Pretty sure this list isn't the right place for this but...

There's a bug on bugzilla (#747) which I've also encountered and fixed.

First, I think this may be a bug in upstream qmake 4.3.1 as I've been 
developing a lot with Qtopia outside OpenMoko. Every time I run qmake -project 
I have to manually add network to the QT variable in the project file, even for 
hello world.

Second, I also needed to modify the Makefile qmake produced and edit the "LINK= 
$(OE_QMAKE_LINK)" to LINK=$(CXX). This is because OE_QMAKE_LINK isn't defined. 
Looking through the OpenEmbedded tree there is a class called qmake.bbclass (& 
qmake2.bbclass) which defines OE_QMAKE_LINK. I don't know OpenEmbedded too well 
but I do know portage/gentoo and I assume a bbclass is like an eclass in 
portage?? If that's the case, surely the uicmoc4-native_4.3.1 recipe needs to 
inherit from the qmake or qmake2 class? I guess this may have been fixed in 
upstream OpenEmbedded? Like I say, my OpenEmbedded knowledge is a bit limited, 
so what I just wrote may make no sense whatsoever. :-)



PS: In future, where's the best place for this kind of stuff? Should I have 
created a new bug?

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