Re: Buzz-fixed Freerunner for sale

2009-08-31 Thread Uncle Kridley
Pablo MiƱo wrote:
 1. Anything wrong with it?

Nothing.  I'm selling because the software stack never got to the level 
I'd need for day-to-day use, so I bought a Pre (which, btw, has a really 
nice SDK).

 2. Do you accept paypal?

Sure.  Send me a private message and we can work out the details.

 On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 16:26, Dirk wrote:
 Lightly used Freerunner for sale.  Please give my phone a good home.

 S/N 8A8604276
 two batteries
 buzz fix applied by SDG Systems
 charger + foreign adapters
 original box (with a big mailing label on it)
 screen protector
 boots fine


 I'm in Silicon Valley, and will mail it anywhere in the US for free.

   Dirk Bergstrom

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Raster's Image and chatting on the moko!

2008-08-20 Thread Uncle Kridley
David Samblas wrote:
 When I try to install the numptyphisics ipk, the keyboard returns to be
 the default 2008.8 one, there is any way to revert this an return to
 that beautifull illume one? 

I had the same problem, but when I restarted the X server, the illue 
keyboard came back.

   Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone working on a cron port?

2008-06-15 Thread Uncle Kridley
Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
 We should plan for something more versatile that's merging cron(/anacron), 
 at/batch, rtcwake, and the other powermanagement and wake-from-suspend 
 reasons to make a nice cute task-scheduler

Yes please!  I have a long shopping list of things I'd like to schedule 
on a regular basis.

For instance, since gprs is rather slow for interactive use, I'd like to 
have the phone periodically fetch a list of RSS feeds, so that when I 
have a few minutes to look at the news and such there's a reasonably 
current version sitting on my phone.

   Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

Web Browser?

2008-04-06 Thread Uncle Kridley
What sort of browser will Openmoko have?  From various postings on the
lists I get them impression that there is a (somewhat) working browser,
but the wiki page is very sketchy.

Will/does it support the following?

*) Javascript

*) DOM

*) Cookies

In short, is it a real browser (like FF, Safari, Konqueror), or a
half-baked thing like Blazer (the stock Treo 650 browser)?

I have an idea for a browser-based ebook reader package that uses
javascript to do autoscroll and page-drag (like Plucker)...

  Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: video/graphics on GTA02

2008-03-25 Thread Uncle Kridley
Hans L wrote:
 3) Is any form of 3D acceleration support possible in the future for games?
 Which of course leads to question #4:
 Can it run Quake

With accelerometer gestures instead of a joystick!

  Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Neo Freerunner manufacturing status

2008-03-19 Thread Uncle Kridley
Michael Shiloh wrote:
 The Freerunner design is currently staged to go through Production
 Validation Test (PVT). The hardware design A5 is, we believe, solid.

Right on!  This sounds like serious progress.  Thanks for the update.

Soon I will realize my dream of carrying around a linux machine in my

  Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GTA02 Battery Capacity (Was: Re: More about the GTA02)

2008-02-28 Thread Uncle Kridley
joerg wrote:
 - charge from any host (incl simplistic chargers): 100mA (6-12h)
 - charge from intelligent host: 500mA (1-2h)
 - charge from quickcharger with magic R: 1500mA (1h)

Ahh, ok, that makes a lot more sense.  I generally charge overnight, so
when I'm traveling, the difference between 100mA  500mA won't be an issue.

Thanks to Joerg  Andy for clearing this up.

  Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Picture Viewer geocaching

2008-02-27 Thread Uncle Kridley
David Samblas Martinez wrote:
 Ok I will auto-answer to this question based on you
 answer with more accuracy data
 based on
 NMEA 0183 sentences= up to 82 Ascii chars--one
 sentence per second--82 bytes per second
 so 60*60*24*82=7084800

It's (probably) better than that, as long as you're not in constant
motion.  If you sit in one place for an hour, you don't need to store
3600 NMEA sentences that say the same thing.  It shouldn't be too hard
to write an algorithm that can tell the difference between moving and
stationary, and store data accordingly.  Depending on the degree of
precision you desire, you can potentially reduce the storage
requirements drastically.

And if you're moving in an approximately constant speed and direction,
you can throw away all the data points along any straight line segment,
and only keep the beginning and the end.  I believe that this is what
Garmin devices do (based on the docs for my Garmin cycle computer).

However, this all may be moot, because GPS sucks up no small amount of
power.  I don't know that the Freerunner will have the juice to run GPS
all day long.  My Garmin gets 10-11 hours out of an 800 mAh battery (it
does some other bike-computer stuff, but that draws *very* little power,
given that non-GPS cycle computers can run for months on a couple button
batteries).  The Freerunner has a 1200 mAh battery, and its also running
a GSM modem, and doing other PDA-like stuff.  Heck, if you're trying to
store GPS data, you're going to have to have the processor awake the
whole time, which is another drain.

Hmm, then again, looking here:

It says:

This would imply that with the CPU constantly on in low power mode, GPS
and GSM blipping on and off, and display off, the worst case power
consumption is probably around 70mW, leading to a battery life of 2 days.

So I guess we'll see when the hardware gets here...

  Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GTA02 Battery Capacity (Was: Re: More about the GTA02)

2008-02-13 Thread Uncle Kridley
Michael Shiloh wrote:
 We are well aware of software changes we need to make in order to
 improve battery and have simply not had the time to do this. You can
 expect much better battery life when we implement these changes.
 that my very simple testing suggests should last for well over 12 hours.

Twelve hours is great compared to the five the GTA01 gets now, but it's
maybe a third of what I'd consider to be the absolute minimum for a
usable phone.  Can you give us an idea of how many hours of talk and
standby you expect the phone to provide once all of these planned
changes have been made?

I want an OpenMoko because I want to carry a computer in my pocket.  I
want to run cron jobs that fetch content from the web.  I want to use it
as a wifi web browser.  I want to turn it into a gps cycle-computer.
And I want it to be my phone, which means that when I've done all of the
above, it needs enough battery left at midnight to call a tow-truck when
my car breaks down.

My Treo 650 has an 1800 mAh battery, and even when it was new I never
got more than three days off a full charge.  Now that it's a few years
old, I can barely make two days.  If the GTA02 needs charging every day,
after maybe a year the battery will be aging, and won't even last a
whole day.  That's not going to be very practical.  Are you guys sure
that 1200 mAh is going to cut it for what amounts to a portable computer?

  Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Vibrator

2007-10-01 Thread Uncle Kridley
Kamisamanou Burgess wrote:
 I don't like that the list is loaded with stuff like
 IR portRemote control applications Would be great to use openmoko as a
 Hamony remote controller.
 I don't quite see the necessity in running you tv with your cellphone

I don't have much use for a fancy TV remote, but I would very much like
to use my phone as a remote for my Squeezebox music system
(  It would be great to be able to frob the
web UI while sitting on the couch, since that's a lot more expressive
than slowly crawling through the two-line display on the box using the
IR remote.

Just because you don't want to do something with your phone doesn't mean
that the rest of us share your feelings.  This is open source, and it
moves forward because people work on what interest them.  The end result
is something that's stronger for everyone.

  Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko at OSCON?

2007-07-03 Thread Uncle Kridley
Will there be an official or unofficial OpenMoko presence at The Oreilly 
Open Source Conference (OSCON) in Portland later this month?

Seems like the perfect place for it...

  Dirk Bergstrom   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenMoko community mailing list