2007-07-16 Thread Bryce Leo

LMAO go to that website look at the motto of the hosting provider
that's advertised!!!

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: X Server MultiTouch Support

2007-07-15 Thread Bryce Leo

Yes, but you're also ignoring that capacitive touch screens are more
durable and longer lasting than resistive touch screens. And I don't
know if you've ever used an iPhone, but i had no problems using the
multi-touch freatures one handed or with two thumbs or a thumb and
index finger. Try it for 15 or 20 mins before you knock it.

**Sorry for the double Dylan. Gmail stinks at handling this list.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GTA02 Board only option in October?

2007-07-12 Thread Bryce Leo

I'll add an obligatory me too as well. Usually it wouldn't matter but
money has been tight with all the recent vet. bills i've had to pay.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GTA02 Board only option in October?

2007-07-12 Thread Bryce Leo

I have to agree with Ian. I'd probably add usb wireless and just use
it as a Myth remote. And if i can't find anything to do with it, i
might just keep it around as a spare board in case i manage to break
something or something like that.

Maybe even board only upgrades for a while. I mean that lcd is very
very good and i don't see a reason not to let people get the most out
of it, and as the lcd is probably the most expensive part they could
sell the board at a higher markup and get a larger profit, yet we'd
still end up paying less. Now that sounds like decent economics.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GTA02 Board only option in October?

2007-07-12 Thread Bryce Leo

Now ian that's a sweet Idea but the only problem is finding a place to
buy a psp display! For 289 I can get these two things, just as trivially I
have two 9in diagonal screens that I can use for just about anything!
But yes, i very much see where you're going. Heck, it'd be a pretty
cool thinclient setup to build into a lap-board or tray while you're
eating. Have some news feeds or soemthing like that going through. The
possibilities are endless!

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: What would be a realistic but challenging level for Bryce announced trophy money for video playback on the Neo1973? Re: h.264 format is now open?

2007-02-02 Thread Bryce Leo

Haha well then lets modify this a bit.

I think your $50 has to go to somebody of the core developer team:

I'm goinig to have to disagree I'll give that money to the developer
who does it first and infact i'll send out an email to the dev list as
a bounty.

Which resolution and frames/s should have the video to win your prize?
In some way a low resolution should run quite soon - for full or have
resultion could external hardware help, or a much memory eating
So let us find a realistic but challenging level for your trophy money?

I'll say 320x240 (for now) stretched to the full screen size and this
MUST be at reasonable quality I'll crunch some numbers and come out
with a full list of sizes and bitrates. I'll get this posted up today

I thought about to join with a more symbolic amount of 10 Euro (I'm just
a student) but then I thought when 100 people would join and the trophy

Heh i'm a student to but i've got a decent job and this is most
definately worth my 50usd for the amount of enjoyment that the
community would get for it.

And what about a deadline to reach it? March 11th + 3 month = June 11h?
Who is geeing all the unreached prizes? The Core developer team?

The  only deadline i'd push would be before the second OpenMoko phone
comes out from FIC.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: h.264 format is now open?

2007-02-01 Thread Bryce Leo

Yeah, for management.  Actual Video decoding is done by a dedicated
chip, Broadcom BCM2722.

Good find. I guess i should have just checked wikipedia instead of
googling would have gotten me much better information.

I will however still bet $50 (first taker actually gets payout) that
there will be a way to play  video on the phone. I'm betting xvid or
Theora however i'm not ruling out H.264 as of yet. Don't get me wrong
cpu will be pegged above 90 but with some optomizations and dedication
it'll happen. Infact i'm curious to get gstreamer up and try the
Fluendo codecs as they have run better than all i've found except
libmad which is just amazing (IMO obviously).  But hey if i'm wrong
i'm wrong and someone gets 50 american dollars.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Q: desktop software?

2007-01-29 Thread Bryce Leo

I would like to use FreeNX to use the Neo1973 from
a Workstation, and to have video projctor presentation
live from a Neo1973.

That sounds like a fantastic idea. It should be pretty simple to get
something like FreeNX up and running on the device.

Then a full emulation to use the full Neo1973 power
(beside the touchscreen) on a workstation as well.

Other than the touchscreen what sort of power are you referring to?
I'm probably thinking to literally as desktops are far more powerful
than a handheld.

Very cool would be an emulation via web with java,
(maybe with FreeNX again) without any local installation.
(in this case with an own server running the emulation)

So when the Neo1973 would get lost, lay at home/in the car
only access to any (trustworthy) workstation would be ok
to use the Neo1973.

Remember for as trivial as that may be to set up for slightly more
technical folks, imagine if a very non technical person (i'm thinking
of my mother right now) were to have to buy a new computer and found
herself locked out of her phone. Now it's simple to say that they
should read the manual(s) that come with the device, however we do
know that no one reads them and everyone loses them.

I will say that I would love love love to see that as an option!

Then do I think that client/server solution would become
more important then device/desktop software one, even for
normal user.

I think that the client/server solution is far more powerful and
flexible, however the simplicity of Hotsync the one touch backup of
your palm device is what made it so popular in the first place. I can
take my Treo 650 home every day, connect a cord, press one button, and
It's connected, now that's convience. I feel that that's the sort of
conveince and simplicty that we  should shoot for. One touch backkup
is a fantastic convience and a big +1 when it comes to deciding on a

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Phone enhancements

2007-01-29 Thread Bryce Leo

 You'd have to be doing some serious zigzagging: resolution of GPS at street
level is about 50 meters...

Exactly the point!! if you're zig zaggin that much you definately need
to have the cops get called!

But on a serious note, how could it be 50 meters? That's about 165
feet... in certain cases about 3 different roads... Most of the Garmin
products are at 1m/3feet resolution. I'm sure that most consumer
devices are within about 2m/6ft. Do you have numbers that I don't in
this case?

Bryce Leo

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: h.264 format is now open?

2007-01-27 Thread Bryce Leo

This is not probably called for at this point, Neo1973 pretty certainly
does _not_ have enough horsepower to play back h.264. (I'm hoping to

I think you'd be surprised. I'm going to bet that there won't be much
of an issue getting smooth playback. If you look at the brains of the
iPod Video it uses and ARM922T (32-bit) @ 200MHz, with 8K/8K cache.
The processor of the Neo1973 is 32/16 bit running at 266mhz with
16K/16K cache. By the specs it should really be quite easy to get
running... unless you're saying that those guys over at Apple Inc. can
outcode us? And i'm sure you're not sayng that :-D

And besides i'm sure that if for some reason h.264 had problems and
Ogg/Theora solution would be significantly less intensive on the
hardware (and thus probably better on your battery too).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Phone enhancements

2007-01-27 Thread Bryce Leo

Seriously.. a breathalizer embedded in the mic, I know I'd love that!
Can't see it happening though, but it probably wouldn't be all that
expensive. Still, most people won't be interested in it.

... I don't know if you've looked at the cost of a stand alone
breathalyzer however it ends up being 70 bucks (cheapest i've found)
so if you just get the sensor with no software and add in the
additional discout of bulk buying you're probably looking at an
additional 20-50 on the phone depending on the supplying company. Not
a bad increase in price really but for the first gen device i
personally wouldn't include it.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Phone enhancements

2007-01-27 Thread Bryce Leo

Oh don't get me wrong I completely agree with you and I would whole
heartedly buy a usb add on if one were created, i'm just saying that
it would be really cool but currently is cost prohibitive for the
first version.

That would be a really neat selling point for the next version, gps
and a breathalyser the ultimate college student phone, then when you
wake up dazed and confused you'll know weather you should drive back
home and also know how to get there. :-D

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: idea for Neo 2nd generation: Accelerometer

2007-01-25 Thread Bryce Leo

Please refrain from making any comments of a sexist or sexual orientation

What exactly would be of a sexual orientation nature. He's not
saying that you have to impress ladies. You could impress men, little
children, cats, dogs, goats, or even your neighbors Venus fly trap
that you've been lusting over for the past few decades.

He mocked no one, nor did he force his views on others. He didn't say
that you could only use it to impress ladies he simply suggest a use
for anyone whom considers them self a man and is attracted to women,
or for women who are interested in other women. He didn't say anything
that could possibly be seen as offensive, he only made a suggestion,
he made no statement about sexual orientation, nor did he make
perverse sexual comments. And impressing does not always mean in a
sexual way as you seem to have taken it, I can impress my co-workers
with my wit and that gains me respect, and anyone can do that.

Please relax and think about what you saying and realize that he was
not being hurtful mean or degrading and that you should leave him

Thank you.

Bryce Leo

**I will clarify for Michael Shiloh and all other parties that you
(in the first paragraph of my response) in this case refers to a
general you and not you as in Michael Shiloh whom I'm responding
to. This clarification should not be necessary however due to his
thinking that the saying impress the ladies is demeaning, degrading
or generally bad is what causes me to express this distinction.

And Ortwin I think you're completely right that would be awesome. And
feel free to ignore Michael Shiloh, you did nothing wrong. Just
continue to be respectful and genuine and you'll be ok.

OpenMoko community mailing list