what process for EASILY updating non-developer Freerunners

2008-05-15 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I am not a developer, but at some point I WILL own a Freerunner.

Is it too much to hope that we'll have access to something similar to how
Ubuntu installations are upgraded and updated with fixes?

My guess is that sort of system is not in the DNA of the core
OpenMoko team. That's not a dis, it just is what it is. And most
very early adopters will be hacking and building form source.

But what about  an OpenMoko / Freerunner USER, who just wants
to stay updated?

Will we have some package system a la  .deb or .rpm models?

For Freerunner to maximize potential say 6-12 months from now,
we need a super slick reliable and easy process for non-developers
to update and upgrade.

I have spoken, ;)
Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

clarification re easy OpenMoko updating for "average" consumer

2008-05-15 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
my screed apparently did not communicate what
I meant to ask. bear with me. (donning fireproof clothing).

As an Ubuntu *user* every now and then I get an alert that
upgrades are available. If I say "yes" it automagically fires up
a package manager. I enter the my root password,
and  a few minutes later it's a done deal. Smooth, easy,
does not require IQ of 175+

for a major Ubuntu upgrade, e,g from Gutsy 7.10
to Hardy 8.04, I select an upgrade button, and
sit back while magic happened.

when I rebooted, I was on 8.04.

I did NOT lose my address book, either. 

ok that last comment was a bit snarky.
and uncalled for.

pls remember, I DO understand that for the next
six months or maybe 12 months, the environment
and software stability is not intended for "just users"
like me.

and maybe Freerunner forever remains a niche
device for Linux developers and hackers.
That's OK. But then technical users 9but non-hackers)
may be better served by some other flavor of Linux
mobile phone.

Just sayin'.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

factoid re slowing sales of some mobile handsets in USA

2008-05-20 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
fyi only

Handset sales slowing in U.S. amid worsening

By Lynnette Luna

There is good and bad news for the U.S. mobile wireless industry when it
comes to the worsening economy. The bad news: Consumers' purchases of new
mobile devices declined in the first quarter for the first time in many
years. The good news: The decline tended to concentrate around customers
using prepaid and among the middle class. The higher end market that
features higher ARPU customers that heavily use the more sophisticated
devices continued to grow.

*The Wall Street Journal* cites two new studies that indicate falling
handset sales in the first quarter. Strategy Analytics reported a 5 percent
decline in the quarter compared with the previous year, while NPD Group
reported a 22-percent drop in the purchase of new devices in the first
quarter. Also, Bernstein Research estimates that U.S. mobile operators added
23 percent fewer subscribers in the first quarter compared with the first
quarter in 2007. The firm is anticipating that growth will continue to slow
and said that the segment experiencing the most slowdown is new
subscriptions for children under 12 and for "deeply sub prime users, and
it's reasonable to think that in a weak economy, that both of these
populations would be strapped," said analyst Craig Moffett. Prepaid MVNO
Virgin Mobile is being squeezed by the

However, NPD estimates that high-end devices made up 17 percent of all
mobile-phone sales in the first quarter, in increase of 10 percentage points
since the first quarter 2007.

To read more about the economy's impact on the U.S. mobile-phone market:
- check out this
*The Wall Street Journal* (sub. req.)

Related articles:
- Virgin Mobile's growing troubles Editorial on Virgin Mobile's slowing net
- Virgin Mobile USA: Poor earnings economy's

Ron K. Jeffries
Twitter @RonKJeffries
mobile 805 567 4670
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: community Digest, Vol 80, Issue 42

2008-05-24 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
the  following note caught my eye:
[from http://handhelds.org/moin/moin.cgi/OpenEmbedded]

*Note:* since 0.8.4, Familiar now uses its own forked version of
OpenEmbedded (forked for stability) in order to build packages.

Question -- from this list, IIIRC, OpenMoko has not forked
OpenEmbedded. While not forking has the benefit
that OpenMoko chnages flow up to OE quickly
(I assume) I am curious in an unforked OE environment,
how you achieve build stability? (repeatability may be a better word)

please no flames, I do not have a dog in this fight
Openmoko community mailing list

software load for first mfg run of Freerunner? Is ASU what ships?

2008-05-25 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I am NOT asking if mass production has started.

I am asking if OpenMoko has frozen a release to
load into the microSD cards. It seems to me that the unit can come off
the line, and that one of the final steps before packing would be to load

Is ASU "the* ship[ping s/w load?

yes I know people can and will download new s/w.
but you'd hope that the Freerunner as shipped would not
require an immediate s/w reload.

Or maybe I'm being too "old skool" ???
Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

early experince Freerunners w/ ASU load, vs. thousnads of Freeruners

2008-05-25 Thread Ron K. Jeffries

I am well aware that we are MANY months away from Freerunner
being appropriate choice for an average "just a user."

But Steve has talked about "mass production" (starting soon...)
which I'd assume implies OpenMoko building a few thousands of Freerunners.

I am not asking about the relatively few "early experience" Freerunners that
Steve and Michael have evidently seeded out to a few trusted folks.

I may be misguided, but the quality of ASU load does not sound like
it's ready to flow out to a few thousand developers,
never mind how eager they are.

My guess:  OpenMoko is gathering feedback from the n=100 (???) early
experience Freerunner units, then they knocks down the nastiest bugs,
and THEN and only then open the spigot at the factory.

If it was me, I would only have built a few hundred so far, but they may
well have bigger balls than I do. ;)


From: Sebastian Reichel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List for Openmoko community discussion 
Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 22:26:53 +0200
Subject: Re: software load for first mfg run of Freerunner? Is ASU what


it was said some days ago in the mailing list, that ASU is not the
software which is shipped with the phone. But the first Freerunners,
which are shipped are still not for the average user - they are for
developers, which are able to update their phones.

Am Sonntag, den 25.05.2008, 12:35 -0700 schrieb Ron K. Jeffries:
> I am NOT asking if mass production has started.
> I am asking if OpenMoko has frozen a release to
> load into the microSD cards. It seems to me that the unit can come off
> the line, and that one of the final steps before packing would be to
> load the
> software.
> Is ASU "the* ship[ping s/w load?
> yes I know people can and will download new s/w.
> but you'd hope that the Freerunner as shipped would not
> require an immediate s/w reload.
> Or maybe I'm being too "old skool" ???
> --
> Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

silence (re mass production status) is deafening

2008-05-28 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
(I am not complaining, just sayin'...)

We're not hearing much about the status of production
for Freerunner. From available bits of info, I deduce:

-- some number of early experience units are out in the wild.
   (from reports on this list list, looks like about 10)

-- Lack of weekly status probably means there's some hitch

Sharing a bit more information would be A Good Thing.
It is what it is. Please share. ;)

-ron k jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

2.5mm or 3.5mm [the new pink?]

2008-05-30 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
the OpenMoko epic discussion on 2.5mm or 3.5mm
jack for GTA0>2 reminds one of the discussions
about Freerunner case colors, (red, pink...)

it's Friday.

by the way, my money's on 3.5mm
Ron K. Jeffries
mobile 805 567 4670
Openmoko community mailing list

GTA03 case should incorporate stylus holder

2008-06-05 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Can the revised case for GTA03 *please* be designed
to hold a stylus?

The Palm Treo 700p and similar provide good examples
re the stylus design and receptacle.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Is case design changing for GTA03?

2008-06-07 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I'm almost sure I read a comment saying (in passing) that
Freerunner case design will change for GTA03.

Is the change strictly to accommodate the new 3.5mm plug
for the headset, or are other changes being considered?


Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

comparing Apples and Oranges $199 iPhone Freerunner GTA02

2008-06-09 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
[I trust this will not initiate a flame war.] Please?

iPhone v2 announced today. I'd like to understand
on a hardware basis ONLY (I grok the value of
free and open source) how does
the entry level $199 iPhone with 4GB
compare with Freerunner GTA02.

where I get lost is how much RAM iPhone
has vs Freerunner. I realize I can buy
high capacity microSD flash card to match
iPhone flash capacity

are these assertions correct?

Apple has:

-- 3G data [much faster than Freeruner's GPRS]
-- faster processor
-- larger physical screen size (but about the same  dpi?)
-- 2 megapixel camera
-- proximity sensor (knows when held to face, can dim screen)

the two smart phones are aprox equal on
-- wi-fi
-- accelerometer
-- bluetooth

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

GTA03 camera + any chance to add SD card?

2008-06-11 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I hope the camera on GTA03 will be ~3 megapixels
and have a decent (glass) lens. I don't know
what the COGS impact of the better camera will be
but Freerunner is NOT a bargain basement phone.

If the better specs on camera add $50 vs say $10
for a 1.3 megapixel with plastic POS lens, I for
one am all in.

FYI I use the (inadequate!) phone on my Treo 700p
fairly often. I have other, better cameras, but my mobile
phone is always in my pocket.

new topic:
Given the evolution not revolution goal for GTA03...

Is adding an SD card externally accessible on GTA03 feasible?
Lots of goodness associated with adding SD card slot.
but it may be too much effort and risk for this "refresh" product cycle.

I understand that GTA03 really needs to be a quick
turn, so the team can then invest in a new Freerunner product
with a serious bump in computing power (for openers).

I am NOT in the camp that predicts a 12 month cycle
to get GTA03 out, as that would be a plan to fail.

Give the experience learned with GAT01/GTA02
I predict OpenMoko can ship GTA03 no later than
Christmas,  2008

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

GTA03 speculation [UNOFFICIAL]

2008-06-12 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I am the one who predicted GTA03 in December 2008
here's my reasoning for targeting that date.

as an aside, I think December is the
LATEST date GTA03 will see the light of day.
With the modest changes being made in GTA03,
it would almost be irrelevant if delayed past then.

GTA03 is a fairly small re-spin of GTA02.
They are not doing anything very risky.

The biggest change is a new GSM radio that
supports EDGE, which is much faster
than GPRS that GTA02 has.

second, the Glamo graphics chip added to GTA02
(not in GTA01) was a disaster, pure and simple.
so it will be ripped out.

third, the headset connector will change to 3.5 mm.
I suspect but can not prove that there will also
be improvements and cleanup in the audio circuitry.

they are adding a camera to GTA03, which is a good thing.

the case design will evidently be changed significantly.

OpenMoko are NOT doing major surgery vs GTA02,
such as switching to a new processor

for someone who is anxious to ~develop~ on Freerunner
GTA02 is THE model to buy, because time is of
the essence.

for someone who has a reasonable alternative,
and will mainly be a Freeruner USER
rather than developer, it may or may not
make sense to wait for GTA03.

I have ZERO repeat NO (!!)inside information,
so I may well be totally WRONG.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Enough already (too many posts about forum vs. mail lists)

2008-06-19 Thread Ron K. Jeffries

It's time to end the infinite string of emails about
using a forum vs not using one. NOW!

For $diety's sake, don't those interested in the world's
first completely open mobile phone/portable computer
have something of substance to chat about?

How about discussing the mechanics and schedule for
getting OpenMoko so-called "ASU"
to released, stable software?

enough already.


Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Video about Dash Navigation (a smart GPS, and cousin of OpenMoko GTAx)

2008-06-23 Thread Ron K. Jeffries

Dash http://www.dash.net/
was developed by FIC/OpenMoko for Dash Navigation
in Sunnyvale. I have not seen the bill of material, but absent
a different screen and physical case, the specs are VERY
similar. Dash uses GSM/GPRS to keep the GPS navigation
device "always online

Dash recently lowered the price to $299

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

BizWeek on iPhone 3G component cost

2008-06-24 Thread Ron K. Jeffries

note that 3G royalties add $45 to iPhone cost of goods sold.

Apple's 58 pct. gross margin is ultra sweet for
consumer electronics market.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

data collection for GSM coverage mape is COOL idea

2008-06-25 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I like thw "GSM coverage map" idea, a LOT!
-- ron k jeffries

From: "Charles Edward Pax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Openmoko Community" 
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 17:44:40 -0400
Subject: GSM Tower Location and GPS
Here's an idea: OpenMoko shows me locations of GSM towers near me by knowing
my location via GPS. This could be useful when in a remote area. Let's say
I'm in a valley, have no GMS signal, and a member of my party or I have an
injury. It would be useful to know in which direction I should travel to get
a signal in the shortest time period.

Here's another idea: Record signal strength and position information for
generating a coverage map. We can record tower code, signal strength, and
phone location. This information could be used with the Open Street Map data
to generate a real-world coverage map. This could also be useful during an
emergency in a remote area. Instead of just knowing where the towers are I
could look at the coverage map generated from other users.

What do you folks think?

Openmoko community mailing list

Is press release mentioned in Linux Devices available?

2008-06-25 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Where is the  press release mentioned in Linux Devices OpenMoko article?

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

rationale for ASU (and change from GTK to Qt)

2008-06-27 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Can someone explain the rationale for the decision
to switch from the original GTK based OpenMoko
to QT based version known as April Software Update (ASU)?

As an observer, it's my impression that ASU
represents a significant architectural change
that somehow, Wham! Bang! "just happened."

Transparency is a virtue. 

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

why infrared should be added to GTA03

2008-06-29 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I have not (yet) invested in one of those expensive
universal remote control thingies. But I really
lust after that functionality when I fight THREE
controls (sat TV, DVD player, TV, not to mention
a separate audio system control)

I think the cost and complexity of adding IR is
very small. It would be a hackers delight, and
provide another point of differentiation.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Alph noise cancelling headset should improve help voice recognition on Freerunner

2008-06-30 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Alph noise cancelling headset should improve help voice recognition on

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Number of GTA02s ordered as of 10 Jul 2008

2008-07-10 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
NOTE: No animals were harmed in this thought experiment.

Question: How many GTA02s ~ordered~ as of 10 Jul 2008?

rjeffries estimates (tilted toward higher rather than lower):

USA group sales:
~20 groups x 10  = 200

~15 groups x 10  = 150

Rest of world
~ 10 groups x 10  = 100

Individual sales, worldwide
~300 x 1  = 300

Jeffries' wild ass guess: Total GTA02 ordered = 750 +/- 250

For grins, it would be coolio to set up a wiki page where people
register their GTA02 serial number, date they received unit
and a check box for group or individual purchase.

My gut says OpenMoko first mass production run was approx
1,000 to 1,500.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Interesting portable keyboard

2008-07-19 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
just saw this reference to a small keyboard that may work with Freerunner.


Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

developing C/C++ applications for OpenMoko -- where do we stand?

2007-11-12 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
*** I HOPE I AM W-R-O-N-G!!! ***
But this issue needs some discussion.

Emre Turkay says below, (in essence)

--developing scripts for OpenMono is relatively easy

-- writing C/++ OpenMoko apps is very difficult to almost impossible.

As an interested onlooker I want OpenMoko to not
only survive but thrive, I am concerned that this project may
not be able to reach critical mass.

If what Turkay says about the OpenMoko development platform
is approximately correct, this project may be doomed.
How can we be this far down the road without enough
documentation that a larger group of developers can successfully
write C/C++ apps for OpenMoko?

On the other hand, one might also say how can a mobile phone
project be this far along yet have issues with
fundamental requirements such as making and receiving calls?

One possible conclusion: developing a full-featured open source
mobile phone  exceeds the scope of what a loosely
organized open source community can accomplish.

*** I HOPE I AM W-R-O-N-G!!! ***

-ron k jeffries

[this is an excerpt]
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Emre Turkay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "List for OpenMoko community discussion" 
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:08:04 +0200
Subject: Re: start writing applications - how?

There are python packages available on both the repository and
in the compilation output directory, you can install them with ipkg.
Practically you don't need any moko specific example or documentation
(except gsm/gps related issues, in which case you need to look at the code
and interact with those services through dbus). Just consult the python/gtk
examples and your code will run on any platform including moko.

You don't need to do anything for the screen size, gtk is handling them very
good. You may, however, want to optimize your design for a 480x640 display,
which is done in application specific way ( i.e., placing buttons in an
optimized way.) So, there is nothing stopping you ;)

Scripting is easy, however support for developing C/C++ applications
is a disaster.
You have to have the ability to touch your left ear with your right
hand's thumb,
while standing up-down on the other arm and break the 100m Olympic record
on running (or better have a seat at FIC) to be able to write those

About the development platform, no central documentation
(even no documentation at all), no community support so far. There was an
announcement on the list about a development framework as far as I remember,
but I heard nothing about it again.

Ron K. Jeffries

ron_jeffries  Skype
805-680-8086 Mobile

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko and Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS)

2007-12-10 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Would someone comment about how
the Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS)
proposed specification relates to (or not)
the OpenMoko roadmap.

Ron K. Jeffries

ron_jeffries  Skype
805-680-8086 Mobile

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko case -- FYI re 3D CAD formats

2008-01-17 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
regarding 3D model interchange file formats,
a friend who is expert tells me:

"IGES and step files are the universal exchange formats"

I can not promise, but... my friend has access to ProE.
It's conceivable I may be able to get his help
to convert native ProE to something else.

Ron K. Jeffries

ron_jeffries  [Skype]

OpenMoko community mailing list

support for using yyyy-mm-dd (2008-01-31) date format in Wiki and elsewhere

2008-02-04 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I agree with Christ van Willegen re:
standardising dates on the wiki to ISO 8601 coding,
or -mm-dd.

Ron K. Jeffries

OpenMoko community mailing list

LiMo article in Washington Post

2008-02-14 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Informative article about LiMO in the Washington Post:

It may require site registration, but it is a very light-weight approach.

I am interested in understanding LimO and how it does or does not
relate to Open Moko.

Ron K. Jeffries

OpenMoko community mailing list

eBay considered good option for GTA01 issue

2008-02-16 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
eBay is a no brainer for those who wish to trade in their
GTA01 to recover some cash to apply toward GTA02.

be well
Ron K. Jeffries

OpenMoko community mailing list

suggest" FreeRunner OPTIONALLY display GSM signal strength as numeric value, not just "bars"

2008-03-11 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Back in the day I used a SideKick Color for maybe 16 months.
It was a mixed bag (great keyboard, very good INSTANT MESSAGING
and email, but a rather crappy web browser).

With THE Sidekick, it was fairly easy to display a numeric value
showing radio reception.

Obviously, this did not take the place of the standard bar graph display of
signal strength. Also, other signal metrics were displayed such as
(from memory) signal to noise yada yada yada.

One can dream, can't one?
Ron K. Jeffries

OpenMoko community mailing list

WAG about spares ratios

2008-03-27 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Steve wrote:
From: "steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'List for Openmoko community discussion'" 
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:30:33 -0700
Subject: RE: Price of the Freerunner spare parts

The information about returns and defects etc needs to be shared. First,
however, it needs to be established or estimated. I haven't seen a single
number from anybody on the demand rate for batteries or LCD or back covers.

Anyone care to guess?

Since you asked , here are my WAGs (with rationale)

Item: Projected spares demand (adjust after 6 months field experience)

Battery  1 spare per 8 units sold
  rationale: desire for spare battery more likely due
to wide range of uses
  (as compared with standard phone).
If Nokia battery
  is really "as good as" then this can
be lower but not zero.

LCD1 spare per 75 units sold 9slightly more than 1 percent)
   LCD breakage is not frequent, but enough that we need spares

Back cover 1 spare per 200 units sold
   not a high failure item, but a pain when it goes.
if this is not a sturdy part
   with perfect fit, the rate will be quite a bit higher

A lot of money can be squandered if spares kan-bans are set too high
but the flip side of that coin is that a lot of delay for customers to
get spares leads to unhappy customers, and in some cases will trigger
swapping an entire unit which is REALLY expensive.

Ron K. Jeffries

Openmoko community mailing list

OpenMoko project future

2008-04-07 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
OpenMoko is a brilliant concept. I hope to buy a Freerunner
when it's relatively safe to go in the water.

Before we jump down the throats of those who express
some frustration about how the release schedule has
taken longer than we all hoped, here's my non-emotional
comment in support of those who are frustrated.

I do no know why, but the OpenMoko project
(Hardware and software) objectively is dragging
out. From the sidelines, it is difficult to judge
whether this VIRTUOUS project will or will
not achieve liftoff, or will crash off
the end of the runway.

yes, absolutely, developing in a fully open
environment means everybody knows each
and every wart along the way. Apple and Steve Jobs
did not have that burden, nor do Nokia, or LG,
Samsung, Motorola.

BUT the OpenMoko  project likely does not have
enough financial capital and human
resource to accomplish its lofty ambitions.

I passionately hope I am TOTALLY WRONG. But the
 track record to date is "dodgy" at best.

Ron K. Jeffries

Openmoko community mailing list

Wish list for future Freerunner

2008-04-12 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Next significant iteration of Freerunner
should include light sensor. My understanding
is that's one part of iPhone secret sauce for intelligently
dimming LCD while phone is held up to user's ear.

related comment

yes there are far more important features/changes.
but this tiny (low COGS, high impact) item should not be

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

OpenMoko application software

2008-04-16 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Is there a mail list devoted to application software and
related user interface issues for OpenMoko?

If not, could we please start one?

putting on my flame proof suit:

(with all-too-rare exceptions)
has devolved into almost AOL level blather about
mundane stuff that has nothing to do with how
users will USE the Freerunner.

I am looking for intelligent life where people
discuss the existing or new user applications
that will be enabled by an open source "libre"
 phone such as OpenMoku and the COMMUNITY
that will (we hope) develop to support it.

while  have the podium, this list is one where
a lot of users fail to trim excess garbage in their
REPLY emails. Please, try to conserve a few electrons,
a few Gigabytes of disk space, and most importantly,
the time of the (thousands?) of folks who
follow this list.

be well

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

5 hours of standby = STP SHIP levl problem

2008-04-17 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Someone has reported measured standby of only 5 hours,
with zero alert that battery is getting low.

Is the product considered commercially ready to sell
(accept revenue) with such a serious issue?

You don't know you have the hardware right until the software/firmware team
gets this number into an acceptable zone. If this puppy can't run for
w4 hours while on standby, it is  a fascinating experimental phone+computer.

24 hours is not a competitive standby time. but it's long enough that people
buy some Freerunners.

My UNSOLICITED advice: treat this crappy standby time as a STOP SHIP
level problem and get the engineering team to bear down and fix it.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Don't ship GTA02v5 without the rework

2008-04-18 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
OpenMoko team:

It's crazy to consider shipping the GTA02v5 without the rework
to solve the current leakage issue.

Yes, people are REALLY anxious to get this phone. But shipping
a few thousand of units that do not meet spec on standby time
is a Bad Idea.

pull up your socks and do the rework
if that delays launch by 30 days so be it.
besides the firmware will be better by then as well. ;)

-ron jeffries.

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Shawn Rutledge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "List for Openmoko community discussion" 
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 13:30:59 -0700
Subject: Re: Freerunner will be GTA02v5 or GTA02v6? (was: Fwd: Future Button
and LED software spec)
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Flemming Richter Mikkelsen
> It sounds to me as the problem is easy for those of us that knows a little
> electronics. If I get one that leaks current, I will start soldering!
> Does anybody know if the fix Werner is talking about, will be done for all
> GTA02v5 PCB's? If it really will be a fix for it, it will not be any
> at all.

Yes maybe it can be fixed.  But is the fix documented yet?

Another way to look at it: if the fix can be done without a PCB
change, then why not get the factory to do the rework (swapping
transistors or whatever) before they are shipped?  How much would it
cost to get that done in China?

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

99 vs RED (or was it PINK) Phone cases

2008-04-20 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
It's wonderful the focus of  the community is now
all about $399 vs $400 rather than availability
of Freerunner in certain colors.

who says the community-based process with
complete open-ness doesn't have an impact.

and YES I agree, the remaining V5 vs V6 issues seem small
(but we did get extra info and  clarification, thanks Tony).

May 1,000 (x100,000) Freerunners bloom.


Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Open Moko (proposed) tagline "Open Up"

2008-04-22 Thread Ron K. Jeffries

"Open up" makes sounds like what the OBGYN
doctor says to my wife when he starts an exam.

sorry -- TASTELESS but I could not resist.
I am banning myself for, uh24 hours.

with a smile,


From: "Hans L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "List for Openmoko community discussion" 
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:01:50 -0500
Subject: Re: Openmoko sounds, Motto
I think something as simple as a cheerful suggestion to "Open up"
would be a really good motto.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Invest in automated build system (and one extra person to manage it) SOON

2008-05-01 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
From: "Bobby Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
To my mind, the first step after you have an early prototype of a system
works is to set up a continuous integration server that automatically
runs automated tests, and labels appropriately.

Without that, any work you do is shooting in the dark.  This is (of course)
true for a distributed project, where you can't just yell over the wall to
someone that they broke the build.

OpenMoko powers that be:

PLEASE Hire someone to create and maintain the build process NOW. It will
productivity of your developers as well as the community developer team.

The investment of one additional FTE will help enormously.

be well

Ron K. Jeffries
Twitter @RonKJeffries
mobile 805 567 4670
Openmoko community mailing list

Freerunner games

2008-05-12 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Etch-a-sketch using accelerometers would rock

the classic Snake game would also be and cool
with these controls

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Dash GPS personal nav device (uses OpenMoko) opens API

2008-05-13 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Dash GPS  personal nav device (uses OpenMoko) opens API

It's sorta funny, but nobody here says a word about Dash,
the Freerunner's red-haired step-sister device, OEM'd
from FIC as I understand things.

Latest Dash news:

Ron K. Jeffries
Twitter @RonKJeffries
mobile 805 567 4670
Openmoko community mailing list

Hardware mumble

2009-03-16 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Q1: What's the status of revised and improved OpenMoko
hardware? Back in the day there was talk of GTA03
intended to be a modest refresh incorporating
better radio that supports Edge, better GPS, a camera
and a redesigned case. Not sure if GTA03 will support
a second, externally accessible SD card slot, but one
can only dream.

It's mid-March 2009. If GTA03 is not ready for
alpha test fairly soon, one wonders whether this
promising OpenSourec Hardware and Software
project may have (unfortunately!) failed to achieve
critical mass. I hope not.

Q2: (may be contentious)
GTA03 is nice, but is incremental. One can easily imagine
that OpenMoko team can design and bring to life
a MUCH more interesting next mobile device, even given
the (severe!) constraints of the unique underlying
"every bit must be open" that puts a LOT of
very attractive technology out of bounds.
Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

List of OpenMoko distributions

2009-03-17 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
Q1: Where does one find a list of all current OpenMoko distributions?

Q2: Is there an effort to make one of these distributions THE production
version that ships on new phones after some date?  Is that date established
or up in the air?

Q3: if one orders a Freerunner today, what code does it ship with?

Observation: GTA02 has been shipping for about 9 months. It's not
unreasonable to expect that stable, fully functional code will be available
Real Soon Now.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

Freerunner ships with unsupported release? Why?

2009-03-17 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
The Wiki says, in part:
 Choosing a distribution Official/current. As of December 2008, the phones
ship with Om 2007.2 <http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Om_2007.2>.
It is not supported by Openmoko Inc. anymore. The branch currently
supported by Openmoko Inc. is Om 2008.12

I'm puzzled why OpenMoko ships phones with a distribution
that's no longer supported.

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

will GTA03 be ready for holiday season?

2008-08-26 Thread Ron K. Jeffries
I have a couple of friends who want to buy
a GTA03.

what is best guess on when it will be in mass production
and available to purchase?


Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list