ok. i found out, that a upgrade from gsm0710mux is the problem.
they now have a different service name for the "muxer".
it isn't "org.pyneo.muxer" anymore it's now "org.mobile.mux".

you could edit "/etc/X11/Xsession.d/89qtopia" so it uses the new term,
(and also the "/usr/bin/gprson" script)
or add an additional service file to /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/


[D-BUS Service]


But now i have the problem that i get this errors in my log:

Aug 16 22:26:45 om-gta02 user.notice root: Waiting for pid: 1545
Aug 16 22:26:47 om-gta02 user.notice root: ficgta01hardware plugin
Aug 16 22:26:48 om-gta02 user.notice root: Modem :  opening serial 
device  "/dev/ttySAC0"  at  115200
Aug 16 22:26:48 om-gta02 user.notice root: Modem :  Device: 
"/dev/ttySAC0" is a tty device: True
Aug 16 22:26:48 om-gta02 user.notice root: Modem :  NONBLOCK 
successfully reset
Aug 16 22:26:48 om-gta02 user.notice root: Modem :  Opened  "/dev/ttySAC0"
Aug 16 22:26:48 om-gta02 user.notice root: Modem :  querying multiplexer 
plugin "ficgta01multiplex"
Aug 16 22:26:48 om-gta02 user.notice root: AtChat :  T : "^Z"
Aug 16 22:26:58 om-gta02 user.notice root: Mux :  *** mux setup timed 
out ***
Aug 16 22:26:58 om-gta02 user.notice root: AtChat :  T : "^Z"
[last two lines repeat until a exit of the programm]

I think the "T" should be an "AT". so i try some different "gsm0710mux"  
maybe i found something that works.

cu later

[btw:  answers from could have some delay, because i am on vacation and 
i don't have often internet without my gprs working on the freerunner.]

arne anka schrieb:
> On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:56:11 +0200, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied:
> according to google there seem to be a few messages with a similar problem  
> -- dbus.freedesktop.org mentions that dbus includes security policies but  
> nothing more. security by obscurity, i guess ...
> anyway, there was one report from ubuntu stating that restarting dbus  
> fixed the issue, but probably because he did some upgrading.
> else look into /etc/debus-1/ and check the files there, it seems like  
> there are policy definitions.
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