OHSW-Workshop in Garching (28.11.2015 & 29.11.2015)

2015-10-22 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller
we are still open for more presentations and participants for our yearly 
workshop for the 7th time. Isn't 7 a lucky number (at least in some cultures)?

This event is a nice opportunity to meet old friends, present your latest ideas 
and projects
(if related to open hard and software), learn from others and also spend at 
least two
nice evenings in Garching / Munich. And participation is free (except travel 
and invested time).

Please refer to http://www.ohsw.org for details where location, times, how to 
etc. is described. You can also check what we have done in the past years to get
an impression what you can expect as speaker, workshop moderator or participant.

Awaiting to meet you in person,

your organizing team
(Nikolaus, Lukas, Christoph)

PS: please forward to mailing lists where you think interested persons are 
Openmoko community mailing list

+++ last and final production batch GTA04A5 can be ordered now +++

2015-11-26 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller
waiting time is over. The GTA04 will be available again for a limited period!

We are happy to announce that we have organized everything to start preparation
of production next week (which means finally sourcing the remaining components, 
and preparing everything else).

And, we have now been able to calculate a price that covers all cost (don't 
forget that
this project has no sponsor or investor who is willing to cover big losses).

For those who are already eagerly waiting, here is the link to the shop:

For all others here a full and lengthy description:

=== Products ===

GTA04A5:the new motherboards

GTA04A4:while preparing the GTA04A5 project we have found
a box with a handful fresh and unused GTA04A4 boards.
Most likely they were put aside for warranty handling 
then forgotten (because there weren't many warranty
cases). They are fully tested and working and 

Letux 2804  we have collected a handful of used Neo Freerunner devices
where we can replace the motherboard and thanks to Ch. 
we also got ~40 sets of plastic parts to build new 
cases. We also have enough spare displays so that we can
build "virtually new" devices from them.

Camera modules: unfortunately we have not found a supplier of a 100%
compatible module. We did get some samples of more or 
similar looking ones from China but none works.

=== Quantities ===

The quantities are really limited to 80-100 in total. The reason is that it
becomes almost impossible to source all components and for some of
them we can't get good replacements. Some others have been in stock
for a handful of years and may have weakened. The other important
limitation is availability of plastic cases or parts.

This means, we will produce ~100 GTA04A5 boards and expect to build
~40 Letux 2804 complete devices and provide ~40 more GTA04A5 boards
which you can install in your existing Neo Freerunner.

Yes, this will definitively be the last chance to get a GTA04. We will not
be able to build more units. Even if you offer to pay twice the price.

Well, if demand is high enough and someone finds a good strategy
how to compete with the cheap (but yery closed) ~79 € devices with
Android inside, we could develop a GTA05 :)

=== I did a preorder for a GTA04A5 a while ago ===

We have recorded it and updated your order for a GTA04A5 board

if your preorder was 100€ or more, i.e. counts as a reservation, we
have reserved a GTA04A5 for you (from the ~40). You will get a
personal "update" mail.

If you want to switch to a GTA04A4 or Letux 2804 please contact our
shop and we can change it.

Since the preorders/vouchers usually do not cover the final price of
a GTA04 or Letux 2804, there is an open balance which you can pay
by SEPA/IBAN bank transfer. Using Credit card is also possible but
needs a trick in our shop software so that you please contact us and
we will prepare a CC field for you.

=== Price ===

Oops, why is it so expensive.

Yes, that is the price we have from being in a niche and in need of something
very exceptional to play with.

But if you look at the original preorder page, we were even able to reduce
the price below estimates: http://shop.goldelico.com/wiki.php?page=GTA04A5

How does this magic work? The main reason is that we have some common
components and suppliers with the Pyra  and use
the same production company. They are better in reducing cost than the
company who did build the GTA04A3 and GTA04A4.

You might still doubt and think that we want to rip you off. Therefore I have
decided to publish a coarse calculation (always for 1 unit):

a) GTA04A5

 280€   Component cost
+63€Production cost
+52€HW Development&Project management
+50€Software maintenance funds (see below)
 445 €
+85 €   German sales tax (19%)
 529 €  price for GTA04A5

b) Letux 2804

 445 €  GTA04A5
+45 €   components for plastics case
+94 €   display, battery, box, assembly (time)
 584 €
+111 €  German sales tax (19%)
 695 €  price for Letux 2804

We are not getting rich. But we do something for open source and this community.

=== Software ===

First of all we already have a lot of software available:
* boot system
* kernel 3.7, kernel 3.12, ongoing kernel 4.3, 4.4-rc2 and later
* Debian Wheezy / Jessie images (X11 w/o or with LXDE, XFCE or whatever you 
apt-get install)
* Replicant for GTA04 with access to the F-Droid App-Store
* QtMoko (may not run 100% on GTA04A5 because it needs adjustments)
* whatever you like to install

But we know from experience that especially the

Re: CMOS battery replacement

2015-12-19 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 12.12.2015 um 03:06 schrieb Benjamin Deering :

> On Fri, 11 Dec 2015 15:38:54 -0800
> Andrew Schenck  wrote:
>> That's a lot more work than I had hoped.  Thanks very much for the
>> info though.  If I'm going to be soldering I might as well try to fix
>> the USB port and GPS port at the same time.
>> -Andrew
>> On 12/11/2015 1:30 PM, Benjamin Deering wrote:
>>> The backup battery (supercap?) is welded to its bracket and
>>> won't push out.
>>> I replaced the backup batteries in my GTA02s with supercaps several
>>> years ago.
>>> http://www.jeepingben.net/zen/zenphoto/index.php?album=2010/freerunner_supercap_install
>>> The parts I used didn't match the original footprint so it was a
>>> little work.  If you get the exact replacement part, it would be
>>> easy if you have soldering experience.
>>> I vaguely remember a software problem causing the line that charges
>>> the backup bat/cap not being set high.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Ben
>>> On Fri, 11 Dec 2015 12:26:54 -0800
>>> Andrew Schenck  wrote:
 The secondhand GTA04 I have now is pretty beat up and can't charge
 because the USB port is disconnected.  I've been using a spare
 GTA02 as a charger, but every time I switch out batteries the
 clock resets to 12/12/1999 16:00 and it's a pain to re-set it
 since network time doesn't work.  I couldn't find any information
 on the wiki about replacing the CMOS battery to solve this
 problem; has anyone here dealt with this same problem before and
 have recommendations?

The GTA04 already has a supercap in battery shape. They came to the market
in ~2011.

Since there is nothing to replace (a supercap rarely fails), it is most likely
a software issue that the charging current provided by the tpw65950 is not

So which OS&kernel are you using? In most systems I know, the RTC
"resets" to 1st Jan 2000.

> I was successful in fixing the USB port, but never tried the GPS port.
> The GPS port is under a lot of stress when the board is installed.

Should not be the case. You should move the USB+GPS socket as flat as
possible into or out from  the case. Then push out the case at the position
of the headset connector so that the latter snaps down a little in its hole.

This avoids breaking off connectors.

See also photos in chapter 4 (especially page 18) of the GTA04 system


> I ended up giving up on the traces and soldering thin wires to the ESD
> protection chip and to the leads on the jack.

That is fine and indeed sometimes needed if a socket was broken off.

> After getting the USB port connected electrically, I used JB weld epoxy
> to fix it mechanically.  The repair lasted years including some pretty
> rough use and being reflow soldered.

> Good luck,
> Ben
 I disassembled a GTA02 enough to see the battery, but it didn't
 yield to gentle pressure trying to slide out of its bracket and I
 don't want to destroy things too badly in my attempt to fix them
 so I didn't push too hard.  Because of this, I don't even know the
 exact type of button cell to buy to replace it.  Any help would be

The GTA04 original part is a PAS414HR-VG1.

BTW: it should also work in the GTA02 (which has a real 3.3V LiIon cell
in 414 package).


BR and also good luck,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Gta04-owner] FOSDEM2016

2016-01-25 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 25.01.2016 um 10:15 schrieb Christoph Mair :

> Am 24.01.2016 10:44 nachm. schrieb "Boudewijn" :
> >
> > Hi lists,
> >
> > Do any of you intend to visit Brussels for FOSDEM, next weekend?
> I can't make it this year, sorry. Wish you a great weekend!
> Best regards,
>   Christoph

Same for me. So there will be no OpenPhoenux stand.

Have an interesting weekend (be it with or without free beer but free software 

Openmoko community mailing list

Welcome to the Tinkerphones community

2016-06-30 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller
after several years of running the OpenPhoenux community, we
thought that it is time to refresh it a little and replace the awkward
name "OpenPhoenux" (it was always difficult to spell and pronounce)
with something new, self-explaining, that your mom understands.

"OpenPhoneux" was originally coined in ca. 2009 as the name of an
initiative, when it became clear that the Openmoko company would stop
to develop a successor of the Openmoko Freerunner. It finally brought
the GTA04 device to life.

Back then, this was a motivating allusion to the situation of building
something new on the remains of Openmoko, but nowadays probably
only some core members of our community are able to understand
this background.

Therefore we discussed in a small circle what the core of Openmoko
and Openphoenux is.

It was easy to find what it is not:
* it is not a 100% fair phone (we don't have the resources to track
  components - it is enough challenge to have it working and being produced)
* it is not a 100% open phone (we have not found a feasible solution for
  WLAN and GPU)
* it is not a 100% secure phone (we can't do security audits of every
* it is not a cutting edge phone (we do not get the latest and greatest
  chips as mainstream manufacturers do)
* it is not a geeks (only) phone (we want everybody to be able to use

But then we found what the common denominator of all Openmoko
activities was and is:

It is a device that allows you to tinker with it, i.e. find out how it works,
to replace software and even hardware components for smaller or
bigger improvements and even repairs. It is designed in a way to enable
such changes instead of stopping you (e.g. by protected boot loaders,
undocumented code etc.).

All this is facilitated by being open (as far as NDAs and other limitations
allow) and using open source technology (e.g. GNU/Linux, Debian).

Here is a definition of what "tinkering" is [1]:

"tinker or tinker around to make small changes to something in order to 
improve or repair it"
"tinker with: He spends hours tinkering around with car engines."

So we are now happy to tell the world that we are members of
"the Tinkerphone community" :)

There is a new web domain representing this change:

I hope you will agree with us and stay here, contribute and share
your ideas and achievements. And invite new tinkerers to participate.

Happy tinkering,

PS: it will need your help to update the documentation pages...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Tinkerphones] Welcome to the Tinkerphones community

2016-07-01 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller

> Am 01.07.2016 um 09:12 schrieb joerg Reisenweber :
> Congrats!
> This was overdue and the new name is absolutely to the point and has quite 
> some appeal. The definition of what is / is not a tinkerphone is very helpful 
> and should go to the frontpage at http://www.tinkerphones.org
> I like it very much.

That is nice to hear :)

> What about icons etc, generally the complete "corporate identity"? Has it 
> been 
> discussed what will change (beyond the obviously pending overhaul of 
> http://www.tinkerphones.org artwork/design), and are there already tasks 
> assigned to experts? Maybe even new logos etc established and available?

No, nothing. Just the the domain registration and minor changes to the mailing
list and home page.

So there is plenty of room for volunteers to make proposals and many topics for
our community to discuss.

> Many thanks, Nikolaus - and whoever else been involved! :-)
> cheers

> On Fri 01 July 2016 08:29:39 H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> after several years of running the OpenPhoenux community, we
>> thought that it is time to refresh it a little and replace the awkward
>> name "OpenPhoenux" (it was always difficult to spell and pronounce)
>> with something new, self-explaining, that your mom understands.
>> "OpenPhoneux" was originally coined in ca. 2009 as the name of an
>> initiative, when it became clear that the Openmoko company would stop
>> to develop a successor of the Openmoko Freerunner. It finally brought
>> the GTA04 device to life.
>> Back then, this was a motivating allusion to the situation of building
>> something new on the remains of Openmoko, but nowadays probably
>> only some core members of our community are able to understand
>> this background.
>> Therefore we discussed in a small circle what the core of Openmoko
>> and Openphoenux is.
>> It was easy to find what it is not:
>> * it is not a 100% fair phone (we don't have the resources to track
>>  components - it is enough challenge to have it working and being produced)
>> * it is not a 100% open phone (we have not found a feasible solution for
>> WLAN and GPU)
>> * it is not a 100% secure phone (we can't do security audits of every
>>  component)
>> * it is not a cutting edge phone (we do not get the latest and greatest
>>  chips as mainstream manufacturers do)
>> * it is not a geeks (only) phone (we want everybody to be able to use
>>  it)
>> But then we found what the common denominator of all Openmoko
>> activities was and is:
>> It is a device that allows you to tinker with it, i.e. find out how it
>> works, to replace software and even hardware components for smaller or
>> bigger improvements and even repairs. It is designed in a way to enable
>> such changes instead of stopping you (e.g. by protected boot loaders,
>> undocumented code etc.).
>> All this is facilitated by being open (as far as NDAs and other limitations
>> allow) and using open source technology (e.g. GNU/Linux, Debian).
>> Here is a definition of what "tinkering" is [1]:
>>  "tinker or tinker around to make small changes to something in order to
>> improve or repair it" "tinker with: He spends hours tinkering around with
>> car engines."
>> So we are now happy to tell the world that we are members of
>> "the Tinkerphone community" :)
>> There is a new web domain representing this change:
>>  <http://www.tinkerphones.org>
>> I hope you will agree with us and stay here, contribute and share
>> your ideas and achievements. And invite new tinkerers to participate.
>> Happy tinkering,
>> Nikolaus
>> PS: it will need your help to update the documentation pages...
>> [1]: <http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/tinker_1>


Openmoko community mailing list

latest Openmoko/GTA04 tinkering: wireless charger

2016-12-31 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller
I spent some time to develop a Qi charger for the GTA01/02/04 devices
and here its is:


Enjoy and happy new year,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: moko13 firmware

2017-10-10 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller

> Am 10.10.2017 um 22:16 schrieb Mychaela Falconia 
> :
> Option 3: new production of Neo FreeRunner (GTA02) verbatim clones.

I wonder where you want to get all the tiny glue components from...

E.g. toppoly display, pogo pins for speakers, speakers, vibramotor, battery 
connector, HF08 battery,
shields, just to name some. Many of them are EOL for years and almost 
impossible to locate even
through broker networks.

You may be able to find almost compatible replacements for *some* of them but 
then you have to
redesign everything and it is no longer a verbatim clone. BTW: it was already a 
problem when
designing the GTA04 years ago.

And: can you produce Neo Freerunner plastic cases?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: moko13 firmware

2017-10-11 Thread H . Nikolaus Schaller

> Am 11.10.2017 um 08:17 schrieb Mychaela Falconia 
> :
> Sure, if someone pays for the cost of making new moulds.

So let merephrase: how do you think to get someone pay for it?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: moko13 firmware

2017-10-11 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller

> Am 11.10.2017 um 09:26 schrieb Mychaela Falconia 
> :
> H. Nikolaus Schaller  wrote:
>> So let merephrase: how do you think to get someone pay for it?
> By spreading the message as far and wide as I can that making new
> Calypso phones and modems (be they GTA02 clones or semi-clones, or my
> proposed Libre Dumbphone, or my proposed FC modem in SMT module form
> factor) IS possible, and that there is a small company able and ready
> to do the job given the necessary funding.

Well, with necessary funding Goldelico would be mass producing a GTA17 this
year which would beat the latest iPhones and alike in quality, user-experience,
functionality and openness.

If we get enough funding, we can even get proper FCC/CE certification and
modify the standards so that a free&open modem can be certified. It is
all just a matter of getting a big enough budget...

Unfortunately, free&open is contradicting big-budget. Like Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle.

>  I shall keep spreading
> this message far and wide until it reaches the ears of someone who
> sees the idea as a positive and who has the needed money.

In that case, please convince him/her to spend money for more important
things. Like fighting diseases (incl. dictatorship and nationalism) and
rescuing endangered species (like homo sapiens).

Openmoko community mailing list

Fwd: [Gta04-owner] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)

2018-02-22 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller
Sent again due to 40k message limit on this list...

> Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
> Von: "H. Nikolaus Schaller" 
> Betreff: [Gta04-owner] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)
> Datum: 21. Februar 2018 um 20:53:12 MEZ
> An: Tinkerphones Community , List for 
> communicating with real GTA04 owners 
> Kopie: List for Openmoko community discussion 
> Antwort an: List for communicating with real GTA04 owners 
> Hi,
> I am happy to announce that after years of
> abandonment and obsolescence, QtMoko is back in
> maintained mode.
> After several failed attempts, we now have a git
> tree and a build system where we can apply
> modifications and accept patches. And we
> need testers :)
> Currently, we have a Wheezy and a Jessie based
> (different git branches) and both run on the
> GTA04(A3, A4, A5) with latest Letux kernels.
> Basically QtMoko also starts and runs on the Pyra,
> but there is nothing to see on the display yet.
> It simply remains black...
> Here are the key resources:
> Project Home: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/gta04-qtmoko/ 
> <http://projects.goldelico.com/p/gta04-qtmoko/> - also for reporting issues
> Git:  http://git.goldelico.com/?p=gta04-qtmoko.git;a=heads 
> <http://git.goldelico.com/?p=gta04-qtmoko.git;a=heads>
> Downloads:http://download.goldelico.com/letux-debian-rootfs/?C=M;O=D 
> <http://download.goldelico.com/letux-debian-rootfs/?C=M;O=D> - look for 
> *-qtmoko.tbz
> Install on µSD:   DEV=/dev/sdb ./makesd qtmoko - to install a Jessie 
> based system
> Letux-Debian: apt-get install letux-qtmoko - to install if you have installed 
> a different Letux system
> Here are screen photos of QtMoko/Jessie/Kernel-4.15.2
> running on a GTA04:

> Some things are not yet working and missing and
> some Apps crash after starting, but we are just at
> the beginning to be able to fix things.
> Of course our little team can't do all that alone.
> We need you and the broader community to help with
> coding, testing or simply donations if you appreciate
> our effort:
> http://shop.goldelico.com/wiki.php?page=Product&product=9607 
> <http://shop.goldelico.com/wiki.php?page=Product&product=9607>
> BR and thanks,
> Nikolaus
> ___
> Gta04-owner mailing list
> gta04-ow...@goldelico.com
> http://lists.goldelico.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/gta04-owner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Tinkerphones] Fwd: [Gta04-owner] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)

2018-02-23 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller

> Am 23.02.2018 um 12:28 schrieb Norayr Chilingarian :
> I would prefer it to be on github.
> Though usually I am the one who supports decentralization, but here are some 
> arguments:
> * github is a public place, where it is much more probable that your project 
> can be discovered by the people who potentially can get involved, even if 
> they did not know about the project before.
> (many different ways - accidentally, or by following your friends' "likes", 
> or by search, or by other means)
> * github stimulates people to fork/make pull requests, this work is public, 
> and it increases people's social status, when they contribute to the project 
> on the public place, where it is noticeable by their community.
> On the contrary, by keeping the separate, even public git tree, the chances 
> to be discovored and contributed to are much lower.

Your wish is already fulfilled...

It is also (mirrored) on github:


And the page http://git.goldelico.com/?p=gta04-qtmoko.git lists it in the "URL" 
section as


Hope this helps.


> On Fri, 23 Feb 2018, H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> Sent again due to 40k message limit on this list...
>>  Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
>> Von: "H. Nikolaus Schaller" 
>> Betreff: [Gta04-owner] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)
>> Datum: 21. Februar 2018 um 20:53:12 MEZ
>> An: Tinkerphones Community , List for
>> communicating with real GTA04 owners 
>> Kopie: List for Openmoko community discussion
>> Antwort an: List for communicating with real GTA04 owners
>> Hi,I am happy to announce that after years of
>> abandonment and obsolescence, QtMoko is back in
>> maintained mode.
>> After several failed attempts, we now have a git
>> tree and a build system where we can apply
>> modifications and accept patches. And we
>> need testers :)
>> Currently, we have a Wheezy and a Jessie based
>> (different git branches) and both run on the
>> GTA04(A3, A4, A5) with latest Letux kernels.
>> Basically QtMoko also starts and runs on the Pyra,
>> but there is nothing to see on the display yet.
>> It simply remains black...
>> Here are the key resources:
>> Project Home: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/gta04-qtmoko/ - also for
>> reporting issues
>> Git: http://git.goldelico.com/?p=gta04-qtmoko.git;a=heads
>> Downloads: http://download.goldelico.com/letux-debian-rootfs/?C=M;O=D
>> - look for *-qtmoko.tbz
>> Install on µSD: DEV=/dev/sdb ./makesd qtmoko - to install a Jessie
>> based system
>> Letux-Debian: apt-get install letux-qtmoko - to install if you have
>> installed a different Letux system
>> Here are screen photos of QtMoko/Jessie/Kernel-4.15.2
>> running on a GTA04:
>>  Some things are not yet working and missing and
>> some Apps crash after starting, but we are just at
>> the beginning to be able to fix things.
>> Of course our little team can't do all that alone.
>> We need you and the broader community to help with
>> coding, testing or simply donations if you appreciate
>> our effort:
>> http://shop.goldelico.com/wiki.php?page=Product&product=9607
>> BR and thanks,
>> Nikolaus
>> ___
>> Gta04-owner mailing list
>> gta04-ow...@goldelico.com
>> http://lists.goldelico.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/gta04-owner
> ___
> Community mailing list
> commun...@tinkerphones.org
> http://lists.goldelico.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/community
> http://www.tinkerphones.org

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Tinkerphones] Fwd: [Gta04-owner] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)

2018-02-23 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller

> Am 23.02.2018 um 12:52 schrieb joerg Reisenweber :
> On Fri 23 February 2018 12:43:08 H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> And the page http://git.goldelico.com/?p=gta04-qtmoko.git lists it in the
>> "URL" section as
> which is a verbatim quote and AIUI no correctly formed URL

AFAIK git automatically adds a git: prefix if you say

git clone g...@github.com:goldelico/gta04-qtmoko.git


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Tinkerphones] QtMoko: a dream comes true :)

2018-02-23 Thread H. Nikolaus Schaller

> Am 23.02.2018 um 12:57 schrieb Matteo Zaffonato :
> How about GTA02? I'm not using it everyday, but I'd like to update software 
> on it.

Sorry, but no plans. We have no recent kernel or build system for it.

But you can still compile and modify it yourself based on the original
qtmoko code.

> Regards
> Matteo Zaffonato


Openmoko community mailing list

Linux gta04 4.1.0-rc4-gta04+ #1096 SMP Tue May 19 13:58:31 CEST 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux

2015-05-19 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
We are proud to have this kernel available for testing [1].

What is new:
* we have fixed a NULL pointer issue in the bq27x00 driver which was introduced 
by 4.1-rc1
* we are preparing for DT support of the camera module; the OMAP3 ISP (Image 
Signal Processor) should already be configured correctly
* everything else that is new with 4.1 and comes to us without big efforts

Some things we are still working on:
* get the GPS chip power managed on open(“/dev/ttyO1”). Technically it works 
since 2 years, but we need to find a solution that is accepted by upstream 
* some tweaks to the touch screen driver are needed to make it more general 
(and useable for Replicant)
* camera
* twl4030 battery driver (fallback for devices like L3704 where hdq is n/a)
* general power management
* sound (we still need to implement voice hardware routing, and headset 

Please give it a try (it also runs on BeagleBoard/XM, BeagleBone Black or 
PandaBoard ES).

As usual, collaboration is welcome and/or donations [2] to support this work.

And please follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldelico

BR and thanks,

[2]: http://shop.goldelico.com/wiki.php?page=GTA04%3ADonation
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Gta04-owner] OpenPhoenux and GTA04 at CCCamp?

2015-07-24 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 24.07.2015 um 18:53 schrieb Paul Kocialkowski :

> Next month, CCCamp will take place near Berlin, Germany.
> The event is a great occasion to highlight the GTA04 project and our
> OpenPhoenux community at large. Neo900 folks already plan on attending
> and will organize a Neo village:
> https://events.ccc.de/camp/2015/wiki/Village:Neo
> I will also attend to represent Replicant (and hopefully get a lightning
> talk about it, if not a self-organized session).


> In addition to
> presenting the project and the various freedom and
> privacy/security-related issues in mobile devices, I would also like to
> try and get new people to join-in.
> Nikolaus, do you plan on having some OpenPhoenux and GTA04
> representation at camp besides Neo900?

I didn’t know about this event until some weeks ago - and I personally
have a schedule conflict… And I am not a fan of outdoor camping either :)

> Also, my GTA04 still has a broken
> GPS connector, so I thought perhaps it would be the right time to see
> about it and get it fixed (Joerg already mentioned he would bring some
> soldering tools, too).

Yes, that would have been a good occasion. But you can also send it to me
(any time you like) and I can return it next day (sometimes same day). It
needs around 10 minutes to repair if the person knows how to do it quickly
and reliable.

> I would be very happy to meet members of the community there and talk
> about the future of Replicant on the OpenPhoenux projects and community!

Thanks for making us aware!

I am sure that some members of our community are going there. Maybe they
can share their plans and reply to this mail?


Openmoko community mailing list

[ANN]: decided to start production for GTA04A5 boards

2015-07-30 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
we finally decided to start the production of the GTA04A5 [1] boards and use 
the ~40 plastic cases we
have recently received to also build a batch of complete Letux 2804 [2] 
devices. And we have secured
a set of GTM601W modem modules.

Details will follow.

Thanks for your patience. Stay tuned. It will pay off!


Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldelico

[1]: http://shop.goldelico.com/wiki.php?page=GTA04A5
[2]: http://shop.goldelico.com/wiki.php?page=GTA04%20Complete
Openmoko community mailing list

OpenPhoenux Stammtisch München

2015-08-14 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
just in case you are not aware of and subscribed to the special 
here the announcement that the next (german language) „Stammtisch“ in Munich is 
its planning phase:


Please register yourself and add your preferred day/date.


Openmoko community mailing list

1st notice: Letux/GTA04 Kernel- and Userspace-Hacking weekend

2016-02-27 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller
Hi all,
we (OpenPhoenux community Munich) are organizing a kernel- and user-space
hacking weekend to improve the Letux/GTA04 kernel and to make progress on
matching QtMoko with newer kernels and latest Debian.

This workshop is planned to have two groups:

a) Kernel - to work on the known (and new) issues [1], mainly power management,
but also others (e.g. Camera, Audio for GSM/FM/Bluetooth). The idea is to close
as many issues as possible.

b) QtMoko [2] - update the basis to Debian Jessie, make it compile,
add fixes so that we can use the latest kernels, make new packages.

The workshop location will be in Munich (Germany) area (details to be defined).
Date is also to be defined so that it fits for the participants, but the target 
is some
Saturday+Sunday in spring 2016.

We have a budget to support travel expenses.

Participation will be limited in the total number of people. I think a good 
size will be ca. 5 developers each. More is not productive and less is not 
breadth of different experience.

If you think you can and want to participate and actively contribute, please 
by a short mail to me, telling what you want to do and which expertise you have
and if you need support with travel expenses.

If you don't, but know somebody who could be interested and helpful, please
forward this e-mail.

Let's hope this helps to bring our community forward and fix some issues we
want to see solved for a long time.

BR and thanks,

[1]: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/gta04-kernel/issues/
[2]: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/gta04-qtmoko/
Openmoko community mailing list

Tinkerphones Stammtisch Pfalz

2016-08-12 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi all,
there is a small group of us who think about having a "Stammisch Pfalz" in 
August, maybe on 20th.

Location is to be defined in the area between Pirmasens, Kaiserslautern, 
Landau, Grünstadt.

Please let us know if you are interested to attend so that we can better 
participation and think about a nice location.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GNU/Linux Wrist Watch

2010-05-06 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Here are some that are GNU/Linux Wrist - but less a watch (you can use  
them as a watch):



Am 05.05.2010 um 23:35 schrieb Sam Kuper:

> It isn't quite a watch, and it (probably) doesn't run Linux, but I saw
> this[1] today and thought, "I'd like one of those on my wrist, as long
> as I don't have to run a ton of proprietary software to read and
> process the data it captures."
> [1] http://www.cambridgeconsultants.com/news_pr219.html
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

New kernel and Debian Lenny for JZ4730 based MINIPCs

2010-05-09 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller
Hi all,
as you may know we have worked a while on the JZ4730 based MINIPCs  
(available under different brands e.g. Letux 400) which are quite  
lightweight (ca. 670 g) and still low powered to make them a nice  
companion for the Freerunner with keyboard and larger display.

Now I think the kernel and rootfs efforts are ripe enough to be  
useable. We have recently fixed:

* missing touchpad button driver
* issue with RTC / i2c bus driver
* device did not power off after 'shutdown -h now'
* correct bootstrap of Debian Lenny base install (no X11 predefined  
but apt-get install is your friend...)

The kernel & rootfs can be installed on a two-partition SD Card and  
can (only) be booted from there (it is not yet ready for permanently  
flashing). More fixes will come to make it bullet proof and user  
friendly (e.g. LEDs should indicate caps/num lock etc.). Please also  
note that sound is not working correctly.

CDC Ethernet/USB connection of a Freerunner now also works out of the  
box following instructions at [1].

To keep things systematic there are two separate projects

a) Kernel
Project: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/letux-400/
Mailing List: http://lists.linuxtogo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mipsbook-devel
Hardware Infos: http://projects.kwaak.net/twiki/bin/view/Epc700/WebHome

b) Debian Lenny
Project: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/l400-rootfs/
Mailing List: http://lists.goldelico.com/mailman/listinfo/lenny400



Openmoko community mailing list

The Phoenux is coming: Openmoko Beagle

2010-05-10 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
on 1st April,
we have made jokes about how the future might look for Openmoko devices.

The future begins now!

We can soon provide a printed circuit board ("Openmoko Beagle") that  
can carry a Freerunner display module (incl. touch screen) and is  
connected to a Beagleboard. It fits into a (slightly cut) Freerunner  
case (although you can do everything without destroying a Freerunner;  
only the buttons are a little more difficult to use).

Thus one can experience how a OMAP 3530 would feel inside a  
Freerunner. And with an external battery pack and a UMTS stick the  
whole thing is even mobile. See photos [1], [2]. A prototype had  
already been shown briefly during FOSDEM: [3] so you may think you  
have already seen this.

The U-Boot software is completed and even has a graphical menu: [4].  
Sources will become available together with the hardware.

For the Linux kernel, there is still some work to do. But it is  
essentially a BeagleBoard kernel plus Angstrom (or what ever you want  
to use). This means that experienced Freerunner users and developers  
can easily participate actively. And of course user-space software  
like SHR, QtMoko, Android, Debian, FSO, etc. can be ported...

With the new capabilities of the OMAP CPU (integrated vector-pipeline,  
3D graphics engine, separate DSP for audio / video processing) we can  
reach the power of a Pre Palm, HTC, N900 or iPhone.

Assuming that the community wants to aquire at least 50 units (please  
confirm!) and that the EUR does not crash, we think we can offer the
* empty PCB (with placement plan and shopping list) at around 49 EUR,
* a set of components (without display) for DIY soldering (but we  
don't recommend because of a few tiny SMDs and BGAs) also at 49 EUR.
* A populated board (without display) for ca. 99 EUR
* and ca. 169 EUR with a display module (if you do not want to  
disassemble your Freerunner).
Note: the OMAP3530 CPU is not on this board, so you must obtain a  
BeagleBoard separately.

So are you interested in giving your Freerunner an exciting new life  
[5]? Want to participate to really go in the direction of Free&Open- 
UMTS high-powered smartphones? This is not the end of development. It  
is a new beginning. Promised. Let's do it. Yes, we can. Etc.

We would appreciate your communicative, encouraging, financial and  
practical support and your questions.

Nikolaus (MacGyver?) + Team

[1] http://download.goldelico.com/default/Images/DSC00435.JPG
[2] http://download.goldelico.com/default/Images/DSC00436.JPG
[3]: http://freeyourphone.de/portal_v1/download/file.php?id=225
[4]: http://download.goldelico.com/default/Images/DSC00434.JPG
[5]: therefore the allusion to the Phoenux

Mobile Office Solutions
by Golden Delicious Computers GmbH&Co. KG
Buchenstr. 3
D-82041 Oberhaching

AG München, HRA 89571
VAT DE253626266
Golden Delicious Computers Verwaltungs GmbH
Oberhaching, AG München, HRB 16602
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Nikolaus Schaller

Digital Tools for Independent People

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: The Phoenux is coming: Openmoko Beagle

2010-05-10 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 10.05.2010 um 19:35 schrieb jeremy jozwik:

> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
>  wrote:
>> [1] http://download.goldelico.com/default/Images/DSC00435.JPG
>> [2] http://download.goldelico.com/default/Images/DSC00436.JPG
>> [4]: http://download.goldelico.com/default/Images/DSC00434.JPG
> good lord that is huge.

We will soon open the plug valve and make it a little smaller :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: The Phoenux is coming: Openmoko Beagle

2010-05-10 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 10.05.2010 um 20:19 schrieb ri...@happyleptic.org:

> The design rocks :) !

It took us months to come up with this unique engineering sample  
design. Originally, people have prooposed to put everyting inside a  
Freerunner case - but that would have been too easy...
> Well,hopefully it won't take long until someone propose a case large
> enough for the beagleboard.
> Anyway, I'd be glad to preorder this + a supporting fee and I think
> many people would be willing to support this project as well, so
> maybe you could setup a preordering+support payment page somewhere ?

Yes, I will setup such a page in the next days.

> Also, I'd like to know how open is the OMAP used in the beagleboard
> exactly ? More specifically, what about the powerVR 3d drivers ? Can

There are approx. 3000 pages of documentation of every bit of the OMAP  
processor - except the 3d engine:


As far as I understand the situation, the kernel drivers are open  
source but the libraries are not. Details are described here:


> we go without them now ?

Without we still have graphics, framebuffer etc. to acces through X11  
and cairo. Just no 3D acceleration and OpenGL ES API. But the guys  
from OpenPandora are using it and show some 3D videos 
). So it should be possible to get them for open source projects.


Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-11 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
There is now a new Wiki page for the project:


I have received some questions why we did not put all this into a nice  
design. The main reason is that we can't redesign the Beagleboard (it  
has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection  
moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very  
welcome). So the easiest solution was to combine what we have: a given  
Beagleboard and the Freerunner case.

Other questions were what one could do with this. Here some ideas (not  
assuming it is complete - you may have more and it is a platform for  
your creativity):

• experimenting with touchscreen and new user interfaces on Beagleboard
• learn how the OMAP3530 CPU works
• make it a truly open mobile application development platform by  
adding a battery pack and a UMTS usb stick
• investigate how an Openmoko with UMTS and OMAP3530 feels (not from  
haptics but screen operation and UMTS speed)
• porting SHR, QtMoko, Android, etc. to ARM-Cortex A8

And here some feature list:

• PCB that fits into Freerunner case (top cover and middle part after  
cutting a hole)
• works also without such a case (except speakers and earset)
• Toppoly LCM interface (same display as used in the Freerunner -  
otherwise it would not fit into the case)
• TSC2007 touch screen controller
• Microphone
• Earset and Speaker connector (for those sitting in the Freerunner  
• 2 buttons (AUX and Power)
• 2 dual color LEDs (in the AUX and Power buttons)
• vibracall driver
• headset jack to connect microphone, earset and speaker

For the software, we have to rearrange the code on our server a little  
and then it will be made public.

Finally, here you can do preorders:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-11 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 11.05.2010 um 17:50 schrieb Michael Trimarchi:

> Hi,
> RANJAN wrote:
>> A  really good idea.Looking forward to its release.
>> R.Sriranjan
>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
>> wrote:
> I don't know why it's usefull, sorry for the question. If you can  
> give me a board that replace
> the gta02 board and I can reuse battery and display and keyboard,  
> that's can be great but other type
> of solution change openmoko on a developement board

You are completely right in your expectation that we share. We would  
be happier if we could offer a motherboard replacement for the  
Freerunner. With OMAP and UMTS. But as Werner has already found out in  
the GTA02-core project this is still very far from becoming reality.  
The complexity is balancing circuit design with availability and cost  
of chips, and pcb layout with production processes.

Nevertheless, the great open source mobile phone software developed by  
this community (SHR, QtMoko, FSO etc.) needs to have modern open and  
documented hardware to keep pace with pretededly-open platforms like  
iPhone, WebOS, etc. Therefore, this Openmoko Beagle Hybrid board gives  
us a tool to develop mobile applications with state of the art  
performance (except form factor).

We, a small team of hardware developers, will continue to work on  
integrating everything better - but this is a long way to go. I am  
sure we will finally succeed because we have decided to do so, but I  
don't know when.

So it is better to have something suboptimal than nothing...


> Michael
>>> There is now a new Wiki page for the project:
>>>   http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
>>> I have received some questions why we did not put all this into a  
>>> nice
>>> design. The main reason is that we can't redesign the Beagleboard  
>>> (it
>>> has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection
>>> moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very
>>> welcome). So the easiest solution was to combine what we have: a  
>>> given
>>> Beagleboard and the Freerunner case.
>>> Other questions were what one could do with this. Here some ideas  
>>> (not
>>> assuming it is complete - you may have more and it is a platform for
>>> your creativity):
>>>   • experimenting with touchscreen and new user interfaces on
>>> Beagleboard
>>>   • learn how the OMAP3530 CPU works
>>>   • make it a truly open mobile application development  
>>> platform by
>>> adding a battery pack and a UMTS usb stick
>>>   • investigate how an Openmoko with UMTS and OMAP3530 feels  
>>> (not from
>>> haptics but screen operation and UMTS speed)
>>>   • porting SHR, QtMoko, Android, etc. to ARM-Cortex A8
>>> And here some feature list:
>>>   • PCB that fits into Freerunner case (top cover and middle  
>>> part
>>> after
>>> cutting a hole)
>>>   • works also without such a case (except speakers and earset)
>>>   • Toppoly LCM interface (same display as used in the  
>>> Freerunner -
>>> otherwise it would not fit into the case)
>>>   • TSC2007 touch screen controller
>>>   • Microphone
>>>   • Earset and Speaker connector (for those sitting in the  
>>> Freerunner
>>> case)
>>>   • 2 buttons (AUX and Power)
>>>   • 2 dual color LEDs (in the AUX and Power buttons)
>>>   • vibracall driver
>>>   • headset jack to connect microphone, earset and speaker
>>> For the software, we have to rearrange the code on our server a  
>>> little
>>> and then it will be made public.
>>> Finally, here you can do preorders:
>>>   http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Openmoko%20Beagle
>>> Nikolaus
>>> ___
>>> gta02-core mailing list
>>> gta02-c...@lists.openmoko.org
>>> https://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/gta02-core
>> ___
>> gta02-core mailing list
>> gta02-c...@lists.openmoko.org
>> https://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/gta02-core

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-11 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 11.05.2010 um 19:02 schrieb Michael Trimarchi:

> Hi,
> Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> Am 11.05.2010 um 17:50 schrieb Michael Trimarchi:
>>> Hi,
>>> RANJAN wrote:
>>>> A  really good idea.Looking forward to its release.
>>>> R.Sriranjan
>>>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
>>>> wrote:
>>> I don't know why it's usefull, sorry for the question. If you can  
>>> give me a board that replace
>>> the gta02 board and I can reuse battery and display and keyboard,  
>>> that's can be great but other type
>>> of solution change openmoko on a developement board
> Is there a place for a gumstix and a dougher board there? so remove  
> it and
> connect a gumstix with a flat to a doughter with and umts modem.
> What do you think?

I don't know if there is enough room inside the case for a Gumstix.  
But generally, the Gumstix and Beagleboard are quite similar from  
circuitry. Maybe, the connectors (Video, USB-OTG, SD-Card, 2nd USB)  
are much different.

We didn't because we simply had more experience with the BeagleBoard  
and it costs less.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-14 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 14.05.2010 um 16:36 schrieb Werner Almesberger:

> Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> There is now a new Wiki page for the project:
>>  http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
> Kewl. But where's the duct tape ? :-)

Between PCB and LCM :-)

>> I have received some questions why we did not put all this into a  
>> nice
>> design. The main reason is that we can't redesign the Beagleboard (it
>> has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection
>> moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very
>> welcome).
> Low-volume injection molding should be quite affordable if you
> provide the cast (aluminium) or at least a machine-ready design.
> Of course, if you have to pay for the entire design work too,
> things will get expensive.

We have done some research and asked for quotation and the result is  
that if you want to get below 50 USD per unit (which is still a lot of  
money) you need a volume of >200 units. If you make any small mistake,  
you have to repeat the process and cost will increase by factor 2...  
So it is not good for learning and protoyping.

> However, you may also want to consider making the parts directly,
> without going via a cast. This is much more expensive for larger
> quantities, but if you only need a handful of cases anyway, it
> should be more efficient.

The alternative would be 3D-Printing. There are now some quite good  
machines that can produce in ABS. Unfortunately these machines are  
rather expensive and operators want to have fast amortization. This  
raises cost of small quantities of cases like the freerunner well  
beyond 100 USD.

So our observation is that there is no method which allows to produce  
1-100 units for experimenting and testing - and still meets the  
expectations in quality and cost.

But we may have missed something. When I walked through the "Golden  
Mall" during CeBIT this year, I wondered how approx. 500 small asian  
booths could display approx. 50 different products each (headsets,  
mice, keyboards, batteries, plugs, covers, fake phones, real phones,  
etc...). Each one must have its own plastics. So I would estimate  
several million USD in moulds have been on display :)

> The issue then becomes access to equipment and experience. I think
> making a simple case should be little more than a weekend project
> for someone who's set up to do such things. The challenge seems to
> be to find such a person, or - if you're looking for an exciting
> new hobby - to become one :-)

A third alternative could be to experiment with Makerbot / Cupcake.  
Anyone tried to "print" a Freerunner case from the open 3D data?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: The Phoenux is coming: Openmoko Beagle

2010-05-14 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 14.05.2010 um 14:19 schrieb Helge Hafting:

> Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> We can soon provide a printed circuit board ("Openmoko Beagle") that
>> can carry a Freerunner display module (incl. touch screen) and is
>> connected to a Beagleboard. It fits into a (slightly cut) Freerunner
>> case (although you can do everything without destroying a Freerunner;
>> only the buttons are a little more difficult to use).
> Nice.
> Combining the FR display with a faster processor is interesting.
> It'd be even better if it either fit in the FR case, or some

Unfortunately the Beagle Board is too large. We have evaluated if wen  
can put an OMAP on a cheap board - but the OMAP needs the latest micro- 
via technology.

> alternative case can be ordered instead. Expanding the FR case
> by making it thicker is also an option.

The general problem is making plastics. This is the most expensive  
investment if you want high quality (as used to from the Freerunner).  
But we will look into that and as soon as we have a solution...

> Is the touchscreen the only FR component that can be reused?

Well ,we also reuse the earpiece and speaker.

> The gps unit is rather good - could it be connected to
> the new board with only simple soldering?

Unfortunately no. The GPS system consists of ca. 50 components in  
addition to the pure chip. But you will see that the board has an area  
for a Wi2Wi GPS module (W2SG0004) with less external components - but  
we have not yet tested that. So it may be totally inoperable.


Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko users in Norway?

2010-05-15 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
is there an Openmoko user in Norway, Haugesund area? If so, please can  
you contact me by private e-mail?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
The problem is not technology or DIY capabilities, but cost.

What we want to have is a nice case achievable for everybody, not only  
the enthusiast who wants to spend time and money for experimenting  
with DIY hardware or commercial FDM.

So the question is how much does a SW developer want to pay to get HW  
+ Case? Let's say 50 EUR per plastic case.

FDM is at least 200 EUR (that is what we got as a quotation from the  
rapid-prototyping shops for a simple part and not the whole case). Or  
700 EUR for a Cupcake. Or 5k for a protomold made thing. Or 10-20k EUR  
for a 3D printer. A full freerunner case consists of 6 plastic parts  
(incl. 2 buttons).

The other side is expectation of quality/robustness. I have been told  
by experts who own a RepRap/CupCake that the precision is not good  
enough to reproduce a Freerunner case (wall thickness 0.5mm).

Am 17.05.2010 um 06:03 schrieb Shawn Rutledge:

> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:56 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
>  wrote:
>> has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection
>> moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very
>> welcome). So the easiest solution was to combine what we have: a  
>> given
>> Beagleboard and the Freerunner case.
> Personally I don't see what the big deal is with mold-making.  Anybody
> could start a business doing that if it's so lucrative: get a Harbor
> Freight or other cheap milling machine and some blocks of aluminum,
> and develop the skill to do sufficiently accurate machining.  (I have
> tried a little milling but my skill level definitely needs a lot of
> improvement; maybe it will if I ever get around to doing enough of
> it.)  Of course CNC would be nice, but again, what's the big deal...3
> steppers or servo motors and a controller...  As someone else
> mentioned the Chinese obviously aren't having too much trouble with
> mold-making.

> It's also within the realm of possibility to make your own injection
> molding machine.  There is a book (Gingery) about how to do that, but
> there is nothing too exotic in that book either... it's just a heated
> cylinder and piston arrangement with a lever to apply the pressure.
> Hot plastic comes squirting out, and you have your mold clamped in
> place to receive it.
> Alternatives include building a RepRap, making the plastic parts
> directly, and putting up with rough, inaccurate results; buying a
> better rapid prototyping machine (FDM type or laser sintering or the
> type that builds up parts from thin laminates); or directly
> CNC-milling the cases (you could even use wood then).  As a DIY/hacker
> type thing rather than commercial, it might fly.  Maybe try to get a
> story in Make Magazine because there seems to be a trendy new crowd of
> DIY/hacker types nowadays, who weren't around a couple years ago.
> Or get it made at one of the rapid-prototyping shops.  For every type
> of RP technology there are multiple shops doing on-demand prototypes.
> In any event, the case design could be posted on
> http://www.thingiverse.com/
> and maybe someone who has a RepRap or similar can try to make a  
> prototype.
> There was a design contest going on but I guess the time has passed:
> http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/04/makerbot_giveaway.html
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-16 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller
The problem is not technology or DIY capabilities, but cost.

What we want to have is a nice case achievable for everybody, not only  
the enthusiast who wants to spend time and money for experimenting  
with DIY hardware or commercial FDM.

So the question is how much does a SW developer want to pay to get HW  
+ Case? Let's say 50 EUR per plastic case.

FDM is at least 200 EUR (that is what we got as a quotation from the  
rapid-prototyping shops for a simple part and not the whole case). Or  
700 EUR for a Cupcake. Or 5k for a protomold made thing. Or 10-20k EUR  
for a 3D printer. A full freerunner case consists of 6 plastic parts  
(incl. 2 buttons).

The other side is expectation of quality/robustness. I have been told  
by experts who own a RepRap/CupCake that the precision is not good  
enough to reproduce a Freerunner case (wall thickness 0.5mm).

So if we find a method that allows to make 10 units from a budget of  
500 EUR or 100 units from a total budget of 5000 EUR I am happy!

Am 17.05.2010 um 06:03 schrieb Shawn Rutledge:

> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:56 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
>  wrote:
>> has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection
>> moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very
>> welcome). So the easiest solution was to combine what we have: a  
>> given
>> Beagleboard and the Freerunner case.
> Personally I don't see what the big deal is with mold-making.  Anybody
> could start a business doing that if it's so lucrative: get a Harbor
> Freight or other cheap milling machine and some blocks of aluminum,
> and develop the skill to do sufficiently accurate machining.  (I have
> tried a little milling but my skill level definitely needs a lot of
> improvement; maybe it will if I ever get around to doing enough of
> it.)  Of course CNC would be nice, but again, what's the big deal...3
> steppers or servo motors and a controller...  As someone else
> mentioned the Chinese obviously aren't having too much trouble with
> mold-making.

> It's also within the realm of possibility to make your own injection
> molding machine.  There is a book (Gingery) about how to do that, but
> there is nothing too exotic in that book either... it's just a heated
> cylinder and piston arrangement with a lever to apply the pressure.
> Hot plastic comes squirting out, and you have your mold clamped in
> place to receive it.
> Alternatives include building a RepRap, making the plastic parts
> directly, and putting up with rough, inaccurate results; buying a
> better rapid prototyping machine (FDM type or laser sintering or the
> type that builds up parts from thin laminates); or directly
> CNC-milling the cases (you could even use wood then).  As a DIY/hacker
> type thing rather than commercial, it might fly.  Maybe try to get a
> story in Make Magazine because there seems to be a trendy new crowd of
> DIY/hacker types nowadays, who weren't around a couple years ago.
> Or get it made at one of the rapid-prototyping shops.  For every type
> of RP technology there are multiple shops doing on-demand prototypes.
> In any event, the case design could be posted on
> http://www.thingiverse.com/
> and maybe someone who has a RepRap or similar can try to make a  
> prototype.
> There was a design contest going on but I guess the time has passed:
> http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/04/makerbot_giveaway.html
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-17 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 17.05.2010 um 20:00 schrieb GNUtoo:

> On Mon, 2010-05-17 at 13:05 +0200, Joachim Steiger wrote:
>> also there are limitations of what you can do with which each
>> production-method:
>> * e.g. for reprap-alikes, all overhangs > 45deg need support
>> structures.
>> * milling in 3axis means you can only 'mill from e.g. above'.. to  
>> turn
>> it to the side you already need a trick/mechanical help to mount it
>> sideways, without loosing alignment, or a 4 or 5 axis mill (i don't
>> think there is any free toolpath-gen for that yet)
>> * laser cutting heavily depend on used materials and is basically '2d
>> only' for the affordable machines (<50keuro)
>> this means designs consist out of 2d shapes.
>> one 'stacks' afterwards or uses creative mounting methods to hold the
>> shaped sheets together, like e.g. on the cupcake-cnc (makerbot)
> What about that:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4Yq3glEyec
> not sure how much it cost tough.

Don't know either... Appears to be http://www.objet.com/3D-Printer/Connex500/

Results look quite good.

Machine Weight: 500 kg :)

> Also not as free as cupcake or makerbot.

Well, if results are affordable I would even accept a non-free  
solution (at least as a first step)...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-21 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

this all can be considered for a future version.

What we wanted to start with is something that just works, is easily  
available, can be used for experimenting and software development and  
is not too costly. A nice case, a new PCB for the OMAP processor or  
using the Gumstix makes things much more expensive.

@Yocto: what has to be considered is that the Gumstix does not fit  
into a Freerunner case (it is still too large/thick).

@ Martijn: the OMAP BGA poses high level requirements for a new PCB.  
So I would be surprised if one can really get such PCBs for 15 € @ 50  
units. But do you have more information? What have been your  
assumptions about # of layers, min. drill size, min. width etc.?


Am 21.05.2010 um 15:48 schrieb Yocto:

> I haven't seen a discussion about redesign of the board, the  
design files (schematics in Orcad) are available, so you can  
downsize the connectors used and fit it in an existing casing.

Could we, also, consider the option of using a "smaller" board like  
the Gumstix Overo ?

OMAP3503 with ARM Cortex-A8 at 600MHz
256MB RAM / 256MB Flash
[ 17mm x 58mm x 4.2mm ].

// Yocto
- Original Message -
From: Martijn van Dongen
To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

First of all: nice project, could be a nice follow up for the  

I have been looking at the discussions a little bit. Main discussion  
is how to make a new casing that fits around the beagle board, how  
to produce and what it costs.
I haven't seen a discussion about redesign of the board, the design  
files (schematics in Orcad) are available, so you can downsize the  
connectors used and fit it in an existing casing. I have a price of  
a PCB (without parts) at low volumes (50 pieces) at less than €15.
Assembly of low quantitiy boards will be very expensive (make it  
double the components price), so a DIY project for assembly of the  
boards will make the PCB fit for a reasonable price.


2010/5/11 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller 
There is now a new Wiki page for the project:


I have received some questions why we did not put all this into a nice
design. The main reason is that we can't redesign the Beagleboard (it
has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection
moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very
welcome). So the easiest solution was to combine what we have: a given
Beagleboard and the Freerunner case.

Other questions were what one could do with this. Here some ideas (not
assuming it is complete - you may have more and it is a platform for
your creativity):

   • experimenting with touchscreen and new user interfaces on  

   • learn how the OMAP3530 CPU works
   • make it a truly open mobile application development  
platform by

adding a battery pack and a UMTS usb stick
   • investigate how an Openmoko with UMTS and OMAP3530 feels  
(not from

haptics but screen operation and UMTS speed)
   • porting SHR, QtMoko, Android, etc. to ARM-Cortex A8

And here some feature list:

   • PCB that fits into Freerunner case (top cover and middle  
part after

cutting a hole)
   • works also without such a case (except speakers and earset)
   • Toppoly LCM interface (same display as used in the  
Freerunner -

otherwise it would not fit into the case)
   • TSC2007 touch screen controller
   • Microphone
   • Earset and Speaker connector (for those sitting in the  

   • 2 buttons (AUX and Power)
   • 2 dual color LEDs (in the AUX and Power buttons)
   • vibracall driver
   • headset jack to connect microphone, earset and speaker

For the software, we have to rearrange the code on our server a little
and then it will be made public.

Finally, here you can do preorders:


Openmoko community mailing list

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v22

2010-05-22 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 22.05.2010 um 18:29 schrieb Linus Gasser:

> Le 14.05.10 23:28, Torfinn Ingolfsen a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> The new version appears to work fine here (just a quick test so far).
>> BTW, my Ubuntu laptop (Xubuntu 9.10) exhibits a strange symptom: each
>> time I connect my FR, the network interface name increases:
>> eg. it started out with 'eth9' (what happened with usb0?), the next  
>> time
>> I connected the FR the interface was 'eth10', then 'eth11', 'eth12'  
>> and
>> so on. What gives?
> Same here on MacOSX10.5, if somebody has a solution for that  
> problem, it
> would be great...

It is a probolem of the OM kernel that provides a random Mac address  
and OS X takes this to distinguish known from unknown devices.

A solution is described on:


> Linus
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-24 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller

Am 23.05.2010 um 15:12 schrieb Martijn van Dongen:


I agree you should first play with something that is available.

The information I got is from eurocircuit.com,
The price is based on 4 layer 150 * 60 mm; just a wild guess of the  
size and layers based on standard technology, but giving an  
More about the possibilities can be read in http://www.eurocircuits.com/images/stories/ec09/ec-services-leaflet-uk-english-4-2010-v2.pdf 
. I did not check any guidelines and requirements, so hard to say  
what suits. If somebody could provide more detailed information or  
point in a direction, a more serious price could be obtained.

Ok, I see. They are a pooling supplier like others (pcb-pool,  
multipcb, etc.), but unfortunately such a project is well outside  
their offer.

Just to mention some more or less important differences (I have not  
looked into all of them):

* PCB thickness - 1.0 mm (or it will not fit into the Freerunner case)
* 8 layers needed (or we can't connect all the many pins of the OMAP  
* stacked/filled Microvias (this is something like a minimum drill of  
0.1 mm)

* 0.1 mm wire width
* etching and stop mask printing precision good enough for <0.3 mm SMD  
pads (BGA pitch is 0.4 mm)

We have done some analyses and none of the online-pcb-shops can  
provide this. Therefore we asked several manufacturers by e-mail and  
most declined because they can't handle micro-vias. Some could do it  
but they said that our requirements drive PCBs cost up to factor 10. I  
don't know how the OpenPandora solved this (but they have produced  
4000 boards so the cost may come down through to large volume). And, I  
don't know how the BeagleBoard project solved this. But I have read  
somewhere that they have only 6 layers (not using all features of the  
OMAP) and 3000 units per batch. Maybe, someone has also sponsored the  
prototyping phase where you have to produce boards at 500 EUR each.  
And then you find one misplaced connection or component :(

For the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid we have just 2 layers (but no OMAP on  
board). So cost is much lower and comes into the range you have found.  
But we will add some margin to cover our development and prototyping  

So that is the status as of today. If we can find a design that has  
big enough demand, we can bring down cost of PCBs to be insignificant  
(but only if we don't change the PCB design every now and then).

This finally will lead to the question how many of us want to own such  
a new OMAP based motherboard for the Freerunner... But I think we are  
too early to really pose this question since for solid market  
research, one has to present at least a full concept (complete feature  
list and target price).



2010/5/21 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller 
this all can be considered for a future version.

What we wanted to start with is something that just works, is easily  
available, can be used for experimenting and software development  
and is not too costly. A nice case, a new PCB for the OMAP processor  
or using the Gumstix makes things much more expensive.

@Yocto: what has to be considered is that the Gumstix does not fit  
into a Freerunner case (it is still too large/thick).

@ Martijn: the OMAP BGA poses high level requirements for a new PCB.  
So I would be surprised if one can really get such PCBs for 15 € @  
50 units. But do you have more information? What have been your  
assumptions about # of layers, min. drill size, min. width etc.?


Am 21.05.2010 um 15:48 schrieb Yocto:

> I haven't seen a discussion about redesign of the board, the  
design files (schematics in Orcad) are available, so you can  
downsize the connectors used and fit it in an existing casing.

Could we, also, consider the option of using a "smaller" board like  
the Gumstix Overo ?

OMAP3503 with ARM Cortex-A8 at 600MHz
256MB RAM / 256MB Flash
[ 17mm x 58mm x 4.2mm ].

// Yocto
- Original Message -
From: Martijn van Dongen
To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

First of all: nice project, could be a nice follow up for the  

I have been looking at the discussions a little bit. Main  
discussion is how to make a new casing that fits around the beagle  
board, how to produce and what it costs.
I haven't seen a discussion about redesign of the board, the design  
files (schematics in Orcad) are available, so you can downsize the  
connectors used and fit it in an existing casing. I have a price of  
a PCB (without parts) at low volumes (50 pieces) at less than €15.
Assembly of low quantitiy boards will be very expensive (make it  
double the components price), so a DIY project for assembly of the  
boards will make the PCB fit for a reasonable price.


2010/5/11 Dr. H. 

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-25 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 25.05.2010 um 12:46 schrieb Andreas Pokorny:

> Hi,
> 2010/5/25 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller :
>> [...]
>> We have done some analyses and none of the online-pcb-shops can  
>> provide
>> this. Therefore we asked several manufacturers by e-mail and most  
>> declined
>> because they can't handle micro-vias. Some could do it but they  
>> said that
>> our requirements drive PCBs cost up to factor 10. I don't know how  
>> the
>> OpenPandora solved this (but they have produced 4000 boards so the  
>> cost may
>> come down through to large volume). And, I don't know how the  
>> BeagleBoard
>> project solved this. But I have read somewhere that they have only  
>> 6 layers
>> (not using all features of the OMAP) and 3000 units per batch.
>> [...]
> Since you mention the OpenPandora. Have you considered doing this as a
> hardware patch to this handheld console? I do not know if there is
> room for adding that in the case.. just an idea. If thats possible one
> could reuse a "working" pcb, a case and the touchscreen.

No, not at all. Both concepts are quite disjunct.

Our intention is to finally come up with a new OMAP based motherboard  
for a Freerunner and the OM Beagle Hybrid is a first prototype to  
support software and concept development by plugging together a  
BeagleBoard and an expansion board with a Freerunner LCD module [1]  
(plus some glue electronics).

The OpenPandora is a OMAP based gaming console with its own LCD. The  
OpenPandora is too big to fit into a Freerunner case. So connecting  
both doesn't make sense to me. Or did I misunderstand your idea?


[1]: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid

Openmoko community mailing list

Next "Openmoko Stammtisch" in Munich, Germany

2010-05-31 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi all,
we are planning the June "Openmoko Stammtisch" in Munich, Balanstrasse  
121, Munich.

There is a public voting page at


where you can state your preferred day.

The full discussion (in German) can be found at:


If you visit us you will find a group of Openmoko, Zaurus, Netwalker,  
OpenEZX (and other topics) enthusiasts. And, you can see a Openmoko  
Beagle Hybrid in operation.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [ANN] Buzz/#1024/Bass-Rework = Headset Audio Quality Enhancement available in EU

2010-06-07 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
because we have been asked: we continue to offer these rework services  
and the GTA02A7++ variant.


Am 23.03.2010 um 10:42 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:

> just let me follow-up that we can ship "A7++" devices by end of the
> week. They are originals from factory and we have applied #1024 and
> Bass-Rework (Buzz-Rework is not required for A7 units). Please look  
> at http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Neo%20Freerunner
> BR,
> Nikolaus
> Am 18.03.2010 um 14:39 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
>> Am 18.03.2010 um 13:41 schrieb Xavier Cremaschi:
>>> Is it possible to do bass-fix and 1024-fix on a device which had
>>> already
>>> been to Munchen to be buzz-fixed, or does it involve too many
>>> soldering
>>> operation to be reliable ?
>> yes, no problem.
>> All three reworks are done in very different areas of the device  
>> (Buzz
>> is done at the Microphone; #1024 within the tin-can under the WLAN
>> module and the Bass-Rework under the tin-can under the Bluetooth
>> module). And therefore they can be done independently - or all
>> together (which saves a lot of handling and shipment cost).
>> And, they use professional equipment that does the least harm to the
>> board that is possible.
>> BR,
>> Nikolaus
>>> Thanks for providing this service btw.
>>> Regards,
>>> Xavier.
>>> ___
>>> Openmoko community mailing list
>>> community@lists.openmoko.org
>>> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
>> community@lists.openmoko.org
>> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

iPhone 4G display for Openmoko?

2010-06-07 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi all,
with the new iPhone it is for the first time better in display  
resolution (640x960 on 3''5 = 326 dpi) than the Freerunner (640x480 on  
2''8 = 283 dpi) with higher dots per inch.

Does anyone know where to get such a display? Who is making them?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-06-15 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi all,
we were a little quiet the last days because we just had to wait to  
receive the final PCBs and some components and start testing the boards.

We are currently thinking about different offers:

1. PCB and very special components only (you can go shopping yourself).
2. PCB and complete component set (unsoldered)
3. PCB and components already soldered on a professional SMT line (we  
have one)
4. same as 3 including a Wi2Wi GPS receiver module (we are not sure if  
the internal Freerunner antenna module works, but an external antenna  
connected through the MMCX plug did work). This will increase the  
price of course.

But beware for variants 1&2: there are several 0402 components and one  
0.5mm pitch BGA (TSC2007) for which you need very special soldering  

Please let me know your preferences (either here or by private mail).

Best regards,

PS: the git for U-Boot and the kernel is already active
PPS: I have just copied the QtMoko rootfs on the Beagle Board and it  
did run through touch screen calibration and language selection menu  
before some component did segfault

Am 11.05.2010 um 09:56 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:

> There is now a new Wiki page for the project:
>   http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
> I have received some questions why we did not put all this into a nice
> design. The main reason is that we can't redesign the Beagleboard (it
> has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection
> moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very
> welcome). So the easiest solution was to combine what we have: a given
> Beagleboard and the Freerunner case.
> Other questions were what one could do with this. Here some ideas (not
> assuming it is complete - you may have more and it is a platform for
> your creativity):
>   • experimenting with touchscreen and new user interfaces on  
> Beagleboard
>   • learn how the OMAP3530 CPU works
>   • make it a truly open mobile application development platform by
> adding a battery pack and a UMTS usb stick
>   • investigate how an Openmoko with UMTS and OMAP3530 feels (not from
> haptics but screen operation and UMTS speed)
>   • porting SHR, QtMoko, Android, etc. to ARM-Cortex A8
> And here some feature list:
>   • PCB that fits into Freerunner case (top cover and middle part after
> cutting a hole)
>   • works also without such a case (except speakers and earset)
>   • Toppoly LCM interface (same display as used in the Freerunner -
> otherwise it would not fit into the case)
>   • TSC2007 touch screen controller
>   • Microphone
>   • Earset and Speaker connector (for those sitting in the Freerunner
> case)
>   • 2 buttons (AUX and Power)
>   • 2 dual color LEDs (in the AUX and Power buttons)
>   • vibracall driver
>   • headset jack to connect microphone, earset and speaker
> For the software, we have to rearrange the code on our server a little
> and then it will be made public.
> Finally, here you can do preorders:
>   http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Openmoko%20Beagle
> Nikolaus
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-06-15 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi Alvaro,

Am 16.06.2010 um 01:35 schrieb Álvaro Lopes:

> Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> 3. PCB and components already soldered on a professional SMT line (we  
>> have one)
> And who's "we", if I may ask ? I had the impression this was only a 
> few-people project, not sponsored by any means. I doubt any of you have a pro 
> assembly line.

We do not own the assembly line (why should we?).

> I'm asking this also because I do not remember any SMT offer/proposal for 
> GTA02-core except from USP.
> But this is good news, I assume. Having a second SMT line would surely ease 
> things a bit, even if we have to pay for it.

If you are willing to pay, there are several thousands of SMT lines around the 
world to choose from. I think we could enter the same endless discussion as in 
software: what does "Free" mean? "Free beer" or "Free speech"?

> Any cost estimates for GTA02-core on that SMT line of yours ?

No idea. They need complete production documents to give a quotation.

If you have your own line, may I assume you would prefer option 1 or 2?


Mobile Office Solutions
by Golden Delicious Computers GmbH&Co. KG
Buchenstr. 3
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AG München, HRA 89571
VAT DE253626266
Golden Delicious Computers Verwaltungs GmbH
Oberhaching, AG München, HRB 16602
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Nikolaus Schaller

Making Digital Tools for Independent People
Independent People for Making Digital Tools

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-06-15 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi Thomas,
our current plan is described here:


but prices may change a little. Also depends on the outcome which variants you 
all prefer. And the number of units.

The status is that we have enough boards and are waiting to receive the 
stencils for "mass" production.


Am 18.06.2010 um 07:40 schrieb Thomas HOCDEZ:

> Hi !
> Whoao ! Such a good news !
> Can you reveal to the community prices & availability of the boards. I 
> imagine you don't have thousands.
> I don(t know yet if I'm interrested (in fact my banker knows but ...).
> Thanks a lot & great job !
> Regards
> AstHrO
> On 15/06/2010 18:25, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> we were a little quiet the last days because we just had to wait to
>> receive the final PCBs and some components and start testing the boards.
>> We are currently thinking about different offers:
>> 1. PCB and very special components only (you can go shopping yourself).
>> 2. PCB and complete component set (unsoldered)
>> 3. PCB and components already soldered on a professional SMT line (we
>> have one)
>> 4. same as 3 including a Wi2Wi GPS receiver module (we are not sure if
>> the internal Freerunner antenna module works, but an external antenna
>> connected through the MMCX plug did work). This will increase the
>> price of course.
>> But beware for variants 1&2: there are several 0402 components and one
>> 0.5mm pitch BGA (TSC2007) for which you need very special soldering
>> eqipment.
>> Please let me know your preferences (either here or by private mail).
>> Best regards,
>> Nikolaus
>> PS: the git for U-Boot and the kernel is already active
>> PPS: I have just copied the QtMoko rootfs on the Beagle Board and it
>> did run through touch screen calibration and language selection menu
>> before some component did segfault
>> Am 11.05.2010 um 09:56 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
>>> There is now a new Wiki page for the project:
>>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
>>> I have received some questions why we did not put all this into a nice
>>> design. The main reason is that we can't redesign the Beagleboard (it
>>> has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection
>>> moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very
>>> welcome). So the easiest solution was to combine what we have: a given
>>> Beagleboard and the Freerunner case.
>>> Other questions were what one could do with this. Here some ideas (not
>>> assuming it is complete - you may have more and it is a platform for
>>> your creativity):
>>> • experimenting with touchscreen and new user interfaces on
>>> Beagleboard
>>> • learn how the OMAP3530 CPU works
>>> • make it a truly open mobile application development platform by
>>> adding a battery pack and a UMTS usb stick
>>> • investigate how an Openmoko with UMTS and OMAP3530 feels (not from
>>> haptics but screen operation and UMTS speed)
>>> • porting SHR, QtMoko, Android, etc. to ARM-Cortex A8
>>> And here some feature list:
>>> • PCB that fits into Freerunner case (top cover and middle part after
>>> cutting a hole)
>>> • works also without such a case (except speakers and earset)
>>> • Toppoly LCM interface (same display as used in the Freerunner -
>>> otherwise it would not fit into the case)
>>> • TSC2007 touch screen controller
>>> • Microphone
>>> • Earset and Speaker connector (for those sitting in the Freerunner
>>> case)
>>> • 2 buttons (AUX and Power)
>>> • 2 dual color LEDs (in the AUX and Power buttons)
>>> • vibracall driver
>>> • headset jack to connect microphone, earset and speaker
>>> For the software, we have to rearrange the code on our server a little
>>> and then it will be made public.
>>> Finally, here you can do preorders:
>>> http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Openmoko%20Beagle
>>> Nikolaus
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-06-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 16.06.2010 um 13:34 schrieb Al Johnson:

> On Wednesday 16 June 2010, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> Hi Alvaro,
>> Am 16.06.2010 um 01:35 schrieb Álvaro Lopes:
>>> Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>>>> 3. PCB and components already soldered on a professional SMT line (we
>>>> have one)
>>> And who's "we", if I may ask ? I had the impression this was only a
>>> few-people project, not sponsored by any means. I doubt any of you have a
>>> pro SMT assembly line.
>> We do not own the assembly line (why should we?).
> Many would read your option 3 as saying you have a pro SMT line, although it 
> could also mean you have a PCB with components soldered on a pro line.

Anyway, can you please keep focus on the original question (everything else 
does not bring us forward):

Which option would you prefer?

1. PCB and very special components only (you can go shopping yourself).
2. PCB and complete component set (unsoldered)
3. PCB and components already soldered on a professional SMT line (we
can use one)
4. same as 3 including a Wi2Wi GPS receiver module

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-06-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 16.06.2010 um 15:51 schrieb Gay, John (GE Energy Services, Non-GE):

> Anyway, can you please keep focus on the original question (everything else 
> does not bring us forward):
> Which option would you prefer?
> 1. PCB and very special components only (you can go shopping yourself).
> 2. PCB and complete component set (unsoldered)
> 3. PCB and components already soldered on a professional SMT line (we
> can use one)
> 4. same as 3 including a Wi2Wi GPS receiver module
> So, If I get the Populated PCB and LCD module for 169 Euros, does that mean I 
> don't have to break a Freerunner? That's the most attractive option to me. I 
> like my Neo (-=

Yes, we also plan a variant with a LCD module which works without touching a 
Freerunner (you may use the Neo power supply).

The idea for a board with no LCM is that if you have a broken Freerunner 
collecting dust, you can give it a new life. And take the 
earpiece/speaker/vibracall that are mounted inside the plastics parts. But this 
is not reversible...

GPS is a functional option adding a GPS receiver module and a handful other 
components (RLC, ICs). So it is an independent option to choose from. This may 
add approx. 40 EUR.

So I should clarify the options:

1) bare PCB (and some key components only)
2) PCB and all components but nothing soldered
3) PCB with all components soldered
4) PCB with all components soldered and a fresh LCD module

5) PCB and all components (incl. GPS) but nothing soldered
6) PCB with all components (incl. GPS) soldered
7) PCB with all components (incl. GPS) soldered and a fresh LCD module

Since this are too many for us to handle, please let us know the variants you 
like. We will then decide which ones we will finally produce.

To simplify the answers, please vote here:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-06-17 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi Joerg,

Am 16.06.2010 um 21:51 schrieb Joerg Eesmann:

> Hi Nikolaus,
> Very good stuff, an open phone with OMAP3530-Power, my dream...
> I am a little off topic here, but I take the chance to ask eitherway.
> I am thinking about a little simpler NaviBoard.
> The actual Naviboard has 2x2 ADC with I2C and one 2axis Gyro(analogue)
> and one 1-axis gyro(analogue). A few weeks ago Sparkfun announced a new
> 3-axis gyro with I2C (IDG3200), which would make the Naviboard much
> simpler, I guess, and give the chance to add the pressure sensor
> (BMP085) to the PCB.

These are interesting chips.

To disclose a top secret: the OM Beagle Hybrid also has space for up to 1x 
ITG-3200, 2x LIS302, 1x HMC5843, 1x LSM303 (redundancy), and 1x BMP085, all 
connected to I2C2 of the BeagleBoard. In addition to the TSC2007 and a Wi2Wi 
GPS module. Let's cross fingers that at least some of them work :)

> I have one of these gyro on a breakoutboard in my hands, the chip is
> really tiny with a tiny tiny footprint.
> I think I will be able to solder the pressure sensor with a reflow oven
> in future (when my reflow oven is finished), but this gyro and the
> honeywell mangneto sensor. How do I solder them?
> How do I apply the solder paste to such a fine grid with no special
> epipment? 
> You said, you also have at least one chip with BGA (0.5 pitch I guess)
> on your board, how did you manage to solder this during prototyping?
> Any tipps?
> Anyone?

Christoph has already described one method that can be applied during 

For the Beagle Hybrid, we did go to our SMD company and they have equipment to 
solder that for single parts. I don't know exactly how they do it, but it could 
be something like this machine:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-06-19 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
>> Which option would you prefer?

> Since this are too many for us to handle, please let us know the variants you 
> like. We will then decide which ones we will finally produce.
> To simplify the answers, please vote here:
>   http://www.doodle.com/huagbg7hu94zyame

I think this poll already made clear that most of you are interested in a 
completely assembled offer (for software development). And a fresh LCD module 
would help to save disassembling a Freerunner (unless you have a broken one 
that is being covered by dust).

So we drop the "kit" approach but keep the bare PCB just in case someone wants 
to have it.

The other question gives a strong preference for GPS.

We are still waiting to receive some components to verify that it (still) works 
on the new PCBs (this is in fact the second generation - the first one was done 
earlier this year). Nevertheless, you can already look into the data sheets of 
the W2SG004:


And how to control the GPS receiver and antenna switch from user space:


Comments and contributions to the project pages are welcome.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-06-20 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller

Am 20.06.2010 um 11:09 schrieb Andreas Pokorny:

> Hi ,
> The guy responsible for the layout of the pandora released a pcb
> description mentioning the solder pads
> http://www.openpandora.org/downloads/PANDORA_Hackers_manual_v100.pdf

Thanks for the link! Interesting information we might need if we someday start 
to squeeze everything into a Freerunner case.

> Since I plan to buy a pandora .. Could you have a closer look to
> verify whether the required connectors  to attach the openmoko beagle
> hybrid kit are available?

Hm. The Pandora connectors and the Beagle Board connectors are *very* 
different. So I see the only method to connect the Beagle to the Pandora is 
through USB.

Openmoko community mailing list

[ANN] AJZaurusUSB-0.6.0 (a better CDC Ethernet gadget USB driver for Mac OS X)

2010-06-26 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Connecting a Freerunner to a Mac through USB is basically simple [1], but has 
its unique problems.

Major ones have been that the Freerunner is either not recognized by the Apple 
CDC Ethernet driver (depending on the versions). Or if it is recognized, but 
you have to configure a new interface after each reboot.

AJZaurus [2] as a GPL driver has been around since good old Zaurus times and 
does not show the "the everchanging Ethernet interface issue" (because it has 
special logic for presenting a Ethernet address towards the Mac OS X 
auto-configuration system).

But it also was a little flaky. The worst was that it could force the Mac into 
a Kernel Panic if the Mac went to sleep mode while the Freerunner was still 
connected. I put a lot of testing time into that issue but never found the 
reason. This week, I unexpectedly got a kernel panic which allowed me to track 
back the issue to its root cause and fix it.

Now, I am happy to release the new Version 0.6.0 [3] where this bug has been 
fixed. Please try it out and if encounter bugs and problems, please write to 
the Issues tracker.


[1]: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X
[2]: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/AJZaurusUSB/
[3]: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/AJZaurusUSB/downloads/

Mobile Office Solutions
by Golden Delicious Computers GmbH&Co. KG
Buchenstr. 3
D-82041 Oberhaching

AG München, HRA 89571
VAT DE253626266
Golden Delicious Computers Verwaltungs GmbH
Oberhaching, AG München, HRB 16602
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Nikolaus Schaller

Making Digital Tools for Independent People
Independent People for Making Digital Tools

Openmoko community mailing list

Plans for Open Hard&Software Event in Germany

2010-07-02 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
There has begun an initiative on http://freeyourphone.de to activate and bring 
together (German speaking) people interested in different open and independent 
hard- and software projects in the form of a workshop/conference/meeting to 
exchange ideas, knowledge, projects and make friends. It will take place 
somewhere in Germany.

Topics we think of are (not an exhaustive list):

* Openmoko
* Arduino
* Nanonote
* OpenPandora
* Openmoko Navigation-Board
* BeagleBoard
* QtMoko

Although it may look centered around the Openmoko, it is not limited and other 
good projects and topics are very welcome.
To give a basis for planning, an online poll has been opened where you can 
place your ideas, wishes and proposals:


Please forward to all your friends (and different projects) who may also be 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Plans for Open Hard&Software Event in Germany

2010-07-07 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
The organizer of the opinion poll has told that there are already 27 responses.

Since the poll will be closed tomorrow evening, please hurry up to state your 
preferences and wishes as described below.

Everyone from every country is welcome, but language will be German. Therefore 
I expect the location to be somewhere in Germany, but it may as well be 
Switzerland or Austria - depending on the outcome of the poll and organization 

Results are planned to be posted here, and further planning will be done 
through the Openmoko Wiki.


Am 02.07.2010 um 10:21 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:

> There has begun an initiative on http://freeyourphone.de to activate and 
> bring together (German speaking) people interested in different open and 
> independent hard- and software projects in the form of a 
> workshop/conference/meeting to exchange ideas, knowledge, projects and make 
> friends. It will take place somewhere in Germany.
> Topics we think of are (not an exhaustive list):
> * Openmoko
> * Arduino
> * Nanonote
> * OpenPandora
> * Openmoko Navigation-Board
> * BeagleBoard
> * SHR
> * QtMoko
> * FSO
> Although it may look centered around the Openmoko, it is not limited and 
> other good projects and topics are very welcome.
> To give a basis for planning, an online poll has been opened where you can 
> place your ideas, wishes and proposals:
> https://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=KLMDNG_d1f1fd00&UID=3164427512
> Please forward to all your friends (and different projects) who may also be 
> interested.
> Nikolaus
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: can't flash kernel

2010-07-08 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Do you use Ubunu Lucid 64 bit?
There has been a recent discussion on a German forum showing the same symptom 

The user has then tried to boot Ubuntu-koala-32bit from DVD, installed dfu-util 
and it did work fine.

I would suspect that dfu-util or libusb is broken on some 64 bit systems.


[1]: http://freeyourphone.de/portal_v1/viewtopic.php?f=5&p=17806#p17806

Am 08.07.2010 um 20:19 schrieb Ben Ruhnow:

> Hello,
> today I tried to flash a kernel to my moko (GTA02). Dfu-util showed: No 
> such Alternate Setting: "kernel".  I flashed my moko a hundred times 
> before. Is it bricked ?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Introducing the Freerunner Navigation Board

2010-07-21 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 21.07.2010 um 10:55 schrieb Helge Hafting:

> On 03. mai 2010 11:10, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
>> On 3 May 2010 11:04, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller  wrote:
>>>> Having navigation work inside tunnels
>>>> would allow mapping them accurately for openstreetmap. And also have
>>>> underground navigation - some tunnels have got
>>>> intersections/roundabouts inside, with several possible exits.
>> Would navit, tangogps, etc. need a new interface to access the
>> sensors, or could the existing libraries be adapted to "correct" the
>> GPS data with additional information from the extra sensors before
>> handing it on to the GUI?
> The natural place for such software seems to be in gpsd itself - it 
> already supports having several gps (position) devices. (Or possibly in 
> a front-end to gpsd - depends on what the gpsd developer wants.) But too 
> many processes / software layers is not good - it causes delays.

Well, for 1 position per second delays it may be neglectable, but you are right 
- having everything in one "middle-man" daemon (gpsd) appears to be the best 
architecture for me. So it hides the complexity from the user-applications, and 
should be easily expandable.

As far as I know, the kernel driver for the BMP085 barometric altimeter is 
already in some upstream kernel release candidate. So altitude information can 
be mixed between GPS and altimeter as well.

> navit, tangogps etc. should of course not need reprogramming, you can't 
> fix every program out there. Especially not the proprietary ones.
> The software should simply pass through gps data as long as it arrives, 
> and the precision is sufficient. This data can be used for continous 
> calibration of the magnetic/inertial/odometer inputs.

I would even suggest to use a Kalman-Bucy filter [1] for sensor integration so 
that it does not switch between two modes but does a soft transition. As far as 
I understand, a Kalman filter can also "learn" about (linear) errors, offsets 
and drift of sensors while multiple sensor data is available.

It is definitively possible to write such a Kalman filter for a smartphone 
since a student has recently been awarded [2] by VDE Germany (sort of a local 
IEEE) for such a project.


[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter
[2]: (in German) 
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Plans for Open Hard&Software Event in Germany

2010-07-21 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
The opinion poll is done and we have got confirmation for a nice location in 

For details (pre-registration, agenda etc.), please visit the new Wiki page 
(German language).



Am 07.07.2010 um 09:43 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:

> The organizer of the opinion poll has told that there are already 27 
> responses.
> Since the poll will be closed tomorrow evening, please hurry up to state your 
> preferences and wishes as described below.
> Everyone from every country is welcome, but language will be German. 
> Therefore I expect the location to be somewhere in Germany, but it may as 
> well be Switzerland or Austria - depending on the outcome of the poll and 
> organization hurdles.
> Results are planned to be posted here, and further planning will be done 
> through the Openmoko Wiki.
> Nikolaus
> Am 02.07.2010 um 10:21 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
>> There has begun an initiative on http://freeyourphone.de to activate and 
>> bring together (German speaking) people interested in different open and 
>> independent hard- and software projects in the form of a 
>> workshop/conference/meeting to exchange ideas, knowledge, projects and make 
>> friends. It will take place somewhere in Germany.
>> Topics we think of are (not an exhaustive list):
>> * Openmoko
>> * Arduino
>> * Nanonote
>> * OpenPandora
>> * Openmoko Navigation-Board
>> * BeagleBoard
>> * SHR
>> * QtMoko
>> * FSO
>> Although it may look centered around the Openmoko, it is not limited and 
>> other good projects and topics are very welcome.
>> To give a basis for planning, an online poll has been opened where you can 
>> place your ideas, wishes and proposals:
>> https://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=KLMDNG_d1f1fd00&UID=3164427512
>> Please forward to all your friends (and different projects) who may also be 
>> interested.
>> Nikolaus
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
>> community@lists.openmoko.org
>> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

[ANN]: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid - News

2010-07-30 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller
Hi all,
it is quite a while since our first announcement of the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid 
[1] and you may have wondered how the project is going. Since we have got a 
very positive feedback for our experiments and targets, we have tried to take 
seriously on all the feedback and worked on a new version (as far as it was 
possible in this phase). So let me report about news and progress:

1. The key software components (u-boot and kernel 2.6.29) are now available in 
a git repository [2] as well as binaries to be directly copied onto an SD card 

2. The binary downloads also includes an Debian Lenny rootfs demo image which 
is configured for our kernel and display/touch extensions. It opens LXDE and 
allows to run TangoGPS [4].

3. We have fixed a major hardware issue which had made the LCD flicker and 
behave strangely

4. Touch screen is working (but will need some more driver configuration).

5. We have joined forces with the Freerunner Navigation Board project 
(barometer, compass, gyroscope etc.) [7] and also have added such sensors to 
the schematics [10]. But since some the chips are very expensive, not all will 
be populated on the PCB.

7. And, a big majority did vote for inclusion of GPS. So we will add the Sirf 
III GPS receiver (W2SG0004) and the 3-Axis I2C gyroscope (ITG3200) although the 
board became a little more expensive than originally thought (129 EUR instead 
of 99 EUR).

8. We have received bare boards and components, have worked with a SMT assembly 
company, and now have nice boards which are ready to be ordered [5]. Since we 
need to test and pack them, we can ship in approx. 2 weeks.

9. Regarding the request of a nice plastics case, we got quite encouraging 
ideas and proposals. E.g. using RepRap/Makerbot/Cupcake like 3D printers [6]. 
But this needs much more study and a long learning phase. Since the Openmoko 
Beagle Hybrid is more a development tool rather than a product, we will see 
what we can achieve. If you have such a 3D printer, please try to "print" a 
Freerunner case and report results (e.g. precision, appearance, quality, speed)!

10. We also got some hints and offers for support to make high-density PCBs 
that are needed for the integration of a full OMAP system onto a motherboard 
replacement for the Freerunner. So we now think that finally, *we can do* a 
OMAP3530 upgrade for the Freerunner. But don't expect it soon. And it may not 
be cheap. This project will still take many small steps until we can announce 
something. One of the major hurdles we see is that we will have to pass CE, 
R&TTE certifications (since we have to add radio hardware). This is the 
ultimate challenge for a small team devoted to open hardware and software (even 
if backed by a company like Golden Delicious Computers). So we prefer to 
exercise for this "tournament" behind the curtain.

11. The best way to support our (current and future) projects is to buy the 
Beagle Hybrid [5]. And do experiments with it. Learn how to use and/or modify 
OMAP3530 software and give us feedback through a dedicated mailing list [8].

We would be very pleased if distributions like SHR, QtMoko, and others also 
start to support this hardware/kernel platform. It is not difficult since user 
space is quite compatible to the Freerunner and/or Beagle Board and Open 
Pandora. First experiments of just running the untarred Freerunner-rootfs of 
QtMoko were quite promising (we got touch calibration and were asked for 
choosing a user language before some component did segfault).

So, let me invite you to help to build a new future of Openmoko devices!


[10]:   http://projects.goldelico.com/p/ombeagle/doc/

Mobile Office Solutions
by Golden Delicious Computers GmbH&Co. KG
Buchenstr. 3
D-82041 Oberhaching

AG München, HRA 89571
VAT DE253626266
Golden Delicious Computers Verwaltungs GmbH
Oberhaching, AG München, HRB 16602
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Nikolaus Schaller

Making Digital Tools for Independent People
Independent People for Making Digital Tools

Re: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 12.08.2010 um 14:12 schrieb RANJAN:

> Hi,
> When is the next and more powerful openmoko (capable of seamless 3D video and 
> faster processor) is going to be released???

Assume, you could get a motherboard upgrade board that fits into the Freerunner 
(or Neo1973) case. Based on the TI OMAP3 SoC (OMAP3530 or DM3730) and UMTS.

Let me ask two questions to everybody:
* How long could you be willing to wait for it to really become available?
* How much would you think you could afford to pay for such a board?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 13.08.2010 um 11:37 schrieb Matthias Apitz:

> El día Friday, August 13, 2010 a las 11:22:02AM +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus 
> Schaller escribió:
>> Am 12.08.2010 um 14:12 schrieb RANJAN:
>>> Hi,
>>> When is the next and more powerful openmoko (capable of seamless 3D video 
>>> and faster processor) is going to be released???
>> Assume, you could get a motherboard upgrade board that fits into the 
>> Freerunner (or Neo1973) case. Based on the TI OMAP3 SoC (OMAP3530 or DM3730) 
>> and UMTS.
>> Let me ask two questions to everybody:
>> * How long could you be willing to wait for it to really become available?
>> * How much would you think you could afford to pay for such a board?
> Wrong question, for me.
> I will not use any other 'smartphone' (computerphone), which:
> - is not Linux or FreeBSD driven and open as Linux/FreeBSD are normaly 
> - does not have X11
> - does not provide access by SSH to the system
> - does not have a resistive touchscreen (to address single pixel)
> So, an iPhone is no option for me; if my Freerunner will fail, I will
> try to get it working again, and I will wait until the next generation
> of OpenSource phones, even if I would have to reactivate my old Siemens
> S10 for some time, meanwhile waiting.
> Give me UNIX or give me a pencil :-)

Do I interpret you correclty, that your answer to my questions are:

* I will wait *any* time, as long as it fulfills my opensource requirements
* I accept any price


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 13.08.2010 um 11:53 schrieb arne anka:

> wasn't there something about samsung making the hw specs public for at  
> least one of their samrtphones? i can't find that news article again.
> and a long time ago someone (raster? can't find that mail) wrote about big  
> things to come -- even that in connection with samsung?

Yes, I remember this as well. And, there was also some recent initiative by 
'leviathan' to discuss with Samsung. But IMHO, even if they open the hw specs 
for one device, this will be one device. No promise for a future one. Some day 
they simply pull the plug for unknown reasons (like Sharp did with the Zaurus).

And, I never understood why we should assume, that a premier league player 
would ever care for a small community like ours. According to latest Gartner 
data Samsung sells 65 million phones per quarter. We have approx. 15k 
Freerunners over 3 years.

My conclusion is that a small company promises more long-term stability than a 
large one, even if development cost is high (it is lower than you all assume), 
and component cost are high in low quantities (that depends a little on 
choosing the right components).


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Am 13.08.2010 um 12:35 schrieb Neil Brown:

> On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 11:22:02 +0200
> "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller"  wrote:
>> Am 12.08.2010 um 14:12 schrieb RANJAN:
>>> Hi,
>>> When is the next and more powerful openmoko (capable of seamless 3D video 
>>> and faster processor) is going to be released???
>> Assume, you could get a motherboard upgrade board that fits into the 
>> Freerunner (or Neo1973) case. Based on the TI OMAP3 SoC (OMAP3530 or DM3730) 
>> and UMTS.
>> Let me ask two questions to everybody:
>> * How long could you be willing to wait for it to really become available?
>> * How much would you think you could afford to pay for such a board?
> Is there a serious possibility of this?

I wasn't open enough, intentionally :) Yes, there is a serious possibility.

The Openmoko Beagle Hybrid Board is a first step for those who want to be early 
participants of this new era.

In addition, we (a small project team in Munich, Germany) have mostly finished 
our homework (i.e. doing prototypes and experiments like the OM Beagle Hybrid, 
doing PCB layout) to be sure that it *can* be done. Really building such boards 
will still cost a significant amount of money (for paying components, 
professional PCB manufacturing and SMD soldering) and time (therefore: my 
question how long you would wait).

> I'm willing to wait a couple of years at least.  And the 500 Euro number that

It will definitively not take several years.

> people are throwing around seems OK.

To finance the next phase, we are thinking about asking for donations or to 
hold an auction for the first 5 or 10 prototype units. What would you think of 
such an approach?

> Would this be re-using the case, display and touch screen and replacing
> everything else?

Yes, that is the idea. More information (e.g. complete feature list) and 
openness (as suggested by arne anka) is to come soon. Please watch out for 
announcements in the next couple of weeks...

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 13.08.2010 um 19:33 schrieb Christoph Mair:

> Am Freitag 13 August 2010, 11:47:26 schrieb sam tygier:
>> On 13/08/10 10:37, Matthias Apitz wrote:
>>> Give me UNIX or give me a pencil :-)
>> +1
>> with emphasis on being about to modify
> I won't buy something without documented test/solder pads for hardware 
> extensions.


such a thing is quite unlikely to expect from any large phone manufacturer. 
Even if they open up an existing design. They ususally squeeze every bit out of 
the design to reduce manufacturing cost and may have very special test 
procedures. And they may change internals every now and then to improve their 
production process. I.e. you may get version B4 this week and someone else 
version C7 in two weeks with differences in the not-documented area.

So we have to design a new GTA04 ourselves and add "hardware extension pads" to 
the requirements list...

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WikiReader sales and the future of Openmoko Was: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 13.08.2010 um 17:08 schrieb Martix:

> Hi community,
> I want to share a few news about WikiReader and Openmoko Inc. I am
> publishing with permission my short interview with Sean Moss-Pultz the
> CEO of Openmoko Inc.:
> ___
>> May I have a question? How is it going with WikiReader? Are WikiReader
>> sales satisfactory?
> Much better than expected. We're getting into major US retailers this
> summer. And launching in Japan tomorrow. We've already sold 4x the
> total number of FreeRunners. And we're just getting into the channel
> now. So I'm quite excited about our chances with this product!

That is good news!

>> I wonder if you and your company are planning to
>> create more open source/open design devices, maybe successor of Neo?
> Absolutely! WikiReader is fundamental to this. What we're doing is
> getting our channel setup. To survive in consumer electronics you need
> volume. And still, the only way to get volume is through retail
> stores. So everything we're doing is focusing on making that
> successful. Then we can build more product that stand for the same
> principles (open) that got us started.
> ___
> Regards,
> Martin 'Martix' Holec
> PS: I heard on IRC something about next Openmoko phone running
> Android. I think, it's a good idea. Android will provide stable
> software and community can port existing fully open distributions like
> SHR, Qt Moko etc., which it should be easier on open hardware. After
> experience with Neo FreeRunner it seems like better plan.

If a new Openmoko phone is based on the OMAP3 like the BeagleBoard, there are 
at least 3 different Android ports (in addition to anything else like SHR, 
QtMoko, Debian, FreeBSD, ...). One of them is Rowboat 

Another project just today announced this on the beagleboard.org list:

> Hi, 
> We are pleased to release the Android - Froyo port for OMAP-3530 
> BeagleBoard. This release enables developers evaluate CoreDruid's custom 
> Android-Froyo port for BeagleBoard. 
> This release has minimum set of features like 
> 1. Android Froyo 
> 2. Qwerty keyboard 
> 3. USB Mouse 
> We will release more stable & feature enriched version in near future. 
> The source code and build instructions are available at: 
> http://coredruids.org/ 
> http://coredruids.org/?page_id=77 
> We appreciate your joining our open source initiative, reviewing our work 
> and sharing your knowledge & experiences with us. 
> Google groups : coredru...@googlegroups.com 
> Source code repositories : 
> http://gitorious.org/~coredruids(Android 
> Enablement) 
> Follow us on twitter : http://twitter.com/coredruids 
> Thanks 
> CoreDruids Team 

If someone wants to try and/or help one of these projects to support a 
Freerunner type touchscreen, that can be done with the new Openmoko Beagle 
Hybrid board approach.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 13.08.2010 um 11:51 schrieb arne anka:

>> Assume, you could get a motherboard upgrade board that fits into the  
>> Freerunner (or Neo1973) case. Based on the TI OMAP3 SoC (OMAP3530 or  
>> DM3730) and UMTS.
>> Let me ask two questions to everybody:
>> * How long could you be willing to wait for it to really become  
>> available?
>> * How much would you think you could afford to pay for such a board?
> - re waiting: since most people change their phones after a couple of  
> years, waiting shouldn't be an issue -- per se. more important would be to  
> see a definite progress and sufficient informatrion about the way  
> development takes (including delays, glitches and so on). 

Another question: where would you like such status messages and discussions 
take place?

Here on the community list? Or on the om-devel-list? Or on a new, project 
specific devel/issues list?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mail Wrapping

2010-08-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 13.08.2010 um 22:35 schrieb steve:

> Le 13-08-2010, à 19:45:51 +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller (h...@computer.org) 
> a écrit :
>> such a thing is quite unlikely to expect from any large phone manufacturer. 
>> Even if they open up an existing design. They ususally squeeze every bit out 
>> of the design to reduce manufacturing cost and may have very special test 
>> procedures. And they may change internals every now and then to improve 
>> their production process. I.e. you may get version B4 this week and someone 
>> else version C7 in two weeks with differences in the not-documented area.
> Nikolaus, couldn't you wrap your lines to something more standard (72 or
> so ?) Thanks, I like reading your prose, but those long lines are really
> irritating.

Hi Steve,

there are different opinions if the 80 char line wrapping of mail is standard 
or some
old-fashioned relict from the 80ies. I have tried to find out what it is but it 
to be a problem with some MUAs not correctly handling RFC 2646.

Here is also some discussion about mailman being responsible or not:


which says:

The problem is that prior to Mailman 2.1.10, the format=flowed and
delsp=yes parameters were not preserved in the outgoing message.

I think the OM list uses version 2.1.9  so it could be a bug.

I don't know if my mail client uses these paramters - but it does not have
an option to do line wrapping when sending.

So, wouldn't it be simpler if you reduce the width of your display window?
Your client should then wrap long lines.


PS: I have tried to format this mail manually, but it is quite a pain...
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-08-14 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 14.08.2010 um 09:48 schrieb David Morris:

> Hi Dr. Schaller,
> I am interested in new boards with umts. I would like more openness with the 
> radio module including dynamically assigning an imei and using a remote sim 
> card. 

Unfortunately this is beyond what we can provide.

The trick to build such an upgrade-board at a fairly
reasonable price is to use some halfway (at least AT
commands and interfaces) open and precertified 
UMTS module. Part of this certification requires that
it is not possible to change IMEI :( Please view the
concept as a (more or less closed) UMTS stick/key 
with USB interface soldered onto the main board like
 in all the 3G-Netbooks floating around.

For providing such a feature we would have to design 
and certify our own complete UMTS system. And that 
is the million $$$ effort large handset suppliers can afford.

It has turned out that there are currently only two such 
modules that are small enough to fit into the existing 
plastics. One comes from OPTION, the other one from 
Ericsson. Both still have unfortunately some NDA 
limitations - but we are working on it.


PS: it appears that I am not the only one who posts long lines...

> I'd also be interested in bidding in an auction for prototypes in order to 
> raise cash. 
> Sent from my mobile
> On 13 Aug 2010, at 18:54, "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller"  
> wrote:
>> Am 13.08.2010 um 11:51 schrieb arne anka:
>>>> Assume, you could get a motherboard upgrade board that fits into the  
>>>> Freerunner (or Neo1973) case. Based on the TI OMAP3 SoC (OMAP3530 or  
>>>> DM3730) and UMTS.
>>>> Let me ask two questions to everybody:
>>>> * How long could you be willing to wait for it to really become  
>>>> available?
>>>> * How much would you think you could afford to pay for such a board?
>>> - re waiting: since most people change their phones after a couple of  
>>> years, waiting shouldn't be an issue -- per se. more important would be to  
>>> see a definite progress and sufficient informatrion about the way  
>>> development takes (including delays, glitches and so on). 
>> Another question: where would you like such status messages and discussions 
>> take place?
>> Here on the community list? Or on the om-devel-list? Or on a new, project 
>> specific devel/issues list?
>> Nikolaus
>> ___
>> devel mailing list
>> de...@lists.openmoko.org
>> https://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/devel

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mail Wrapping

2010-08-14 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 14.08.2010 um 10:14 schrieb ri...@happyleptic.org:

> Please people stop spamming about line length.
> If you MUA is so good then ask it to automatically split long lines :-p

I agree that we should not spam - but IMHO this was raised as a serious

I could live with the idea that everyone uses a MUA that can
wrap lines when reading and displaying long lines. But it appears there
are systems out there that can't (which I did not yet know). 

And I am asked to solve their display problem on the senders side (although
I have much better things to do)...

Am 14.08.2010 um 09:28 schrieb Matthias Apitz:

> El día Saturday, August 14, 2010 a las 08:34:51AM +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus 
> Schaller escribió:
>>> Nikolaus, couldn't you wrap your lines to something more standard (72 or
>>> so ?) Thanks, I like reading your prose, but those long lines are really
>>> irritating.
>> Hi Steve,
>> there are different opinions if the 80 char line wrapping of mail is 
>> standard or some
>> old-fashioned relict from the 80ies. I have tried to find out what it is but 
>> it appears
>> to be a problem with some MUAs not correctly handling RFC 2646.
>> Here is also some discussion about mailman being responsible or not:
> Hi Nikolaus,
> It is the responsibility of your MailUserAgent to wrap lines correctly
> around column 72. You are using Apple Mail (2.1081). If this can not do
> this, just use another MUA or another system providing correct software.

Before we start fingerpointing on any client we are using, let's do a little 
more research.


quotes RFC 2822 (the successor to RFC 822):

  "There are two limits that this standard places on the number of characters 
in a line. Each line of characters MUST be no more than 998 characters, and 
SHOULD be no more than 78 characters, excluding the CRLF."

I.e. lines more than 78 characters are *not* forbidden. From this I conclude
that a mail recipient must cope with that. If not, the client is broken.

And, I conclude that it is not a rule for writing or displaying mails - just
for transferring them over SMTP without making buffer overflows.

Now let's look into the plain code my MUA is sending. Here is an example:

> Hi Steve,
> there are different opinions if the 80 char line wrapping of mail is standa=
> rd or some
> old-fashioned relict from the 80ies. I have tried to find out what it is bu=
> t it appears
> to be a problem with some MUAs not correctly handling RFC 2646.
> Here is also some discussion about mailman being responsible or not:

So Apple Mail *is* correclty sending wrapped lines according to RFC.

I do not excactly know what the rules are to interpret the = signs at the
end of the line. I guess it has to do with 

Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v1081)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

A little more search shows this comes from RFC 2045 (MIME) on page 19 (Soft 
Line Breaks).

>From this I conclude that the mails my client sends are correct (according
to the standard).

So it appears to me that we are trying to treat a corectly implemented
feature as a bug because there is some habit of expecting that lines
are always *displayed* with wrapping (even if they are sent as non-wrapped
lines using MIME quoted-printable). But I may be missing something.

If somebody can point me to the RFC that *requires* that lines must
be *visibly* wrapped by the sender so that no client ever shows
long lines, I am happy to file a bug report for Apple Mail (wouldn't
be the first one :).

If there is no such RFC, please report bugs for your clients that
don't wrap long (MIME encoded) lines they receive to the width of
the display window.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mail Wrapping

2010-08-14 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 14.08.2010 um 15:55 schrieb Matthias Apitz:

> El día Saturday, August 14, 2010 a las 03:41:06PM +0200, Dr. H. Nikolaus 
> Schaller escribió:
>> If somebody can point me to the RFC that *requires* that lines must
>> be *visibly* wrapped by the sender so that no client ever shows
>> long lines, I am happy to file a bug report for Apple Mail (wouldn't
>> be the first one :).
>> If there is no such RFC, please report bugs for your clients that
>> don't wrap long (MIME encoded) lines they receive to the width of
>> the display window.
> http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html
> 2.1 User Guidelines
> 2.1.1 For mail:
>  ...
> - Limit line length to fewer than 65 characters and end a line
>  with a carriage return.
>  ...

Ok. But:

> October 1995
> Status of This Memo
>This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
>does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
>this memo is unlimited.
> Abstract
>This document provides a minimum set of guidelines for Network
>Etiquette (Netiquette) which organizations may take and adapt for
>their own use.

I.e. I would not take it as a *requirement* and it is also quite old to stick 
to it.
It appears to be stimulated by times where 50% of the Internet users did
use a VGA screen and 95% dial-up modems. People did not have many
WYSIWYG systems as mail clients. Most mail clients were VT100 compatible.

So I fear I can't convince Apple with this (it does not even convince me...).

The only solution is, that I promise to try to press the return key every now 
and then (unless I forget)...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mail Wrapping

2010-08-16 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller
Summary answer...

Am 15.08.2010 um 00:58 schrieb steve:

>> Hi Steve,
> Hi Niklaus (not in Zürich toniht?)

What important event is (was) there tonight?

> Anyway, may studies have shown that the reader begins to be less
> concentrated when lines exceed 80 caracters, that's *my* main point.

I completely agree with that. Newspapers come in columns. Since they
were invented 200 years ago. For good reasons.

But I did not expect that any mail reader could have such a problem formatting
long lines to read in small columns. IMHO any modern mail viewer should be
able to do that.

> Bad MUA, change MUA (mutt maybe?) 

I have checked what mutt is and I am impressed what can be done with the
VT100 methaphor. But it looks as recommending to replace a Porsche by a
refurbished truck because it is more flexible...

One thing made me wonder. Did you correctly use all mutt settings? I have
e.g. found:

> 3.238. smart_wrap
> Type: boolean
> Default: yes
> Controls the display of lines longer than the screen width in the internal 
> pager. If set, long lines are wrapped at a word boundary. If unset, lines are 
> simply wrapped at the screen edge. Also see the $markers variable.

If I understand that correctly (I have never used or configured mutt), it
is just a matter of correct settings on the receiver's side and the 'reader'

But let's stop this discussion which is quite philosophical/fundamental
(in several aspects) since we have found a simple solution after knowing
the problem.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Leaving the Openmoko community, new wiki-admin needed

2010-08-31 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Hi Marco,
thanks for your active work for the Wiki!

Am 31.08.2010 um 15:59 schrieb Marko Knöbl:

> Dear Openmoko community!
> I have previously worked as the administrator of the Openmoko Wiki for the 
> last
> year. Unfortunately I have to announce that I will stop my involvement in the
> Openmoko community and so a new admin is needed. The reason for leaving is
> quite simple: I broke my FreeRunner last weekend at a party. Although I

that is sad to hear. What has been brolen? Almost everything on a FR can
be repaired...

> enjoyed my time with it I won't get another one. (Instead I'm getting an N900
> and hoping for MeeGo or Debian + FSO to provide a free OS for this device 
> soon)

Not willing to wait a little until you get N900 power into your Freerunner?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FOSDEM 2011

2010-09-01 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 01.09.2010 um 18:51 schrieb Simon Busch:

> On 01.09.2010 14:09, Dr. Michael Lauer wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> FOSDEM just released the call for dev-rooms.
>> (http://www.fosdem.org/2011/)
>> After our lucky mini-appereance which was
>> quite well received, I wonder whether anyone
>> would be interested in organizing
>> a combined SHR/FSO/  devroom for next year.
>> I will not have enough time to take the wheel
>> on this, however I volunteer to do something
>> (presentation, workshop, whatever) should
>> we get the opportunity to have such a room.
>> Cheers,
>> :M:
> I would like to attend a dev room on FOSDEM too, if I have the time in 
> early februrary to come to belgium. So if anyone is interested in 
> organizing a dev room, please do so!

The devroom last (ahem, this) year was really successful. I had made
some photos:


So I would also appreciate if someone could organize that.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Happy Programmers' Day!

2010-09-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Good idea!
We should have and celebrate that day in other countries as well :)


Am 13.09.2010 um 10:44 schrieb Patryk Benderz:

> Best wishes to all of you guys writing code or filing bug reports for
> FreeRunner devices! :)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programmer_Day
> -- 
> Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
> Linux Registered User #377521
> ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
> /\  www.asciiribbon.org   - against proprietary attachments
> Email secured by Check Point
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko Beagle Hybrid - was: [Community Updates] 2010-08-01 is out

2010-09-14 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
you may wonder what has happened to the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid [1] mentioned
in the August Community update (cited below).

First of all we had some delay with our SMD assembly company. They had holidays
on one hand and more work than expected (economy appears indeed to flourish
again). But now we have 10 kits available to find a new home.

And we received a BeagleBoard XM some days ago and started to test the OM 

We found two major issues so far:

1. the BB-XM already comes with connectors soldered to the board.
Unfortunately Murphy's law did hit us and the BB-XM uses the opposite gender
as our approach for mounting to the BB-C4. 
We now have to adjust for that (by finding a simple adapter solution).

2. the BB-XM uses a different version of the bootloader that is not
compatible with our own code extensions [2].
So we have to fix that so that our SD card image works on the both, the 
older BB-C
and the new BB-XM.

Why is the BB-XM important at all, considering that the BB-C4 is still available
and a little cheaper? Well, the BB-XM comes with a new DM3730 processor
(1 GHz ARM Cortex A8), has a built-in USB/Ethernet hub for 4 ports and a 
built-in RS232 converter. This makes it even more simple to experiment with
Bluetooth, WiFi, UMTS sticks connected to the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
while still having a portable design (using an external battery pack) to do

So we work on these issues and just need some more days to solve them.


[1]: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
[2]: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/ombeagle/

Am 04.08.2010 um 10:28 schrieb Timo Jyrinki:

> Newest community update now available at
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Community_Updates/2010-08-01 and
> simplified text version below.

> Community
> Most important and change making mails on the mailing lists, blogs
> etc.. Coolest hacks, screenshots, themes etc..
>* Golden Delicious Computers released Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
> Boards including GPS and a gyroscope. At the same time, they announced
> - http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/community/2010-July/062609.html
> - plans to develop the next open hardware phone. Based on a OMAP3530
> SoC this device will bring a lot of computing power to your pocket.

Openmoko community mailing list

Open Hardware/Software Event Munich, Germany in December 2010

2010-09-14 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller
Hi all,
after we have defined the location to be in Munich,
we have received many pre-registrations through Doodle:


Thanks to all who participated!

It is now clear that the date is the 4./5. December (second
Sunday in Advent).

To improve communication between interested participants,
speakers and the organization team, we have decided to open the
mailing list 


to the public. So if you are interested in participating and contributing,
please subscribe to this list so that we can discuss topics of interest
with you and that you get a notice if anything changes.

Please also look into the archives since topics may already
be discussed.

Currently, we need many more presentations to fill a complete
weekend,  So you can also nominate either yourself or suggest
a topic plus a speaker.

Please note that the event language is German and this mail is 
in English only to inform the many Austrian, German and Swiss
community members who are only reading this list and keep the
others informed what is happening in the world.

Therefore, please don't reply directly but subscribe
to the specific mailing list.

The current plans for the workshop are collected here:


Nikolaus (on behalf of the organization committee)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Am 12.08.2010 um 14:12 schrieb RANJAN:

> Hi,
> When is the next and more powerful openmoko (capable of seamless 3D video and 
> faster processor) is going to be released???
> Regards
> Sriranjan

I have good news to announce. We have again made progress
towards our goals.

The first step is that the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid [1] (which is our
experimental and development prototype of such a new Openmoko)
is now working on the BeagleBoard XM [2]. We had to find a new
solution to solder the connectors (since the BB-XM already
has some). And to do some minor software changes to U-Boot. But
now it works.

Here you can find some photos of the assembly process:


We now have a 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 with 3D Video behind
a Freerunner touch display!

And there is also good news for the GTA04 OMAP/UMTS upgrade
board. We have finalized the PCB layout and ordered (thanks to a
bigger donation) 10 sample boards and a SMD stencil. They will
arrive in 2-3 weeks. How it could look like is shown here (showing
a 2-layer mockup board and some of the core components):



[1]: http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Openmoko%20Beagle
[2]: http://beagleboard.org/hardware-xM___
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 16.09.2010 um 10:03 schrieb Sylvain Paré:

> Hi,
> Thanks for these news!
> Some questions:
> Does Openmoko Inc. is involved in this right now ?

Not directly. We hope they can become more involved
in the future, e.g. as a distributor for Asia (the project is
run in Europe) or when we really reach mass production.
For development and producing small quantities it is
easier and less expensive to have all people in one place.

> and which are the next steps between this and a real future GTA04 end-user 
> phone?

For the hardware, we have to test the PCB and see if it smokes or the
Tux smiles on the screen. Then, we have to get RF certifications
and get components for building more than some samples.

It is still a long way to go.

Software should be quite less challenging. We have Debian Lenny
running on our demonstrator (i.e. with kernel drivers for display and
touch screen). So distributions like SHR and QtMoko should be
available right from day one (even before?).

Nevertheless there are many areas for experimenting with software:
* WLAN, Bluetooth
* use the built in sensors (compass etc.)
* make the audio subsystem work to allow phone calls
* etc.

> Again thanks for your work!
> BR
> Sylvain (aka GarthPS)
> 2010/9/16 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller 
> Am 12.08.2010 um 14:12 schrieb RANJAN:
>> Hi,
>> When is the next and more powerful openmoko (capable of seamless 3D video 
>> and faster processor) is going to be released???
>> Regards
>> Sriranjan
> I have good news to announce. We have again made progress
> towards our goals.
> The first step is that the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid [1] (which is our
> experimental and development prototype of such a new Openmoko)
> is now working on the BeagleBoard XM [2]. We had to find a new
> solution to solder the connectors (since the BB-XM already
> has some). And to do some minor software changes to U-Boot. But
> now it works.
> Here you can find some photos of the assembly process:
>   http://projects.goldelico.com/p/ombeagle/page/ConnectToBeagleboardXM/
> We now have a 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 with 3D Video behind
> a Freerunner touch display!
> And there is also good news for the GTA04 OMAP/UMTS upgrade
> board. We have finalized the PCB layout and ordered (thanks to a
> bigger donation) 10 sample boards and a SMD stencil. They will
> arrive in 2-3 weeks. How it could look like is shown here (showing
> a 2-layer mockup board and some of the core components):
>   http://download.goldelico.com/gta04/images/DSC00477.jpg
> Nikolaus
> [1]: http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Openmoko%20Beagle
>   http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
> [2]: http://beagleboard.org/hardware-xM
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 16.09.2010 um 10:03 schrieb Sylvain Paré:

> Hi,
> Thanks for these news!
> Some questions:
> Does Openmoko Inc. is involved in this right now ?

Not directly. We hope they can become more involved
in the future, e.g. as a distributor for Asia (the project is
run in Europe) or when we really reach mass production.
For development and producing small quantities it is
easier and less expensive to have all people in one place.

> and which are the next steps between this and a real future GTA04 end-user 
> phone?

For the hardware, we have to test the PCB and see if it smokes or the
Tux smiles on the screen. Then, we have to get RF certifications
and get components for building more than some samples.

It is still a long way to go.

Software should be quite less challenging. We have Debian Lenny
running on our demonstrator (i.e. with kernel drivers for display and
touch screen). So distributions like SHR and QtMoko should be
available right from day one (even before?).

Nevertheless there are many areas for experimenting with software:
* WLAN, Bluetooth
* use the built in sensors (compass and GPS etc.)
* make the audio subsystem work to allow phone calls
* power management
* etc.

> Again thanks for your work!
> BR
> Sylvain (aka GarthPS)
> 2010/9/16 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller 
> Am 12.08.2010 um 14:12 schrieb RANJAN:
>> Hi,
>> When is the next and more powerful openmoko (capable of seamless 3D video 
>> and faster processor) is going to be released???
>> Regards
>> Sriranjan
> I have good news to announce. We have again made progress
> towards our goals.
> The first step is that the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid [1] (which is our
> experimental and development prototype of such a new Openmoko)
> is now working on the BeagleBoard XM [2]. We had to find a new
> solution to solder the connectors (since the BB-XM already
> has some). And to do some minor software changes to U-Boot. But
> now it works.
> Here you can find some photos of the assembly process:
>   http://projects.goldelico.com/p/ombeagle/page/ConnectToBeagleboardXM/
> We now have a 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 with 3D Video behind
> a Freerunner touch display!
> And there is also good news for the GTA04 OMAP/UMTS upgrade
> board. We have finalized the PCB layout and ordered (thanks to a
> bigger donation) 10 sample boards and a SMD stencil. They will
> arrive in 2-3 weeks. How it could look like is shown here (showing
> a 2-layer mockup board and some of the core components):
>   http://download.goldelico.com/gta04/images/DSC00477.jpg
> Nikolaus
> [1]: http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Openmoko%20Beagle
>   http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
> [2]: http://beagleboard.org/hardware-xM
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Am 16.09.2010 um 10:05 schrieb Gennady Kupava:

> Hi, Nicolaus.
> I have few ideas about about performance. Major bottleneck of freerunner
> is amount of memory, so please can you push as much memory to new device
> as possible. This will make device lightning fast. Second idea is

The OMAP uses the Package-on-Package concept so we can install
different memory modules depending on what we want, what is available
and what it costs. There are chips with RAM only and chips with RAM/NAND
flash to choose from.

But we will have at least 256 MByte (I think there aren't any smaller chips).

> related to memory too, but i am much less sure about it. Can we have
> some lightning fast sram on device? if bootloader will load kernel code
> into it - this may bring huge speed benefit.

The OMAP CPU is much faster and many interface controllers are also improved.
And, we know that fast boot is possible. At least someone has done it for the 
Beagle Board:


They claim that they have achieved 3 seconds from power up to login: on
the serial console. Well, running X11 also needs some time.


> I hope i'll be able to buy successor of FR soon.
> Gennady.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Am 16.09.2010 um 10:05 schrieb Gennady Kupava:

> Hi, Nicolaus.
> I have few ideas about about performance. Major bottleneck of freerunner
> is amount of memory, so please can you push as much memory to new device
> as possible. This will make device lightning fast. Second idea is

The OMAP uses the Package-on-Package concept so we can install
different memory modules depending on what we want, what is available
and what it costs. There are chips with RAM only and chips with RAM/NAND
flash to choose from.

But we will have at least 256 MByte (I think there aren't any smaller chips).

> related to memory too, but i am much less sure about it. Can we have
> some lightning fast sram on device? if bootloader will load kernel code
> into it - this may bring huge speed benefit.

The OMAP CPU is much faster and many interface controllers are also improved.
And, we know that fast boot is possible. At least someone has done it for the 
Beagle Board:


They claim that they have achieved 3 seconds from power up to login: on
the serial console. Well, running X11 also needs some time.


> I hope i'll be able to buy successor of FR soon.
> Gennady.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-16 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

>> And, we know that fast boot is possible. At least someone has done it for 
>> the Beagle Board:
>> http://swiftbeagle.googlecode.com/files/beagleboard_project_hui_keji.pdf
>> They claim that they have achieved 3 seconds from power up to login: on
>> the serial console. Well, running X11 also needs some time.
> From my point of view, boot time especially if it is in 1 minute is not
> really important. More important how fast it will run while usual usage,

Yes, it is below 1 minute. To give you an indication, I have done a test
on one of our development systems: BeagleBoard C2 i.e. 600 MHz CPU,
256 MB RAM, unoptimized full blown Debian Lenny, all files loaded from
SDHC card):

1 seconds   Texas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.4ss (Aug 19 2010 - 02:49:27) 
2 seconds   U-Boot 2010.03-01183-g43b5706-dirty (Sep 15 2010 - 16:19:43)
11 seconds  [0.00] Linux version 2.6.32 (h...@imac.local) (gcc 
version 4.2.4) #48 PREEMPT Tue Jun 8 14:21:52 CEST 2010
21 seconds  INIT: version 2.86 booting
37 seconds  Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 bb-debian ttyS2 bb-debian

> how easy is boot system to understand and fix, and how much it deviates

There is a boot ROM which loads the X-Loader which loads U-Boot.

> from desktop systems. I do not want use busybox shell under any

Well, that largely depends on what you install.

> conditions, but running all that services to boot up fully-functional
> system will take much more time than 3 seconds. (authors use uclibc and
> busybox, hack init scripts like disable log, disable u-boot menu,
> disable logs, remove everything from kernel)
> The way authors of paper archive such boot times influence later speed
> of device. For example, they propose to use XIP, which will cetrainly
> decrease kernel speed. Other example is that they 'compiling everything
> with -Os', it may greatly decrease performance in favor of boot time.

That is true. Therefore we leave such optimizations to the software
community. I could imagine a simple and small distro that only allows
to make phone calls but boots in <10 seconds. And a full desktop-like
PDA/Smartphone that takes 60 seconds for the GUI to appear.

Regarding memory we currently plan to use this memory chip:



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-09-21 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 16.09.2010 um 17:00 schrieb Gennady Kupava:
>> The OMAP CPU is much faster and many interface controllers are also improved.
> 'much faster' is enemy of 'fast', so if it is possible to make something
> even better, why not.

Here I have found two videos that demo the boot and graphics speed of
the BeagleBoard (which uses the same SoC as the GTA04 will have):

Ubuntu, Angstrom, Enlightenment:


Android 2.2:


Afaik they used vanilla distributions with no special optimizations like
TinyX etc.
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Testing freerunner's audio quality

2010-09-22 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
the problem is the bass. Initially, It was difficult to hear differences
by playing two sounds one after the other. So until you have listened
music on a bass fixed Freerunner, you would say it is quite ok.

I was only able to hear the difference after taking one original Freerunner
and one with Bass-Fix applied. After a while you get that there *is* a
difference in low frequencies.

What I have done is this test: create a sinus sweeping from 10 to 100 hz.
Without bass fix you can't hear it before it comes to the 50 hz range.

sox -n -t wav - synth 10 sine 10-100 >file.wav

This can be seen on scope outputs as shown here:


Can you please compare you device?

One effect may also be the input impedance of your line card. Did you connect
it in parallel to a headset?


Am 22.09.2010 um 23:57 schrieb Gennady Kupava:

> Hi, list, 
> Many gossips flying around about bad fr's audio subsystem quality. I
> promised to proove that FR audio subsystem is good, just default
> headphones quality below anything.
> As today finally i overcome my lazyness and soldered 2.5mm->3.5mm jack,
> and i am almost content with high sound quality of my  Sennheiser CX300
> II+FR, i decided to do some basic testing.
> Test environment
> I got 2 recodings - 60 seconds of white noise and 120 seconds of piano
> +voice, audacity to do spectrum analisys, cable 3,5mm<->3,5mm to connect
> my old m-audio revolution 7.1 card to line-in to freerunner.
> White noise
> ===
> 1. White noise were generated by audacity original file:
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/white.wav
> Spectrum:
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/whitenoise.png
> 2. Same noise recorded then audio-out were connected to audio-in of
> sound card:
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/rec_white_directcable.wav
> Spectrum:
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/whitenoise_direct.png
> 3. Same noise played on FR, connected to line-in of sound card:
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/rec_white_fromfrerunner.wav
> Spectrum:
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/whitenoise_fr.png
> Conclusion on white noise:
> I see no frequency cut-offs. spectrograms look very well and close to
> original file. Only exception is fall below 20Hz in fr case, but i am
> unsure if any headset can reproduce such frequences very well.
> Real song
> =
> 1. Original piece of song (piano+voice):
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/song.wav
> Spectrum:
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/song.png
> 2. Same file played on freerunner and captured on line-in of sound card
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/rec_song_fromfr.wav
> Spectrum:
> http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/audioquality/song_fromfr.png
> Conclusion on piano+voice:
> I can't distingush difference in quality while replaying original file
> or file recorded from freerunner. Spectrum show almost no difference.
> Overall conclusion
> ==
> Seem audio quality completely depends on quality of headphones. You may
> try to distiguish original song and song from fr youself, only do not
> forget to normalize volume before attempting to do this.
> regards,
> Gennady.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Devroom for FOSDEM11

2010-09-27 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 27.09.2010 um 20:14 schrieb Serdar Dere:

>  Hi guys,
> I am taking the initative again, like the last time.

Kudos to you!

> But I would change the topic.
> Last time it was called Openmoko Devroom, but I want to change it to
> Hackable Devices Devroom for next FOSDEM.

Sounds good to me.

As far as I understand the policy of the Devroom decisions they favour
more general topics instead of single projects (although there are some).

If I look through the list of topics, there should be a little more focus on
hackable *mobile* devices (there are routers, embedded boards etc.).

Also note that there was an "Embedded" Devroom collecting a lot of
different topics every year (I think in 2007 Sean's presentation was part
of that). See: http://archive.fosdem.org/2010/list-devrooms-their-call-talks

"Embedded / Mobile (contact email)
The embedded/mobile room is the place to be for people with an interest in 
everything small, hidden, with different CPU's and/or a gadget or mobile device.
Here we discuss and present things like hacking your phone, PDA or router and 
everything about cross-compiling. The people that gather here are usually doing 
tons of cool stuff with small low-powered devices, from playing music to 
controlling big and complex systems."

So we must somehow differentiate from that or we simply get merged.

> What do you think about it?


> My intention is, that other projects can join us, like Nitdroid, or the 
> goldendelicious guys with other projects.


> In that case we can get more than one day and 3h for us.
> What do you guys think about it?
> Second part:
> I would love if some people who can help on following topics can contact me:
> * History and future of Openmoko or/and hackable devices
> * SHR
> * FSO
> * AOF (Android-on-Freerunner)
> * MER

> (not important that all are represented but it would be nice)
> Thanks in advance.
> Greetings Serdar

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [ANN]: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid - News

2010-09-28 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
someone has asked for an update even talk a little about problems...

> 10. We also got some hints and offers for support to make high-density PCBs 
> that are needed for the integration of a full OMAP system onto a motherboard 
> replacement for the Freerunner. So we now think that finally, *we can do* a 
> OMAP3530 upgrade for the Freerunner. But don't expect it soon. And it may not 
> be cheap. This project will still take many small steps until we can announce 
> something. 

We have ordered 10 sample PCBs and they were
announced for last Friday but did not arrive. Today
we learned that they had a problem in the production
process and have to redo everything.

So it will take a little longer until we can show
you a GTA04 board.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: We can have Help from Always Innovating !

2010-10-05 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
looks like an interesting project to build a wireless MID.

I want to suggest that you base your design on the GTA04, since it is far more
developed as you might think, but also far from being complete... Let's say
it is in the middle of the ocean but heads towards its destination.

We are currently redesigning it a little so that you can not only use the GTA04
board  as a new motherboard for the GTA02 plastics, but also as a module to
attach a different LCM and other peripherals (e.g. QWERTY keyboard controller).
This is done by adding two board-to-board connectors on the display side.

The UMTS solution of the GTA04 is based on the OPTION GTM501.

On the software side we have Debian Lenny (which can be the base of QtMoko).
There are also Android ports and SHR should not be too dfifficult to adapt.

If you need more information or help, please feel free to ask.


Am 05.10.2010 um 23:17 schrieb Thomas HOCEDEZ:

>  On 10/05/2010 10:30 PM, Thomas HOCEDEZ wrote:
>>   On 10/05/2010 08:38 PM, Giovanni wrote:
>>> My free time and knowledge is quite limited, anyway I am willing to
>>> help in some way
>>> How can I help?
>>> Best regards,
>>> alien jo
>> Well, for now, we have to set some points, each one requires more or
>> less time&  skills, so anyone can give a little help :
>> - List of what is needed on a device bult on the base of the MiniBook.
>> It means : what feature MUST be included, and what feature could be
>> added on the "bonus tracks". A poll can be launched for that.
>> - Find a name for such a device.
>> - Ask OS's developpers if their distro can be ported easily or not on
>> the device.
>> - Decide how the device should be "open" (extensions, versatile ...)&
>> future-ready.
>> - Find someone with a little bit of knowledge to find the chips
>> references that would be included (GSM, SimCard holder, GPS..)
>> - Opening a Wiki page to store all those steps&  results !
>> - Give some extra more ideas !
>> So feel free to answer those questions,&  add others.
>> Thanks  a lot
>> AstHrO
> For example, coud it be possible to put a gobi2000 (GPS+3G) chip(1) in it ?
> How much does this cost ?
> Does this chip is sold in other factor ?
> ...
> (1) 
> http://www.roundsolutions.com/shop/products/en/HSPA-modem/Option-GOBI2000-HSUPA-HSDPA-UMTS-Mini-PCI-Express-Card.html
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

Openmoko community mailing list

Reminder: Open Hard&Software Event in Munich (4th/5th December) - we still have room for more topics & speakers

2010-10-08 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
We still need some more speakers and proposals for the German Open
Hard&Software Workshop/Event that we plan for December in Munich.

Details can be found here:


Please register to the specific German language mailing list to stay
up to date and discuss the agenda.

Topics are e.g. (depends on participants who organize a session or
have something to contribute):
• Openmoko
• Nanonote
• Freerunner Navigation Board v2
• BeagleBoard
• QtMoko
• Arduino
• OpenPandora

Note: workshop language will be German
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid - was: [Community Updates] 2010-08-01 is out

2010-10-12 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Again good news:

we have won one of the new PandaBoards (OMAP4 / ARM Coretx A9) boards through 
the PandaBoard Early Adopter Program:



Our goal is to adapt the hard- and software of the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid to 
this new board. This will give even more power to future Openmoko devices.


Am 14.09.2010 um 10:50 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:

> Hi,
> you may wonder what has happened to the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid [1] mentioned
> in the August Community update (cited below).
> First of all we had some delay with our SMD assembly company. They had 
> holidays
> on one hand and more work than expected (economy appears indeed to flourish
> again). But now we have 10 kits available to find a new home.
> And we received a BeagleBoard XM some days ago and started to test the OM 
> Hybrid.
> We found two major issues so far:
> 1. the BB-XM already comes with connectors soldered to the board.
>Unfortunately Murphy's law did hit us and the BB-XM uses the opposite 
> gender
>as our approach for mounting to the BB-C4. 
>We now have to adjust for that (by finding a simple adapter solution).
> 2. the BB-XM uses a different version of the bootloader that is not
>compatible with our own code extensions [2].
>So we have to fix that so that our SD card image works on the both, the 
> older BB-C
>and the new BB-XM.
> Why is the BB-XM important at all, considering that the BB-C4 is still 
> available
> and a little cheaper? Well, the BB-XM comes with a new DM3730 processor
> (1 GHz ARM Cortex A8), has a built-in USB/Ethernet hub for 4 ports and a 
> built-in RS232 converter. This makes it even more simple to experiment with
> Bluetooth, WiFi, UMTS sticks connected to the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
> while still having a portable design (using an external battery pack) to do
> experiments.
> So we work on these issues and just need some more days to solve them.
> Nikolaus
> [1]: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
> [2]: http://projects.goldelico.com/p/ombeagle/
> Am 04.08.2010 um 10:28 schrieb Timo Jyrinki:
>> Newest community update now available at
>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Community_Updates/2010-08-01 and
>> simplified text version below.
>> Community
>> Most important and change making mails on the mailing lists, blogs
>> etc.. Coolest hacks, screenshots, themes etc..
>>   * Golden Delicious Computers released Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
>> Boards including GPS and a gyroscope. At the same time, they announced
>> - http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/community/2010-July/062609.html
>> - plans to develop the next open hardware phone. Based on a OMAP3530
>> SoC this device will bring a lot of computing power to your pocket.
> ___
> Smartphones-userland mailing list
> smartphones-userl...@linuxtogo.org
> http://lists.linuxtogo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/smartphones-userland

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Beagle Hybrid - was: [Community Updates] 2010-08-01 is out

2010-10-13 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 13.10.2010 um 10:01 schrieb Thomas HOCEDEZ:

> On 13/10/2010 08:15, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> Again good news:
>> we have won one of the new PandaBoards (OMAP4 / ARM Coretx A9) boards 
>> through the PandaBoard Early Adopter Program:
>>  http://omappedia.org/wiki/PandaBoard_Voting#PHASE-I_Winners
>> http://omappedia.org/wiki/PEAP_Projects#Handheld_LCD_.26_GPS_.26_Navigation_Expansion_Board
>>  http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Beagle_Hybrid
>> Our goal is to adapt the hard- and software of the Openmoko Beagle Hybrid to 
>> this new board. This will give even more power to future Openmoko devices.
>> Nikolaus
>> Am 14.09.2010 um 10:50 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
> --> That's sound Excellent ! (still a lot of new work, but excellent news !)


It is like starting a new branch of the next "unstable" version of Debian.
Needs a lot of work and time to get it through "testing" to "stable".
So please don't expect results soon... The GTA04 will be finished before.

We will report from time to time what we have achieved.
The first step is to await that the PandaBoard arrives :)

Well, it is the second step. The first is to study what we will get:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: let's launch a FR into space

2010-10-18 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 18.10.2010 um 15:17 schrieb Michal Brzozowski:

> Hi everyone,
> Just read this story:
> http://mashable.com/2010/10/17/iphone-space-launch-video/
> And now think, what could be done if it was a freerunner?

Good idea, but the Freerunner was in space one year earlier...

It was on an experimental rocket launched by DLR in 2009:


> Hoping for a brainstorming session and a lunch at some time :-)

Good idea for repeating :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: let's launch a FR into space

2010-10-18 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 18.10.2010 um 15:50 schrieb Michal Brzozowski:

> 2010/10/18 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller :
>> Am 18.10.2010 um 15:17 schrieb Michal Brzozowski:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Just read this story:
>>> http://mashable.com/2010/10/17/iphone-space-launch-video/
>>> And now think, what could be done if it was a freerunner?
>> Good idea, but the Freerunner was in space one year earlier...
> I know, but I'm thinking about a low budget solution, like in the original 
> link.
> The fact that someone has sent a FR in a rocket doesn't mean that
> sending it again via a weather balloon wouldn't be fun and educative
> :-)

I did not at all disagree with that and said:

> Good idea for repeating :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: let's launch a FR into space

2010-10-18 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 18.10.2010 um 16:05 schrieb Michal Brzozowski:

> 2010/10/18 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller :
>> I did not at all disagree with that and said:
>>> Good idea for repeating :)
> Sure! So, first idea. Is it possible to live stream the video from the
> launch?

Very likely.

> Would a FR be able to connect to GSM cells from 30km above
> ground?

I don't know but would doubt it from theory.

Antennas on GSM base stations don't have a half-spherical characteristics
but try to bundle the transmitter's energy to a location where it is
needed mostly. And that is on earth's surface.

But that could be part of the experiment. Just log the list of GSM base stations
found. And add a Freerunner Navigation Board to get barometric altitude. So
you can see at which altitude which signals can be received.

> Has anyone ever tried video streaming from the FR?

The first questions is how to connect a camera.

Openmoko community mailing list

Freerunner Navigation Board

2010-10-18 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
We have received and tested the next batch of Freerunner navigation boards.

The test was done by using a Letux 400 where we did solder 4 cables to get
an external I2C bus and some spring contacts.

More details can be found at:


And, please report your ideas, results, software, fun, etc. here!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-19 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 16.09.2010 um 10:36 schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:

> Am 16.09.2010 um 10:03 schrieb Sylvain Paré:
>> and which are the next steps between this and a real future GTA04 end-user 
>> phone?
> For the hardware, we have to test the PCB and see if it smokes or the
> Tux smiles on the screen. Then, we have to get RF certifications
> and get components for building more than some samples.

Today, we received the first PCBs for the GTA04. It has passed a
mechanical test (just some connectors and buttons mounted) and this
bare board fits exactly into the GTA02 case.

Next, some chips are soldered and we do measurements. Before
we solder the more expensive components (CPU, UMTS module).

I will keep you updated.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-20 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller

Am 20.10.2010 um 09:56 schrieb Patryk Benderz:

> [cut]
>> I will keep you updated.
>> Nikolaus
> Thanks for sharing this, do you have some photos of this board? Looking

Here is the photo of a bare board as it came from the PCB factory:


The next version of the board layout will add two Hirose DF40
board-to-board connectors on the display side so that the GTA04
can be mounted on a expansion board (e.g. for a different/larger

A populated board will finally look similar to this one:


> forward to hear more! :)

As soon as we have something to share...

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-21 Thread Dr . H . Nikolaus Schaller

Am 21.10.2010 um 17:18 schrieb Andreas Fischer:

> Hi,
> One question: Do you only consider upgrades of existing Freerunners or
> would a complete phone also be an option? My (probably naive) impression

We not only plan these upgrade boards but also complete phones as a long term
goal. Maybe, even in a different and improved industrial design. And in some
years with a OMAP4 :)

Our team is currently evaluating options (3D printers, rapid prototyping, 3D 
protomold, etc.) and trying to build prototypes, but did not yet come to 
So please give us some more time.

> is that you're only missing the case plastics to provide a complete GTA4
> phone.

Well, it is "only" adding some minor components to the kit (antenna, battery, 
vibramotor, earpiece, speakers) plus a set of plastic parts.

But plastics is quite a heavy challenge if you really want to do it without big
venture capital. Even larger than getting the PCBs shown in the photos...

The problem appears to be that the inexpensive rapid prototyping methods don't
have the required precision (0.1 mm, 0.5 mm wall thickness, etc.) and those 
with high
quality are prohibitively expensive.

Unless you, i.e. the community, is willing to do fixed pre-orders for a total 
of at least
1000 units.

The idea of having the community design different cases for the Neo 1973 and
Freerunner is quite old [1], but I think there was only one group to show up 
a "case extension" [2]. This can be printed e.g. at Shapeways but is not stiff 
precise enough for daily use.

[1]: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Hardware:Neo1973:Alternate_Cases
[2]: http://openmokast.org/cad-files.html


> Regards,
> Andreas
> On 21.10.2010 07:36, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> Am 20.10.2010 um 09:56 schrieb Patryk Benderz:
>>> [cut]
>>>> I will keep you updated.
>>>> Nikolaus
>>> Thanks for sharing this, do you have some photos of this board? Looking
>> Here is the photo of a bare board as it came from the PCB factory:
>>  http://download.goldelico.com/gta04/images/DSC00627.jpg
>>  http://download.goldelico.com/gta04/images/DSC00628.jpg
>> The next version of the board layout will add two Hirose DF40
>> board-to-board connectors on the display side so that the GTA04
>> can be mounted on a expansion board (e.g. for a different/larger
>> display).
>> A populated board will finally look similar to this one:
>>  http://download.goldelico.com/gta04/images/DSC00477.jpg
>>> forward to hear more! :)
>> As soon as we have something to share...
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
>> community@lists.openmoko.org
>> http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-21 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 21.10.2010 um 18:05 schrieb Al Johnson:

> On Thursday 21 October 2010, Andreas Fischer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> One question: Do you only consider upgrades of existing Freerunners or
>> would a complete phone also be an option? My (probably naive) impression
>> is that you're only missing the case plastics to provide a complete GTA4
>> phone.
> Most of the parts are here:
> http://www.handheld-
> linux.com/wiki.php?page=Accessories&referer=Neo%20Freerunner
> Not sure if the button plastics are included in the middle part or not. Not 
> sure about the vibrator either, but everything else looks to be available, at 
> least in limited quantities. 

Yes, but *very* limited quantities...

And no chance to produce more. I did discuss with Sean how we could get
access to the original tools for community use, but there are financial,
legal, bureaucratic and many other issues. So we decided not to put too much
effort into that aproach.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-21 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 21.10.2010 um 18:21 schrieb W. B. Kranendonk:

> The board looks great! Quite "professional" ;-)
>> My (probably
>> naive) impression
>>> is that you're only missing the case plastics to
>> provide a complete GTA4
>>> phone.
> The LCD comes in handy at times, was my first thought...
>> Most of the parts are here:
>> http://www.handheld-
>> linux.com/wiki.php?page=Accessories&referer=Neo%20Freerunner
>> Not sure if the button plastics are included in the middle
>> part or not. Not 
>> sure about the vibrator either, but everything else looks
>> to be available, at 
>> least in limited quantities. 
> Yep, I see the vibrator on the photo:
> http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Neo%20Freerunner%3ASpare%20Parts
> and the LCD is also listed :-)

We know the suppliers and part numbers of all these things
(thanks to the GTA02-core project!) but that does not necessarily
mean that the parts are easy to purchase. But plastics was an
individually produced part.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-21 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 21.10.2010 um 19:59 schrieb Alfa21:

> 2010-10...@19:06 David Lanzendörfer
>>> True, but they're available from many more suppliers than moko plastics! 
>>> Shame 
>>> there isn't a transreflective version though...
>> I today recieved the plastic parts for a RepRap.
>> So we can soon start to design and produce the case for new OpenMokos.
>> Only barrier: We need an extruder and some kilogram of granule first... -_-
>> lg leviathan
> you should try 3d print like this:
> http://www.printo3d.com/
> (and many others sellers!)

I have asked them for a quotation (using STL data). Independently of
the resulting quality we have to expect that a single set of plastic parts
costs more than a complete Freerunner...

So it confirms (again) our observation that all rapid prototyping methods
are too expensive.

I.e. we have to get quantity, i.e. enough people who clearly want a (new)
case. This is more about revitalizing this community, and creating new
hype for completely free and open smartphones.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-21 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 22.10.2010 um 02:17 schrieb Al Johnson:

> On Friday 22 October 2010, EdorFaus wrote:
>> On 10/21/2010 07:59 PM, Alfa21 wrote:
>>> you should try 3d print like this:
>>> made in ABS which is a good plastic and up to 0.01 inches resolution
>> Unfortunately, that's not quite good enough (different units).
>> 0.01 inches = 0.254 mm, which is 2.54 times the required size:
>> On 10/21/2010 07:32 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>>> the required precision (0.1 mm, 0.5 mm wall thickness, etc.)
>> 0.1 mm is approximately 0.0039 inches.
>> I have a question, though - is this precision required for making *any*
>> well-working case design (due to the electronics etc.), or is it just
>> for making more of the current case design?
>> If it's the latter, it would be possible to create a new case design
>> that would be easier to get manufactured...
> The electronics don't need much precision in the case design. Cases that clip 
> together firmly and securely do need precision though, and that's true of the 
> current design. An alternative design needing less precision is possible, 
> especially if we accept things being screwed together. 

Generally yes. If we sacrifice quality, ergonomics, and size, we can
find simpler and less expensive case constructions.

One aspect to keep in mind for precision are the push-buttons (AUX and Power).
The buttons [1] are specified for a "Travel 0.3 mm +0.1 –0.2 mm". I.e. if we 
want that the buttons get stuck we come to this 0.1mm precision. We have
experienced the same with the PCB design where the position of the buttons
must be within these 0.1mm...

The same is with mounting the display. If that is not precise enough, touch 
will be deteriorated.

So if we reduce precision of the case production process, the buttons become
larger and finally, the phone is more a brick than a handheld phone :)

Personally, I am in favour of high-end high-quality design (like the iPhone)
even if it costs money. But it should never cost freedom and independence...


[1]: http://industrial.panasonic.com/www-data/pdf/ATV/ATVCE5.pdf
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-23 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 22.10.2010 um 19:17 schrieb Gennady Kupava:

> В Птн, 22/10/2010 в 05:36 -0700, RANJAN пишет:
>> Hello,
>> Recommendations for better hardware on Openmoko.
>> 1)A 600 Mhz processor is minimally required to run the OS at usable
>> speeds.An 800 Mhz processor would be good across all OSes.A 1Ghz
>> processor would be too costly
> Hi, Ranjan.
> I just want to say that memory subsystem speed is much more important
> for speed than cpu speed.
> While testing freerunner, i've found that performance of system
> primitives of 500/83 CPU is similar to 400/100. So, really it is much
> more important to have fast memory subsystem. So, for example, 600/100
> will be really not so far from to freerunner's at 440/110.
> Memory subsystem speed become extremly important if CPU lack of L2
> cache. What is cache(s) size(s) of GTA04's CPU?

It comes with a OMAP3530 [1]:

ARM CortexTM-A8 Memory Architecture:
–   16K-Byte Instruction Cache (4-Way Set-Associative)
–   16K-Byte Data Cache (4-Way Set-Associative)
–   256K-Byte L2 Cache 
•   112K-Byte ROM
•   64K-Byte Shared SRAM

If you want to start to experiment with this CPU today (and not wait
for the GTA04), I suggest to get a BeagleBoard + our Hybrid Board
(Touch-Display + GPS).

The perceived speed (not a scientific measurement) is factor 10 faster.

Best regards,

[1]: http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/omap3530.pdf
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-23 Thread Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller

Am 23.10.2010 um 15:40 schrieb Al Johnson:

> On Friday 22 October 2010, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> Am 22.10.2010 um 02:17 schrieb Al Johnson:
>>> On Friday 22 October 2010, EdorFaus wrote:
>>>> On 10/21/2010 07:59 PM, Alfa21 wrote:
>>>>> you should try 3d print like this:
>>>>> made in ABS which is a good plastic and up to 0.01 inches resolution
>>>> Unfortunately, that's not quite good enough (different units).
>>>> 0.01 inches = 0.254 mm, which is 2.54 times the required size:
>>>> On 10/21/2010 07:32 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>>>>> the required precision (0.1 mm, 0.5 mm wall thickness, etc.)
>>>> 0.1 mm is approximately 0.0039 inches.
>>>> I have a question, though - is this precision required for making *any*
>>>> well-working case design (due to the electronics etc.), or is it just
>>>> for making more of the current case design?
>>>> If it's the latter, it would be possible to create a new case design
>>>> that would be easier to get manufactured...
>>> The electronics don't need much precision in the case design. Cases that
>>> clip together firmly and securely do need precision though, and that's
>>> true of the current design. An alternative design needing less precision
>>> is possible, especially if we accept things being screwed together.
>> Generally yes. If we sacrifice quality, ergonomics, and size, we can
>> find simpler and less expensive case constructions.
> I'm sure we can find alternative case construction methods that don't 
> sacrifice much in any of those departments. They just won't be methods used 
> in 
> the mass market because they don't scale up to those production volumes, just 
> as their methods don't scale down to ours. The pcb might need some design 

Well, we have anlysed approx. 5 or 6 different methods and none was inexpensive
for low volumes. The only one that came down below 50 EUR per case is
injection moulding.

But I would be happy if you can guide the GTA04 to a different approach.

> elements suited to a different method of mounting than the current 'clip it 
> into the injection moulding' variety, but this is for future generations not 
> the current pcb.

Well, the current board is really mounted by 2 torx screws and the connectors
which fit into holes on the sides. The hooks and clips are not really necessary,
which allows for a lot of simplifications. This is where some of us are 
working on to get the plastics produceable by a RepRap.

>> One aspect to keep in mind for precision are the push-buttons (AUX and
>> Power). The buttons [1] are specified for a "Travel 0.3 mm +0.1 –0.2 mm".
>> I.e. if we don't want that the buttons get stuck we come to this 0.1mm
>> precision. We have experienced the same with the PCB design where the
>> position of the buttons must be within these 0.1mm...
> That doesn't mean the case needs that tolerance though. It just means the end 
> of the actuator needs to stick over the edge of the pcb by the right amount 
> to 
> be operable. The external button can be lightly spring to take up the 
> tolerance, or rest slightly clear of the button actuator. Alternative switch 

If I understand correctly, then the button would not fit smoothly into the case.
It may stand out (or in) so it either gets trapped in the gauze of your trouser
pockets, or you need long fingernails to press it. 

> types are an option for future designs, including a change to capacitive 
> sensors as provided for by the v2 nav board.

Not completely. The power button must be a mechanical button to wake up the
processor from deep sleep. Or we drain the battery for a always-powered sensor 
And, I am not sure if a sensor contact is safe enough for a smartphone in a 

>> The same is with mounting the display. If that is not precise enough, touch
>> operation will be deteriorated.
> Can you elaborate? There may be ways around this one too.

The main thing is that the display bezel must be plane. Otherwise it may
press on the display (touch) at one end and increase the risk of breaking
the display glass. Or you get dust inside the device.

On the other hand we know that the bezel of the Freerunner is already too thick.
I.e. for better operation it should be much thinner. But still stable.

Well, all this can be improved by changing the construction.

>> So if we reduce precision of the case production process, the buttons
>> become larger and final

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