Re: Slashdotted

2009-04-10 Thread Lalo Martins
quoth Andrés Calderón as of Thu, 09 Apr 2009 19:36:39 -0500:
 Slashdotted again: Openmoko Phone Not Dead After All

Thanks Pat and Steve!

   Lalo Martins
  Now go and make your dreams inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdotted

2009-04-06 Thread Lalo Martins
This is getting ridiculous.  Now the misreportage is spreading through 
the blogosphere:
which was picked up by Giz and Engadget:

I'd strongly recommend OpenMoko puts out a press release or something...

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdotted

2009-04-06 Thread Lalo Martins
quoth arne anka as of Mon, 06 Apr 2009 18:01:11 +0200:

 This is getting ridiculous.  Now the misreportage is spreading through
 the blogosphere:
 in what respect a mis-reportage?
 that's, what i concluded from these long mails with 99.9% quote and half
 a line at the bottom ...

The articles (Slashdot, Phonescoop, Engadget, Giz) are saying Freerunner 
was cancelled.  That doesn't even make sense, since Freerunner is out, 
what's there to cancel?  But I believe it was said explicitly that 
production of the Freerunner is *not* stopping... (I certainly still want 
one, buzz or not)

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

Openmoko community mailing list

Mis-reporting: OpenMoko switching to Android (?!?)

2008-12-30 Thread Lalo Martins
OpenMoko's Android-running Neo FreeRunner makes its blurrycam debut

(or if you're too lazy to unwrap the url and prefer just clicking on a 
pretty link in the message: )

Dunno where people come up with this nonsense but I guess a press-release 
or something would be nice.  (Since it's silly to write a press-release 
saying we're not switching to Android, maybe issue one talking about 
the latest stack release and the plans for the next few?)

Just to be clear: nothing against the people working on the Android 
port.  I'd never use it, but choice is good for the platform :-)

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone working on a cron port?

2008-06-16 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Joerg Reisenweber (Sun, 15 Jun 2008 18:44:20 +0200):

 Am So  15. Juni 2008 schrieb arne anka:
 see: #Drawbacks Also anacron doesn't
 address the rtcwake topic. We should plan for something more versatile
 that's merging cron(/anacron), at/batch, rtcwake, and the other
 powermanagement and wake-from-suspend reasons to make a nice cute

Not *all* of those tools, but:

lalo:~ gaze what fcron  19:31 ada
Fcron is a periodical command scheduler which aims at replacing vixie
cron, so it implements most of its functionality. It does not assume
that your system is running either all the time or regularly: you can,
for instance, tell fcron to execute tasks every x hours y minutes of
system uptime or to do a job only once in a specified interval of time.
You can also set a nice value to a job, run it depending on the system
load average, and much more.
lalo:~ gaze website fcron   19:31 ada

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: clarification of Qtopia Vs. GTK

2008-05-22 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Michele Renda (Wed, 21 May 2008 22:51:47 +0200):
 A lot of people that are afraid that Nokia, as owner of Trolltech, can
 be against Openmoko freedom, but I think you are not stupid and you know
 what are you doing.

Nokia makes money out of handsets, not software.  Who knows?  They may be 
watching OM very closely, hoping it will be the thing that finally 
allows them to use a more open platform, networks be damned ;-)n

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Will GTK be used in Openmoko?

2008-05-20 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Shachar Shemesh (Fri, 16 May 2008 08:19:31 +0300):
 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
 On Thu, 15 May 2008 20:58:48 +0300 Shachar Shemesh
 indeed. but most of the world does use languages that for display
 purposes are 1 glyph per letter and happily drawn left to right.
 Do remind me how many people live in China. Last time I checked,
 traditional Chinese would not accept left to right input, nor simple key
 presses, nor went below a sixth of the world's population.

Which proves Raster right... Chinese is 1 glyph per letter and drawn 
left to right.  Yes, typing it is not done with simple key presses, 
but Raster didn't ever claim that on his email.

Very traditional Chinese used to be written bottom-to-top, right-to-
left; but that hasn't been the case for a lng time.

Then you go on about Japan... again, 1 glyph per letter and drawn left 
to right.  Your argument talks about Kanji and typing, and neither of 
these are ever addressed in Raster's message.

So, to the best of my knowledge, EFL is ready enough for CJK, and as 
such, OpenMoko is ready enough for most of the markets it will be 
initially launched on.  If you're part of the tiny exception, feel free 
to submit patches.

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Nokia to acquire Trolltech to accelerate software strategy

2008-01-30 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Jeffrey Thomas (Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:59:50 -0600):
 But qtopia is
 probably really the better choice for a phone.
 And yet OpenMoko is using GTK shudder

But qtopia is probably *better* than maemo.  Nobody said it's the best.

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gphone isn't open, linux dev not possible

2007-11-18 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Jose Manuel Ferrer Mosteiro (Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:56:06
 Final comment: well, it is possible

Running a C app in the emulator is almost entirely irrelevant.  There's 
no guarantee the emulator even resembles the final platform -- or for 
that matter, that the final platform will be all the same hardware.  And 
that said, it's just another Linux system.

For someone to claim to write a C android app, what would be required 
would be for the app to communicate with the Surface Manager and 
display a GUI, and/or communicate with the android databases (phone book, 
call log, whatever), and/or communicate with the device drivers (eg, make 
a call, receive an SMS).  Some of these could even be done out of the 
emulator -- if you have a PC app that talks to the Surface Manager, 
then that's acceptable as a proof of android development.

For the time being, the information we have is that this is not 
supported, won't be supported at least until the hardware launch, and may 
be impossible.  Which, as I said before, means all the millions 
(billions?) of LOC of existing C open source and free software can't be 
reused on android -- which, even if it was truly open, would make it 
quite pointless to me.

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

OpenMoko community mailing list

developing C/C++ applications for OpenMoko and Android

2007-11-12 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Ted Lemon (Mon, 12 Nov 2007 14:57:05 -0700):
 On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 14:39 -0600, William Voorhees wrote:
 I hope they do it soon, I just downloaded the Android (google) SDK, and
 I must say I'm rather impressed.
 The demos are great.   But it looks like it's heavily java-focused,
 which is a bummer

The really big problem I have with that is --

Google seems to have spent quite a bit of effort binding all the cool 
things like sqlite.  How can they have still missed the point?

By tying the whole thing to Java and closing native development, OHA 
are effectively shutting off all the body of existing C/C++ F/OS code out 
there.  Can I use Telepathy?  Well, if they have a Java implementation of 
D-Bus, then I can write my own implementation, it seems.  Can I use my 
favourite scripting language?  Only if there is a JVM-based 
implementation, it seems.  Can I use VOS?  Can I write a Crossfire 
client?  Only if you rewrite it from scratch in Java...

Sorry Google, that's not good enough.  I'll stick to my Moko.  Maybe I 
can even run it in one of the OHA handsets, who knows.

Now, Android wins on ease of development.  (And, in theory, deployment; 
which is kind of moot since there's nothing to deploy on, but in 
principle, it *would* be easy.)

And I think I have the answer on my computer.  I have the OpenMoko libs 
and daemons all compiled and installed; I can run my hello world with a 
relatively simple Makefile.  (There's even PackageConfig files!)

So what's keeping OM from just making source releases of all that stuff, 
so that we can package them for our fave distros and make OM development 
a breeze?

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Some feedback from using the neo as a phone for a day

2007-10-14 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Igor Foox (Sun, 14 Oct 2007 22:38:34 -0400):
 - The dialer application has the hangup button on the top right of the
 screen when in a call. When you actually talk on the phone it's _really_
 easy to touch that part of the screen with your face, which results in
 3-4 accidental hangups per call. Oops. :-) - The status icons on the
 top tend to disappear once in a while. Sometimes a reboot gets them
 back. Sometimes it doesn't. But usually two or three reboots get them
 back. Very perplexing. :)

I noticed that too.  Maybe the panel applets process needs to run under a 
supervisor that will restart it?

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Buglabs

2007-09-18 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht hank williams (Mon, 17 Sep 2007 16:17:51 -0400):
 I also think that using their stuff on openmoko would
 be incredibly cool.

I was kind of thinking in the opposite direction... running OpenMoko (the 
software platform) on their stuff :-)

Maybe if Buglabs is successful, FIC/OpenMoko wants to make a GSM 
BugModule ;-)  (or better, a connect module: GSM+BT+WiFi)

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GTA01 now or GTA02 later

2007-09-05 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Josef Wolf (Wed, 05 Sep 2007 20:50:36 +0200):
 On Wed, Sep 05, 2007 at 09:37:19AM +, Lalo Martins wrote:
 On his presentation in Beijing last month, Sean told us they were
 making more.  I think those extra GTA02s are already available now.
 Eh? GTA02s _now_?  Guess this is a typo?

Eeep.  Yes.  01s :-)

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Release schedule GTA-2

2007-08-27 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Luca Dionisi (Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:04:39 +0200):
 On 8/19/07, Harald Welte
 depends on what you think.  GTA02 phase-1 will probably be october.
 What is GTA02 phase-1 ?

Better wait for someone from OpenMoko to answer, but while they don't, 
here's what I understood from Sean's wonderful presentation in Beijing 
last week:

phase 0: building the community -- releasing specs, emulator, etc
phase 1: limited (developer) sales -- beta, if you wish
phase 2: open commercial sales

And those three apply for any past or future OpenMoko product.

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Package manager

2007-07-03 Thread Lalo Martins
Also spracht Hans van der Merwe (Tue, 03 Jul 2007 16:33:04 +0200):
 On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 13:53 +, Lalo Martins wrote:
 ...  ipkg is already installed on the moko image,
 and comes pre-configured to download packages from the net (but the
 repository is still empty, of course).
 Ah, great - just checking.

No, but still, you have a good point; a GUI front-end would be better.  
The gpe-package project looks nice, I don't know if it needs to be 
MokoIzed though (shouldn't be too hard if it does).  Also, I haven't 
actually installed it, so I don't know how good is the search facility -- 
which IMHO is essential for something like that.

   Lalo Martins
  So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
   then they seem improbable, and then, when we
   summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom

OpenMoko community mailing list