[France] OpenMoko press review

2007-07-12 Thread Foucault de Bonneval

Hi everybody,

for the French community, some of the news we can find about OpenMoko below :



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Re: Openmoko ads on youtube

2007-07-08 Thread Foucault de Bonneval

Very good !

I'am waiting the Star Wars release :)


On 7/8/07, Shakthi Kannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> No one from openmoko has said to stop, so I guess these are okay to post on 

I think they should appoint someone, (like a PR?), to interact with
the community. Or, maybe there already is someone?

He/she can act as an evangelist as well as handle interactions between
the community and the OpenMoko team.


Shakthi Kannan

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Photos : Updated 22 mai 2006
FreePhone : +33 (0) 871 73 53 96

OpenMoko community mailing list

[France] Grouping orders,

2007-07-03 Thread Foucault de Bonneval

Hello Openmokogeeks,

will it be possible for FIC to group some GTA01 shipping ?

If yes, does some of you living in Paris would like to share the shipping cost ?

Thanks to all and for everything, you are doing great job !!!


Photos : Updated 22 mai 2006
FreePhone : +33 (0) 871 73 53 96

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] OpenMoko Challenges

2007-02-12 Thread Foucault de Bonneval

I have the same problem, I don't feel to be called a developper. I'am a
network guy (Open source first, but network).

So I propose that all members of the Open Moko mailing lists may have a
priority on purchassing a phone for testing/troubleshooting (of course) if
theire is some devices left after develpppers. :):):)

Best regards, and congratulation to the all team, step one is almost
Foucault (In a hurry to free his phone)

On 2/12/07, Ryan Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You have 845 people subscribed to this list who all support what you do
100%. Delays just make us want one more.
*>All interested developers can purchase Neos starting late March.*
Do you have to be a developer to purchase in March? I am going to try to
learn GTK+, but I doubt I will call myself a developer by then.

Keep up the great work.


On Feb 12, 2007, at 3:17 AM, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:

Dear Community,

We, the OpenMoko Team, have promised exciting news about our project
today. We have some information that we think you will like very much,
but also have some news we like less. Let us first address the
unpleasant part, before turning to the more cheerful part of this

After we announced OpenMoko last November, we were flooded with emails.
Most were absolutely encouraging, thanking us for undertaking this
project. And out of the many thousands of emails, only two requests came
again and again: "Where's bluetooth?" And, "Why doesn't it have WiFi?"

(We really do read _everything_ you write.)

Originally, bluetooth was in our product spec, however, this was left
out of our schematics in an early stage. At the time we were really
hurting for resources internally, so we did not push. Making changes to
a product while in the R&D stages can be quite painful. But after all
the incredible demand, post-November, we felt it had to be done.

We had a string of bad luck that really hurt our productivity. Each
hardware revision takes at least one month of time. Each month without
stable hardware means serious delays for software.

One time we received the wrong memory from our vendors and we failed to
catch this before production. Another time some key components ran out
of supply. And as if all that wasn't bad enough, our baseband leader's
mom died leaving a gaping wound in both his heart and our hardware

But we moved on. Little by little our hardware started to come together.
Around the middle of January we thought we finally found a stable
revision. At this point, our software was seriously behind schedule, but
as Alan Cox once said, "Free Software is always late."

January's announcement bought us more time to fix some hardware issues
still plaguing us. We also modified the position of the bluetooth module
to make way for a JTAG port (we're trying our best to be hacker
friendly). This required our vendor to design a special FPC to connect
the module to our board. Something on the order of 3 weeks would be
required to complete this "simple" task.

One thousand little Murphy's seems to be what we have running around
teasing this project. Less than a 7% yield rate is all that we got out
of this new cable; not even enough to meet our Phase 0 demand. Needless
to say, it was an incredibly depressing day for all of us.

"Tormented" is really the only word that we can think of now to describe
how we are feeling as a team, forced with making this decision: Do we
delay again, wait for the hardware and software to be ready, or do we
just open up now as promised without reaching our key milestone?

Each of us, in different ways, have struggled with this decision for
the past five days. We're all extremely demanding of ourselves when it
comes to the quality of our work. Nearly every minute of our waking
lives have been spent on this project. So to be at this state, now, is
really hard on us.

Mickey Lauer, one of our core developers sent an email, only a few hours
ago, that put things back into perspective for us. He said,

   "A lot of people will be disappointed by the state of the
   software, but -- I may be a dreamer -- I prefer rough and truly
   open solutions (where I have the chance to help shaping the
   future) over cool, but already finished and closed solutions
   (where all I can do is take the platform as it is or NOT.)"

As planned, we are going to open this project up at this point. Within
three days of this announcement you will all have access to our source
code, Wiki, and Bugzilla.

Hopefully you can understand why we're at this less-than-ideal state.
But more importantly, we hope you understand that opening our code now,
and letting you join us in making this dream of an open phone platform
come true, is more important for us than mere appearances.

Regarding our Neo1973 hardware, we will send out the first batch of
phase 0 phones out around the end of this month. Sorry for not being
able to give an absolute date. Next week is Chinese New Year (we're in
Asia remember) and _everyone_

Re: [moved to openmoko-community]Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-31 Thread Foucault de Bonneval

Hi community,

maybe after publication of the translation, few choice could be left
and  everyone could vote for the best translation with a little poll.
Translation files could be extracted from all the most voted sentences/words.
System can be extended to any new application whitch need translation.


On 1/31/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Salve Jose!

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente wrote:

> And me could help in Spanish translation, but I suppose it's being done by
> FIC.

I don't think so - FIC is just paing Sean, Mikey, Harald...
to do the SDK - so cool aplication must we crosscompile
or just programm and the documentation would be also "our"
community part.
But worry about "how much work this will be" -
one programming philosopy is:

   "divide et impera" = "Divide and govern"

but OpenMoko is not about govern, nor does this the wikipedia.
The project itself is community driven - translation by FIC
would be slow and inefficent like the nuepedia

Making participation as easy as possible will make it easy
that many people are cooperate with translation.

The wikipedia is on stepp further than the GNU/Linux manpages.
Like "Translation a full manpage? I do understand only 50% of the
  features... and I should be reponsable for the whole translation?"

I'm very optimistic that a cooperation with wikis as tool,
maybe an openmoko-wikionary will be more efficient and more
easy to join than cooperation work some years ago.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Photos : Updated 22 mai 2006
FreePhone : +33 (0) 871 73 53 96

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: [moved to openmoko-community]Re: Translators needed?

2007-01-31 Thread Foucault de Bonneval


I can do it in French ... :)


On 1/31/07, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And me could help in Spanish translation, but I suppose it's being done by FIC.

Best regards,

2007/1/30, Denis Kot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I can try to help to translate to Russian.
> 2007/1/30, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Salve José!
> >
> > Welcome to Openmoko :)
> >
> > I'm just a student tring to support the community,
> > so we do not have an official list moderator,
> > and the official openmoko team member are very busy.
> > Your mail was send to the wrong list...
> >
> > On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, José Suárez wrote:
> >
> > > Hi to everybody.
> > > I've been quite excited about the OpenMoko development and release 
> > > I'm pretty sure I would like to buy one Neo1973 when they were available 
> > > became usable.
> > > I'm not a developer
> >
> > The mailinglist openmoko-devel is only about programming.
> >
> > Your kind offer to support openmoko should be send to the
> > openmoko-community mailinglist. I was so free to answer
> > your mail on this other list. When you haven't subscibed
> > it yet, please subscribe openmoko-community, now.
> >
> > Because the people are very busy, some better informations are
> > missing - e.g. an automaticaly welcome message that
> > explains the use of the list a little better
> > this just have to wait until the first Neo1973 are ready ;)
> >
> >
> > > and don't know how to code, but I would like to contribute
> > > to the OpenMoko project to make it great. Given that the only way I think 
> > > could help at the moment is by translating some of the UI/GUI messages 
> > > when the phone is out I would like to test the apps and report bugs) I 
> > > to know if there is any need for translators. If so, I would like to
> > > volunteer for the translation of whatever messages into Spanish.
> >
> > Translation of GUI, of help/man pages and other documentations is IMHO
> > very important to make projects more populare. Even Debian and Ubuntu
> > lakes whith translations and due this it has unused popularity
> > potential.
> >
> > Greetings,
> > rob
> >
> >
> >
> > PS:
> > Just an example for english only sides, see an the pages about
> > Debian/Ubuntu installer for Windows32:
> > http://www.goodbye-microsoft.com/
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe
> > ;)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Thanks for the effort and time you guys are putting into OpenMoko's
> > > development. It will surely rock!
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > OpenMoko community mailing list
> > community@lists.openmoko.org
> > https://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> >
> --
> Denis Kot
> denis?jabber.org.by
> ICQ: 13680126
> Mobil: +375 29 6-1234-78
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> https://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

J. Manrique López de la Fuente

OpenMoko community mailing list

Photos : Updated 22 mai 2006
FreePhone : +33 (0) 871 73 53 96

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Why not switching automaticaly? Re: Gesture command

2007-01-26 Thread Foucault de Bonneval

Well the point is that I'd like to have the battery to last more than
one day. That's why I'll won'tr have GPS and BT enabled 24/24.

And activating BT profile was only an idea, I don't want my shortcut
to "call mum" being activated every time I get back home :)


On 1/25/07, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Salve Foucault!

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Foucault de Bonneval wrote:
> I was thinking of BT profiles and of people who constantly move form
> home to car to office to client ...
> So changing BT profile must be easier that calling a number or
> accessing diary, phonebook.
matter of personal priorities...

> So what do you think about having gesture recognition running to call
> events such as :
> - unlock and lock screen (move up and down)
> - call BT home profile (one up one right)
> - call BT car profile (one up one left)

The PalmPilot had several hacks that allows the user to define
actions  like this to special key strokes - IMHO should the user
be able to define what must be easier than other,,,

Hmm why not switching automaticaly by using Bluetooth scans and
GPS localisation?

E.g. arriving home and switching of the car will swith your
Bluetooth profile from car to home automaticaly.
And leaving home will start scanning if your car is on.

You see, OpenMoko/Neo1973 will give us much freedom for our
phone. :)))


OpenMoko community mailing list

Photos : Updated 22 mai 2006
FreePhone : +33 (0) 871 73 53 96

OpenMoko community mailing list

Gesture command

2007-01-25 Thread Foucault de Bonneval

Hi all,

I was thinking of BT profiles and of people who constantly move form
home to car to office to client ...

So changing BT profile must be easier that calling a number or
accessing diary, phonebook.

So what do you think about having gesture recognition running to call
events such as :
- unlock and lock screen (move up and down)
- call BT home profile (one up one right)
- call BT car profile (one up one left)
- call mom (right left)
- ...

I'am using mouse geisture in firefox and it's really pleasant and
saves a lot of time.

Projects like Sensiva, wayv, mouse geisture are working that way with a mouse.

Keep working OpenMoko guys, the project is wonderfull.


OpenMoko community mailing list

GPS Outage

2007-01-23 Thread Foucault de Bonneval


after one week of subscription I'am impressed by how many ideas and
suggestions come every day. I'am sure that Neo will be one of the best
phone in the future. And as a non developper, I'am very sad to have to
wait for official launch :'(

just two points about GPS :
- will the Neo have a GPS connexion for an external antenna. Because
some car glass don't let signals go through and some people I know had
to buy antennas for Tomtom (pare brise athermique in French)
- will the V2 carry an FM reciever to get free live traffic (RDS I
think) information ?

Thanks to all for the ideas you are suggesting !!!

Photos : Updated 22 mai 2006
FreePhone : +33 (0) 871 73 53 96

OpenMoko community mailing list