Re: Engineering Driven vs. Community Driven (was Re: Ugliness)

2008-04-28 Thread hank williams
 If this is primarily a developer platform, why are there so many intense
 opinions about such superficial things as color and marketing anyways?

In today's world, there is *very* little daylight between marketing and
engineering. They are of a piece. The product design, the feature set, and
yes even the physical form factor are all both engineering issues as well as
marketing issues. Apple is a prime example of this. The beauty of the design
of their products is all about marketing, but could not be achieved without
incredible engineering on the electrical, software, and mechanical
engineering fronts. So I don't think, particularly for a phone, you can
separate these issues.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Engineering Driven vs. Community Driven (was Re: Ugliness)

2008-04-28 Thread hank williams
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Crane, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  There is nothing incredible about apple's electrical, software, or
 mechanical engineering.  IMHO..

 The marketing/buzz machine is incredible though.

I presume that you have never worked on a team that has built a successful
mainstream consumer product, because if you did, you certainly would not be
able to dismiss their success in this manner. Making things that sell has
very little to do with advertising. hype does not just come from nowhere,
as if from the heavens. If crappy products could win based on good
advertising, all that would be required was money and clearly that is not
nearly enough (see Microsoft Vista).

The bottom line is that best selling tech gadgets, software, and computers
sell to primarily tech savvy people because they like them. They like them,
because the designers and developers have figured out how to make broadly
appealing products. That is hard. If you are suggesting otherwise without
actually having a resume that suggests you have done so yourself, you really
don't have much of an argument.


 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *hank williams
 *Sent:* Monday, April 28, 2008 1:52 PM
 *To:* List for Openmoko community discussion
 *Subject:* Re: Engineering Driven vs. Community Driven (was Re: Ugliness)

   If this is primarily a developer platform, why are there so many intense
  opinions about such superficial things as color and marketing anyways?

 In today's world, there is *very* little daylight between marketing and
 engineering. They are of a piece. The product design, the feature set, and
 yes even the physical form factor are all both engineering issues as well as
 marketing issues. Apple is a prime example of this. The beauty of the design
 of their products is all about marketing, but could not be achieved without
 incredible engineering on the electrical, software, and mechanical
 engineering fronts. So I don't think, particularly for a phone, you can
 separate these issues.



 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Engineering Driven vs. Community Driven (was Re: Ugliness)

2008-04-28 Thread hank williams
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Crane, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Clever design != feat of engineering.


again, unless you have engineered a clever design I don't think you have
much credibility on this. Executing appealing products from an engineering
perspective is incredibly hard. What experiences do you have on this front
which would suggest otherwise.

 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *hank williams
 *Sent:* Monday, April 28, 2008 4:26 PM
 *To:* List for Openmoko community discussion
 *Subject:* Re: Engineering Driven vs. Community Driven (was Re: Ugliness)

 On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Crane, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   There is nothing incredible about apple's electrical, software, or
  mechanical engineering.  IMHO..
  The marketing/buzz machine is incredible though.

 I presume that you have never worked on a team that has built a successful
 mainstream consumer product, because if you did, you certainly would not be
 able to dismiss their success in this manner. Making things that sell has
 very little to do with advertising. hype does not just come from nowhere,
 as if from the heavens. If crappy products could win based on good
 advertising, all that would be required was money and clearly that is not
 nearly enough (see Microsoft Vista).

 The bottom line is that best selling tech gadgets, software, and computers
 sell to primarily tech savvy people because they like them. They like them,
 because the designers and developers have figured out how to make broadly
 appealing products. That is hard. If you are suggesting otherwise without
 actually having a resume that suggests you have done so yourself, you really
 don't have much of an argument.


   *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *hank williams
  *Sent:* Monday, April 28, 2008 1:52 PM
  *To:* List for Openmoko community discussion
  *Subject:* Re: Engineering Driven vs. Community Driven (was Re:
If this is primarily a developer platform, why are there so many
   intense opinions about such superficial things as color and marketing
  In today's world, there is *very* little daylight between marketing and
  engineering. They are of a piece. The product design, the feature set, and
  yes even the physical form factor are all both engineering issues as well as
  marketing issues. Apple is a prime example of this. The beauty of the design
  of their products is all about marketing, but could not be achieved without
  incredible engineering on the electrical, software, and mechanical
  engineering fronts. So I don't think, particularly for a phone, you can
  separate these issues.
  Openmoko community mailing list


 Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Engineering Driven vs. Community Driven (was Re: Ugliness)

2008-04-28 Thread hank williams
 Your argument is similar to suggesting Nike has superior
 engineering because they have the coolest shoes.

uhh... yes. The coolest shoes come from doing real *engineering*. Unless by
cool you just mean pretty colors. An *incredible* amount of engineering goes
into the creation of nike shoes. An **INCREDIBLE** amount.

 No doubt there is some engineering at Nike wrt shoes but it aint that
 special in the grand scheme of things.

 It's about selling a minimal product with high margins, like Apple.

Hmm... this is just wrong. Nike (nor apple) wins because they designed the
cheapest to manufacture product. In fact most of the time this is not true.

 If we take as a simplistic metric the number of inferences and resulting
 complexity produced from work at the company required to go from the drawing
 board to the product release, then the engineering that goes into an iPhone
 is not really any more then most of the McWindows phones out there.

First of all I said Apple not iPhone. But to focus on the iphone for a sec,
because Apple controls the software and the hardware of all of its products,
even with the iPhone this statement is demonstrably false since McWindows
phone manufacturers OEM their software and so do far less than half the work
apple has to do. And certainly, at this point, apple has the most appealing
software stack in the phone market. To suggest that there is no difference
between the iphone software and the crash prone clunky windows mobile is to
not have used either.

 A lot of design and art and marketing considerations mostly, but that is
 not really engineering,

design *is* engineering, particularly as it relates to software and
mechanical engineering. You cannot separate them. And by design I do not
mean art work. It means how you make things work. Again your comments
reflect not having actually worked on this stuff. Engineering good designs
is hard. Its not about art, it is about execution. To suggest otherwise is
really to reveal a lack of understanding of the process.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS/Cell phone patent issue

2008-01-25 Thread hank williams
On Jan 25, 2008 7:11 PM, joerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In other words, like it or not, if this patent is valid (who knows)
  and its scope is what it looks like (I'm not a lawyer) it will have a
  significant impact on the *phone* world.
 In other words, *you* consider GTA to be a *phone*, nothing else and not
 beyond. You're kidding?
 Like it or not, the GTA/OpenMoko is a *computer* with built in GSM-modem, and
 i don't think many of the customers will opt for an off-board solution that
 fails when leaving GSM coverage area,

Well, currently, there are *millions* of phones that ship *every
month* in the configuration I am describing and *none* that ship in
the configuration you are describing. So what customers are
*currently* doing is the thing that you are saying people wont opt
for. Better tell Apple and RIM (and probably others) to stop selling
all those phones - Oh, excuse me... computers. lol.



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPS/Cell phone patent issue

2008-01-25 Thread hank williams
I'm puzzled why you responded *twice* to the same email. And I'm sure
somehow you missed the email that was actually a response to your
first answer.

Again, since you seem to have missed it. The thing that you say no one
will opt for (over the air maps), is the way that millions of phones
per month are shipped from Apple and RIM today. Therefore the
configuration is highly relevant to the *current* phone market.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPS/Cell phone patent issue

2008-01-25 Thread hank williams
On Jan 25, 2008 8:14 PM, Shawn Rutledge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 25, 2008 5:42 PM, hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Again, since you seem to have missed it. The thing that you say no one
  will opt for (over the air maps), is the way that millions of phones
  per month are shipped from Apple and RIM today. Therefore the
  configuration is highly relevant to the *current* phone market.

 The point that you are missing is that Openmoko doesn't have to do
 everything the same way Apple and RIM do them;

Of course no one has to do anything the way Apple and RIM do it. I
think you are missing *my* point. My initial post was that there is a
patent that has an effect on the most common usage pattern for
location based tools for mobile devices.

The odd position, it seems to me, is to suggest that no one should be
concerned about a very popular device usage pattern. Obviously there
are lots of ways to design things, but to suggest that one very
popular way (in fact the primary way) people are doing something is of
*no concern* would seem to me to be a myopic attitude. My goal is to
provide information. The idea of suggesting that that information
doesn't matter which is what Joerg said, is really well... I wont
say. I am not sure why providing information should be something that
disturbs people so. If its not relevant to you, ignore it.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPS/Cell phone patent issue

2008-01-25 Thread hank williams
On Jan 25, 2008 7:47 PM, ian douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hank williams wrote:
  I don't think any phones are going to come with
  navigation data built in.

 To my knowldge, the Samsung Blackjack 2 from ATT includes maps from
 TeleNav. You have to pay an extra $10/month to use GPS with those maps
 of course, so I just use the Mobile Google Maps application which uses
 the GPS on the Blackjack 2 just fine.

Hmm... ok, so it comes with it but you cant use it without paying?
Thats kinda like not coming with isnt it?

In any case so you are, as I suggest most will, using Google Maps.
Which is indeed the point. The patent I am referring to relates to
this over-the-air maps scenario, which is, as far as I can tell, the
dominant scenario on cell phones.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPS/Cell phone patent issue

2008-01-25 Thread hank williams
On Jan 25, 2008 6:17 PM, joerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hmm... The patent purports to cover getting *any* information based on
  where you are, including maps. So unless all the map information or
  whatever information you need can fit on your phone you are not
  interested in it? I guess you better wait for some *really* big flash
  memory chips. :)
 The maps ARE on board for all common GPS car navis (really big 256MB-flash
 card e.g.).

In *cars*, not phones. This is the *Openmoko* list. We're talking
*phones* here. I don't think any phones are going to come with
navigation data built in. For example Blackberrys have GPS but do not
have the maps built in. That data comes from the network. Same with
the new iPhone functionality, which uses Google Maps. And I presume no
Openmoko phones are going to ship with location data. So while none of
this may be relevant to you, this discussion is about (at least in my
mind) the modern phone technology and how to apply it. Your personal
feelings about how location data should be used don't really map to
the way most expect to use phone + gps technology.

In other words, like it or not, if this patent is valid (who knows)
and its scope is what it looks like (I'm not a lawyer) it will have a
significant impact on the *phone* world.



OpenMoko community mailing list

GPS/Cell phone patent issue

2008-01-25 Thread hank williams
Today I blogged about a
has a patent on what  I would call the essence of putting a GPS in a
cell phone.

I provided some details on the patent in my blog, but the essence of the
story is covered in this excerpt:

It appears that, in essence, the patents cover a phone providing current
location information to a remote database which returns to the phone a
collection of location centric information. According to the patent
application, this location centric information could include real estate
information, such as homes, condominiums, etc, but also parks, restaurant
menus, services offered, hotels, hotel availability, and on and on.

This, it appears, is an incredibly broad patent with major implications.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPS/Cell phone patent issue

2008-01-25 Thread hank williams
On Jan 25, 2008 8:33 PM, joerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Now I guess I should post a link to an iPhone commercial.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: GPS/Cell phone patent issue

2008-01-25 Thread hank williams
On Jan 25, 2008 5:37 PM, joerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Fr  25. Januar 2008 schrieb hank williams:
  It appears that, in essence, the patents cover a phone providing current
  location information to a remote database which returns to the phone a
  collection of location centric information. According to the patent
  application, this location centric information could include real estate
  information, such as homes, condominiums, etc, but also parks, restaurant
  menus, services offered, hotels, hotel availability, and on and on.

 Whatever they might have (or think they have) with this patent, i don't mind.
 I *never* will give away GPS-data from my private cell phone to a centralized
 database, may it be google, TomTom, or whoever. I like my privacy, and even
 hate being traced by GSM-cell handover right now for 6 months storage of data
 in whole europe right since start of year. :-( And even less i need location
 centric info based on this DB.

Hmm... The patent purports to cover getting *any* information based on
where you are, including maps. So unless all the map information or
whatever information you need can fit on your phone you are not
interested in it? I guess you better wait for some *really* big flash
memory chips. :)



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Application idea: Bicycle computer

2007-12-04 Thread hank williams
 You can get receivers for Polar chest straps that signal beats with
 gpio-accessible pulses. If the Neo1973 isn't completely packed inside, it
 should be an easy add-on.

I dont understand what you are saying here. Are you saying there is a
wireless reciever on the market which can be purchased which is
compatible with polar? If so, what is it? What is the signaling
standard. Is gpio a wireless signaling standard? If so, I was not able
to find it. It seems like a wired standard, and if it is a wired
standard I am not clear how you can connect it to a polar strap since
the strap broadcasts wireless signals.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Application idea: Bicycle computer

2007-12-04 Thread hank williams
On Dec 4, 2007 7:11 AM, Neil Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Hank,
  I think what he's saying is that you can get after market receivers for
 polar chest straps
  eg, which I have used
 myself in projects..

ok, but what is the protocol. Is it ant?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Application idea: Bicycle computer

2007-12-04 Thread hank williams
On Dec 4, 2007 7:39 AM, Neil Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you are referring to the signal from the Polar straps, it is not really
 a protocol...
  It is just a magnetic pules transmitted when the heart beat occurs..

so is there a receiver chip one could buy to detect these magnetic
pulses? I'm not quite sure how one goes about capturing that.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Application idea: Bicycle computer

2007-12-04 Thread hank williams
 Not sure about the Polar units, but for things using ANT like the suunto
 cheststraps there are these:


Yes I am familiar with ant, but was curious if polar was the same
thing or some different broadcast system.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Application idea: Bicycle computer

2007-12-02 Thread hank williams
 - external sensors (cadence, heart rate) Many bicycle computers show cadence 
 and heartrate, based on input from external sensors. Could something like 
 that be done with the Neo?

I am a cyclist and these inputs would be critical for me. All that
stuff is wireless. I wonder if it would be possible to create a
wireless interface for these things, or a bluetooth interface for a
heartrate and cadence monitor. Actually, bluetooth heart rate and
cadence devices would probably hurt polar (the leader in the field)
since open source software for these things would be much better than
what they produce, and at a far better price.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gphone isn't open, linux dev not possible

2007-11-17 Thread hank williams
On Nov 17, 2007 3:04 AM, Dietz Proepper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 hank williams:
  On Nov 14, 2007 2:55 PM, William Voorhees [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I wouldn't say I'm not concerned, but I'm hopeful. In one of the
   video's Sergy Brin says that it will be entirely open. I hope that
   google's Do No Evil slogan takes hold.
  I do hope and expect android to be open. That said, lets be clear not
  open != evil.

 You got that backwards, buddy. Not open - evil holds to a much larger
 extent than the inversion (for you information, that would be open -
 not evil).

I strongly suggest you shut off that PC, leave the building and head toward
the caves, lest you be infected with too much evil. And do *not* bring your
neo. Its not safe either.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gphone isn't open, linux dev not possible

2007-11-16 Thread hank williams
On Nov 14, 2007 2:55 PM, William Voorhees [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wouldn't say I'm not concerned, but I'm hopeful. In one of the
 video's Sergy Brin says that it will be entirely open. I hope that
 google's Do No Evil slogan takes hold.


I do hope and expect android to be open. That said, lets be clear not open
!= evil.

Though I do know many in th open source community feel this way. I don't
know if this was just a slip or if it reflected your real opinions, but if
open is evil, then most every product, device, computer, phone, chip, etc
that we use is evil, as are the people that make them. Time to go move to a

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gphone isn't open, linux dev not possible

2007-11-16 Thread hank williams
Yes absolutely I meant !open. And yes I agree with the rest of your


On Nov 16, 2007 8:52 AM, Attila Csipa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 16 November 2007 13:29:50 hank williams wrote:
  Though I do know many in th open source community feel this way. I don't
  know if this was just a slip or if it reflected your real opinions, but
  open is evil, then most every product, device, computer, phone, chip,
  that we use is evil, as are the people that make them. Time to go move
 to a

 I presume you wanted to say !open above. It's a common case used in 'evil'
 rhetorics, when you establish that A is good (A = open in our case), and
 B is not A (B = proprietary), and reason that this means B is bad. While
 might sound correct, it's logically flawed (the good things in Open don't
 influence whether Proprietary is good or bad, it's good or bad based on
 own merits/flaws, not A's).

 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Community update: GSM firmware and GPS driver

2007-11-14 Thread hank williams
exactly accurate respose/analysis.


On Nov 14, 2007 4:18 AM, Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ian Darwin wrote:
  Anything less will lead to this sort of frustration, over and over
 It is not always possible.

 The way I figured it out, the GSM module will always be closed. This is
 not due to the hardware specs being unknown, but due to the fact that
 the law requires a transmitter to be approved by the FCC, and it is
 impossible to get an approval for a transmitter that allows anyone to
 change the frequencies it transmits in. I understand what the FCC is
 worried about (though I do not, necessarily agree with it. Anyone can
 build an unauthorized transmitter, and writing code that says you have
 copyright permission to modify this code, but you will have to get it
 certified with FCC yourself before you are allowed to use it does not,
 in my eyes, reduce your freedom).

 In other words, you will NEVER get a truly 100% open source cell phone
 as long as the FCC rules are as they are.

 Regarding the GPS, please pay attention to the fact that the GTA-02 did
 not solve this problem. It merely moved the non open source component
 from the software to the firmware. This solves the supporting
 libraries problem, but does not allow openness. Here, at least, I
 suspect that the reasons have less to do with an external certification
 authority, and thus have more hopes for the future.


 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko phone comparisons

2007-11-12 Thread hank williams

 Yes, I'm quite aware that the GTA02 meets these requirements, as does
 the UTC universal.
 I wouldn't have posted here after all and named those two phones
 The question is, do any _other_ phones also fall into this category?  Of
 course, I do want
 to run OpenMoko, and will do the necessary work if really required to
 make it do so if
 it already runs linux.

  And a general note: Your tone is very agressive and demanding. This
  does nothing but annoy people. I'd recommend you try to be more
  friendly and tolerant of seemingly unnecessary comments and people
  will probably be more friendly to you.
 With respect, you seem to be a bit confused and your reasoning is
 backwards.  The initial responses I got were clearly trolls (by
 definition _they_ unfriendly and annoying people). I made an effort to
 be clear about what I was
 asking and haven't demanded anything, and the first responders had made
 no effort to really read what I said.  Save your criticism for them.

 Unfortunately, it just looks like to outsiders that people are getting
 overly defensive it if looks like I
 might be trying to criticize OpenMoko/Neo.  Let's try and restrict our
 opinions to what I'm really asked.

 No, Peter, honestly, you do sound really mean and super aggressive. I am
trying to say this in a way that does not further incite your testosterone,
but the fact that several people on this generally respectful list are
saying the same thing (and this doesn't come up often) should be an
indicator. I have no reason to say this other than that your tone is
distinctly different from the rest of the list. And by the way I am plenty
critical of openmoko re 850mhz. This has nothing to do with being defensive.
I am just calling it like I see it.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Community update: The 850 MHz issue

2007-11-06 Thread hank williams
Yeah, I am pretty amazed at this one.

Its really hard to imagine a company building a phone that didnt think
through what frequencies were needed. More interestingly, that it took
a trip from Michael to Taiwan to get anyone to focus on it. If this
substantially sets back the development effort, it really is a major
blow to the project.


On 11/6/07, Jonathon Suggs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First, thanks to Michael for giving the update.  It is never good to
 have to be the bearer of bad news.

 However, this is huge!  My probability of purchasing just dropped from
 95% to about ~5%.  I'm getting ready to move and not knowing what my
 coverage will be like in those areas is definitely a deal killer.  I
 occasionally do some international travel and also spend time in more
 rural areas so quad-band coverage is an absolute must have (not just
 something I want for the warm fuzzies).

 I'm not going to be overly critical, but how does this just slip through
 the cracks?  Although somewhat marginal, quad-band chipsets do cost more
 than tri-band.  It just seems really really weird that ensure you have
 all of the functionality working would be an absolute no brainer.  When
 putting all of the components together for a *PHONE* you would think
 that you would test, re-test, check, double-check and then triple check
 the actual *PHONE* components.

 My mind is pretty much blown over this one...


 -Original Message-
 From: Jae Stutzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: List for OpenMoko community discussion
 To: List for OpenMoko community discussion
 Subject: Re: Community update: The 850 MHz issue
 Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 07:37:15 -0600

 Man this royally sucks for me. We only get 100% coverage because of the
 850 band where I live. 1900 is being added slowly, but not anywhere
 close to full coverage.

 Anybody want a neo? I sure wish this information would have been
 provided _before_ the purchase.


 OpenMoko community mailing list

 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Community update: The 850 MHz issue

2007-11-06 Thread hank williams
On 11/6/07, Jeffrey Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Its really hard to imagine a company building a phone that didnt think
  through what frequencies were needed. More interestingly, that it took
  a trip from Michael to Taiwan to get anyone to focus on it. If this
  substantially sets back the development effort, it really is a major
  blow to the project.

 Isn't it possible that the FIC's main userbase, in Asia, doesn't have this 
 band to worry about?  I live in the US but it seems like all of these 
 comments are focused on *our* coverage, like we're the center of the world...

It really is hard to imagine them thinking that they were designing a
phone for just outside the US. If that was their thinking, it
certainly should have been clarified. Certainly a plurality of the
first units sold, and perhaps a majority, have been sold in the US.
Honestly, its hard to imagine an Open Source phone gaining much
traction without US support.

 We're not, nor do we have nearly the largest possible sales base.

It is not true to say that we dont *nearly* have the largest base.
whatever the numbers are, particularly for smart phones, I would be
shocked to hear the US was anything but one of the top markets. Only
japan could compete as a potentially larger market in asia. Certainly
they are not going to be selling tons of these in China.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Community update: The 850 MHz issue

2007-11-06 Thread hank williams
 Its really hard to imagine a company building a phone that didnt think
 through what frequencies were needed. More interestingly, that it took
 a trip from Michael to Taiwan to get anyone to focus on it. If this
 substantially sets back the development effort, it really is a major
 blow to the project.

 In all fairness to OpenMoko, I think 850 Mhz is only used by the USA and
 Canada, which only account for ~10% of mobile phones in the world.
 That's according to statistics at
 United States: 201.6m + Canada: 16.6m = 218.2m
 World: 2.14bn

Yes, but that does not take into account types of phones. The world is
full of super cheap phones that sell for a few dollars, particularly
in developing nations. But This is a smart phone. And I strongly
suspect the smart phone sales percentages are much larger than 10% in
the US.

 So the OpenMoko can still be used in 90% of the GSM world. Although,
 having said that, I feel people's pain. :-(

 Plus I guess you have to factor in that the number of potential OpenMoko
 users/developers/hackers in the USA is probably _way_ higher than 10%.



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Community update: The 850 MHz issue

2007-11-06 Thread hank williams
 Common, take a look outside of your own borders. It's hard to inmagine an Open
 Source phone gaining any traction at all in the US, land of software patents,
 closed standards and telco control. There are quit a few OSS projects doing
 just fine despite being illegal in the US, an Open Source phone will do just
 fine without US support.

 And Nokia is not a US company, nor is Sony-Ericsson, both became major players
 in this market before there even was any form of GSM coverage in the US.

1. did I say it was not possible to exist as a company without the US? No.

What I said was that a plurality of smart phones are sold in the US.
It is a major market. And a huge amount of OS work is done in the US.
To design a phone that specifically cant really be sold in the US is
dumb. It cuts out a huge potential market. And given the high level of
competition, loosing 20 - 30% of your market opportunity is
potentially deadly.

   We're not, nor do we have nearly the largest possible sales base.
  It is not true to say that we dont *nearly* have the largest base.
  whatever the numbers are, particularly for smart phones, I would be
  shocked to hear the US was anything but one of the top markets. Only
  japan could compete as a potentially larger market in asia. Certainly
  they are not going to be selling tons of these in China.

 Yeah, because it's not like there are loads of smart phones being sold in

loads. Is that a new unit of measure in europe?

It's Asia first, then Europe and the the America's, largely because
 the US had an incompatible system of their own for years. And you may be
 suprised about china too, 1% of the chinese buying a phone is as just as good
 as 4% of the US buying your phone. And it's far easier to gain marketshare in
 China then in the hugely locked-up US market.

Ok, so I guess this whole thing in your mind is really good biz dev
strategy because they dont need the US. Lol. They need more
strategists like you at FIC.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Community update: The 850 MHz issue

2007-11-06 Thread hank williams
 This article compares smart phone adoption among
 recent buyers as of the time of writing in different countries - US adoption
 was pretty abysmal back in 2006. While I'm sure it's increased since then,
 20-30% is still a very far stretch. I think 8% would be more accurate.

The problem is that a lot of the smartphone analysts differ in what
a smart phone is. I have seen analyst statistics that say 20m smart
phones were sold world wide in 06 and I have seen stats from other
analysts saying 60m smart phones in the same time period. The 20m
numbers include RIM, Windows Mobile, Palm, and only the high end
Symbians. The reason for this is Nokia sells lots of Symbian phones
that really have nothing to do with being smart, or substantively
programmable, which is for me the real benchmark for smart phones.

When you look at real smart phone sales - i.e. the 20m number, a
very significant number of those are sold in the US. This is just
based on the fact that most palms and blackberrys are sold in the US.
The Neo is cutting edge and so really only comparable with the other
high end phones.

Bottom line is that Nokia uses statistics to try to claim a larger
share of the smartphone market. But their symbian deployments are
mainly in non-smartphones, and any numbers based on symbian as a real
smartphone platform are deceptive.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Buglabs

2007-09-18 Thread hank williams
I dont know what you mean by whether they have modules yet. Clearly they
are not shipping yet. On the other hand I saw (and held) modules in person,
albeit not plugged in and demonstrated. They said these were production
modules. It sounds like hardware is frozen, or close to frozen. Moreover, If
what they told me in person (and whats on their website) is true, they will
be releasing four modules by the end of the year. But none of the modules
they are publicly discussing is a cell module.


On 9/18/07, Dean Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Not sure if they really have any modules yet – from the discussion
 yesterday it's still very alpha days at the moment.


 Dean Collins
 Cognation Pty Ltd
 +1-212-203-4357 Ph
 +61-2-9016-5642 (Sydney in-dial).

 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *hank williams
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 18 September 2007 9:54 AM
 *To:* List for OpenMoko community discussion
 *Subject:* Re: Buglabs

 On 9/17/07, *Lalo Martins* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also spracht hank williams (Mon, 17 Sep 2007 16:17:51 -0400):
  I also think that using their stuff on openmoko would
  be incredibly cool.
 The other thing is they dont have a cell module yet - just wifi.

 OpenMoko community mailing list

 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Buglabs

2007-09-18 Thread hank williams
On 9/17/07, Lalo Martins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also spracht hank williams (Mon, 17 Sep 2007 16:17:51 -0400):
  I also think that using their stuff on openmoko would
  be incredibly cool.

 I was kind of thinking in the opposite direction... running OpenMoko (the
 software platform) on their stuff :-)

I think it could go both ways but their software stack is much more high
level. Its java based and essentially each module looks like a webserver
that knows how to talk to the hardware. Openmoko is essentially a linux
distribution, and their stuff is really an API and communications model that
sits on top of a linux. Yest they have to do their own low level stuff like
openmoko, but they have an abstraction layer that openmoko doesnt. The other
thing is they dont have a cell module yet - just wifi.


Maybe if Buglabs is successful, FIC/OpenMoko wants to make a GSM
 BugModule ;-)  (or better, a connect module: GSM+BT+WiFi)

Lalo Martins
   So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
then they seem improbable, and then, when we
summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
 GNU: never give up freedom

 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Buglabs

2007-09-18 Thread hank williams
 Like I said I'm actively looking to support these guys as I think it's a
 great concept but…..long way to go.

Are you saying you think Q4 07 is a long way to go, or do you just think
they are being overly optimistic.



 Dean Collins
 Cognation Pty Ltd
 +1-212-203-4357 Ph
 +61-2-9016-5642 (Sydney in-dial).

 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *hank williams
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 18 September 2007 10:30 AM
 *To:* List for OpenMoko community discussion
 *Subject:* Re: Buglabs

 I dont know what you mean by whether they have modules yet. Clearly they
 are not shipping yet. On the other hand I saw (and held) modules in person,
 albeit not plugged in and demonstrated. They said these were production
 modules. It sounds like hardware is frozen, or close to frozen. Moreover, If
 what they told me in person (and whats on their website) is true, they will
 be releasing four modules by the end of the year. But none of the modules
 they are publicly discussing is a cell module.


 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Buglabs

2007-09-18 Thread hank williams
On 9/18/07, Dean Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well Q4 07 is either 12 days away or 120+12-1 for December 30th depending
 on how you look at it J

 If they have just opened up the closed beta process this means they have
 some time to go before being available for retail.

Acutally Q4 07  means they have until December 31. ie around 3 months. To
me, that doesn't seem like a long way to go, but thats why I asked. Language
to one person means one thing and may mean something else to someone else.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Buglabs

2007-09-17 Thread hank williams

They are making some very cool stuff. Its a modular consumer electronics
platform. I went to one of their mixers a few weeks ago. I think it is going
to be a hit. I also think that using their stuff on openmoko would be
incredibly cool.


On 9/17/07, Dean Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Anyone know about this company?

 There is a Yi-Tan conference call about them in 5 minutes but I've never
 heard of them.


 Dean Collins
 Cognation Pty Ltd
 +1-212-203-4357 Ph
 +61-2-9016-5642 (Sydney in-dial).

 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: mailing list management

2007-08-22 Thread hank williams

While I agree with your argument that no header is the standard for FOSS,
this is not the case for the reply to issue, which you did not address. As I
said earlier, the Apache groups (perhaps the largest FOSS umbrella) for
example, and many (most?) others do not have the default reply-to going to
the individual. Part of the reason for this is that it is bad user interface
for the default behavior to be one that is used perhaps 1% of the time. Most
people generally want to reply to group. Your default should be the most
commonly accessed option which is why your design decision on this matter is
not only not standard, but is, I believe, the minority design, even in the
FOSS community.


On 8/19/07, Harald Welte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 For the various reasons cited in the many mails on this subject,
 there is a general concensus in the FOSS community and among maybe the
 hacking community in general _not_ to add subject prefixes.

 Filtering can be done on List-ID header (or with other commonly-used
 list software on Mailing-List or even the Sender-header)

 The vast majority of all FOSS-related mailing lists that I've ever seen
 follow this policy.

 We see no reason why we should deviate from that.
 - Harald Welte [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Software for the world's first truly open Free Software mobile phone

 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: mailing list management

2007-08-15 Thread hank williams

 ... why should all mailing lists change their standard? behaviour only
 cause some minority? (poll?) of email clients dont support these
 functions ?

I will no longer discuss the merits of this issue, but I feel obliged to
address two factually inaccurate statements.

1. Gmail is not a minority mail client. It may be closer to a majority
2. Most mail lists and mail list system do reply to list when hitting
reply, not individuals. Specifically Yahoo Groups by far the largest such
system on the net, but also super techie groups like's lists work
this way. I am on the apache hadoop, lucene, and the axis list and I suspect
all the apache lists work this way though I honestly haven't had time to try
every single one. In any case clearly just based on yahoo and apache, you
cannot say that reply to individual as a default is standard. I am on a
wide range of lists that include social ( Adobe flash/flex/video
server development, web services, 3D technologies, linux tools related, etc.
This is the *only* list which I am on which replies to individuals.

What I do see is that the *hardcore* linux geeks (no offense intended)
prefer this. Perhaps it is a badge of honor. But it is, just to be clear,
not standard except perhaps in the most techie linux-internals-focused

OpenMoko community mailing list

mailing list management

2007-08-14 Thread hank williams
Oops again. That reply to thing is a bitch.

-- Forwarded message --
From: hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Aug 14, 2007 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: mailing list management
To: Daniel Mewes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 use pager notification for my e-mails and text paging in Germany has a
 very limited message length.

Wow. now thats a great target design platform for a mailing list. lol.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: mailing list management

2007-08-14 Thread hank williams
 Do the people suggesting these changes
 think that they really know better about how this list should be set up?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Import Duty - I have refused my delivery.

2007-08-04 Thread hank williams
Wow, what a classy thing - to start a flame and then admit error. Hats
off to you.




 I've decided I'm just going to swallow the charge - applied by Customs to
 the value of the kit as declared on the waybill. It's not right for me to
 give you extra stress at this time, nor do I want extra stress arguing about
 it with everyone. Sorry for the blip!

 My shipment is to be redelivered Tuesday 07AUG.



  From: Sean Moss-Pultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Fri 03/08/2007 14:29
 To: David Prior
 Subject: Re: Import Duty - I have refused my delivery.

 On 08/03/2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  the US all the time, I do know what to expect when I import.
  Importation of computer devices and peripherals to the EU is indeed
  both VAT and import duty exempt - it appears that the description of
  the goods, compounded with the value statement, has led to this
  issue. It is indeed OpenMoko's error in not understanding the rules
  and I hold them responsible for not disclosing that fact.


 I'm sorry for your troubles. We are doing our best to get these devices
 to everyone as fast and (under the current circumstances) as cheap as we
 can. I can assure you that the harmonized code is correct on the
 invoice. Also, these are standard UPS Worldship invoices, so I'm really
 at a loss as to what we did wrong.

 Please let me know what exactly what our mistake was and I will
 personally make sure this is fixed.

 We're committed to getting these kind of issues resolved so phase 2 can
 be a really smooth experience for everyone. So I really need your help


  This email and any files attached are intended for the addressee and may
 contain information of a confidential nature. If you are not the intended
 recipient, be aware that this email was sent to you in error and you should
 not disclose, distribute, print, copy or make other use of this email or its
 attachments. Such actions, in fact, may be unlawful. In compliance with the
 various Regulations and Acts, General Dynamics United Kingdom Limited
 reserves the right to monitor (and examine for viruses) all emails and email
 attachments, both inbound and outbound. Email communications and their
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 thereof. General Dynamics United Kingdom Limited, Registered Office: 100 New
 Bridge Street, London EC4V 6JA. Registered in England and Wales No: 1911653.

 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Brainstorm: less functionality per device, more devices

2007-07-03 Thread hank williams

A company called bugLabs is working on this concept.

They have not publicly announced the details of their product, but the
idea of modular (probably open source) pocket consumer electronics
seems to be their focus.


On 7/3/07, Jonas Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just recently got my first bluetooth headset.  This is only relevant
because it got me thinking.

The typical cell phone (including the Neo) is built upon the idea of
putting as much functionality as possible into one device.  And
manufacturers have gotten very good at this.  What if one took the UNIX
approach to hardware development.  Instead of monolithic do-everything
devices, create many single purpose devices that do their jobs very
well, and can be chained together.

This approach has some advantages:

1) Easier (and cheaper) to upgrade.  Need more processing power?  Add
another or a smarter cpu pebble.  Need gps?  Add a gps pebble.  Need
storage, add a storage pebble.  Need a camera, add a camera earring or
watch or ring.
2) Cheaper initial investment.  A basic phone could be a headset, a gsm
transmitter, and little tablet UI device.  3 (or maybe you stick the gsm
transmitter in the ui, so 2) little cheap devices that can be sold for
tens, rather than hundreds of dollars.  However, as a consumer desires
more functionality, they buy more devices.
3) Carry only the functionality you need.  Are you going clubbing?
Probably won't need that gps unit, or the media player.  Heading out to
the woods?  Ditch the second cpu, but grab an extra battery.
4) Interoperability.  By opening the standard up to many manufacturers,
a more robust ecosystem is created, and the entire platform improves.


1) More items to lose.  Perhaps they could snap together, like legos, or
be carried in some sort of bag all together?
2) Intra device bandwidth is at a premium.  Bluetooth 3.0 is probably
necessary if you want to keep your storage in a separate device from
your cpu or your ui.  This in turn creates extra demands on batteries.
Again, perhaps a standard snap together interface can carry power and
3) Potential incompatibilities.  Different devices might not speak the
same protocol, even if they are supposed to.  This can be disastrous
when your cpu is not from the same company as your storage.
4) Potential security risks.  Running all that data over the air means
it is easier to read it, in the event that your encryption fails.  And
since encryption is likely to be run off a chip, rather than a more
general purpose cpu, security holes are more difficult to fix.
5) Harder to write the software.  Obviously, this makes your OS about
1000% more complicated.

Anyway, it seems like it COULD be an interesting sort of thing to try.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Flash Player 9 on OpenMoko?

2007-03-22 Thread hank williams

The flash situation is interesting. I spend a large part of my time doing
flash development, and the pervasiveness and importance of the flash
platform creates a really serious problem with the religious perspective
about everything openmoko being open source.

Flash is a critical element of the internet ecosystem and it is closed
source. Gnash is *not* a solution. I can tell you this as someone who spends
hours a day in the flash environment. Flash is moving far too fast to use
only a platform that is **years** behind for the benefit of being purely
open source. The flash development community, of which I am a part, is
aggressively taking advantage of new features and the adoption of the latest
version (flash 9) is faster than any previous version.

As I see it, not having a real version of flash makes openmoko much less
disruptively competitive than it might otherwise be. Developing apps with
flash really allows for the creation of much more sophisticated software
much more quickly. Of course flash 9 is currently not compiled for ARM, but
that will come. I just think that it would be incredibly valuable to the
platform to get flash 9 as soon as possible and not to worry about the open
religion in this arena. If the internet can survive with some closed source
apps, openmoko can too.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Flash Player 9 on OpenMoko?

2007-03-22 Thread hank williams

On 3/22/07, Philippe De Swert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


First of all I do not intend to flame you. So no hard feelings towards
However there are some important points regarding flash that lots of
tend to ignore.

So you admit being one of those evil people that make websites

Ah yes, you don't mean to flame, but flash and I are evil. Well in any case
you have just invalidated everything else that you say which follows.

Not only for people who think flash is evil because it is closed, but also

those who think the flash licence is unacceptable (like me. No I do NOT
to grant Adobe access to my computer because I install their flash
plugin.) or
for the blind.

 Flash is a critical element of the internet ecosystem and it is closed
 source. Gnash is *not* a solution. I can tell you this as someone who
 hours a day in the flash environment. Flash is moving far too fast to
 only a platform that is **years** behind for the benefit of being purely
 open source.

Well gnash is improving, it is really slow though and eats lots of
But apart from the missing features due to lack of documentation, flash
is unsuitable for embedded systems due to being a huge resource hog. The
proprietary flash plugins on the Nokia 770 and n800 are so slow just
they don't have so much processing power to spend on it. Flash btw kills
battery life on those devices, just as it does on my laptop and will on an
OpenMoko phone.

A quick glance at the system requirements (for Linux as they seem to be a
lower for Windows). 800Mhz cpu (which means x86 based with floating
512Mb of ram and 128Mb of graphics memory. Lets look at the Neo. 200Mhz
WITHOUT floating point, 128Mb ram and no real graphics memory...

Adobe produces a mobile version that is not yet flash 9 compatible. The
resource requirements are different. As I said before flash 9 is not ready
for mobile (ARM) devices.

The flash development community, of which I am a part, is
 aggressively taking advantage of new features and the adoption of the
 version (flash 9) is faster than any previous version.

Unless you work for Adobe you are part of the flash user community...

How stupid. I am a developer. Meaning I write code in actionscript and flex.
I am a part of the  developer community because I have actively contributed
to flash *developer* communities for the last 4 years. I do not consider
myself a flash user any more than I consider myself a C++ user. I am a
flash developer and a C++ developer, and I am part of the community of flash
developers who talk every day about the tools (both open and closed source)
and help each other solving technical and development issues. Perhaps this
concept is foreign to you.

As I see it, not having a real version of flash makes openmoko much less
 disruptively competitive than it might otherwise be.

Which is partly true. However downloading flash over GPRS is not very
interesting. And it would only be disruptive because unfortunately so many
people are expecting people to install flash. What would be really
is an standardized and open framework that allows the same things as flash
which everybody could with relative ease make use of. Something that might
supported by default in a browser. Adobe has a stranglehold monopoly on
flash thing at the moment. Which makes them no better than Microsoft
up the HTML standard with IE and Frontpage.

 Developing apps with
 flash really allows for the creation of much more sophisticated software
 much more quickly.

It is true that flash has some nice features, however using something that
open and standardized has a lot more possibilities. Lots of things that
can be
done with flash could also be done with SVG etc...

Many more things *cant* be done with SVG that can be done with flash.
actionscript, video, audio, and incredible tools are all things that SVG
cant compete with from a capability or productivity perspective.

Of course flash 9 is currently not compiled for ARM, but
 that will come. I just think that it would be incredibly valuable to the
 platform to get flash 9 as soon as possible and not to worry about the
 religion in this arena.

As I pointed out there are also valid technical reasons like performance
battery life. Also licensing, access to the source code for optimisations
patents are an issue.

Its clear you know nothing about flash, which in its current mobile version
is implemented on 200 million devices currently world wide. But the religion
about open licenses is in my view counterproductive since there is no open
platform that comes anywhere near flash. Gnash is the closest and it is in
the stone age. So optimizing something so old and out of date is hardly a
good trade off. And I have no idea what patents have to do with this. You
just seemed to throw it in to be open source religion compliant.

If the internet can survive with 

Re: Flash Player 9 on OpenMoko?

2007-03-22 Thread hank williams

On 3/22/07, Henryk Plötz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Am Thu, 22 Mar 2007 12:31:03 -0400 schrieb hank williams:

 As I see it, not having a real version of flash makes openmoko much
 less disruptively competitive than it might otherwise be. Developing
 apps with flash really allows for the creation of much more
 sophisticated software much more quickly. Of course flash 9 is
 currently not compiled for ARM, but that will come.

I think nobody would seriously object having an optional, downloadable,
binary flash add-on. I think currently not compiled for ARM is a much
bigger problem than it seems. Currently Adobe's Flash is not even
available for x86_64. When I was wondering why nobody at Adobe seems to
have 64bit compiler I was told that part of the problem is that they
use a JIT compiler for Actionscript which happens to put out x86
opcodes. Good luck trying to get them port that to ARM.

Actually, the new actionscript JIT complier/interpreter in flash 9 (the only
one with a JIT - the older ones dont have it) is now open source and is
available on the mozilla website. It is already designed to output ARM code
as it was recognized that mobile was a critical part of their future. That
said, I am sure there is lots of work yet to do to optimize and recompile
the latest flash core for ARM. I am just saying the JIT compiler isnt where
the problem is.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Sorry... Re: And please use a emailclients with working Reference Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread hank williams

I just read the other email which started this discussion about gmail
and think I understand the problem.

The problem is with the list.

I am on 15 tech mailing lists, and this is the only one which, if I in
gmail say reply to replys to the sender and not to the list.

I NEVER*** want to reply to the individual when responding to a
post on the list.

If I say reply to all it puts the senders address in the to field
and the openmoko address in the cc field. I strongly suspect this is
the cause of unwanted cc's.

Again, out of 15 lists, this only happens for me on the openmoko list.
Now I have read that some consider this a feature. And perhaps there
are benefits I don't understand. but with 25-50% of the tech mailing
list readers using gmail, having a list feature that causes this
kind of a problem should probably be reconsidered. I do not believe
this is something that can be worked around in gmail other than by
manually fixing every send to this list (which I do).

I would ask the openmoko team to consider fixing the mailing list
parameters in order to fix this problem.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Sorry... Re: And please use a emailclients with working Reference Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread hank williams

On 2/13/07, Robert Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Salve hank!

Thank you for your feedback ;)

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, hank williams wrote:

 You are misinformed if you believe that gmail does not handle threads
Maybe, it would be nice when other gmail users
explain gmail users how to use gmail proper,
instead  of that I have to inform myself about

That would assume there is some improper way that people are
handling gmail. I disagree.

 In fact I think it is the best product on the market, free
 or otherwise, for handling threads. The  problem which you are
 referring to has nothing to do with gmail, but with the fact that some
 people mistakenly delete the re: from the mail header when

This is only a backup for threading mails - threading by subjects.
The better way is threading with working References in the header.

hmm... guess those Google guys aren't smart enough to handle mail the
better way. With your way, even if you change the subject it would be
part of the same thread. That would make for a really easy time
finding emails where you *meant* to change the subject and create a
new thread.

Q: Is gmail killing this reference line in the header when the Subject
does not begin with re:? Realy? Can you test this?

BTW, it seems that e.g. Ryan is using Apple Mail as MUA.
(Mail user agent = email client)
AFAIK Apple mail can set References in the header.

So the question stil is, what make the References missing
for Ryan by using gmail.

Ahh... this is interesting - apple mail + gmail = problem

I have no idea since I use the web client.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: This explains the CC'ing but what's about the missing references? Re: Sorry... Re: And please use a emailclients with working Reference Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread hank williams

On 2/13/07, Robert Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Salve hank!

This explains the CC'ing.

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, hank williams wrote:

 I just read the other email which started this discussion about gmail
 and think I understand the problem.

 The problem is with the list.

 I am on 15 tech mailing lists, and this is the only one which, if I in
 gmail say reply to replys to the sender and not to the list.

 I NEVER*** want to reply to the individual when responding to a
 post on the list.

Never say never - I would not call it the problem is with the list
I would call the problem is with the user not looking who they are
sending an email.

If you want the default behavior to be one that encourages the least
likely intended result then you are right. In fact, perhaps the
default should always be to send the email to George Bush, and then
you can just change it to who you really intend!

But seriously, the point is that default behavior matters. It should
default to the most commonly needed situation, not an edge condition.
This is the way *all* my other 14 mailing lists work.

Back to the brocken threads - this is not explaining why
some gmail users hasn't a proper emailheader with working
Reference. Does you have an idea for this as well?

As I said in the other thread, I cant speak to what might go wrong
with some incorrect setting in apple mail combined with gmail.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Sorry... Re: And please use a emailclients with working Reference Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread hank williams

Thanks Richard.

I have read this before, but forgot the official name of reply-to munging.

I think your analysis is correct. The only thing I would say is that
the non-standards compliant way of handling list administration is
in fact, as far as I can tell, the standard way that at least the many
high volume lists that I am on behave.

Its kind of like being with a woman. You have to decide whether you
would rather be happy, or be right. They are mutually exclusive!


On 2/13/07, Richard Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tuesday 13 February 2007 15:28, hank williams wrote:
 Again, out of 15 lists, this only happens for me on the openmoko list.
 Now I have read that some consider this a feature. And perhaps there
 are benefits I don't understand. but with 25-50% of the tech mailing
 list readers using gmail, having a list feature that causes this
 kind of a problem should probably be reconsidered. I do not believe
 this is something that can be worked around in gmail other than by
 manually fixing every send to this list (which I do).

 I would ask the openmoko team to consider fixing the mailing list
 parameters in order to fix this problem.

It's called 'reply-to munging', and it is as contentious as 'gnu-linux or
linux', 'Allow proprietary binaries or only OS code', and many other things.
Here's the details:

Basically all good email clients support mailinglists that abide by the
protocols, with notable exception of Outlook and Gmail.
So many list managers allow 'reply-to munging' to make life easier on those
users, while all other users have to cope with the broken protocol as best
they can, which they usually do pretty well.

Sourceforge mailinglists especially push admins not to allow reply-to munging,
to encourage to email software to support the protocol correctly, but I have
seen many a sourceforge list dwindle to a trickle, because replies were not
arriving at the list anymore, only to the original poster.

It is difficult to promote working to standards, and then setup your email
list in an non standard fashion, but in the same way we support MP3 as well
as OGG, it might be better to be pragmatic about this issue, and allow
reply-to munging, in the spirit of making the list as accessible and
enjoyable to all its users, and to restrict arguments to important topics,
not petty list issues.



OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Just a personal feedback - I'm just writing for me Re: And please use a emailclients with working Reference Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread hank williams

Oh, and one more thing. You've been told this by others before, but
you igore it so I will say it again. You keep changing the subject of
your posts, and whether you like it or not you are screwing up gmail
threading, and I suspect threading from other programs. That wouldnt
be so bad if your new subjects made any sense. Which they dont.

This is something that you can fix. And given the volume of your posts
it makes the list much harder to follow. Of course I guess you would
prefer that we gmail people just go away anyway, so why listen to us.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Sorry... Re: And please use a emailclients with working Reference Re: gmail users CC'ing

2007-02-13 Thread hank williams


Your test doesnt work when you are looking at messages that you
yourself sent. Messages you send from a given thread are always in the
same thread, but messages from someone else from the same thread with
a different subject are not put in the same thread, and that is the
problem on the list.


On 2/13/07, Reid Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 12:00 -0500, hank williams wrote:
 On 2/13/07, Reid Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 10:02 -0500, hank williams wrote:
   hmm... guess those Google guys aren't smart enough to handle mail the
   better way. With your way, even if you change the subject it would be
   part of the same thread.
  I believe that is proper -- to remain part of the same thread.  To
  create a new thread, start with a new email -- do not reply to a current
  thread with an altered subject.

 Well, it depends on how you define proper. Again, to me this is
 about user interface, and what is expected behavior. I dont think your
 average (non-programmer) would think that a
  new message with a

a new message no, which is what I said to do if you want to create a new
thread -- but the conversation was about replying to a previous message
and changing the subject expecting it to start a new thread -- which
does not work.

 different subject would be in the same thread.

My gmail account does this, so anyone using gmail should expect it after
seeing it occur -- see below.
Replies to emails with changed subject show in the same
thread/conversation, not new or separate ones.

  More importantly, the
 interface revolution in gmail is the grouping of threads by subject.
Not based on what I just did ( subject threading may be a fallback
mechanism as mentioned earlier -- evolution has this 'option' also).

 This is one of the reasons that so many people love gmail. It makes
 what used to be a much more complicated thing much easier to follow. I
 think people are voting with their email accounts and by this measure
 people in mailing lists *love* the gmail design. The high percentage
 of gmail use vs aol or hotmail or outlook or whatever is no


In my gmail account:
create a message with subject Test Thread - body Test Thread.  Send
it.  Reply to it from gmail account, Change the subject to Test Thread
Two - body to test thread Two, Send it.  Reply to Test Thread Two,
Change subject to Test Thread three - body to Test Thread 3, Send
it.  View Test Thread Three,,, see that Google 'threaded' all three
messages as one thread/conversation, not three separate ones.

OpenMoko community mailing list

what is the difference between openMoko and windows mobile based phones

2007-01-18 Thread hank williams

What I mean by this is that it seems everyone is saying that the big
difference is that you can get 3rd party *real apps* on the phone. And this
is said as if windows mobile phones like moto q, blackjack and pocket PC
phones wont allow this.

Now I am not saying open source isnt great. But from your *average* users
perspective I would love to hear the advantages of the open source for these
devices. Is this just a geek issue? It seems like most of the apps described
on this list could be done with any of the windows mobile phones. I'd just
love, for my own edification, to hear why this is wrong.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: what is the difference between openMoko and windows mobile based phones

2007-01-18 Thread hank williams

On 1/18/07, Andreas Kostyrka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] [070118 14:01]:
  Beside the point that an *average* user doesn't see the potential
  open source on a mobile - what are your experiances and demands on
  a smart phone?

  When you look at the devices that you know or use(d):
  - What does you miss most?
  - What does you hate most?
  - What does you like/used most?

well honestly my biggest issue with phones in general is not features
execution. The iPhone is a good example of executing  well on
that have been around  for years. My one concern with open source is
it is great at delivering features, but historically not great at UI.
is because big open source projects are often done by teams where
can do what they want. This tends to mean there is no singular
design vision. This is fine for features for the most part because we
That's technically speaking an out-of-date vision of opensource
develepment. I wouldn't consider KDE inconsistent. actually, one might
argue that KDE does better then Windows based environments on this

uh... sure. I dont want to open a windows vs osx vs linux/kde debate here
so  i'll leave it at that.

   all more or less agree on how to implement wifi or an encryption scheme
whatever. Or if we disagree we can implement five different ways as
and let the market decide. But good UI doesn't work that way.
I guess you haven't used the embedded Linux UIs. They are more
consistent then some commercial phones.

I dont know what this means.  What are you talking about... TiVo? Linux UIs
and open source UIs is not the same thing. Lots of people (like TiVo and
hundreds of other companies) build proprietary apps/UIs on top of linux.
That doesn't make them open source. And even if something is open source, if
its not done by an open source committee it will generally be better.

So the iPhone has a design czar - jobs - and that means that forward
thinking design gets done in a unified way. This issue may not effect
nope. You are assuming that it will be executed well. nobody has seen
an iphone for long enough to fool around with it.

From seeing the details, the iPhone is something that not even my wife
will want to have, everything that I've seen till now suggests that it
will be a nice (smart)phone, but not necessarily nicer than better
existing phones, with an iPod embedded.

Well, your mileage may vary, but obviously lots of people, press, analysts,
etc think its pretty significant. Perhaps it will just be one of many - only
time will tell. But somehow I doubt it. Slashdot has certainly gotten a lot
of humorous mileage out of the prediction that the iPod wasn't going

And it will put the carriers interests in front of the users interests.

OpenMoko, at least in the beginning, since a private company is doing
design. But when the design process becomes public, the features and
design by committee thing might be an issue.

It's the Linux-will-fork story all over. Empirical evidence suggests
that your fear won't happen.

Nope. I  don't have any fears and wasn't talking about forking. I am just
saying that often, too many cooks spoil the stew.

But the bottom line is that my biggest problem with phones is that
are just not designed well. The pretty much all suck!
Well, that's not helpful. Design a better, give hints, improvement
ideas. It's hard to give you the perfect phone, because you don't
specify what you want.

I'm not trying to help. I am not intending to be a phone designer. I was
asked a question, and so I am stating my honest opinion about phones.
Ideally, what I want is a good UI. This is of course, subjective, and so
there is no single answer. I can only say that the current phone marketplace
has not focused on UI at all. Motorola's UI is inexcusable. Palm apps look
the same as they did in 2000 - and still no multi-tasking. Windows mobile is
ugly, and looks like they tried to transplant a desktop into a phone. For me
to suggest specific fixes is a little like asking why I dont want to date a
pot bellied pig. You know, what if we put a little lipstick on it. wouldnt
it be good enough then? Phones need to be re-thought. Perhaps OpenMoko is a
solution - haven't seen a demo so I don't know - which is why I asked my
initial question. But since no one here other than Sean has seen it, perhaps
I wont get anything other than generic linux fan responses.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: what is the difference between openMoko and windows mobile based phones

2007-01-18 Thread hank williams

Thanks. Great, very helpful answer!


On 1/18/07, Sencer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 1/18/07, hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I mean by this is that it seems everyone is saying that the big
 difference is that you can get 3rd party *real apps* on the phone.

Actually I think most people are saying, that you have full access to
a) the hardware and b) to the sources of all applications that run on
it. And not only do you have access to the source, but the freedom to
change and redistribute the changed application. That's the deciding
factor. 3rd party apps in general have been a distinct feature of
every smartphone so far, the only reason it's being discussed today at
all, is because Apple is disallowing it.

 Now I am not saying open source isnt great. But from your *average*
 perspective I would love to hear the advantages of the open source for

By average user, I assume you mean those people that do not program
or administer complex software. Well, let me try it with an analogy:
What benefit does somebody have from freedom, when he is not
interested in making use of it (i.e. working the same job all his
life, voting the same party no matter what, etc.) because his main
objectives - feeding his family, doing X or doing Y - are equally
possible under a repressive regime and in a free country? It's simple,
you'll likely still be better of in the free country, because the
freedom enables improvements that you will eventually benefit from,
even if you never specifically worked (in a hands-on way) towards
those specific interests. Now that doesn't mean that as soon as there
is freedom, you automatically and directly are better of if you don't
make use of it; it's merely the beginning of a process. So today, and
for the 1st generation devices that run openmoko, you may (as an
average user) not reap immediate benefits, but you will help enable a
success through freedom, in that the other people that do have the
interest and/or skill necessary to turn that freedom into a benefit
for everybody.

 Is this just a geek issue? It seems like most of the apps described
 on this list could be done with any of the windows mobile phones. I'd
 love, for my own edification, to hear why this is wrong.

For example the PIM/Messaging applications (which areguably are the
core of a smaratphone) are not limited by what the device-makers are
able and willing to develop. You could add sending SMS over HTTP,
sending voice-mails via E-Mail, automatically sending notifications
that you are delayed for appointments and for how long (by checking
the calendar, the GPS coordinates, and the average speed of your
movement). Now the point is not only, that it is possible to write
these applications, but that the functionality can be seamlessly
integrated into the existing base-applications, and everybody is able
to benefit from it. With bluetooth and usb on board, there is a very
real possibility of expanding the possibilites in a way that is simply
not possible on windows mobile or symbian, because you simply cannot
access certain aspects of the phone. As a simple example: Many older
wifi-cards that can do WEP but can't do WPA are limited due to
software, not hardware reasons. But given that you already paid for
them there is no incentive to do that work. Similar with bluetooth
functionality, many early phones (looks at nokia) only had a very
limited support for certain bluetooth functionality (profiles), and
that limitation was due to sotware reasons, not hardware reasons. And
interested people that had the time and skill still couldn't do
anything about it. People were simply stuck with a castrated phone.

[Quoting from a later mail:]
 This is because big open source projects are often done by teams where
everyone can do
 what they want. This tends to mean there is no singular unified design

That's not necessarily the case. In fact I know plenty of counter
examples. Open source does not dictate _how_ the software is to be
developed or designed. So when you say:

 But good UI doesn't work that way.

that is correct, but it's not necessarily a statement about open
source in general.

 But the bottom line is that my biggest problem with phones is that they
are just not
 designed well. The pretty much all suck!

Well, I do not think that open source is a huge enabled in that
respect either. So while it doesn't necessarily have to be better or
worse than closed source, the code-licence simply isn't a good
indicator to judge the likely quality of the UI.



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: what is the difference between openMoko and windows mobile based phones

2007-01-18 Thread hank williams

  It's the Linux-will-fork story all over. Empirical evidence
  that your fear won't happen.

Nope. I  don't have any fears and wasn't talking about forking. I am
saying that often, too many cooks spoil the stew.

Not really. What you are refering to is that not all software is
UI-wise enduser ready. Yeah, these packages will be on the Neo too.
But OTOH, I've seen many enduser friendly packages happening in the
Linux space, so only time will show.

You are entitled to your opinion but not mine. Please don't tell me what I
was saying or should be saying. I was not referring to anything other than
what I said. I believe too many cooks spoil the stew, which is often a
problem in open source, in my opinion. Its also often also a problem inside
corporate development efforts. When there is no clear and absolute
leadership, product design suffers. This is of course my opinion, based on
my 30 years of software development. It is, nevertheless an opinion. Your
mileage may vary.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: what is the difference between openMoko and windows mobile based phones

2007-01-18 Thread hank williams

I should clarify and say the issue that I am refering to specifically
relates to UI/design. There are very few people that are good at it, so when
those good people are not in absolute control and overly influnenced by
committees, the design suffers. The good news about most open source
products that have been successful is that they are more often API driven.
Linux, the apache stuff, languages, etc, etc. Honestly, I havent yet seen an
open source product whose UI I really like except firefox which is darned
near commercial in the way that it is run.

Graphics programs, Interface shells, video programs... I am not going to
name names because then someone will either get upset or start
misinterpreting. But I have yet to see something that I thought lived up to
the best proprietary interface/UI designs. I cant say I have seen
everything, but I have seen a lot. I think Open Source kills when it comes
to creating high quality maintainable code. But I personally dont think the
community process works as well for design and UI. I know people will
disagree, and I really dont want to get into a back and forth with people
getting upset and trying to prove me wrong. Its just my opinion. And of
course there are always exceptions.

Oh and by the way, I am not saying OpenMoko will have this problem. It
specifically relates to the community process of development. But satisfying
everyone's requests/demands in a UI is a sure sign of trouble and is much
more prevalent in a more democratic process. Depending on how they manage
the process and the form of the leadership it may not be an issue at all.
They just have to be good designers themselves, and be willing to say no
when warranted.


p.s. These are just my opinions. I have said it before, but many people have
different perspectives on what it takes to make great products. I am not
sure why anyone would care about my views on this subject.

On 1/18/07, Richard Franks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 1/18/07, hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I believe too many cooks spoil the stew, which is often a
 problem in open source, in my opinion. Its also often also a problem
 corporate development efforts. When there is no clear and absolute
 leadership, product design suffers. This is of course my opinion, based
 my 30 years of software development. It is, nevertheless an opinion.
 mileage may vary.

I see this being true for monolithic projects such as a kernel, or an
office productivity suite.. I would say that it's debatable whether
the same holds true for the types of micro-application which are going
to be created using the OpenMoko API (which as a foundation does
appear to have clear leadership).

Monolithic product design I believe arose from distribution and OS
layer limitations - when you simply couldn't download weekly updates
or patches, the product had to get it right the first time. It didn't
always happen that way of course, but there was no real alternative as
the network infrastructure hadn't been built up yet.

Communication accelerates standardisation, and standardisation paves
the way for smaller tighter applications. Given the diversity of
interests shown on this list, I don't think we'll run into the
too-many-cooks issue any time soon.

Out of interest, which Open Source projects have fallen victim to the
too-many-cooks problem?


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neither iPhone or OpenMoko are revolutionary

2007-01-17 Thread hank williams

On 1/17/07, Attila Csipa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thursday 18 January 2007 00:09, Renaissance Man wrote:
 Why does no organisation (even Apple) seem to get it that the mobile
 communications revolution is through VoIP via WiFi. This is the
 killer app.

Could you share with us WHY do you think that is the killer app ? (for
applications, I understand, but specifically for VOICE) From what I see,
via WiFi in phones/PDAs is the re-creation of GSM technology but without
phone-orientedness of GSM networks. Technology wise, you seem to have
autonomy, worse coverage, extra HW cost, bluetooth interference, limited
country-specific list of channels, but hey you have the extra bandwidth
will never need for VoIP ! Pricewise, it's bust again. No carrier will
subsidise such phones, thus they will be more expensive (defeating the
purpose of being cheaper) and even if they would, with different dialplans
and GSM gateways, the price difference becomes really slim. VoIP might
into play if you had 3G bandwidths, but again, price works against you
for the most expansive direct calls to the other side of the world. Of
course, all of this from my local perspective, maybe in the UK it's
different :)

You are absolutely right. I just didnt have the energy to type all of that.
Glad you did!



OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Is anyone on this list in NY

2007-01-12 Thread hank williams

My company is developing a product and is looking for programmers to develop
software for this and other mobile linux platforms and would love to talk to
people - particularly in the new york area.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread hank williams

I think you are generally right, with some caveat.

It's really a chicken/egg problem. Will the carriers come first, or
the applications?

It is possible that in 2007, linux based extensible phones will become
the rage. We have greenphone, Access, and open moko. But if carriers
feel that these platforms threaten their lock on the platform, they
may not adopt. In that case it will require cheap phones and 3rd party
software communities to make a killer app that drives carriers to
adopt. If this is the case then this first version is really more a
shiny geek toy that ultimately motivates some great applicaton(s) that
then drive carrier adoption.


On 12/6/06, Christopher Heiny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What exactly is it that we want OpenMoko to be?

Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and
technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?

Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will
encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their
work back to the community?

To take a recently discussed example: an FPGA is really super cool and
flexible and you can do just about anything with one.  But the downside is
that it is HARD to do that stuff.  Even if you, personally, find VHDL or
Verilog to be easy to work with and understand, the average engineer
working at someplace like Samsung or Nokia (or wherever) will not have the
same skills you do.

Additionally, it takes time (lots of time) even for skilled engineers to
design, implement, and debug new features for FPGAs.  Time to market is
critical for most phone manufacturers, especially in countries such as
Korea where product lifetimes are often measured in months.

Yeah, we can trowel on all kinds of creamy technological goodness.  Myself,
I want a dozen A-to-D channels so that I can use the phone for data
collection and analysis in my race car.  Honest - that would absolutely
rule!  But it's not what the customer on the street wants, and it's not
what the manufacturer trying to sell to that customer wants.

To be a success, in the same way that OpenSource projects like OpenOffice,
Apache, Firefox, and others are successes, OpenMoko will have to provide a
compelling reason for phone manufacturers to choose it over closed source
options such as WinCE, Rexx, and others.  Five of the critical enablers to
this are:

- rock solid reliablity.  Anything in the phone should just work, and
it must do it every time.

- complete functionality.  There should never, ever, be a greyed out
button in the GUI.  Sure OpenMoko might support four different kinds of
software radio, but if the manufacturer has to do their own I18N to pick up
OpenMoko, they'll choose WinCE instead.

- desirable functionality.  Does the functionality provided by OpenMoko
appeal to the typical human-on-the-street purchaser of this class of phone?
Phone manufacturers are going to choose platforms that will help them sell
the most phones, even for halo products.

- easy to customize or extend.  Not just by VHDL aces and Perl wizards,
but by the average C/C++/Java programmer two years out of university.  His
boss is going to choose a platform that plays to his skills (or lack

- support fast development.  That young coder in the previous bullet is
going to be under a LOT of time pressure.  His boss is going to choose the
platform that he feels will best help him meet schedule, and will see C++
and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.

Shiny geek toys are cool, and I love them.  But if we want to rule the
world, they don't help that happen.  Once we've achieved world domination,
we can add all the sparkly bits to OpenMoko we want.  Heck, people will
probably be doing it for us.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

data speeds

2006-11-25 Thread hank williams

Could someone tell me how fast the phone will be able to transmit data, and
what type of networks will be able to deliver that speed?

I am developing an internet based music service and part of my model is
delivering music on mobile phones wirelessly. But phones have either had a
sufficiently fast connection, or had enough storage for what I want to do. I
am thinking this may be the first phone which will really work for my

OpenMoko community mailing list