Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-15 Thread Michael Sokolov
Martix  wrote:

> If you really have that sources, you can upload them on some public file 
> sharing website and post link here on mailing list.

I don't know of any public file sharing websites to which anyone can
upload anything.

> Of course, you are going to lose control over this files

What control?  What in the world makes you think that I desire some
kind of control over something that rightfully belongs in the public

> and broke some terms of service rules,


> For inspiration, there are links to leaked TI Calypso documentation 
> hosted on some leaks-friendly file sharing service: 

The PDF file links on that wiki page are to  Just
checked that site out: nice work.  I don't see an upload mechanism
anywhere, but then uploading a 500 MiB file over my 384 kbps
connection would be rather unbearable anyway.  But their main page
lists their snail mail address (in New York): that works for me, I'll
send them a copy of my archive which currently stands at 5 CDs, one of
which is that TSM30 source + development environment.  But of course
it will be up to them whether or not they are interested in adding my
contribution to their website archive.

> You don't really need to host files on your personal FTP server, if you 
> don't need to keep access logs for let's say statistics purposes, of course.

My current ancient ftpd (the one that's part of 4.3BSD-Quasijarus
running on VAX hardware - yes, VAX) has no capability for recording
access logs at all.  But it also lacks support for restarting
interrupted downloads, hence hosting really large files over a flaky
Internet connection is a non-starter.  When I finally get around to
setting up a new server on beefier hardware (I really need about 5 TiB
to host my archive comfortably), I'll use a newer ftpd under Linux,
one that support the REST command.  The newer ftpd will probably also
come with logging ability, but I'll be sure to disable it.

Speaking of that: which ftpd would you recommend?  I would like one in
which it is easy to completely disable all logging, and have high
confidence that it's really disabled, i.e., that it isn't writing any
logs anywhere, period.

But the bottom line is: I have *lots* of goodies (close to 1 TiB right
now, the 5 TiB figure above is allowing room for growth) which I believe
belong in the public domain and which I would like to share with the
whole world.  Hosting the stuff on an FTP server is the only way that
my old-fart brain can understand.  I am too handicapped to learn the
more "modern" ways of doing it like torrents and whatnot.  My only
options are FTP and sending out CD/DVD copies via snail mail.

I have already made my offer of a *FREE* CD-R copy of my archive,
including the TSM30 stuff.  Free as in no need to reimburse me for the
negligible cost of media and postage.  Just get the CD-R copy from me
and then distribute it further in whichever way you see fit.  But if
you are voluntarily declining the CD-R copy I am offering at zero
cost, how is that any of my fault?

Just for the record, I've been offering these free CD-R copies of my
archive since 2007.  I haven't been counting, but the number of copies
I've sent out so far is probably in the upper double digits.  I have
probably sent out 3 or 4 since the TSM30 CD has been added to the set.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-15 Thread Martix

Dne 15.11.2011 20:31, Michael Sokolov napsal(a):

Martix  wrote:

If you really have that sources, you can upload them on some public file
sharing website and post link here on mailing list.

I don't know of any public file sharing websites to which anyone can
upload anything.

For example Rapidshare or maybe Ubuntu One on your laptop...

Of course, you are going to lose control over this files

What control?  What in the world makes you think that I desire some
kind of control over something that rightfully belongs in the public

Ok, so let's upload it somewhere, if you belive in what you said.

and broke some terms of service rules,

That was related to file sharing services in general. They are being 
misused for sharing warez and other prohibited stuff for years, but 
theirs terms of service are just legal boilerplates.

For inspiration, there are links to leaked TI Calypso documentation
hosted on some leaks-friendly file sharing service:

The PDF file links on that wiki page are to  Just
checked that site out: nice work.  I don't see an upload mechanism
anywhere, but then uploading a 500 MiB file over my 384 kbps
connection would be rather unbearable anyway.  But their main page
lists their snail mail address (in New York): that works for me, I'll
send them a copy of my archive which currently stands at 5 CDs, one of
which is that TSM30 source + development environment.  But of course
it will be up to them whether or not they are interested in adding my
contribution to their website archive.
I think, should work well. 500 MiB transfer over 384 kbps 
link is only ~178 minutes, so almost 3 hours. That's much faster than 
snail mail...but you have right of choise.

I'm curious, what's on the other CDs?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-15 Thread Michael Sokolov
Martix  wrote:

> For example Rapidshare or maybe Ubuntu One on your laptop...

The Ubuntu laptop isn't mine, it belongs to my employer du jour.
Because it's too much like Weendoze, I refuse to personally own a
Ubuntu machine.  Learning how to use Ubuntu One isn't very appealing
to me.

> Ok, so let's upload it somewhere, if you belive in what you said.

Give me the hostname, username and password for an FTP server to which
I can upload it, and I'll promptly do so.  Needs to be FTP: I am too
old and mentally handicapped to learn more modern means.  I can only
do uploads with the plain old command line ftp client.

> That was related to file sharing services in general. They are being 
> misused for sharing warez and other prohibited stuff for years, but 
> theirs terms of service are just legal boilerplates.

That's why I operate my own FTP and other servers instead.  I and my
servers and services are in a TOS-free zone.

> I think, should work well.

As I've already promised, I'm going to send them a copy of my CD-R
set.  I'll do it as soon as I get back to my facility, which will be
some time later this week: right now I'm over 100 km away, working for
a paying client so I can feed my family.

But I still don't understand why you yourself aren't willing to
request a CD-R copy from me.  Why don't you just get the CD-R copy
from me (send me a snail mail addr off-list), and when it arrives in a
few days, upload it to whatever more-modern-than-FTP file sharing
service you like?  Waiting for some volunteer archivist at Cryptome to
look at my CDs, figure out what's there and add it to their site will
probably take longer, and that assumes that they are interested in
hosting such subject matter in the first place.

> 500 MiB transfer over 384 kbps 
> link is only ~178 minutes, so almost 3 hours. That's much faster than 
> snail mail...but you have right of choise.

I haven't found an upload mechanism on  A more direct
pointer maybe?  But see above about me needing FTP.

> I'm curious, what's on the other CDs?

CDs 1 through 3 are a snapshot of what's on my FTP server
ifctfvax.Harhan.ORG: you are welcome to look there for yourself and
see what's there.  CD 4 is some oversize stuff that would make my
ancient VAX FTP server croak: DEC VAX standards 032 and 057 (scanned
from dead-tree media, hence huge), the full Adobe Type Library, some
other stuff I don't remember off the top of my head.  CD 5 is the most
recent addition: TSM30 source code and Windows development environment.

I badly need to set up a new FTP server with bigger disks and a newer
ftpd that supports REST, so that I can put *everything* I have online.
But I can't stomach PC hardware, at least not in my machine room: I'm
OK with x86 laptops and *maybe* desktop workstations, but an x86
server is a no-no for me.  Fortunately I've got some UltraSPARCs
(donated by my previous employer du jour), they satisfy my non-x86
requirement and they can run Bobware, a port of Slackware to SPARC.
But I still need to figure out what I want to use for the main
storage subsystem.  Thinking of a standalone NAS box, or maybe a
storage array attached via FibreChannel.  The UltraSPARCs have PCI
slots, and I have a FibreChannel HBA, also donated by the same
employer du jour.  But I don't know how good the Linux support is.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-16 Thread Martix

Dne 16.11.2011 06:57, Michael Sokolov napsal(a):

Martix  wrote:

Ok, so let's upload it somewhere, if you belive in what you said.

Give me the hostname, username and password for an FTP server to which
I can upload it, and I'll promptly do so.  Needs to be FTP: I am too
old and mentally handicapped to learn more modern means.  I can only
do uploads with the plain old command line ftp client.

Sorry, I don't have any suitable FTP server.

I think, should work well.

As I've already promised, I'm going to send them a copy of my CD-R
set.  I'll do it as soon as I get back to my facility, which will be
some time later this week: right now I'm over 100 km away, working for
a paying client so I can feed my family.

But I still don't understand why you yourself aren't willing to
request a CD-R copy from me.  Why don't you just get the CD-R copy
from me (send me a snail mail addr off-list), and when it arrives in a
few days, upload it to whatever more-modern-than-FTP file sharing
service you like?  Waiting for some volunteer archivist at Cryptome to
look at my CDs, figure out what's there and add it to their site will
probably take longer, and that assumes that they are interested in
hosting such subject matter in the first place.
Ok, no need to hurry. Openmoko community waited for more than three 
years for full open access to whole GTA02 internals, we can wait another 

Now we have access to full documentation for TI Calypso and SMedia Glamo 
and GSM firmware is on the way. We have opportunity to study and fix it.
What remains closed are GPS, Wi-Fi and probably Bluetooth firmwares and 
low-level registry documentation.

Anyway thanks for your "archaeological" research and sharing the results 
with Openmoko community.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-16 Thread Stefan Monnier
> I badly need to set up a new FTP server with bigger disks and a newer
> ftpd that supports REST, so that I can put *everything* I have online.
> But I can't stomach PC hardware, at least not in my machine room: I'm
> OK with x86 laptops and *maybe* desktop workstations, but an x86
> server is a no-no for me.

I'm not sure what's your objection to x86 servers, but I use an Asus
WL700ge for a somewhat similar circumstance.  It's very low-power, but
is perfectly adequate for serving files over a DSL line.  It's got
a MIPS cpu, 64MB RAM, runs OpenWRT, and I put a 1TB drive in it (via
a small PATA->SATA bridge since the machine only has PATA but large
disks only come in SATA).


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-17 Thread Michael Sokolov
Martix  wrote:

> Ok, no need to hurry. Openmoko community waited for more than three 
> years for full open access to whole GTA02 internals, we can wait another 
> month.

The CD set destined for Cryptome, including the TSM30 CD, has been
written and will go out in the mail tomorrow (Friday): the post office
is already closed for the evening today.

> Now we have access to full documentation for TI Calypso and SMedia Glamo 

Ahh, so I assume you have found them under /pub/GSM on the
ifctfvax.Harhan.ORG FTP server. :-)

Note about the Calypso docs: while they are quite a bit more extensive
than the two famous PDFs linked to from Openmoko wiki pages (the
Leonardo board schematics really help one understand how the various
pieces of the TI chipset fit together, and Calypso is only one chip
out of that chipset), they still aren't 100% complete.  Here are the
missing parts I'm aware of:

* There exist several different versions of the Calypso DBB (digital
  baseband) chip.  I'm not sure if the docs I have are sufficient for
  navigating the differences between Calypso chip versions in various
  existing phones (see OsmocomBB).

* The analog baseband (ABB, codenamed Iota) also exists in several
  versions, all of which appear to be compatible with the Calypso DBB.
  The only one for which I've found documentation is the TWL3014, aka
  the original Iota.  (Iota's predecessor was apparently called
  Nausica, mentioned in passing in some Calypso docs.)  However, as
  one can see from the board photos in the Om wiki, the GTA02 phone
  features TWL3025 instead of TWL3014.  I don't know what the
  difference between these two chips is, and I don't know if the Iota
  codename applies only to TWL3014 or also to TWL3025.

* In addition to the DBB and the ABB, a working phone includes 3 RF

  - an active RF chip (RF xcvr) that's part of the TI chipset;
  - an RF PA (power amplifier), also active, but sourced from outside
of TI;
  - a passive RF chip (antenna switch and filters) that is also
sourced from outside of TI.

I have docs for the TRF6151C RF transceiver (Rita) and the M034F
passive RF front-end used on the quad-band Leonardo+ reference board.
But I don't know what RF components are used on the GTA02 (or GTA01
for that matter).  Reasoning from the fact that these phones aren't
quad-band, I figure that at least some of the RF components ought to
be different.  However, this photo from the Om wiki:

is not legible enough to make out what the RF components are.  (One
can see the TWL3025 ABB chip, and one can see *most* of the DBB chip
part number, but the suffix of the latter, possibly important, is
obscured by the metal shield structure.)  Yes, I realize that I can
take my GTA02 apart and look for myself, but the device is so delicate
and so expensive that I'm afraid of destroying the gem.

I hear that a number of GTA02s have been gutted to turn them into
GTA04s...  Perhaps someone can take one of those "discarded" GTA02
boards, remove all RF shields and snap some better photos?

I also have a hard time understanding why Openmoko Inc. didn't make
their phones quad-band GSM.  All components in the Calypso chipset,
including the classic Rita RF transceiver, support all 4 bands, and
the only extra thing one needs is a quad-band-capable passive RF
front-end chip.  Why couldn't they just use M034F like on the
Leonardo+ board or something equivalent?  We may never know...

> and GSM firmware is on the way. We have opportunity to study and fix it.

Another important clarification is in order here.  The GSM FW whose
source is in my possession, the one that's about to be sent to Cryptome
and which I'm equally eager to share with anyone else via either an
FTP upload or a CD-R by snail mail, is for the Vitelcom TSM30 phone,
*not* GTA02 or GTA01.  I don't have the GTA0x version, but some other
individuals right here on this mailing list do, and are *actively*
refusing to share - public shame on them!

(Note the emphasis on "*actively* refusing".  There is a world of
 difference between having a mental handicap that stands in the way of
 learning modern file sharing techniques, but actively working around
 that handicap by offering to share via other means, however old-
 fashioned or unconventional they may be (my case with the TSM30
 source), versus tacitly acknowledging possession of a ware which
 others desperately need, yet quite deliberately refusing to share on
 ideological grounds: the case of Paul Fertser and the Closedmoko
 firmware semi-source.)

Porting the TSM30 version of the code to run on GTA02, replacing the
original Closedmoko firmware, would probably be the shortest path
toward the holy grail of making the GTA02 a fully free and functional
phone, i.e., it would probably be a shorter path than transforming
OsmocomBB into an end-user-usable firmware.  However, even this
"shortest" path appears to be a very steep mountain climb:

* There i

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-17 Thread Paul Fertser (Michael Sokolov) writes:
> What I'm basically saying is that for as long as the recognized /
> trusted / respected leaders of this community are acting selfishly and
> refusing to share a piece of ware with brothers in need, I feel no
> incentive to contribute to this community.

First of all, i've never ever claimed i posses a copy.

Second, even if i did have access to it but refused to share, that
would mean i am bound by a promise and not by some stupid NDA. And you
can imagine i do not break promises given to a friend.

Third, i'm nowhere near being a recognised/respected leader of the
community, i'm just a by-stander. So please, even if you do consider
my behaviour offensive, you shouldn't extend your attitude to the
whole community. 

I'm a bit dissappointed by you continiously trying to present me like
a greedy stupid hamster, as in fact i'm not and i would share if i
fucking could. I've honestly tried to help you.

Be free, use free ( software!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-18 Thread Patryk Benderz
> I'm a bit dissappointed by you continiously trying to present me like
> a greedy stupid hamster, as in fact i'm not and i would share if i
> fucking could. I've honestly tried to help you.
Some don't want help... some can't be helped.
On the other hand, I wonder how many people here are skilled enough to
get some use out of this legendary documentation. I am not :)
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-18 Thread Christophe Drevet
2011/11/18 Michael Sokolov :
> any allegiance to any of those countries.  I am a citizen of the
> Republic of New Poseidia, ideological successor to the USSR, and no

Please pardon my ignorance but what is the Republic of New Poseidia ?
Is this an organisation, a virtual country or what ?
I couldn't find any clue on the internet using both google (which I
cannot totally trust in this matter) and duckduckgo search engine. I
just found your answer in a poll about UTC definition :


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-18 Thread Christophe Drevet
Woops. Sorry for the off-topic.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-18 Thread Michael Sokolov
The bubble mailer with the TSM30 CD among other things is now on its
way to Cryptome; the post office has told me to expect around 2-3 days

Hopefully the archivists at Cryptome will be interested in hosting
this stuff, as it would cut out the delay of waiting for me to get
around to setting up my new FTP server.

Patryk Benderz  wrote:

> On the other hand, I wonder how many people here are skilled enough to
> get some use out of this legendary documentation. I am not :)

I probably am, but it would surely help to have a community that
supports the effort instead of responding with sermons on legality or
with comments like the line above the part I've quoted.

I don't know whether or not it would be possible to put together what
I'm after (fully built-from-source and fully functional Calypso fw
image for GTA02) without the Moko semi-source bits that someone-other-
than-Paul-Fertser is greedily withholding, but I will give it a try,
using the TSM30 and OsmocomBB bits as I've outlined previously.

However, I have a few other projects ahead of it in my work queue, one
of which is the setup of that FTP server so that I can share everything
I've got without having to jump through massive silly hoops.

In the meantime, if anyone else would like a copy of the TSM30 source
without waiting for the Cryptome archivists to get to it, you can

1. Give me the hostname, username and password for an FTP server to
   which I can upload it, and I'll promptly do so;


2. Give me a snail mail address to which I can send a CD or a set of
   CDs, and I'll promptly send out a CD-R copy.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-22 Thread Michael Sokolov
Hello Openmoko community,

I am happy to announce that the archivists at have added
my contribution of the TSM30 source to their website collection:

The content inside is exactly the same as what I have, they have
merely repackaged it from ISO to 7z format to make it more compact.

The actual TSM30 firmware source (for both processors, i.e., both the
Calypso and the TSM30's unknown other processor) is fully contained in
the file inside the 7z.  The rest is the Windows
development environment with which one can actually recompile the
beastie.  Unfortunately the latter is *not* simply ARM gcc/binutils
under Cygwin, it appears to be some proprietary compiler toolchain
native to the Windows culture.  The build process is driven by DOS
*.bat files, which then invoke some Windows version of make.  The
makefiles for the latter (usually of the *.mak form, DOS/Win-style)
are mostly autogenerated from some IDE rather than human-written, and
can be quite difficult to human-parse in some places.

I haven't actually tested if that Windows dev env can fully recompile
the source into flashable fw images.  No Windows machines here, and no
time to mess with wine or virtual machines or whatever.  And even if
it does successfully rebuild an fw image for the TSM30, what are we
going to do with it?  We want something that can run on GTA02 hw, not
TSM30 hw, or at least I do...

Making that TSM30 code truly useful would practically require porting
it from TSM30 hw to some more reasonable Calypso phone platform, such
as GTA02 or one of those really basic Calypso phones that OsmocomBB
folks are hacking on, and converting the build process to the standard
free software way while at it.  However, that is much easier said than

Given that this TSM30 src has originally been leaked and publicly
posted back in 2004 (I assume that's well before Om) and has been on
various mirror sites for years before various FUD forces had reduced
it to a hard-to-find status, I assume that many people, including some
here, have had copies of it, had been familiar with it and had studied
the code extensively (out of sheer curiosity if nothing else) for
quite some time, much longer than I have.

Now that the booty is once again publicly available from a well-
publicized location that is resistant to non-court-order-backed
FUD-style takedown requests and we can discuss it in an open manner,
perhaps someone who has been looking at this code for far longer than
I have can post some comments regarding its overall architecture, some
knowledge that would be helpful to those who might want to attempt
porting it from TSM30 to GTA02?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-23 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2011-11-22, wto o godzinie 17:23 +, Michael Sokolov pisze:
> Hello Openmoko community,
> I am happy to announce that the archivists at have added
> my contribution of the TSM30 source to their website collection:
It didn't take someone's much time to make a torrent out of it:

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-23 Thread Ben Thompson

18.11.2011, 04:12, "Michael Sokolov" :
> Martix  wrote:
>>  Ok, no need to hurry. Openmoko community waited for more than three
>>  years for full open access to whole GTA02 internals, we can wait another
>>  month.
> The CD set destined for Cryptome, including the TSM30 CD, has been
> written and will go out in the mail tomorrow (Friday): the post office
> is already closed for the evening today.
>>  Now we have access to full documentation for TI Calypso and SMedia Glamo
> Ahh, so I assume you have found them under /pub/GSM on the
> ifctfvax.Harhan.ORG FTP server. :-)
> Note about the Calypso docs: while they are quite a bit more extensive
> than the two famous PDFs linked to from Openmoko wiki pages (the
> Leonardo board schematics really help one understand how the various
> pieces of the TI chipset fit together, and Calypso is only one chip
> out of that chipset), they still aren't 100% complete.  Here are the
> missing parts I'm aware of:
> * There exist several different versions of the Calypso DBB (digital
>   baseband) chip.  I'm not sure if the docs I have are sufficient for
>   navigating the differences between Calypso chip versions in various
>   existing phones (see OsmocomBB).
> * The analog baseband (ABB, codenamed Iota) also exists in several
>   versions, all of which appear to be compatible with the Calypso DBB.
>   The only one for which I've found documentation is the TWL3014, aka
>   the original Iota.  (Iota's predecessor was apparently called
>   Nausica, mentioned in passing in some Calypso docs.)  However, as
>   one can see from the board photos in the Om wiki, the GTA02 phone
>   features TWL3025 instead of TWL3014.  I don't know what the
>   difference between these two chips is, and I don't know if the Iota
>   codename applies only to TWL3014 or also to TWL3025.
> * In addition to the DBB and the ABB, a working phone includes 3 RF
>   chips:
>   - an active RF chip (RF xcvr) that's part of the TI chipset;
>   - an RF PA (power amplifier), also active, but sourced from outside
> of TI;
>   - a passive RF chip (antenna switch and filters) that is also
> sourced from outside of TI.
> I have docs for the TRF6151C RF transceiver (Rita) and the M034F
> passive RF front-end used on the quad-band Leonardo+ reference board.
> But I don't know what RF components are used on the GTA02 (or GTA01
> for that matter).  Reasoning from the fact that these phones aren't
> quad-band, I figure that at least some of the RF components ought to
> be different.  However, this photo from the Om wiki:
> is not legible enough to make out what the RF components are.  (One
> can see the TWL3025 ABB chip, and one can see *most* of the DBB chip
> part number, but the suffix of the latter, possibly important, is
> obscured by the metal shield structure.)  Yes, I realize that I can
> take my GTA02 apart and look for myself, but the device is so delicate
> and so expensive that I'm afraid of destroying the gem.
> I hear that a number of GTA02s have been gutted to turn them into
> GTA04s...  Perhaps someone can take one of those "discarded" GTA02
> boards, remove all RF shields and snap some better photos?

Here is my attempt :-

> I also have a hard time understanding why Openmoko Inc. didn't make
> their phones quad-band GSM.  All components in the Calypso chipset,
> including the classic Rita RF transceiver, support all 4 bands, and
> the only extra thing one needs is a quad-band-capable passive RF
> front-end chip.  Why couldn't they just use M034F like on the
> Leonardo+ board or something equivalent?  We may never know...
>>  and GSM firmware is on the way. We have opportunity to study and fix it.
> Another important clarification is in order here.  The GSM FW whose
> source is in my possession, the one that's about to be sent to Cryptome
> and which I'm equally eager to share with anyone else via either an
> FTP upload or a CD-R by snail mail, is for the Vitelcom TSM30 phone,
> *not* GTA02 or GTA01.  I don't have the GTA0x version, but some other
> individuals right here on this mailing list do, and are *actively*
> refusing to share - public shame on them!
> (Note the emphasis on "*actively* refusing".  There is a world of
>  difference between having a mental handicap that stands in the way of
>  learning modern file sharing techniques, but actively working around
>  that handicap by offering to share via other means, however old-
>  fashioned or unconventional they may be (my case with the TSM30
>  source), versus tacitly acknowledging possession of a ware which
>  others desperately need, yet quite deliberately refusing to share on
>  ideological grounds: the case of Paul Fertser and the Closedmoko
>  firmware semi-source.)
> Porting the TSM30 version of the code to run on GTA02, replacing the
> original Closedmoko firmware,

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-23 Thread Ben Thompson

>>  * What about learning the HW by physically examining it?  Well, I
>>    haven't found any place where one can actually buy a TSM30 phone
>>    either!  Unobtainium...  (I would love to be proven wrong on this
>>    one as well!)
> I don't speak Spanish so I am not sure if this page is actually a phone for 
> sale :-

Here is another, but again I am not sure exactly what this site is :-

It could be a really old advert but I don't know. Are there any Spanish people 
this list who could comment?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-23 Thread Michael Sokolov
Ben Thompson  wrote:

> Here is my attempt :-

This photo is pretty good - thanks!  From it we can tell that:

* The RF transceiver chip is TRF6151C, just like the one on the
  Leonardo board for which we have the docs.  It's a *quad-band* GSM
  RF transceiver chip, although it isn't obvious from the pinout: it
  has 3 differential-pair RF inputs, but one of them (the one called
  GSM in the datasheet) handles both 900 and 850 MHz Rx.  (1800 MHz Rx
  is on the DCS input pair and 1900 MHz Rx is on the PCS one.)  The RF
  outputs going to the PA are single-ended and combined: one for the
  low bands, one for the high bands.

* The RF PA (power amplifier) is the classic RF3166, once again the
  same as what one would find in a "vanilla" Calypso phone.  The
  Leonardo board schematics feature AWT6108, but also say: "Second
  source option is RF3133 from RF Micro Devices that can be used on
  same footprint".

* The shiny block component (corresponding to U401 in Om's "component
  placement" PDF doc) must be the antenna switch.  One can also see 3
  little components next to it, corresponding to U402 through U404.  I
  reason that these must be the SAW filters for the 3 bands supported
  by each GTA02 version.  It's too bad that Om-Inc chose not to use a
  part like M034F instead (an antenna switch version with the SAW
  filters built in), as that would have made it a quad-band phone: all
  other components are already quad-band-ready.

I wonder if the only difference between the 850/1800/1900 MHz and
900/1800/1900 MHz versions of the GTA02 is in that one SAW filter part
that sits between the low-band output pins of the antenna switch and
the low-band input pins of the TRF6151C.  (What makes me think so?
See how real quad-band phones based on the same Calypso chipset handle
it: Leonardo_plus_quadband_schem.pdf and the M034F.pdf in my PDF
Calypso doc collection.)

Makes me wonder if a GTA02 can be changed from one version to the
other by carefully replacing that one part and changing the Calypso FW
image accordingly...

Now we need to figure out what the RF block looks like in the TSM30:
that would tell us whether or not the RF chip control code is something
we would need to be concerned with when porting the TSM30 source to
the GTA02.  What we *really* need are TSM30 schematics.  Schematics
used to be included in phone service manuals, but I don't know how to
search for a service manual in Spanish...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-24 Thread Christ van Willegen
On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 23:58, Michael Sokolov  wrote:
> the GTA02.  What we *really* need are TSM30 schematics.  Schematics
> used to be included in phone service manuals, but I don't know how to
> search for a service manual in Spanish...

"Manuales Reparaciones vitel tsm 30" does not yield may hits, but may
be a stab in the right(ish) direction.

No, I'm not spanish :-)

Christ van Willegen
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-25 Thread Fernando Martins

On 11/23/2011 10:57 PM, Ben Thompson wrote:

I don't speak Spanish so I am not sure if this page is actually a phone for 
sale :-

For sale for 9€, posted on 9th, June
"with battery and charger
new, works perfectly
ideal for collectors
I reply only to emails"

Here is another, but again I am not sure exactly what this site is :-

It could be a really old advert but I don't know. Are there any Spanish people 
this list who could comment?

for sale for 15€, posted on 2nd, October
"phone ... with original charger. camera 3.1 mm"

Note that I'm not Spanish and I don't use those web sites so I can't 
tell if people there are reliable.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-28 Thread Ben Thompson
25.11.2011, 20:43, "Fernando Martins" :
> On 11/23/2011 10:57 PM, Ben Thompson wrote:
>>>  I don't speak Spanish so I am not sure if this page is actually a phone 
>>> for sale :-
> For sale for 9€, posted on 9th, June
> "with battery and charger
> new, works perfectly
> ideal for collectors
> I reply only to emails"
>>  Here is another, but again I am not sure exactly what this site is :-
>>  It could be a really old advert but I don't know. Are there any Spanish 
>> people on
>>  this list who could comment?
> for sale for 15€, posted on 2nd, October
> "phone ... with original charger. camera 3.1 mm"
> Note that I'm not Spanish and I don't use those web sites so I can't
> tell if people there are reliable.


Thanks for the translation. I sent a contact request to each of those sellers 
but nobody
replied. Later I found what I think is an auction site with lots more TSM30's 
for sale :-
However, the registration form on this site seems to need a Spanish passport 
so I cannot not register to bid. If someone on this list from Spain would buy a 
I would be happy to buy it from them (at a reasonable price), but I am 
struggling to buy
one myself.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sharing TSM30 source

2011-11-28 Thread Michael Sokolov
Ben Thompson  wrote:

> If someone on this list from Spain would buy a TSM30
> I would be happy to buy it from them (at a reasonable price),

Me too.

Alternatively, if someone else succeeds in obtaining a TSM30, please
share your resulting findings:

* exactly what chips are inside
* any other hw reverse engineering notes
* the results of any attempt to run an image rebuilt from the leaked


Openmoko community mailing list