Re: [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid

2010-05-14 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> There is now a new Wiki page for the project:

Kewl. But where's the duct tape ? :-)

> I have received some questions why we did not put all this into a nice
> design. The main reason is that we can't redesign the Beagleboard (it
> has fixed dimensions) and we can't afford to build plastic injection
> moulds (if someone has an idea how to reduce cost this is very
> welcome).

Low-volume injection molding should be quite affordable if you
provide the cast (aluminium) or at least a machine-ready design.
Of course, if you have to pay for the entire design work too,
things will get expensive.

However, you may also want to consider making the parts directly,
without going via a cast. This is much more expensive for larger
quantities, but if you only need a handful of cases anyway, it
should be more efficient.

The issue then becomes access to equipment and experience. I think
making a simple case should be little more than a weekend project
for someone who's set up to do such things. The challenge seems to
be to find such a person, or - if you're looking for an exciting
new hobby - to become one :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Meta Toolchain Release (2008 May)

2008-06-03 Thread Werner Almesberger
John Lee wrote:
> opkg-target update
> opkg-target install libjana-dev

Sure beats the manual approach :-)

A little while ago, I built a program that uses SDL, and this is what
I came up with:

for n in \
  libsdl-1.2-0_1.2.9-r5_armv4t.ipk libsdl-1.2-dev_1.2.9-r5_armv4t.ipk \
  libsdl-ttf_2.0.3-r0_armv4t.ipk libsdl-ttf-dev_2.0.3-r0_armv4t.ipk \
  libsdl-mixer-1.2-0_1.2.6-r2_armv4t.ipk \
  libsdl-mixer-1.2-dev_1.2.6-r2_armv4t.ipk \
  libasound2_1.0.15-r0_armv4t.ipk libmikmod_3.2.0-beta2-r0_armv4t.ipk \
  libogg0_1.1-r3_armv4t.ipk libvorbis_1.0.1-r2_armv4t.ipk; do
ar x $n
( cd /usr/local/openmoko/arm/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi;
  tar --strip-components=2 -xzf -; )

Re: Packaging third-party applications (Was: Meta Toolchain Release (2008 May))

2008-06-03 Thread Werner Almesberger
Rod Whitby wrote:
> And therein starts the decline of Openmoko application availability into  
> the poor practices of the windows world ...

;-) It's really two different usage scenarios: one is the "nice and tidy
distribution", the other is getting something to build and, sometimes,
to disseminate it quickly.

While there are people who indeed have the angelic patience to work in
distribution mode all the time, for most of us, this is just too much
pain and overhead. (Hi Andy ;-)

Also, having a toolchain that makes it easy to cross-build from sources
will help a lot towards people not even wanting to download pre-built

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Packaging third-party applications (Was: Meta Toolchain Release (2008 May))

2008-06-04 Thread Werner Almesberger
Andy Green wrote:
> Hi yourself... I guess you must have started using Openmoko build system
> then because last time we spoke about it you were avoiding it same as me
> - -- for the same reasons.

I think you misunderstood me there - I wasn't referring to myself when
I mentioned the angelic patience :-)  (*)

For me, bitbake is a great tool for distribution makers. I say that it's
a great tool for them because they seem to be happy with it. When they're
happy and make happy little pre-compiled packages for me, I'm happy as
well. And I'm even happier if I never ever have to touch bitbake ;-)

(*) If you must know, I was thinking of Raster. Although the deprecations
he uttered on IRC while struggling to use bitbake as a twisted
substitute for make seemed somewhat less angelic (-:C

> What you should have said is: ''Also, having a toolchain that makes it
> easy to cross-build from PACKAGES will help a lot towards people not

What I mean is that, with a good and extensible toolchain, you can
pick some Openmoko-agnostic package and build it from sources without

Yes, if the package has already been properly openembeddified and is
part of someone's build process, sure, you can just grab the binary.
But often enough, you'll find that this hasn't happened yet, and you
probably want to try it out before lobbying its addition to the
daily build.

Similarly, if it's work in progress, you often don't want to wait for
the daily build. And neither do you want to run your own OE build just
to get that package (unless you're blessed with the aforementioned
angelic patience).

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Neo case-modding ? (was Re: Community update: The 850 MHz issue)

2007-11-08 Thread Werner Almesberger
> The centered, 4.5" Diag *Finger Touch* screen with one thumb width of
> grip space on either end of a basically rectangular device is a
> "Golden Form Factor".

Interesting, so we got it almost right ? Screen size is of course
different, but you could probably case-mod the rest. Replace the
GSM antenna, cut off one speaker, put the GPS antenna in its place,
put it all in a new slimmer and sexier case. Voila, there is your
iNeo :-)

One gotcha: the GPS antenna would end up at a much worse spot.

- Werner

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Kernel upgrade by ipkg

2007-12-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
Graeme Gregory wrote:
> There is unfortunately a bug in the kernel, a workaround for this was
> introduced with the November 2007 snapshot.

It's this one:

- Werner

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Toolchain alpha release

2008-01-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
John Lee wrote:

I found one little problem with setup-env: when I try to build u-boot
or the kernel with it, ld fails due to the LDFLAGS, which are defined
as follows:

export LDFLAGS="-L${OMTOOL_DIR}/arm/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/lib 
-Wl,-rpath-link,${OMTOOL_DIR}/arm/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/lib -Wl,-O1"

Now, both u-boot and kernel invoke "ld" directly and not through "cc"
or "gcc". Unfortunately, "ld" doesn't understand the option -Wl, so
it fails.

We couldn't just omit the -Wl, since "gcc" doesn't understand -rpath-link,
and we wouldn't want to unconditionally compile with -O1 anyway. But in
what scenario do we actually need to set these flags ? As far as I can
tell, just plain use of arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc or
arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-ld gets all the search paths right.

If we do have to set LDFLAGS, I can think of the following ways to work
around breaking u-boot and kernel builds:

1) don't use setup-env but define only PATH (which is all kernel and
   u-boot really need anyway)

2) make LDFLAGS= ...

3) LDFLAGS= make ...

What I don't like about 2) and 3) is that they make an already too long
command even longer, and that this may let more environment variables
slip through and cause subtle breakage. 1) looks much safer.

Would you agree that, if we have to keep LDFLAGS in setup-env,  1) best
reflects proper use of the toolchain in these cases ? If not, how would
you propose to solve this problem ?

- Werner

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Toolchain alpha release

2008-01-07 Thread Werner Almesberger
John Lee wrote:
> Yes, I met this one before and I solved it by 1).

Okay, that's good enough for me. Just wanted to know where you're
heading. BTW, what I need this for are the u-boot and kernel build
scripts, trunk/src/target/*/scripts/

> This environment setting is dumped and modified from OE

Oh, I see. That's why it's so intrusive. For a "only cross-build
environment" type of setting, as in OE, this makes sense.

> I think if one wants to use toolchain this kind of problems will
> always happen.

Hmm, not sure. The previous (oabi) toolchain served us well for this
kind of things for more than a whole year, without acting up.

- Werner

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Kernel upgrade by ipkg

2008-01-09 Thread Werner Almesberger
Graeme Gregory wrote:
> This has been a long requested feature and its finally ready to be
> unleashed on the world.

One less pleasant feature of this ipkg is that a freshly built rootfs
image will still execute /usr/lib/ipkg/info/kernel-image-*.postinst
which then wipes out the hard-coded /dev/mtd2. On GTA01, this is indeed
the kernel, while it's the u-boot environment in GTA02 ...

You've already discussed this issue with Andy. I'd suggest to just
grep /proc/mtd for the right partition, and fail if it's not there.
That way, we also don't have to worry about getting bitten after any
future changes we may make to the partition layout.

- Werner

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Kernel upgrade by ipkg

2008-01-10 Thread Werner Almesberger
Graeme Gregory wrote:
> Your too late, I already added that to OE.

Ah, great ! :-) Thanks a lot !

- Werner

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shipping questions, customer organized distribution in Europe

2008-04-27 Thread Werner Almesberger
steve wrote:
> Werner doesn't even know he was the inspiration.

Oh, *now* I'm curious :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FatFingerShell vt with fullscreen keyboard

2009-03-27 Thread Werner Almesberger
Rafael Ignacio Zurita wrote:
>   it is a new virtual terminal for Openmoko, with a complete fullscreen
> keyboard and sound.

Wow, I love this idea ! Alas, it looks a little slow. (Haven't tried to
run it yet, just looked at the videos.)

Here's an idea how you could perhaps make it much faster:

A long time ago, I discussed with Carsten about what the Glamo could
do for us. Predictably, this quickly turned into some rather extensive
bashing of this ill-fated chip. On item that came up is the lack of
proper support for a feature X11 calls "compositing":

The Glamo hardware has the ability to blend images, but, if I recall
our discussion correctly, X11 expects the blending operation to support
certain formats which the Glamo doesn't. So the conclusion was that it
wouldn't be possible to accelerate full X11 compositing with the Glamo.

However, perhaps what the Glamo can do is enough for your full-screen
overlay. So you would put the X11 framebuffer in one (off-screen)
memory area A, draw the keyboard in an area B, and whenever X11 or
keyboard manager have updated their screen content, the Glamo would be
told to merge screens A and B into the real frame buffer.

This may also make it easy to do things like dynamically changing the
respective brightness of the keyboard overlay and the background with
the actual content. (*)

Now, having said all this, I have to admit that making the Glamo do
anything is rather hard, and I've heard that X11 isn't trivial either.
But several people have started to work on even more complicated things
(DRM, GL, ...), so maybe there's someone who could help making an X
server with such functionality.

(*) For this, you would have to have a means to "turn on" the keyboard.
This could be done by tapping an area where there's no key or where
there's a key that doesn't do anything unpleasant (Shift or so), by
just absorbing the first tap if the keyboard is dimmed, or perhaps
by distinguishing a light touch of the screen from a tap.

Oh, and where are the applications ? :-) When Openmoko first announced
the Linux-based GTA01, I read a lot of jokes about the kind of user
interface a Linux phone would have. Usually they were of the kind
"making a phone call is easy and intuitive:"

# phone dial -d /dev/ttySAC0 --number=+123456789 --voice

But I wonder if something that would make a call with simply

# call foobar

wouldn't be about as convenient to use as a GUI. Hang up with ^C,
background and do something else with ^Z, etc. :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FatFingerShell vt with fullscreen keyboard

2009-04-01 Thread Werner Almesberger
Helge Hafting wrote:
> Hm. But the glamo supports _some_ format. Will X11 be able to take
> advantage of that, if the app is smart and request exactly the subsets 
> of blending operations/dataformats that the glamo can do?

That would be a question for the X11 gurus.

> I have such a script for sms, but not for calls. I can send a message 
> like this:
>   # sms 123456789 "Short message text"

Great ! So all we need is a dialer, a contacts database (just
use something like $HOME/contacts/$name with maybe a
"^key\s+value\s$" structure inside ?), and an SMS reader.
April 1 is not over yet ;-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdotted

2009-04-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
Steve Mosher wrote:
> hardware world. I'll use another metaphor. Building hardware  requires
> a "waterfall" design process, at least in my experience. In the software 
> world, outside of DOD and NASA, we'd be hard pressed to find projects
> that followed a strict waterfall model.

Hmm, I think one risk of having a "heavy" development process is
that everyone tries to cram all their pet ideas into the project
like there's no tomorrow. And yes, I have to plead guilty there
as well :-(

I think a useful compromise would be a rigid process from design
to prototype or product, but the ability to start such processes
in rapid succession.

A lot of problems in the GTA01/GTA02 design were only found after
they hit end-users. Instead of bickering for half a year about
buzz fixes, wouldn't it have been easier in the end if we had
just been able to start a new design, with the necessary changes,
but only them ?

This isn't of course something you just decide and it's done.
You have to design the company/organization around such an idea.
E.g., don't produce at a factory that could spit out a million of
units a week but that takes three months to get rolling.

> minimum, plus a redesign. Take the appendix out--perform a glamoectomy?
> ask Werner about the design implications of that on WIFI.

>From (painful) memory: Half a month of getting a straight answer
from the vendor whether the chip can do it, about two weeks of
figuring out how to best rearrange that whole software stack such
that the problem becomes solveable, a few days of implementation,
well above a month to find out why that perfect plan didn't work,
followed by a few more days of working around the silicon bugs
eventually discovered. Ah yes, and when it was done, it didn't get
used :-(

When assessing the complexity of a problem, we tend to see only
those few days of actual development, not those months of
unexpected consequences.

> The OM designs all used "modules" for GSM and modules for things like
> WIFI and BT as opposed to "down" designs or chips on PCBs. The diffculty
> is not in finding components or modules

Famous last words ;-) I'd humbly submit that it can be incredibly
painful to find certain components if you're not a really big
player. And sometimes, one has to use components that aren't even
designed for phones, which creates its own set of problems.

>   The voting approach will be discussed. Basically I dont believe in 
> letting idiots vote.

In Linux, we have the concept of "benevolent dictators" ;-)

Very nice and insightful post. Thanks !

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdotted

2009-04-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
Lothar Behrens wrote:
> I mentioned KICAD ( 

KiCad is probably the Open Source EDA system that's closest to
being up to the task. But I still wonder if it can really do it.

Don't get me wrong. I use KiCad for everything I do privately
and I even contributed a few small features. But then I only do
2 layers, no ground planes, no impedance-matched lines, etc.

For an open development process, using a freely available EDA
system would of course be an incredible boost. I just wonder if
we would really have the resources to build the phone and the
EDA system that can do it in parallel.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdotted

2009-04-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
Marcel wrote:
> That's the selling point for us more-or-less nerds. But the average 
> oh-the-iphone-has-so-nice-bling-bling-user cannot see the value an open phone 
> has for us [...]

I think they see it, indirectly. If the openness attracts developers,
they build things. First they build things that excite only themselves
and their peers, i.e., other developers. But eventually, they build
things that also appeal to non-developers. And that's when the system
becomes interesting to the "(wo)man on the street".

Eventually also non-developers thus make the connection that "open"
is "good". They have to understand the underlying principles about as
much as anyone needs to understand differential equations to know
that a heavy object once released falls towards the ground.

Of course, that rarely stops us developers from trying to tell them
anyway, especially after a few drinks at a party ;-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Bying a Freerunner with the "buzz"-fix on it

2009-04-14 Thread Werner Almesberger
Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> There's a way to detect buzzfix by rapidly switching on and off MICBIAS and 
> testing if you "hear" some buzz when recording from builtin mic. Werner has 
> created a small program to do the switching job.

I'm actually not sure if this approach works. You can hear the
~40-50 Hz buzz that program (*) generates well enough, but when
I added a "buzzfix" capacitor, that artificial noise was still

It could be that I did something wrong, though, including not
actually applying the buzz fix.


- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: openmoko neo shape

2009-04-29 Thread Werner Almesberger
blokkie wrote:
> some of my collegues at work ask why the neo looks like a beer opener .
> Was this part of the design ?

Seems that those designers didn't get out much - they missed this
obvious feature.

As far as I know, the case design predates Openmoko. I've heard that
it was originally made for a device to be marketed in the context of
the Olympics in China, hence the emphasis on circles, and perhaps
also the fairly rugged design and the space for a heck of a lanyard.

> PS: where should the stylus be inserted ? In the empty beer bottle ?

A stylus doesn't make sense. You'd either lose it after a few beers
or you're not drinking enough :-)

Cheers !

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Life in Openmoko Phones

2009-05-18 Thread Werner Almesberger
Wolfgang Spraul wrote:
> Today Openmoko released additional pieces of documentation about 
> Freerunner hardware: board outline, footprints and netlist.

This is great. Thanks a lot to you and everyone in Openmoko who has
helped to make this happen !

With these files, we'll be able to make a mechanically accurate
board prototype and we can also do more extensive sanity-checking
of the gta02-core design and layout before making any hardware.

So again thanks a lot ! This will help our crazy little project a
good deal.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Life in Openmoko Phones

2009-05-19 Thread Werner Almesberger
Nils Faerber wrote:
> This would be one of the details I am interested in, i.e. would OpenMoko
> Inc. help in making (read as "producing") this new design? With its part
> stock, manufacturing capabilities, etc.?

Access to components is currently under discussion, yes. There are
at least some logistical issues, i.e., the GTA02 components seem to
be at a place where it's difficult to move them. But we're working
on it ...

The idea is indeed that we can get most of the components from
Openmoko. It's not only about the cost of the material but also the
difficulty of sourcing certain parts and the errors that could be
introduced in the process.

> Many of the parts in the GTA02 cannot be reasonably placed by hand.
> There are almost a dozen (or more?) BGA chips which are extremely hard
> to handle (you do not see if the balls match the pads).

Hehe, this reminds me of the usual "SMT sucks, where can I get this
chip in DIP ?" discussion. This question is usually followed by
someone suggesting some more or less crazy scheme that actually does
yield a DIP component, and a number of people explaining their
techniques for soldering SOIC and even SSOP. Then usually someone
chimes in describing how to solder QFN and the like with often
grossly inadequate equipment. And often enough, this ends with hints
for how BGAs can be done with kitchen utensils :)

I'm not sure where exactly the line between "unusual skills and
know-how" and "(not very hard) science fiction" lies. There's scary
stuff out there, though, e.g.,

Anyway, back to reality. I agree that this needs a real SMT production
line. There are some parts that can be difficult to SMT (buttons,
connectors) that are better hand-soldered, but for most of the items,
you want a properly quality-controlled and automated process.

Please bear in mind that the objective of gta02-core is not to make a
design that's immediately ready for mass-production but to set up the
process and make a small number of prototypes.

If some company should find the result appealing enough to turn this
into a real product and make the corresponding inventments, that would
of course be very welcome. But we can't count on this happening so

If you have contacts with companies that make prototype SMT runs, it
would be interesting if you could get rough cost estimates from them.
Let's assume the following parameters:

- 150-200 different components, all of them in reasonably common
  packages, on tape.
- most difficult component is a 332-FBGA with 0.5 mm pitch (the
  S3C2442B MCP)
- 500-600 components in total.
- 10-20 units produced.

> Then there are
> almost microscopic parts like resistors and capacitors - which pitch?
> 0402 at least if not even 0201 or smaller.

0402 is the smallest. For manual soldering (e.g., rework), size is
less of a problem than density.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Life in Openmoko Phones

2009-05-19 Thread Werner Almesberger
Ron K. Jeffries wrote:
> Q1) So, OpenMoko has not committed to building the 10-20 protos?

No, and Openmoko wasn't actually asked for such a commitment, as
it would not fit with the current focus of Openmoko. If Openmoko
or some other company might be interested at some point in time
to produce devices based on gta02-core, I can't predict.

I expect that PCB and SMT are within the reach of many a hobbyist's
budget. If we can find sponsors who can contribute money or
services, that would of course make things even easier.

> Q2) What is design goal? a simple clean up & re-do of GTA02 (less Glamo...)
>  in an open source hardware context?

Yes, that's basically the idea. I wouldn't even consider the
cleanup per se as such important, but since we're redoing things
anyway, we wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to right a few

> Q3) What is role of OpenMoko organization now? Sell remaining GTA02s?

As far as I know, Openmoko is selling GTA02s and, besides that,
concentrating on the "project B". Openmoko is friendly towards the
gta02-core project, and several people at Openmoko are trying to
help us within their means.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Life in Openmoko Phones

2009-05-20 Thread Werner Almesberger
Nils Faerber wrote:
> I also know from experience that some parts are really nasty to get -
> either you do not get them at all or you have to buy large quantaties of
> them.

Oh yes. You wouldn't believe just how often we had that sort of thing
happen to Openmoko. I've learned to treat sourcing with a healthy dose
of paranoia.

> I know at least three such companies, one beeing in my home town. For
> such a large number of different components 10-20 units will be
> *extremely* expensive.

Seems to be about EUR 200-300 for 10 units. With the PCBs costing
around EUR 200 apiece, that would be around EUR 500 for the production.
Okay, that's about what I would have guessed. Limited editions are
always a bit pricy :-)

> Those are of course just very rough numbers. It also depends on type of
> parts, how many of which type, etc. But as a first rough figure it could do.

Sure. Thanks a lot for the estimate !

> 0402 is OK - we can do this in our work-shop, but that's smallest we can
> do ;) Density is indeed another critical issue. And pitily we cannot do
> any BGA at all. What we have is the "Expert" from Essemtec:

Very nice equipment :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Life in Openmoko Phones

2009-05-21 Thread Werner Almesberger
Nils Faerber wrote:
> Wouldn't it be more fruitful to create a project that is only concerned
> about providing the best possible tools, hardware and software, for
> braking into and reverse engineering existing devices?

There are already a number of projects that do exactly this, such
as OpenEZX and gnufiish. There are a number of limitations to this
approach, though:

- there's always the risk that you can't "forcibly open" some
  important chips

  E.g. see the still large number of "0%" items on

- it's difficuly to get power management right without knowing
  exactly what goes on in the device

- even if you succeed, there's no guarantee that the vendor won't
  make some changes for the worse (from the Open Source point of
  view) in new revisions of the product.

  E.g., OpenWRT got bitten by a radical change of the core system
  architecture of the WRT54G. Luckily, LinkSys/Cisco could be
  convinced to make a variant specifically targetted for Linux.

- worse yet, considering the amount of time such reverse engineering
  takes and the short life cycles of these products, the product may
  already have been replaced by the time you catch up. This means
  that it will be very difficult to spread such opened devices
  outside a groups of very determined enthusiasts.

  E.g., consider the age of the hardware OpenEZX, being in fairly
  good shape as far as the software is concerned, uses.

Of course, none of this means that this approach is guaranteed to
fail, there is the success story of the WRT54G, but that's also
a much simpler and extremely long-lived device.

So the bottom line is that I don't think this approach can only
scale if you can convince the company whose phone you "opened" to
cooperate with you. And it's unlikely that they would be able to
open their design, even if you could convince them they should.

On the other hand, the approach where you own the design can be
brought to mass-production with anyone's support. Even a small
carrier or a consortium of interested parties could do it.

Furthermore, an open design lowers the barrier of entry for people
who want to make variants. Not only do they not have to license
the design, but they also don't depend on a single company to
support them.

> Hardware is needed in the form of good debug adapters. Those would be
> much easier to have made than a complete phone device. Good software is
> needed for the hardware debuggers and also for disassembly analysis,
> protocol analysis etc.

I think in terms of tools, both approaches can share a lot. A
protocol analyzer will help you debug your own implementation 
just as well as it will help you to discover a vendor's mystery

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Life in Openmoko Phones

2009-05-22 Thread Werner Almesberger
Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> For sure. When you guys get ready for the first build, I'll find a way
> to help. I'm open to donating some parts and time. This is a great
> project!

Wonderful, thanks a lot ! Access to parts is probably the single
most important condition for the success of this project.

The task is getting easier every day. Time to roll up our sleeves ! :)

I just added a list of areas where help is welcome to the Wiki:

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Visit at Openmoko

2009-05-25 Thread Werner Almesberger
Sven Klomp wrote:
> When I arrived, the whole office was empty. [...]

I'd say your timing was perfect. Your eyes did not betray you, but
it's still too early to draw too many conclusions from what you saw.

I think it may take a few days before there will be any official
information from Openmoko. This is all brand-new and there's still
a lot of dust that has to settle, and not all of the consequences
may be for the worse.

So, no need to panic quite yet :)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: where to buy atheros SDIO wifi card?

2009-05-26 Thread Werner Almesberger
hong zhang wrote:
> I like to buy a Atheros SDIO wifi card and can be used in laptop SDIO lot.
> Could any one tell me where I can buy it?

Hmm, the only ones I've seen with that shape were development boards.
Atheros might have an idea about whether such modules are available.
If not, maybe try Accton.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Debuzzing

2009-06-01 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Aother note to all who read this: the Buzz rework is only required if  
> you have the Buzz problem.

Hmm, wasn't there an environmental component as well, i.e., band and
signal strength ? So changes in the network, e.g., traveling, moving,
or the provider messing with things, might bring buzz to phones that
still lacked that experience.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-03 Thread Werner Almesberger
Sean, thanks for the update !

It is unfortunate that Openmoko Inc. cannot presently continue to
lead the development of the open phone. But then, many a great
undertaking has required more than one effort before reaching its
goal. Anything that brings us closer to that goal is a success in
itself, and the value of previous achievements is often only
appreciated in the light of the final result.

I'm very glad that Openmoko Inc. has not only brought the vision of
the ubiquituous open phone this much closer to its realization, but
that you are also willing to help us to ease the transition from a
project centered around a single company to a true community effort.

In the name of the gta02-core project, I'm particularly grateful to
you and the board for supporting this effort with further material
and components. This will be critical for enabling us to open up the
engineering process with our moderate resources.

Alright, I think we all have a lot of work lined up for the future.
I hope we'll all have the opportunity to envy each other's before
too long ! :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mailing list glitch?

2009-06-03 Thread Werner Almesberger
Doug Jones wrote:
> Has this bug been there all along?  Does our community's collective 
> memory have a hole in it?

Seems that it chopped the mail at the line beginning with "From".
Not sure where the rest ended up ...

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fundamental Qi question

2009-06-03 Thread Werner Almesberger wrote:
> I booted from flash and SD card for quite some time.

I think it's best to consider Qi as an SD-centric solution and to
plan migrating towards SD.

NAND support is only there because of the GTA01/GTA02 legacy and it
has limitations compared to SD. While technically possible to bring
NAND support in Qi on par with SD, I think it would just make things
more complicated and lure people into using NAND whereas SD is the

In the GTA03 design, we would not have used NAND for anything but
storing Qi and read-only factory data. Likewise, for gta02-core, I
wouldn't consider using u-boot.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fundamental Qi question

2009-06-04 Thread Werner Almesberger
Laszlo KREKACS wrote:
> I use the distribution on NAND as an SD card reader.

Hmm, I think we have to distinguish between things you can do and
things that actually make sense here ;-)

Once you've started to fill the niches, it's always unpleasant to
change. That's one reason why it's difficult to make architectural
changes like switching from a NAND-centric approach to an SD-centric
approach once a system has been deployed.

But in a new system, features should be open to evaluation, and if
one can accomplish the same tasks in a simpler and cheaper way, that
only helps to make the product stronger.

The problem with NAND is that it's no end of hassle. You need a
complex boot loader to use if fully, you need an in-system recovery
architecture, it needs special partitioning, you have to deal with
unusual error patterns (factory-bad blocks and wear), etc.

An SD-centric design does away with all this and brings the whole
architecture much closer to what you find in a PC. I.e., the analogy
SD == disk holds true for most purposes. So you don't need to learn
a whole new set of methods and tools to perform routine tasks but
you can just handle them exactly like you'd handle a PC.

For your SD reader scenario, there are actually two solutions:

- you can just have a small system on the SD card that boots into an
  initramfs. Once the system has been loaded, you can remove the card
  and insert another one.

- USB microSD readers sell for < USD 3 and make a nice addition to the
  travel accessories bag for each laptop that doesn't have an SD slot.

> and I write the new distro to the uSD card. It is impossible to do it
> on the same
> SD card, from where the OS is running. You cant simply repartition
> the uSD card.

Why not ? Just get a big enough card and partition it before using it
the first time. The total cost of a card with several GB is likely to
be much lower than that of those few hundred MB of NAND. (It's not
only the cost of the chip per se but also how this constrains the
choice of packages, complicates sourcing, production, and all that.)

> Furthermore, I used recently TangoGPS, and it broke the filesystem where the
> maps were located. It broked every time when the phone runned out of battery.

Hmm, frequent data loss looks like a problem that needs solving anyway,
whether there is NAND or not. Does your user space attempt a shutdown
when it notices an imminent low battery condition ?

> I see only one alternativ: two uSD card slot.

That's actually an attractive feature anyway. Basically one acting
like a hard disk and the other one like a USB stick. Thinking of it,
you can actually do this already if you have a suitable cable, since
the USB port can be switched to host mode.

> I think I made a fair point, so please save an emergency path.

The design of a typical Qi system (whether NAND-free or not) should
include a partition with an small user space for the boot menu and
just this sort of recovery environment. There's no disagreement that
you need this sort of functionality, there are just better ways to
do it than to use NAND :-)

Ah, and to recover from a truly catastrophic SD failure, there's
always the option of carrying a backup card. There are also failure
modes where you're much better off with SD than with NAND. E.g., if
your device fails completely and needs to be replaced, you can't
backup your NAND if your device is broken, while you can usually
still remove your SD card and access it with another computer.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fundamental Qi question

2009-06-04 Thread Werner Almesberger
arne anka wrote:
> - what reasons make you say, sd is the future?

The main reasons are:

- much easier handling. SD is like a disk, so you can use all the
  standard tools and get standard behaviour. NAND needs a lot of
  exceptional treatment to properly address wear and factory-bad
  blocks. I.e., you can't just pretend it's a regular disk but
  need special file systems, special tools, special partitioning,
  and all that.

- the price/performance point of SD is set at the time you buy the
  SD card while that of NAND is set when the device is designed.
  So NAND always lags behind trends in capacity growth.

- if all the data of a device is stored on SD, you have a lot more
  flexibility when moving data across systems. E.g., you could
  share a phone among people, use multiple phones with the same data,
  have completely separate work/personal or regular/travel
  environments, etc.

> - what reasons, except the impossibility to replace the nand when it is  
> worn out by to many write operations, led to the decision to use nand  
> read-only?

The complexity of recovering from catastrophic NAND corruption. With
GTA01, you needed the debug board. GTA02 has an expensive and (for
most purposes) non-upgradeable NOR chip. With no valuable changeable
state in the device, the whole issue of recovering a bricked device
disappears, since you can just use a different/externally repaired

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
Christoph Pulster wrote:
> I see ONE active Mailinglist (here) and nothing more worth to mention.

openmoko-kernel used to be very busy. Now it's a bit more quiet
with kernel maintenance being rearranged, but I expect it to
pick up some more activity again before too long.

Also, these days, the most active participants all use IRC and
much of the small coordination happens there.

> The GTA03core list consists of 5 active people feeding some strange CAD  
> software,

gta02-core is a very young project and I'm rather pleased with
the way it's growing. There are 1-2 people joining for active
participation every week, and some more are just lurking for now.

If active participants joined at a higher rate, it would actually
be difficult to give them the attention they deserve and to
integrate them into the project. (In fact, I already built up a
bit of a backlog for this week. Shouldn't dwell in this mail too
long ...)

If you don't like the strange CAD files, you may find
easier on your eyes ;-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-06 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dale Schumacher wrote:
> If the concerted efforts of many talented (in some cases even paid)
> engineers couldn't achieve that basic milestone, it seems unlikely
> that it will be achieved by a loosely-organized group of unpaid (and
> demoralized) volunteers.

You can view the situation also as an opportunity to change some
of the structure of the project. Openmoko Inc. had certain
constraints due to the way it was conceived. Some of them looked
good at the beginning but later caused problems - yet were too
difficult to change.

The good thing about a new start is that you can stop fighting the
mistakes of the past and turn your full attention towards making
new ones ;-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

New list: gta02-core

2009-06-07 Thread Werner Almesberger
[ Cross-posted to the community list, since there's been a lot of
  discussion about future projects as well. ]

A few people have voiced discomfort with the gta02-core project
dominating the gta03 list, and I have to admit that having us
squat there was more an act of opportunity than a good choice.

So please welcome the brand-new list dedicated solely to the
gta02-core project:

The gta02-core project aims to create and test an open prototype
development process for phones using the design of the Openmoko
GTA02 "FreeRunner". 
This will not be the "next big open phone", but it should provide a
basis for making the hardware of one, using a development process
that is as open as we've come to expect from Free Software.

Please send new postings related to gta02-core only to the new
list, and copy replies to gta02-core-related postings on other
list to both lists, until the current threads all have moved.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Paroli introduction video

2009-06-08 Thread Werner Almesberger
Laszlo KREKACS wrote:

Lovely retro style. Bleeding-edge technology meets the silent
movie. Finally, there's a worthy successor for "Metropolis" :-)

Someone should make a piano track for it.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Linux International and Openmoko

2009-06-09 Thread Werner Almesberger
Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:
> If the Openmoko community is interested in pursuing this, I would be
> happy to discuss LI's plans further with you, and how Openmoko could fit
> into this.

I think putting gta02-core and similar projects under the wings of
LI is a wonderful idea ! We already discussed some of this a few
days ago. Below are some hopefully not too random thoughts on the
things a project like gta02-core needs and how they fit with what I
think an organization like LI can provide.

For technical projects like gta02-core, one of the most important
roles of such an organization would be to enter contracts and to
maintain rights that exist beyond and across projects. For example,
if we need to enter an NDA for some purpose, also follow-on
projects should be able to use this NDA without having to
re-negotiate it (which can be very difficult if not impossible.)

I'm not familiar with the subtleties that distinguish the various
forms of organization, and their impact on commercial activities,
but I think we can identify a few types of such activities that are
likely to be necessary:

For projects like gta02-core and possible successors, it would be
important to purchase goods (e.g., components), contract services
(e.g., PCB making or an SMT run), sell products (e.g., boards or
complete phones), and to save some of the revenue for later
activities (e.g., purchase of material).

Furthermore, it should be possible to hire or contract people for
roles that are beyond the scope of mere volunteer activities.

The international chapters certainly resonate well with the global
interest in open phone development that we've experienced with
Openmoko. Regarding international members, is there any special
paperwork they need to do to join LI as members or to perform
tasks in which they represent LI (or a sub-group ?) to some extent,
e.g., negotiate a contract ?

If none of the items above raises a red flag, I'd say this should
be an excellent match. The experience of LI would help projects
like gta02-core to establish a solid organizational framework, and
the prominence of LI would help gain visibility, attract
participants, and open doors for industry contacts.

When these bustling projects are successful in bringing openness,
both for hard- and software, into new areas and to new users, this
would in turn be just what LI aims for.

So I'd like to thank you for the invitation, and I'm very excited
about the prospect of joining forces with LI.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Project B guessing game was[ Re: Pat Meier (=public relation of Openmoko)]

2009-06-10 Thread Werner Almesberger
David Reyes Samblas Martinez wrote:
> * Open Hardware programable Annoy-a-tron 2.0[1] like. (1)
> [1]

Sean actually likes pranks very much :-)

(Sadly, I never managed to goad anyone into trying the inverted
coffee cup prank on him, and when I finally got to Taipei again,
I had already forgotten about and Openmoko had tables with which
it wouldn't have worked.)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-10 Thread Werner Almesberger
Jeremy McNaughton wrote:
> Scope:   What will our mission statement be?  Is the foundation just
> to support the gta02-core project,

Just a quick remark: please don't concentrate too much on
gta02-core when planning organizational structures for the

The focus of gta02-core is not on making the next big phone but
on opening the process. The few pieces of hardware gta02-core
is planned to produce would be a proof of concept that we've
succeeded to meet that specific goal but they will likely be of
little practical interest to anyone who is looking for a
substantial improvement on the GTA02 as a day to day phone.

Once gta02-core is complete, there are several paths that could
lead to a mass-produced phone. Some could be very quick, others
quite slow. Mass-producing a phone requires a lot of money, so
at that stage, the direction would also depend on the goals of
investors or sponsors and on an assessment of the target

An organisational structure should allow us to keep assets
across projects. This will also encourage keeping technical
projects small and focused.

I use gta02-core as a reference when discussion specific needs,
because of the project's narrow scope. If a plan doesn't work
for gta02-core, it probably doesn't work at all. But a plan
that only works for gta02-core wouldn't be much better either.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Battery ID chip - help needed

2009-06-10 Thread Werner Almesberger
Christoph Pulster wrote:
> While working out a solution, we get stuck on the point the battery has  
> some coded ID-Chip. This chip is not available on the market.
> Also the data can not be copied to another IC because its crypted.

Hmm, I wonder what that would be or what it would do :-)

I haven't actually taken apart a GTA02 battery yet, but what should
be in there are some pretty standard Li-Ion protection circuit (note
that cut-off voltage and cut-off behaviour can differ among such
protection circuits, e.g., the GTA02 battery needs some prodding to
come back to life after a cut-off. That's what caused all the fun
with the Vsys cap problems.) and of course the Coulomb counter.

The bq27000 is a pretty accessible part. You can buy it at Digi-Key.
No secret handshake involved :-)

Paul Fertser and Joerg have done some investigation on the factory
settings of the bq27000, so they may have suggestions for a better

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: a starting point for a community organization charter on the wiki

2009-06-11 Thread Werner Almesberger
Jeremy McNaughton wrote:
> With a little help this could eventually become our charter for a
> sub-group of Linux International.

I wonder if LI may have something like a template for such sub-group

> The stuff I've written there are all just ideas that can be completely
> changed.  We have the opportunity to create a brand new organization,
> so don't be afraid to raise questions, concerns, or ideas.

Heh, I have one :-) Why should I become a member ?

I think the answer may make it clearer what has to go into the

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-11 Thread Werner Almesberger
Jeremy McNaughton wrote:
> 1.  That the open source hardware development processes pioneered by
> gta02-core get formalized as part of the structure of the new
> organization

There's always room for improvements, so I wouldn't nail down too
many details. But the overall goals, i.e., the use of Open Source
wherever possible, yes.

> 2.  That the people who are working on the gta02-core will continue to
> work together as part of the new community organization.

Definitely, yes.

> Of course, the community organization (heh... we need a name!) should
> encompass more than just hardware.  The open hardware part will likely
> just be a part of what the organization does.

Even in the hardware area, there's more than just low-risk
implementation projects. E.g., there should also be activities that
take on the risky bits and bring them under control. Such "pioneer"
efforts can then be integrated into the next "safe" design.

Also, we haven't touched the whole area of case design and
manufacturing yet. There's a number of Free CAD tools that should
be up to the task. We've briefly discussed them on the "gta03"
list a while ago.

Also turning a CAD design into a prototype is not an impossible
task. There are relatively inexpensive CNC mills (i.e., within the
reach of many hobbyists) that should be able to make reasonably
good prototypes. Access to mills or 3D printers may also exist
through academic institutions or projects like "Fab Lab":

I don't know if anyone actually made a case from the CAD files
Openmoko released about a year ago. The CAD files themselves may
not be directly useful with Free CAD tools except for making very
minor changes.

But I think a case-making project that follows the same approach as
gta02-core, namely reconstructing and prototyping the existing
design with Free tools (and making some small changes) could be
rather useful for establishing the know-how that can later be used
for more ambitious work.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-12 Thread Werner Almesberger
Adolph J. Vogel wrote:
> As a new freerunner owner :) and as a mechanical engineering masters
> student, I think this might be an ideal place for me to contribute to
> the freerunners future. :)

Yeah ! You may even be able to make this count as a semester or
final project, or similar.

> I have done some googling on free cad software, anything beyond 2D is
> severly lacking behind their propriety counterparts. I will look into
> them some more, maybe there are some new projects that we can use.

The most promising one seems to be HeeksCAD. It has fairly
comprehensive CAM integration and can do parametric modeling via
Python scripts. Salome also looks quite powerful and is perhaps
more mature but appears to lack CAM integration.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

New case (was Re: Freerunner's Future)

2009-06-18 Thread Werner Almesberger
[ Let's give threads that change direction a clearer name than just
  "Freerunner's Future" ]

Fabian Sch?lzel wrote:
> I'm not an engineer, but a draftsman, so I could also help with the
> mechanical design and modeling of the case and other things related
> to the project.

Great ! I think "redoing" the GTA02 case should be a project on its
own, independent from gta02-core or such.

There are no technical dependencies anyway - gta02-core will fit
into any GTA02 case and a new GTA02 case can host any GTA02 board.

Two considerations:

I think just making a case equivalent to the existing one would be
an interesting enough task on its own, without adding any changes
that aren't motivated by feasibility (machinability, etc.) alone.

Ideally, someone who's already experienced the whole process from
design to prototype production getting done would take care of
coordinating that project.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: The University of S?o Paulo's intent to join Openmoko development

2009-07-13 Thread Werner Almesberger
Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:
> A copy of Dr. Zuffo's letter of intent is below.  I have the original
> PDF if anyone would like to see it, but it was too big to make it
> through the community's standards on mailing lists unmoderated, and I
> thought you might like to see this as soon as possible.

This is wonderful news indeed ! Thanks a lot for making it happen !

I haven't had the opportunity to meet Dr. Zuffo and his team at
LSI-USP yet, but from your description and the LoI, it seems that
LSI-USP can help in several key areas where our community-centric
approach is currently weak.

I also believe that the openess we pursue resonates very well with
the necessities of academic work. To draw a parallel, in the early
1990es, the usual way of sharing one's Unix kernel research was to
get a SunOS source license and to distribute object files. With the
advent of the free unices (i.e., BSD and Linux), publishing source
became the standard, and everyone was happier for it.

So, how do we proceed ? As far as gta02-core is concerned, we will
need a friendly place for SMT soon ... and we still have that GSM
elephant in the parlor.

Thanks again for bringing LSI-USP aboard, and welcome to the
exciting adventure that is the Openmoko project !

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] The University of S?o Paulo's intent to join Openmoko development

2009-07-19 Thread Werner Almesberger
?lvaro Lopes wrote:
> > But (for example) the "gerbers" be licensed with a small royalty (1-2
> > dollars per phone, with a cap of 500,000 to 1,000,000 USD) only if the
> > party will make *over* 5,000-10,000 phones.
> Interesting idea, but would defy the openness of the project IMHO.

I feel a similar uneasiness with this proposal. While these royalties
would be extremely friendly compared to what others take, I think
they would still limit the power of what is the key differentiator of
the whole project, namely the openness.

So far, I can think of three areas where such royalties would be

- they would add a bias that could be perceived as unfair to future
  major contributors and might set a precedent for an accumulation
  of claims.

- such a license would probably be incompatible with pure CC-BY-SA
  and similar, discouraging cooperation and limiting the
  opportunities for reuse (both from and by us). There's also the
  issue of where you draw the line when people copy only part of the

- good licenses are simple. The more exceptions and special cases
  you add, the less comfortable people (and companies) will be with

There are also many cautionary tales of someone trying to wrap a
business model around revenue from an "almost Free" license, and
the whole thing leading to protraced arguments and frustration.

So I would rather keep the license plain and simple, and try to
generate revenue from the value of the design team's experience,
visibility, and contacts.

> The problem here is we are not developing a "state-of-the-art" phone.

I think it's sufficient to have "decent enough" hardware. Most of
the ubiquituous features aren't all that expensive to have and
you gain little by driving things to the bleeding edge of

Instead, we can capitalize on the one truly unique feature we offer,
the radical openness. This may have limited appeal to end users
outside the geek population, but if I was a VAR, I'd kill for it.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Open Hardware company

2009-07-20 Thread Werner Almesberger
steven mosher wrote:
> A while back Wolfgang mentioned that he and I were starting a new venture.Drop
> by and say hello.

And so it has begun ... congratulations and good luck !
May the source be with you :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Open Hardware company

2009-07-21 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> most FOSS. Unless we restrict the Non-G-UI to commandline and
> ncurses.

I noticed that is has an escape key. So vi will be fine. What else
could one possibly wish for, except that more GUI designers would
draw their inspiration from the grace and style of vi ? :-)

Historical note: once I had Linux run on my Psion S5 and took it to
a conference. The UI consisted of eight virtual consoles with a
shell each, with whatever I chose to run there - typically a vi, so
I could switch from taking notes on various topics just by changing
consoles. Despite the device's many shortcomings, the system felt
amazingly productive, almost on par with the HP-100LX.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

RFC: Open Source Hardware - Disclosure Requisites

2009-07-22 Thread Werner Almesberger
Sorry for the cross-post. I've prepared a whitepaper that explains
the documentation requirement of Open Source Hardware to component

If you're interested in this topic, please help to review it. The
thread about it is on the gta02-core list:

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Open Hardware company

2009-07-25 Thread Werner Almesberger
steven mosher wrote:
>2. Build a Copyleft version of the Iphone from scratch. pass me
> 400Million and I'll get right
>on it! But you can't just build the iPhone, you have to build what
> apple will ship 18 months
>from now to be competitive.

Heh, I'd do it for 40 ;-)

But I think the fallacy is in trying to mimic the iPhone anyway. The
way I see it, Apple took an existing and well-understood concept,
added a competently done design, and created an open market for
applications. Perhaps the most significant departure from the
industry's old course lies in partially superseding the
carrier-centric lock-in model.

Smartphone hardware, however, still seems to be largely driven by
the vision of the video phone. If you trace back the history of the
video phone, you'll end up somewhere in 1927 with Lang's

Now, if you're making a movie, wouldn't you rather use a video
phone instead of a plain old telephone ? After all, you want to
show moving pictures and your actors are already dressed up,
presentable, and exist in a perfectly scripted universe in which
all calls are important and always happen at exactly the right

With virtually every movie that depicts an even slightly futuristic
world showing video telephony, it's no surprise that some people do
start to believe that this will be part of the future ...

With that in mind, we could ask ourselves what are the roads not
taken in the "guided evolution" of the mobile phone, because they
led away from that perceived holy grail. Then put the creative
energy not wasted on chasing Apple into doing something that's
really groundbreaking.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

applied sci-fi (was Re: New Open Hardware company)

2009-07-25 Thread Werner Almesberger
[ Changed the subject, for we've veered off-topic. ]

pike wrote:
> So, what did science fiction *miss* ?

Actually, very little :) One thing that could make voice telecommunication
a lot more attractive would be an avatar who "listens" and "understands".
Voice mail makes many people uncomfortable because they don't get none of
feedback that normally accompanies a conversation. Even voice telephony
has that kind of problem to some extent, particularly with large
end-to-end delay.

A possible improvement would be some sort of avatar that provides these
clues and fools the speaker into feeling as if he or she was talking to a
real human being. Determining how all this might work would need a bit of
research, though. TV fakes continuous motion, MP3 fakes a loss-less
reproduction, so I wouldn't be surprised if we couldn't fake a human
listener as well with less effort than dragging a real human to the phone.

Okay, that's a far-out idea. Something closer to home: if you don't need
video telephony, you don't need rapidly updating color images. So, put
e-paper into those phones. Maybe even the well-established grayscale type.
It probably still updates quickly enough that you could even doodle on it.

Oops, have we just eaten a big chunk of the e-book reader market ? So
sorry ;-)

As an added bonus, you can get flexible e-paper. I don't know how much
abuse it can take, but maybe you could hide something that gives tactile
feedback under it ? Wouldn't a touch screen that feels as if it had real
keys be nice ?

> I've always been amazed by the 1-on-1 nature
> of phone calls.

Oh, that's been solved already. Even GSM supports multi-party calls.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: applied sci-fi (was Re: New Open Hardware company)

2009-07-25 Thread Werner Almesberger
pike wrote:
> strange, i've never seen it in day-to-day usage.
> can't do it on my phone afaik ?

It's certainly one of the more obscure features :) You should be
able to use it by making the first call, then call the next party
and "join" the calls, and so on. Not sure if any of the Openmoko
distros support this.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Finger text input idea

2007-05-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
Richi Plana wrote:
> I agree that thought should be given to this, but I would suggest an
> 8-spoke wheel instead of 6-.

Hmm, already 6 is pretty dense. I'm afraid 8 would be too much.
At least with a circular layout.

> That way the wheel can be emulated on a keypad

That would be quite nice, yes.

> If one is using a
> finger on the NWN interface, then it would require lifting the finger to
> tap at each spoke and the idea is tapping on a spoke brings you outward
> in the hierarchy and tapping in the hub brings you down.

A touch hierarchy may have its merits too. For now, I've been trying
to do most things with dragging, but tapping may indeed be easier.

Anyway, my proof of concept version can do either. You just have to
give it the right state machine :-)

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Input Method - Missing Buttongrip

2007-05-07 Thread Werner Almesberger
Andreas Kostyrka wrote:
> AFAIK, if you put 2 fingers to the display, it
> reports the weighted middle point of these to the software.

Unfortunately, the story is a bit more complicated. The actual value
depends on the respective pressure at the two points. If you touch
the touch screen very lightly at point A, and rap hard at point B,
the value will be close to B. If you apply roughly the same
pressure at both points, it will be indeed roughly in the middle.

Also, as pressure changes, the coordinates change.

So this means that you could probably do something useful with
two finger input with the current hardware, as long as you can make
sure that one finger is placed before the other, but you'd have to
do some research into interpreting the data you get.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-16 Thread Werner Almesberger
Marcin Wiacek wrote:
> 6.microswitch for real hardware blocking flashing (to prevent changing
> firmware)

Flash protection is planned for the "later this year" aka "getting
everything right this time" model.

The idea is to have an emergency/recovery u-boot in a separate Flash
chip, which can be activated if the regular boot process got broken.

This recovery Flash should never need to be changed, so making it
easy to do so isn't a particularly high priority. (As in "soldering
iron" instead of "switch".)

Our current hardware doesn't allow Flash protection to be done
sensibly :-( So software/user input can in fact brick a machine to
the point where the only recovery possible is through JTAG, e.g.,
with the debug board.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-16 Thread Werner Almesberger
Ian Stirling wrote:
> Why should a phone be better in this respect than a PC?

Well, on the PC, you don't change the BIOS very often, if ever.
Furthermore, the BIOS is in storage that your system doesn't
usually access either.

On the Neo, your "BIOS" is the boot loader, so every time you
upgrade the boot loader, you get a chance to brick your system.
Furthermore, basically all non-removable storage is just one
single Flash area, so the driver writing your data files is just
a few bits away from bricking the device.

There are some protections, but software is very limited in what
it can do. Also, neither the MCU nor the Flash memory have any
complementary protection mechanisms. (In the next device, also
the MCU will have some reasonably good protection against the
most common forms of accidental overwriting.)

And no, I don't think we want to get into DRM ;-)

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-16 Thread Werner Almesberger
Marcin Wiacek wrote:
> In worst case device should start with default parameters and without
> additional apps.

Our idea is that you can at least load a new boot loader, kernel,
etc.  over DFU. That's the minimum "sane" unbricking requirement.
Anything else would require more space. (We may actually have
enough space for also putting the kernel and a bit of user space
there. But that wouldn't be a "regular" environment, but more
something like kboot or linuxbios.)

Note that there's also the option to do an "emergency boot" from
the boot menu. This is for more benign screw-ups, e.g., incorrect
touch screen calibration making the GUI unusable. For the "end
user", this level of protection, combined with a bit of DFU
hardening will be enough.

> IMHO, the best is separating memory to two phisical chips and have
> main software in first (with protection) and additional software/"HDD"
> inside second (or protection should block writing to chip below specified
> address).

Per-block protection is tricky. There are only very few companies
out there who have chips with this, and even fewer whose chips we
could actually use. I don't know of any Flash chip with useful zone
protection (you get a lot that protect about 16 kB, but that's not
enough). Just protecting the whole chip won't do, since we expect
our users (hackers) to install their own boot loaders, kernels, and

With the MCU we'll use in the future, you also get (useful) zone
protection. We think it can be circumvented (by malware but also
by well-meant tools), so it's not the "100% carefree" solution
we're looking for either. However, it will allow for more flexible
use of the "recovery" Flash chip for those who choose to remove
the bulletproof protection. (E.g., if they have a debug board.)

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-16 Thread Werner Almesberger
Marcin Wiacek wrote:
> Can be done something like that (I'm not hardware guy) ?

Sure, that's basically what we have in mind, except that there may
not even be a microswitch (although I'd like to have at least a
jumper), but just a resistor you'd have to unsolder to do this.

The issue is that our users (= hackers) can also replace critical
system components with their own code. So we don't only have to
protect against unwanted changes, but also again users fully
intending the change, say, the boot loader. Now, if there's a bug
in the new boot loader that breaks it, they will have a means to
restore something that works.

This is a bit different from the regular consumer device, where
people will at most install some nice, well-tested vendor updates.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-16 Thread Werner Almesberger
Marcin Wiacek wrote:
> Resistor - wrong. It must be available for user without technical knowledge
> and tools.

No, this memory is the one only users who know exactly what they're
doing and have the right tools should ever change. And even those
normally shouldn't even want to.

The things there are strictly for disaster recovery. They're the
last defense against bricking the device. (If you remove this
defense, then unbricking requires JTAG, so you either need a debug
board, find someone who has it, or send it back to FIC.)

In normal use, this Flash is not accessed. You can still change
kernels, boot loader, and all that, with maximum ease. (They're
all in the regular Flash.)

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-16 Thread Werner Almesberger
Marcin Wiacek wrote:
> Of I see that we think about different things

Yup :-)

> I was thinking about protecting memory with main phone software (like
> kernel, boot loader, main apps).

You'll (almost certainly) be able to do this as well: the new MCU
will allow you to specify which NAND Flash area can be written to.
Once this is set, it cannot be changed without a reset. So this
would be a "hardware assisted" solution. Unfortunately, you can
probably bypass it if you're determined.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Making Neo Brickproof, was comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-16 Thread Werner Almesberger
Simon Matthews wrote:
> It seems to me as someone who designs and makes embedded devices (mainly
> using the Freescale MC9S12 processors) that you need another lower level
> bootstrap loader that is small,

Ah yes, we've been through that idea as well :-)

We rejected it, because we don't want to have yet more code
duplicating functionality found elsewhere to maintain. Besides, it
wouldn't be all that trivial, given that we don't have any "simple"
interfaces. (Anything that needs a debug board or other fancy
adapters doesn't count.)

Also, there really isn't much difference between a few protected
bytes or hundreds of protected kilobytes. We need an extra chip
anyway, and if we want something reasonably small and modern, it'll
have plenty of space. Thus there's no penalty in using it.

But yes, the "small loader" approach works well enough in other
contexts. I've used it myself.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-17 Thread Werner Almesberger
Marcin Wiacek wrote:
> So, the scenario can be: spefifying area by "virus" and getting device to
> reset to have full control...

At which time your (still protected) firmware sets the protection
again, and executes the regular code. But yes, if you add an
easily changeable vector before that point, you lose :-)

The bypass I'm thinking of is a little harder, either by messing
up the NAND state machine in the MCU (so it doesn't notice we're
about to write), or, if they've been really careful, by toggling
the bits through GPIO and carefully timed memory accesses.

Something your virus author may still do, of course. And that's
when the second chip kicks in.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Making Neo Brickproof, was comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-17 Thread Werner Almesberger
Simon Matthews wrote:
> I would have thought it would be nice to avoid an extra chip.

Yeah, we tried, but it just doesn't seem to be possible :-( There
are some alternatives, but they then lead to other problems, such
as chips not being available in quantity, etc. (And we've had our
number of surprises with that. Once bitten, ...)

> Of course this [OTP} would only be any good if it could be mapped to the
> addresses that get downloaded by the CPU before it starts.

That's in NAND Flash, which isn't really mapped. Instead, you transfer
data in pages. So it's more like a disk than RAM. The MCU has a
build-in boot loader that does this, but it doesn't know about OTP.
Besides, that OTP can still be changed.

> I see a couple of problems with having one large complex bootloader. If
> it is large and complex there is more chance it will need to be changed
> due to changes in functionality or bugs.

No, I don't think this will be needed. The basic recovery functions
will be exercised well enough. To the contrary, since this is code
we already use daily, it's more likely to be correct than a
special-purpose loader that only gets used rarely.

Even better: a more general recovery loader will give you more than
one way to do things (e.g., SD card and USB), so even if one method
fails, you still have a backup.

> but wonder how hard it would be to write a very basic USB driver with
> just enough functionality to do the job of downloading some fixed format
> data from a host.

You'd have to ask Harald for comments on USB (among other things,
he implemented DFU in u-boot),  but my impression is that it's hard
and messy enough that nobody wants to maintain yet another stack.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Making Neo Brickproof, was comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-17 Thread Werner Almesberger
Simon Matthews wrote:
> If you do find a chip with a small protected page i might be interested
> in writing the loader i have outlined.

Thanks !

> As long as the bootstrap code  reprogramming is bullet proof or you
> don't see the need for changing the boot code i can't see any problems
> with one large bootstrap.

Yes, that emergency bootstrap should be both bulletproof and immutable
(with very few exceptions), but you have basically the same code also
in the part of the system that is meant to be easily upgradeable, so
even development that's very close to the hardware doesn't need to
touch the recovery stuff.

Perhaps a good analogy would be the recovery CD one may have for a PC.
(Only that PC hardware can change a lot more than what's in a given
phone. About the worst that could happen is that it may not recognize
your brand-new 1TB uSD card, so you'd have to find one of the old
and boring 4GB ones, or use USB :-)

> I looked at using USB a few years ago and decided it was too convoluted
> and complex. IMHO a powered Ethernet variant would have been a much
> better arrangement that the USB mess.

Yeah, USB is a fine triumph of NIH. And of course, they had to add
isochronous transmissions. That's to low-level communications about
what the video phone is to telephony :-(

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-23 Thread Werner Almesberger
Simon Matthews wrote:
> Could you tell me the make and model of the new MPU, and maybe some
> links to datasheets.

It's the Samsung 2442,

> I am intrigued to see how they implement the protection.

Yeah, me too :-) Section 6 basically says that it works, but doesn't
give any details on how. I'd try the following types of attack:

- confuse the state machine:
  disable the NAND controller block between sending command and address,
  and see what happens.

- combine operations:
  start a write command, turn the NAND control lines to GPIO, send
  the address, take the rejection, send a "harmless" command, switch
  the GPIOs back to NAND control, and send the address.

- completely bypass the NAND control block:
  set the slowest memory timing, control the NAND signals through GPIO,
  then do a memory write to put the right kind of data on the bus.

A logic analyzer may be handy for this type of experiments. (There
are some quite resonably priced PC-based ones, alas none of them seem
to play nice with Linux :-( Alas, building my own with a small FPGA
is a bit too much work for a lunch break project.)

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-23 Thread Werner Almesberger
> There are a couple of PC-based LAs that work with Linux. Look for the xoscope
> project, I think it has links to a couple of such LAs.

Hmm, only the BitScope, which is a nice device, but its digital
capabilities are fairly limited. What I'm thinking of is something
like the LogicPort:

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Few comments after reading Wiki

2007-05-23 Thread Werner Almesberger
Heilpern, Mark wrote:
> If you want to roll your own, with Linux support, check out

Wow, this is great ! And the one on is even closer to
what I'm looking for (same hardware, but simpler design).

Thanks a lot !

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: information efficient text enty using dasher

2007-05-29 Thread Werner Almesberger
Jonathon Suggs wrote:
> My favorite input method is still the finger splash concept (needs some 
> tweaking to the concept though)

I like that one. One issue would be the font size, though - the
secondary letters are quite hard to read on the Neo, and the
multi-letter functions are basically unreadable (while

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: information efficient text enty using dasher

2007-05-29 Thread Werner Almesberger
> Dasher is only really information efficient considering the input only.
> The output stream needs to be quite dense.

I was commenting on "finger splash". I agree that Dasher seems
extremely stressful, more like a fast-paced video game.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Are there any applications?

2007-06-07 Thread Werner Almesberger
Eildert Groeneveld wrote:
> I am a wondering what is going on in terms of software development.

Some say, the best way to keep a secret is to tell everybody,
and nobody will believe it. That's why the OpenMoko Applications
Cabal keeps all its secret development in SVN ;-)

By the way, nothing should keep people who have found the killer
GUI design from writing a proof of concept application, try it
on the desktop or in QEMU, and then do the final porting (which
should then be simple) and polishing once they hold a real Neo
in their hands.

No matter what you think of our current applications, they can
at least serve as an example for how things connect in the

I think it could be quite interesting to have alternative designs
to try. And few things sell a good idea better than a convincing
prototype implementation.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: community involvement todo?

2007-06-08 Thread Werner Almesberger
Stefan Schmidt wrote:
> We already had some thoughts about such 'junior tasks'. I really like
> the idea to give interested people small tasks for a quick start.

Regarding quick starts, perhaps some sort of tutorial could be useful,

- how to get the basic development/run-time environment
- how to set up QEMU
- how to add/change things to/in the run-time environment
- step-by-step description for building a graphical "hello world"
  application (code layout, widgets, build process, packaging)
- pointers to reference code for the most important widgets and/or
  use of infrastructure interfaces

> The real problem is to identify such tasks. Most of the stuff is still
> much work in progress. We should start such a list anyway. :)

One problem is also that many "small" tasks involve a lot of
context. So it's two weeks of learning, five minutes of coding, and
even then you probably don't do it quite right. Of course, once the
learning curve is mastered, things improve significantly.

An example for an a bit "meatier" project, without too many
dependencies may be the implementation of a working prototype of
the "finger splash" input method:

An example for a project with lots of cross-dependencies would
be a cleanup of the u-boot build process. It would be great if
the build process was "non-verbose" by default, like we have it
for the Linux kernel. If anyone wants to tackle this, the best
starting point would be u-boot upstream (and synchronize with
the upstream developers).

A build infrastructure idea: it would be great if BitBake would
support entire quilt patchsets, e.g., by pointing to the series
file. (Stefan, see yesterday's discussion on #openmoko-devel.)

> I would vote against another ml. We already have enough. Just send the
> patch to the ml for the stuff you are hacking on: u-boot, kernel,
> application...

For reasonably self-contained small projects, we also have

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: community involvement todo?

2007-06-08 Thread Werner Almesberger
Stefan Schmidt wrote:
> Should be both in the wiki already, no?

Yup, so the walk-through should just explain the easiest approach,
and link to the more detailed background material for the rest.
E.g., the QEMU part doesn't need all the background information
from the QEMU page. Trimming the MokoMakeFile information may be a
bit harder.

>> - how to add/change things to/in the run-time environment
> Hmm, do you mean before the buil with OE or working on the live
> system?

Pick one :-) The idea is to give an answer to "how do I run my
application on QEMU or my Neo, for testing". There are many
possible answers. The "getting started guide" should give one
that's reasonably efficient and reasonably fool-proof.

> That's indeed a big missing point. On the other hand two projects
> already found it way in our tree, rss-reader and calculator, which
> means it seems possible to learn how it works. ;)

Yeah, but this should be really easy. Most beginners won't care
to understand all the fine points of our build process, at least
not initially.

> Anyway we should fill this gap even if I don't know when we have time
> for this. :(

Perhaps this makes that one more item for the "contributions we'd
appreciate" list. People who have gone through a certain learning
experience recently are usually in the best position to describe
it. Any bugs/inefficiencies can be filtered out through peer

> [ Tautology deleted ], I'll add these tasks and perhaps some more
> to the wiki tonight.

Great ! :-)

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko != Neo1973 (Was: Openness (was RE: Concern for usability and ergonomics))

2007-06-12 Thread Werner Almesberger
Joe Friedrichsen wrote:
> Yes, most of the hardware designs and schematics aren't distributed,

Actually, I hope that we can release at least schematics of the
debug board and the immediate surroundings of the MCU. There seems
to be a lot of red tape surrounding all this, though :-(

> but there are shadows of scraps here and there thanks to Werner (
> ).

Oh, that one. Don't worry, that never made it into hardware.
What we currently have (in GTA02) is the circuit depicted in

In general, developers/werner/ is my personal junkyard, and I'm a
messy person. So please don't jump to conclusions when sifting
through it.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko != Neo1973 (Was: Openness (was RE: Concern for usability and ergonomics))

2007-06-13 Thread Werner Almesberger
Shawn Rutledge wrote:
> used for "system exploration" when there are multiple devices on the
> bus.

We only have the Samsung MCU in the JTAG chain.

> What is your favorite hardware and software for doing this?

We use our own debug board. You need a special flexible cable to
connect to JTAG (*), and our board has the corresponding connector.

(*) In a phone, there isn't nearly enough space for one of the JTAG
connectors you have on eval boards and the like. You could
probably roll you own, though, and use some other JTAG adapter,
e.g., the cute little Amontec JTAGkey.

On the software side, we use OpenOCD.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

GPS trail - crazy idea

2007-07-03 Thread Werner Almesberger
Hi all,

I was wondering of any of the Gtk gurus hanging out here could do
me a little favour. I have this idea that's haunting me in my
sleep, but I don't have the time to implement it. It should be
really easy to do, though.

The idea is to have a GPS tracker/mapper that uses a very simple
GUI with very rapid (finger) interaction to find one's way around
some place. There are no maps. The context is provided by past
movements and/or external information sources, combined by the
user's brain.

Brief description:
GUI mockup (for 640x480):

The "current location" interface should probably be generic, e.g.,
reading  messages from a Unix domain
socket. We can then feed it with fake test data and/or slap on a
converter from NMEA.

I know there are similar programs around, but I don't think they
pursue this light-weight and real-time approach quite to the same

Anyone feeling like giving it a try ?

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPS trail - crazy idea

2007-07-03 Thread Werner Almesberger
Nick Johnson wrote:
> Why not just use NMEA sentences directly? They're simple to read, and
> more versatile.

Sure. Just wanted to skip the math and modularize the thing.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPS trail - crazy idea

2007-07-04 Thread Werner Almesberger
Urivan Saaib wrote:
> This sounds pretty cool. I've always thinking on a service that could let
> anyone provide means to upload their position (without being tied to any
> personal records) and be able to see through the time the evolution of the
> flows of population (dynamic of fluids).

That would be a possible extension, if data is to be passed
through some central server (which is probably necessary, since
telcos usually don't allow direct IP traffic between mobile

However, I think the best approach to tackle all this is to go
incrementally. A standalone trail application should already be
useful. Next, one could add simple waypoints. A camera would
actually be kinda useful ;-)

Trails of multiple users, shared in real time, would be the
"killer application". I don't think anyone is doing that at the
moment. A typical scenario would be to meet someone in a city
both don't know. Street names aren't very useful, but knowing
roughly where the other person is at the moment, would be.

Directing a taxi to the other person's location should be fun,
though ;-)

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko ads now on youtube

2007-07-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
Adam Krikstone wrote:

Hot shit ! I hope you realize what sort of productivity killer
for OpenMoko mission control you've created :-)

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: well, that didn't take long

2007-07-15 Thread Werner Almesberger
Phil Schaffner wrote:

"Picture caller ID"

That fellow is certainly way ahead of the rest of us, including
the OpenMoko team ;-)

- Werner

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Again: Advertising thoughts

2007-07-17 Thread Werner Almesberger
Adam Krikstone wrote:
> 6. There needs to be some kind of ? We could certainly create that.

> posting, "My phone doesn't work. Help me." 

We actually have for these ;-)

- Werner

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Kernel Mode-Setting (KMS) on Neo FreeRunner + Debian

2009-08-19 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dan Staley wrote:
> The glamo.useful?  If this work continues...perhaps a rethink of
> gta02-core is in order?!

Hmm, I doubt it :) Use one bitmap that's not cached in Glamo memory and
you're back to watching the same old paint dry again. So I still think
gta02-core will run circles around GTA02. But perhaps smaller circles
now :-)

But I have to say that I'm very impressed by Thomas' work. It's not
just the acceleration but also the complete overhaul of the driver

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: One second Openmoko boot?

2009-08-21 Thread Werner Almesberger
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> The only sane way to substantially improve booting time is to stop booting 
> like a desktop PC, that is move away from starting all services just because 
> you can. Start them on demand and bring only the bare necessities up on boot 
> (filesystems, dbus, X).

Yes, doing less work is the most promising approach here. You can
also try to move moredrivers into modules, replace udev, and move
to uSD, avoiding JFFS2. (JFFS2 and udev conspire to create a huge
startup cost, with udev's expensive initialization and JFFS2 doing
its garabge collection at the same time.)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Internal pressure sensor

2009-10-06 Thread Werner Almesberger
Stroller wrote:
> This barometer is self-contained and connected to the i2c bus, a  
> _relatively_ simple addition. If there is demand for the barometer -  
> although I'm inclined to agree with Rask that there wouldn't be - then  
> it might it be justified to add it were Brazil ever to go into  
> Freerunner production.

Here's where Open Design Hardware changes the scenario: if you have an
(open) base product, you can design, produce, and deploy small changes
for a special interest group at a comparably low price - a bit higher
than if the change was part of the mass-produced design, but
considerably lower than any traditional alternatives.

> software installed. The software would have to be closed-source,  
[... more horror material ...]

Why bother ? Even if we assume for a moment that you can't make money
selling unencumbered software, you'd have the enhanced hardware
already as a kind of dongle. Also, since this would be a highly
specialized niche product, I would expect customer loyalty to be high.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WikiReader

2009-10-13 Thread Werner Almesberger
Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> Today, with the greatest of pleasure, I am ready to share with you the
> birth of our third product -- WikiReader.

Yeah, it has hatched ! Congratulations to you and the rest of the
team, and I hope that this cool little device will be a smashing
success !

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02-core] FOSDEM2010

2009-10-27 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> What about GTA02-core?

Hmm, no plans from my side so far. I prefer to have something
tangible to show when going to conferences :-)

There are still a few months until FOSDEM - by when would a
decision have to be made ?

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Whither open hardware ? (was Re: Quick e-mail poll: Still using your Freerunner?)

2010-01-03 Thread Werner Almesberger
Ken Young wrote:
> My two cents:   If I were dictator of the gta02-core team (instead of
> someone who doesn't even contribute), I would repurpose the device as a
> GPS PDA.   I would remove all the radio components except for the WiFi,
> and try to optimize for the longest battery life possible.

Companies who were looking for a device for some project often asked
Openmoko Inc. if they could have a GTA02 with some features removed
or with other - often small - changes. Unfortunately, Openmoko Inc.
did not have the resources for making such derivatives.

However, this is a promise the approach chosen for gta02-core holds:
with the whole design out in the open (Open Design Hardware [1]),
anyone can independently define, implement, and produce derivatives.


This doesn't mean that everyone is forced to fight all alone. To the
contrary, there are many possible synergies along the way that are
not visible as such in the traditional product development process,
such as shared sourcing or shared manufacturing.

For example, if you want to make your GPS PDA, you may choose a set
of changes that fits your budget, e.g., by staying with the overall
platform and physical shape but removing subsystems you don't need.

When it then comes to sourcing components and manufacturing, the
same facilities used for making the phone could offer their services
also to your project. The incremental cost for them would be very
small, much smaller than running a completely different product of
similar complexity.

Also the "core company" (or whatever form of organization) in charge
of the base design would benefit. If it has spare engineering
resources to put into derivative projects, it can choose to do so,
favouring projects that best suit its agenda.

If not, others can help out. Thus, the business opportunity is not
wasted - it only goes to someone else you could think of as an ally.
Even better, resources that can be shared contribute back to the
whole ensemble of projects. E.g., if your PDA is wildly successful,
sourcing may be able to get much getter conditions for parts than
they did with just the phone. Or a new type of subsystem gets
researched and is then available as a possible building block for
the entire architectural family. Thus also the phone benefits.

Now some may say that this is crazy and that anyone handing out
designs so liberally would be robbed by competitors. In my
experience, it's surprisingly hard to get people to "steal" your
cool new ideas. Eventually, the thieves and parasites will show up,
but you have to be successful for an awfully long time before they
even notice you.

> [...] but rather to point out that there
> is really no hope at that a group of people such as the gta02-core team,
> working part time with no large corporate sponsor, will ever produce a
> product with hardware on a par with what the big players are
> contemporaneously offering.

I agree on the point that there's no hope to mass-produce a phone
without suitable resources. The resources don't have to be in one
hand (e.g., you could have a consortium of entities each
contributing their own capabilities and splitting the proceeds),
but they have to be available.

However, I don't think it's necessary to compete on leading edge
technology. Often enough, less advanced components will yield an
equally satisfying product. Besides, companies that don't have the
sexiest product in their sector of the market are often much
friendlier towards openness than those who do.

Please don't take the poor performance of GTA01 or GTA02 as too much
of an indicator of what "second best" can do. Both are based on very
conservative designs (e.g., no DDR) and GTA02 has two thirds of its
high-throughput peripherals share an incredibly slow bus.

(Think of a first-generation PCI-based PC where someone chooses to
use ISA cards for video and the SCSI controller. Would such a system
properly represent the typical performance of the PCI architecture ?)

The 2442 is now about five years old, and it shows all over the
place. In an updated but similar design, unlike gta02-core suitable
for mass-production, I would use something like the 2450, which has
high-speed USB, 2D acceleration, and other goodies.

> In contrast, I think there still might be an unexploited niche in the
> GPS-PDA arena.

I think there is a whole universe full of unexplored niches. It's
hidden from us by a tall wall called "high cost of entry". If we can
find ways to lower that wall, a lot of interesting things should

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Whither open hardware ? (was Re: Quick e-mail poll: Still using your Freerunner?)

2010-01-03 Thread Werner Almesberger
Laszlo KREKACS wrote:
> Is it unsuitable for a phone because of power inefficiency?
> Can be the "ARM Cortex-A8 600Mhz" used in a future phone?

There are many component choices for future phones. Things to consider
when choosing chips include:

- do they fit the intended purpose ?
- are they open enough for our purposes ?
- are they available (to us) ?
- will they be available as long as we need them ?
- are they affordable ?
- what are the integration costs ?
- what are the opportunity costs ?
- do they work as intended ?
- how do they fit our technical capabilities ?
- what legal exposures do they cause ?

Of course, you don't see companies advertize much on the issues listed
above. Quite to the contrary - how often does one see a feature
presented as "patented proprietary technology" as if this was a good
thing ?

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Maintain(er) OpenMokoProjects [was: Openmoko projects page down]

2010-01-07 Thread Werner Almesberger
Michael Pilgermann wrote:
> the OpenMokoProjects page is back online - thanks to whoever did this.

That would be Joachim. I'll add my thanks too !

Unfortunately, there still appear to be problems with accessing
certain directories, and nobody seems to have an idea (so far)
how to solve these.

> But in fact, I got a bit concerned about carrying on to host my projects
> there. What is the status of this site - and who is the maintainer? 

As far as I know, Armin Ranjbar is in charge of the administration of
the projects (approval, etc.), but there doesn't seem to be anyone
who's clearly in charge of running the infrastructure. (I might be
wrong, though. Corrections welcome.)

Now, GForge doesn't seem to be a particularly friendly platform to
maintain. At least I gather this from the amount of invective
uttered by those trying to fix it :-)

Considering alternatives, we could also look at the things we
already have in the Openmoko universe. For example, we have a
mailing list processor, a bug tracker, an SVN, a git, and even a
web-to-SVN gateway (with limitations). I wonder if each project
really needs to have its own copy of each of these, or if we
could share and pool some resources.

These "central services" used to be for "official" Openmoko Inc.
projects, but now that it's all in the hands of the community
anyway, there's little need to maintain this distinction.

The rate of new project registrations is not particularly high.
Last year: jan 17, feb 8, mar 6, apr 9, may 5, jun 5, jul 5, aug 1,
sep 1, oct 2, nov 1, dec 2. So it may not be worth the effort to
automate these tasks. (I don't know the rate of membership changes,

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Shr-User] Maintain(er) OpenMokoProjects [was: Openmoko projects page down]

2010-01-07 Thread Werner Almesberger
Michael Pilgermann wrote:
> - for the gforge page itself: I am thankful for all the explainations
> about responsilities regarding the site; however, nobody has yet came
> up to say: it is me to deal with these problems.

The implied meaning of these explanations was of course that for any
prospective volunteer who's good at taming GForge but has kept quiet
so far because everything seemed to be so well under control, now
would be an excellent moment to speak up :)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Whither open hardware ?

2010-01-08 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dave Ball wrote:
> What's the yard stick for measuring against here?  I.e. are we talking 
> about one-off from digikey/farnell, samples direct from the 
> manufacturer, or limited-run (couple of hundreds) quantities?

For the full process from R&D to mass production, you need to have
channels for small, medium, and large quantities. First just a few
to figure out if and how the thing works. Then hundreds for the
prototypes, and finally thousands for mass production.

If a part is available from Digi-Key or a similar distributor, this
helps enormously to accelerate R&D and it can also help when in a
pinch in a prototype run.

> > - what are the integration costs ?
> is this things like placement of awkward (small pitch etc.) parts,  
> FPC's etc.,  or ancillary parts such as partner chips?

Depending on the part, it can be all of this and more. Requirements
on the PCB and the SMT process, partner chips, extra voltages,
mechanical and thermal issues, drivers, and so on.


- if a new component reduces the minimum pitch or has a higher pad
  density than the rest, your PCB may get more difficult to make,
  possibly resulting in higher cost, a smaller choice of companies
  that have the technology, higher lead time, and so on.

- some components have an unusual reflow profile, e.g., batteries
  (don't like the heat) or complicated BGAs (have to make sure even
  the most inaccessible ball reflows correctly).

- CPUs have long lists of requirements on their power supplies and
  their sequencing. E.g., it was quite a puzzle to figure out how
  to make the 2442 with with the 50633.

- extra voltages: some chips inexplicably want something slightly
  different from 3.3 V. There goes another LDO.

- mechanical: need to find suitable space. Electromechanical
  components also need to interface mechanically, which may affect
  the shape of other elements.

- thermal: don't cook your neighbours and don't be cooked by them.
  Also, some special layout may be needed to get the heat away from
  the chip.

- let's not forget the software. If a chip needs a driver, that one
  has to be written, debugged, and so on. This also implies what
  one needs sufficiently open documentation, which can require a
  great deal of negotiation.

> Is the normal route of sourcing via a factory (even for prototypes 
> etc.)?  From a few searches it seems that getting hold of some parts 
> (i.e. screens / touch layers) is incredibly difficult for one-offs.

For the easily obtainable parts, you have many choices. Small
quantities you get from Digi-Key, even if it's expensive per piece.
Perhaps even medium quantities, if you don't already have a better
channel. Large quantities, you get from the official distributor.
If you're willing to take some (small) chances, you can also use
other channels, e.g., to bring down lead time.

Parts that are hard to get require contacts, muscle, illusions, or
someone who can lend you some of these. You normally negotiate the
whole package, so you don't only get samples but you also at least
talk about the larger quantities you'll need in the future.

For prototypes you want fast turn-around times, so involving a
mass-production factory may not be such a good idea. They can do
sourcing, but their mode of operation may not include quick changes
and such. (E.g., GTA01 was prototyped in Taipei, GTA02 had many
prototype runs at the MP factory, a process that was agonizingly
slow and had a huge overhead, GTA03 was prototyped again in Taipei.)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Thone 0.5

2010-03-31 Thread Werner Almesberger
pike wrote:
> And today is a nice day to release what I have

Looks great ! Finally a UI that's friendly also with users who are
hackers ;-)

It would be nice to avoid modal dialogs, like the one in
$TH_MENU_SMSREAD. Why not simply remember the last message read
and have commands "del(ete)", "re(ply)", "n(ext)", "p(rev)", etc.,
that operate on whatever was the last message ? mh worked like
this, and it was quite nice to use.

"sms read" can still print a hint what commands may be useful next,
but without a modal dialog. (As an advanced feature, there could
then be an option for an "expert mode" that turns off the hints.)

If there's an "undo", you also don't need to ask before "dangerous"

By the way, regarding overlay keyboards, in cases where fatfingershell
is too crowded or narrow, perhaps the following approach may be worth

- use a 4 x 6 grid (or similar)

- use the keys on the leftmost column as modifiers, e.g., with the
  following functions:

  - Left: use left half of the keyboard
  - Shift: shift, pressed in combination with Left and Right
  - Right: use right half of the keyboard
  - Fn: special functions/characters

- for the remaining positions, select the layout according to the
  modifier(s) pressed

Typical use would be two-handed. E.g., if we assume a split through
the middle of a regular keyboard, we'd get something like this:

Modif.  LeftRight
--  -   -
Left1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0
Shift   Q   W   E   R   T   Y   U   I   O   P
Right   A   S   D   F   G   H   I   J   K   L
Fn  ?   Z   X   C   V   B   N   M   ?   ?

"?" is something non-alphanumerical. Space, Enter, and Delete come
to mind. We can use Shift+Number for special characters.

To type "Hello", one could

- hold Right+Shift then tap H
- hold Left and tap E
- hold Right and tap L, then holding Right tap L again
- keep holding Right and tap O

If modifiers are sticky, also single-handed use would be possible,
but slower.

"Right+Shift" could correspond to a location somewhere around
the bottom of the Shift area, or a transition of "in Right" to
"between Right and Shift" (rolling the finger.)

The multi-touch effect would be possible because touching
positions X and Y looks like a touch at a position in the
middle between the two. A sequence like Left-E would then look
like this:

- press somewhere in Left (let's call this vector X, from the
- point moves - without releasing - somewhere near the top of
  W or Q (let's call this vector Y, from the origin)
- we calculate the real second position as X+2*(Y-X)

Just an idea for whichever April 1st is next :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: AAVA Mobile?

2010-04-05 Thread Werner Almesberger
undrwater wrote:
> I'm wondering if this is a re-badged product discussed here previously, or
> something relatively new?

Looks like something new. It isn't quite clear to me what semantics
they attach to "Open", in particular whether the openness is supposed
to come from the mere fact of being an x86 platform and inherently
PC-ish, or whether it also means an absence of binary kernel modules
and similar kinds of joy. Or it could just mean that they'll license
the design to anyone, which would indeed be more "open" than anything
else on the market, even though at a different level.

I'd also be curious about battery life. If they've indeed managed to
make an x86-based phone with a battery life that compares to a good
ARM-based one, that would be very impressive.

There's of course also the question to what extent x86 matters for
mobile phones today. In terms of processing power, already ARM seems
to offer more than enough for most purposes. In terms of
compatibility, they don't seem to aim for straight PC-compatibility
anyway, and the concept of an "app store", having been given a very
pronounced shape by Apple, has changed the landscape.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: beautiful qt based

2010-04-08 Thread Werner Almesberger
Christoph Pulster wrote:
> project customers: gone, disappointed of all the bugs and problems

Whether the bugs and problem really bother project customers should
depend a lot on what their specific plans are. E.g., if they plan to
have their own user interface anyway, they wouldn't care much about
any flaws in the existing ones.

However, if I was a project customer, what would scare me most is
that the hardware is no longer being produced and that there's no
follow-on product I could switch to.

The more a project customer plans to invest into the platform, be it
in units purchased or in their own development effort, the more they
need the assurance that their effort won't be wasted. A product
that's already discontinued makes a horrible basis for this.

So I'm not exactly surprised that you don't have hordes of project
customers banging at your door, begging for more FreeRunners.

> lets wake up, the game is over :-(

It's always nice to compare the views of the distributors.

Hmm, what kind of movie character would best reflect the typical
attitude of each ? :) How about

- Pulster: perhaps Marvin the Paranoid Android ?
- Golden Delicious: definitely Angus McGuyver
- Tuxbrain: I'm struggling with this one, Sister Mary Clarence ?

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

project customers (was Re: beautiful qt based)

2010-04-08 Thread Werner Almesberger
I wrote:
> So I'm not exactly surprised that you don't have hordes of project
> customers banging at your door, begging for more FreeRunners.

Perhaps I should clarify that I don't mean to make fun of your
situation. We're all in the same boat here.

But I think it's important to be aware that this kind of completely
non-technical issue can disqualify the product for project

The irony here is that the openness as such would be a very strong
point in favour of something like the FreeRunner, especially for
those with long-term plans, and it's sad that we (as in "those who
believe in the ideas behind the Openmoko project") have missed this
opportunity so far.

Of course, where something isn't right, there's also an opportunity
to do better :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: project customers

2010-04-09 Thread Werner Almesberger
Christoph Pulster wrote:
> As you already said, companiess who built a solution based on the  
> Openmoko need a reliable product AND a reliable company behind.

Hmm, I think you're right that there has to be a company that
buffers the customer from the increasingly chaotic (*) "inner
layers". However, I'm not sure this company has to be the
manufacturer or "owner" of the product, nor that there would
have to be just one company in this buffer role.

E.g., I could easily imagine a consortium grouped around an
open design. That's one of the possible directions I see for
the work we've started with gta02-core.

Such a consortium could be much more reliable than a single
company. If someone drops out, others can fill the gap. If the
consortium as a whole falls apart or veers off course, anyone
can pick up the design and continue producing it. You can even
have mobility at the level of individual engineers.

So the product would live as long as there's enough interest in
seeing it live, much as it is with Open Source software.

Also, if we consider project customers, many of them have needs
the current market offerings cannot satisfy, they usually do
have technical competence, and they have some money. What they
don't have is the size and pull to just create the product they
need from scratch.

Now, there are many roles they could play. They could be "just
customers". They could take a more proactive role and be part
of such a consortium. Or maybe they're even underestimating
their potential and would actually be able to take the lead in
creating such a product from scratch. They just don't think
they could.

(*) Chaotic, not necessarily because of a lack of structure,
but simply because of the amount of information going
around and because there will invariably be a lot of
horrifying news that don't have much of an impact in the
long run.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA02] clock reset on battery removal?

2010-04-09 Thread Werner Almesberger
Paul Wise wrote:
> Yet another hardware design issue I guess, I'm quite surprised there
> isn't a small battery to power the clock like in PCs.

There is. It's called the "backup battery". It's the small "button"
next to the front speaker. Strangely, this battery has a very
pronounced death wish. I.e., in a recent survey, something like 33%
reported that their backup battery can't hold a charge for any
useful amount of time.

(I don't remember who conducted the survey. Joerg told me about the

It's not clear what causes the backup battery to perform so poorly.
It could be a quality issue, it could be a manufacturing issue (*),
it could be incorrect use in the GTA02 design, it could be a usage
pattern of the user that subjects the battery to unexpected stress,

(*) We had backup batteries die like flies at some point in time,
GTA01 or early GTA02 prototypes I think, because they were not
compatible with the soldering profile.  However, the battery
was replaced with a sturdier one, so this is supposedly no
longer a problem.

In general, I think it would be good to avoid assuming that the
backup battery works. There are many potential time sources around,
GPS being only one of them, so I think a distribution that detects
a loss of RTC could cushion the effect in many cases.

There are also time sources that are exact but have an unknown
offset, such as the time provided by some GSM providers. When the
system has a know to be good time, it could identify and record the
time offset, and use this information later to derive the correct
time from this kind of source. Just throwing ideas in the general
direction of the middleware folks :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: project customers

2010-04-10 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> We also had many discussions with project customers and basically they  
> were happy with the device. And would prefer it over any consumer  
> oriented device.

Are there actually any stories of project customers whose project
made it past the R&D stage and who deployed a reasonably large
number of devices, let's say >= 100 ?

I'm not aware of any, and that's bothering me a little, for it
weakens my theory that project customers (I haven't heard this
expression before Christoph used it, but I like it very much)
would be a major market for an Open phone.

It could be that the combination of long-lived problems and a
short-lived product or series just left no window for this to

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: project customers

2010-04-12 Thread Werner Almesberger
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> In business strategy planning it is quite common to separate e.g.  
> "consumer", "project", "service", "solution" business types and  
> markets because they have quite different requirements and attitudes  

Yes, I was familiar with the concept but I didn't know the term
"project customer". I used terms like "integrator" and similar,
which cover only part of the activities. "Project customer" is
much more precise. I'm happy I finally found the word for them :)

> At least one visitor during our presence at the SYSTEMS 2008 fair  
> expressed he is interested in 6 units [...]

Hmm, if we assume a contribution towards R&D and QA of about USD
50 per device, that would be 3 millions. A while ago, Maddog and I
did a rough estimate of how much it would cost to make a new phone,
similar in style to gta02-core, but with updated components, etc.

We came up with a cost of about 2.5 millions before production (but
including transfer, certification, etc.). This visitor may be one of
those who would have enough resources to have their own design made
(*), but may not realize it.

(*) With the proviso that modules are used for most or all the RF
parts. A design with RF components at the chip level would add
difficulties and increase development cost.

> So for successful "project business", one must either provide a  
> product that is available for 5-7 years or at least a consistent  
> roadmap/upgrade plan.

I think either is very difficult to provide for an entire device
using mobile phone technology. But I think that much of the push
towards technological change can be buffered by having an Open
design - one may not be able to avoid changing the bare metal, but
interfaces and the software layers above the hardware can live as
long as anyone cares to keep them alive.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: project customers

2010-04-12 Thread Werner Almesberger
Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> day. openmoko never made it to be big enough to continue - and ye once you get
> big enough, the kind of thing you talk about no longer make business sense (as
> you are busy shopping around to telcos who will order millions of devices).
> catch 22 :-S

This is where an Open hardware design can help :-) No matter which
role you play, you always have the purchase power of the whole group
behind you.

Openmoko Inc. found many doors open that would normally be closed
for such a flyspeck of a company, because it promised manufacturers
access to the Linux market.

The Open hardware design also increases the scalability - the small
garage company that makes 100 customized phones for the local
shopping mall has access to the same design resources and can have
access to much of the production resources as the largest member of
the group.

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: project customers

2010-04-12 Thread Werner Almesberger
Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> too late for that. the others are in on the game. and now being "open enough"
> is all that's needed. window of opportunity for om and the likes has closed -
> or at the best is very close to closed.

I think the advantage is still there, it's just harder to communicate.
Also in this regard, Open Design Hardware helps: you still don't get
anything like this from the now "open" players.

And from what I've heard and keep on hearing, there are lots of project
customers who want to modify the hardware. They often also have the
engineering resources to perform their changes. But also doing the rest
of the phone would be too much for them.

The "Open phones" would be sort of a reference designs created by the
Open hardware development process, but not the one and only results.

> depends on who is buying the units to make it scale - if it's a telco, chances
> are they want it far from being open - that includes the hw design. chaning
> that doesn't come from a small company like om screaming.

A small telco may be happy enough to finally be able to brand their
products, too. I wouldn't try to deal with large telcos for now.
Don't sleep with a girl who eats more than your own weight for
breakfast :-)

- Werner

Openmoko community mailing list

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