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Betreff: [Shr-User] ANNOUNCE: new shr-testing image
Datum: Freitag 04 Dezember 2009
Von: Sebastian Spaeth <sebast...@sspaeth.de>
An: "SHR-user" <shr-u...@lists.shr-project.org>, "SHR-devel" <shr-

After a long fight with our SHR buildhost, I finally managed it:

I created a new shr-testing image which is supposed to do the following:

- always give you a working phone
- care about opkg upgrade'ability
- Be conservative in the number of cool on-the-edge features it takes

I expect that upgrades will hapen every 3-4 weeks or so. I will try to
upgrade things to a working set of revisions. All testing that I can
promise will be restricted to shr-lite-image things (there will be a
full image soon, but I haven't tested things there). I can also not test
GPRS (not using it).

Get it here:

Upgrading from a current shr-unstable might or might not work (I have
not tested that). I forked off on November 30 or so, and I haven't
tested whether a lot of packages would need "downgrading" from -unstable.

Install it, set your root password manually (if you care about ssh
login) and you should be good to go. Installing on NAND, you will see
tons of error messages pass by on the 1st boot, that seems normal and
will go away after some time (1st boot takes longer!).

If you want to help out:
is a page with my commit policy. (it's flexible though) :-)

Bug reports agains shr-testing (via trac) are welcome too.



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