Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-22 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
In message 
Noah  wrote:

>Please can you consolidate your very important and yet great research
>around the individuals Cohen, Uerlings, Abizeid, Deepak Mehta and Lu Heng.

I can only summarize the specific still-outstanding problems & issues
that I am aware of.  There could very well be much more, under the surface,
that I am not aware of.

I have repeatedly requested bulk access to AFRINIC WHOIS data which is
both (a) unredacted and also (b) historical and also (c) unredacted AND
historical.  I have been denied this data at every turn.  To add further
insult to injury, Ashil Oogarah, posting here as "AFRINIC Communication",
recently attempted to pretend that my data requests could be easily
accomodated by simply filing out a form for "bulk access".  But the
reality is that even if I did that, I would still be given only redacted
and -current- AFRINIC WHOIS data, *not* the unredacted and historical
data that I would need to make further progress in unraveling all of the
sordid mischief that has taken place with repsect to the AFRINIC WHOIS
data base over the years.  (Indeed it is a minor miracle that I have
been able to puzzle out as much as I have done, given the extreme and
pointless limits on WHOIS access that AFRINIC Management has imposed.)

Given the limitations under which I still labor, here is what I can tell

The following legacy blocks are still "stolen", according to my definition
of that word in this context, and are still reaping profits, even as we
speak, for Mr. Cohen, Mr. Uerlings, and possibly also Mr. Byaruhanga,
who is still free to enjoy the fruits of his thefts from his comfortable
upscale home in Uganda.

ORG-TL1-AFRINIC - Trentyre (Pty) Ltd
Current routing summary:
   256  137951  HK  Clayer Limited

ORG-AA79-AFRINIC - Agrihold
Current routing summary:
   248  202769  US  Cooperative Investments LLC
 2  43092   JP  OSOA Corporation., LTD
 2  19969   US  Joe's Datacenter, LLC

(Note that the contact person for "Cooperative Investments LLC" these days 
is Elad Cohen.)

ORG-AHL1-AFRINIC - Argus Holdings (Pty) Ltd
WHOIS contacts now set to
Current routing summary:
   252  137951  HK  Clayer Limited
 2  140733  HK  HostUS Solutions LLC
 1  138538  CN  Ningbo Nanbian Tuoluo Xinxi Jishu Co., Ltd
 1  18013   HK  Asline Limited

ORG-WA1-AFRINIC - Woolworths Holdings Limited
WHOIS contacts now restored/remediated (?)
Current routing summary:
   128  0   ??  UNROUTED IP SPACE
   113  54600   US  Peg Tech Inc
10  21859   US  Zenlayer Inc
 3  137951  HK  Clayer Limited
 1  38197   AU  Sun Network (Hong Kong) Limited ***
 1  133441  KR  Cloud Information Technology (Intl) Telecom Group LIMITED

ORG-AISL1-AFRINIC - AECI Information Services (Pty) Ltd
Current routing summary:
   265  202769  US  Cooperative Investments LLC
   135  19969   US  Joe's Datacenter, LLC
26  132335  IN  LeapSwitch Networks Pvt Ltd
16  23679   AU  Media Antar Nusa PT.
 9  43092   JP  OSOA Corporation., LTD
 8  36351   US  SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
 8  45671   AU  Servers Australia Pty. Ltd
 8  63018   US
 8  56611   NL  REBA Communications BV
 8  24567   AU  QT Inc.
 4  57717   NL  FiberXpress BV
 4  262287  BR  Maxihost LTDA
 3  49335   RU  LLC "Server v arendy"
 2  11990   US  Unlimited Net, LLC
 2  13737   US  INCX Global, LLC

(See note above regarding "Cooperative Investments LLC".)

ORG-IA41-AFRINIC - Network and Information Technology Limited
Current routing summary:
   539  202425  SC  IP Volume inc
   360  19969   US  Joe's Datacenter, LLC
47  63956   AU  Colocation Australia Pty Ltd
12  56611   NL  REBA Communications BV
 6  43092   JP  OSOA Corporation., LTD
 6  134451  ID  NewMedia Express Pte Ltd
 5  38001   AU  NewMedia Express Pte Ltd
 5  57717   NL  FiberXpress BV
 4  263812  AR  TL Group SRL ( IPXON Networks )
 4  49367   IT  Seflow S.N.C. Di Marco Brame' & C.
 4  20860   GB  Iomart Cloud Services Limited
 4  204655  GB  Novogara LTD
 4  42831   GB  UK Dedicated Servers Limited
 4  49335   RU  LLC "Server v arendy"
 2  31122   IE  Digiweb ltd
 2  136782  JP  Pingtan Hotline Co., Limited
 2  44066   DE  First Colo GmbH
 2  17216   US  Dc74 Llc
 2  53999   CA  Priority Colo Inc
 2  45382   KR  Ehostict
 2  262287  BR  Maxihost LTDA
 2  63018   US
 1  23470   US  ReliableSite.Net LLC
 1  9009GB  M247 Ltd
 1  202769  US  Cooperative Investments LLC
 1  203833  DE  First Colo GmbH

ORG-AFNC1-AFRINIC - "ITC" - All blocks reclaimed to free pool by AFRINIC -- unrouted 
Current routing summary:
   255  0   ??  UNROUTED IP SPACE
 1  54600   US  Peg Tech In

[Community-Discuss] December Updates

2020-12-22 Thread Eddy Kayihura
[French, Arabic, and Portuguese versions below]

Dear Colleagues, 

I hope that you are all keeping well. It is that time that I share with you the 
monthly updates-the last update of 2020. I wish to take this opportunity to 
express my gratitude for the continued constructive engagement, support, and 
contribution that you have made this year that has seen AFRINIC realize yet 
another year.

IP Misappropriation Case Updates

I have been keeping you updated on this throughout the year. We, therefore, 
agreed to publish a comprehensive report following the completion of our 
internal audit exercise. As notified last week, the report is now at the legal 
vetting stage. A copy thereof will be published early next year once the Board 
of Directors has taken cognizance of the same. I shall continue to keep you 
updated on this as we go along. 

Review of 2020

Despite the challenges we have faced this year, we have been able to execute 
our mandate and serve our community and members. 

As we embark on our new strategic plan 2021 – 2023, we are determined to build 
on what we have achieved together and will continue to grow the organisation. 
We shall highlight more on our achievements in 2020 and 2021 activities plan in 
our upcoming blogs during the first quarter of 2021. 

End of year Office closure notice

As we move closer to the end of the year, I take this opportunity to inform you 
that AFRINIC offices will be closing for the Festive season Holidays on the 
following days:

*   Thursday 24 December 2020
*   Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 December 2020
*   Monday 4 January 2021 

We shall resume on Tuesday, 5 January 2021. 

However, during this time, our teams have done everything possible to ensure 
all services are accessible and a team will be on standby should there be any 

I take this opportunity to wish you a happy holiday season. 2020 has been a 
difficult year but we wish you a very healthy and prosperous 2021. 

I once again thank you for your engagement throughout the year and look forward 
to your continued trust and support come 2021. 

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,

Chief Executive Officer,

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC).



Chers collègues, 


J'espère que vous allez tous bien. C'est à cette période que je partage avec 
vous les mises à jour mensuelles -cette fois ci la dernière mise à jour de 
2020. Je tiens à saisir cette occasion pour vous exprimer ma gratitude pour 
l'engagement constructif, le soutien et la contribution que vous avez apportés 
cette année qui a vu l'AFRINIC réaliser encore une autre année.



Mises à jour sur les cas de détournement de propriété intellectuelle


Je vous ai tenu au courant tout au long de l'année. Nous avons donc convenu de 
publier un rapport complet à l'issue de notre exercice d'audit interne. Comme 
nous l'avons notifié la semaine dernière, le rapport est maintenant au stade 
d'examen juridique. Une copie en sera publiée au début de l'année prochaine, 
dès que le conseil d'administration en aura pris connaissance. Je continuerai à 
vous tenir au courant de l'évolution de la situation.



Bilan de l'année 2020


Malgré les défis auxquels nous avons été confrontés cette année, nous avons été 
en mesure d'exécuter notre mandat et de servir notre communauté et nos membres.


Alors que nous nous lançons dans notre nouveau plan stratégique 2021 - 2023, 
nous sommes déterminés à consolider ce que nous avons réalisé ensemble et nous 
continuerons à bâtir l'organisation. Nous mettrons davantage l'accent sur nos 
réalisations en 2020 et sur le plan d'activités 2021 dans nos prochains blogs 
au cours du premier trimestre 2021.



Avis de fermeture du bureau en fin d'année


Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année, je profite de l'occasion pour 
vous informer que les bureaux de l'AFRINIC fermeront pour les fêtes de fin 
d'année les jours suivants :


Jeudi 24 décembre 2020

Mercredi 30 et jeudi 31 décembre 2020

Lundi 4 janvier 2021



Nous reprendrons le mardi 5 janvier 2021.



Toutefois, pendant cette période, nos équipes ont fait tout leur possible pour 
que tous les services soient accessibles et une équipe sera en stand-by en cas 



Je profite de cette occasion pour vous souhaiter de bonnes fêtes de fin 
d'année. 2020 a été une année difficile, mais nous vous souhaitons une année 
2021 très saine et prospère.


Je vous remercie encore une fois pour votre engagement tout au long de l'année 
et je me réjouis de la confiance et du soutien que vous nous accorderez encore 
en 2021.




Eddy Kayihura,


Directeur général,






زملائي الاعزاء،


أتمنى أن تكون جميعكم على ما يرام. إنه الوقت الذي أشارك فيه معكم التحديثات 
الشهرية - آخر تحديث لعام 2020. وأود أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة لأعبر عن امتناني 
للمشاركة البناءة المستمرة والدعم والمساهمة البناءة التي قدمتموها هذا العام 
والتي شهدت AFRINIC تدرك حتى 

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-22 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
In message , wrote:

>Ronald F Guilmette are you a real person or using some fake name?

I am a real person and this is my real name.

Who are YOU?  An what is YOUR real name?

>You are like ghost on internet.Do you have any linkedin profile or company?

That is correct.  I am indeed a "ghost" as regards to social media.  And
that is certainly by intent.

Unlike most people these days, I have always been concerned with my
personal privacy, and thus, unlike most people these days, I have
elected NOT to splatter out my entire life story onto the Internet
for people I don't know to snoop on.

If anyone wants to know anything about me, they can ask me.

>I am wondering if you are not LIR or member of Afrinic then why are you even
>part of this community mailing list or why you are taking so much interest
>in community mailing list?

I am so glad you asked.

Here in the United States, there has been a long running TV ad campaign
that promotes tourism to the city of Las Vegas, Nevada.  The tag line
contained in each of these TV commericals is well known here... "What
happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."  (The idea being sold is that people
can go to Las Vegas, act crazy, and tnen go back to their hometowns
without anyone there knowing about their crazy behavior in "Vegas".)

Unfortunately, what happens in the African part of the Internet most
definitely DOES NOT stay just in the African part of the Internet.  It
spills out and affects me here, 10,000+ miles and entire oceans away.

Such is the nature of the Internet, in case you are not aware.

It has REPEATEDLY been the case that stolen or squatted AFRINIC administered
IPv4 address blocks have been used, both to spam me and to try to hack me,
and also and likewise, probably hundreds of millions more Internet users,
all around the world.

I am not amused.  And thus, whether I like it or not, I have been effectively
-foerced- to pay attention to the crap coming out of "African" IP address

I sincerly wish it were otherwise.  And I wish that AFRINIC would clean
up all of this crap, once and for all, and stop allowing crooks from
Israel, the Netherlands, India, and the U.S. to make Africans all appear
to be either corrupt or incompetent or both.  (I know this is not the
case, but I am still looking for the Africans who will stand up for
principal and not allow non-African foreigners to effectively defecate
all over AFRINIC and its global reputation.)

I started publicly reporting on the skulduggery taking place within the
AFRINIC region in the summer of 2016.  I have now been waiting for nearly
four and half years for someone with guts to step forward,  do the Right
Thing, and clean up this colossal mess.  I am still waiting.

>There are thousands of members in this list you are just spamming everyone
>with your findings.

Others may disagree.

>Who cares who is doing what? This is something between Afrinic and its members.

See above.  It is *not* just between Afrinic and its members.  What happens
in Africa DOES NOT stay within Africa.

The incompetence and corruption within AFRINIC has allowed an entire planet's
worth of Internet users... several billion people... to get repeatedly
hacked and spammed.  And it is still doing so even as we speak.

Who exactly has an interest in preserving that unfortnate status quo?

You, apparently.

Which brings me back to the question I raised above... Who are you really?


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Current routing summaries for LiquidWeb, Inc. and Fiber Grid, Inc.

2020-12-22 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
In message , wrote:

>Question of announcing ip from other region is null and void and it
>cannot be challenged.
>Afrinic bylaws have changed so many times and what matters is signed RSA

I understand that some, and perhaps even many AFRINIC members, may
nowadays wish to profit from the non-legacy IP allocations that were
granted to them, by AFRINIC, by deploying these assets without any
regards for geography.  I understand also that there is thus a desire
to look -only- at the RSA as being legally controlling UPON MEMBERS
while conveniently ignoring the plain language of the AFRINIC Bylaws
and their binding legal effect upon the actions OF AFRINIC.

Unfortunately, this preference does not change the fact that if AFRINIC
fails to terminate the memberhips of any members that provide exactly
and only -zero- services within the AFRINIC region, then AFRINIC is
itself in violation of its own legally binding Bylaws.

Merely citing the RSA does not solve this legal conundrum.  This is
especially true, given that AFRINIC is free to modify RSA agreements,
at will, and at any time... an act which, it seems, its own Bylaws
now compel it to do.

I quote from Section 1b of the RSA refrenced above:

AFRINIC, in the light of the foregoing, reserves itself the right to
amend this agreement partially or otherwise where it is so mandated
by its Board after giving notice to its members.

You cannot have it both ways.  You cannot on the one hand insist that
the letter of the RSA agreements, as currently written, must be
interpreted strictly, even as, on the other hand, you argue that the
AFRINIC Bylaws are legally inconsequential and that they may be, and
should be, as easily ignored as the advice given by some crazy uncle.

But all of this misses the point anyway.

As I understand it, there is now, and always has been some qualification
process which is undertaken, by AFRINIC, prior to any legal entity
being granted membership in AFRINIC.  Also, as I understand it, there
is now and always has been some qualification process which is undertaken,
by AFRINIC, before any member is granted some requested (non-legacy)
AFRINIC number resources.

This raises the obvious question:  How, when, and by whose authority,
exactly, did the companies of Mr. Abizeid, Mr. Mehta, and Mr, Uerlings
qualify for membership in AFRINIC?  How, when, and by whose authority,
exactly, did the companies of Mr. Abizeid, Mr. Mehta, and Mr, Uerlings
qualify for the large non-legacy IPv4 allocations that they each have
received from AFRINIC? 

Did each of these three companies qualify (a) for membership and also
(b) for large non-legacy IPv4 block assignment simply by bribing Ernest
or someone else in AFRINIC management?

If so then when will AFRINIC make criminal referrals to the Mauritius
police regarding these three companies, just as it has already done
for Ernest?

Conversely, if these three companies DID NOT obtain their memberships
and non-legacy allocations by bribing AFRINIC staff, or the Board, then
how exactly did each one qualify, for both memberships and also for
big IPv4 allocations, given that none of them seem to have, or to have
had, at any time, any real connection to the AFRINIC region whatsoever?

We can argue about which takes legal precedent, the RSA or the AFRINIC
Bylws, another time.  But before we even waste time on THAT, please
do explain how Mr. Abizeid, Mr. Mehta, and Mr, Uerlings ever managed to
qualify for *anything* in the AFRINIC region in the first place.

I'm all ears.  This ought to be most enlightening.


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-22 Thread Noah
Hi Ronald

Thank you for your posts especially the relevant sections that shed light
to the misappropriation of AFRINIC number resources both legacy and
non-legacy IPv4 address space that belong to the AFRINIC inventory. No name
calling please, its been a frustrating 2020 already.

Please can you consolidate your very important and yet great research
around the individuals Cohen, Uerlings, Abizeid, Deepak Mehta and Lu Heng.

The reason I am requesting you to do this is so that we as a community can
have one comprehensive piece of information from all the various posts you
have made here in the past couple of months and make it easier for all of
us to follow through.

This will enable us contribute effectively and collaborate with AFRINIC to
get all this addressed as resources members whose fees goes into running
the Organization.

My the gods be with you.

On Thu, 17 Dec 2020, 21:37 Ronald F. Guilmette, 

> I'm sorry friends, but I have to say that this really chaps my hide.
> Once again we get an "update" from Eddy in which he says... well...
> absolutely nothing.  He apparently writes just to tell the AFRINIC
> community that everything is still cloaked in secrecy, I guess because
> you are all children and can't handle and/or are not entitled to know
> what's really going on.
> Unlike Eddy, I certainly have a great many bits of hard-won facts and
> evidence to share with the community, and I would have done so long
> before now if I didn't have a life and other pressing matters to
> attend to, including other Internet-based criminal enterprises that
> I am actively investigating and working with journalists on, even as
> we speak.
> For today, I'll just drop a couple of things on you that you all may
> perhaps find new and interesting.
> My friend, juornalist Jan Vermeulen has informed me that according to
> his calculations (which were based on numbers given to him by Eddy)
> there are still around one million+ IPv4 addresses that AFRINIC already
> knows were stolen, and that were NOT included in any of the reports
> that Jan has published in  That's one hell of a
> lot of valuable IPv4 real estate!  So where is it all and why hasn't
> AFRINIC reclaimed it?  (Note:  I'm not even talking about the stolen
> legacy blocks, which Eddy and the board are still dragging their feet
> on, and refusing to do anything about, even after a full year of knowing
> about those, and even after seeing the compelling evidence that Cohen
> and Uerlings registered a lot of contact email domains with the clear
> and deliberate intent to cover up their gigantic theft scheme.)
> So anyway, I do know where at least some of those other stolen 1 million
> IP addreses have gone, and I'm frankly stunned that neither Eddy nor
> anybody else in the AFRINIC hierarchy have lifted a finger to reclaim
> any of this other IPv4 space that has been stolen.  What are they
> waiting for?  An engraved invitation?  Do they just need to have either
> Jan or myself expose thesse additional thefts first, so as to take any
> possible legal heat off them?
> I call your attention to the following listing of the historical
> WHOIS data for the block.  Please note that the name "ITC",
> under which this block was originally registered is one that I and Jan
> long ago concluded was a totally made-up name for a fake corporate entity
> that never existed anywhere, and one that was invented out of whole cloth
> by Ernest Byaruhanga as a kind of WHOIS cover story for many of his
> thefts...
> thefts which have now been effectively confirmed by virtue of that fact
> that AFRINIC has already reclaimed all of the blocks that were still
> registered to "ITC" as of December of last year.
> The bottom line here is clear.  The block was another one
> of Ernest's thefts from the free pool, and one that was subsequently
> sold or gifted to the proprietor of LogicWeb, Inc. of New York, USA,
> i.e. a certain Mr. Chad Abizeid:
> It should be noted that some time after he received this large chunk of
> property that was stolen by Ernest from AFRINIC... a chunk of real estate
> worth well over $5 million dollars, USD, at current market prices... Mr.
> Abizeid tried to sell off the entire thing in one big chunk (for one big
> payday):
> I want everyone to note also that, the last time I checked anyway, not
> a single IP address of this huge IPv4 block was being routed to or used
> anywhere even close to the AFRINIC region.
> So there are several problems here.
> First and foremost, the history indicates quite persuasively that this /14
> block was stolen by Ernest.
> Second, Eddy and the board appear to already have known this to be true
> for some time 

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-22 Thread Noah
On Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 20:10 Sami Salih,  wrote:

> I'm not comfortable with anonymous posting in our member-based list.

Sami, not so many people can stand tall and speak out their minds here
within our region.

Majority prefer to whisper and/or speak from behind the curtains even when
what is happening affects them dearly.

I hope we can resolve this issue so anyone is well known to each other's.

Especially in our region. I know people from outside the region have no
problem speaking their minds or calling each others out.

Its only within the AFRINIC service region where sock puppets are running
rampant and some sock puppet seems like recruitment from outside AFRICAN


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-22 Thread Sami Salih
I don't have any comment about the content of messages, but I'm 
not comfortable with anonymous posting in our member-based list.
I hope we can resolve this issue so anyone is well known to each other's.

Sami Salih

From: Noah 
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 7:37 PM
Cc: Community Discuss 
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of 
IPv4 resources

On Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 16:56 Libra via Community-Discuss,>> wrote:

>@Ronald F. Guilmette are you LIR or member of Afrinic?
 >>>No sir, I am neither.
Ronald F Guilmette are you a real person or using some fake name?  You are like 
ghost on internet.

How about you Libren? Are you a real person or a coward sock puppet?

Do you have any linkedin profile or company?

Do you have one we can look at?

I am wondering if you are not LIR or member of Afrinic then why are you even 
part of this community mailing list

Is this mailing list for only LIR or members only?

Who gives you Libren the right to discriminate against others?

The Code of Conduct for this very community list does not allow discretionary 
remarks like the ones you are parading against Ronald.

or why you are taking so much interest in community mailing list?

Why should any sane and ethical member of the internet community not take 
interest and participate in this forum.

Do you Libren have a problem with internet community members participating 
openly in such a forum.

Are you perhaps one of the affected parties of Ronald revelations which are 
extremely concerning and must be addressed.

There are thousands of members in this list you are just spamming everyone with 
your findings.

Spamming is that your excuse to divert attention.

If you have a problem with Ronald posts,  please do yourself a favor and 
unsubscribe yourself from this list. No one forced you to stay on it.

Who cares who is doing what?

I do care and I am involved in running real African network infrastructure  
that has real impact in AFRICA and I am a real warm blooded person with a heart 
pumping breath gasping decaying body.

This is something between Afrinic and its members.

Well the networks I am invloved with are AFRINIC members and yes everything 
Ronald has revealed is something that concerns us.

If you want to play good cop then report to Afrinic because spamming community 
mailing will not do anything

You clearly have a problem with those who attempt to ethically speak out 
against potential fraud as it shall be revealed in the promised audit report 

Btw, where have you been. Dont you know that Ronalds past revelations on this 
very mailing list led to the ongoing massive Audit by AFRINIC which as 
partially reported has led to recovery of millions of misappropriated IPv4 
addresses and an ongoing litigation at the Mauritius court.

You are working as influence marketer to provoke community and Afrinic by 
playing divide and rule?

How has Ronald divided this community. Please share your evidence of your 
unfounded claims and innuendos others give us a break.

Afrinic need new ideas and solutions

Those ideas and solutions can wait.

not problems and no one is interested in your nonsense.

What nonsense.

AFRINIC needs to clean up the never ending crap. You are calling what seems 
like fraud and corruption nonsense. You are clearly a very unethical individual.

If people made mistakes then they should be held accountable and those mistakes 
fixed. That is the only sensible achievement we seek.

This community is anxiously waiting for the audit report as recently reported 
by the CEO and AFRINIC communications team.

Noah  *A real person*
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-22 Thread Noah
On Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 16:56 Libra via Community-Discuss, <> wrote:

> >*@Ronald F. Guilmette are you LIR or member of Afrinic?*
>  >>>No sir, I am neither.
> Ronald F Guilmette are you a real person or using some fake name?  You are
> like ghost on internet.

How about you Libren? Are you a real person or a coward sock puppet?

Do you have any linkedin profile or company?

Do you have one we can look at?

I am wondering if you are not LIR or member of Afrinic then why are you
> even part of this community mailing list

Is this mailing list for only LIR or members only?

Who gives you Libren the right to discriminate against others?

The Code of Conduct for this very community list does not allow
discretionary remarks like the ones you are parading against Ronald.

or why you are taking so much interest in community mailing list?

Why should any sane and ethical member of the internet community not take
interest and participate in this forum.

Do you Libren have a problem with internet community members participating
openly in such a forum.

Are you perhaps one of the affected parties of Ronald revelations which are
extremely concerning and must be addressed.

There are thousands of members in this list you are just spamming everyone
> with your findings.

Spamming is that your excuse to divert attention.

If you have a problem with Ronald posts,  please do yourself a favor and
unsubscribe yourself from this list. No one forced you to stay on it.

Who cares who is doing what?

I do care and I am involved in running real African network infrastructure
that has real impact in AFRICA and I am a real warm blooded person with a
heart pumping breath gasping decaying body.

This is something between Afrinic and its members.

Well the networks I am invloved with are AFRINIC members and yes everything
Ronald has revealed is something that concerns us.

If you want to play good cop then report to Afrinic because spamming
> community mailing will not do anything

You clearly have a problem with those who attempt to ethically speak out
against potential fraud as it shall be revealed in the promised audit
report from AFRINIC.

Btw, where have you been. Dont you know that Ronalds past revelations on
this very mailing list led to the ongoing massive Audit by AFRINIC which as
partially reported has led to recovery of millions of misappropriated IPv4
addresses and an ongoing litigation at the Mauritius court.

You are working as influence marketer to provoke community and Afrinic by
> playing divide and rule?

How has Ronald divided this community. Please share your evidence of your
unfounded claims and innuendos others give us a break.

Afrinic need new ideas and solutions

Those ideas and solutions can wait.

not problems and no one is interested in your nonsense.

What nonsense.

AFRINIC needs to clean up the never ending crap. You are calling what seems
like fraud and corruption nonsense. You are clearly a very unethical

If people made mistakes then they should be held accountable and those
mistakes fixed. That is the only sensible achievement we seek.

This community is anxiously waiting for the audit report as recently
reported by the CEO and AFRINIC communications team.

Noah  *A real person*
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] 2020/21 ICANN Board Seat 9 Elections: Comment Phase Open

2020-12-22 Thread AFRINIC Communication
[Sent on behalf of the ASO AC] 

21 DECEMBER 2020

Dear colleagues,

In line with the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Memorandum of 
Understanding (MoU)[1] and the ICANN Bylaws[2], the Address Supporting 
Organization Address Council (ASO AC) has issued a call for nominations for 
Seat 9 of the ICANN Board of Directors.

The selected candidate will serve for a three-year term, which will begin at 
the conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Assembly during the ICANN 72 
Meeting, scheduled from 23-28 October 2021 in Seattle, USA. 

Following a call for candidates, the ASO AC is pleased to announce that the 
following candidates have been nominated (sorted by their first name):

Alan Barrett - 

Johan Helsingius - 

Kemly Camacho Jímenez - 

Margarita Valdes - 

Nigel Titley - 

Patrick W. Gilmore - 

Peter Thimmesch - 

Ron da Silva - 

Sean Kennedy - 

Wafa Zaafouri - 

Comment Phase
The comment phase will begin on 21 December 2020 and will end at 23.59 UTC on 
30 March 2021. Comments can be submitted for candidates by clicking on the link 
next to their name above and adding a comment to their biography.

Please note that, as per section 9.4.5 of the ASO AC Operating Procedures [3], 
all comments will be moderated by the ASO Secretariat prior to being published 
on the ASO website.

For more information on the ICANN Board of Directors Seat 9 election process, 
please go to

[1] ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) MoU 

[2] ICANN Bylaws: 

[3] ASO AC Operating Procedures
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-22 Thread Noah
On Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 16:56 Libra via Community-Discuss, <> wrote:

> >*@Ronald F. Guilmette are you LIR or member of Afrinic?*
>  >>>No sir, I am neither.
> Ronald F Guilmette are you a real person or using some fake name?  You are
> like ghost on internet.

How about you Libra? Are you a real person or a sock puppet?

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [afnog] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-22 Thread Libra via Community-Discuss

>@Ronald F. Guilmette are you LIR or member of Afrinic?
 >>>No sir, I am neither.
Ronald F Guilmette are you a real person or using some fake name?  You are like 
ghost on internet.Do you have any linkedin profile or company? 
I am wondering if you are not LIR or member of Afrinic then why are you even 
part of this community mailing list or why you are taking so much interest in 
community mailing list?
There are thousands of members in this list you are just spamming everyone with 
your findings.
Who cares who is doing what? This is something between Afrinic and its 
members.If you want to play good cop then report to Afrinic because spamming 
community mailing will not do anything
You are working as influence marketer to provoke community and Afrinic by 
playing divide and rule?
Afrinic need new ideas and solutions not problems and no one is interested in 
your nonsense. 

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Current routing summaries for LiquidWeb, Inc. and Fiber Grid, Inc.

2020-12-22 Thread Libra via Community-Discuss
BGP any cast is the main reason why ips are announced globally. Cloudflare 
announce network in all the region so it violates?
 Question of announcing ip from other region is null and void  and it cannot be 
Afrinic bylaws have changed so many times and what matters is signed RSA   
Only signed agreements are admissible in court.As per 
most of Afrinic ip are Legacy blocks. Afrinic is not the owner of Ip address 
but only administering. As we
 do not know history of legacy blocks and it will be better Afrinic deal with 

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