[All] New version of the orrery program available

2009-11-30 Thread Ken Young
A new version of the orrery program has been uploaded to the
GForge site, and to opkg.org.   There are not many new user
features - the Monthly Moon Calendar is prettier, and both
moon calendars now show Blue Moons (including the one on
New Years Eve, this year).   Finger friendliness has been
improved in a few areas.

Several worthless features (stylus mode, etc) have been

One of the most commonly cited bugs, which caused the program
to fail if it was run on a phone whose locale had been set
to a language which uses commas, rather than periods, as
the decimal place separator, has been fixed.   Thanks a bunch
to Heiko Stubner, who submitted a patch that fixed this bug.

Joshua Rosen make new configuration files for the GNU automake
tools, and VERY PATIENTLY showed me how to make them work.
The source tarball is no longer a pathetic parody of a
source file distribution.

Please note - I mistakenly uploaded a version labelled 2.8
to the GForge site.   I can't get rid of it; please ignore it.
The 2008.x packages labelled 2.8 and 2.7 on the GForge site
are actually both 2.7.

Here's a list of the changes:

Version 2.7:
New user features:

   Monthly moon calendar now uses moon images.
   Also, both moon calendars now show "Blue
   Moons", using the common definition that
   a Blue Moon is the second full moon in a
   calendar month.

   Enlarged and re-arranged buttons on the
   "opts" page, for enhanced finger

   Got rid of "stylus mode".   The program is
   always in finger mode now.   There was
   never a significant difference between the
   two modes anyway.

   The program now always saves configuration
   changes in nonvolatile memory.   This is
   the standard behavior for handheld

Bug Fixes:

   Build-related files completely redone so
   as to use GNU autotools properly.

   Program no longer crashes if run on a
   phone who's locale is set to a language
   which uses a comma for the decimal point.

   Improved handling of zoom gestures which
   originate in the panning area.   Before
   this fix, it was difficult or impossible
   to zoom an area near the horizon, because
   such a gesture would be interpreted as a
   "press" in the panning area, which would
   call up the azimuth compass.

   Removed the call to the popt library that
   parsed the command line arguments.   This
   caused problems, because not all Freerunner
   software stacks shipped with the popt
   library.   The program now parses its
   command line arguments with no call to any

   Fixed a bug which made it difficult to
   use the arrows at the bottom of the monthly
   moon calendar to change months.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [All] New version of the orrery program available

2009-12-01 Thread neo
> One of the most commonly cited bugs, which caused the program
> to fail if it was run on a phone whose locale had been set
> to a language which uses commas, rather than periods, as
> the decimal place separator, has been fixed.   Thanks a bunch
> to Heiko Stubner, who submitted a patch that fixed this bug.

orrery 2.7 works well, if you start it from ssh. But the problem with orrery 
crashing when started through illume icon or from terminal is still there.  The 
error is still "Wrong number (1) of numbers found on line 1 of 

What I do now is, starting orrey by wrapper skript that unsets LANG and LC_ALL. 
This works!

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