FOSS GSM security camera?

2011-02-25 Thread Sam Kuper
Dear all,

Does anyone know of an open source (hardware/software/both) GSM
security cameras? I.e. a device with at least the following features:

* Mains powered.
* Includes rechargeable battery to provide uninterruptible power
supply for several hours in case of mains failure.
* Can be controlled via SMS.
* Built-in motion sensor (e.g. passive infra-red).
* Built-in camera with automatic night-vision (e.g. by means of infra-red LEDs).
* Can be configured to automatically capture photos or video from
camera and send same via MMS to a given list of phone numbers, when
motion is detected.

Bonus points for:

* Quad-band capability.
* The ability to send photos/videos as attachments via GPRS.
* The ability to provide one-way (listening) or two-way
communications, e.g. by accepting incoming calls, requiring the caller
to enter a passcode, and then putting the caller through to an
appropriate menu (Press one to listen; press two to speak and
listen.) if the passcode is entered correctly.
* On-demand streaming via 3G video call or suchlike.

There seem to be a number of such devices being produced, but all are
apparently closed-source. See list at end of email for examples.

If no-one's producing such devices in the open source community, it
would seem - at least on the face of it - to be a reasonable area of
business for an open source entrepreneur (not me, I suspect - I don't
have the financial capital) to go into, given how large the market is
for ADT and similar monitored security services.

Many thanks,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FOSS GSM security camera?

2011-02-25 Thread Sam Kuper
Dear all,

Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like the financial  time cost of the
available options doesn't justify a FOSS solution for my application right
now, so I've stifled a retch and ordered one of the readymade models from
eBay :/

Still, I hope my question has prompted some of the hackers on the list to
think about packaging suitable software  hardware combos so that consumers
will one day be able to buy off-the-shelf FOSS GSM security cams!

Thanks again for your time,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GNU/Linux Wrist Watch

2010-05-05 Thread Sam Kuper
It isn't quite a watch, and it (probably) doesn't run Linux, but I saw
this[1] today and thought, I'd like one of those on my wrist, as long
as I don't have to run a ton of proprietary software to read and
process the data it captures.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: posting to a blog vs. this list (was: Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?)

2010-01-24 Thread Sam Kuper

You're clearly well-meaning, but ...

2010/1/24 Brolin Empey
 Fabian Schölzel wrote:
 On Sunday 24. January 2010 13:38:27, Stefano Cavallari Cavallari wrote:

 Why does your reply template include the quoted author’s last name twice
 instead of only once?  Also, you should include the time zone/UTC offset
 because the quoted time of day is still in the future in the Pacific
 time zone (-08:00). :)

... comments like these are OT in a thread that's already OT. Going
that far OT is likely to annoy people on the list who are, for the
most part, subscribers because they are far more interested in open
source mobile technology than they are in the minutiae of your
opinions about other people's email formatting. (Besides which, the
full timestamp of any post to the list can be discovered via the list
archive, if anyone is really fussed; so there's no need to police the

 What about opening a free blog and write your thoughts/happenings there?

 I think that's a good idea!

 I actually already have both a Facebook [1] and LiveJournal [2] account.
  I stopped posting to LiveJournal because I received almost no feedback
 except when I sent the URL of my posts to people via e-mail, IM, or IRC.
  I thought I could get more feedback by posting notes (not status
 updates because the length limit of those is too small) on Facebook, but
 I receive no feedback at all except when I send the URL of my posts to

Lots of people seeking good sources of advice and support run into
problems. Blogging's a reasonable start, but bloggers - both
commercial and non-commercial bloggers - face the problem of fostering
an active community of interest. OK, so you're one of those bloggers,
like the rest of us. Big woo. Now get creative. Not by telling the
OpenMoko mailing list how far you live from your parents' house, but
by seeking more appropriate avenues.

You want to get advice by asking people questions? Use an online
answers service like Yahoo Answers or WikiAnswers, or use a more
traditional offline alternative like a counsellor, a friend, or a

You want to make your blog more popular, so that you'll have a larger
and more active audience?

Good luck, and please, please consider the relevance of your topic to
the mailing list before you post.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: posting to a blog vs. this list (was: Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?)

2010-01-24 Thread Sam Kuper
2010/1/24 arne anka

 what is that ruckus all about?

OK Arne, I live approximately 50.5 miles from my parents' house by road,
slightly less as the crow flies. How about you? Maybe we should all discuss
the distance we live from our parents' houses, if you're so sure this sort
of information is of interest to the list. Perhaps I should tell the list
about my sex life too, and which friends I speak to about which issues.

Or alternatively perhaps we should encourage that sort of discussion to
happen off-list, since it's off-topic. I'm not trying to silence Brolin,
just asking him to consider his choice of forum more considerately. Doing so
will likely be to his benefit in the long run, anyhow, since in an
appropriate forum, his personal progress updates and requests for personal
advice would be generally welcomed, not just tolerated. That's likely to
lead to less tense interaction on both sides.

Over and out,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: recommendations for headset or 3.5mm adapter

2009-09-28 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/9/28 Stefan Buschmann

 So, would it be possible to solder a wire like this?

 - 1 x 2.5mm
 - 2 x 3.5mm (one for standard earphone, one for standard microphone)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Open Hardware company

2009-08-10 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/7/20 Giovanni

 MIPS is a great architecture and I am sure that it will have a bright

Looking even brighter already:
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Open Hardware company

2009-07-20 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/7/20 steven mosher

 A while back Wolfgang mentioned that he and I were starting a new venture.
 Drop by and say hello.

Congratulations on the launch of Qi Hardware!

First thoughts: the space bar looks a little small.[1] That's a very
minor quibble, though :)

I've signed up to the mailing list and I'm looking forward to seeing
what transpires from QiH.

All best,



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: App for remotely controlling jukebox software

2009-06-18 Thread Sam Kuper
I'm looking into SoftSqueeze and SqueezeCenter.

Thanks for the pointers!

Openmoko community mailing list

App for remotely controlling jukebox software

2009-06-17 Thread Sam Kuper
Is there any software for the Freerunner that, with minimal tweaking,
lets it take the place of the iPhone or iPod Touch in a setup like


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Visit at Openmoko

2009-05-26 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/5/26 William Lai

 No, I was not being sarcastic.  People were saying their 'thank you
 goodbyes' so I wanted to clarify that we are still here, and there is lots
 of work to do.

 I do not know Sven and I never saw him in the office, but he has every
 right to interpret and share what he heard.  Yes, there were layoffs.  There
 are just enough people remaining to keep things going (literally) and Sean
 chose to do so over shutting everything down.  Please try to see things from
 that perspective instead of siding with the more negative aspects.
  Tomorrow, what remains of us, will go to work and continue to deliver solid
 FR hardware, provide re-work solutions and run servers for our customers.
  If you feel that is not enough than please jump in and get your hands
 dirty.  The idea of an open phone started out as a revolution -- now pick up
 your sticks and fight if you want it to happen.

Hurrah! *That's* the spirit!
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko and LCD TV

2009-05-05 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/5/5 Marcel

 Am Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009 18:38:42 schrieb Mile Davidovic:
  Yesterday I accidentally put my OM phone near LCD TV (Samsung).
  SW on OM is QT Extended and when I press power button (to wake up
  mobile) TV immediately turn off.
  I tried again and TV changed channel. So, on my phone this behavioure
  is repeatable.

 If the neo had an infrared led I'd have guessed it sends some random
 signal, but since it does not... Voodoo... °_°
 Seriously: Electromagnetic fields? GSM? I really have to try that with my

There are various standards that define the kinds/amount of EMI that an
electrical device must: (1) be able to cope with, and/or (2) not produce in
excess of.

It sounds like either your OM or your TV might not be fully compliant.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: bicycling with OpenMoko

2009-04-28 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/4/26 Robin Paulson
 it would be very helpful of openmoko, to release any technical docs
 for the mechanical side of the phone, i.e. the acceleration values
 it's designed to, so we can make a more scientific assessment of what
 sort of damping it needs


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: bicycling with OpenMoko

2009-04-28 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/4/28 Joerg Reisenweber
 Am So  26. April 2009 schrieb Robin Paulson:
 it would be very helpful of openmoko, to release any technical docs
 for the mechanical side of the phone, i.e. the acceleration values
 it's designed to, so we can make a more scientific assessment of what
 sort of damping it needs

 FR is designed to withstand a droptest of 80cm (iirc) to concrete. There are
 no moveable parts inside except battery (which might be a good idea to add a
 *thin* layer of foam to fix it for good) and vibrator (and speaker
 I don't think bicycle vibrations / impact is a big issue.

 Nevertheless care about proper protection against rain or put FR in a pocket
 on first drop. Water resistance wasn't a design parameter.

Thanks for this!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Google Summer of Code

2009-03-31 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/3/31 Daniel Willmann

 On Wed, 25 Mar 2009 22:22:55 +0100
 Yorick Moko wrote:

  i think there is none
  shr (or fso?) got rejected

 Both actually. We joined forces with our application and were rejected.

Out of interest, did the rejection have anything to do with Android being a
Google product and a competitor to SHR/FSO?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko for blind users?

2009-03-31 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/3/31 Crane, Matthew

 Seems to me OM would be a good platform to quickly implement something
 like this on a working phone.

That's a really nice start to making touchscreen devices friendlier for
blind users. It'd be great for this to be ported to OpenMoko!
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: HTC Dream Developer Edition / T-Mobile G1

2009-02-18 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/2/18 Daniel Benoy

 If I were to get this I would gladly act as a beta tester.  I could also set 
 it up on my network and give developers shell access, if that's what's needed.

 However, my primary concern if it's actually open, or if it's filled with 
 super secret patented stuff or otherwise tries to lock me down.  I'd need to 
 know that before I even considered it.

I'm not an expert, but as others have pointed out, the G1 hardware is
not open.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: microsoft patent with idea's from this list

2009-02-06 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/2/5 Al Johnson
 On Thursday 05 February 2009, Helge Hafting wrote:
 arne anka wrote:
  i didn't read it fully, but how does that differ from a simple hub or the
  common docking station well known to notebook users? and it what respect
  exactly is it not obvious?

 Yeah, it is jsut like the docking stations used for laptops.
 Doing exactly the same with a *phone*, now that phones almost are
 notebooks - wasn't obvious to microsoft or that patent office, it seems.

 The patent office sees obviousness differently to engineers. Having a patent
 for something on a tractor for a particular reason doesn't stop someone
 getting a patent on the exact same thing for the same reason on a fork lift.
 Somehow it isn't obvious that if it works in one situation it'll also work in
 a similar one. They see moving the idea from one type of vehicle to another as
 an inventive step rather than an application of the blindingly obvious.

Hm, but aren't there already host mode phones which can dock into
cradles like this? Didn't at least one of the HTC phones have this
sort of capability?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Don't like unsolicited calls?

2009-02-03 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/2/3 Helge Hafting

 For something more creative, have the phone pretend to answer. It could
 listen to the sales pitch. When silence is detected, pick from a pool
 of short .wav files that say random stuff like interesting, tell me
 more, could you please repeat that?, just a
 momentnoises.where were we?, could you take it from the
 beginning, my aunt wants to hear about that too!

Or, for the Python fans, I'm terribly sorry... I can't hear you, sir,
could you try speaking in a lower register? [1]

 Obviously, such a program should update the phone log with how much
 telemarketer time it has wasted.  And a high-score list where you can
 see who has talked for the longest time before realizing that something
 was wrong. :-)

Brilliant :)

[1] e.g.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: microsoft patent with idea's from this list

2009-02-03 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/2/3 Helge Hafting
 I guess it is possible to overturn that patent, if anyone has a hobby of
  suing microsoft...

Not exactly, but close:

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: microsoft patent with idea's from this list

2009-02-03 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/2/3 Peter Nijs
 On Tuesday 03 February 2009 20:10:08 arne anka wrote:
 btw: there's one of these foss organisations doing exactly what we want --
 looking for prior art and questioning patents. if anybody knows their
 address, drop 'em a note ...

 Do you mean this one?

I think perhaps arne meant this one: -
although maybe they're related. I found the LD site via the OIN site.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Spam

2009-01-28 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/1/28 Jan Henkins
 So what I suggest is that the list administrators obfuscate
 list members' addresses even more. MailMan's Pipermail archiver can do
 this if properly set up.

Adding ReCAPTCHA's mailhide[1] might improve this further.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Someone stole my Neo Freerunner... :(

2009-01-28 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/1/28 arne anka
 i still think, all these ideas to make the thief repent ... uh ... return
 the phone or track it, are rather pipe dreams -- but anyway ...

Locked WinMo devices optionally display a message (e.g. for
contact/reward details), in addition to the keypad for unlocking the
phone, when switched on or woken up. This would allow return of the
phone whether it was stolen or simply lost.

Bricking the phone won't get it back, but having the above, plus
having the phone report its location regularly, would seem to maximise
chances of recovery.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Pulster fixe(s) and rework (was: Re: buzz fix)

2009-01-11 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/1/11 Alexandre Ghisoli
 Yes, hardware fixes (rework) made by resellers would be great.

 By fixes, I mean :

 * GPS - SDIO fix (add a capacitor if I remember correctly)
 * Add a GSM IR resistor for deep sleep
 * Change the led transistor power hungry stuff
 * fix the GSM buzz
 * ...

 Please feel free to comment and complete this list.

 And I would like to hear something from pulster on this area.

I heartily concur. In fact, one of the things that's made me hold off
buying a FR is that there isn't an easy way to get this stuff done. If
the reseller could make the fixes for me for a reasonable charge, and
under warranty, the FR would suddenly become a much more attractive

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Mailing List- Testing

2009-01-11 Thread Sam Kuper
 s == sushama writes:
 s Its my pleasure to announce this new mailing list 'Testing'.

 All I know is several openmoko lists have been on and off or changed
 around and has had a mess trying to track them all...

Agreed. Might it not be better for people starting threads to do with
testing to use [testing] in the subject line?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Strength int to bar conversion

2009-01-05 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/1/5 The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler

 why take something with high accuracy and make it nice an inaccurate by
 reducing its resolution to basically 5 levels?

For simplicity, for unobtrusiveness, and for conformity with standard phone
UI practice, I'd guess. The typical 4-bar meter is good at a split-second's
glance, yet takes up very little room.

Sure, it can be made clickable if you want the detail, but for a quick
glance, it's a good compromise, IMO. Plus it make the phone easier to
explain to Grandma :)

Anyway, is it really something with high accuracy? I'd be interested to
know whether the reading Michele is getting takes into account S/N ratio or

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Buying a FrogPad in the UK

2009-01-04 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/1/4 Thomas White
 I'm interested in buying a FrogPad keyboard to use with my FreeRunner,

Whoa, that's a nifty keyboard! I'm in Cambridge too, and would love to
see your FrogPad in action if you can get hold of one. I'd be very
grateful if you'd keep me posted (on or off list, as you prefer).

Many thanks,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Buying a FrogPad in the UK

2009-01-04 Thread Sam Kuper
2009/1/5 Thomas White

 Will do.  Watch out for the next Cambridge OM pubmeet as well.

Thanks. Is there a separate mailing list/etc over which the pubmeet will be


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Pulster offer - Freerunner 299 eur

2008-12-29 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/12/29 Christoph Pulster
 - we are offering Openmoko Freerunner units now for 299 eur.
 This is AFAIK best price worldwide. GroupSales 10 units = 279 eur/each

Besides me, is there anyone on the list in/near Cambridge or London
(UK) who would like to be part of a bulk order (10 units or more)?

If so, please could you post to the list (or to me directly, if you
prefer, in which case I won't announce your name)? If we can get ten
buyers, we could all save a bit of money...

I'd also be interested in the debug board, and I see that
is offering a 10EUR/unit discount for orders of 5 or more units. So,
again, if you'd like one too, let me know.



PS. I've cc'd the Cambridge LUG, because I know at least one member of
that list has been thinking about buying a FreeRunner...

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Pulster offer - Freerunner 299 eur (Sam Kuper)

2008-12-29 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/12/29 Anthony Clearn
[Sam Kuper wrote: ]
If so, please could you post to the list (or to me directly, if you
prefer, in which case I won't announce your name)? If we can get ten
buyers, we could all save a bit of money...

 have you checked here?

Hi Anthony,

Nope, I hadn't. I wasn't previously aware of that page, so thanks for
pointing it out :)

Dear all,

Obviously, with a wiki page available for the purpose of co-ordinating
group-buy efforts, emailing me to show your interest would be less
useful than it would otherwise have been, so please don't bother now.
Sorry for the noise.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Graphical text editor ?

2008-12-20 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/12/20 kimaidou
 Thanks for your reply. I am currently using SHR, and a opkg update + opkg
 install gvim did not work. Where can I find the gvim package please ?

Hmm, I don't have a Freerunner myself (yet), but I do use Debian on
other machines. It's definitely possible to get gvim in Debian.[1]

I guess if you want to use it in a distro that doesn't have a package
for it, it looks like you'd have to do some manual config/installation
that I haven't tried, so perhaps other people would be better placed
to offer advice on that front.[2]


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Graphical text editor ?

2008-12-19 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/12/19 kimaidou

 I am using my freerunner with a keyboard connected via USB. When I want to
 create/modify a text document, I use nano or vi.
 It works great (fast, low cpu-usage) but It lacks some funcionnalities I am
 looking for :
 * Wrap text at the end of line
 * Line number show
 * graphical way of selecting files to open.

 I would like to know if someone knew a bit about that ?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Stage of GTA03 development?

2008-12-18 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/12/18 Justyn Butler
 2008/12/18 The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler
 On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 15:08:09 +0100 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller babbled:

 i'm taking usage pattern into account - and when i'm @ wifi.. i also have a
 keyboard, screen and real machine to use... so if i want to check
 something/google for it or whatever - i use something more comfortable. when
 i'm walking down the street and go crap... what was X again? i forgot and i
 want to check... or i need a map of where i am and where i have to go... or
 need to check to see if the competitors store is selling for less... there is
 no wifi. there is no lan. there *IS* 3g - even at the beach. and the park. 
 pretty much everywhere i go 99% of the time... there is  3g.

 This is exactly what I wanted to write but wasted a billion words
 failing to, thank you Raster!

 That's why 3G is important!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: No more optimization team

2008-12-17 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/12/10 t m

 The goal of the optimization team was getting us a workable phone. I've
 installed the testing version yesterday and run into a lot of issues (echo,
 buzz, not able to wake up)

 I love the idea of this phone, the openness, the capabilities, but my
 patience has been stretched beyond tolerance. I have waited more than 2
 years for an open phone. Now I have one, I can't use it and I will probably
 have to wait another half year before the phone will be able to do what any
 basic phone should be capable of.

 It is frustrating to see the appearance of great phones like HTC touch or
 even an iPhone that can do not only basic stuff, but also have the fun part
 from day one.
 Android phones are starting to appear. The HTC G1 is not available yet (in
 the Netherlands), but will be soon. It might not be as open as Openmoko, but
 it works, has got great features and it is open enough for me..

I opted for the G1, partly for the reasons you've given, but mainly because
it turned out to be available as a free upgrade from my old handset. I can't
say I'm terribly happy with it. I haven't had my hands on a Freerunner yet
for comparison, but depending upon what you want to do with your phone, you
may find that the Freerunner gets there first, or has already got there.

 If anyone in the Netherlands is interested in buying my Freerunner please
 contact me. I'm not a good advocate for the movement anymore, it will
 probably will be better if someone with a fresh attitude owns it.

Based on my experience owning a G1, I'd suggest you try out whatever phone
you're planning to use instead before you ditch your Freerunner. Also look
at the forums, etc, to see some of the issues people are having. There's no
perfect phone out there at the moment.
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenVibe is out

2008-12-16 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/12/16 Olivier Migeot

 Margo Koppelmann wrote:

 It would be cool, if it had a web interface so I could control it from my
  computer over WIFI.
 GPRS, dude. So you can control it from _everywhere_ ;)

Wow, this is like becoming
Stelarc the
masses, at least, in the sensitive parts :)
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Funding Global Domination Mk II The Console

2008-12-09 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/12/10 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Potentially there could be some affiliation as I don't believe
 there is any specific 'OpenWRT' router. Mm the OpenmokoWRT *drool*

I may be veering OT here, but Buffalo sell/sold a router with DDWRT
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [android] copy paste

2008-11-13 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/11/13 Cédric Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is it possible to copy/paste in Android ?

On my G1, some applications permit cut/copy/paste, but only - as far as I
can tell, within the app :(

 If yes, is it possible do do it without keyboard ?

The UI varies with the app. Some use the 'Menu' key to access this
functionality. Some use a long screenpress (a bit like Windows Mobile, in
case you've used that). Haven't had much time to explore this, as only got
my G1 yesterday (free upgrade from previous WinMo phone!).

 And if copy/paste is possible, this means that we could use a software
 keyboard app to write text, copy it, then paste into another
 application text field... or not ?

I don't know, but I really hope it's possible.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: RESEND(Wrong Thread): IMAGE/MP3 licensing issue.

2008-11-12 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/11/12 Rui Miguel Silva Seabra [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 01:23:19PM +, Thomas White wrote:
  On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 20:15:44 +0800
  Ray Chao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We are sorry that currently we have to remove all the images on the
   download server of Openmoko.
  Erk... are you able to give any more details about the exact reasons?

 He did:

  Subject: RESEND(Wrong Thread): IMAGE/MP3 licensing issue.
  We will make another stable release as soon as possible.  At the mean
  time, we could rebuild those old releases without mp2/mp3.  However,

 I can give you the rest:

I understand the MP3 patent issue reasonably well, but couldn't OM use
LAME?[1] Users could be asked to compile the software themselves
(providing it wasn't made terribly difficult), if that's an issue...
Or have I missed the point?

(Obviously, Vorbis and FLAC are preferable to MP3, but for those
people - and I'm sure there are lots of them - who have MP3-encoded
media, a decoder is still needed, even if only to transcode to a freer


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: DOOM For Neo Freerunner / 1973

2008-11-02 Thread Sam Kuper
Quote from website:

WIFI Multiplayer Holodeck style Deathmatch

That is potentially so, so thoroughly awesome and hilarious! Better
have a nice open field to play it in, though - could end up running
into trees otherwise :D

PS. Would beat WiiFit any day (... er, except possibly rainy days!).

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: General GPS Question

2008-10-31 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/31 Stroller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Seriously, altimeter chips have been mentioned on this list in the
 past, when proposals have been made for including an altimeter. But an
 altimeter is unlikely to reach a production Openmoko phone because the
 demand is too small.

I wasn't proposing that the altimeter would have to be *in* the phone. You
might have one in your wristwatch, for instance, or in your pocket...
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: General GPS Question

2008-10-30 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/30 Matthias Camenzind [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This would be nice if you go on a mountain and you are standing in front of
 signpost (google translated) with meters over Sea value

Or if you have an altimeter with you.
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Android open sourced

2008-10-21 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/21 Cédric Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 time to port to Neo !

I'm going to be watching this with interest!
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Android open sourced

2008-10-21 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/21 The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 you'd probably need to port androids display system to run under x11. ie a
 android window/surface == x11 window. also emulate any other things via
 icccm/netwm etc.

 this would actually be cool. you can run any desktop you like (2007.x
 style, e+illume, xfce... or anything else AND run android app AND run qt
 AND run gtk apps.. AND EFL, AND java... AND C#/mono, AND...)

That sounds awesome. If this worked, and was stable, the OpenMoko phones
could become the ultimate pocket devices: more flexible than the phones
designed for (and quite possibly limited to) Android. The scope for
increasing one's productivity with such a monster is great indeed, and given
that it's this kind of potential for productivity increases that draws me to
PDAs, I'm pretty excited by the prospect.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2008.9] Using Freerunner as a digital audio player

2008-10-13 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/13 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was *very* disapointed when I discovered the audio quality via
 headphones:in IRC they told me that it was because the capacitor(that is
 between headphone out and the sound card)'s value was too low and acted as
 a filter...
 As I am too afraid of breaking the openmoko i won't change the capacitor
 myself...but what could I do? build/buy an external amplifier(will it work
 fine?) or find a place where they could remplace me the capacitor?

I wasn't aware of this problem, but if what you are saying is that the
headphone out socket of the phone has a capacitor connected across it that
is attenuating the high frequencies, then an external amplifier connected to
that socket will not be able to restore those frequencies.

A well-designed amplifier that takes a digital audio feed from the USB
socket - a USB soundcard, essentially, would work in principle, but in
practice may be expensive/time-consuming to implement.

My advice would be to try listening to music on your phone. If it sounds
fine, don't worry about it further. If it isn't fine, try using a distro
that is known to have good sound capabilities (someone else mentioned that
Debian gives high playback quality). Only if this fails to give you adequate
quality might it be worth investigating hardware replacements/augmentation.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: LED notification

2008-10-12 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/12 Kishore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In addition, i would recommend a look a look at multimedia functions. If
 device were to play music (mp3) if there were ways to be more power

Good point. Am I right in thinking that there was a point during the
development of Sony-Ericsson's phones (the point being the introduction of
the Walkman series) when they suddenly became able to play MP3s while on
standby? This would be a really good feature for OpenMoko phones to have,
especially if they are to be competitive against mass-market media player

 [snip] using one of the ultra low power micron
 controller such as one of the AVR pico series will allow greater
 with the ability to make it function like the device BIOS as well and
 its firmware if and when necessary. This could also help the battery
 problem when powered down!

I agree; enabling the device to charge when powered down would be a good
thing. The vast majority of consumers will need to be confident that if they
plug their phone into a power source, it will (1) start charging and keep
charging until the battery is full, and (2) light an LED while charging to
indicate the state of the battery (typically, red=empty, amber=usable but
not full, green=full).

An awful lot of consumers, after all, do not RTFM and will assume the phone
is broken if it doesn't do this. I know FR is still oriented at developers,
but most developers are consumers too, and would prefer not to RTM any more
than they have to. What's more, even with the best will in the world,
batteries *do* run down completely from time to time. OM users deserve
better than to have to remember magic sequences, etc, to get the phone
working again after this happens. People do need to be able to rely on their

At the moment, if you've forgotten (or didn't know) about the magic
sequences, and you find yourself with a discharged phone at a place with not
internet access and only a USB charger, you'd be rather stuck. With most
commercial phones, however, you'd just plug them in and let them charge
until they had enough power in the battery to be switched on again.

Sorry if this has all been said before.

All best,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Introducing

2008-10-12 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/12 Tobias Kündig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm proud to announce my newest project:

That's a really neat site already. Kudos!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: LED notification

2008-10-11 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/11 Andy Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well you can simply wake and do event type actions like vibrate and
 flash LEDs then, the stimulus you are responding to like incoming call
 will be a CPU wake event so that lot will work.

 What can't be done (because of a completely Linux-centric POV in the
 design) is anything while the CPU is off in suspend.  We can leave a LED
 on during suspend, but there is no intelligence to flash it or whatever.

So while the CPU is awake, it can set the state of the LEDs, etc, and then
when it suspends, that state will remain unchanged?

That actually doesn't sound *so* limiting.

I guess that ultimately it would be nice if the states that you could leave
the indicators in included cyclic states - flash once every 2 seconds, for
instance. This could perhaps be handled by a *very* basic microcontroller to
which the CPU would devolve responsibility for managing the indicators. This
would increase the richness of the hardware UI  provide developers/users
with many more options for how the phone would behave in the suspend state.

This is evidently the sort of thing the I2C LED drivers you mentioned above
would be used for, but by indicators, I'm thinking of not just the LEDs
but also the vibrator, screen backlight  speakers. So something like a QFN
PIC might be more appropriate than just an LED driver (although maybe an LED
driver could be interfaced to non-LED indicators; I'm not sure).

It's great to hear OpenMoko might introduce this sort of extra circuitry
into the next generation of OM phones. It would be awesome if it was
implemented as a retrofittable PCB for the FR, though I guess this would be
pretty hard to achieve.

 So overall it's not quite as bad as it sounded I hope.

No, it isn't. I'm still not totally sure I want to spend ~400GBP on the
FR+debug board just yet, but I'm much closer to doing so.

Thanks for your quick reply,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: LED notification

2008-10-10 Thread Sam Kuper
2008/10/9 Andy Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Robert Norton wrote:
  2008/10/9 Robin Paulson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  the main cpu is suspended, like in the neo, but the power management
 unit is not
  I'm sure I recently read a datasheet for a PMU which supported various
  flash patterns for LEDs even during suspend. Unfortunately I can't
 Not really a PMU but an i2c device for just doing that.  We might be
 using one or another in future products

To me, having the phone able to perform basic notification functions (LED
blink, vibrate, make a sound) on certain events, even when the phone is on
standby, seems like a very desirable - not to say obvious - feature.

I was right on the verge of buying a FreeRunner when I read the message
above, but think I may hold off for now, as it looks like that sort of
functionality isn't something a firmware upgrade would enable. Is my
understanding correct? If so, am I also right in thinking that retrofitting
the hardware capability to do this would be *really* hard without serious
SMT-soldering/PCB-fabrication tools and a big investment of time?

Many thanks in advance for your help,

Openmoko community mailing list