Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-08 Thread Ole Tange

On 12/7/06, Christopher Heiny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What exactly is it that we want OpenMoko to be?

Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and
technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?

Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will
encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their
work back to the community?

I think it is possible to do both.

To take a recently discussed example: an FPGA is really super cool and
flexible and you can do just about anything with one.  But the downside is
that it is HARD to do that stuff.  Even if you, personally, find VHDL or
Verilog to be easy to work with and understand, the average engineer
working at someplace like Samsung or Nokia (or wherever) will not have the
same skills you do.

Sorry, I do not quite understand you there. It sounds as if you think
the _only_ way to program a FPGA is through VHDL or Verilog. One of
the things you can put on a FPGA is a generic microprocessor (e.g. a
PowerPC or SPARC). You can then program the processor as you normally
do. In fact I would expect this approach: Use some of the FPGA for a
generic microprocessor (e.g. handling the UI and phonebook) and only
use the rest of the FPGA for compute intensive operations (e.g.
software radio, video decoding).

Please check out General Purpose, Low Power Supercomputing Using Reconfiguration
It really opened my eyes to what might be possible.

Additionally, it takes time (lots of time) even for skilled engineers to
design, implement, and debug new features for FPGAs.

Agreed. But most of the user facing functionality would be in the
generic microprocessor.

Time to market is critical for most phone manufacturers, especially in 
countries such as
Korea where product lifetimes are often measured in months.

This argument is exactly why I think a FPGA is the right way to go: My
phone does not do WiFi, but I would find it tremendously useful if I
could install WiFi just by installing software. With FPGA you open the
possibility to upgrade the phone with functionality that would
otherwise require a new hardware.

Five of the critical enablers to this are:

- rock solid reliablity.  Anything in the phone should "just work", and
it must do it every time.

By stripping down the FPGA to just include GSM and a generic
microprocessor as default, I think that would be doable.

- easy to customize or extend.  Not just by VHDL aces and Perl wizards,
but by the average C/C++/Java programmer two years out of university.  His
boss is going to choose a platform that plays to his skills (or lack

I whole heartedly agree. With the generic microprocessor included on
the FPGA this can achieve both goals.

- support fast development.  That young coder in the previous bullet is
going to be under a LOT of time pressure.  His boss is going to choose the
platform that he feels will best help him meet schedule, and will see C++
and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.

That depends on what you are trying to develop. If you are trying to
develop video decoding or software radio you might limited by
processing power. This limit might be moved with FPGA. But again: I do
not see any reason why you need to make a choice between VHDL and Java
when you can have both.

I do not see FPGA as realistic for neither v1 nor v2. But for v3 it
just might be a possibility.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy? [scanned]

2006-12-07 Thread Richard Franks
On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 14:15 +0100, Markus Stehr wrote:

> Argh, why does it always have to be some obscure object orientated
> language?

C/C++/Java are obscure?

> I would rather like to see some procedual Basic, like FreeBasic or
> QBasic, on this little buddy.

I'd argue strongly against this. I have a lingering affection for Blitz
Basic on my windows box - I can prototype ideas and algorithms very
quickly and the integrated debugger is nicer than DDD or printf's. But
the lack of strong typing, even in compiled Basic, leads to quirky
unpredictable behaviours when scaled.

For deployment on a "i just want it to work, now" system such as a
mobile phone, a proliferation of basic/weak typed languages could be

I seem to recall, although maybe I just dreampt it, that the UI
interface is written in C, rather than C++. I'm pretty sure it was an
October entry from Harold Weltes blog, although I can't find it now:

(interesting info on the GSM implementation here too!)

> Benefits: More applications.
> Everyone and his dog can produce decent apps and games with Basic as the
> learning curve isnt so steep as with C++/Java.

I disagree with the 'decent apps and games with basic' line:
1) They still require hooks into the OS, but are completely dependent
upon those hooks for system interaction. If a hook doesn't exist for a
certain bit of functionality, then your basic program has no way to use
2) Even at 80% efficiency, that's still a waste of CPU/Battery life for
ZERO end-user benefit.

I agree that it'd be nice to present a safe development sandbox for
people who don't want to wade through reams of documentation but have
some coding experience. However, I think the way to do that should be
through simple, well-documented API's.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Richard Franks
On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 08:38 -0800, Christopher Heiny wrote:

> Part of my day job is to nudge (or sometimes thump) the fantasies of my own 
> team back into line with reality.  It looks like I let that leak over into 
> OpenMoko, too.  I'll have to be more careful about that in the future.

Not at all, I found your points very well considered and welcome.
Reality after all, is only a fantasy which has gained concensus - such
as project deadlines, or the validity of economic systems.

If there were separate areas for Neo1973 discussions, and Neo
discussions, then I'd subscribe to both, but as traffic on this list
isn't likely to grow substantially until release or another
announcement.. I'm happy to read ideas from both angles!


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Christopher Heiny
On Thursday 07 December 2006 05:08, bullet holes in a road sign were found 
to spell the following message:
> I think you are generally right, with some caveat.
> It's really a chicken/egg problem. Will the carriers come first, or
> the applications?
> It is possible that in 2007, linux based extensible phones will become
> the rage. We have greenphone, Access, and open moko. But if carriers
> feel that these platforms threaten their lock on the platform, they
> may not adopt. In that case it will require cheap phones and 3rd party
> software communities to make a killer app that drives carriers to
> adopt. If this is the case then this first version is really more a
> shiny geek toy that ultimately motivates some great applicaton(s) that
> then drive carrier adoption.

Well, yeah, you're right in that in certain ways OpenMoko >is< a shiny geek 
toy.  But I think what we want it to be is the shiny geek toy that makes as 
many people as possible say "Hey, we can build our next market dominating 
phone on that!" rather than "Hey, that would be great in my hobby workshop 
next to the Heathkit".

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread michael

On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Christopher Heiny wrote:

On Wednesday 06 December 2006 20:28, bullet holes in a road sign were found
to spell the following message:

Hi Christopher,

You are very right, of course. However, fantasies have their place in
product design. They inspire ideas. Out of 100 (or 1000) of our
completely wild fantasy ideas, one of them might turn out to be really
useful and practical.

Thanks for the reality check Michael.  You're very right that the fantasy
process has its place in product design - in fact, it's very very

Part of my day job is to nudge (or sometimes thump) the fantasies of my own
team back into line with reality.  It looks like I let that leak over into
OpenMoko, too.  I'll have to be more careful about that in the future.

Well, don't let me squelch you, either. Fantasy ideas are easy to come up
with. Knowing how to nudge them back to reality - now that's a rare skill.

There is room, and need, for us all.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Christopher Heiny
On Thursday 07 December 2006 05:15, Markus Stehr scribbled in crayon on the 
back of a kid's menu:
> Hi!
> Christopher Heiny:
> >and will see C++ and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.
> Argh, why does it always have to be some obscure object orientated
> language?
> I would rather like to see some procedual Basic, like FreeBasic or
> QBasic, on this little buddy.

Then you're making a shiny geek toy.  Very few coders fresh out of college 
know any dialect of Basic - most of them are going to know C++ and/or Java, 
and that's about the only one(s) they'll be capable of coding well in.  
Management is notoriously aadverse to people spending time on training or 
learning, especially when on very tight schedules.

I'm not arguing that one language or another is better for developing 
applications or running an embedded system.  What I'm trying to point out 
is that management is going to play to the lowest common denominator in the 
engineering staff.  Requiring all (or most) of your people to learn a new 
language in order to use OpenMoko is going to be a major inhibitor to 
adoption of OpenMoko, regardless of the superiority of that language.

That said, there's nothing standing in the way of porting as many Basic 
dialects to the platform as your heart desires.  As I think someone pointed 
out in another thread last month, you can do that with Python.  But all the 
good stuff you point out below isn't going to matter to the pointy haired 

> Benefits: More applications.
> Everyone and his dog can produce decent apps and games with Basic as the
> learning curve isnt so steep as with C++/Java.
> And that a Basic compiler can produce fast code we see on FreeBasic.
> Version 0.17 and it produces codes that is ~80% as fast as the same
> programm coded in GCC-C and you can do the same stuff you can do in
> GCC-C but with a language everyone understands, plain English.
> Maybe someone with some knowledge in the Gnu Compiler Collection could
> help Andre Victor, the author of FB, converting the standalone compiler
> (BASIC -> x86 ASM -> Opcodes) to a GCC frontend (BASIC -> "GCC Pseudo
> Asm" -> Opcodes). Its on the todo list but first Andre wants optional(!)
> OO support. Its there but needs some extensive testing ;)
> If FB gets frontended then we would have our Basic *g*
> Greetings,
> Markus Stehr
> ___
> OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Christopher Heiny
On Wednesday 06 December 2006 20:28, bullet holes in a road sign were found 
to spell the following message:
> Hi Christopher,
> You are very right, of course. However, fantasies have their place in
> product design. They inspire ideas. Out of 100 (or 1000) of our
> completely wild fantasy ideas, one of them might turn out to be really
> useful and practical.

Thanks for the reality check Michael.  You're very right that the fantasy 
process has its place in product design - in fact, it's very very 

Part of my day job is to nudge (or sometimes thump) the fantasies of my own 
team back into line with reality.  It looks like I let that leak over into 
OpenMoko, too.  I'll have to be more careful about that in the future.

> I love exploring the FPGA idea. I think it's creative, different, and
> inspires further creativity. But I completely agree with you that a
> developer-reprogrammable FPGA in this device is completely impractical.
> When we have a wiki, we will have a section for fantasy wishes. We will
> play there to our hearts content without thinking of practical aspects.
> And, once in awhile, an idea from the fantasy pages may be transferred to
> the list of features to be implemented.
> Until we have the wiki, I believe that Sean and the others are able to
> sort our ideas into the proper categories.


> I do appreciate your clear, well-thought out and well-written comments.
> Perhaps they, or something similar, should be preserved on the wiki to
> help put discussions in the proper category.
> Sincerely,
> Michael

OpenMoko community mailing list

no :) Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Sean!

On Thu, 07 Dec 2006, Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:

> On 12/7/06 12:00 PM, "Christopher Heiny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and
> > technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?
> > 
> > Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will
> > encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their
> > work back to the community?
> The latter please ;-)

I don't see a big dualism, big contradiction in the two statements.
The hacks of the nerds could be good backends for smart solution.
E.g. to make things faster, more efficient and reduce the needed bandwidth
as much as possible.

The frontent/GUI usability concepts is a different point, I beleave that
all of use want that thier ideas and hacks are useable and will be used
from as much as possible people - so usability is a second important

Development is like walking into circles - it is not so important
where to start, but it is importanted to change the perspective as
much as possible - e.g. see the backend hacks from the prespective
of end users regulary (from time to time) and then go back to make
the backends more usable/powerfull.
Also drawing (new) concepts for the user IO (GUI) would be helpfull,
but IMHO isn't it needed that the GUI is realy programmed as first
stepp - just some short text or quick drawings should be good enough.

Second, adding SPI contacts to the circuit board or adding
on FPGA to the Neo1973 isn't just a "geek toy". Since > 7 years
there is a growing market for GSM-terminals, used into

-maut systems
-maschines for remote access
-wether stations
-traffic systems

GSM + mobil computer isn't only belong to handheld mobil phones.
These GSM-terminals are expensive, because they are sold for the
expensive industrial embedded system marked.

A dual use product - same device - maybe other case or selfmade
modification would encrease the market potential of the Neo1973
dramaticaly. Together with AGPS the Neo1973 and open Linux
will break into this embedded system market and will open new
markets. THIS is also important for FIC and for their stock holder.

It would be a big foult to think one about another multimedia
smartphone. Thinking in a way

smartphone = mobil PC + GSM/GPRS + AGPS

is absolutly *not* the idea of a shiny geek toy that I like to play
with - I think about a revolution of mobil PC power with a high
industrial, commercial power. The Neo will be much more than a phone
- giving them more IO capacy (SPI) or even more better a special
  eddition with on FPGA will be moblilPC-revolution² (power of two).

It will also give all OpenMoko developer much much more economic
perspective when the Neo1973 is not only a dumb smartphones like
the others on the market. 

AGPS + 480x640 + Gnu/Linux will make the Neo1973 very interesting
for navigation devices (AFAIK is there no AGPS pocket navigation 
system on the market, yet).
Just one SPI connection to one FPG - or better one FPG with SPI
(or better connection) between SoC and SD could be used to
shortend the time for routing calculation dramaticaly: 

So this FPGA could be placed into design now, without having the
FPGA programming to use it. OpenMoko hacker would find a solution
and the Neo1973 would beat every pocket navigation system -
and this enhancement would be flashable for all Neo1973 users:
- good press feedback to sell more Neo1973
- good press feedback for the FIC stock quotation 

So don't think in category of "toy" - even when playing with ideas
is the spring of new ideas.


PS: And remember the power of opencores
 And it seems that here are some free cores:   

   10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet   
USB 2.0 

With the FPG between SoC and USB jack, the usb port
could become to be Ethernet 

When the neo1973 would have two audio connectors
- audio in/audio out
- audio out/composit video out
or even maybe
- audio in/composit video in

All with the same connectors, the solutions could be done
by some hackers and be become official part of OpenMoko some day.
But the "culture medium" the basic for all such development
would be a hardware which would makes hardware/FPGA developm

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Bohme

Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:

On 12/7/06 12:00 PM, "Christopher Heiny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and
technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?

Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will
encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their
work back to the community?

The latter please ;-)

Absolutely.  The last thing I want is another neat but essentially 
dead-end device..  (AgendaVR3, anyone..?)

I'm really stoked about the specs I've read thus far - enough to work 
with, enough to be modern/marketable, but not overloaded to the point of 
killing the price and attractiveness of the device.


OpenMoko community mailing list

yeah flame war about program languages to use a FPGA that isn't in v1 :) Re: Shiny geek toy? [scanned]

2006-12-07 Thread Robert Michel
Salve Markus!

Markus Stehr schrieb am Donnerstag, den 07. Dezember 2006 um 14:15h:
> Christopher Heiny:
> >and will see C++ and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.
> Argh, why does it always have to be some obscure object orientated
> language?

This thread belongs to FPGA ;) And there is no roadmap when the first
OpenMoko phone would have a FPGA inside - so isn't it a little too
early to start a flame ware about languages to use with a FPGA now?

> I would rather like to see some procedual Basic, like FreeBasic or
> QBasic, on this little buddy.

Oh, I would prefer Python or maybe ruby and when we want to do 
parallel computing on a FPGA, Erlang would worth a look *G*.
In erlang is also written the good jabber server ejabberd. :) 

Just for fun - back to the roots of telephonie server:
"erlang - the movie"

> Benefits: More applications.
> Everyone and his dog can produce decent apps and games with Basic as the
> learning curve isnt so steep as with C++/Java.

When everyone and his dog should be able to produce a app,
squeak would be a tool for them, but again, this thread
is about FPGA.

BTW programming languages:
But does e.g. debian care which language is used?
NO. So I don't see the need to start a language flameware now
- and the OpenMoko SDK will answer which languages we will use
to start with :)

And remember everybody will be free to install the language that he 
IMHO there is no reason why to discuss which language is the best
- different tasks gives reason to deside from case to case which
language to choose.


Markus, one wish:
Could you please use your MUA (email client) in a way
that it use References in the email header in a proper way?
With out that your mails could not be sorted into the thread.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Sean Moss-Pultz

> Until we have the wiki, I believe that Sean and the others are able to sort
> our ideas into the proper categories.

Definitely. We've got some _really_ long lists!


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Sean Moss-Pultz
On 12/7/06 12:00 PM, "Christopher Heiny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and
> technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?
> Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will
> encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their
> work back to the community?

The latter please ;-)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Ole Tange

On 12/7/06, Christopher Heiny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What exactly is it that we want OpenMoko to be?

Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and
technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?

Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will
encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their
work back to the community?

I think it is possible to do both.

To take a recently discussed example: an FPGA is really super cool and
flexible and you can do just about anything with one.  But the downside is
that it is HARD to do that stuff.  Even if you, personally, find VHDL or
Verilog to be easy to work with and understand, the average engineer
working at someplace like Samsung or Nokia (or wherever) will not have the
same skills you do.

Sorry, I do not quite understand you there. It sounds as if you think
the _only_ way to program a FPGA is through VHDL or Verilog. One of
the things you can put on a FPGA is a generic microprocessor (e.g. a
PowerPC or SPARC). You can then program the processor as you normally
do. In fact I would expect this approach: Use some of the FPGA for a
generic microprocessor (e.g. handling the UI and phonebook) and only
use the rest of the FPGA for compute intensive operations (e.g.
software radio, video decoding).

Please check out General Purpose, Low Power Supercomputing Using Reconfiguration
It really opened my eyes to what might be possible.

Additionally, it takes time (lots of time) even for skilled engineers to
design, implement, and debug new features for FPGAs.

Agreed. But most of the user facing functionality would be in the
generic microprocessor.

Time to market is critical for most phone manufacturers, especially in 
countries such as
Korea where product lifetimes are often measured in months.

This argument is exactly why I think a FPGA is the right way to go: My
phone does not do WiFi, but I would find it tremendously useful if I
could install WiFi just by installing software. With FPGA you open the
possibility to upgrade the phone with functionality that would
otherwise require a new hardware.

Five of the critical enablers to this are:

- rock solid reliablity.  Anything in the phone should "just work", and
it must do it every time.

By stripping down the FPGA to just include GSM and a generic
microprocessor as default, I think that would be doable.

- easy to customize or extend.  Not just by VHDL aces and Perl wizards,
but by the average C/C++/Java programmer two years out of university.  His
boss is going to choose a platform that plays to his skills (or lack

I whole heartily agree. With the generic microprocessor included on
the FPGA this can achieve both goals.

- support fast development.  That young coder in the previous bullet is
going to be under a LOT of time pressure.  His boss is going to choose the
platform that he feels will best help him meet schedule, and will see C++
and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.

That depends on what you are trying to develop. If you are trying to
develop video decoding or software radio you might limited by
processing power. This limit might be moved with FPGA. But again: I do
not see any reason why you need to make a choice between VHDL and Java
when you can have both.

I do not see FPGA as realistic for neither v1 nor v2. But for v3 it
just might be a possibility.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1

Tomasz Zielinski schreef:
>> Until we have the wiki, I believe that Sean and the others are able to
>> sort
>> our ideas into the proper categories.
> I can set up temporary (or not temporary, but independent community)
> MediaWiki for OpenMoko. Should I?

Sean already vetoed that in an earlier mail to this list.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy? [scanned]

2006-12-07 Thread Markus Stehr

Christopher Heiny:
>and will see C++ and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.

Argh, why does it always have to be some obscure object orientated
I would rather like to see some procedual Basic, like FreeBasic or
QBasic, on this little buddy.

Benefits: More applications.
Everyone and his dog can produce decent apps and games with Basic as the
learning curve isnt so steep as with C++/Java.
And that a Basic compiler can produce fast code we see on FreeBasic.
Version 0.17 and it produces codes that is ~80% as fast as the same
programm coded in GCC-C and you can do the same stuff you can do in
GCC-C but with a language everyone understands, plain English.
Maybe someone with some knowledge in the Gnu Compiler Collection could
help Andre Victor, the author of FB, converting the standalone compiler
(BASIC -> x86 ASM -> Opcodes) to a GCC frontend (BASIC -> "GCC Pseudo
Asm" -> Opcodes). Its on the todo list but first Andre wants optional(!)
OO support. Its there but needs some extensive testing ;)
If FB gets frontended then we would have our Basic *g*

Markus Stehr

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread hank williams

I think you are generally right, with some caveat.

It's really a chicken/egg problem. Will the carriers come first, or
the applications?

It is possible that in 2007, linux based extensible phones will become
the rage. We have greenphone, Access, and open moko. But if carriers
feel that these platforms threaten their lock on the platform, they
may not adopt. In that case it will require cheap phones and 3rd party
software communities to make a killer app that drives carriers to
adopt. If this is the case then this first version is really more a
shiny geek toy that ultimately motivates some great applicaton(s) that
then drive carrier adoption.


On 12/6/06, Christopher Heiny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What exactly is it that we want OpenMoko to be?

Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and
technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?

Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will
encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their
work back to the community?

To take a recently discussed example: an FPGA is really super cool and
flexible and you can do just about anything with one.  But the downside is
that it is HARD to do that stuff.  Even if you, personally, find VHDL or
Verilog to be easy to work with and understand, the average engineer
working at someplace like Samsung or Nokia (or wherever) will not have the
same skills you do.

Additionally, it takes time (lots of time) even for skilled engineers to
design, implement, and debug new features for FPGAs.  Time to market is
critical for most phone manufacturers, especially in countries such as
Korea where product lifetimes are often measured in months.

Yeah, we can trowel on all kinds of creamy technological goodness.  Myself,
I want a dozen A-to-D channels so that I can use the phone for data
collection and analysis in my race car.  Honest - that would absolutely
rule!  But it's not what the customer on the street wants, and it's not
what the manufacturer trying to sell to that customer wants.

To be a success, in the same way that OpenSource projects like OpenOffice,
Apache, Firefox, and others are successes, OpenMoko will have to provide a
compelling reason for phone manufacturers to choose it over closed source
options such as WinCE, Rexx, and others.  Five of the critical enablers to
this are:

- rock solid reliablity.  Anything in the phone should "just work", and
it must do it every time.

- complete functionality.  There should never, ever, be a greyed out
button in the GUI.  Sure OpenMoko might support four different kinds of
software radio, but if the manufacturer has to do their own I18N to pick up
OpenMoko, they'll choose WinCE instead.

- desirable functionality.  Does the functionality provided by OpenMoko
appeal to the typical human-on-the-street purchaser of this class of phone?
Phone manufacturers are going to choose platforms that will help them sell
the most phones, even for halo products.

- easy to customize or extend.  Not just by VHDL aces and Perl wizards,
but by the average C/C++/Java programmer two years out of university.  His
boss is going to choose a platform that plays to his skills (or lack

- support fast development.  That young coder in the previous bullet is
going to be under a LOT of time pressure.  His boss is going to choose the
platform that he feels will best help him meet schedule, and will see C++
and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.

Shiny geek toys are cool, and I love them.  But if we want to rule the
world, they don't help that happen.  Once we've achieved world domination,
we can add all the sparkly bits to OpenMoko we want.  Heck, people will
probably be doing it for us.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-07 Thread Tomasz Zielinski


Until we have the wiki, I believe that Sean and the others are able to sort
our ideas into the proper categories.

I can set up temporary (or not temporary, but independent community)
MediaWiki for OpenMoko. Should I?

I don't want to disturb OpenMoko developers with starting site
competitive to

Tomek Z.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-06 Thread michael

Hi Christopher,

You are very right, of course. However, fantasies have their place in product
design. They inspire ideas. Out of 100 (or 1000) of our completely wild
fantasy ideas, one of them might turn out to be really useful and practical.

I love exploring the FPGA idea. I think it's creative, different, and inspires
further creativity. But I completely agree with you that a
developer-reprogrammable FPGA in this device is completely impractical.

When we have a wiki, we will have a section for fantasy wishes. We will play
there to our hearts content without thinking of practical aspects. And, once
in awhile, an idea from the fantasy pages may be transferred to the list of
features to be implemented.

Until we have the wiki, I believe that Sean and the others are able to sort
our ideas into the proper categories.

I do appreciate your clear, well-thought out and well-written comments.
Perhaps they, or something similar, should be preserved on the wiki to help
put discussions in the proper category.


On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Christopher Heiny wrote:

What exactly is it that we want OpenMoko to be?

Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and
technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?

Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will
encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their
work back to the community?

To take a recently discussed example: an FPGA is really super cool and
flexible and you can do just about anything with one.  But the downside is
that it is HARD to do that stuff.  Even if you, personally, find VHDL or
Verilog to be easy to work with and understand, the average engineer
working at someplace like Samsung or Nokia (or wherever) will not have the
same skills you do.

Additionally, it takes time (lots of time) even for skilled engineers to
design, implement, and debug new features for FPGAs.  Time to market is
critical for most phone manufacturers, especially in countries such as
Korea where product lifetimes are often measured in months.

Yeah, we can trowel on all kinds of creamy technological goodness.  Myself,
I want a dozen A-to-D channels so that I can use the phone for data
collection and analysis in my race car.  Honest - that would absolutely
rule!  But it's not what the customer on the street wants, and it's not
what the manufacturer trying to sell to that customer wants.

To be a success, in the same way that OpenSource projects like OpenOffice,
Apache, Firefox, and others are successes, OpenMoko will have to provide a
compelling reason for phone manufacturers to choose it over closed source
options such as WinCE, Rexx, and others.  Five of the critical enablers to
this are:

   - rock solid reliablity.  Anything in the phone should "just work", and
it must do it every time.

   - complete functionality.  There should never, ever, be a greyed out
button in the GUI.  Sure OpenMoko might support four different kinds of
software radio, but if the manufacturer has to do their own I18N to pick up
OpenMoko, they'll choose WinCE instead.

   - desirable functionality.  Does the functionality provided by OpenMoko
appeal to the typical human-on-the-street purchaser of this class of phone?
Phone manufacturers are going to choose platforms that will help them sell
the most phones, even for halo products.

   - easy to customize or extend.  Not just by VHDL aces and Perl wizards,
but by the average C/C++/Java programmer two years out of university.  His
boss is going to choose a platform that plays to his skills (or lack

   - support fast development.  That young coder in the previous bullet is
going to be under a LOT of time pressure.  His boss is going to choose the
platform that he feels will best help him meet schedule, and will see C++
and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.

Shiny geek toys are cool, and I love them.  But if we want to rule the
world, they don't help that happen.  Once we've achieved world domination,
we can add all the sparkly bits to OpenMoko we want.  Heck, people will
probably be doing it for us.


OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Shiny geek toy?

2006-12-06 Thread Christopher Heiny
What exactly is it that we want OpenMoko to be?

Do we really want a shiny geek toy?  Something that is super cool and 
technologically advanced, but only nerds will want to hack on?

Or should we be working toward a solid OpenSource platform that will 
encourage other phone manufacturers to build on it and in turn give their 
work back to the community?

To take a recently discussed example: an FPGA is really super cool and 
flexible and you can do just about anything with one.  But the downside is 
that it is HARD to do that stuff.  Even if you, personally, find VHDL or 
Verilog to be easy to work with and understand, the average engineer 
working at someplace like Samsung or Nokia (or wherever) will not have the 
same skills you do.

Additionally, it takes time (lots of time) even for skilled engineers to 
design, implement, and debug new features for FPGAs.  Time to market is 
critical for most phone manufacturers, especially in countries such as 
Korea where product lifetimes are often measured in months.

Yeah, we can trowel on all kinds of creamy technological goodness.  Myself, 
I want a dozen A-to-D channels so that I can use the phone for data 
collection and analysis in my race car.  Honest - that would absolutely 
rule!  But it's not what the customer on the street wants, and it's not 
what the manufacturer trying to sell to that customer wants.

To be a success, in the same way that OpenSource projects like OpenOffice, 
Apache, Firefox, and others are successes, OpenMoko will have to provide a 
compelling reason for phone manufacturers to choose it over closed source 
options such as WinCE, Rexx, and others.  Five of the critical enablers to 
this are:

- rock solid reliablity.  Anything in the phone should "just work", and 
it must do it every time.

- complete functionality.  There should never, ever, be a greyed out 
button in the GUI.  Sure OpenMoko might support four different kinds of 
software radio, but if the manufacturer has to do their own I18N to pick up 
OpenMoko, they'll choose WinCE instead.

- desirable functionality.  Does the functionality provided by OpenMoko 
appeal to the typical human-on-the-street purchaser of this class of phone?  
Phone manufacturers are going to choose platforms that will help them sell 
the most phones, even for halo products.

- easy to customize or extend.  Not just by VHDL aces and Perl wizards, 
but by the average C/C++/Java programmer two years out of university.  His 
boss is going to choose a platform that plays to his skills (or lack 

- support fast development.  That young coder in the previous bullet is 
going to be under a LOT of time pressure.  His boss is going to choose the 
platform that he feels will best help him meet schedule, and will see C++ 
and Java as enablers, VHDL and Perl as barriers.

Shiny geek toys are cool, and I love them.  But if we want to rule the 
world, they don't help that happen.  Once we've achieved world domination, 
we can add all the sparkly bits to OpenMoko we want.  Heck, people will 
probably be doing it for us.


OpenMoko community mailing list