Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-24 Thread Henryk Plötz

Am Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:20:44 +0100 schrieb Jim McDonald:

 Yep that's pretty much what I'm talking about here.  But to do this
 we will need the low-level code to send us the methods/signals so
 that we can take the appropriate actions, which is the bit that I'm
 worried is not being considered and so this type of functionality
 will just not be possible without being a 'core' developer.

Don't worry too much about that right now. I don't know what the
current plan for this problem is but, given that OpenMoko already uses
dbus, I'm quite sure that it will include dbus. Going from I have an
application that, when a call comes in, pops up a dialog and asks the
user to accept or reject the call to I have an application that, when
a call comes in, broadcasts a dbus message 'There's a call from ...,
anyone want to handle that?' and waits for a reply ... 'Anyone? Anyone?
Ok, openmoko-dialer, your turn'. is easy.

Adding dbus support is *not* the hard part, that's getting calls
working at all (and of course all the nifty things you'd want to
plug in, but those are outside of the scope of the base infrastructure).

For an example how something like that could look like look at the new
bluez dbus infrastructure, for example regarding pin-entry: It can be a
simple C program that always returns the same pin, but it could also be
python script that switches on the coffee machine, cleans the cat
litter box, makes breakfast, and then uses the lottery numbers from the
newspaper as a pin. And yes, for OpenMoko that explicitly includes
sending an SMS or anything else that you might want to do. Just code
it, in the programming language of your choice.

(Note again that I don't know what the current plans are, but even in
the unlikely case that nobody from the core team yet thought about using
dbus for call handling it's probably easy enough that *someone* will do

Henryk Plötz
Grüße aus Berlin
~ Help Microsoft fight software piracy: Give Linux to a friend today! ~

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-24 Thread Jim McDonald

Henryk Plötz wrote:

Don't worry too much about that right now. I don't know what the
current plan for this problem is but, given that OpenMoko already uses
dbus, I'm quite sure that it will include dbus. Going from I have an
application that, when a call comes in, pops up a dialog and asks the
user to accept or reject the call to I have an application that, when
a call comes in, broadcasts a dbus message 'There's a call from ...,
anyone want to handle that?' and waits for a reply ... 'Anyone? Anyone?
Ok, openmoko-dialer, your turn'. is easy.
Only if it isn't already hard-coded to go to the dialer in the first 
place, which is why I'm bringing this up now.

Adding dbus support is *not* the hard part, that's getting calls
working at all (and of course all the nifty things you'd want to
plug in, but those are outside of the scope of the base infrastructure).
I agree that adding D-Bus support is not in itself difficult, but trying 
to put the 'right' system in place is not trivial.  You cannot broadcast 
a D-Bus method so you need some sort of mediator in the middle (you 
could broacast a signal but that's fire-and-forget so you then have no 
idea if anyone is even considering replying).  As such you need a 
central arbitrator to handle this functionality.

I've been playing with some code locally in the last few days to get my 
head around this idea, and will write up a few use cases on the Wiki so 
that everyone can see where this is heading.

I understand and agree that making/receiving calls is the most important 
thing right now for the core team but I and no doubt most of the rest of 
the people outside of the core team can't help much there, so if there 
is a way of them being able to build extensions to the will-be 
functionality without getting in the core team's way it should help all 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-24 Thread Giles Jones
Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
hat everyone can see where this is heading.
 I understand and agree that making/receiving calls is the most important 
 thing right now for the core team but I and no doubt most of the rest of 
 the people outside of the core team can't help much there, so if there 
 is a way of them being able to build extensions to the will-be 
 functionality without getting in the core team's way it should help all 

There's two approaches, get the core functionality working solidly first. Then 
create the hooks and extensibility.

Second is to do both concurrently.

Each approach has its advantages.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-22 Thread Simon Matthews

Here is my two cents worth. I also hope what i am saying here is not too
basic and is comprehensible. I program in Forth so my  knowledge of C
vocabulary is not fabulous.

On Sat, 2007-07-21 at 12:28 -0400, Clayton Jones wrote:

 I like the ideas presented here, but i have some experience designing
  building real time  embedded systems so some points to think about:

I too have a long history designing, building and writing code for real
time embedded systems and all my current designs implement a similar
strategy of having Event Generators (usually interupts), an Event
Dispatcher and Event Handlers. IMHO the Event Router should be as simple
and fast as possible. Any complex sorting/ checking  of event lists etc
etc should be left to code sitting on the sidelines

 1) The Event Router should also have some sort of priority mechanism ...

How about a linked list of Event Objects which would contain the Link to
next Event, Event Priority,  Event Parameters and Link to a specific
Event Handler. 

The Event Router would pass execution to the specific Event Handler for
the Event Object at the top of the list. When the specific Event Handler
had finished it would pass control back to the Event Router which would
delete the finished Event Object and move on to the next in the list.

The Event Handler could simply be a list of calls to various code. This
list could be easily edited to change the functionality of the device.
Would have to have a mechanism for handling errors.

Rather than having fixed Event Parameters i would go for a Parameter
Heap which would be part of the Event Object. It doesn't need any fixed
format as both the code that generated the event and the Event Handler
know what the parameters are.

To generate a new  event  one creates a new Event Object with say one of
three functions
CreateEventAtTopOfList - Would be used if immediate execution is needed
CreateEventAtBottomOfList - Execute when you have time
CreateEventInMiddleOfList - Insert in execution list, location dependent
on Event Priority

 2) We have to be careful about race conditions in event notification
 latency and order.

This sequential execution of the Event Objects should reduce the chance
of race conditions but will mean that the Event Handlers will need to
execute expeditiously so as not to hold up the Event handling system.

Other code could sit on the sidelines keeping track of the event list to
make sure nothing is going wrong. 

 3) Finally, we have to keep in mind that this is a small-form factor,
 battery-powered system - we'll always be behind on the power/resource
 curve from our desktops, so we have to be aware of speed and

I couldn't agree more. I have seen a number of engineering projects fail
due to overcomplexity and inattention to low level design resulting in
unacceptably slow response and too much power consumption.

If anyone thinks this is a good idea i will flesh it out more in the

Simon Matthews

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-21 Thread Jim McDonald
Hans L wrote:
 Hey folks,

 Great discussion going on here.  I've been putting a lot of thought
 into the issue too, so I  figured I'd add my two cents.

Yep this is very similar to what I'm thinking of.  Given that we're all
pretty close to what we think we need it's probably time to put
something on the Wiki.  I've put an initial page at so if people
can make any additions that they wish there it would be easier to track
and get us to the stage where we can get the buy-in of the openmoko team
and start laying down some code.

There are a few things that you mentioned here that I haven't yet
covered in the Wiki such as profiles, use of the configuration GUI and
the like so if you want to flesh them out on that page it would be much


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-20 Thread Henry Law

Jim McDonald wrote:

Giles Jones wrote:

Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
This is why you send the event to the notification system and then wait for the response. The notification system would read the users rules and act appropriately.

For an incoming call if you had a rule which says you are busy then the process 
would be as such:

1.Phone process receives incoming call event.

2.Phone process sends call details and incoming call event to notification 

3.Notification system checks user settings.

Agree up until now, but this is the bit where we diverge; I believe that
if done properly there could be any number of responses to the fact that
there is an incoming call, and they won't all fit happily in to a
simplistic event code model.

Let's pick a simple example mentioned earlier on the list, where the
'phone is set to reject all calls but if someone calls three times in
five minutes then you want to make the 'phone ring because it may be
urgent.  Now, the really important bit here is not the technical details
of how it accomplishes the requirement but the fact that it is highly
questionable if you want to put this type of functionality within your
base 'phone.  It being just one of no doubt 100 esoteric features that
end users will come up with you don't want to be faced with a massive
set of options or a slow 'phone because it's checking so many things
every time someone calls you.  You want this to be a much more flexible
system, and to do that you need to think of the 'notification' system as
a central messaging hub where it can pass on the fact that there is an
incoming call, along with the details of that call, to any module that

The diversity seems base on assumption that notification system
will broadcast the event and allow multiple response from different

What about using a system similar to iptables? Each module only
provide function to match against some call info. Some target actions
are defined by the notification system. And rules is setup by user
so that when a call event come in, the notification system can
check the call info against the rules one by one until one is match and
do the target action in that rule. Normally each target action will
do their jobs and then terminate the matching process.

For more complex situation, target action may allow continue
of the matching process (e.g. call history logging or send out sms),
but this own exist when both the module is allow and user have
add addition option on that target action.

This should cover all condition which can be represent by AND/OR logic
and is easy to implement. The only drawback is the rule setup interface
may not be friendly enough for normal user.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-20 Thread Jim McDonald

Henry Law wrote:

What about using a system similar to iptables? Each module only
provide function to match against some call info. Some target actions
are defined by the notification system. And rules is setup by user
so that when a call event come in, the notification system can
check the call info against the rules one by one until one is match and
do the target action in that rule. Normally each target action will
do their jobs and then terminate the matching process.
Yep that's pretty much what I'm talking about here.  But to do this we 
will need the low-level code to send us the methods/signals so that we 
can take the appropriate actions, which is the bit that I'm worried is 
not being considered and so this type of functionality will just not be 
possible without being a 'core' developer.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-20 Thread Jim McDonald

Jeff Andros wrote:

ok, but here's the thing with having full plugin framework: what if 
two plugins take mutually exclusive actions (I.E. one plugin has a 
whitelist, it tries to answer the phone because it's the girlfriend, 
but the other plugin attempts to send the call to voicemail because 
your gps says you're in a movie theatre) who should win?  I think we 
need to take one step beyond independent plugins:
This could be handled through either ordering or priority, either would 
work.  There still needs to be a control center that receives the basic 
message from the core code (e.g. incoming call), works out which modules 
are interested in the message and then sends it on to them.  If you are 
using ordering then you would probably chain the messages so that if the 
message was altered by one module the altered message would be received 
by the next/./  If you were using priority then you could send the 
message to every module at the same time and wait for all responses 
before continuing.

  Ordering would probably be easier both to develop and for end users 
to manage.  Priorities *may* by faster, although that's not guaranteed 
by any stretch.  The best solution would probably be a combination of 
ordering and priorities.  As you mention, although this would be a very 
useful system a lot of the ability of it to be end-user friendly would 
rely on a very intuitive GUI (or alternatively a system that is 
restricted in such a way that a configuation GUI is not required).

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-20 Thread Giles Jones
Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 which is the bit that I'm worried is 
 not being considered and so this type of functionality will just not be 
 possible without being a 'core' developer.

I don't think the project will last long if there's too much snobbery about who 
does what. 

By all means reject bad code, but don't create a closed off team like XFree86. 
We don't want someone forking the project creating confusion.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-20 Thread Jim McDonald
Giles Jones wrote:

I don't think the project will last long if there's too much snobbery about who does what. 
In this case it isn't snobbery so much as ensuring that there is a 
simple way to put the right functionality in the right place.  
Overloading gsmd with lots of (potentially conflicting) user 
requirements would lead to code that was hard to maintain and with a 
steep learning curve, hence the point that only those who put the time 
and effort in to understand all of the wrinkles would be able to make 
safe changes, and these people would be 'core' developers purely because 
that's where they would have to do the development to get the 
functionality they required.

'core' isn't a synonym for 'better' here, it just refers to developers 
that work on the core functionality of the product rather than the (in 
my opinion) more interesting stuff of the higher-level applications.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-19 Thread Kero van Gelder
 1) How would you put that
in an engine? Where does all the relevant info come from?
 2) Then build aan interface to allow an end-user to create such rules.
 3) And finally do something trivial with dbus,
commandline (or even XML...) to play the appropriate ringtone. and show
an Pickup/Cancel pair of buttons.

 there was some talk about this back in january or so... it got even more
 involved than that: if the addressbook says I'm supposed to be sleeping, 
 the lights are on (maybe later we'll have an ambient light sensor) there's
 lots of noise, the GPS shows I'm at a club, and the accelerometers detect
 movement (those are going to be so cool)  I'm probably not sleeping, go
 ahead and ring (is it too tacky to list attendees for sleeping maybe you
 don't want it to ring, but anyways)

Fun, I'll dig in the archives :)

 the talk kind of centered around a nodeset somewhere in the filesystem, but
 from what I've seen on dbus that might be a better solution.  basically, 
 create a group of modules, each of which is queried for a result... then
 each contact is matched against a set of rules based on the set of results.

A module / rule hierarchy. Would that fit the exception-on-exception kind
of rules we've been mentioning? I guess it could/

 on call importance, you can also list call frequency for the contact (I.E.
 if john calls me 3 times in 5 minutes, it's probably something important...
 ring on the third attempt)

oh, greylisting :)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-19 Thread Giles Jones
Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 Yep that's roughly what I'm talking about but we need the base code to 
 be set up such that it will make those calls and pay attention to the 
 results, which is the main thrust of my argument.

All the code should need to do is talk to notification process, fire off an 
event, listen for a result and then act on the returned ID.


Incoming phone call.

Phone process would send the event code to the notification system, the 
notification system would look at rules for this event, see if it matches any 
and if so return the action to the process.

So if you have configured calls to be forwarded, the notification system would 
return an action that the phone process needs to forward the call. The 
notification system would then write an entry in the call history to say it had 
been forwarded and popup a little message box on the screen just incase anyone 
is looking.

I would imagine all of this is pretty standard stuff, you wouldn't want to hold 
up a phone call by having the phone process create a sub process to display a 
message box etc.. 

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-19 Thread Giles Jones
Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 Well yes, that's really what I'm talking about.  But there are also
 other things that some people may want to do with an incoming 'phone
 call that we won't think about.  Perhaps send an SMS to another 'phone
 to say that a call was received?  Just an example, but the point is
 that we won't be able to know in advance all of the things that someone
 may want to do when a call comes in

This is why you send the event to the notification system and then wait for the 
response. The notification system would read the users rules and act 

For an incoming call if you had a rule which says you are busy then the process 
would be as such:

1.Phone process receives incoming call event.

2.Phone process sends call details and incoming call event to notification 

3.Notification system checks user settings.

4.Notification system returns busy event code to Phone process.

5.Phone process plays busy tone and hangs up.

6.Notification system logs the missed call and does any other configured 
actions (send SMS, play a sound etc..).

I know that there are many possible actions, but each phone component will only 
have so many possible actions.

A phone process will only ever have a few events, pickup, hangup, play tone, 
hold, conference call etc... When the processes register themselves with the 
notification system they will send a list of the supported events to it.

G O Jones

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-19 Thread Jim McDonald
Giles Jones wrote:
 Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
 This is why you send the event to the notification system and then wait for 
 the response. The notification system would read the users rules and act 

 For an incoming call if you had a rule which says you are busy then the 
 process would be as such:

 1.Phone process receives incoming call event.

 2.Phone process sends call details and incoming call event to notification 

 3.Notification system checks user settings.
Agree up until now, but this is the bit where we diverge; I believe that
if done properly there could be any number of responses to the fact that
there is an incoming call, and they won't all fit happily in to a
simplistic event code model.

Let's pick a simple example mentioned earlier on the list, where the
'phone is set to reject all calls but if someone calls three times in
five minutes then you want to make the 'phone ring because it may be
urgent.  Now, the really important bit here is not the technical details
of how it accomplishes the requirement but the fact that it is highly
questionable if you want to put this type of functionality within your
base 'phone.  It being just one of no doubt 100 esoteric features that
end users will come up with you don't want to be faced with a massive
set of options or a slow 'phone because it's checking so many things
every time someone calls you.  You want this to be a much more flexible
system, and to do that you need to think of the 'notification' system as
a central messaging hub where it can pass on the fact that there is an
incoming call, along with the details of that call, to any module that
may want to do something with it.

The other key thing to realise here is that each of these modules will
be a nice and simple beast that understands its own job and neither
knows nor cares about what is going on elsewhere in the system.  Writing
a piece of code that will carry out the above function is simple, but if
it was to be inserted in to gsmd (or the notification system) then it
would be a much bigger task as you need to understand how the existing
system works, where your code fits, write something, send it in as a
patch, get it reviewed, and finally in the next major release of the
software it will show up.

(Also bear in mind that incoming calls are a very simple example as
there is not much that I can think of doing with them off-hand. 
However, if you start to think about outgoing calls there are many more
things that you may want to do, including allowing/not allowing the call
(for child or business 'phones), routing the call through another system
(calling cards), sending/not sending your caller ID with the call,
allowing/not allowing calls to call anyone not in your address book,
only allowing non-business calls outside of business hours, who knows? 
The point is that every time we build a static code path we're limiting
the ability of the next person to do something we didn't think of, which
makes the whole thing less free than we would like.

I'd again say to look to the Firefox extensions system as a good example
of where this has worked well, and not only gives people lots more
freedom in how they surf the web but has made the browser far more
powerful (and successful) that it could have been with any single set of
developers while at the same time making it easy for outside developers
to add to the product with minimal, if any, knowledge of the existing
codebase.  I think that is the model that openmoko should be trying to
emulate, otherwise we'll just end up with an open source 'phone with all
of the inflexibility of  a closed source 'phone (to the majority of
people that might use it), and that doesn't seem to be a great leap
forward from where things are today.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-19 Thread kero
 (Also bear in mind that incoming calls are a very simple example as
 there is not much that I can think of doing with them off-hand. 

Just heard a news-item on the radio: a service where you don't get commercial 
calls during dinner, implemented at the side that calls you. Messy (companies 
do not have to implement that service). I really think you need to solve this 
phone side; guess what OpenMoko can do :)

Just another example; now back on-topic...

 The point is that every time we build a static code path we're limiting
 the ability of the next person to do something we didn't think of, which
 makes the whole thing less free than we would like.

Full ack.

 I'd again say to look to the Firefox extensions system as a good example
 of where this has worked well, and not only gives people lots more
 freedom in how they surf the web but has made the browser far more
 powerful (and successful) that it could have been with any single set of
 developers while at the same time making it easy for outside developers
 to add to the product with minimal, if any, knowledge of the existing

OK, first time you mentioned Firefox, I thought you meant browser and/or GUI 
stuff. But you focus on extensions/plugins :)

Any place where you can hook in little snippets of code will do. I think I'll 
play with a few modules I can see interact here (addressbook, agenda, IM 
client (mostly its away settings); I'll mock them for starters) and how to 
aggregate the decisions from those modules on what to do with an incoming 
call/SMS/... I will use dbus, but that says nothing about the actual 
format/info sent over that bus. I'll be off-line over the weekend, but with 
some luck, I'll have a bit of code (i.e. showing format/info) to show Sun or 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-19 Thread Jim McDonald
 OK, first time you mentioned Firefox, I thought you meant browser and/or GUI 
 stuff. But you focus on extensions/plugins :)
Sorry yep was thinking of the design philosophy rather than the
specifics.  If I look at my own install I have four of five extensions
(out of a few thousand) that I use and their cumulative impact is to
make Firefox far more useful *to me* than any other browser out there on
the market.
 Any place where you can hook in little snippets of code will do. I think I'll 
 play with a few modules I can see interact here (addressbook, agenda, IM 
 client (mostly its away settings); I'll mock them for starters) and how to 
 aggregate the decisions from those modules on what to do with an incoming 
 call/SMS/... I will use dbus, but that says nothing about the actual 
 format/info sent over that bus. I'll be off-line over the weekend, but with 
 some luck, I'll have a bit of code (i.e. showing format/info) to show Sun or 
Yep I think I'll see if I can grab some time over the weekend to put
together some words and diagrams explaining what I'm thinking about and
how it would fit in to the general 'phone framework.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-19 Thread Jeff Andros

On 7/19/07, Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, first time you mentioned Firefox, I thought you meant browser and/or
GUI stuff. But you focus on extensions/plugins :)

Sorry yep was thinking of the design philosophy rather than the
specifics.  If I look at my own install I have four of five extensions
(out of a few thousand) that I use and their cumulative impact is to
make Firefox far more useful *to me* than any other browser out there on
the market.
 Any place where you can hook in little snippets of code will do. I think
I'll play with a few modules I can see interact here (addressbook, agenda,
IM client (mostly its away settings); I'll mock them for starters) and how
to aggregate the decisions from those modules on what to do with an
incoming call/SMS/... I will use dbus, but that says nothing about the
actual format/info sent over that bus. I'll be off-line over the weekend,
but with some luck, I'll have a bit of code (i.e. showing format/info) to
show Sun or Mon.

Yep I think I'll see if I can grab some time over the weekend to put
together some words and diagrams explaining what I'm thinking about and
how it would fit in to the general 'phone framework.


ok, but here's the thing with having full plugin framework: what if two
plugins take mutually exclusive actions (I.E. one plugin has a whitelist, it
tries to answer the phone because it's the girlfriend, but the other plugin
attempts to send the call to voicemail because your gps says you're in a
movie theatre) who should win?  I think we need to take one step beyond
independent plugins:

When the  event is fired, it notifies all the plugins that the event has
each plugin checks what it thinks should happen, if it's an event that does
not require taking over the call, it performs it's action and exits with a
priority 0 (or 0... it's more unixy) if the plugin thinks it should have
control of the call, it returns with a positive value.
once all plugins have performed their checks (these should be FAST!!! DO NOT
CODE CRAZY ACTIONS HERE!!!) each plugin's score is weighted (whitelists are
modified *2... movie theatre is modified *1.5), weights being user
configurable, then whichever plugin has the highest total score gets control
of the call... it can then take whatever actions it needs to.

There should be a couple of callback functions for those crazy actions that
would take too long to run during the check ones I see are:
setCallBackAfterCall() -- fires a handler after the call has been finished (
I.E. after you hang up, or after the call is rejected).  This is where the
send text message would be processed, since we want to wait until the
network is available again
setCallBackAfterProcess() -- fires a handler after someone wins the
call... this is where you'd put things that aren't network dependent, and
can happen while the call is getting processed (I.E. while you're talking to

I'm kind of at a loss in how to create a really nice gui for this kind of
stuff... and events aren't limited to just incoming calls of course... but
yeah, it gives us a really nice way to handle calls


OpenMoko community mailing list

ASU Alumni 07
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OpenMoko community mailing list

Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Jim McDonald
[This may have been better to post to the development list but as people
are talking about it here I'll start here]

   A number of people have been talking about the cool things that they
would like their 'phone to do but after spending some time looking at
the information available so far I don't see anything that suggests the
current codebase will allow people the freedom that they need.  If I
take a simple example of an incoming call them some of the suggestions
that we have seen so far to handle it include different ring tones for
different people or groups of people, auto-handling of the call by
sending it to voicemail or letting it through, different responses
depending on the time of day, /etc.  /The point that I'm trying to make
is that there are a multitude of things that you /could/ do but each
person will have a limited number of things that they want the 'phone to
/actually/ do.  As such, building out all of these options in to a
single piece of code will not only be very hard to manage and maintain
but will severely limit the ability of people to scratch their itches
and develop code to make the 'phone do what they want it to.

   If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular approach
is required.  The most obvious example out there today is Firefox, which
comes in a relatively simple base configuration but provides any number
of hooks to allow people to write their own extensions on top of the
base code and as such to alter the functionality of the product very
extensively.  If we want this openmoko to be as free as possible then it
also needs to be as easy as possible for people to extend, and this is
the most likely way of doing it.

   I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to be
addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from the start
as to how this would work then it would go a long way to making the
final product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of, regardless of the
fact that those dreams are often divergent from others if not totally
exclusive.  So my questions are there plans to include these hooks, and
if not can it be considered?

   Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Daniel Robinson

I don't know how much of the at signaling is available at the data
terminal.  What is the signaling for sending caller ID to a cellular phone?
For example, on POTS, the digits are signaled with a Bell 103 modem between
the first and second ring.

Someone said something about having the ringback tone be a sound file that
is configurable according to caller.  I don't know if that is possible from
the phone.  The ring back tone is generated by switching equipment, not the


On 7/18/07, Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [This may have been better to post to the development list but as people
are talking about it here I'll start here]

   A number of people have been talking about the cool things that they
would like their 'phone to do but after spending some time looking at the
information available so far I don't see anything that suggests the current
codebase will allow people the freedom that they need.  If I take a simple
example of an incoming call them some of the suggestions that we have seen
so far to handle it include different ring tones for different people or
groups of people, auto-handling of the call by sending it to voicemail or
letting it through, different responses depending on the time of day, *etc.
*The point that I'm trying to make is that there are a multitude of things
that you *could* do but each person will have a limited number of things
that they want the 'phone to *actually* do.  As such, building out all of
these options in to a single piece of code will not only be very hard to
manage and maintain but will severely limit the ability of people to scratch
their itches and develop code to make the 'phone do what they want it to.

   If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular approach is
required.  The most obvious example out there today is Firefox, which comes
in a relatively simple base configuration but provides any number of hooks
to allow people to write their own extensions on top of the base code and as
such to alter the functionality of the product very extensively.  If we want
this openmoko to be as free as possible then it also needs to be as easy as
possible for people to extend, and this is the most likely way of doing it.

   I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to be
addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from the start as
to how this would work then it would go a long way to making the final
product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of, regardless of the fact that
those dreams are often divergent from others if not totally exclusive.  So
my questions are there plans to include these hooks, and if not can it be

   Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Jim McDonald
Daniel Robinson wrote:
 I don't know how much of the at signaling is available at the data
 terminal.  What is the signaling for sending caller ID to a cellular
 phone?  For example, on POTS, the digits are signaled with a Bell 103
 modem between the first and second ring. 

 Someone said something about having the ringback tone be a sound file
 that is configurable according to caller.  I don't know if that is
 possible from the phone.  The ring back tone is generated by switching
 equipment, not the terminal.
To clarify, I'm thinking not of getting in the way of the basics of
things like gsmd, which should handle the fact that there is an incoming
call and also pick up the caller ID if present, but what openmoko does
as a result of this information.  Given the fact that there is an
incoming call from number 555-123-4567 what should the 'phone do? 
Should it silently ignore the call, send it straight to voicemail
(either operator or on the 'phone itself), use a specific ringtone for
the user, even shut down entirely (some sort of if I ring my 'phone
from this number then nuke it option!).  The point is, there are lots
of possibilities and we don't want them all sitting inside gsmd, it
makes more sense for them to be external modules that can be chained
together in a clean fashion without requiring direct access to something
as sensitive as gsmd.  At least, that's my take on it.



 On 7/18/07, *Jim McDonald* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [This may have been better to post to the development list but as
 people are talking about it here I'll start here]

A number of people have been talking about the cool things that
 they would like their 'phone to do but after spending some time
 looking at the information available so far I don't see anything
 that suggests the current codebase will allow people the freedom
 that they need.  If I take a simple example of an incoming call
 them some of the suggestions that we have seen so far to handle it
 include different ring tones for different people or groups of
 people, auto-handling of the call by sending it to voicemail or
 letting it through, different responses depending on the time of
 day, /etc.  /The point that I'm trying to make is that there are a
 multitude of things that you /could/ do but each person will have
 a limited number of things that they want the 'phone to /actually/
 do.  As such, building out all of these options in to a single
 piece of code will not only be very hard to manage and maintain
 but will severely limit the ability of people to scratch their
 itches and develop code to make the 'phone do what they want it to.

If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular
 approach is required.  The most obvious example out there today is
 Firefox, which comes in a relatively simple base configuration but
 provides any number of hooks to allow people to write their own
 extensions on top of the base code and as such to alter the
 functionality of the product very extensively.  If we want this
 openmoko to be as free as possible then it also needs to be as
 easy as possible for people to extend, and this is the most likely
 way of doing it.

I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to
 be addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from
 the start as to how this would work then it would go a long way to
 making the final product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of,
 regardless of the fact that those dreams are often divergent from
 others if not totally exclusive.  So my questions are there plans
 to include these hooks, and if not can it be considered?

Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?


 OpenMoko community mailing list


 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Brad Pitcher

sure we couldn't do it directly like that.  But couldn't we fake it by have
the phone answer the call immediately after it detects it, playing the sound
file over the radio (instead of sending microphone input), and act like it's
still ringing?

On 7/18/07, Daniel Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't know how much of the at signaling is available at the data
terminal.  What is the signaling for sending caller ID to a cellular phone?
For example, on POTS, the digits are signaled with a Bell 103 modem between
the first and second ring.

Someone said something about having the ringback tone be a sound file that
is configurable according to caller.  I don't know if that is possible from
the phone.  The ring back tone is generated by switching equipment, not the


On 7/18/07, Jim McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [This may have been better to post to the development list but as
 people are talking about it here I'll start here]

A number of people have been talking about the cool things that they
 would like their 'phone to do but after spending some time looking at the
 information available so far I don't see anything that suggests the current
 codebase will allow people the freedom that they need.  If I take a simple
 example of an incoming call them some of the suggestions that we have seen
 so far to handle it include different ring tones for different people or
 groups of people, auto-handling of the call by sending it to voicemail or
 letting it through, different responses depending on the time of day, *etc.
 *The point that I'm trying to make is that there are a multitude of
 things that you *could* do but each person will have a limited number of
 things that they want the 'phone to *actually* do.  As such, building
 out all of these options in to a single piece of code will not only be very
 hard to manage and maintain but will severely limit the ability of people to
 scratch their itches and develop code to make the 'phone do what they want
 it to.

If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular approach
 is required.  The most obvious example out there today is Firefox, which
 comes in a relatively simple base configuration but provides any number of
 hooks to allow people to write their own extensions on top of the base code
 and as such to alter the functionality of the product very extensively.  If
 we want this openmoko to be as free as possible then it also needs to be as
 easy as possible for people to extend, and this is the most likely way of
 doing it.

I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to be
 addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from the start as
 to how this would work then it would go a long way to making the final
 product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of, regardless of the fact that
 those dreams are often divergent from others if not totally exclusive.  So
 my questions are there plans to include these hooks, and if not can it be

Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?


 OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Giles Jones

On 18 Jul 2007, at 23:03, Jim McDonald wrote:

   If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular  
approach is required.  The most obvious example out there today is  
Firefox, which comes in a relatively simple base configuration but  
provides any number of hooks to allow people to write their own  
extensions on top of the base code and as such to alter the  
functionality of the product very extensively.  If we want this  
openmoko to be as free as possible then it also needs to be as easy  
as possible for people to extend, and this is the most likely way  
of doing it.

   I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to  
be addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from  
the start as to how this would work then it would go a long way to  
making the final product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of,  
regardless of the fact that those dreams are often divergent from  
others if not totally exclusive.  So my questions are there plans  
to include these hooks, and if not can it be considered?

   Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?

You have to modularise and split the applications into interface and  
the engine code as much as possible. If clever enough you could even  
define the interface layout using definition files in XML or some  
other trendy file format :)

I know that the Home page on Windows Mobile Smartphone edition is  
just an XML file which can contain links to plugins.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Giles Jones

On 18 Jul 2007, at 23:21, Jim McDonald wrote:

To clarify, I'm thinking not of getting in the way of the basics of  
things like gsmd, which should handle the fact that there is an  
incoming call and also pick up the caller ID if present, but what  
openmoko does as a result of this information.  Given the fact that  
there is an incoming call from number 555-123-4567 what should the  
'phone do?  Should it silently ignore the call, send it straight to  
voicemail (either operator or on the 'phone itself), use a specific  
ringtone for the user, even shut down entirely (some sort of if I  
ring my 'phone from this number then nuke it option!).  The point  
is, there are lots of possibilities and we don't want them all  
sitting inside gsmd, it makes more sense for them to be external  
modules that can be chained together in a clean fashion without  
requiring direct access to something as sensitive as gsmd.  At  
least, that's my take on it.

If it's just notifications then you can have a notification daemon  
which any application can register it's events with. The preferences  
for this would allow something like Play Sound, Display Message,  
Flash backlight, Vibrate, Power off, Run script, Run command or do  

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
Giles Jones writes:

If it's just notifications then you can have a notification daemon  
which any application can register it's events with. The preferences  
for this would allow something like Play Sound, Display Message,  
Flash backlight, Vibrate, Power off, Run script, Run command or do  

Note that dbus is already a part of openmoko.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Kero van Gelder
If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular approach is 
 required.  The most obvious example out there today is Firefox, which 
 comes in a relatively simple base configuration but provides any number of 
 hooks to allow people to write their own extensions on top of the base 
 code and as such to alter the functionality of the product very 
 extensively.  If we want this openmoko to be as free as possible then it 
 also needs to be as easy as possible for people to extend, and this is the 
 most likely way of doing it.

I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to be 
 addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from the start 
 as to how this would work then it would go a long way to making the final 
 product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of, regardless of the fact 
 that those dreams are often divergent from others if not totally 
 exclusive.  So my questions are there plans to include these hooks, and if 
 not can it be considered?

Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?

 You have to modularise and split the applications into interface and the 
 engine code as much as possible. If clever enough you could even define the 
 interface layout using definition files in XML or some other trendy file 
 format :)

There's definitely two interfaces here. One that sets up the rules/filters
to let certain things happen (John gets this ringtone, Basil shall be ignored)
and one that lets those things actually happen. The last interface is dead 
compared to the first.

The engine consists of the rules. That engine is terribly complex. I need my
agenda, to see I have a meeting, so my phone will not accept calls. However,
it needs my phonebook, to see whether one of my colleagues calls me, who
*should* be in the meeting, I better take that call after all.

agenda and addressbook are available via dbus already. No point in implementing
another interface there.

Now, depending on circumstances, your Social Other, a parent or child who needs
to see a doctor, your bank/mortgage or person that arranges something big for
you may need to drag you out of your meeting. Some or most meetings. Probably
not all (discussing a raise with your boss, perhaps?)

1) How would you put that
   in an engine? Where does all the relevant info come from?
2) Then build aan interface to allow an end-user to create such rules.
3) And finally do something trivial with dbus,
   commandline (or even XML...) to play the appropriate ringtone. and show
   an Pickup/Cancel pair of buttons.

 I know that the Home page on Windows Mobile Smartphone edition is just an 
 XML file which can contain links to plugins.

That's the easy part, really...


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Giles Jones

On 18 Jul 2007, at 23:57, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:

Note that dbus is already a part of openmoko.

Ah, always thought DBUS was some sort of HAL. But on close inspection  
it's a bit like DCOP which is very powerful.

All that's needed is a nice interface to configure the actions then.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Doug Jones

Jim McDonald wrote:
[This may have been better to post to the development list but as people 
are talking about it here I'll start here]

   A number of people have been talking about the cool things that they 
would like their 'phone to do but after spending some time looking at 
the information available so far I don't see anything that suggests the 
current codebase will allow people the freedom that they need.  If I 
take a simple example of an incoming call them some of the suggestions 
that we have seen so far to handle it include different ring tones for 
different people or groups of people, auto-handling of the call by 
sending it to voicemail or letting it through, different responses 
depending on the time of day, /etc.  /The point that I'm trying to make 
is that there are a multitude of things that you /could/ do but each 
person will have a limited number of things that they want the 'phone to 
/actually/ do.  As such, building out all of these options in to a 
single piece of code will not only be very hard to manage and maintain 
but will severely limit the ability of people to scratch their itches 
and develop code to make the 'phone do what they want it to.

   If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular approach 
is required.  The most obvious example out there today is Firefox, which 
comes in a relatively simple base configuration but provides any number 
of hooks to allow people to write their own extensions on top of the 
base code and as such to alter the functionality of the product very 
extensively.  If we want this openmoko to be as free as possible then it 
also needs to be as easy as possible for people to extend, and this is 
the most likely way of doing it.

   I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to be 
addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from the start 
as to how this would work then it would go a long way to making the 
final product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of, regardless of the 
fact that those dreams are often divergent from others if not totally 
exclusive.  So my questions are there plans to include these hooks, and 
if not can it be considered?

   Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?


Take a look at EToys.

[whoa, that article doesn't even mention OLPC, gotta go edit that]

and look at these tiles:

Now, imagine a tile that looks like a Neo.  It represents the GSM 
transceiver and modem that lives inside the physical Neo.

It has a mike at the bottom and a little speaker at the top.  Those are 
the hooks  --  you connect them with little lines to the connectors on 
other tiles.  It has other hooks too, for the other signals that go in 
and out, like Caller ID and ring signals and such.

Of course you have a whole lot of tiles, for sound recorders and sound 
players and GPS receivers and WiFi and Bluetooth and everything else you 
can think of.  And all that math and program control stuff too.

You just program your Neo to do whatever you want it to do by hooking 
all these tiles together.

Now most people wouldn't have a clue how to do such a thing, including a 
lot of us old fogeys around here, but if the OLPC people get their way 
millions of children will be learning how to do exactly that Real Soon 
Now.  They will even have the same set of tiles on their little laptops.

And in a few years tens of millions of children will be doing it.  And 
then, maybe, hundreds of millions.

Pretty much anything they can do in their XOs can also be done in a Neo. 
 And anything they create will work in a Neo too, and it doesn't even 
have to be ported.  EToys runs on Squeak, and Squeak runs bit 
identically on so many different platforms that it makes my head hurt 
just thinking about it.

So we're gonna have a whole generation of kids who are absolute masters 
of their little personal Universal Communications Platforms.  Doesn't 
matter if it's an XO or a Neo or whatever, they all work the same, 
seamlessly.  And any task they set their minds to, as long as it fits 
within the constraints of memory and CPU time and battery life, they 
will accomplish.

Never been so scared in my entire life.

Now even if only a tiny fraction of all the wondrous stuff they invent 
is useful to the rest of us, that will be a whole lot of wondrous stuff. 
 And since it's all open source, you'll just go click on a web page on 
that little screen and there it's installed.

We'll have so many choices it's bound to get confusing for a while.  And 
then Darwinian things happen and the best solutions rise to the top. 
Nobody can predict what things will look like.

Predicting what things will look like is a popular sport around here, 
and important, but it's not really what OpenMoko is about right now. 
It's about making something that 

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Anton Afanasyev

I am not entirely sure if I'm thinking straight, but here's my take on
customizing functionality of the OpenMoko:
say, when a call comes in, the appropriate module detects that, gets
the caller ID if possible, maybe other info (such as the contact info
associated with it, if any), and then theres a few things that happen:
there could be a config file somewhere that defines a number of
'pre-processing' libraries for the call (or maybe jsut allow one such
library), which exports certain functions, such as IncomingCall([some
call info here]). Well, OpenMoko would call those functions, and the
library(ies) would output some result, such as RejectCall,
SendToVoiceMail, PlayAutomaticAnswer, etc.
Basically, what I am getting at is that instead of changing the whole
OS/kernel to support these functions, it would be possible to write a
simple library, and then those libraries would process calls, GPS
location changes, etc.

Of course, I'm not entirely sure if I'm right so please don't kill me
if I'm talking pants.

On 7/18/07, Doug Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim McDonald wrote:
 [This may have been better to post to the development list but as people
 are talking about it here I'll start here]

A number of people have been talking about the cool things that they
 would like their 'phone to do but after spending some time looking at
 the information available so far I don't see anything that suggests the
 current codebase will allow people the freedom that they need.  If I
 take a simple example of an incoming call them some of the suggestions
 that we have seen so far to handle it include different ring tones for
 different people or groups of people, auto-handling of the call by
 sending it to voicemail or letting it through, different responses
 depending on the time of day, /etc.  /The point that I'm trying to make
 is that there are a multitude of things that you /could/ do but each
 person will have a limited number of things that they want the 'phone to
 /actually/ do.  As such, building out all of these options in to a
 single piece of code will not only be very hard to manage and maintain
 but will severely limit the ability of people to scratch their itches
 and develop code to make the 'phone do what they want it to.

If the monolithic approach is out then some sort of modular approach
 is required.  The most obvious example out there today is Firefox, which
 comes in a relatively simple base configuration but provides any number
 of hooks to allow people to write their own extensions on top of the
 base code and as such to alter the functionality of the product very
 extensively.  If we want this openmoko to be as free as possible then it
 also needs to be as easy as possible for people to extend, and this is
 the most likely way of doing it.

I know that there are a lot of potential problems that need to be
 addressed when building this out but if there is a vision from the start
 as to how this would work then it would go a long way to making the
 final product the 'phone that we are all dreaming of, regardless of the
 fact that those dreams are often divergent from others if not totally
 exclusive.  So my questions are there plans to include these hooks, and
 if not can it be considered?

Or is there another way to do this other than hooks?


Take a look at EToys.

[whoa, that article doesn't even mention OLPC, gotta go edit that]

and look at these tiles:

Now, imagine a tile that looks like a Neo.  It represents the GSM
transceiver and modem that lives inside the physical Neo.

It has a mike at the bottom and a little speaker at the top.  Those are
the hooks  --  you connect them with little lines to the connectors on
other tiles.  It has other hooks too, for the other signals that go in
and out, like Caller ID and ring signals and such.

Of course you have a whole lot of tiles, for sound recorders and sound
players and GPS receivers and WiFi and Bluetooth and everything else you
can think of.  And all that math and program control stuff too.

You just program your Neo to do whatever you want it to do by hooking
all these tiles together.

Now most people wouldn't have a clue how to do such a thing, including a
lot of us old fogeys around here, but if the OLPC people get their way
millions of children will be learning how to do exactly that Real Soon
Now.  They will even have the same set of tiles on their little laptops.

And in a few years tens of millions of children will be doing it.  And
then, maybe, hundreds of millions.

Pretty much anything they can do in their XOs can also be done in a Neo.
  And anything they create will work in a Neo too, and it doesn't even
have to be ported.  EToys runs on Squeak, and Squeak runs bit
identically on so many different platforms that it makes my head hurt
just thinking about it.

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Jim McDonald

Anton Afanasyev wrote:

I am not entirely sure if I'm thinking straight, but here's my take on
customizing functionality of the OpenMoko:
say, when a call comes in, the appropriate module detects that, gets
the caller ID if possible, maybe other info (such as the contact info
associated with it, if any), and then theres a few things that happen:
there could be a config file somewhere that defines a number of
'pre-processing' libraries for the call (or maybe jsut allow one such
library), which exports certain functions, such as IncomingCall([some
call info here]). Well, OpenMoko would call those functions, and the
library(ies) would output some result, such as RejectCall,
SendToVoiceMail, PlayAutomaticAnswer, etc.
Basically, what I am getting at is that instead of changing the whole
OS/kernel to support these functions, it would be possible to write a
simple library, and then those libraries would process calls, GPS
location changes, etc.

Yep that's roughly what I'm talking about but we need the base code to 
be set up such that it will make those calls and pay attention to the 
results, which is the main thrust of my argument.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Hooks in Base Code

2007-07-18 Thread Jim McDonald

Doug Jones wrote:

Take a look at EToys.


That's certainly a style of GUI that could be applied to the hooks if 
required, although at current I'm more concerned about the ability for 
the hooks to exist than the specifics of how they would be configured.


OpenMoko community mailing list