Re: DECT Re: fm/lw/mw radio receiver but also fm radio transmitter and PRM/LPD/CB transeiver - and PacketRadio.... ; )

2006-12-01 Thread Robert Michel

Robert Michel schrieb am Freitag, den 01. Dezember 2006 um 13:05h:

> Think about travelling with more than one Car

When the Neo1973 would have an accelerometer and is in the first car 
fix mounted - it could warn the other friends behind you when
you suddenly do hard deceleration... with audio
"quisch" - so that when they be warned even before thy can
see brake lights of the cars/trucks bevore them.

> So to do not transmitt your music via DECT or PRM,
And exchanging localisation informations of you and the others,
showing in a map where the other are would be interesting free
of traiff cost as well.

So the first in the group could see that someone was stoppt by
a red light an can say "ok - we will wait..."
(just a sinificant slowing down could be transmitted to the others..)

Sharing AGPS informations - I thought about bluetooth, but PacketRadio
via PRM or data transmission via DECT would be fine, too, for shareing
the assisted data for AGPS. Only one will have the costs.
Maybe on this weekend I will experiment with the streaming GPS data
and hope to write something about this till Monday.

No I will take a 4h trip (bus, train, train, bus) and will feel missing 
the information where I'm and a program that inform me if I travel in time
and how long it will be untill the next change - a map that shows me
where I'm and maybe some GIS wich interesting location I pass.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: DECT Re: fm/lw/mw radio receiver but also fm radio transmitter and PRM/LPD/CB transeiver - and PacketRadio.... ; )

2006-12-01 Thread Robert Michel

Robert Michel schrieb am Freitag, den 01. Dezember 2006 um 12:39h:

> Salve!
> To phone via a dect module would costs less power
> then WLAN - so such an option would be nice, too.

It would be fun to use DECT on the road - when a Neo
would have the power for two DECT connections, go to
an conference with a team - like the 23C3 - and 
the Neo1973 will be a PBX for them - all that the others
need will be cheap (used or borrowed) DECT phones.
Being Outdoor - DECT could be used there as well
and the funny thing: You could allow others to call out
via your Neo1973 - maybe two calls at the same time...

Think about travelling with more than one Car
have the possibility to do communication without
cost, just P2P, will make travelling with a group
much more fun - because costs will you put back 
to communicate with the others as often, as when
the communication would be free.

Because DECT or PRM devices are populare, this connection
would be more handy than a Neo1973 "only" communication via
Bluetooth or WiFI. For some Euro could buy them used
and offer them to your friend...

Audio Navigation informations - "next right" could be 
transmitted to your friend - driving behind you - that
you don't need to lead the convoy - you can encrease
the warning distance for new directions of your navigation
system and "next right" could be used from your friends
driving in front of you.

So to do not transmitt your music via DECT or PRM,
the audio channels should be able to split - 
R music (mono) via FM for your car, L audio for
communicate with your friend.
And hey - no second soundcard is needed - without
communication to your friends, the FM micro transmitter
could get R+L

BTW AFAIK encrytped communication via PRM is not allowed -right?
So DECT does have another advantage that it is already encrypted
and it could be maybed got an improved encryption for Neo2Neo

Sean, do you like this ideas? What do you think will be possible
in near future/from the beginning?

By having one SPI, one audio in (simultanius to the mic - switched
the mic to right and external to the  left channel) one audio out
(stereo) and the freedom to programm the Neo1973 as we like it,
all this ideas could be hackable with external ciruits *g*
putting them into nice cases they can become handy.


OpenMoko community mailing list

DECT Re: fm/lw/mw radio receiver but also fm radio transmitter and PRM/LPD/CB transeiver - and PacketRadio.... ; )

2006-12-01 Thread Robert Michel

To phone via a dect module would costs less power
then WLAN - so such an option would be nice, too.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: fm/lw/mw radio receiver but also fm radio transmitter and PRM/LPD/CB transeiver - and PacketRadio.... ; )

2006-12-01 Thread Robert Michel

Make things dual or multiuse:
And on of the two buttons of the Neo1973 could be build good enough
to be used for fast/good morsing switch-key.

FM antennae - without earphones maybe the cord around the neck could
have cupper inside and the whole of the Neo1973 for this cord has an
electricaly  connector to get the signals form the cord with copper?


OpenMoko community mailing list

fm/lw/mw radio receiver but also fm radio transmitter and PRM/LPD/CB transeiver - and PacketRadio.... ; )

2006-12-01 Thread Robert Michel

when the phone will have some serial interfaces on the circuit board
and there would be a 3 cm case instead of 2 cm audioconnectors
on the circuit board would be interesting to add:

- radio receiver (timed recording for the lates news, traffic information 
  recording or switching to the news or traffic information during
  listening to ogg/vorbis
  (data recieving between FM mono (R+L) and R-L modulation?
  this has power for (encrypted) messeaging service for a whole city...)
- radio transmitter - some contries does allow micro fm transmitter,
  so you need no cables anymore to use your car radio or ghetto blaster.
  even your radio alarm clock could be used to have more audio power
  to wake you up with sound from the neo.
  In a Bus - share your music with friends - they don't need to buy/have
  expensive Bluetooth earphones - just a small porable radio with
  earphones would good enough.
  By friends, just put your Neo1973 close to the friends radio
  - no adapter needed - works with every radio with indoor antenna ;)))
   (Data transmission via FM - between R+L and R-L modulation?)
   Because this is not allowed to use in every contries, it could become
   needed that the battery lid give acccess to a small circuit board,
   or jumper connection - slot for a quarz (uhhh  evil :) or IC to
   deactivate this feature in countries where micro fm transmitter would
   still be pirat radio.

Ah - would be nice to have external antenna - the stylus?

Build in PRM/LPD/CB tranceiver - packet radio via this tranceiver :)))

Wish you all a nice weekend,

OpenMoko community mailing list