Re: Intone 0.60 Almost Stable ;-)

2009-07-20 Thread Petr Vanek
   I'm uploading a binary for SHR-Unstable that will print out key
scan codes if run from a terminal. Just replace the intone binary in

c_c, where about have you been uploading i?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: touchpad on OM

2009-07-20 Thread Petr Vanek
I've implemented this as part of literki. The touchpad area is of
course transparent, and the pointer is just a little x-shaped window.
The pointer is a bit shaky, because of noise coming from the finger
input. It's also a bit slow on some windows, vala-terminal in
particular. I'm not sure if it's possible at all to use a real mouse
pointer for this.


it seems to only make left click and not right for me...

anything i can debug?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: touchpad on OM

2009-07-20 Thread Petr Vanek
MB Thanks, actually it was doing middle click instead of right. If you
MB reinstall from the same url, it should work. What application can
MB you test right click in on OM? I've only tested on my desktop.

testing on claws-mail (gtk).

tried the new version - works like a charm :), actually, you can see a
pop-up menu even upon right click on icons in illume

great work, thank you!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Any distro with working calls?

2009-07-20 Thread Petr Vanek

 stable, polished, also the battery issue seems to have been solved.

Isn't that the one that cannot receive calls...?

we've just tested here, yes, cannot receive any call...

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: gsm restart

2009-07-19 Thread Petr Vanek
tomorrow) with status reports (also on the wiki). Last but not least,
you could subscribe to smartphones-standards and smartphones-userland
-- this is where all the FSO action happens.

thank you Mickey. i wasn't aware of the smartphones list. i might check
them out.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: PISI 0.3 released

2009-07-19 Thread Petr Vanek
could someone help me with setting this up? i've got a new conf file,
with the necessary items in, so now pimlico dates appears in the
calendar list

my conf file contains this:
description=My Google Calendar
password=my password

description= Pimlico Dates

when i select the corresponding items in the pisi gui, and hit start,
it reports 'Configuring (0%)', but does nothing

i'm guessing i've stuffed up the config for gcalendar, but can't see

on shr-u, make sure you have pisi and dates installed. you have to run
dates at least once for the storage file to exist.

relevant section of my ./pisi/conf:


description=My Google Calendar


description= Pimlico Dates


This is it. Btw the calendar sync in pisi doesn't have conflict mode
settings so if you reinstall your distro (like i did now) and your
appointments are in google only, they will get erased...fortunately
there is a backup in the .pisi dir :)

good luck

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ANN: MS 5.5

2009-07-19 Thread Petr Vanek
The team is proud to release milestone 5.5 codenamed
'In Transit...'.

this is a great achievement! thanks to the whole team!


Openmoko community mailing list

bluetooth headset detection

2009-07-18 Thread Petr Vanek
it seems that while bluez reports status of bluetooth device correctly,
see bellow, fso doesn't see this. what in fso is responsible for knowing
the same thing when asked by oevents rule? or can the rule check with
bluez directly?

thank you


mdbus -s org.bluez /org/bluez/`pidof
bluetoothd`/hci0/dev_00_09_DD_31_92_98 org.bluez.Headset.GetProperties

{   'Connected': True, 'MicrophoneGain': 65535,
'Playing': False,
'SpeakerGain': 13,
'State': 'connected'}

mdbus -s org.bluez /org/bluez/`pidof
bluetoothd`/hci0/dev_00_09_DD_31_92_98 org.bluez.Headset.GetProperties

{   'Connected': True, 'MicrophoneGain': 65535,
'Playing': True,
'SpeakerGain': 13,
'State': 'playing'}

mdbus -s org.bluez /org/bluez/`pidof
bluetoothd`/hci0/dev_00_09_DD_31_92_98 org.bluez.Headset.GetProperties

{   'Connected': False, 'Playing': False, 'State': 'disconnected'}

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: gsm restart

2009-07-18 Thread Petr Vanek
 as calypso sometimes crashes under heavy load is there a way to
 restart it on the fly? power off; power on?

Do you still see firmware crashes even with fso-abyss as muxer?

i found out about fso-abyss only recently. I am just switched to it now.
thank you.

what could we do to allow us, users, to be able to learn about this new
things earlier and help test using them? i find that i learn about
things way too late... like this fso-abyss thing and bluetooth
support... i try to keep up with the git commits but it's limited. irc
is not really an option everybody can afford timewise...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: bluetooth headset detection

2009-07-18 Thread Petr Vanek
it seems that while bluez reports status of bluetooth device correctly,
see bellow, fso doesn't see this. what in fso is responsible for
knowing the same thing when asked by oevents rule? or can the rule
check with bluez directly?

i tried going through fso framework as suggested on irc but it just goes
over the top of my head... sorry Paul.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: gsm restart

2009-07-18 Thread Petr Vanek
 what could we do to allow us, users, to be able to learn about this
 new things earlier and help test using them? i find that i learn
 about things way too late... like this fso-abyss thing and bluetooth
 support... i try to keep up with the git commits but it's limited.
 irc is not really an option everybody can afford timewise...


fso-abyss is default in SHR - next image will use it out of box. About
bluetooth - BT support was added ages ago and it was described on wiki

maybe you haven't noticed, but i am trying to be constructive, asking
question what could we do to change this.

it perhaps has been described on wiki but the reality is that majority
of fr owners didn't know it was functional already so it wasn't used.

if this, as developer, satisfies you, well, so be it.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: new cofundus project - Manual/Guide for SHR

2009-07-17 Thread Petr Vanek
This is a project to create a user manual for the SHR distribution
that runs on the Freerunner communication device (and hopefully other
devices soon)

The idea is to have a comprehensive manual for the SHR distribution for
newcomers/ users / tinkerers. It is expected to cover installation
guide, navigating the user interface, navigating and using the
preloaded applications, setting up networking, using wi-fi, bluetooth,
usb, gps, GPRS, voice state, accelerometers etc, set up tricks and
dbus commands, installing new applications and repositories,
recommended repositories and applications at the minimum.

Please see and support

I would also request your feedback to improve this project.

i am eagerly waiting to do this /no need for cofund/ but shr will change
a lot in the near future i suspect - shr installer instead of illume
config walk-through, opimd backends which means that storage will change
and also handling network devices is moving quite fast towards connman
(mokonnect) which will be different...

if possible, i would hold this on for the time being, otherwise the
manual will be soon very, very outdated...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: new cofundus project - Manual/Guide for SHR

2009-07-17 Thread Petr Vanek
 i am eagerly waiting to do this /no need for cofund/ but shr will
 change a lot in the near future i suspect - shr installer instead of
 illume config walk-through, opimd backends which means that storage
 will change and also handling network devices is moving quite fast
 towards connman (mokonnect) which will be different...

 if possible, i would hold this on for the time being, otherwise the
 manual will be soon very, very outdated...


Hi Petr,

I am aware of the changes happening in SHR. One of the reasons for
starting the manual now is that getting a structure in place and
having all existing information in one place is very tough, making
changes to smaller sections is easier. The way I look at it is we have
the manual in a new manuals section on the wiki and regularly take
snapshots in PDF and open doc formats that are up to date with the
current release. Also this way we will have a manual ready when SHR
stable is released and not start writing a manual then.


OK, lets follow up in the shr-user list.

Whoever is interested in this please join in.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-u] navit - howto config navit.xml

2009-07-17 Thread Petr Vanek
tried all:
- installed shr on a big sd card
- installed navit first form opkg repos
- tried navit - no result
- modified navit.xml with internal gui - no result
- export NAVIT_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/ - no result
- installed latest navit - no result
get the very same error (???)

what is your error? run navit from terminal


Openmoko community mailing list

gsm restart

2009-07-17 Thread Petr Vanek
as calypso sometimes crashes under heavy load is there a way to restart
it on the fly? power off; power on?

echo 0 /sys/bus/platform/devices/neo1973-pm-gsm.0/power_on
echo 1 /sys/bus/platform/devices/neo1973-pm-gsm.0/power_on


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Bluetooth and GSM... Again.

2009-07-16 Thread Petr Vanek
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 10:44:31 +0200
arne anka (AA) wrote:

 setting up bt-headset-enabled: 0



please read up this


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [OM2009] reliable alarm application

2009-07-16 Thread Petr Vanek
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 12:38:37 +0200
Previdi Roberto (PR) wrote:

Hello list. Is there a reliable alarm which has been tested on the
OM2009 distribution? For reliable i mean that it should sound even if
- the phone is suspended (99,9% of the time it is)
- the phone has waken up for some reasons and then resuspended (sms,
missed calls)
- the application stay open for many days


have you tried ffalarms?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [OM2009] reliable alarm application

2009-07-16 Thread Petr Vanek
*version 0.2.3:*
r...@om-gta02:~# ffalarms
ffalarms: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory

ffalarms are compiled for shr i would guess... look through the
archives, what i do is i just create symlinks for the correct e-lib
names in /usr/lib


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-u] navit - howto config navit.xml

2009-07-16 Thread Petr Vanek
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 18:45:53 +0200
Davide Scaini (DS) wrote:

I installed navit via
opkg install navit
(the version i got is 0.1.0+svnrev2309-r2 )
then i copied /usr/share/navit/navit.xml in /home/root/.navit/navit.xml
I tried to run navit but with no luck.
Yhen i added in the right place this lines
mapset enabled=yes
map type=binfile enabled=yes
but i still get
r...@om-gta02 ~ $ navit
Enabling low-mem workaround...
navit:vehicle_new:invalid type 'gpsd'
navit:speech_new:wrong type 'cmdline'
navit:map_new:invalid type 'binfile'
navit:navit_init:no gui
navit:main:Using '/home/root/.navit/navit.xml'
navit:main:No instance has been created, exiting

wtf!?? is there anyone who has an idea why?

navit might require libgps16, simply make link from libgps17 /make sure
it's installed)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sms-sentry patch : call me back

2009-07-15 Thread Petr Vanek
 You register a known sim with SMS-sentry and if it gets changed the
 phone sends it's location to a predefined 

  Ha ! Neat solution to the problem. Hope you add that soon.

great! it would make sense to have more SMS on the list so when testing
and swapping SIMs we don't send out too many SMS.

Also, if at that moment of SIM swap there is no GSM signal, the SMS
sending will fail, or not?

i think i should get another freerunner already for my wife, her dumb
phone starts to be way too dumb already...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Bluetooth and GSM... Again.

2009-07-15 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 22:00:33 -0400
David Ford (DF) wrote:

hmm, perhaps the phone should ping the BT earpiece and see if it's
available before assuming it is :D

Adam Jimerson wrote:
 Yes thanks to the updated wiki page I also got my bt headset
 working, but does the phone see when the bt headset is turned off?
 After turning off my bt headset and making a test call with the
 phone I get no sound, I'm sure what is going on is the phone is
 still trying to route sound to the bt headset. Reading further on in
 the wiki I see there is a dbus command to connect the headset
 manually is there some reverse command to disconnect it? 

so bluetooth support is working, thank you! now, how is the bluetooth
support supposed to work? seems like at this point my phone is
configured for bluetooth (one particular device) and nothing else
(cannot make phones via handset). the bluetooth section in default.yaml
seems to be common for all profiles (profilable: no). are there more
sections to configure?

Thank you

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [all] call for configurations

2009-07-15 Thread Petr Vanek
 Just use alsactl and alsamixer for tuning state file. Nothing hard,
 there are only about 4 interesting controls, named friendly.

Two reasons - here in Australia using a prepaid card you can run up a
huge bill making test calls.

and it hasnt fixed the problem in a usable way so far.

Also, it would be useful to know the reason why you want to run the GSM
input so high when its causing these problems?

call the operator, usually for free :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Bluetooth and GSM... Again.

2009-07-15 Thread Petr Vanek
doesn't that imply it doesn't work?  having to reboot the phone to go
back to handset really means to me that it doesn't work.

setting up bt-headset-enabled: 0 and running 

killall ophonekitd
/etc/init.d/frameworkd restart

will turn switch to handset without rebooting.

to re-enable bt support set  bt-headset-enabled: 1 , restart services
as above and connect bt device via dbus provided on the wiki.

no reboot required... 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] X does not start at boot

2009-07-14 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 07:39:34 -0700
jeremy jozwik (JJ) wrote:

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:43 AM, The Digital wrote:
 After booting in SHR-Unstable, X does not start. That's a big
 problem, as unless I have a Linux computer and my USB cable handy,
 this makes my phone a brick. Please help!

download again, check the checksum of the file and reflash?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] X does not start at boot

2009-07-14 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 09:50:55 -0500
The Digital Pioneer (TDP) wrote:

No thanks, I've had enough fun reconfiguring everything as it is. :\

So your system already is configured... you remember what you've
changed or when X stopped starting? any log messages?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Bluetooth and GSM... Again.

2009-07-14 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 11:22:43 +0400
Paul Fertser (PF) wrote:

The Digital Pioneer writes:
 BTW, have you tried disabling esco or not?

 Give me a command to run or a conffile to edit, or a page of
 instructions to follow and I'll do it.

i am trying it now but somehow no luck at all.

shr-u, updated. 

bt paired OK

i edited



bt-headset-enabled: yes
bt-headset-address: 00:09:DD:31:92:98


no bt sound at all

2009.07.14 17:17:22.232 ophoned.headset  DEBUG
_handleMonitorTimeout failed: Traceback (most recent call
last): File
line 148, in _handleMonitorTimeout self._updateConnected() File
line 136, in _updateConnected self._connectBT() File
line 101, in _connectBT self.bluez_device_headset.Connect() File
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/, line 68, in
__call__ return self._proxy_method(*args, **keywords) File
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/, line 140, in
__call__ **keywords) File
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/, line 622, in
call_blocking message, timeout) DBusException:
org.bluez.Error.NotSupported: Not supported 

any idea, have i missed something?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Bluetooth and GSM... Again.

2009-07-14 Thread Petr Vanek
 any idea, have i missed something?


I had a similar problem, after editing 
/etc/freesmartphone/opreferences/conf/phone/default.yaml and rebooting
I had no sound at all and the phone would never register for some

i had the same. started kind of fresh again end ended up with the 
method SetBTHeadsetPlaying emited error: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable:
Operation not Available

full log here:

so it's not really the way Paul says... yet


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Bluetooth and GSM... Again.

2009-07-14 Thread Petr Vanek
full log here:

so it's not really the way Paul says... yet

no restart, just several few calls and now it looks different...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [All] Intone bluetooth commands

2009-07-14 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 14:52:46 -0500
The Digital Pioneer (TDP) wrote:

Hi. This is a feature request for Intone to listen to bluetooth button
commands (play, pause, next, prev, etc). The phone itself will handle
these for the most part, Intone needs only listen for keypresses like
XF86Play etc. It should be quite simple, but then, my GUI programming
is next to nothing, so I wouldn't know.

NOTE: For anyone who wants their headset to send these events, you
need to modprobe uinput. I assume they work on the FR, but I don't
know how to test them. They work on my laptop.

i would have thought that the keybinding option in Illume would do
this but no luck in my case...  (did try modprobe uinput)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What to do with urls in elmdentica? :)

2009-07-10 Thread Petr Vanek
On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 03:56:04 +0200
Rask Ingemann Lambertsen (RIL) wrote:

On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 03:58:21PM +0100, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra

 Is there a good enough browser that takes urls from CLI? Or another

   Dillo accepts an URL on the command line.

the same is true for Midori, included by default in SHR installation
and om2009 feeds.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What to do with urls in elmdentica? :)

2009-07-10 Thread Petr Vanek
On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:51:27 +0100
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra (RMSS) wrote:

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 03:56:04AM +0200, Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
 On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 03:58:21PM +0100, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
  Is there a good enough browser that takes urls from CLI? Or
  another interface?
Dillo accepts an URL on the command line.

   /usr/bin/dillo url ?
   /usr/bin/dillo -someFlag url ? (which flag?)


worked for me. Dillo 0.6.6


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] ophonekitd not starting by default

2009-07-10 Thread Petr Vanek
Unknown internal dbus error: Activation of org.freesmartphone.ousaged
timed out, 80 (dbus-glib-error-quark), code 20
** (process:1547): DEBUG: list_resources_callback()

** WARNING **: Unknown error, try again in 10s

How to solve this?

i had some similar strange issues in the middle of this week, upgrade
didn't help but reflashing did. followed update didn't break anything.
updating previous system on card didn't fix it...

so try reflashing...

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Launcher/Home Page (alpha) Release 0.23

2009-07-10 Thread Petr Vanek
 Sorry for the delay. I was waiting for the icon / genlist scaling
 issue to
get sorted out upstream. Since it seems to be taking time - here's a
fixed version of launcher.

waiting was long but working Launcher is back :)

Thank you


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] ophonekitd not starting by default

2009-07-10 Thread Petr Vanek
On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 18:56:03 +0200
Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann (K'K) wrote:

Am Freitag 10 Juli 2009 18:33:34 schrieb The Digital Pioneer:
 On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
  Did you updated framework configs? Latest ousaged - fsousaged
  migration needs changes in config, otherwise it won't work.

i have actually found the issue with my shr-u not working - the uSD
card got corrupted somehow, fsck fixed it all and now everything is
alright again... symptoms - dbus not working, no gsm.

hope this helps to someone


Openmoko community mailing list

lowering gps sampling rate

2009-07-10 Thread Petr Vanek
the wiki mentions ]1[ how to increase the sampling rate of gps, is
there a way to lower it to save energy during gps tracking that
doesn't require such precision?



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: lowering gps sampling rate

2009-07-10 Thread Petr Vanek
On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 13:32:25 -0700
jeremy jozwik (JJ) wrote:

omgps does it. and tracks well too

how do you configure it?  Is it:
Main Menu- GPS Config- Dynamic platform model?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: lowering gps sampling rate

2009-07-10 Thread Petr Vanek
On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 13:49:12 -0700
jeremy jozwik (JJ) wrote:

yes. make sure to hit the change button

thank you for the quick reply.

can i do it when i have a fix and am tracking already or is gps restart
required? how about FSO, would it affect it too if i use fso gps
interface together with other programs simmultaniously?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] ophonekitd not starting by default

2009-07-09 Thread Petr Vanek
On Thu, 9 Jul 2009 23:54:01 +1200
Robin Paulson (RP) wrote:

i upgraded to the latest shr-unstable earlier, and it appears
ophonekitd is not being started at boot. when the fr starts, there is
no service connection, and an error message when i run shr-settings.
hitting 'start' sets everything right

should there be a link in /etc/init.d/ ? i can't see anything there -
what prompts ophonekitd to start?

IIRC it starts with X, look at /etc/X


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] missing dependency for latest update

2009-07-07 Thread Petr Vanek
have you found a solution to get around these problems.
I have tried a couple of things - including some re-installation of
libframeworkd packages; not ending up in a GSM capable status (error
message with new handler or what ever) ...

i have successfully updated last night with the gsm working but no
autosuspend. installing the missing framework config shr ]1[ helped,
today my phone worked flawlessly during the day (many calls and several



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: PISI 0.3 released

2009-07-06 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 7 Jul 2009 01:13:49 +1200
Robin Paulson (RP) wrote:

2009/6/24 Petr Vanek
 - calendar sync: Pimlico-Google: seems to sync nicely one way -
  pimlico to google but not the other way.

how did you get pisi to sync pimlico data - it's not in the options
for my install of 0.3?

it was in my install:

description= Pimlico Dates


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why is it so slow ?

2009-07-05 Thread Petr Vanek
 Mostly yes - uglyness in x11-16 is introduced by disabled
 smooth-scalling. My themes are available in SHR repo -
 elementary-theme-sixteen and e-wm-theme-illume-sixteen :)

I've just installed them, but illume segfaults when I try to select

Latest SHR unstable

same here


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] missing dependency for latest update

2009-07-05 Thread Petr Vanek
$ opkg upgrade
 * ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for
 *  frameworkd-config-shr (=

there's no frameworkd-config-shr package of any revision in - is this a
mistake in the dependencies, or a missing package?

i ran into the same thing... does your phone work? I get No service...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] missing dependency for latest update

2009-07-05 Thread Petr Vanek
  I get no service neither. ...
  Should I install something ?

 I ran a `opkg upgrade -force-depends` and everything seems to be
 working ok on my end.

not really for me, i had to revert back to my backed up system before
the update. 

i will try to update again tonight...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] missing dependency for latest update

2009-07-05 Thread Petr Vanek
When I launch Shr Setttings after a reboot, I get a message openkitd
not running, would you like to start it or something like this. So I
click on the button start, and then after a while, I get the gsm
network back.

tried several times during the day... will see tomorrow...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why is it so slow ?

2009-07-03 Thread Petr Vanek
On Fri, 3 Jul 2009 11:00:09 +0200
Sebastian Krzyszkowiak (SK) wrote:

About x11-16 uglyness - yestersay I've started to make theme, which in
x11-16 looks like default theme in x11 :) Results on scap.

how do you make it look better? different resolution of images?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr-unstable] omgps wsod with full

2009-06-29 Thread Petr Vanek
On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 11:50:07 -0700
jeremy jozwik (JJ) wrote:

i read some where else someone calling it the white screen of death
wsod, or enlightement crashed, this is very bad...

watch out, wsod is different, no recovery except reboot. en crashing is
another story...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: PISI 0.3 released

2009-06-23 Thread Petr Vanek
We just released PISI 0.3.

Contacts synchronization was extended by SIM (via DBUS) support -
making it available to SHR users. Python 2.6 is supported as well
(including all dependency packages).

Contacts Synchronization currently supports
- SIM Card via DBUS (e.g. SHR)
- QTopia SQLite (e.g. OM 2008.12)
- LDAP (read only)
- VCF files (local and webdav), and
- Google Contacts

Calendar synchronization supports
- Google Calendar, and
- ICalendar files (local and webdav)

Get your copy here:

hey, great! thank you for all the work. sync is what is really needed
and some people will need even more to upgrade to Paroli (when paroli
support is added to pisi).

I tried:

- contact sync shr_sim-google: (seem to be quite slow due to the
  dbus-sim slow access?) but worked. seemed to complain about 100
  contacts/sim limit but i have to test it more. Also, seems to sync
  only one way to google.

- calendar sync: Pimlico-Google: seems to sync nicely one way -
  pimlico to google but not the other way.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Contacts scroll / select broken?

2009-06-23 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 07:46:40 -0700 (PDT)
undrwater (U) wrote:

As the subject describes, I can't seem to select or scroll in the
Contact app.  This is either by opening directly or through the Dialer

hmm, i can on freshly updated shr-u. are you perhaps running
something heavy on the background that the app would be so slow to
respond? any messages if you run it from terminal?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: PISI 0.3 released

2009-06-23 Thread Petr Vanek

i set sim limit to 250, her is the console output:

calendar was now able to go both ways, but for some reason it doesn't
seem to react in real time (is there a lag on google's side, or
dates do not show some events?), it also erased one event created on
google that should go into fr... several trials on both sides, i will
document them better if needed :)

here is the calendar output:


On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 20:52:30 +0200
Michael Pilgermann (MP) wrote:


thx for the feedback!
Indeed, Paroli integration is the next feature I am aiming for ...

For the error you were talking about: Could you please start the app
from a shell (pisigui) and give some more details about the error from
the console output? This would help a bit on narrowing down the
problem ... thx in advance, greetings

PS: 100 entries is the limit of SIM cards (well, at least of mine - in
order to avoid a crash of the application, I put a limit on the
configuration - you can change this in the configuration file

Petr Vanek wrote:
 We just released PISI 0.3.

 Contacts synchronization was extended by SIM (via DBUS) support -
 making it available to SHR users. Python 2.6 is supported as well
 (including all dependency packages).

 Contacts Synchronization currently supports
 - SIM Card via DBUS (e.g. SHR)
 - QTopia SQLite (e.g. OM 2008.12)
 - LDAP (read only)
 - VCF files (local and webdav), and
 - Google Contacts

 Calendar synchronization supports
 - Google Calendar, and
 - ICalendar files (local and webdav)

 Get your copy here:
 hey, great! thank you for all the work. sync is what is really needed
 and some people will need even more to upgrade to Paroli (when paroli
 support is added to pisi).
 I tried:
 - contact sync shr_sim-google: (seem to be quite slow due to the
   dbus-sim slow access?) but worked. seemed to complain about 100
   contacts/sim limit but i have to test it more. Also, seems to sync
   only one way to google.
 - calendar sync: Pimlico-Google: seems to sync nicely one way -
   pimlico to google but not the other way.
 Openmoko community mailing list

Petr Vaněk

Petr Vanek
Customer Service Representative

ROBE lighting s. r. o.
Palackeho 416
757 01 Valasske Mezirici
Czech Republic
Cell: +420 723 452 980 
Fax : +420 571 669 255

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [OM2009] airplane mode

2009-06-21 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 15:01:16 -0400
Warren Baird (WB) wrote:

Hey - no I don't particularly believe that the phone will cause a
problem. However I also don't like lying to people - so if I got
hassled by the stews, I'd like to be able to honestly say I've turned
off the phone component.

plus save battery. in shr, you can turn of gsm by shr-settings or

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [OM2009] airplane mode

2009-06-19 Thread Petr Vanek
you might be allowed to. but i have yet to actually get a gps lock
after leaving the terminal. so whats the point?
i tried on several occasions to get it to work. even with a lock in the
terminal, after sitting in the plane waiting to taxi i loose the signal

hi, i track flights on regular basis :) what you might find out is:

- in terminals, the glass has metal coating so no fix
- you can get a fix on a plane easily and track your flight even with
  fr in the pocket in the seat in front of you (just needs to stick out
  a bit). make sure you get a fix before departing (see bellow)
- during the flight, the blinds get usually shut, but you can stuck
  your fr right behind it (with a bit of force :)
- FSO has a bug in reporting the speed - you will notice in speed
  above 200km - check between shr settings and tango
- FSO is quite unable to get a fix while in 1m altitude and (or)
  high speed. it sees the satelites, get's a fix and then for some
  reason something happens and no satelite is being seen anymore. this
  will repeat fo as long as you leave it.

- shr settings would allow you to switch gsm off but unfortunately,
  although it's fso based, it is too much related to ophonekitd and
  therefore the whole work will have to be duplicated in distros not
  using ophonekit. so now the same settings are being worked on for
  om2009. what a shame...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Help requested: SHR Screenshots

2009-06-07 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sun, 07 Jun 2009 10:38:41 +0100
Jon Levell (JL) wrote:


I'm writing an article for LWN ( saying
that I think SHR is now suitable for your typical
reader). LWN would like some screenshots of a recent SHR
(testing or unstable) that they could publish with the

Unfortunately my FR is still in transit (buzz fixed
by Dr. N et al) so could someone send some recent
screenshots to:

I'd especially like the dialler and the main illume
launcher screen but I'd appreciate any that you
thought were interesting and suitable for publication.

Thanks in advance for any help.



i am uploading it on as we speak, please
select what you like :)

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Help requested: SHR Screenshots

2009-06-07 Thread Petr Vanek
I'd especially like the dialler and the main illume
launcher screen but I'd appreciate any that you
thought were interesting and suitable for publication.
i am uploading it on as we speak, please


all was shot on latest SHR unstable,

home screen provided by Launcher:

Settings menu integrated into illume:

Contact screen:

Messages screen:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Help requested: SHR Screenshots

2009-06-07 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sun, 7 Jun 2009 15:14:02 +0200
Michael Zanetti (MZ) wrote:

On Sunday 07 June 2009 12:00:44 Petr Vanek wrote:

 i am uploading it on as we speak, please
 select what you like :)

Very nice screenshots!

How did you get the category bar on the bottom for example on
screenshot #2753?


this is not my shot, but could this be Sort desk?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: illume keyboard force on/off

2009-06-04 Thread Petr Vanek
 it doesn't remember i have made it show once i switch windows and
 this gets really annoying. is there a way for it to remember it's
 state for a window?

I do not know how hard is it to add this feature into illume, but maybe
a useful workaround is to modify the illume theme to have the keyboard
toggle button directly accessible? Then you can (de)activate keyboard
with one click at any time. (I have done that and am quite happy about
it; it's quite hackish, but you can see the sources at

thank you for the workaround. the trouble is that showing the keyboard 
always requires time to redraw the window than needs to be resized
if it stayed as is the response would be faster. i am surprised nobody
mentioned this much yet as in real life day to day business this is
really hard to use feature.

iirc illume can hide the keyboard altogether if usb keyboard  is
connected. this is not the case with bt keyboards (i have one and the
soft keyboard always pops up). also this means that these is a way to
force off the keyboard. elementary_remote might be the answer but i
haven't found if there is a parametr like this yet...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Launcher/Home Page (alpha) Release 0.20

2009-06-03 Thread Petr Vanek
In contrast to Warner I really like the scroll bar at the bottom, and
I find it not only nice looking, but also very easy to use with one
hand. The only problem I found so far is that it scrolls not only
horizontally but also vertically.

yes, i was looking at the same scroll bar used in illume settings and
there it doesn't scroll up and down, which might be the reason why the
response is so funny...

the one hand usage is great.


Openmoko community mailing list

illume keyboard force on/off

2009-06-03 Thread Petr Vanek

i have some really annoying troubles with the illume keyboard.

it doesn't remember i have made it show once i switch windows and this
gets really annoying. is there a way for it to remember it's state for
a window?

imagine a typical situation - retyping from one window to another:

open terminal, reach up, get keyboard, type
open web browser, reach up, get keyboard, type
read up some stuff
switch back to terminal - keyboard is off, go up, get keyboard, type
switch to browser, read up some more
switch back to terminal - keyboard is off, go up, get keyboard, type

thanks for any hints...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Launcher/Home Page (alpha) Release 0.18

2009-06-02 Thread Petr Vanek
 Here's the latest version.

installing now, will let you know. wow, looks damn good! 

How about clicking on the date/time brigs up the Home category? (quick
way home?)

Also one more thing that could be applied - when launcher is running
and i install new apps, launcher needs to be restarted to find out
about it - perhaps running this scan while entering the Set app
categories screen would be good?

keep up the great work!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-Unstable] Battery Hotswapping

2009-05-25 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sun, 24 May 2009 16:28:29 +0200
Johny Tenfinger (JT) wrote:

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 00:21, The Digital Pioneer wrote:
 Hi. I'm trying to hotswap the battery in SHR-unstable, and it's not
 going well. The GSM chip never comes back online, and the phone
 section of the settings menu locks up when it tries to load the
 modules. I have to reboot the phone to get it to work again, and
 this makes the entire process of hotswapping a pointless waste of

GSM can't work without battery. You have to turn off GSM before
changing bat.

i normally hotswapp my battery in shr with no problems and with gsm
registration performing ok. it has also been discussed here in
community list that this should not cause any issue. has anything

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

[shr] [om2009] call volume in shr-unstable

2009-05-25 Thread Petr Vanek

shr-unstable has been working well on my fr. Latest flashing happened
about two/three weeks ago.

After last upgrades my call volume got really loud and the echo is
back. Also the outgoing sound (my voice) is overdriven and distorted a
lot. I tried flashing new unstable this morning and the same issue

but: my brothers freerunner seems to be much lover on sound output and
doesn't show any of this issues, actually his call volume is still on
the edge of being audible.

The same issue seems to be happening in latest paroli tr4. Is this a
FSO bug?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr] [om2009] call volume in shr-unstable

2009-05-25 Thread Petr Vanek
K'K Until that will happen, you have to adjust the state file. Open 
K'K /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmhandset.state and adjust it. IIRC
it is K'K control.4 (Speaker Playback Volume)... setting it to 105
gets me nice 'normal' K'K volume.

yeap, tried that and it works. thank you!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GPS] new GPS GUI application for OM freerunner

2009-05-20 Thread Petr Vanek
On Wed, 20 May 2009 12:58:21 -0700
jeremy jozwik (JJ) wrote:

got any screen shorts or youtube videos of its operation? im
interested but at work so i cannot test install anything

heya, this is so great, for more that one screenshot only, see here:

supports tracks, multilayered maps, shows gps data... 

@mqy: great job! thank you


On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 12:53 PM, mqy wrote:

 Hi all:

 I got my gta02 freerunner on DEC 2008.
 After nearly 5 months development, I'm happy to announce the first
 alpha release of omgps.

 It is not as feature rich as other GPS applications, such as
 tangoGPS, anyway I think it should satisfy most of
 the daily needs. Please goto,
 download and give a try.

 After ten years of programming as a web developer for most of the
 time, now I join the community with my little gift :) Thanks you to
 open source community -- for your great works and spirits.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Openmoko Community mailing list archive at

 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

[all] Python Image Library (PIL)

2009-05-14 Thread Petr Vanek
Is there python2.6 image module available somewhere as ipk?

The python-image module doesn't contain the actually Image  (import
Image). I am currently trying to extract PIL from debian distro but
installable ipk would be much better anyways... doesn't seem to find
anything for me today...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Mokomaze] Online level editor

2009-05-12 Thread Petr Vanek
Could it be possible to have a import button added?
Upload or just make the textarea 'level' writable and add a button to
reparse it ?

I closed my browser before submitting a level. Still, it remains in my
FR since I tested it.

you can paste your level code into the text field

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Mokomaze] Online level editor

2009-05-12 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 12 May 2009 03:20:32 -0700 (PDT)
ANT (A) wrote:

Petr Vanek
you can paste your level code into the text field
No, it is read-only.

i haven't realized that... thank you


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Intone (0.20 - alpha release) Elementary based mplayer frontend

2009-05-09 Thread Petr Vanek
On Fri, 8 May 2009 16:50:27 -0700
jeremy jozwik (JJ) wrote:

is there anything you can do about the audio cutting in and out with
opening applications or while the device is going into auto-dimming
while playing?

do you play your content from nand or from usd card? i have this issue
too but only when playing from usd card. perhaps some kind of buffer
would help seems like mplayer does have such an option, has anyone
tried this?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Replace battery in suspend

2009-05-09 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sat, 9 May 2009 14:49:59 +0200
Marcel (M) wrote:

Am Samstag, 9. Mai 2009 14:20:08 schrieb Christian Rüb:

 is it possible to do the following:
  * power off GSM
  * suspend
  * plug external USB power supply (can do 100,500 and 1000mA)
  * open device and exchange battery
  * resume again
  * power on GSM
  * (optional) unplug USB power supply

 I do not have a second battery (yet) but this scenario might occur
 while GPS tracking and not having the possibility to charge. I
 already have this external USB battery but it will not be enough to
 cover all the time I need my Frerunner running.

 I read somewhere that the GSM alway gets its power directly from the
 battery, thus my interest in turning it off before suspending. Can
 this work or might this even break anything?

 Thanks for your help.

At least on Debian the system resumes once you plug in the external
power so you would have to do that before suspending. I already took
the battery out while the Neo was on usb power and it still ran - but
I didn't re- insert it then (because I was intending a hard
reboot ;) ) so I don't know if that could damage anything.


you don't need to suspend - just plug usb in and replace battery. iirc
this should do no harm to neo... i do this all the time. i am even
thinking of a tiny small usb battery (20sec of runtime is sufficient)
for quick battery replacement...

of course, gsm is powered directly so it will loose power... for the
time of replacement

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Mokomaze] Online level editor

2009-05-09 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sat, 9 May 2009 12:14:46 -0500
The Digital Pioneer (TDP) wrote:

Ahh, yes, I missed that... :] Cool. :)

no, it wasn't there before :))

in one afternoon we have 9 new levels :) great, thanks for the idea and
for coding!

Petr Vanek

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2009] testing Release 3

2009-05-09 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sat, 09 May 2009 07:36:55 -0600
Angus Ainslie (AA) wrote:

Another week of hard work brings a new testing image, lets hear it for
the kernel, paroli and teams. As always it still
has some issues ( that we are still working on )

wow! i haven't tested stability, but the settings app is full of
great features some of them missing in other distros i.e. message
delivery notification and call forwarding. and i big plus - the
responses are really fast.

thank you


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Intone (0.30 - beta release) Elementary based mplayer frontend

2009-05-07 Thread Petr Vanek
I have tried the 0.40 (*) version on shr-unstable and all works good as
expected :)



On Wed, 6 May 2009 18:03:09 -0700 (PDT)
c_c (C) wrote:


Robin Paulson wrote:
  Do you want id3 tags in the list too?
oh, in that case, i'm not that keen on adding it. i like how it's
nice and responsive at the moment, even on slow hardware
 I'm still considering this. Will investigate the actual performance
after this weekend's release. If it is acceptable at the time of the 
initial scan, I'll include this in a later release.

Robin Paulson wrote:
oh, i see. got you. is there a global mixer for doing this?
 Yup, I'll just use amixer to set the values.

Robin Paulson wrote:
 can you make the play button change to a pause  symbol when it's
Already Done.
Ok. So here's what's done.

  * Bass and treble sliders
  * better sizes (imo) 
  * dbus integration - prevent suspens and pause on incoming call
  * alternate ciew with id3 and album art 
  * default icon if no album art exists
  * some clean ups
  * icon change of play button to pause when playing

In process
  * saving and restoring system volume, bass and treble settings for
and pause
  * album art icon sizing
  * getting song info for the alternate view when not playing
  * scanning files without extension crash

  Should be done by the weekend.

  One more thing, since now SHR, OM 2009 (unstable) and FSO all use the
newer e libraries,
I'm thinking of moving over to them. Just wanted to know if there are
people still using older
distributions - in which case I'll have to release 2 diff packages.

  For those on the newer libraries - a pre-release version is attached
below. Just wanted to
get some early feedback on the dbus stuff mainly - as also any other
relevant points.

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Sent from the Openmoko Community mailing list archive at

Openmoko community mailing list

Petr Vaněk

Petr Vanek
Customer Service Representative

ROBE lighting s. r. o.
Palackeho 416
757 01 Valasske Mezirici
Czech Republic
Cell: +420 723 452 980 
Fax : +420 571 669 255

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ain't it funny..

2009-05-05 Thread Petr Vanek
Edit /etc/paroli.cfg (or /etc/paroli/paroli.conf, look for it since I
don't know from heart and the phone is in another room), and set to
true the activated status of advanced and restart paroli.


a few corrections only: in /etc/paroli/paroli.conf enable settings:


activated = True

Then press aux for about 2 seconds until the menu appears, select
phone, then profile, then illume. WARNING: be tolerant and wait a few
seconds (maybe 10 at most) until the UI stabilizes.

select display - profile and click on paroli, it will change to illume

Have fun!

yes :)

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009 testing Release 2

2009-05-05 Thread Petr Vanek
Hi Angus, 

thank you for the info and hard work.

I have been testing paroli every two to three weeks (regularly i use
shr). today i have flashed the testing release 2 image and used it this
afternoon. the testing release seems to be full of new features. i
flashed it to nand, i use qi.

Paroli settings screen 
   - change illume profile ( paroli fulsscreen or illume )

great and worked, one can choose upon demand so this is good.

   - GPRS settings
 APN settings
 enable or disable GPRS 

got connected instantly, just worked., great. G indication for
connection is super. but i could eventually not get disconnected - had
to kill paroli and eventually reboot anyways

   - profile settings menu 
 ringtone volume
 vibration on incoming call
 message volume
 vibration on incoming message
 and others 
   - this needs to be enabled from /etc/paroli/paroli.cfg 
 as some features are still a little experimental

the setting app is good.

Tons of new feature's in the FSO framework
   - Automatic timezones for mutlizone countries
   - lots under the hood 
 check here to see all of them;a=summary

Bugs fixed 
   Power button does not shutdown device 
   otimed sets timezone incorrectly in large countries FSO 389
   Power status events ignored FSO 381
   feeds are incorrectly set to unstable

interface is responsive and consistent. i quite like it but had to get
used to it... as i say i use it every now and then. i can imagine a bit
different theming but i am sure this will come and it's not a priority
now. i do like the one consistent application approach.

now issues:

the buttons are too small for fingers sometimes (delete on messages, +
to add a message etc.)

two times (huh, now again.. so three times) the tele crashed during
phone call (call did not get disconnected so i could finish it.) then
paroli restart or neo restart...

sending sms while off signal gave no error, but no sms saved as draft
so got simply lost...

operator name not displayed (did get displayed in illume shelf though)

sms receiving OK

the biggest issue (and this is what i was hoping would be solved) is
still the lng delay on call answer between pressing the answer
button and the ring stopping and caller getting through. i actually
lost one call on this.

i never really understood the time changing by pressing the AUX
button... and how do you set alarm time?

autosuspend although enabled did not work, autodim does work

Bugs fixed 
   Power button does not shutdown device 

not for me :)

i still have it on so i can do more tests if necessary...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009 testing Release 2

2009-05-05 Thread Petr Vanek
LK  the biggest issue (and this is what i was hoping would be
LK  solved) is still the lng delay on call answer between
LK  pressing the answer button and the ring stopping and caller
LK  getting through. i actually lost one call on this.
LK  I am not entirely sure I can do much about this, as the UI is
LK  waiting for signals form the framework ...
LK Does the ringtones are already in .wav format?

i have tried this on latest shr testing with no success - still long
delay between button press and real answer...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] Shelf Gadget configuration and E restart

2009-05-04 Thread Petr Vanek
On Mon, 4 May 2009 19:33:38 +0200
Johny Tenfinger (JT) wrote:

It was upstream problem, which should be now fixed.

please keep the original question in the email you answer so one knows
what the question was.

On Mon, 04 May 2009 10:32:21 -0600
Laura Vance (LV) wrote:

The clock on my visible shelf has been overlapping my GSM gadget, so I 
wanted to remove and re-add it.

besides the bug described before (above), there is an easy way to
reposition shelf gadgets: just long tap on them, then you can drag them
where you want. (too bad we cannot do this with launcher icons...)

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [all e/illume based] copy/paste

2009-05-03 Thread Petr Vanek
On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 17:41:16 +1000
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) (CH(R) wrote:

On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 07:24:55 +0100 Tilman Baumann said:

 On 27 Apr 2009, at 02:07, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
  On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 00:38:20 +0200 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) 
  Recent versions of Elementary include a support for easy
  copy/paste actions. I think it's a good example that could be
  ported also to other
  toolkits (wich mostly need patches, BTW).
  yes. just hold down your finger for a second and presto.. menu
  (you can paste
  or begin selecting things). the selection is malleable ie the  
  first time when
  there is no selection you define it with a drag. but after that  
  pressing near
  the beginning or end of the selection allows you to adjust it to
  get it right.
  press and hold again for menu to copy or cut or cancel.
  cancel just
  clears the selection and does nothing. copy and cut put that  
  selection in the
  copy buffer, and going anywhere else to paste will paste it.
 Wow, nice! But it does only work in text edit fields.
 Not for example in the sms message view text area. Feature
 request... ;)

that's up to the app - but if you look at elementary_test - anchorview
and anchoirblock both are not text fields u can type in - but they are
selectable (they allow selection) and the same thing works. it's up to
the app to allow selection or not - use anchorview widget or just a
simpel label (labels don't allow selection).

it works really well, thank you. the only issue i can see is that if the
text field is somewhere in the middle of the screen then the popup menu
goes under the topbar...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Mokomaze 0.5.0] is released

2009-05-03 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sun, 3 May 2009 00:24:40 -0700 (PDT)
ANT (A) wrote:

Johny Tenfinger
Much better to prevent screen dimming that mdbus is dbus-send: 

Thanks! I'll renew the instructions.
P.S. I think 'CPU' must be requested too.

it would make a lot of sense to prevent dimming only if the game is
active - ball rolling - as one might just stop playing and keep it run
(receiving a call and then forgetting) and then accidentally drain
battery... yes, in a vehicle or in a pocket it would perhaps stay
triggered... just a suggestion :)

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: what happened to shr-testing?

2009-05-03 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sun, 3 May 2009 17:58:35 -0400
Adam Jimerson (AJ) wrote:

On Friday 01 May 2009 05:03:03 am Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann wrote:

 sorry... I just announced it on shr-user and not here.

 Something went wrong with the testing build, so I moved it to -bad.
 To not break mokos out in the wild.

 see announcement here:

Has the shr-testing repos been restored, or better asked has this
problem been fixed?

yes, it's working now again. you need to reflash, opkg upgrade wont

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [all e/illume based] copy/paste

2009-04-29 Thread Petr Vanek
On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:07:49 +1000
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) (CH(R) wrote:

On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 00:38:20 +0200 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) said:

 Petr Vanek wrote:
  has copy/paste been discussed and some solution exist? I tried to
  search through the wiki but no luck. selecting and copying text,
  then pasting in applications doesn't seem to be really possible.
  The minimal typical scenarios would probably be from sms/email to
  another sms/email or web browser and vice-versa. Any ideas?
 Recent versions of Elementary include a support for easy copy/paste
 actions. I think it's a good example that could be ported also to
 other toolkits (wich mostly need patches, BTW).

yes. just hold down your finger for a second and presto.. menu (you
can paste or begin selecting things). the selection is malleable ie
the first time when there is no selection you define it with a drag.
but after that pressing near the beginning or end of the selection
allows you to adjust it to get it right. press and hold again for menu
to copy or cut or cancel. cancel just clears the selection and
does nothing. copy and cut put that selection in the copy buffer, and
going anywhere else to paste will paste it.

so it's there in elementary -= handling copy/paste with fingers on a
touchscreen. but other toolkits will have a .. harder time.

this is what i was looking know,

thank you


Openmoko community mailing list

[all e/illume based] copy/paste

2009-04-26 Thread Petr Vanek

has copy/paste been discussed and some solution exist? I tried to
search through the wiki but no luck. selecting and copying text, then
pasting in applications doesn't seem to be really possible. The minimal
typical scenarios would probably be from sms/email to another sms/email
or web browser and vice-versa. Any ideas?

thank you

Openmoko community mailing list

[shr] sms-sentry not working

2009-04-23 Thread Petr Vanek

anybody made sms-sentry working in current shr-testing? i wanted to
give it a try (since it is included in shr-testing
(shr-image-om-gta02.jffs2  Apr 19 09:47) but no luck. 

Could this be caused by different framework version then sms-sentry was
originally written for? Log attached.

2009-04-23 22:13:25,236 DEBUG init 
2009-04-23 22:13:35,743 ERROR DBus exception   
2009-04-23 22:13:55,818 ERROR DBus exception   
2009-04-23 22:14:05,860 ERROR DBus exception   
2009-04-23 22:14:15,892 DEBUG register 
2009-04-23 22:14:16,523 DEBUG registration failed - waiting 30 seconds 
2009-04-23 22:19:44,538 ERROR Exception in handler for D-Bus signal:   
Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/, line 214, in maybe_handle_message
self._handler(*args, **kwargs) 
  File /usr/bin/sms-sentry, line 88, in on_incoming_stored_message   
self.on_incoming_message( sender, contents, properties )   
  File /usr/bin/sms-sentry, line 100, in on_incoming_message 
self.sms_iface.SendMessage( sender, location, { 'type':'SMS_DELIVER', 'alphabet':'gsm' }  )
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/, line 140, in __call__   
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/, line 622, in call_blocking   
message, timeout)  
DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.KeyError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/, line 702, in _message_cb
retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords) 
  File string, line 1, in lambda 
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/framework/, line 41, in checkedmethod 
return f(*args, **kw)  
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/, line 389, in SendMessage   
mediator.SmsSendMessage( self, dbus_ok, dbus_error, number=number, contents=contents, properties=properties )  
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/modems/abstract/, line 228, in __init__
AbstractYieldSupport.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )  

Re: shr - messages + wsod

2009-04-21 Thread Petr Vanek
wsod is still there with the latest (19/04!) SHR unstable! It doesn't
happen immediately when you suspend. You have to wait a while :(

unfortunately i can confirm this... just not sure whether i have booted
by NOR or Qi (i needed usb networking and this is not working with Qi on
this image)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 7

2009-04-17 Thread Petr Vanek
A new version is available that fixes the issue with incoming
phonenumbers being parsed wrong (was a typo of me): .

The new list with bugs is now at:

Hi Franky,

thanks for all the great work!

i will test it during this weekend,


Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] how to import contacts

2009-04-17 Thread Petr Vanek
 Hi all,
 I'm running qtextended improved as explained by Franky in the post 
 [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 7; I need to import
 my contacts (from vcf formats) in order to use it as a daily phone
 and to make some test. I'm trying to use the addressbook  command as

i have prepared all my contacts into one large vcf file, then i sent it
over to qte via bluetooth. worked like a charm.

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [om2009]

2009-04-15 Thread Petr Vanek
thanks for reporting your enthusiasm :D
Is there in 2009.1 the possibility to switch from Paroli to another
application (like TangoGPS) using Illume menu?

this is at this point not possible.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: latest and greatest, progress mail 5 (stable 2.6.28 usage)

2009-04-11 Thread Petr Vanek
so, you run the full fso-ms5.1 image using my qte binaries on them, and
bluetooth works ok? Did you remove frameworkd and stuff?
And does bluetooth work after unsuspend as well?


i used an image as suggested in your script:

and kernel

i booted (actually once only), usb-sshed in and tested bt with hcitool.
all ok, so then i ran your script that did the install all
automatically. bt works only before suspend.
restarting /etc/init.d/bluetooth enables bt after suspend/wake

just for the record:

strange enough, my procedure before (when bt didn't work) was: download
image as suggested in your script (om based at that time), kernel off
your site, modules from om again. i had not tested bt before running
your script. after installing qte, no bluetooth.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: latest and greatest, progress mail 5 (stable 2.6.28 usage)

2009-04-10 Thread Petr Vanek
On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 18:47:03 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke (FVL) wrote:

Just in time for the holidays ...

(install instructions and script updated on 2090410: see below)

New progress/bugs:

hi, bt not starting, what am i doing wrong here?

r...@om-gta02:~# uname -a
Linux om-gta02 2.6.29-rc3 #1 PREEMPT Fri Apr 3 17:33:04 CEST 2009
armv4tl unknown
r...@om-gta02:~# ls -la /lib/modules/
drwxr-xr-x5 root root0 May  3 18:41 .
drwxr-xr-x5 root root0 Jan  1  1970 ..
drwxr-xr-x3 root root0 Jan  1  1970 2.6.24
drwxr-xr-x3 root root0 May  3 18:24 2.6.29-rc2
drwxr-xr-x3 root root0 May  3 18:50 2.6.29-rc3
r...@om-gta02:~# /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/bin/
/opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/bin/ line 8: can't
create /sys/devices/platform/s3c2440-i2c/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/voltage_ldo4: 
nonexistent directory

thank you

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: latest and greatest, progress mail 5 (stable 2.6.28 usage)

2009-04-10 Thread Petr Vanek
see my mail and my install script ... bluez4 doesn't work with
qtextended (not for me anyway), so in my script I downgrade to bluez3,
and fix the poweron script at the same time. But again, see my mail:

- bluetooth is not working totally ok, only after initial boot it
  works, not after suspend/resume. Seems to be kernel/bluez3 version
  combo issue ...

hey Franky, nice piece of work you did, thank you.

well, i did use the complete procedure you described. the scripts are
there too... plus, i tried before suspend... still no luck

i have the kernel from your site

thank you

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: latest and greatest, progress mail 5 (stable 2.6.28 usage)

2009-04-10 Thread Petr Vanek
 see my mail and my install script ... bluez4 doesn't work with
 qtextended (not for me anyway), so in my script I downgrade to
 bluez3, and fix the poweron script at the same time. But again, see
 my mail:
 - bluetooth is not working totally ok, only after initial boot it
   works, not after suspend/resume. Seems to be kernel/bluez3 version
   combo issue ...

To be more clear, my install script fixes the following issues:

- correct init script for QtE
- fix /etc/asound.conf for voicenotes (the scenarios are ok in the code
- disable avahi (if it is present)
- fix the wireless always online after unsuspend issue (new fix)
- remove frameworkd (if present)
- remove bluez4 and install bluez3
- correct bluetooth poweron/off script (although it doesn't really
- install atd for alarming

I've edited the comments in the script a bit, you can execute each step
by hand if wanted.


i didn't want to spend time to elaborate on this so i downloaded
fso- ms5.1 image instead of om- based image and bt runs ok now. first i
tried in raw fso before installing qte 
thank you for your time anyways...
Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list


2009-03-10 Thread Petr Vanek

i was lucky enough to get someone to perform the gsm buzz rework.

i find the images used in the
quite rather _small_ therefore please find some of my pictures done via
microscope here:

Please feel free to use them to improve your manual.

Also, we found that placing the 100uF cap according to the manual is
rather strange and could cause problems in future - so we placed the
cap in a way that is will be soldered to the PCB on both ends, making
it hold really tight (that particular picture is somewhat blurry)

We didn't have 2k2 in 0402 size so we used 2x 80Ohm in series (we just
built a A shape with them).

The fix works - done on two units, one showed gsm buzz before and now
it's gone.

Some of the other pictures show D4301, D4302, as under the microscope we
found one of them damaged from manufacturing - placing the cover -
something om might watch for.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Cellhunter]

2009-03-05 Thread Petr Vanek
On Thu, 5 Mar 2009 17:58:11 +0100
Tony Berth (TB) wrote:

it seems that there is no log generated!

I'm using the latest package on the latest SHR unstable image!



You have to press three buttons for offline function:

auto check
auto submit

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: buzz fix

2009-03-04 Thread Petr Vanek
On Wed, 4 Mar 2009 09:09:50 +0100
Joerg Reisenweber (JR) wrote:

Am Di  27. Januar 2009 schrieb Paul Fertser:
 Al Johnson writes:
  On Monday 26 January 2009, Christoph Siegenthaler wrote:
  are there any updates from resellers, FIC or any half-official
  DIY-tutorials on the hardware problems, i.e. the buzzing?
  This appears to have benefited from feedback regarding capacitor
  the few people so far to have attempted the mod, 
 The feedback is that: you can use any cap, including tantalum. :)
  but more feedback is requested. The lack of feedback from people
  trying it may be why it hasn't yet made it past release candidate
 No more feedback is really needed. Everyone who performed the rework
 confirmed that it eliminates the buzz. No single negative report. And
 i guess at least 10-20 people have already tried the rework. So, the
 reason that no reseller is doing it yet is probably due to
 communication/business issues rather than technical.

I'm not in charge any more to push this fix, but to me it seems we
really don't need to quantify how much it improves buzz-issue.
The cause and ways to creep in of buzz are well understood by now by
some guys at least (and NO it's NOT the mic catching RF near antenna,
it's pin4 of hs-jack), the bigC-rework is evidently (based on empiric
and EE basics) eliminating the ripple we see on MICBIAS, and a
gsmhandset.state file correctly using differential input mode
(control.63 value Mic 2) won't break audio function from unfixed to
buzzfixed FR. Also we don't need any sophisticated test procedure, as
* all devices are prone to buzz issue, so we don't need to prove there
is buzz before fix
* the big-C rework will either kill the buzz or you find you did sth
wrong and mic stops to work. So any engineer doing the actual fix
doesn't need any sophisticated fix succeeded test more complicated
than that involved in replacing a lightbulb. Test call - works -



i am planning to do this on two units possibly (80%) this friday, i have
one unit with and other without the buzz issue(*), both will undertake
the fix. 

* the units were not used on same operator and in the same locations so
  i will try them first under the same conditions side by side to see if
  i can make my other unit buzz even if it didn't before.

If this can be an opportunity for you to have me to test anything,
please let me know.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GUI responsiveness (was Re: SHR first impression : it's slow ?)

2009-03-02 Thread Petr Vanek
On Tue, 3 Mar 2009 00:44:01 +1100
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) (CH(R) wrote:

remember you are just getting e's default upstream theme - it actually
works just fine on the more modern devices i have (omap3, 6410 etc.)

Raster, what devices are those? Do they feature a gsm device too?

thank you


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Introducing CellHunter (Update 0.4.1)

2009-03-02 Thread Petr Vanek
so if you want collect offline every 10 seconds you have to push:
offline mode, auto submit, auto check

being on the road today i did remember this issue but not exactly as
how to set c.h. properly to collect in offline mode so i also ended up
not collecting anything... the offline button has a popup with
explanation, could it also have this issue mentioned or include a buton
(or autoset) auto check?

As also mentioned, number of collected cells would be nice.

How does c.h. talk to gps? via gpsd?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GUI responsiveness (was Re: SHR first impression : it's slow ?)

2009-03-02 Thread Petr Vanek
 Raster, what devices are those? Do they feature a gsm device too?  

maybe. maybe not. this is the point where you will just be guessing. :)

:) OK, i understand. cheers

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Feature overview out of the box SHR unstable distribution

2009-03-01 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sun, 1 Mar 2009 15:09:10 +0100 (CET)
Richy (R) wrote:

Concering GPS: It is true, that it isn't turned on at boot, but it is
turned on automatically if needed.

The article sounds like it's a must to turn it on manually if you want
to use it.

i think this causes confusion all the time, but in reality works great:
you don't turn anything on or off, daemon runs all the time
automatically from init scripts and if client (TangoGPS) connects to it,
gps is auto turned on, after TangoGPS disconnects, gps is turned off.

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Feature overview out of the box SHR unstable distribution

2009-03-01 Thread Petr Vanek
On Sun, 1 Mar 2009 17:11:29 +0100
Johny Tenfinger (JT) wrote:

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 17:07, Pander
 Will this be fixed in the boot loader? (ticket)

Bootloader is not part of SHR.

shr already supports  /boot/uImage-GTA02.bin, why not just
include /boot/append-GTA02 with loglevel=1 inside and from _not_ours_
we have _solved_

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Feature overview out of the box SHR unstable distribution

2009-03-01 Thread Petr Vanek
No, we don't have solved, as that would be fix only for systems on
microsd cards and only with Qi. AFAIK Qi already sets low loglevel as
default (as u-boot in NOR), so fix is needed by people, who use u-boot
(in NAND of course). And that fix isn't suitable for u-boot systems.

correct... hmm we could perhaps provide boot_env image with correct
parameters... but then they would have to flash it... anyhow... 

the bottom line is, though that once people flash shr on a standard
freerunner, the suspend/resume will be slow.

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

window full screen via enlightenment _remote

2009-02-26 Thread Petr Vanek

is it somehow possible to send a fullscreen command
via enlightenment_remote to a application window? Or to have it in the
illume simple_menu?

Thank you

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-unstable] settings - power - auto-dimming or who's responsible for blanking?

2009-02-25 Thread Petr Vanek
Sooo.. my experiences in short: if you want to use the shr-settings,
make sure to disable the illume power settings.

Ooops.. just now while fiddling.. the Power Settings
moduledisappeared again.. restarting the xserver sorted it (like
usual ;))

same experience here (have had shr-settings with dim/suspend
controls from git since saturday). I cannot see any patterns on when
the PowerSettings disappear... i guess we just have to watch the logs
and spitted messages closely :)

Petr Vaněk

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: yaml rule to stop suspending when using gps

2009-02-25 Thread Petr Vanek

Then I tried running the commands by hand, and got this:
$ mdbus -s org.shr.ophonekitd.Usage /org/shr/ophonekitd/Usage 
org.shr.ophonekitd.Usage.ReleaseResource 'Display'

Service name not found

Is there a typo in the example, or does shr unstable move things around
a bit?\


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