Re: First small steps toward free GSM firmware

2013-10-28 Thread Ian Stirling

On 10/28/2013 10:03 PM, Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
* Most of the Openmoko community sees my FreeCalypso work as being 
illegal, because they have voluntarily chosen to live and/or accept 
citizenship in repressive countries which deem it to be so. I suspect 
that the power-keepers of the Om Wiki would not want to have anything 
to do with my illegal project and its equally illegal fruits.

Speaking personally, and from a UK perspective, your work is not illegal 
in the UK as such.
Someone can freely load it onto a calypso device, and use it in a 
completely shielded room.
Or perhaps even after requesting the appropriate permissions use it 
on-air. (I suspect this will be

impractical in the UK).

However, once anyone has used your work to change the IMSI of their 
phone (this needs to lead to
no other offence), and you are aware of this, if you do not stop 
distribution, you are liable to conviction

and a term of imprisonment not to exceed 5 years.

This is a poorly drawn bit of legislation, and in principle could also 
cover the operator of any
website hosting such code, once the operator becomes aware that they are 
facilitating this.

In principle, this could lead to an EU arrest warrant, or even a request 
for extradition.

There are separate issues around the IP that you do not have permission 
to use.

In practice - I would be truly astonished if, unless the above tool were 
to be used in a very serious

crime, as one of its critical elements, any conviction would result.

There were 5 convictions in 2004-5. I'm unable to find any recent ones.

The above law is  justified IMO - simply as reprogramming a phones IMSI 
removes it from the UK block
list. This means that it has lots more value, and can be resold. It 
having more value means that criminals

will attempt to take it from people, with the use of force.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: First small steps toward free GSM firmware

2013-10-16 Thread Ian Stirling

On 10/16/2013 10:13 AM, Balint Szente wrote:
What is not clear for me is that can a software be FSF/OSI free but 
illegal to use? 

In principle, one can take osmocombb through your local approvals 
process, and get it approved for use in your country.
It may also be legal to use in certain circumstances, for example one of 
the US bands for ISM - sort of
open-access - is the same as one of the EU cellphone bands. Many 
cellphones will use this band happily

in the USA.
And if you can get the approval of the local government, it can be 
entirely fine.

Pretty much the same with encryption - PGP is not legal to use everywhere.
That doesn't make it not free software.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Kickstarter: Open Source Graphics Processor (GPU)

2013-10-12 Thread Ian Stirling

On 10/12/2013 05:43 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
The main fear I have is that there is not enough funding because 
nobody can really use it in daily work without investing another lots 
of money (to integrate the FPGA with something). BR, Nikolaus

Speaking in generalities - FPGAs use lots more power for a given task 
than dedicated hardware.

They are also a lot more expensive.
This is unlikely to be $400K investment, then $20 per chip.
More like 400K investment leading to something that works on a $1000 
FPGA, and uses several times the

power of a comparable device.

Is this interesting - in principle - yes - combined with an ARM licence, 
it could lead to a moderately low risk CPU, if someone were willing to 
put up the several-many million to make a CPU with it on die.

Off-die GPUs are an utter non-starter for mobile devices.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: The open hardware phone project that's had the most interest

2013-10-05 Thread Ian Stirling

On 10/05/2013 04:04 PM, Pascal Gosselin wrote:

While I understand the needs/wants of open hardware, the average 
smartphone user really couldn't care less. That's the core of the 
problem, lack of a large user base.

HOWEVER, what a *lot* people seem to be interested in, is an open 
architecture MODULAR smartphone that could be customized.  You want a 
bigger battery ?  A better GPS ?  A better camera ? Audio/video inputs 
?  Discrete inputs ?   Serial ports ?  Ethernet ? Absolutely !

Close to 900,000 people have indicated current interest in making this 
Unfortunately, it seems the technical understanding of the people 
involved is limited.

This is basically at the level of a 5-year-old trying to design a car.
'Ok - it needs wheels and doors and a ball-pit'. Without the knowledge 
of what the transmission or suspension is.

There are many challenges to making modular systems.
Let's consider a module - and not even go into specifics.

Firstly - you need to make it a given size - or it won't fit into the phone.
This means that either you make the modules large, and may waste space 
in them, or you make them small, and risk stuff not fitting.

Secondly, you add costs.
This starts at the connector(s) - fine pitch very dense connectors are 
expensive! Especially if they need to deal with RF - and fragile.
Another cost is overcapacity - if you have a phone, you can design the 
power supply to be adequate.

Overdesigning it to cope with upgrades costs money.
Now we run into the issue of reliability - part of the reason modern 
phones are comparatively reliable is they have almost no connectors.

Certainly none that require mating/unmating by the user.

Now, you also need to pay for extra antistatic components on each end of 
the module interface, a case for the module, a place in the phone for 
the module to fit in, and mechanical support so it doesn't fall out.

Then the issue of antennas arises.

Can it be done - sure!
Will it be twice the price, twice the weight, a quarter of the 
reliability - very likely.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Enhancing an RPi with phone capabilities

2013-01-25 Thread Ian Darwin

On 2013-01-25 8:17 AM, wrote:

Thanks for your replies. I think I have some good pointers here. But, to
make one thing clear. I am not looking that much for VoIP options, but
would like to connect to an existing carrier, with a SIM-card.
The point is that I want other people (without VoIP) being able to call
this phone. And if I only have VoIP, then they can not give me a call (as
far as I know).
Am I missing something?

Well, yes. A VOIP DID line, which most people use when they speak of 
VOIP (ignoring Skype for the moment) costs $1-$3 a month and has a 
regular phone number attached, so yes, people with regular (POTS) 
phones can indeed call it. The other end can be logged into by a 
hardware SIP phone, a software SIP or IAX phone, an ATA Analog 
Terminal Adapter with a regular phone plugged into it, an Asterisk 
instance running like a regular phone system inside a business or 
home, etc.

And people with Skype can now dial regular phone numbers.

Read the intro chapters of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony for a 
good overview (the book's a bit dated as it talks of Asterisk 1.6 and 
1.8 while they're up to 1.11, but all the stuff it covers is still 
useful and it's quite readable).

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wanted: GTAxx with Wifi and RS-232

2013-01-02 Thread Ian Darwin
On Wed, Jan 02, 2013 at 05:17:16PM +0100, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
 Hi Troy,
 On 30 December 2012 21:08, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
  I can do this with a GTA02 (wifi built-in, and USB-host mode), or *maybe*
  My per-unit budget for the hardware is between $50 (bare GTA) and
  $150 (GTA running my python code with wifi and rs232)
 Does this mean that you would give me $150 for my GTA02? Are you
 US-based? Would you pay postage from Germany?

I wouldn't think so, or he or somebody would have bid my GTA02 on
eBay higher than $50. I wouldn't expect to get more than $50 fo a
GTA02, unless it's brand new in sealed box or it has the fancy black
penguin case or something. Everyone knows that GTA02 has WiFi and
USB, and can hang a USB-Serial dongle onto it.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wanted: GTAxx with Wifi and RS-232

2013-01-02 Thread Ian Darwin
  I wouldn't think so, or he or somebody would have bid my GTA02 on
  eBay higher than $50. I wouldn't expect to get more than $50 fo a
  GTA02, unless it's brand new in sealed box or it has the fancy black
  penguin case or something. Everyone knows that GTA02 has WiFi and
  USB, and can hang a USB-Serial dongle onto it.
 ... I should have bid on the ebay one ;)

You snooze, you lose :-)

Openmoko community mailing list

GTA02 for sale on ebay, currently going for $20

2012-12-30 Thread Ian Darwin
I posted this on eBay hoping the world would beat a path to my door, but 
they don't seem to have; the GTA02 has only gone up to $20 (as of Dec 
30, 2012) and there's just a few days left on the auction. If you've 
been meaning to pick up a GTA02 (or a spare) for dev or testing, this 
could be a bargain.


I also have a GTA01 if anybody's interested, write me directly only (if 
today's date is before the 14th January 2013), otherwise I'll list it on 
eBay as well.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTA02 for sale on ebay, currently going for $20

2012-12-30 Thread Ian Darwin

On 2012-12-30 2:29 PM, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:

Does this one have wifi?

I have whatever version only had bluetooth.

I'd be quite interested in both if I had a clear path how to run them
without needing to have the battery (as an always-on touchscreen for
home automation).. see

Yes, the GTA02 has WiFi. You can see that

and there is a link to some of the software in the standard Linux ports.
But just to confirm, I was able to connect it to my home LAN without a 
hitch; the Android-on-FreeRunner port tht I have installed on it at 
present, supports WiFi nicely.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 12:44:13PM -0500, Ian Darwin wrote:

I posted this on eBay hoping the world would beat a path to my door,
but they don't seem to have; the GTA02 has only gone up to $20 (as
of Dec 30, 2012) and there's just a few days left on the auction. If
you've been meaning to pick up a GTA02 (or a spare) for dev or
testing, this could be a bargain.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WikiReader / PDF, TXT or HTML?

2010-09-29 Thread Ian Stephen

 Patryk Benderz writes:
  I ain't no clue, but would be nice to have *nix ManReader :) Very often

Wikipedia (so I assume WikiReader) has pages on most of the *nix utilities.  Not
quite a ManReader, but close.


Openmoko community mailing list

Bluetooth fail (poll?)

2010-01-23 Thread Ian Stephen

The jurisdiction where I reside recently implemented a law banning handheld
devices while driving.  I bought a Jabra BT125 because someone reported success
with it and the Freerunner.  I've gone over the SHR manual web page and the
manually using bluetooth page and everything else Google could find with both
SHR Unstable and SHR Testing.  Finally bought a Motorola phone and have set
aside the Freerunner for now. :-(

I've never used bluetooth before, but it seems the Freerunner (GTA02) pairs with
either the Jabra or with my truck's Sync, but does not connect.  The headset
beeps twice and exits its pairing mode, but does not make another beep that it
does make when I pair it with my Motorola phone.  The truck saves om-gta02, but
does not say it is connected to the phone as it does when I pair it with the
Motorola.  In either case the Freerunner says New device
(/org/bluez//hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx) (not really x's of course).

I am wondering if only a few people have got bluetooth to work with headsets for
GSM calls while lots of us lose sleep over it, or have most got it going and
I'm just missing something?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Quick e-mail poll: Still using your Freerunner?

2009-12-30 Thread Ian Stephen
Quoting Risto H. Kurppa

 Do you use FR as your daily/primary phone?
 Do you use FR as your primary PDA?

 What distribution you run most of the time?


Openmoko community mailing list

[QtMoko] Freerunner making a squealing noise

2009-07-29 Thread Ian Munsie
Hey all,

Has anyone else ever experienced a loud squealing or shrieking noise
on their Freerunner that begins some amount seconds (varies) after
starting or receiving a phone call? The noise rapidly gets louder once
it starts and within about a second is much louder than the voice.
Both parties can hear the noise and it makes communication very
difficult. I first noticed it on the 18th which was a few days after I
updated from QTEI to QTMoko (FSO variant 20090707). This Freerunner
has not been buzz fixed, but this is not a buzzing issue. The noise
sounds like no kind of RF interference or feedback that I have ever
heard - the pitch is not fixed and the closest thing I can think of to
compare it to is the wind whistling through some trees, but much
louder and quite a bit harsher.


On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Eric S. Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Hello world. Is the Neo Freerunner dead?

2009-07-09 Thread Ian Munsie
 I've been drooling over the Freerunner for years now, specifically to have
 the capability to plug a REAL keyboard to it and SSH into my network.
      do I have an alternative
 I can tinker freely and willingly with the phone, but I need to
 place/receive calls ans SSH into my network.

So you want [to at least consider holding off until more information
regarding] the upcoming Nokia N900 Rover Internet Tablet based on
Linux [is released, including an official statement from Nokia that
the tablet has all the software stacks in place to support voice via
the 3G modem and not just data], which supports both wired (using an
appropriate cable and switching the USB port to host mode via software
readily available from the maemo extras repository which adds a nice
extra friendly icon in the control panel) and bluetooth (which I
recommend) keyboards. OpenSSH (or Dropbear if you are so inclined) can
easily be installed from the maemo extras repository to facilitate all
your logging into and out of needs.

 The Developers only ubiquitous tag seems to suggest that it may not just 

That is correct. Just how much work you need to apply to make it just
work depends on (off the top of my head):
a) Your definition of work
b) Your expectations
c) Your experience with Linux
d) Your free time
e) Your cranium bashing index
f) Which distro you picked
g) How much documentation you are willing, and have the time, to read.
h) Your experience with Linux
i) The size of your fingers (smaller and nimbler is better)
j) Your tolerance for small on screen keyboards (what do you think you
will have to do to get that nice large keyboard to work? Compare that
to the nice finger friendly GUI in the Internet Tablets)
k) Your tolerance for small on screen keyboards (what do you do when
you need to reply to an SMS and don't have your full size keyboard
with you, or time to set it up?)
l) How much time you are willing to spend flashing it (openmoko:
depending on size of image, up to tens of minutes. Internet tablet:
seconds. literally. no exaggeration. I was surprised myself when I
first upgraded the OS on my N800).
m) Your expectations
n) Your definition of work

I believe I saw a figure mentioned in a recent thread of about three
months to get the Freerunner to a state where it would operate how
that particular person could use it as their daily phone. I wouldn't
be surprised if that was exaggerated, then again, from my own
experiences I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't.

Personally I have my phone in a state where it is usable as a daily
phone and have been unwilling to change it since then. I prefer the
annoying bugs I know to the bugs I don't since it is now my main phone
and I can't really afford to risk breaking it yet again.

Don't let me put you off the Freerunner any more than I already have -
as evidenced by this mailing list there are clearly plenty of people
who swear by and love the phone to death, but there are many people
who have been sorely disappointed by the Freerunner and I don't want
you only getting one side of the story and ending up disappointed

Eagerly awaiting the launch of the N900 so I can ditch this Freerunner,


Logging off for a few days to avoid the inevitable flamewar I just sparked,

Pity, I really wanted FIC to succeed.

On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Eric S. Raymond, 2005
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?

2009-06-27 Thread Ian Stephen
Quoting abatrour

 Hey, I live in the lower mainland as well. I have om2009 installed and I can
 send and receive text messages just fine. I don't do actual calls yet
 because I don't have the buzzfix,

FYI (in case you weren't aware) you can get the buzz fix from SDG Systems if the
phone is sent to them by 15 July.  Just pay postage there and shipping back and
you get a battery for your trouble.

(watch the URL-wrap)


Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko Neo Freerunner Re: How to get buzz fix in Australia

2009-06-17 Thread Ian Munsie
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Denis Johnson wrote:
 I have asked this before but the thread seems to have fizzled.

 I have a GTA02 V5 one of the first group purchases into Australia and
 I would like to know if anyone in Australia is planning a buzz fix
 party or if there is somewhere overseas I can send my Freerunner to
 get fixed.

 I do not have the equipment or expertize to do it myself. Any
 recommendations welcome.

 regards Denis

 Openmoko community mailing list

First and second complaints that my handset suffers from the buzz last
night. Anyone handy with a soldering iron in Canberra feel like a buzz
fix party?

I'll CC this to the Canberra Linux Users Group mailing list since
there are several people on that list who were part of the group
purchase and I'm pretty sure they don't all subscribe to this list.

- -Ian

- --
- --
On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Eric S. Raymond, 2005
- --
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Android call volume still an issue ?

2009-05-24 Thread Ian Stephen
Quoting Chris Samuel

 I'm pondering trying out Android on my FR but was worried by some of the
 comments on the Wiki about very low volume during voice calls - is that still
 an issue with the latest builds ?

I am using Koolu's beta 6 release and call volume is no more quiet than it was
using OM2008.  Perhaps better in fact as with OM2008 I always had to turn up
the slider as soon as a call was connected while with Android the call volume
is OK.  I'm not even sure there is a way to adjust it.  Will have to look for

Battery life seems short.  With OM2008 it had become good enough that I didn't
think about charging the phone all the time.  Using Android I have to remember
to plug the phone in during the day again.

Speaker phone seems to turn off all volume, though I haven't tried it with a

There seems to be more buzz than with OM2008 or perhaps it is just more apparent
because of battery life being shorter.  With any distribution, my Freerunner
seems to buzz more when battery is low.

I haven't tried wifi or gps and observations are not quantified in any way as I
am just using the phone rather than really thinking about testing.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Graphics Performance

2009-04-03 Thread Ian Stirling
Iain B. FIndleton wrote:
 It appears to me that the implementation on the FR is not capable of 
 moving an updated frame buffer in memory to the chip's video buffer, 
 presuming they are different, without draping. Since the controller 
 appears to be able to rescan its own video buffer without flicker, I 
 wonder what the issue is in moving the frame buffer data? At the speeds 
 available on the FR, moving 640 x 480 x 2 = 614,400 bytes from memory to 
 a video buffer at 30 Hz needs about 18 MB/sec.
 What is the bandwidth for memory moves?

About 6-8 or so - with 100% CPU utilisation

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Added echo suppression fixes for the OpenMoko Neo phone.

2009-03-18 Thread Ian
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:52 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Chris Samuel wrote:

 On Wednesday 18 March 2009, Radek Polak wrote:

  did you built it yourself or are you using binary from somewhere?

 I think he's using the latest (as I write) snapbuild from here:

Yep that's right - I'm using qt-extended-improved-bin-only-20090316.tar.gz

 Well, this one is for sure echo free:
 but I haven't tried qt-extended-improved-bin-only-20090316.tar.gz yet

On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Added echo suppression fixes for the OpenMoko Neo phone.

2009-03-17 Thread Ian
Seems that this hasn't yet been 100% solved. I'm using QT Extended
Improved 20090316 and my friend reported hearing bad echo when he
called me today. I'm pretty sure that it was the first call since
boot, so it's likely that none of the places in the code that the echo
suppression is activated had been called by that stage.


On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko keyboard mockup

2009-01-07 Thread Ian
 i'd rather not. 1. trollt.. err.. nokia deserve thanks for the core 
 and initial work on their one - i didn't know how the code worked until later
 but i nutted out how it probably should work just by poking at it. so if 
 deserves a patent - it's them. 2. i'd rather this be well publicised and out
 there code in the public eye - so the idea is widespread and well known - 
 serves as prior art pretty much making it impossible for someone to come along
 and patent the idea and make things a pain. get the ideas out there in code -
 in the public eye with a trail of history so it's available for everyone to 
 and use. if someone implements a better kbd but steals the same idea - i'm
 sticking my thumbs up going good on-ya mate! i want users and the community
 to benefit. 3. i fundamentally disagree with software patents - or at least 
 way they have been implemented. the vast majority i have seen are neither 
 nor non-obvious to someone skilled in the art. most are incredibly mundane
 straightforward things to someone skilled in the art and the system has been
 abused to further greed and misplace credit in the hands of those with more
 lawyers, not those who innovate the most or the best. be that as it may - the
 system is there and we are stuck with it. i'm not a crusader trying to bring 
 down - i don't have the time. got code to write and ideas to make happen :) 
 i hope in my little way i can shake my fist at the system and go here... 
 art. take that!. i'll let others fight the good fight in trying to reform the
 patent system. i'm just rattling my chains and moaning in my corner...
 'brains! brains! braiins! need moore brains!' :)

Raster... you are my new hero. It's not the first time I've heard this
kind of argument (Andrew Tridgell made a very similar argument at a
CLUG meeting some time ago) and I completely agree with you.

Good work on the keyboard,

On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko keyboard mockup

2009-01-07 Thread Ian
  Maybe it would be better to have a full-screen input mode where you
 can see what will be typed (maybe keep the rightmost 20-30 characters of
 the string visible in the keyboard app, then actually pass it to the
 program when leaving 'full-screen' mode or pressing 'enter', etc). That
 still allows you to see what you are typing with a full-screen keyboard
 (which is what it seems most people are wanting from the transparency).

  Extra points could be awarded for allowing applications to give the
 keyboard app a description of the 'active' field to be displayed
 in a 'full-screen' mode.

Yeah, that reminds me a lot of the fullscreen keyboard on the Nokia N800:

The keyboard can be brought up by either:
- If enough pressure is applied to select a text field (significantly
more than the stylus can, but still only requires a firm push with a
finger/thumb), though this doesn't always work reliably
- Pressing the rocker key in the middle of the directional keypad
when the stylus keyboard is displayed
- Changing the settings can enable it to always come up, even when the
stylus is used (or disable it altogether).

Once displayed, some notable functions which may not be obvious from a
screen shot:
 - If it was activated for a text field which can be edited (ie, not
an X terminal), the text will be placed in the text field on the
 - The text field in the keyboard supports highlighting, overwriting,
moving left/right and so forth
 - As a word is entered, the single most likely completion in it's
dictionary will be displayed in the text field in another colour - if
tapped on, it will enter that word.
 - the button on the upper left (an underlined down arrow) dismisses
the keyboard and passes it's input to the application
 - the return button will also dismiss the keyboard, but will
additionally send a return keystoke
 - The large back key is backspace
 - The odd looking button just left of the return key brings up a menu
allowing cut, copy, paste and changing dictionaries/languages if a
second language has been selected in the settings (which appears to
also have the option to use both dictionaries simultaneously, though I
have not tried that functionality).
 - On the letters page, the lower right button selects punctuation in
a similar manner to many phones (1 tap: full stop, 2 taps: comma, 3:
question mark, 4: exclamation mark, 5: hyphen and so on). As it is
tapped, the symbols displayed update to indicate the current symbol
selected (in black) as well as the next two symbols that would be
selected by continuing to tap (in grey). These same symbols may also
be found on the 1!+ (numbers and common* symbols) tab, though they are
each on separate buttons (so, faster to enter ... for example)
 - Selecting the letters tab while in the tab swaps between lower and upper case

*what is considered a common symbol is debatable - the asterisk is on
the third tab, while Euros and Pounds are on the common symbols tab -
since I'm in Australia my preference would be to swap that around.
Notably, there are also many symbols (including accented characters)
which can be used in the small keyboard, which are not available in
the fullscreen keyboard at all (as far as I am aware).

You can also see an earlier version of the non full screen keyboard
(which I do not believe would be suitable for something as small as
the freerunner, especially with no stylus holder) here:

I personally wouldn't mind something similar to this on the freerunner
- probably best used in landscape/fullscreen mode with raster's
keyboard for portrait/small mode - accelerometer fun comes to mind to
toggle the modes - only needs to be active (and draining power) when
the keyboard is displayed (and probably a setting to disable the
behaviour somewhere logical).


On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: External battery charger

2008-12-31 Thread Ian Stephen
Quoting Jan Henkins

 Hello all,

 Hope somebody can help:

 I perpetrated the cardinal sin to let my FR battery run completely
 In the meantime, is there any (non-destructive) way to coax the FR into
 life with the flat battery, so that I can charge it?

What I've done is boot the Freerunner with the spare battery, plug in the wall
charger that came with the Freerunner (or force 500 mA charge on a suitable USB
charger supply) then remove the spare battery and put in the FIC battery.  The
Freerunner will run without battery when the wall charger is plugged in and
will charge the FIC battery once it is inserted.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New 2008.12 Release

2008-12-20 Thread Ian
 6 sec to press power should be improved imho -- there is no need for it
 to be more than 3 sec (enough time imho to differ between Power-AUx, or
 AUX - Power presses to get into different UBoots)

I agree, though I would argue that there is absolutely no reason to
have it any longer than 1 second - that's easily long enough that it
won't turn on accidentally and short enough that no one would get
pissed off at it:

1 second - ok
2 seconds - tolerable
3 seconds - barely tolerable
4 seconds - hmmm, is my battery dead?
5 seconds - ok, this is rediculous
6 seconds - my finger is getting sore
7 seconds - dude, WTF???
8 seconds - about bloody time!

Then there's the matter that if you release the power button the
moment the AUX LED blinks it doesn't turn on (has to be held down for
another second or so until the splash screen appears), which makes no
sense at all - if feedback is provided that the device is about to
turn on then it bloody well should turn on!

I honestly wonder if OM has hired or at least consulted with a human
interfaces expert, because it certainly doesn't feel like they have.
Well, at least they finally added a volume control I suppose...

My 2c of annoyances (I still have several dollars of annoyances left)
On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTA03 - buttons or touchscreen

2008-10-25 Thread Ian Stephen

 Ok Community,

 vote and tell OM what you want for the next phone
 1) touchscreen (no qwerty buttons) - freerunner, HTC Orbit, iphone
 2) qwerty keyboard and tracker ball - blackberry curve
 3) combination touchscreen plus qwerty - G1

In order of preference;

3) combo : if it's a slide out with big keys ie HTC Touch Pro
1) touchscreen : not quite as deep set as GTA02
2) qwerty  tracker ball : I'd rather not physically reduce screen space


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [u-boot] Wrong image format for bootm command

2008-10-07 Thread Ian
The issue is that somehow your u-boot environment, which is stored in
a separate partition to u-boot itself (and therefore not reset when
you flash u-boot), has been cleared. There's a solution here:

Let me know if you have any trouble - I did this myself (on purpose)
the other day, so it's still fairly fresh in my mind.


On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 6:42 AM, Matthew Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having trouble booting my neo.  I can get into NOR flash, and NAND
 flash, but the NAND flash only supplies one option: the Boot command.
 This command prints a message saying Wrong image format for the bootm

 I have grabbed the latest u-boot from:
 I have flashed this into my NAND using dfu-util from my NOR with no errors.

 My flash image is currently the FDOM image.  I was attempting to install
 debian on my uSD.  I updated to the latest uboot, configured it using a
 script provided at, and then booted into my flash image and
 proceeded to install debian.  The process halted after partitioning,
 which then advised to use 'cu' to add some environmental variables to
 booting.  After this, I rebooted and began receiving these errors.

 I currently cannot boot into anything.  I can log into NOR (which seems
 fine) but I am unable to flash a working NAND (Just that boot option).


 Openmoko community mailing list

On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [debian] Evince works and is nice for ebooks

2008-10-06 Thread Ian
 With the price of the phone you payed the hardware, personally I think
 a very good hardware. If you want to confront the Open Source
 Community with a propretary software firm, you are in a wrong

OK, I'm taking the bait (no offence is meant by this post to anyone,
don't take it the wrong way. I'm anticipating most of the shortcomings
I mention here will be fixed in future phones anyway)

good hardware, ey?

GSM, what, no 3G? Oh well, nevermind, that's why I carry an N95 with a
data only plan and I never had the intention to use the FR for data
anyway (too expensive down here to have a single device do both)...

Wifi - range not so great, but doesn't bother me too much.

USB1.1 ?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? Sorry, I'm kind of used to being able
to flash my Internet Tablet in a matter of seconds (not exaggerating)
and then finished booting into the new OS in under 2 minutes. The neo
is kind of like start flashing, and now watch some TV while I wait --
and I better just hope that MythTV recorded something worth watching!

Bluetooth - well, you can't really go wrong with bluetooth, so no faults here

Accelerometers - I'm not entirely sure why I need two of them, but hey
it's still pretty neat :)

GPS - Haven't tried it, can't imaging there being any hardware issues
with it thoguh.

Lack of keyboard - ewww, oh well, I guess it can be compensated for by
a decent on screen keyboard, right?

Screen - not sunlight readable!?!?! Dude, WTF? I guess the lack of a
keyboard CAN'T be compensated outside in the middle of the day then.
Oh well, I guess this is only 2nd gen after all, and it did take Nokia
until their 3rd gen Internet Tablet to include one... resolution of
480x640 - meh, I don't need that much.

Audio jack - haven't used it yet, I would have preferred a 3.5mm jack,
but doesn't bother me too much.

RAM - 128 glorious MiB :) Just, please no one port firefox (microb or
other browsers using gecko, sure, just not the whole firefox).

NOR - *thankyou* for the failsafe FIC, speaking as one who has bricked
embedded devices before (and thank goodness I had a debug board with
jTAG for that).

NAND - 256 MB can feel cramped at times, but that's OK, just a sign
that I should probably have remembered that it's an embedded device
before I tried to install OpenSuSE desktop (kidding).

Camera (or lack there of) - Doesn't bother me personally, but then I'm
the guy that can be identified by carrying 3 phones (FR+N95(works as a
3G bluetooth modem and camera)+Work mobile) and an internet tablet in
various pockets in my cargo pants. It's an interesting point of debate
- on one side I'm hearing lots of people say ooh, a smartphone I
could take into work, on the other side I'm hearing a lot of people
asking me about the phone and finally commenting what? no camera?.
Though until the software gets better I'm not entirely sure how many
businesses (other than FIC obviously) would appreciate one of their
employees taking some time off to run some straces on the phone to try
to work out what's wrong with his SMS app THIS time, and just wishing
he had something with him that he could use to SSH into it to make
this faster...

Open - It's why I bought the thing

So yeah, overall the phone hardware is OK, but I wouldn't really call
it good. My main personal complaints are the lack of a sunlight
readable screen, USB1.1 and the lack of a keyboard or keypad. The main
hardware related points that random people keep bringing up when they
have a look at it are no 3G (probably thinking iPhone) and both sides
of the camera argument.

my 2c,

On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Rasterman Image...

2008-10-02 Thread Ian Stephen
Quoting Joel Newkirk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Wed, 1 Oct 2008 20:32:34 -0600, Ori Pessach [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I have a question about the predictive keyboard shown in one of those
  --Ori Pessach

 Intended, you just have to understand what it's doing.

 Unlike T9 and other predictive inputs that are familiar from cellphones,
 the keyboard predictive process looks at neighboring keys, 'predicting'
 that periodically you may hit the wrong one.  (if you're using your finger
 that's pretty likely, especially if they're as wide as mine)

At first look I thought this keyboard was useless.  Coming back to it later I
started to see how it worked, but still switched to a full dvorak layout with
stylus all the time.

Seeing this thread I took another look ... stylus ... finger...! Now I love it! 
I can mash all over the keyboard with my fat fingers and it makes the right
words available almost every time!  No more squinting in poor light trying to
get exactly the right key with the stylus.  I think I'll be using this
predictive keyboard a lot more.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Dialer UI Design

2008-10-01 Thread Ian
Alex does bring up some excellent points, and I would like to point to
the (unfortunately closed source) media centre app for the Nokia
Internet Tablet called Canola as an example, which was written in
Python (distributed as byte compiled python) and uses EFL for the
graphics. Everything in the app feels very smooth and for the most
part is quite responsive - it's the smoothest inertial scrolling I've
seen in a non-apple product (not that I like inertial scrolling very
much since the distinction between select and scroll is far too small,
and would stay away from it on any interface I design). The UI is
fairly well designed, mostly because they listened to their users and
redesigned it to address the issues brought up. The only real problem
with it is that it takes quite a while to load - but that's really
only a one off initial time consuming task. Oh, and of course the
other problem is that it's closed source, but maybe Instituto Nokia
de Tecnologia will follow Nokia's (They are now independant) lead and
open it up some day.


On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Dialer UI Design

2008-09-29 Thread Ian
Hey all,

I'm just sending this out there for anyone working on a/the dialer UI.
At the moment with the qtopia (ergo, 2008.*) dialer the same part of
the screen is used for answer call as end call, and since the UI
is laggy (see below), I naturally hit answer call a second time and as
a result hung up immediately. Probably should avoid this UI design
pitfall in future dialer (and other) interfaces.

A note on UI response times: 10ms should be the MAX response time,
anything that takes longer has just 10ms to let the user know it's
going to take longer (progress bar, hour glass, etc), otherwise the
reaction is disconnected from the action that caused it in the user's
mind and worse, the user will press the control again.


On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] missing LAN tools

2008-09-22 Thread Ian
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 3:48 AM, Christian Weßel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Montag, den 22.09.2008, 09:37 -0400 schrieb Jim Ancona:
 If you can ssh to it, but you can't connect outbound, that usually means
 that you don't have the default gateway set properly. If you are using
 USB, try:

 route del default gw
 route add default gw

 I have successfull access with ssh, I set a new pw as recommended. No
 problems, also after reboot.
 I checked the /etc/network/interfaces:

 # Ethernet/RNDIS gadget (g_ether)
 # ... or on host side, usbnet and random hwaddr
 auto usb0
 iface usb0 inet static
 up echo nameserver

 I figure that's fine.

 An attemt of update results:

 debian-gta02:~# apt-get update
 0% [Connecting to] [Connecting to]
 debian-gta02:~# apt-get update
 Err unstable Release.gpg
   Temporary failure resolving ''
 Err sid Release.gpg
   Temporary failure resolving ''
 Err experimental Release.gpg
   Temporary failure resolving ''
 Err unstable Release.gpg
   Temporary failure resolving ''
 Reading package lists... Done
 W: Failed to fetch  Temporary 
 failure resolving ''

 W: Failed to fetch  Temporary 
 failure resolving ''

 W: Failed to fetch  Temporary 
 failure resolving ''

 W: Failed to fetch  
 Temporary failure resolving ''

 W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones 
 used instead.
 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

 HAHA, yes I want, but I can't.

 Does anyone has an idea?

 mfg/br, christian weßel

 Flurstraße 14
 29640 Schneverdingen

 Telefon: +49 5193 97 14 95
 Mobile:  +49 171 357 59 57

 Openmoko community mailing list

I'm sure you've already done this, but just in case have you set your
computer to act as a gateway to the FR? It needs packet forwarding
enabled under /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward as well as iptables set up
correctly. Personally I use an iptables frontend called firehol to
simplify this.
My /etc/firehol/firehol.conf looks like (this is on my laptop, not the FR):

#always needed for firehol
version 5

#Don't let anything in from the Internet that I didn't request
interface ppp+ internet src not $UNROUTABLE_IPS
  protection strong
  client all accept

# Accept all client traffic on any other interface and allow incoming SSH
interface any world src not $RESERVED_IPS
  server ssh accept
  client all accept

#Forward packets from usb network with NAT
router usbnet inface usb0 outface any
  route all accept


On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: (OM2008.8-update) (audio/GSM) alsamixer names

2008-09-16 Thread Ian
Disclamer: I'm not a kernel hacker... yet.

Just poking around I'd say look in the kernel sources under

Happy Hacking,

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Vasco Névoa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some callers have been complaining my GSM microphone level is low, so
 I've been reading the threads about echo cancellation and alsa state
 files, but every time I walk into alsamixer I get lost.

 I'd like to suggest different names for the Alsa controls, because quite
 frankly I cannot relate to the ones I see in alsamixer. But first I'd
 like to ask you guys if you feel the same need as me. Do you feel
 comfortable with the present alsa channel names, or would you like them
 to be clearer?
 I think that these names are confusing and sometimes even misleading.
 They should be closer to the user... like for example, from (1) we know
 that the Voice interface is connected to the bluetooth interface; why
 not call it bluetooth?? The same goes for PCM; I know everybody
 knows that PCM means Pulse Code Modulated and that can only come from
 the CPU, but can't we make life easier on ourselves and call it CPU or
 SoC or System or something more obvious that says this is Linux's sound
 card? The Mic1 and Mic2 could be called HeadMic and BuiltInMic or

 This would make it clearer for everyone messing with these settings, and
 so would help accelerate the troubleshooting of this complex system.

 As to the more obscure controls, like the MUXers and the intermediate
 routing volume levels, I'd like them to be less distracting and more
 accurate; they are used for several things, so they should not be named
 for external objects; how about calling them their wolfson datasheet
 names, like LMSEL?...  this way we wouldn't need to constantly try to
 decode the meaning of each of these things, we'd just open up the
 picture (1) and everybody would know precisely what is being talked

 Basically, I'm trying to propose a naming scheme that separates
 high-level stuff (like plain Headphones and Microphone volume) from
 low-level stuff  (like routing in the mixers). This would allow us
 newbies to play in alsamixer without fear of breaking some obscure
 routing that may later come back to bite us in the ear.

 Does anyone know where the alsa channel names are defined (which file)?

 Oh, and I think I see a bug: the channel names Headphone and Speaker
 are exchanged, as far as I can see. Phone call volume is controlled via
 Speaker and SoC music play is controlled via Headphone; Isn't this
 supposed to be the other way around? Please confirm/deny.


 Vasco Névoa.

 Openmoko community mailing list

On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Should I update u-boot?

2008-09-16 Thread Ian
Hi Vinc,

 I have a big favor to ask. Could someone direct me exactly to a correct
 version of u-boot that can charge a Freerunner with a dead battery? An exact
 URL with a file name would mean a lot to me. :-)
should do the trick.

 I checked,
 and, and

 Is this the file I need?

No, that's a kernel image packaged for uBoot.


On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fast dfu-util for Mac?

2008-09-15 Thread Ian
Wow, that's /almost/ a whole megabit O_O

No, seriously I've noticed that it takes forever to flash from Linux
too... Seems that the freerunner only has USB1.1 instead of 2.0, but
even taking the USB overhead into consideration it still seems awfully
slow. I guess that N800 of mine spoilt me with it's unnaturally fast
flash in a matter of seconds voodoo magic USB2 stuff.

It has occurred to me that it would actually be faster to reflash the
neo over wireless - not that I would recommend that practice for
hopefully obvious reasons.


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 6:27 AM, Linus Gasser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 another question: if I boot the jffs from FDOM (97MB), it takes nearly
 15 minutes on my Mac with the dfu-util from

 I heard somebody complain about the same issue on Windows. Is there
 another solution than to install Linux on my Mac? Anybody?


 Openmoko community mailing list

On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
 -- Erik Raymond, 2005
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QTopia and WiFi

2008-08-16 Thread Ian Stephen
On August 15, 2008, Cédric Berger wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 20:22, Jim Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyway bottom line is does work.

 Thanks, I'll try again
 Well I manage to have it say connected, but have no network
 access... will keep trying
 I also have to try other settings of my modem wifi (TKIP, AES, or TKIP+AES

I just tried again with mine, having failed to get a connection earlier.  This 
time noticed that under wireless settings the access point mac address was 
wrong on the last digit.  Once I corrected that the FR connected right away 
and I was able to ssh to the FR.


Openmoko community mailing list

Spares - broken case or LCD, ...

2008-08-11 Thread Ian Stirling
Is there any way to purchase cases or LCDs in the event of breakage?
Also, I would like a few cases, to play with adding wifi to GTA01, for 
which I need to modify the case a bit, and I may break it.

Openmoko community mailing list

usb charging rates

2008-08-11 Thread Ian Stephen
Charging my Freerunner on a dual boot laptop.  Freerunner is running Qtopia 
from microSD card.

Under Windows XP, on Freerunner
cat sys/devices/platform/s3c2440-i2c/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/charger_type
reports host/500mA usb mode 100mA

But under Ubuntu it reports host/500mA usb mode 500mA

Ran cat sys/devices/.../charger_type repeatedly while rebooting the laptop 
from Windows to Ubuntu and the charging mode changed from 100mA to 500mA very 
near the beginning of Ubuntu booting.

Does Windows not speak the same USB protocol as the Freerunner?
Can't all computer USB ports provide 500mA?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

2008-08-05 Thread ian douglas
Neng-Yu Tu (Tony Tu) wrote:
 Yes, we don't have unified warranty policy yet, but this does not mean 
 we don't take the responsibility for user get bad devices.

Define bad...

It's a little vague -- does 'bad' simply mean DOA like was announced by
Steve several months ago regarding the 14-day/28-day DOA warranty, or
does 'bad' mean phones that turn on but don't have functioning hardware ?

Thanks for working with the rest of the team to come to some consensus
on what the warranty is all about.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SD Card Fix Fubar

2008-08-04 Thread ian douglas
Scott Derrick wrote:
 Not sure how to proceed now.  Is Openmoko going to be taking FR's back 
 for repairs?

Several of us have asked whether trying the hardware fix will void/limit 
our warranties on the Freerunners, but I don't recall seeing any 
official answer from Openmoko one way or the other, or even any 
description as to what sort of warranty we have on the Freerunners at all.

I've asked in a separate thread, I've seen other requests on various 
GPS/SD threads about it too.

Has *anyone* seen any warranty-related text on the mailing list lately 
from an person?


Openmoko community mailing list

Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

2008-08-04 Thread ian douglas

It's been asked several times, especially regarding the GPS/SD fixes 
and people ordering pico-farad capacitors and soldering irons ... I'm 
hoping that at some point the squeaky wheel cliche will work itself 
out and we'll get an answer.

The boxes the Freerunners came in gave no information about warranty, we 
need to hear from Openmoko about what exactly the warranty does cover? 
My understanding of the warranty time limit is that single purchases got 
a 14-day warranty, and group purchases were given a 28-day warranty, 
but we've never been told what the warranty includes.

I'd really like to outline some of this on the wiki since we're cleaning 
it all up, etc., and since few users will ever search the mailing list 
archives anyway.

Will it include any recall/repairs needed to fix the GPS/SD problems at 
a hardware level?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

2008-08-04 Thread ian douglas

My intention was not to create a message thread for people to vent about
what they like or not about the Freerunner. I created the thread to get
an official stance from Openmoko about the state of the warranty, and if
it would cover any hardware fix offered by OM for the GPS/SD problems.


ian douglas wrote:
 It's been asked several times, especially regarding the GPS/SD fixes 
 and people ordering pico-farad capacitors and soldering irons ... I'm 
 hoping that at some point the squeaky wheel cliche will work itself 
 out and we'll get an answer.
 The boxes the Freerunners came in gave no information about warranty, we 
 need to hear from Openmoko about what exactly the warranty does cover? 
 My understanding of the warranty time limit is that single purchases got 
 a 14-day warranty, and group purchases were given a 28-day warranty, 
 but we've never been told what the warranty includes.
 I'd really like to outline some of this on the wiki since we're cleaning 
 it all up, etc., and since few users will ever search the mailing list 
 archives anyway.
 Will it include any recall/repairs needed to fix the GPS/SD problems at 
 a hardware level?
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which ATT data plans are compatible?

2008-08-01 Thread ian douglas
Ken Restivo wrote:
 They actually hire people to sit around and snoop people's UserAgent strings?

It's easy to automate since surfing non-SSL sites should send your HTTP
headers in plain text, so they you can simply watch the packets and keep
track of data counts, browsers, etc. for each wireless account.

 Their unlimited data plan used to be $20/month but they raised it to $30 
 for the new iPhone. Tethering adds even more because they expect that 
 you'll be downloading much more data than users who don't tether.
 So unlimited data isn't unlimited at all?

As far as I've seen, personally, it's unlimited. Of course, I tend not
to tether my ATT phone to my laptop and download ISO-sized files or
anything. I'm sure if you reach a certain amount of traffic, they'll
notice you. Last month I only downloaded about 60MB on my phone.

 But I'm told that Sprint Metro PCS allows unlimited data, and tethering, for 

That's slightly cheaper than ATT then, who charges me $69/month for
unlimited data plus tethering.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which ATT data plans are compatible?

2008-07-31 Thread ian douglas
Ken Restivo wrote:
 Is there a specific limit? How do they *know* you are tethering? What are the 
 overage fees and where are they detailed?

 From what I've read, they watch your traffic for things like user agent 
strings (if they see an HTTP header specifying that you're using 
Firefox, it's a sure thing you're tethering since Firefox doesn't have a 
mobile browser yet), or that they watch for traffic levels that exceed 
your phone's capacity. For example, if you surf and browse more than a 
few GB of traffic (ie: torrent downloads) chances are good that you're 
tethering since your phone will only natively hold about 200MB of 
content plus whatever your SD card will hold.

As for overage fees, it's whatever they charge you based on your 
current plan. For example if you don't HAVE a data plan, they'll hit you 
with pretty heavy fees. Even at 0.01/kb on the MediaNet plan, they 
expect all of your content will come through their MediaNet browser. 
That's $10 per 1 MB of data over their limit, which frankly isn't hard 
to do these days.

Their unlimited data plan used to be $20/month but they raised it to $30 
for the new iPhone. Tethering adds even more because they expect that 
you'll be downloading much more data than users who don't tether.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which ATT data plans are compatible?

2008-07-29 Thread ian douglas
You'll probably need the PDA Personal plan, that's what they recommend
to smartphone users, which the Freerunner will qualify as, in their opinion.

But GPRS data transfer is still being worked on, so hold off paying the
$30/month for unlimited data just yet.


Dimitri wrote:
 I've set up an ATT pay-as-you-go plan, and I'm able to send/receive calls and
 text messages.
 (I had to wiggle the sim card for the phone to recognize the att network: a
 hardware flaw that's been discussed to death.)
 Which ATT data plans are compatible with the Freerunner?
 There's a ton of them available, with radically different pricing for
 I see names like PDA Personal, MediaNet, DataConnect, and a bunch of
 Which ATT data access plans are compatible with Openmoko?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which ATT data plans are compatible?

2008-07-29 Thread ian douglas
Just don't try tethering (using your phone as a modem) on their cheap
data plan, or they'll hit you with overage fees or tell you to convert
to the smarthphone plan.


Steven ** wrote:
 My understanding is that it's marketing BS and there isn't much (if
 any) difference between those unlimited data plans.  The difference
 seems to be what ATT is willing to sell you.  If you have a crappy
 old phone, they'll sell you a cheap data plan because they figure you
 won't use it.  If you have a smartphone, they figure you might
 actually be able to and want to browse the web and therefore charge
 you more.
 What I'm thinking of trying is taking my old, crappy flip-phone into
 the store when asking about data plans.  That should get me the cheap
 plan.  Then just pop the SIM card back into my Neo.  I'm betting I'll
 have full internet.  Worst case scenario: I'll have to tunnel
 everything through port 80.
 On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Dimitri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've set up an ATT pay-as-you-go plan, and I'm able to send/receive calls and
 text messages.

 (I had to wiggle the sim card for the phone to recognize the att network: a
 hardware flaw that's been discussed to death.)

 Which ATT data plans are compatible with the Freerunner?

 There's a ton of them available, with radically different pricing for

 I see names like PDA Personal, MediaNet, DataConnect, and a bunch of

 Which ATT data access plans are compatible with Openmoko?

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Openmoko Community mailing list archive at

 Openmoko community mailing list

 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which ATT data plans are compatible?

2008-07-29 Thread ian douglas
Yes, to my knowledge, GPRS data transfer is not yet automated and not
working out-of-the-box.

A few people on the list have shared instructions on how they got it to
at least connect to their carrier to get an IP address, but I haven't
tried it myself on my ATT (contract) SIM yet.


Dimitri wrote:
 When you say GPRS data transfer is still being worked on does that mean it
 doesn't currently work?
 I ask because my ATT pay-as-you-go plan has MediaNet data access included,
 for $.01 / kb.
 But if I try to connect to a web page, it won't connect. (Using my local
 WiFi or USB connection, it connects fine.)
 Could it be an issue with my 3g blazing sim? I would guess no, since it
 works just fine when making/receiving calls and text messages.
 ian douglas-2 wrote:
 You'll probably need the PDA Personal plan, that's what they recommend
 to smartphone users, which the Freerunner will qualify as, in their

 But GPRS data transfer is still being worked on, so hold off paying the
 $30/month for unlimited data just yet.


 Dimitri wrote:
 Which ATT data access plans are compatible with Openmoko?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GSM detection/identification

2008-07-29 Thread ian douglas
Paul Buede wrote:
 the coverage isn't great in the rural areas I find myself.  When driving
 around, if out of reach of tmobile, it will say registering as if
 there is no sim card.  But, on the little image of the antenna, that
 shows how strong my connection is, I still have 2 bars.  Is that a bad
 guage of connectivity?

As far as I recall, TMobile only uses the higher-frequency band, (1800
or 1900? I can never remember), and probably won't drop down to the
850MHz band unless they've signed an agreement with ATT to piggyback on
their lower-frequency network in the rural areas where you've been.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: new list for wiki (and other documentation) maintainers, and anyone interested in helping them

2008-07-28 Thread ian douglas
Joachim Steiger wrote:
 ian douglas wrote:

 Can you alter the mailing list so the list's address is set as the
 default Reply-To value like the community list?
 please not.
 Simply hitting Reply (instead of Reply-to-All) seems to send replies to
 the authors of the posts.
 thats how it needs to be. thats what your reply-to-all button is for.

But the community list is not set up that way, thus my request:

 Might as well keep things uniform in that regard.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-28 Thread ian douglas
ezuall wrote:
 Potential, that is the first word that comes to mind when I think about and
 play with my freerunner.  I spent months absolutely obsessively waiting for
 the release, but when I first received it I was afraid.

I agree, there's unlimited potential.

To be honest, I was all hyped about the Freerunner, even throughout the
beta testing period before they became available for purchase, and
gladly took the risk of making a purchase for the Los Angeles group buy.

I should admit though, that despite my zeal, I'm still quite confused
myself on the whole ASU/FSO/Qtopia/2007.2 framework splits, as Jay
Vaughan has pointed out a few times.

To some degree, Sean's Email helped ease my confusion -- I see Openmoko
like Linux Torvalds (which Michele brought up) -- Openmoko has an idea
of where they want to get the phone to a basic usable state and to
where we community hacker/members can start adding on top of it and
making the device a household name. Openmoko has their tool of choice,
but don't care what other people develop for the phone, I'm sure the
same way Linux Torvalds probably doesn't care whether an end user
utilizes GNOME vs KDE.

And while Openmoko is working on their own framework, I have to agree
with many other voices: knowing which platform to develop for, as a
developer myself, is confusing. I don't like the thought of having to
write multiple versions of an application that caters to GTK and Qt
separately, although I recall that the FSO framework is trying to bridge
that gap. But I also don't want to have to market my application as
only works on 2007.2/FSO because I use GTK because that's the route I
chose to build my app.

I guess I personally envisioned the Neo1973 (GTA01) as the base model
for developers and that the Freerunner was going to have a smoother
transition into the mainstream. I agree with Sean (and several others)
that the Freerunner gets them a step closer, but Openmoko still relies
heavily on the feedback (and *participation*) of the community.

As far as design goes, I understood Sean's Email to say that they
don't care how we build what we build on the phone, and that even the
design of the phone (ie: case) is open to us on all levels to make it
whatever we want it to be. They're going to focus on their own framework
and hardware issues, and let us do what we do best as a community.

I still hold to a quote from Andy Powell on the community list, which
emphasizes that we all need to pitch in where we can. I agree, not all
of us have super-godlike programming skillz, and not all of us are
fluent in several languages to write the wiki, but we can ALL chip in
here and there if we're on the same page:

If everyone put as much effort into development as they do into
bitching and whining this phone would be able to cure cancer by now.
- Andy Powell, May 6, 2008

Personally, I signed up to help manage the wiki to make it a better
source of information. I haven't got the time to invest into
kernel-level development or any hard-core programming, but I *do* have
time to review a wiki page or two every single day, and will do what I
can. If everybody had the same level of cooperation, this project would
be radically different.

At the same time, there are always going to be groups of people who are
more likely to be vocal than helpful, that's why someone coined the
phrase about how 10% of the people do 90% of the work. We will
*always* have to deal with the same questions on the mailing list over
and over and have to watch for, and manage, duplicate content on the
wiki because someone doesn't know how to use a search function. That's a
given. Instead of being harsh on these people and speaking negatively,
here's a thought: be helpful. We're only going to alienate people if we
tell people their thoughts are nonsense/worthless and RTFM n00b.

I feel that Sean has just given us (or perhaps just reiterated what
should have already been known), as a community, the means to empower
ourselves to help on *everything* about the Openmoko project as a whole.
We wanted an open platform, and it's been given to us. We're *all* part
of that design.

Just my $0.02...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Suggestion: default /etc/resolv.conf

2008-07-24 Thread ian douglas
Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
 Much better to get resolv.conf, along with IP address, from DHCP.

Typically, I'd agree -- except the Freerunner doesn't get its IP from 
DHCP for the USB port, which is where pretty much all of the DNS 
questions come from to the list (until GRPS starts working reliably...)

Personally I don't think there's any harm in having an open/public DNS 
server pair in the default out-of-the-box /etc/resolv.conf file. In 
fact, I bundled a whole bunch of configuration files together for wifi, 
dns, etc. for the guys who were part of the Los Angeles group -- first 
thing I did for most of them was get that tarball unpacked on their 
Freerunners. Saved them all some grief.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: new list for wiki (and other documentation) maintainers, and anyone interested in helping them

2008-07-23 Thread ian douglas

Can you alter the mailing list so the list's address is set as the
default Reply-To value like the community list?

Simply hitting Reply (instead of Reply-to-All) seems to send replies to
the authors of the posts.

Might as well keep things uniform in that regard.


Michael Shiloh wrote:
 A number of community members have volunteered to put time into our 
 wiki. There followed some discussion about how best to proceed, and 
 quickly a suggestion was made to create a separate list to allow this 
 coordination to take place without bothering those uninterested.
 After a number of suggestions, we agreed to name the new mailing list 
 simply wiki.
 In spite of this, I decided to take a different approach and named the 
 new mailing list documentation.
 The reason is simple: All documentation needs to be coordinated: wiki, 
 web pages, printed, etc. There is rarely a reason to duplicate what is 
 already available, and by focusing on what is documented nowhere we make 
 good use of our time. Also, it is common for one form of documentation 
 to refer to another, and changes should be synchronized. Finally, a 
 consistent theme be very nice.
  From a practical point of view, 95% of our current documentation is in 
 fact just the wiki, so I don't think it will make much of a difference 
 anyway. We don't need to worry about wiki maintainers being drowned out 
 by our other documentors.
 And finally, if this really is a problem we can change it.
 If you volunteered to be a wiki maintainer, please visit and sign up 
 for the new list.
 If you are interested in following the discussion, or have suggestions 
 or other helpful comments please join as well. This list is not 
 restricted to those doing the work.
 Please note that the list is primarily intended to help the wiki 
 maintainers and other documentation organizers coordinate amongst 
 themselves in order to improve our documentation. We intend for a high 
 signal-to-noise ratio, and threads not deemed sufficiently useful will 
 be requested to move elsewhere.
 Please show your appreciation to the wiki maintainers by using the list 
 for its intended purpose.
 I am on the list, and I welcome your feedback and comments on the list 
 if your comments move us towards the goal of improving our 
 documentation, or privately otherwise.
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS software fix, just CRUFT?

2008-07-22 Thread ian douglas
Scott Derrick wrote:
 With the GPS hardware fix done(10pf cap installed) are the software
 changes to the kernel/modules just added cruft?  IE. do they add
 anything useful?

They save people from destroying their Freerunners trying to do some
amateur-level soldering or ordering incorrect capacitors. ;o)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Accelerometer(s), Camera, and Memory

2008-07-21 Thread Ian Stirling
Dee Ayy wrote:
 I just heard of OpenMoko and Neo FreeRunner today.  Awesome!

 I noticed the Hardware Highlights lists 3axis Motion Sensors (2) and
 would hope that the developers included 2 accelerometers for the
 purpose of sampling the rotation as well as translation.  The
 closedPhone and closedPod only sample translation via their sole
 So my question is the same as Francesco Cat's.  Where exactly are the
 accelerometers positioned on the device?
 Would someone please confirm why there are 2 accelerometers?

As far as I can tell, because someone decided it would be a good idea, 
without doing the numbers.

 From some basic numbers, you can do little with the fact that there are 
two accellerometers.
The fundamental problem is that the accelerometer chips have a 
resolution of some 16mg.
If the accels are 10cm apart - on the periphery of a circle 5cm in 
diameter, then as accelleration is proportional to the speed squared 
divided by radius.

0.016 = v^2/.05
.32 = v^2
v = .56m/s.

This is a rotational speed of .56m/s / circumference, or .56m/s / .3m = 
1.5 revs/second.
And this is for one LSB, so it will be very noisy.

The accels can - if positioned appropriately - I don't know where they 
are - pick up taps on the case, and their relative distance from each accel.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtopia on freerunner] - What is the right place to discuss Qtopia on Openmoko?

2008-07-20 Thread ian douglas
Lorn Potter wrote (on 2008-07-11 02:12pm):
 6. Installing QPK apps - Is this possible? I would like to run a 
 terminal (the Konsole port) and any other useful/cool apps. I don't know 
 how to go about this. I've copied some QPK files to the /home/root on 
 the device, but how can these be installed? Or can they?
 They need to be on a web server/feed.
 I will set up such a feed this week at

Hey Lorn, any luck on getting a web feed available for the QPK apps?
(and are there any available?)

Your site is inaccessible in the Denver area at the moment (2:15am
here), as I'm trying to find an actual server URL to place within
/home/root/Applications/packagemanager/ServersList.conf to download a
list of available apps. I remembered you saying you wanted to have
something up this past week so thought I'd check in.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ATT SIM Card Doesn't Work, says registering

2008-07-19 Thread ian douglas
Yochai Gal wrote:
 went down to the local ATT store, they swapped me a new SIM, it makes
 and receives call, there's an echo on speakerphone, and it won't read my
 contacts off my sim.

Dumb question, but did ATT copy your contacts from the old SIM to the
new SIM?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What *is* the warranty on the Freerunners?

2008-07-17 Thread ian douglas
never did see an update on this from anyone at OpenMoko ?


ian douglas wrote:
 That is, what does it cover?
 I have a box of Freerunners beside me, but they've been purchased as a
 bulk order for 10 other buyers, so I don't want to open the boxes to see
 if there's any warranty information inside.
 My impression was that the 14-day warranty on single units and 28-day
 warranty on bulk orders was to cover DOA units only. That if the whole
 thing failed to power on despite charging, etc.etc. that it could be
 Does the warranty cover more than this? ie: if we only have a 14/28 day
 warranty to return a broken Freerunner, who has communicated to us what
 defines broken ?
 There's obviously been a huge amount of traffic on the list today about
 the GPS unit in the Freerunners and Joerg has hinted at a possible
 hardware fix to follow a software fix in the kernel. Does our warranty
 cover recalls for fixes like this? If the hardware fix occurs after
 our 14/28 day warranty period, does that mean we'll have to incur some
 cost for the fix besides shipping the units back to OpenMoko?
 I'd also like to add this warranty info on the wiki.
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Updates

2008-07-16 Thread ian douglas
arne anka wrote:
 opkg update was ok but then upgrade ran until my ssh connection was  
 dunno why dropbear drops the connection on upgrade, ususally existing  
 connections shouldn't be affected.

When you upgrade dropbear it does a full stop/start on the service, not
an equivalent of a 'reload'. I agree though that existing connections
*shouldn't* be affected, but we saw it several times last night with the
Los Angeles bulk order group and doing 'opkg upgrade' on several phones.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Battery Lifetime

2008-07-16 Thread ian douglas
Yorick Moko wrote:
 maybe it would help if there was standard a button to click on to
 suspend the phone (maybe label it Suspend(Bèta)) because it seems most
 people are not aware of something other than dimlock

If someone's going to get into adding buttons:
Our group last night agreed having a 'reboot' button would be nice too,
instead of just the 'shutdown' button and having to manually re-power
the phone.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: In the press

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
Vinc Duran wrote:
 As a /user/ I'd really like it if there were always an easy to find 
 place for what is known to work.

There's a LOT of info on the wiki but it can be a little daunting to 
find the newest this is what works kind of information. Is there any 
way to move the last edited marker at the bottom of each wiki page to 
the *top* of the page where it's more apparent?

Searching the wiki for Freerunner GPS returns 159 different articles 
spanning multiple languages, etc. Being able to sort the results by edit 
date would sure be handy.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Reason for GPS problems found!

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
Considering you need to remove the battery and SIM to install a microSD
card, probably not :o)

Olivier Migeot wrote:
 Maybe we should only insert the card once the fix is acquired. At
 least at times where we want to use both GPS and SD. Not much of a
 solution, but it still act as a workaround (provided the GPS is able
 to keep the fix once the SD is re-inserted).
 On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 4:56 PM, Eildert Groeneveld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, TTFF less than 2min with the SD card removed.


 Openmoko community mailing list

 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Reason for GPS problems found!

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
For those that follow the devel and commitlog lists, there was a patch 
submitted by Andy Green @ Openmoko on the 13th suggesting that an 
increase in voltage to the GPS workings might help. I haven't tried this 

The note attached said:
GPS internal antenna issue appears to respond positively to cranking 
RF_3V to 3.6V from 3.0V.

Perhaps Torfinn's last Email was right: it may not be an EMC problem but 
a lack of voltage?


thomasg wrote:
 Hi ppl,
 I write this to community, not to devel or owners because everyone 
 should know:
 _sbeh_, one of the people in #neo1973-germany IRC-channel found the 
 reason for the GPS problems.
 The problem only occurs if a SD card is set in. Doesn't matter if it's 
 mounted or in use, it just has to sit in the socket.
 The TTFF went from no fix at all to TTFF 120 seconds indoor(!!!), and 
 about 40 seconds outdoor.
 Two other people could verify this with about the same results.
 We'll do more tests later, but for now we surely know what's causing the 
 problem (and it seems to be a EMC problem).
 First results show at the same devices, even outdoor, that there is no 
 fix in over 400 seconds with SD card, the signal seems to be at least 10 
 to 20 dB worse (so bad, that most satellites don't even appear).
 Testresults from other people appreciated.
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Los Angeles group order is on its way!

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
Los Angeles order arrived this morning. One box had 10 Freerunners, the
second box had a debug board (ordered by one person on the bulk order)
and 10 pouches and headsets.


ian douglas wrote:
 I received the UPS notice for order 1843 (bulk order) about 10 minutes
 ago and updated the where's my freerunner? wiki page. Our ETA is July
 15, with 2nd day air shipping confirmed by UPS.
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: In the press

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
I'll have time to help out as well starting next week. I wonder if we
could get the OM techs to create another mailing list started like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] so we can communicate to one another
about organization plans, etc.

The other thing to consider, as well, is what Brenda's role is with
regards to the wiki. As I understood it, managing the wiki was her
position within the company. Obviously a daunting task for a single
person, so perhaps we need to make sure she's in the loop, or managing
the team, etc.

Like Josh, I can give a few hours per week to make the wiki a less
confusing place to be.


Josh Monson wrote:
 I will volunteer a few hours each week towards this. 
 Editing, cleanup, moving content, updating content, organization,
 I'm in. 
 John Reese or Torfinn are you 2 also volunteering? That would make 3.
 Who else? We need a list of names so we can start firing this project
 I bought this phone for the specific purpose of what is happening right
 now with this list, and where it will take the phone :)
 I use trillian but here is my info, feel free to add me IF you are
 interested in this part of the project :)
 westcoastmonson  :hotmail:
 westcoastmonson  :yahoo:
 westcoastmonson1 :aim:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Reese
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 1:15 PM
 To: List for Openmoko community discussion
 Subject: Re: In the press
 Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Jay Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well thats definitely a very nice proposal, but I would like to hold
 off a bit on recreating a whole new wiki .. what I had in mind was
 more of a blog/feed style site, not necessarily another wiki setup ..
 As have been said before in this thread: what we (the Openmoko
 community) need is a wiki editors group.
 Any volunteers?
 The wiki editors group would help each other (and other contributors)
 to improve the wiki, by creating information management, writing and
 style guidelines, guiding and teaching wiki contributors, and editing
 the wiki itself.

 Initially, the group could consist of the people most active in
 editing the wiki already. Further recruitment could be based on
 quality and quantity of contributions to the wiki.

 Of course the Wiki editors would have a hall of fame page on the
 wiki that would describe the tasks that the group do, list the names
 of the editors (and perhaps what period they acted in that role?) and
 so on

 Any volunteers now?

 Anyway, just an idea.
 This sounds like a good idea.  I'm certainly willing to put my time in 
 to clean things up.  I've been doing some of it already when I come 
 across things that either aren't clear or aren't linked well.
 If we could gather a team of four, maybe five/six, community members, 
 and devise/discuss a plan to organize and clean up the wiki, and then 
 get everyone in the mailing lists, IRC, etc to promote and encourage use
 and modifying the wiki, I think it would go a very long way.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Reason for GPS problems found!

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
 The note attached said:
 GPS internal antenna issue appears to respond positively to cranking 
 RF_3V to 3.6V from 3.0V.
 it is a SNR issue for sure, and to boost SNR you either
 boost signal (which is what voltage raise does) or you reduce noise
 (which what removal of SD card seems to be doing).

Andy submitted another patch within the last day or so that toyed with
the voltage levels of the SD circuitry, but his notes indicate that it's
more to do with data stability than noise/interference with the GPS unit.


Openmoko community mailing list

What *is* the warranty on the Freerunners?

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
That is, what does it cover?

I have a box of Freerunners beside me, but they've been purchased as a
bulk order for 10 other buyers, so I don't want to open the boxes to see
if there's any warranty information inside.

My impression was that the 14-day warranty on single units and 28-day
warranty on bulk orders was to cover DOA units only. That if the whole
thing failed to power on despite charging, etc.etc. that it could be

Does the warranty cover more than this? ie: if we only have a 14/28 day
warranty to return a broken Freerunner, who has communicated to us what
defines broken ?

There's obviously been a huge amount of traffic on the list today about
the GPS unit in the Freerunners and Joerg has hinted at a possible
hardware fix to follow a software fix in the kernel. Does our warranty
cover recalls for fixes like this? If the hardware fix occurs after
our 14/28 day warranty period, does that mean we'll have to incur some
cost for the fix besides shipping the units back to OpenMoko?

I'd also like to add this warranty info on the wiki.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What *is* the warranty on the Freerunners?

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
On of my bulk buyers was cool enough to permit me to open his Freerunner
box -- no documentation of any kind that explains anything about a warranty.

Can someone at OM shed a little light so we can post it on the wiki?


ian douglas wrote:
 That is, what does it cover?
 I have a box of Freerunners beside me, but they've been purchased as a
 bulk order for 10 other buyers, so I don't want to open the boxes to see
 if there's any warranty information inside.
 My impression was that the 14-day warranty on single units and 28-day
 warranty on bulk orders was to cover DOA units only. That if the whole
 thing failed to power on despite charging, etc.etc. that it could be
 Does the warranty cover more than this? ie: if we only have a 14/28 day
 warranty to return a broken Freerunner, who has communicated to us what
 defines broken ?
 There's obviously been a huge amount of traffic on the list today about
 the GPS unit in the Freerunners and Joerg has hinted at a possible
 hardware fix to follow a software fix in the kernel. Does our warranty
 cover recalls for fixes like this? If the hardware fix occurs after
 our 14/28 day warranty period, does that mean we'll have to incur some
 cost for the fix besides shipping the units back to OpenMoko?
 I'd also like to add this warranty info on the wiki.
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Reason for GPS problems found!

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
Hugo Mills wrote:
 I think they've done pretty damn well
 to get a plausible fix out of the door inside a day.

Well, more than a day. The development list has had patch info from Andy
Green over a few days outlining his testing on voltage increases and
decreases on the GPS and Sd circuits.

Still, I'm also very happy that they've identified it and working on a fix.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wiki editors

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
Michael Shiloh wrote:

+1 here

Openmoko community mailing list

Los Angeles group sales all completed

2008-07-15 Thread ian douglas
Hey all,

Except for one guy who couldn't make it, the whole Los Angeles group
sales crew showed up tonight at The Rubicon Project where I work to pick
up their Freerunners and spend some time configuring them, doing some
opkg updates, installing minimo, etc.

Thanks for a great transaction guys!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: warranty issues

2008-07-14 Thread ian douglas
Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
 This is Openmoko. If you /don't/ open your Neo, you should probably have 
 your warranty voided ;-)

Wow, second best quote I've ever seen on this list.

The first being back in early May...
Andy Powell wrote:
 Seriously, If everyone put as much effort into development as they do
 into bitching and whining this phone would be able to cure cancer by

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fast questions (email, GPRS, WiFi...)

2008-07-14 Thread ian douglas
Steve / Brenda,

Are there any solid instructions yet on getting GPRS data working?


steve wrote:
get the instructions for using WIFI on freerunner posted to the wiki.
Michael assist.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ian douglas
 Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 4:32 PM
 To: List for Openmoko community discussion
 Subject: Re: Fast questions (email, GPRS, WiFi...)
 Diego Fernández Durán wrote:
   - Is there any UI to conect using WiFi? and with GPRS?
 - Is network-manager been ported?
   - The NM backend?
   - Anybody is doing an UI for this?
 I havne't seen any wifi UI applicaiton yet. I SSH'd into my Freerunner,
 edited /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf to alter the essid and key,
 typed ifup eth0, then unplugged the USB cable, opened a terminal, ran
 ifconfig usb0 down, opened the browser and navigated just fine.
 After rebooting, it seems that usb0 is auto-activated, and while the Wifi
 device is supposedly 'on', it doesn't appear in an ifconfig dump ... I ran
 ifconfig down usb0 and ifup eth0 and it failed to connect to the wifi
 using my recently-edited wpa_supplicant.conf file.
 I'm sure somebody is working on an app to automate this, but they'll have to
 rearrange the priority of routing traffic in the app so a user can specify
 start up the wifi and use that connect as the default route.
 Openmoko community mailing list
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Any update on Windows connectivity yet?

2008-07-14 Thread ian douglas
One of my bulk order buyers has prompted a question about whether there
have been any advances with connecting a Freerunner to a Windows PC?

Last I tried mine on an XP laptop, it detected a device but wanted
drivers to communicate.

Couldn't find anything relevant on a search at


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Keyboard missing forward-slash key

2008-07-14 Thread ian douglas
Stroller wrote:
 On 14 Jul 2008, at 20:20, ian douglas wrote:
 edit /etc/multitap-pad/im-multipress.conf
 I added / and | to my '1' key.
 looking at /etc/multitap-pad/im-multipress.conf it appears
 that both back- and forward-slashes are mapped to KP_0 on the default
 factory image.
 However multiple taps to the 0 key do not produce the other
 characters I'd expect.

... which is why I added the characters to my '1' key. :o)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: incorrect shipment type?

2008-07-14 Thread ian douglas
Flemming Richter Mikkelsen wrote:
 On 2008-07-11, Yaroslav Halchenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 we ordered it with 2nd-day air it got shipped Ground, thus instead of 2
 days we have to expect it in 1 week.
 Don't you overreact? I think a few extra days will not kill you.
 I understand you want them ASAP, but it is prob. too late to
 change anything now.

There's also the matter of being *charged* for 2nd day air shipment and
getting ground shipment... and getting the shipping difference refunded.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Can OM's wiki be used offline?

2008-07-14 Thread ian douglas
Matt Joyce wrote:
 mokopedia brings the whole wikipedia to your openmoko phone even while
 being offline because all articles will reside on an attached microSD card.

Is this project still being maintained though? The latest tarball and
news are from September 2007, and the three forum messages in written in
2008 have gone unanswered.

For starters, the tarball should have its files packaged in a subfolder;
that's a pretty standard practice. Second, there are no instructions on
how to use it either in the 'Docs' section of the project site, or
within the tarball itself on how to launch the script or how to
configure it, etc.

It's bundled as a .cgi Perl script, which leads me to believe it should
be run from a web server, not from the Freerunner's command line as an

Also, anyone testing this package will need:

$ opkg install perl-module-encode perl-module-encode-encoding

Running the script looks like it's just a web-based front-end for
searching a pre-built database, again which there are no instructions
for creating.

I, like others, agree that a mobile version of the OM wiki would be
invaluable. I can't imagine the strain on the wiki server from everyone
suddenly doing recursive wget launches ;o)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Can OM's wiki be used offline?

2008-07-14 Thread ian douglas
Maybe we could get someone at OpenMoko to install a plugin for MediaWiki 
and export the content every night as a cron job on their web server:

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ordering and shipping from Koolu in Canada

2008-07-13 Thread Ian Darwin
On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 09:05:00AM -0700, steve wrote:
 Loading dock for  Trucks.
 A boat from SF to Toronto would be a neat trick.  

That's what the Panama Canal is for. A bit indirect though.
You could also try the North West Passage :-)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

2008-07-11 Thread ian douglas
Federico Lorenzi wrote:
 Makes sense, ext3 is journaled, and using a journaling FS on flash
 memory is generally a bad idea. Could you also try ext2?

Sorry, I'm not up to speed on flash and file systems -- why is a
journaled file system a bad idea?

I re-ran all of my tests on the new 8GB SanDisk micro SDHC card:

I built an 8GB partition, type 'b' (win95 fat32), formatted as 'vfat'
done on Ubuntu, then installed in my Freerunner and started up:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 2.038   2.755

Ran fdisk on the Freerunner, changed partition type to '83' (linux),
formatted as ext3, re-mounted as /media/card:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 2.046   2.643

Then re-formatted as ext2 and re-mounted as /media/card:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 2.107   2.779

- very little difference writing a 100MB file.
- ext3 is slower, on average for reading, while vfat and ext2 are pretty

Should I try it again with smaller file sizes?

Should I try it again with the various partition/fs types running
bonnie++ to see how it benchmarks things too?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

2008-07-11 Thread ian douglas
Andrew Bennett wrote:
 Journaled file systems perform lots of extra writes to the drive.  Flash
 drives wear out a little quicker (in terms of writes) than other
 drives.  Putting the two together means you're probably decreasing the
 length of your drive's life.

Gotcha, thanks!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fast questions (email, GPRS, WiFi...)

2008-07-11 Thread ian douglas
Diego Fernández Durán wrote:
   - Is there any UI to conect using WiFi? and with GPRS?
 - Is network-manager been ported?
   - The NM backend?
   - Anybody is doing an UI for this?

I havne't seen any wifi UI applicaiton yet. I SSH'd into my Freerunner,
edited /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf to alter the essid and
key, typed ifup eth0, then unplugged the USB cable, opened a terminal,
ran ifconfig usb0 down, opened the browser and navigated just fine.

After rebooting, it seems that usb0 is auto-activated, and while the
Wifi device is supposedly 'on', it doesn't appear in an ifconfig dump
... I ran ifconfig down usb0 and ifup eth0 and it failed to connect
to the wifi using my recently-edited wpa_supplicant.conf file.

I'm sure somebody is working on an app to automate this, but they'll
have to rearrange the priority of routing traffic in the app so a user
can specify start up the wifi and use that connect as the default route.


Openmoko community mailing list

Los Angeles group order is on its way!

2008-07-11 Thread ian douglas
I received the UPS notice for order 1843 (bulk order) about 10 minutes
ago and updated the where's my freerunner? wiki page. Our ETA is July
15, with 2nd day air shipping confirmed by UPS.


Openmoko community mailing list

3G sim that does work - Rogers (.ca)

2008-07-10 Thread Ian Darwin
A friend of mine interested in the Freerunner let me try his sim, which 
he swears is 3G. It worked fine for voice. I only had the stock ASU 
snapshot, no browser or email client, so we didn't get to test data.

This is a Rogers sim, numbered 98303-72040-00917-X  UO.2

(where the last 5 digits of the SN were X'd for his security).

Hope somebody knows how to read this number and that the info is useful 
in figuring out which 3G sims work/don't work.

Ian Darwin

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Highest order number shipped? (Was Number of GTA02s ordered)

2008-07-10 Thread ian douglas
Daniel Dadap wrote:
 Has yours shipped yet? Our 10-pack is order #2267. I wonder how many they 
 ship a day.

Mine is order 1843 and have not yet received a confirmation notice. I
was hoping they'd have been in before the weekend so our bulk order
group could meet up on Saturday, but I guess that's not going to happen.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Order number wiki page

2008-07-10 Thread ian douglas
I added a column to indicate bulk orders, and added my order number as well.


Peter Naulls wrote:
 I've started a wiki page recording order numbers vs confirmation emails:

Openmoko community mailing list

SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

2008-07-10 Thread ian douglas
Hey all,

Got my 8GB SanDisk 8GB micro SDHC card [1] in a few minutes ago, popped
it into my GTA02v5 (beta tester model) Freerunner and running a few
tests on it. So far, so good.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mount | grep media
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/card type vfat

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# df -h | grep media
/dev/mmcblk0p17.6G 32.0k  7.6G   0% /media/card

If anything weird comes up in my testing, I'll let everyone know.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

2008-07-10 Thread ian douglas
Steven ** wrote:
 That's good news.  Hopefully I'll have as good luck with the 8GB card
 I just bought.  It's A-Data brand.

I decided to go with a well-known name brand to start, that was the only
reason. had cheaper 8GB micro SDHC cards too.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

2008-07-10 Thread ian douglas
Mike Montour wrote:
 you could use something standard like bonnie++.

I'll try Mike's iospeed utility next, but here's a dual-run of the
bonnie++ utility:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# bonnie\+\+ -d /media/card -s 256 -r 128 -x2 -u 0
Using uid:0, gid:0.
Writing with putc()...done
Writing intelligently...done
Reading with getc()...done
Reading intelligently...done
start 'em...done...done...done...
Create files in sequential order...done.
Stat files in sequential order...done.
Delete files in sequential order...done.
Create files in random order...done.
Stat files in random order...done.
Delete files in random order...done.
Writing with putc()...done
Writing intelligently...done
Reading with getc()...done
Reading intelligently...done
start 'em...done...done...done...
Create files in sequential order...done.
Stat files in sequential order...done.
Delete files in sequential order...done.
Create files in random order...done.
Stat files in random order...done.
Delete files in random order...done.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

2008-07-10 Thread ian douglas
Shawn Rutledge wrote:
 What about on the GTA01?  The biggest I have tried so far is 2 gig
 because I wasn't sure if SDHC was working.

I sold my GTA01 months ago earlier this year, so I can only test on my
GTA02v5. I imagine someone with a v6 Freerunner can do some additional


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

2008-07-10 Thread ian douglas
ian douglas wrote:
 I'll try Mike's iospeed utility next, but here's a dual-run of the
 bonnie++ utility:

I should mention too that before running bonnie++ or Mike's utility,
that I deleted the FAT32 partition on the 8GB card, created a single
primary type-83 Linux partition and formatted it ext3. Since I rarely
run Windows at home any more, I didn't see any need to continue to use
vfat-formatted memory cards.

Mike Montour wrote: is a simple
 performance-test program that I wrote (source is iospeed.c in the
 same directory)

Mike, your binary is 420kb ... I'm guessing that you compiled your code
with the cross-compiler toolchain?

After installing gcc/g++ and stdlib stuff via opkg on the Freerunner, I
was able to compile the utility directly on the Freerunner and it came
out to only 15kb.

Either way, here's my results with the 8GB SDHC card:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# wget \

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# chmod +x iospeed

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# wget \

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# gcc iospeed.c -o iospeed2

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   418384 Jul 10 21:08 iospeed
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2444 Jul 10 21:08 iospeed.c
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root14758 Jul 10 21:19 iospeed2

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# ./iospeed2
usage: ./iospeed2 filename size-in-MiB

I moved the iospeed files to /opt/ so I could compare against the 512MB
card that shipped with the Freerunner, and ran Mike's utility three
times on the 8GB SDHC card:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 0.776   8.890

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 1.566   9.417

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 1.557   9.396

and once on the unit's own Flash ROM as a comparison:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# cd /opt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/opt# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 50
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
50  1.577   9.530

Then tested /tmp which I guess is a RAM drive considering the speed boost:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# cd /tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 50
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
50  28.617  42.786

The 512MB card that came with my Freerunner has some other files on it,
and is formatted as vfat/FAT32. I ran the iospeed utility there three
times as well:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 2.020   2.739

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 2.187   2.743

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 2.207   2.736

So according to Mike's utility, writing the the 8GB card is slightly
faster, but reading is several times slower reading the 512MB card.

I was curious if this was a vfat vs ext3 performance hit, so I deleted
the partition on the 512MB card, built a primary type 83 partition,
formatted it ext3 and re-ran the iospeed tests:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 1.789   2.495

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 1.722   2.505

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media/card# /opt/iospeed2 testfile 100
Size (MiB)  Write (MiB/s)   Read (MiB/s)
100 1.786   2.478

So interestingly enough, writes were slower on ext3 than vfat on the
512MB card.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTA02 final revision?

2008-07-10 Thread ian douglas
Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
 Hardware  : GTA02
 Revision  : 0350

I see the same on my GTA02 v5 (beta test model) Freerunner.

 But on
 there's at leas an ATAG_REVISION: 0360 listed.
 Which one is the revision for mass production? And are there any
 differences between that on and mine?

Steve has said a few times that the mass-production model would be
GTA02v6 but I don't recall whether he said anything about ATAG results
from 'cat cpuinfo'.

I think a good question to ask would be: does the 14-day warranty only
cover DOA, or does it cover possible problems like getting a v5
Freerunner when you should have received a v6 ?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sims

2008-07-08 Thread ian douglas
I use a 3G SIM card from ATT and it works just fine.

Scott Derrick wrote:
 I'm expecting my FreeRunner soon and was wondering about the Sim card 
 issue the 1973 version experienced.
 Was it fixed? Can I expect just about any ATT sim card to work now? 
 I was looking on ebay for sim cards and couldn't find any that were in 
 the good list as published here.

Openmoko community mailing list

Bill Sun, Los Angeles Group Sales

2008-07-07 Thread ian douglas
Does anyonw know Bill Sun from the LA Group Sales wiki page?

He's our 10th buyer and the only person I have not heard from yet. If I
can't get a response from him in a week, I've got a buyer from San Diego
who is interested in picking up the extra Freerunner in our order.

Can the person in charge of the Community mailing list check if Bill
entered his name when he subscribed, and send me his direct Email
address so I can try again to contact him?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: shipping very expensive

2008-07-07 Thread ian douglas
He said he was checking the web site and started an order for the 850
just to check what the shipping cost would be.


Flyin_bbb8 wrote:
 Federico, did you already order from the openmoko shop? or you're
 waiting for the 900 MHz version?
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: anyone know when the phones are actually shipping within the US?

2008-07-07 Thread ian douglas
They gave me no estimation on my order (1843) but said I'd get an Email
from UPS when our package is in transit.


Vinc Duran wrote:
 I got a nice mail from openmoko:
 Our warehouse in Fremont, CA will be back to work on Monday (7/7) and
 start shipping process.  Your order number should be ready to ship by
 Tuesday.  Thanks.
 My order number is 1562. If I read a lot into the email I might conclude
 order counts. I asked about tracking numbers too but no word on that.
 On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 11:44 PM, ian douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,
 Does anyone know when the phones are shipping in the US? One source I've
 read say they'll ship tomorrow, Monday July 7th, but I'm curious if
 they're shipping in the order they were bought?
 Will we get a follow-up Email with a shipping/tracking number?
 I'm trying to schedule a meet-and-geek for the Los Angeles group that
 coordinated for a bulk purchase, but without any firm expectation of
 when the phones will be in, it's hard to tell everyone when to show up
 to get their phones.
 Ian Douglas
 Openmoko community mailing list
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Shipping dates

2008-07-07 Thread ian douglas
USA shipping is starting today.

A message earlier today stated that orders around #1500 should ship
Tuesday. I'm order 1843, so I expect my shipment to get out either late
Tuesday or some time on Wednesday.


Matthew Lane wrote:
 Does anyone know when the open moko's online store begins shipping?  I 
 don't imagine the US post office has begun working until today (Monday)?
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Signature check failed

2008-07-07 Thread ian douglas
The fact that the .gz files didn't download means your /etc/resolv.conf
doesn't point to a valid DNS server.

The signature files are definitely missing though, and should be corrected.


Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
 When I update (opkg update) I get the following:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/opkg# opkg update
 Signature check failed
 Signature check failed
 Signature check failed
 Signature check failed
 Collected errors:
  * Failed to download, error 0
  * Failed to download, error 0
  * Failed to download, error 0
  * Failed to download, error 0
  * Failed to download, error 0
  * Failed to download, error 0
  * Failed to download, error 0
  * Failed to download, error 0
 It seems that this sig files are missing,...
 Am I doing something wrong here?
 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Signature check failed

2008-07-07 Thread ian douglas
arne anka wrote:
 the miss of Packages.gz is more worrisome, because opkg computes the list  
 of available packes from it.

Would be handy if opkg could detect if a valid DNS connection exists and
fail gracefully with a warning like Cannot resolve instead of taking the time to download each file
and failing and reporting several errors.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Signature check failed

2008-07-07 Thread ian douglas
Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
 The miss of those was just because I (as always) forgot to setup
 resolv.conf (as Ian guessed correctly ;) )

It's simple to automate this:

In my /etc/networking/interfaces, for the USB connection, where the up
command does an echo to resolv.conf, something like this:

 up echo nameserver  /etc/resolv.conf

I changed it to:

 up echo nameserver  /etc/resolv.conf

which is a public DNS server for Works great for me, your
mileage may vary.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Shipping to Canada...

2008-07-06 Thread Ian Darwin
Steven Kurylo wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 9:05 PM, Dave O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No ten packs :/
 Although I've heard of Andrew Greig before, the koolu website doesn't
 inspire confidence in me.  I wouldn't trust them with my money.

Koolu is a real company with real products of their own (the low-power 
PC on their web site, which is (perhaps not coincidentally) also mfg'd 
in a FIC factory). And if you know the Linux world, you'll recognize the 
name of their CTO:

They're probably not the first geek-run company to have web site issues, 
though (many on this list will remember the problems of OpenMoko's first 
web store, one year ago).

Ian Darwin

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Assassin visiting the morgue...

2008-07-06 Thread ian douglas
Gilles Casse wrote:
 If this vein is pursued, please note that Alzheimer, Ebola, JackTheRipper
 are already reserved at sourceforge.

My favorite comedian quote:
I used to play in a Death Metal band... Most Death Metal bands have
dark names like 'Obituary' ... 'Mortuary' ... 'Rigor Mortis.' We weren’t
that intense. We just went with 'Injured.' - Mitch Hedberg

Openmoko community mailing list

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