Re: Widgets: Openmoko/Chumby transproject?

2007-04-25 Thread Jesse Ross
I do believe there are open source apps to create flash files,  
however, I'm
no expert on the subject and am too lazy to hunt for links right  
now :p

maybe someone who's had experience on this side of things could say
something on their quality.

I _am_ a Flash designer/developer, and there are some very nice tools  
out there for doing Flash development in an open source way. There  
really is no equivalent for the visual-design portion of the Flash  
editing application, but MTASC is a Flash compiler that is very, very  

There is also a web site called Open Source Flash that lists similar  
open source projects useful for creating Flash content:

Also, flash based UIs I seen while looking good
are quite slow and jerky even on powerful (and power consuming)  

machines so they're hardly usable.Of course this is my own private
opinition and it is safe to ignore it.

It depends on the designer/developer. Just as there are many, many  
bad C/C++ applications, and many, many bad HTML sites, there are  
many, many bad Flash interfaces. But, there will always be some  
really amazing, responsive examples of Flash interfaces, done by  
people who understand the limitations of the technology and ways  
around those limitations.

There are some youtube vids of the prototype chumby in action where it
doesn't look too sluggish - it has similar specs to the p1 fic1973,  
it is running an adobe closed source flash player that may be  
faster than


This is possibly true. I did talk to the lead developer of Gnash a  
few months back, however, and he said that they did recently get  
Gnash to play YouTube videos. So, I'm guessing it's not too terribly  
slow (I haven't checked the progress on it lately).

I personally like the idea of having a ui that is designable by  
people who
work on websites who have more design skills than the average c  

Combined with an onboard webserver, one could do some fun things like
transplant the phone's ui to whatever full computer you have handy.

It opens up the phone to a whole different realm of developers, and  
that, in my opinion, is the best aspect of getting something like  
Gnash/Flash on the phone.

It would be fun to run some chumby things on the fic but I would  
*JUST* having a flash ui might be limiting for some projects - as a  
I would dread using a flash metronome, it would never have the  
timing of


As a Flash developer, even I wouldn't want that. Options are good,  
especially considering the open nature of the phone.


OpenMoko community mailing list


2007-01-26 Thread Jesse Ross
There was some mention on this list a while ago about an iPhone-style  
Visual Voicemail system. The following service could be a really good  
replacement, if your carrier supports it:


Discovered via: 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Artist Help (was Re: what is the difference between openMoko and windows mobile based phones)

2007-01-19 Thread Jesse Ross


My name is Jesse Ross and I've just been kind of lurking for the past  
month and a half or so. I'm a web designer/graphic designer/ 
illustrator by trade, and have been contributing to a few open source  
projects for the past couple of years. Right now I'm primarily  
involved with the Etoile and GNUstep projects, doing icon design,  
interface design and theming.

Dare I suggest contacting people who are skilled at graphical  
design, and would be willing to donate time, to help led the  
development of the UI?  They could be our "elected officials" to  
help moderate down all the different ideas and requests to make  
them fit into a common vision and hopefully a great UI.

I'm really excited about this project, and would love to help with  
the UI. Below is a collection of various work I've done:

GNUstep icons:

GNUstep theme:

GNUstep menu concept:

Interaction mockups (Flash): 

Etoile logo concepts:

Jython logo:

Thanks again to everyone who is working on the project! I can't wait  
to get one and contribute!


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