Hallo everybody,

there finally is a release of QSuunto-Lite, a divelog viewing program for 
Suunto dive computers.

What has changed?
 * there is now real data in time/depth graph displayed [4a]
 * you can save settings
 * UI changes
 * Suunto Spdyder does work now as well

To download dives from your DC on your Freerunner, you can find instructions 
here: [1]
If you just want to have a look at some sample dive logs get the package 
divetools-ab-samples from here [2]

The installable package + necessary Qt packages built for SHR-unstable are here 
Source [3] and Screenshots [4]

For distribution maintainers, a bitbake recipe is also available [5]

Further information can be found on the wiki page [1] - I still want to support 
more (Suunto) dive computers, if someone can help me with logs...


[1] http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/QSuunto-Lite
[2] http://openmoko.senfdax.de/shr-new-unstable/
[3] http://git.senfdax.de/?p=qsuunto-lite;a=summary
[4] http://openmoko.senfdax.de/screenshots/
[4a] http://openmoko.senfdax.de/screenshots/qsuunto-lite3.png

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