you tried is your desktop :)
  I've also done this many times until i added this line to /etc/hosts on
  my desktop:   om
  cu Korbi
  On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 20:17 -0500, Mike wrote:
   Hello --
   I just got the FR. Very nice! I am trying to SSH to FR to check the
   firmware version. I can ping with 0% loss. However, when I
   ssh r...@
   and enter either blank  (as suggested in the Wiki) or root password at
   the prompt I get Permission denied, please try again.
   What is the problem?
   Thank you for your time,
   Openmoko community mailing list
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: First SSH to FR: Permission denied

2009-06-11 Thread arne anka
- make sure, your lan uses another subnet than 192.168.0.X
- check the output of
netstat -rn
on your host, if a route to the fr exists at all

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Battery ID chip - help needed

2009-06-11 Thread DJDAS
Laszlo KREKACS ha scritto:
 So inserting a nokia BL-5C battery is not complete solution. (because it lacks
 the coulomb counter), and freerunner cant charge it (currently) 
Not true, I asked my colleague to recharge my BL-5C battery with his FR 
while using my old Nokia some days ago and it completely charged.

 and cant display the remaining capacity.
This is true :)
Bye :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Debian] Chronometer

2009-06-11 Thread Mike Crash

I have released new version based on Elementary named echrono - faster
startup and nicer interface, if someone interested, he will find it again on
View this message in context:
Sent from the Openmoko Community mailing list archive at

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mer on OpenMoko devices ?

2009-06-11 Thread RzR
 2009/6/9 RzR
 I was able to make a demo and to provide a bootable image of mer for
 download it to your sdcard and boot it  Or check video demo at :

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Russell wrote:
 Hey RzR, as no-one else has replied let me just say this looks fantastic!

Thanks, but the mer/maemo community is guilty for that :)

 course, there's no phone stack etc just yet,

this may change with upcoming  n900 with is also a GNU/linux *PHONE*

 so where is development
is a good starting point, we'll update major news

 happening on this so I can keep an eye on progress?

newlc provide is a  linux+mobile rss feed

By the way a new version is planned , just ask and I can update the
bootable image at :

Related Obsession :

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Thomas Franck
Paul Fertser wrote:
Thomas Franck writes:
 However.. my car kept trying to pair with the FR (display said something
 like Pairing in progress.. with the only option to abort.. :(
 Hm, that is strange. You need to try to remove the bonding and to try
 again. Probably you hit some timeout or something else went wrong.

I reckon that the radio is checking for capabilities and that the FR
fails to meet the requirements.. could that be? (I've no idea about
Bluetooth - totally on the user side there.. :))

Paul Fertser wrote:
Thomas Franck writes:
 The Wiki [1] says that I should log with hcidump -l 4096 -w bt.dump
 but that command is not available on my FR...
 Hm, it should be, probably in some additional bluez package (but do
 not install bluez3!)

Indeed - my bad... I should have checked that, sorry..
installing bluez-hcidump now.. (I sure hope it's not bluez3 dependent)

I will try pairing again later.. and provide a bt.dump.. :)

Thank you..

Counting in octal is just like counting in decimal, if you don't use
your thumbs.
  - Tom Lehrer

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

OM2009 unstable 11 July unstable broken?

2009-06-11 Thread David Reyes Samblas Martinez
The openmoko-fso-paroli-image-glibc-ipk--20090611-om-gta02.rootfs.tar.gz
doesn't boot X it remains in console, in fact it  lacks of x11 init
scripts deamon /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm
yes I know the recommendation is to wait for t5 but my restless ass
can  just be quiet waiting :)
David Reyes Samblas Martinez
Open ultraportable  embedded solutions
Openmoko, Openpandora,  Arduino
Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Paul Fertser
Thomas Franck writes:
Thomas Franck writes:
 However.. my car kept trying to pair with the FR (display said something
 like Pairing in progress.. with the only option to abort.. :(
 Hm, that is strange. You need to try to remove the bonding and to try
 again. Probably you hit some timeout or something else went wrong.

 I reckon that the radio is checking for capabilities and that the FR
 fails to meet the requirements.. could that be? (I've no idea about
 Bluetooth - totally on the user side there.. :))

Yes, could be something like that. But it'd be strange if headset
checked device for capabilities...

 I will try pairing again later.. and provide a bt.dump.. :)

Good, but don't expect much, it seems that nobody in OM community
actually has solid understanding of bluetooth :-/.

Be free, use free ( software!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Thomas Franck
Paul Fertser wrote:
 Thomas Franck writes:
 I reckon that the radio is checking for capabilities and that the FR
 fails to meet the requirements.. could that be? (I've no idea about
 Bluetooth - totally on the user side there.. :))
 Yes, could be something like that. But it'd be strange if headset
 checked device for capabilities...

I came up with that thought because the radio also accesses the contacts
on the phone and provides a list on the display.

 Good, but don't expect much, it seems that nobody in OM community
 actually has solid understanding of bluetooth :-/.

That's somewhat discouraging.. but totally understandable.. I find
anything wireless to be black magick.. :D
Well, we'll make the most of it.. my worst case scenario would be that
I'll keep using the Nokia until BT works as expected.


Some people, when confronted with a problem, think I know, I'll use
regular expressions. Now they have two problems.
  - Jamie Zawinski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Joerg Eesmann
On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 13:08 +0400, Paul Fertser wrote:
 Thomas Franck writes:
 Thomas Franck writes:
  However.. my car kept trying to pair with the FR (display said something
  like Pairing in progress.. with the only option to abort.. :(
  Hm, that is strange. You need to try to remove the bonding and to try
  again. Probably you hit some timeout or something else went wrong.
  I reckon that the radio is checking for capabilities and that the FR
  fails to meet the requirements.. could that be? (I've no idea about
  Bluetooth - totally on the user side there.. :))
 Yes, could be something like that. But it'd be strange if headset
 checked device for capabilities...

BMW Pro Radio... I think we are not only talking about a headset. I
guess we are talking about a handsfree car kit. I am also planning to
pair my FR to my Mondeo, but did not try it yet, because I heard that
Hands Free Profile is not fully supported yet. I planned to do something
in this area but did not find the time yet.

  I will try pairing again later.. and provide a bt.dump.. :)
 Good, but don't expect much, it seems that nobody in OM community
 actually has solid understanding of bluetooth :-/.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Paul Fertser
Thomas Franck writes:
 Paul Fertser wrote:
 Thomas Franck writes:
 I reckon that the radio is checking for capabilities and that the FR
 fails to meet the requirements.. could that be? (I've no idea about
 Bluetooth - totally on the user side there.. :))
 Yes, could be something like that. But it'd be strange if headset
 checked device for capabilities...

 I came up with that thought because the radio also accesses the contacts
 on the phone and provides a list on the display.

Hm, that sounds weird. Can you try to disable this functionality? What
is written in your BMW manual wrt cellphone compatibility?

Be free, use free ( software!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread Yorick Moko
see below

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 5:46 AM, wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 I'm not sure if I can share this, but I KNOW what it is :)

Me too :p
 Sometime ago I clicked on the right (or wrong) place and I found images
 and even a video about it. I promissed Wolfgang I wouldn't tell,
I didn't promise anybody anything :p

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Joerg Eesmann
On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 11:21 +0200, Thomas Franck wrote:
 Paul Fertser wrote:
  Thomas Franck writes:
  I reckon that the radio is checking for capabilities and that the FR
  fails to meet the requirements.. could that be? (I've no idea about
  Bluetooth - totally on the user side there.. :))
  Yes, could be something like that. But it'd be strange if headset
  checked device for capabilities...
 I came up with that thought because the radio also accesses the contacts
 on the phone and provides a list on the display.
  Good, but don't expect much, it seems that nobody in OM community
  actually has solid understanding of bluetooth :-/.
 That's somewhat discouraging.. but totally understandable.. I find
 anything wireless to be black magick.. :D
 Well, we'll make the most of it.. my worst case scenario would be that
 I'll keep using the Nokia until BT works as expected.

I came so far that I found a project,, which is not HFP (Hands Free
Profile) but the server (if FR is the client). So my guess is, if I can
get my FR to connect with this, it should also connect to my car. The
advantage is, for testing that one can dumb and debug the whole
BT-communication, because nohands also runs on Linux-machine.

 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Thomas Franck
Paul Fertser wrote:
 Hm, that sounds weird. Can you try to disable this functionality? What
 is written in your BMW manual wrt cellphone compatibility?

*g* They say I should ask the BMW Service about which phones are
supported. I am dead sure that they never heard about the FR.. ;)

With unsupported phones, errors may occur.. lol

A somewhat unrelated note: even the T-Mobile guy from technical support
rang me up and asked what an Openmoko FreeRunner was (I sent them a mail
about GPRS connection details)..


It is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally
vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead.
  - Edsgar W. Dijkstra

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Thomas Franck
Joerg Eesmann wrote:
 I came so far that I found a project,, which is not HFP (Hands Free
 Profile) but the server (if FR is the client). So my guess is, if I can
 get my FR to connect with this, it should also connect to my car. The
 advantage is, for testing that one can dumb and debug the whole
 BT-communication, because nohands also runs on Linux-machine.

Hmm... if my test later fails and provides no new information, it'll be
worth a try.. ;)


Has everyone noticed that all the letters of the word database are
typed with the left hand? Now the layout of the QWERTYUIOP typewriter
keyboard was designed, among other things, to facilitate the even use of
both hands. It follows, therefore, that writing about databases is not
only unnatural, but a lot harder than it appears.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Debian] Chronometer

2009-06-11 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Mike wrote:

 I have released new version based on Elementary named echrono - faster
 startup and nicer interface, if someone interested, he will find it again on

Screenshots Mike, screenshots!!

(ok, found it at )



| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009 unstable 11 July unstable broken?

2009-06-11 Thread Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 01:41:44PM +0300, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:50 AM, David Reyes Samblas wrote:
  The openmoko-fso-paroli-image-glibc-ipk--20090611-om-gta02.rootfs.tar.gz
  doesn't boot X it remains in console, in fact it  lacks of x11 init
  scripts deamon /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm
  yes I know the recommendation is to wait for t5 but my restless ass
  can  just be quiet waiting :)
 Yep, noticed :/
 I'm running unstable all the time and this image was not a nice
 surprise :( (and yes, I know that using unstable it's possible that
 this happens so I don't blame anyone :)
 Anyway, t5 should be around soon..

Phew! I was about to install that :)

Lucky me :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] New debian images

2009-06-11 Thread Radek Polak
Me wrote:

 tmpfs   /vas/cache/apt   tmpfs   defaults,noatime   0 0

oops, should be:

tmpfs   /var/cache/apt   tmpfs   defaults,noatime   0 0


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread tammaro pamdirac palombo
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 5:46 AM, Kosa wrote:

 It doesn't have one, but theree buttons.

theree buttons? ... It must be a windows device :)
Openmoko community mailing list

[shr-unstable] packages for canola media player

2009-06-11 Thread Hermann Lacheiner

I have created packages for the canola media player (see for screenshots). canola was
originally developed for the maemo platform and was open sourced
recently. It is based on the e17 libraries, so it is destined for the
shr distribution ;)

Sources for the packages are from
based on the branches from Gustavo.

canola has some dependencies so I created a testing feed. You can find
the packages at
The bitbake recipes are mirrored at

opkg install canola installs canola and all its dependencies on the FR.

Currently there are a few glitches:
* canola package depends on glibc-gconv-iso8859-15 otherwise
lightmediascanner does not work
* player UI does not fit exactly the lower resolution on the FR
(canola is optimised for the resolution on the Nokia N8x0 800x480) but
it's usable. User experience is better when rotating screen in
landscape mode.

As backend mplayer is used for playback.

Generally the UI is a little bit sluggish on the FR than on the Nokia
N8x0 but I think it's really usable.

I am looking forward to your feedback ;)

Cheers, hermann

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread Laszlo KREKACS
Ebook reader.

Openmoko community mailing list

qtmoko keyboard

2009-06-11 Thread
dear all..
I'm having problems with the ML I still have to fix, I can't receive
messages anymore.

The slide is from the bottom-right corner towards the diagonal.
I've spent a few time in the past to find out how to have a visual
feedback, but didn't really understand how to add a simple red dot
somewhere on the screen..

I had to stop because I sent my moko to debuzz heaven, it came back
today and next week I'll be out, I hope to send a couple patches soon.


Key fingerprint = 2C20 A587 05AC 42E5 1292  D0D4 3EED CFB5 52FD AD1E

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread David Reyes Samblas Martinez
2009/6/11 Laszlo KREKACS
 Ebook reader.
by it size it must be a business card reader :P

 Openmoko community mailing list

David Reyes Samblas Martinez
Open ultraportable  embedded solutions
Openmoko, Openpandora,  Arduino
Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] packages for canola media player

2009-06-11 Thread Michael Zanetti

Really cool! Thank you very much for the packages. I didn't even know they 
opened their source code.

Canola is by far the coolest media player for mobile devices I've seen so far. 
And everthing works as expected on the freerunner except the battery and 
network indicators. Even performance is good in comparison to other apps on my 
freerunner. I've tested only the music section so far, no videos, pictures, 
podcasts etc...

The packes work fine on up-to-date shr-unstable. The first install run stopped 
due to a file conflict between etk-themes and etk-theme-shr. But I don't think 
this is related to your packages. The second run (whithout changes) completes 
fine though.

Thanks again,

On Thursday 11 June 2009 14:02:17 Hermann Lacheiner wrote:

 I have created packages for the canola media player (see for screenshots). canola was
 originally developed for the maemo platform and was open sourced
 recently. It is based on the e17 libraries, so it is destined for the
 shr distribution ;)

 Sources for the packages are from
 based on the branches from Gustavo.

 canola has some dependencies so I created a testing feed. You can find
 the packages at
 The bitbake recipes are mirrored at

 opkg install canola installs canola and all its dependencies on the FR.

 Currently there are a few glitches:
 * canola package depends on glibc-gconv-iso8859-15 otherwise
 lightmediascanner does not work
 * player UI does not fit exactly the lower resolution on the FR
 (canola is optimised for the resolution on the Nokia N8x0 800x480) but
 it's usable. User experience is better when rotating screen in
 landscape mode.

 As backend mplayer is used for playback.

 Generally the UI is a little bit sluggish on the FR than on the Nokia
 N8x0 but I think it's really usable.

 I am looking forward to your feedback ;)

 Cheers, hermann

 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

A few questions on navit

2009-06-11 Thread Christian Rüb

maybe someone can help me out here as I could not find appropriate answers in 
navit wiki...

The menu in in internal GUI has several options that I am not sure about if 
they change anything in the app:

Settings/Rules/Map follows Vehicle (cannot change the 'x')
To find a point on the map it would be helpful to disable the auto centering 
for that time...

Settings/Maps Route,Route Graph, Navigation, Tracking - do they do anything? It 
would be nice to be able to turn tracklogging on and off here, but the only way 
I found to do so is in navit.xml itself.

Is there a way to turn speech output on and off in the GUI? I have configured 
speech-dispatcher in navit.xml and use the following toggle:

osd enabled=yes type=toggle_announcer x=-70 y=292 w=70 h=70 
icon_src=$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/xpm/%s_70_70.png /

But the icon does not change :( (both icons exist btw and the one for sound is 
displayed correctly).

Version is 0.1.0+svnrev2309-r2 from SHR + 70px icons from [4]

Some references I used:



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009 unstable 11 July unstable broken?

2009-06-11 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Rui Miguel Silva wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 01:41:44PM +0300, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:50 AM, David Reyes Samblas wrote:
  The openmoko-fso-paroli-image-glibc-ipk--20090611-om-gta02.rootfs.tar.gz
  doesn't boot X it remains in console, in fact it  lacks of x11 init
  scripts deamon /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm
  yes I know the recommendation is to wait for t5 but my restless ass
  can  just be quiet waiting :)

 Yep, noticed :/
 I'm running unstable all the time and this image was not a nice
 surprise :( (and yes, I know that using unstable it's possible that
 this happens so I don't blame anyone :)

 Anyway, t5 should be around soon..

 Phew! I was about to install that :)

 Lucky me :)

The packages are building again, reflashing is needed (upgrade will
not work as some packages have been downgraded and opkg can't handle
that..). Thanks Angus for this!


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] New debian images

2009-06-11 Thread HouYu Li
Hi, Radek, is Qt 4.5.1 in your master tree?

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Radek Polak wrote:

 Me wrote:

  tmpfs   /vas/cache/apt   tmpfs   defaults,noatime   0 0

 oops, should be:

 tmpfs   /var/cache/apt   tmpfs   defaults,noatime   0 0


 Openmoko community mailing list

Best Regards

HouYu Li, Karajan

karajan_ii (at)
karadog (at)
lihouyu (at)

PHP Developer
Red Hat Certified Engineer

Shanghai, China
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread Laszlo KREKACS
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 2:33 PM, David Reyes Samblas wrote:
 Ebook reader.
 by it size it must be a business card reader :P

Some sort of intelligent display. Like one can be found on bank automata.
Or on information displays (buying ticket for the train,
HMI interface in factories on big machines, etc).

So its basically a black and white display with an onscreen keypad, with
a wifi connection. Easy to integrate, and easy to deploy.

Just a hunch;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread Orlando
An indestructible brick!  it is a what we called a white weapon.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Laszlo KREKACS wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 2:33 PM, David Reyes Samblas wrote:
  Ebook reader.
  by it size it must be a business card reader :P

 Some sort of intelligent display. Like one can be found on bank automata.
 Or on information displays (buying ticket for the train,
 HMI interface in factories on big machines, etc).

 So its basically a black and white display with an onscreen keypad, with
 a wifi connection. Easy to integrate, and easy to deploy.

 Just a hunch;)


 Openmoko community mailing list

ing. Javier O. Ramírez Martínez
Key fingerprint = CBFD AEC9 E7F9 C726 03BF  3D85 7B9E 47A7 EB84 70D4
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 04:14:34PM +0200, Laszlo KREKACS wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 2:33 PM, David Reyes Samblas wrote:
  Ebook reader.
  by it size it must be a business card reader :P
 Some sort of intelligent display. Like one can be found on bank automata.
 Or on information displays (buying ticket for the train,
 HMI interface in factories on big machines, etc).
 So its basically a black and white display with an onscreen keypad, with
 a wifi connection. Easy to integrate, and easy to deploy.

Considering the device shown by Sean, squarish, full-screen, about as thin
or thinner than the FreeRunner, now it's been said it has three buttons...

I'd go for the media playing device, maybe even using :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] New debian images

2009-06-11 Thread Radek Polak
HouYu Li wrote:

 Hi, Radek, is Qt 4.5.1 in your master tree?

Not yet, it's branch qt451 now. I am planing to merge soon.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: a new keyboard - discuss and critique

2009-06-11 Thread Helge Hafting
Robin Paulson wrote:
 apparently, triangular buttons produce less errors.
 i'm not totally convinced, but it would be worth a go, i think
 now, is it possible to coerce raster's keyboard into using anything
 other than square keys?
Not sure if that is needed. The patented triangular keyboard reduces 
mis-typing by having unresponsive areas around each key. The same can be 
achieved by having unresponsive area around rectangular keys too.
Easily done by making said rectangular keys smaller, without moving them 
closer together.

Of course, the keys are already very small, so this is problematic. They 
could get harder to hit. But triangles have the same problem, although 
they may look cooler to some.

Helge Hafting

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-11 Thread Laszlo KREKACS
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Laszlo wrote:
 Ebook reader.

I even found the first prototype;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Power dongle

2009-06-11 Thread Helge Hafting
The Digital Pioneer wrote:
 Yeah, I'd kinda prefer one that's nigh unto infinitesimal and only lasts 
 a few seconds, but I'll search for emergency phone chargers.

I guess the market for 15s power supplies is too small for anyone to 
make a product.

You may want to improvise something like this:
* Get a usb connector that fits
* Stack up enough button-size batteries to get between 4.0 and 5.0 volts
* Cut most of the wire off that usb connector. Bare the two wires needed
   for power, and tape them to opposite sides of the stack of batteries.
* More tape around everything, for electrical insulation.

This is about as small as it gets. Probably over 15s of phone power,
in a package not much bigger than the tiny batteries. Exact size depends 
on how good you are at cutting down the usb connector, and how small 
batteries you can find.

When the batteries run out, get new ones and more tape. :-)

Helge Hafting

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Power dongle

2009-06-11 Thread Cameron Frazier
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Helge wrote:
 The Digital Pioneer wrote:
 Yeah, I'd kinda prefer one that's nigh unto infinitesimal and only lasts
 a few seconds, but I'll search for emergency phone chargers.

 I guess the market for 15s power supplies is too small for anyone to
 make a product.

 You may want to improvise something like this:
 * Get a usb connector that fits
 * Stack up enough button-size batteries to get between 4.0 and 5.0 volts
 * Cut most of the wire off that usb connector. Bare the two wires needed
   for power, and tape them to opposite sides of the stack of batteries.
 * More tape around everything, for electrical insulation.

Maybe use capacitors?  if you only need a few seconds... and you never
have to worry about replacing them.

Cameron 'Toaster' Frazier

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Power dongle

2009-06-11 Thread The Digital Pioneer
Well that's about the size I was looking for, but that's gonna get real
expensive real fast (batteries dying). :\ I was thinking about something
rechargeable. I'll probably just get one of those emergency chargers, though
I'm not really interested in recharging, just hotswapping. Some of them get
pretty small too, and having more power wouldn't hurt. Just have to find one
with rechargeable batteries itself.
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Power dongle

2009-06-11 Thread The Digital Pioneer
Yeah, I think that would work. I don't know anything about electronics at
that level, though. I make (a little) software, not hardware. :P Can someone
suggest exactly what I need?
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009 unstable 11 July unstable broken?

2009-06-11 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
Just flashed the latest unstable from today. The first start was a
chaos (you don't want to know :) but after restart things look better
- I think it actually works :) Let's see some more reports..


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009 unstable 11 July unstable broken?

2009-06-11 Thread Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 06:56:46PM +0300, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
 Just flashed the latest unstable from today. The first start was a
 chaos (you don't want to know :) but after restart things look better
 - I think it actually works :) Let's see some more reports..

I've just flashed it as well, making now the dreaded second boot so
things work :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: a new keyboard - discuss and critique

2009-06-11 Thread Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 08:40:43AM -0700, neove...@freerunner wrote:

 It's sad that this community couldn't even manage to build a decent keyboard
 for the freerunner within one year. Is there even any attempt to make one?

   They call it qwo[1] and I think it rules. It takes many hours to get used
to it, but I think it is definitely worth it. You can make it larger or
smaller as necessary and because there are only nine zones, they can be
relatively large without taking up too much space in total. All the
characters needed for shell commands and such are there. I typed in about a
third of the apt-get-file script I posted[2] with qwo while on the train.


Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
Danish law requires addresses in e-mail to be logged and stored for a year

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009 unstable 11 July unstable broken?

2009-06-11 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Rui Miguel Silva wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 06:56:46PM +0300, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
 Just flashed the latest unstable from today. The first start was a
 chaos (you don't want to know :) but after restart things look better
 - I think it actually works :) Let's see some more reports..

 I've just flashed it as well, making now the dreaded second boot so
 things work :)

Don't expect too much - looks like that it suspends even when I set
the suspend to -1...

(- flashing back to 3.6. image, waiting for Angus to enjoy his
weekend  come back to fix this stuff..)


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: booting from mSD

2009-06-11 Thread Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 08:26:48AM -0700, Test wrote:

 [21474545.115000] Warning: unable to open an initial console.

   /dev/console is missing.

Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
Danish law requires addresses in e-mail to be logged and stored for a year

Openmoko community mailing list

[QtMoko] No sound on incomming calls after merge

2009-06-11 Thread Radek Polak
i have merged changes from Franky's git, compiled and put
result image on my debian rootfs. I am now testing how it
works, but have one quite obvious issue. On FR i cant hear
the other side on incomming call. The other side can hear
me. Outgoing calls seem to work.

When i unpack older build on the same rootfs, all is ok.

Anyone has idea what can be the problem?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR unstable] Bluetooth pairing with BMW Pro Radio car handsfree fails

2009-06-11 Thread Thomas Franck
Paul Fertser wrote:
 Good, but don't expect much, it seems that nobody in OM community
 actually has solid understanding of bluetooth :-/.

Tried again.. as expected, no luck... however, I got the dump..
I started it before pairing.. and let it run and run after the FR was
happy with pairing.. (I thought the radio may give up - but after 5 mins
it still said pairing in progress...)

Anyone interested can find the dump here (11k):

and the log here (6k):

(yeah, I used the always handy 1234 pin.. lol)

I actually thought the dump would be kinda readable.. can anyone read that??


Gray's Law of Programming
N+1 trivial tasks are expected to be accomplished in the same time as N
trivial tasks.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Help requested: SHR Screenshots

2009-06-11 Thread Jon Levell
Hi guys,

Jon Levell wrote:

 I'm writing an article for LWN ( saying
 that I think SHR is now suitable for your typical

The article is now online for LWN subscribers. It's subscribers
only for 7 days. When it's free I'll add a link in this thread.

Thanks for your help everyone.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Debuzzing in the UK?

2009-06-11 Thread Jon Levell

Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
[debuzzing in the UK]
 Just as far as your nearest Royal Mail...

I'd just like to say that I sent my phone to Dr. N. for
debuzzing (I live in the UK) and he was friendly and

If everyone in business answered e-mails so quickly even when
a sail doesn't directly depend on it, the world would be a
better place.


Openmoko community mailing list

Better handling of AUX and POWER buttons

2009-06-11 Thread Nicola Mfb
I apologize if this is an old topic and was discussed many time before.
I tried hackable:1 some days ago, and I found that AUX/POWER buttons
is handled very nice. I suppose that it cames from 2007.2 neod, but I
was aware of it as I flashed my freerunner with ASU ASAP when it
arrived in my hands last year.
First of all the aux button is used to bring up the virtual keyboard,
and this is good as I hate to use touchscreen to open it with
application not e based that does not bring up it automagically when
text widgets get focus, while holding it brings up a menu that let you
rotate the screen, switch fullscreen mode and so on, and this is very
nice as if you go fullscreen with e AFAIK there is no possibility to
restore normal size or switch to other windows.
Second the power button let you close an application (this is nice
too!), and holding it brings up a menu to change power management,
screen light and turn on/off gps/wifi/bt/gsm and the entire device.
While experiencing with general not embedded oriented linux apps and
developing mines I feel all these features has to be restored together
with new ideas.
So for a couple of days I'm thinking on how implement and improve it
especially for FSO based distros.
The first enhancement I thought is to give to applications the
possibility to handle 4 cases:
*) aux press
*) power press
*) hold aux, then press power
*) hold power, then press aux
The second is to have holding aux, power or both for a long time
bringing system wide tasks (power menu, auxiliary menu, keyboard and
so on).
All that should be transparent to applications, e.g a special daemon
should grab the input and simulate the 7 events as 7 different keys,
so you may use the 1-4 directly in applications for their needs, and
5-7 for global shortcut handled for example by the windows manager or
some sort of background daemon to show system menus.
Actually I thinked at two solution:
1) a neod like daemon that grabs X events (XGrabKeyboard), handle key
presses and forward with XSendEvent the 7 different strokes to
applications or windows manager.
2) a daemon that grabs /dev/input/event* device in exclusive mode,
handle key events and emulate a new keyboard with uinput capable of 7

I like very much the second idea as it should be totally transparent
to the system, and may be used without X too while the first should be
more portable on different devices, and may be installed and used by a
non privileged user too.
I tryied to code a prototype for the first solution on my desktop, but
I got some problems as I do not know X at lower level, so I used
XGrabKeyboard to receive all key events and XSendEvent to forward them
to other windows, but not all apps are compatible with that, for
example Firefox does not accept text input in the navigation bar while
the grabbing is active. The second problem is that using X atom on the
wm to retrieve the last active window give me a short number (203, 31,
91 etc.), while XSendEvent wants some sort of different windows ID
(0x301f), so some help for experienced X developer is welcome :)
In the next days I'll try to implement a prototype for the second,
hoping that I'll encounter less problems :)
In the meaning I'd like to have comments about all that, and above all
I'd like to know if I'm wasting my time while similar solutions are
being developed underground :)

Best regards


Openmoko community mailing list

[debian] Installing lxde problem

2009-06-11 Thread Nicola Mfb
Trying to install lxde on debian results in:

debian-gta02:~# apt-get install lxde
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  lxde: Depends: lxde-core (= but it is not
going to be installed
E: Broken packages

some help?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] packages for canola media player

2009-06-11 Thread Morten

Wow! This has to be the best looking, and the app with the best usability for
freerunner ever! Thanks so much for the package!
View this message in context:
Sent from the Openmoko Community mailing list archive at

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-11 Thread Werner Almesberger
Jeremy McNaughton wrote:
 1.  That the open source hardware development processes pioneered by
 gta02-core get formalized as part of the structure of the new

There's always room for improvements, so I wouldn't nail down too
many details. But the overall goals, i.e., the use of Open Source
wherever possible, yes.

 2.  That the people who are working on the gta02-core will continue to
 work together as part of the new community organization.

Definitely, yes.

 Of course, the community organization (heh... we need a name!) should
 encompass more than just hardware.  The open hardware part will likely
 just be a part of what the organization does.

Even in the hardware area, there's more than just low-risk
implementation projects. E.g., there should also be activities that
take on the risky bits and bring them under control. Such pioneer
efforts can then be integrated into the next safe design.

Also, we haven't touched the whole area of case design and
manufacturing yet. There's a number of Free CAD tools that should
be up to the task. We've briefly discussed them on the gta03
list a while ago.

Also turning a CAD design into a prototype is not an impossible
task. There are relatively inexpensive CNC mills (i.e., within the
reach of many hobbyists) that should be able to make reasonably
good prototypes. Access to mills or 3D printers may also exist
through academic institutions or projects like Fab Lab:

I don't know if anyone actually made a case from the CAD files
Openmoko released about a year ago. The CAD files themselves may
not be directly useful with Free CAD tools except for making very
minor changes.

But I think a case-making project that follows the same approach as
gta02-core, namely reconstructing and prototyping the existing
design with Free tools (and making some small changes) could be
rather useful for establishing the know-how that can later be used
for more ambitious work.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

[shr/elementary] fonts and styles

2009-06-11 Thread David Ford

what are the settings i can put in a dotfile to adjust elementary app
fonts and styles?

when i export my display to my desktop, shr/elementary applications have
horribly huge or utterly tiny fonts and the window itself is not
resizable.  further, buttons are extraordinarily huge.

thank you!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009 unstable 11 July unstable broken?

2009-06-11 Thread Angus Ainslie
On Jun 11, 2009, at 2:50 AM, David Reyes Samblas Martinez 

 The openmoko-fso-paroli-image-glibc-ipk--20090611-om- 
 doesn't boot X it remains in console, in fact it  lacks of x11 init
 scripts deamon /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm
 yes I know the recommendation is to wait for t5 but my restless ass
 can  just be quiet waiting :)
 David Reyes Samblas Martinez
 Open ultraportable  embedded solutions
 Openmoko, Openpandora,  Arduino
 Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!

 Openmoko community mailing list

The auto generated images had some issues. I triggered a new build  
around 12:00 CES which should be good. Tomorrows auto built images  
should be good.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] New debian images

2009-06-11 Thread Rene Horn
By the way, is there a way to disable to autocomplete on this, and just have
the keyboard respond immediately as I type, just like in the mainline


2009/6/10 Radek Polak

 Hi Guys,
 i have created new QtMoko images on debian rootfs. You can find them
 together with some info on my site [1].

 These images should give you:
 - full debian system (over ssh)
 - working calls/sms
 - working gprs
 - usable media player
 - and lot of more features

 In this new image QT was upgraded to version 4.5.1 and with attached
 patch i have fixed the missing virtual keyboard in password fields. You
 can find sources in my git branch qt451.

 Another thing is qmplayer - media player that can play ogg/mp3/avi files
 but is also able to download or stream media from PC. You can find more
 info on qmplayer homepage [2].

 Kernel is now based on packaging config. The kernel size is now under
 2MB so it can be booted with u-boot.

 We have also new logo [3] (thanks to my wife).

 My plan for future is to merge other's GIT's - i am running build right
 now, so we'll see if that worked :)

 On the experimenting front - i was able to run TangoGPS and other X apps
 via vnc. It was quite slow and mouse dragging wanst working, but still
 quite usable.

 Btw is anyone planning to release ready-to-flash QtMoko images for FSO?
 I see there is just install script, but i would like to have image that
 can be just flashed and booted.




 Openmoko community mailing list

Sigs are boring, except this one...
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009 unstable 11 July unstable broken?

2009-06-11 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Angus wrote:
 The auto generated images had some issues. I triggered a new build
 around 12:00 CES which should be good. Tomorrows auto built images
 should be good.

Anyone have an idea where's this new build?

The images at
and seem
to be the same. I did't download  md5 but based on the release time
it's the same (released at 11-Jun-2009 15:33). That's the time when
all other daily builds are generated - I don't think this is the new
build Angus is talking about?

There's also a new kernel image out:


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list