[Community-Discuss] Introduction and greetings

2019-11-04 Thread Eddy Kayihura

Dear Members and Community,

As you may have been aware, I have been appointed CEO of AFRINIC Ltd and 
today November 4th 2019 is my first day in office.

I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the warm and encouraging 
messages I received from many of you.

I am committed to serve you with utmost dedication and to facilitate a 
constructive and inclusive engagement within the community.

I look forward to working with each one of you as we continue to build a 
strong, resilient and successful organization that we are all proud of.

I will be available to meet with you during AFRINIC’s forthcoming 
meeting in Luanda, Angola, on 2-6 December, to discuss any issues you 
may have.

Yours sincerely,


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Operational Matters

2019-11-06 Thread Eddy Kayihura

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to let you know that I have been following the ongoing 
conversations on our various mailings lists with great interest.  I 
thank you for the feedback and concerns which I believe can only 
strengthen AFRINIC operations going forward.

I would particularly like to respond to emails concerning the roles of 
the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the AFRINIC Board of Directors 
(BoD) in communicating with Members and the Community. This is something 
we have been discussing with the BoD right after my appointment , and I 
would like to state that, from now henceforth, all matters concerning 
AFRINIC operations will be dealt by me. The BoD is in charge of 
governance, strategy and oversight role of the affairs of the company as 
described in section 15 of the Bylaws.

I hope this addresses some of the concerns raised.

I take this opportunity to once again thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,



Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Traduction de l'ensemble du contenu du site d'afrinic en français, arabe

2019-11-13 Thread Eddy Kayihura

Cher Christophe,

Le message est bien recu et sera tenu en consideration.

Bien a vous.

Eddy Kayihura

Chief Executive Officer

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

t:  +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net <http://www.afrinic.net>

On 12/11/2019 13:47, Kangamutima zabika Christophe wrote:
Par la présente, je rappelle à l'actuel DG d'AFRINIC qu'à ce jour, la 
traduction complète du contenu du site d'afrinic en français n'a 
toujours pas abouti. Ce processus semble même interrompu ou mis en 
veille. Les internautes francophones se lassent de toujours être pris 
comme le menu fretin des décideurs de cette organisation. Nous restons 
tout de même convaincu qu'à présent qu'à Afrinic est dirigé par un 
ressortissant du même pays que la Secrétaire Général de l'organisation 
internationale de la francophonie, celui-ci prendra les taureaux par 
les cornes afin de réparer cette ahurissante injustice. Le même 
réquisitoire est valable pour les internautes lusophones et arabophones


Community-Discuss mailing list
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] A personal note

2020-02-04 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues, ( French version below)

One day in April 2006, I was informed by Rwandatel CTO that I would
attend an AFRINIC meeting in Nairobi as our company had received a
fellowship from them. This intrigued me because I did not understand why
our IP provider was willing to sponsor a trip for a member for no
apparent reason.

Not only did I not find any catch but I discovered a community that I
had no clue existed. I heard of IPv6 for the first time and later
registered for a course which happened at AFRINIC 9 in Balaclava,
Mauritius. This connection together with the AfNog one helped me grow
quickly in the networking field.

Back home, many colleagues attended AFRINIC and AfNog events and we
started seeing scalable network and systems managed by young Rwandans.

14 years later, Afrinic has evolved in many ways and is still around
committed to its mission of supporting Internet technology usage and
development in Africa.

I have grown over the years to become AFRINIC’s CEO. The large number of
support messages I have received since it happened has been very
humbling and demonstrates the fact that AFRINIC is dear to the hearts of
many people all over the world.

AFRINIC has had more than its fair share of ups and downs and challenges
over the years. However, there are inspiring stories of its positive
contributions and impact in many countries. It continues to play a
fundamentally important role in Internet development across Africa and
the Indian Ocean region.

During my few weeks in office, I have endeavored  with the team on
analysing and identifying all key focus areas from the feedback we have
received from our membership and community.

The key focus areas include:

- Restoring the accuracy of the database and enhancing membership

- Delivering on promises of major technical products and projects
anticipated by our membership and community.

- Building, developing and maintaining our community through providing
capacity building, research and engagement opportunities.

- Restructuring a cohesive and efficient team that will deliver on all
the above and more.

I would like to commend the team’s resilience and dedication over the
years and I am a firm believer that our success will not be attainable
without the involvement of each of us. As a member-based organisation
and a community-driven organisation, the support of our members and
community is also vital to our triumph as a whole.

I will be giving a monthly update on the progress we make on the
different areas and we welcome your suggestions, support and
constructive feedback as we travel this journey together.

Kind regards,



Chers Collegues, (votre indulgence pour les accents et potentielles
fautes d'ortographes est appreciee)

Par un jour normal en 2006, le CTO de Rwandatel m'a informé que je
participerai à une reunion d'AFRINIC à Nairobi et qu'ils prennait tout
en charge. Je fus intrigué car ne comprenant pas pourquoi notre
fournisseur d'adresse IP serait si genereuse.

Je n'ai cependant trouve aucun piège. Bien plus, j'ai plutôt decouvert
une communauté dont j'ignorai totalement l'existence. J'ai entendu
parler de IPv6 pour la premiere fois et me suis enregistré pour un cours
qui a eu lieu lors de AFRINIC 9 a Balaclava en ile Maurice. Cette
connection ainsi qu'avec AfNog m'a aide a progresser rapidement dans le
domaine de la connectivite.

Au pays, plusieurs collegues ont participé aux réunions d'AFRINIC et
AfNog et nous avons commencé à voir de jeunes rwandais gerant des
reseaux et systèmes bien configuré.

14 annees plus tard, Afrinic a evolué de plusieurs maniere tout en
restant fidele à sa mission de soutenir l'usage et le developpement des
technologies de l'Internet.

J'ai aussi progressé jusqu'à en devenir le Directeur Général. Les
inombrables messages de soutien que j'ai recu etaient bien chaleureux et
demontrent a quel point Afrinic est cher é plusieurs personnes au
travers le globe.

Afrinic a eu son lot de hauts et bas au travers des années. Cependant,
il y a plusieurs histoires inspirantes sur sa contribution dans
plusieurs pays. Afrinic continue a jouer un role fondamental pour le
developpement de l'Internet sur le continent ainsi que la region de
l'Ocean Indien.

Pour mes premieres semaines en fonction, je me suis attelé avec l'equipe
a analyser et identifier les points les plus saillants des feedbacks
recu de nos membres ainsi que la communaute.

Ces points incluent les elements suivants:

- Restaurer l'intigrite de la base de donnees et ameliorer l'expenrience
de nos membres;

- Finaliser l'implementation des differents produits et projets promis
et souhaite par nos membres ainsi que la communaute en general;

- Developper notre communaute au travers des diverses activites de
formation, recherches et reunions;

- Restructurer une equipe plus efficace afin de remplir toutes les
promesses citees ci-haut et bien plus encore.

Je souhaite saluer la tenacite et le devouement de l'equipe Afrinic au

[Community-Discuss] Monthly updates 2

2020-03-06 Thread Eddy Kayihura
volvimento em torno do Covid 19 
mundial (coronavírus) e avaliando seu potencial impacto no nosso encontro em 
Kinshasa. Com a situação actual no continente, ainda não há elementos fortes 
que nos levem a qualquer mudança, mas vamos agir de forma muito responsável 
nesta situação.

Agradeço o feedback múltiplo que foi fornecido após a minha primeira 
mensagem (mesmo aquelas privadas) e algumas acções futuras derivarão das vossas 

Obrigado e cumprimentos


Eddy Kayihura
director executivo principal
Centro de Informação da Rede Africana (AFRINIC)

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Monthly Update 3

2020-04-20 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

I hope you, your family and friends are safe.
Apologies for the delay in sending you this monthly communication that I
generally send out in the second week of every month.
In the past few weeks, we have witnessed a number of changes in the way
we operate given the lockdowns in many part of the world, including
Africa. I am sure we will come out of this crisis stronger and better as
we reflect on how to improve and better our communities.
We have not been spared the shocks either. Like many organisations
around the world, we have adopted the “Work from Home” culture as part
of dealing with the current situation. Accordingly, although we have not
failed to comply with our Service Level Commitment (SLC) in general, we
seek your indulgence and understanding in case we do.
Some of the key things that have happened since my last communication are:
·         AIRRS:
We launched the Africa Internet Registry and Routing Statistics (AIRRS)
portal (https://airrs.afrinic.net). The portal provides easy access to
data selected from many sources such as WHOIS, RIPE RIS, RIPE Atlas, and
more. AIRRS is the result of an inter-RIR collaboration with the RIPE NCC.
·         RRDP:
AFRINIC now supports the RPKI Repository Delta Protocol (RFC 8182). RRDP
is an alternative repository access protocol to the existing RSYNC
·         IRR integration in MyAFRINIC:
Members can now view, create, edit or delete their route(6) and as-set
objects and manage their routing attributes in the aut-num objects -
within the MyAFRINIC portal. Users can access the IRR interface by
logging into MyAFRINIC: https://my.afrinic.net/resources/irr/
·         Webinar:
Besides normal training sessions, our IP Academy organised an
interesting webinar on Preparing Critical Internet Infrastructure for
Black Swan Events (Preparing Critical Internet Infrastructure for Black
Swan Events).
·         AIS’20
We are still observing developments globally and in DRC where the Africa
Internet Summit 2020 was meant to take place. We will keep apprising you
of the situation.
Dear Colleagues,
This COVID-19 situation requires solidarity and effective collaboration
among multiples stakeholders for us to sustainably win the battle.
Connectivity is a key component in our ability to adequately respond to
the crisis. Even though there has been good progress on the continent
thus far, there is still a lot to do and huge potential to tap into.
A strong and united AFRINIC community can contribute a lot to the global
effort. In addition to the ongoing initiatives around building a faster
and more secure Internet, we are open to suggestions on where and how
our community can positively contribute to African and global
developments and initiatives.
I once again wish you well and hope you all stay safe as we confront and
navigate the current storm.
Take care,





Chers collègues,

J'espère que vous, votre famille et vos amis sont en sécurité.
Je vous présente mes excuses pour le retard dans l'envoi de cette
communication mensuelle que j'envoie généralement la deuxième semaine de
chaque mois.
Au cours des dernières semaines, nous avons été témoins de plusieurs
changements dans la façon dont nous opérons, compte tenu du confinement
en vigueur dans plusieurs régions dans le monde, y compris en Afrique.
Je suis sûr que nous sortirons de cette crise plus forts et mieux armés
lorsque nous réfléchirons à la manière à améliorer et de renforcer nos
Nous n'avons pas non plus été épargnés par les chocs. Comme de
nombreuses organisations dans le monde, nous avons adopté la culture du
"travail à domicile" pour faire face à la situation actuelle. En
conséquence, bien que nous n'ayons pas manqué à notre engagement de
niveau de service (SLC) en général, nous sollicitons néanmoins votre
indulgence et votre compréhension au cas où nous le ferions.
Voici quelques-uns des principaux événements qui se sont produits depuis
ma dernière communication :
Nous avons lancé le portail AIRRS (Africa Internet Registry and Routing
Statistics) (https://airrs.afrinic.net). Ce portail permet
d'accéder facilement à des données sélectionnées dans de nombreuses
sources telles que le WHOIS, le RIPE RIS, l'Atlas RIPE, etc. AIRRS
est le résultat d'une collaboration inter-RIR avec le RIPE NCC.
- RRDP :

AFRINIC supporte désormais le protocole Delta du dépôt RPKI (RFC 8182).
Le RRDP est un protocole d'accès au dépôt alternatif au dépôt RSYNC
- Intégration de l'IRR dans MyAFRINIC :
Les membres peuvent désormais afficher, créer, modifier ou supprimer
leurs objets de routage(6) et d'as-set et gérer leurs attributs
de routage dans les objets aut-num - au sein du portail MyAFRINIC. Les
utilisateurs peuvent accéder à l'interface IRR en se connectant
à MyAFRINIC : https://my.afrinic.net/resources/irr/
- Webinaire :
Outre les sessions de formation courantes, notre IP Academ

[Community-Discuss] Monhtly updates

2020-06-15 Thread Eddy Kayihura
se da sua reivindicação do
direito de utilização.

Algumas estatísticas: 1.060.864 endereços de IP reclamados, 336.640
endereços de IP invertidos, 2.517.760 endereços de IP ainda sob

2.     Demos o pontapé de saída à segunda fase do projecto de precisão
da base de dados. Consiste numa auditoria exaustiva de todas as dotações
actuais do nosso sistema, a fim de garantir a sua exaustividade e
precisão. Queremos reconhecer o inestimável apoio da APNIC durante este
exercício em curso.

3.  O mecanismo de denúncia de irregularidades foi concluído e está
disponível em https://afrinic.net/whistleblowing. Como muitas
organizações, a denúncia de irregularidades ajuda a garantir a
transparência, assegurando que as partes interessadas tenham um canal
seguro para denunciar qualquer má conduta. O feedback construtivo é
encorajado, bem-vindo e apreciado. Isto inclui um mecanismo de denúncia
anónimo que visa aumentar os níveis de transparência e responsabilidade.
É bem-vinda a comunicação de quaisquer questões relevantes através da
plataforma alojada num sistema de fornecedores independentes.

4.     O exercício de delimitação do âmbito da nova versão do MyAFRINIC
está quase concluído. No prazo de uma semana, os membros receberão um
pequeno inquérito que nos ajudará na recolha de dados para informar o
processo. Contamos consigo para criar espaço para isso e fornecer
informações úteis que irão contribuir para o sucesso do projecto.

5.     Tal como discutido anteriormente, o comité organizador do AIS'20
reuniu-se novamente no início de Junho para avaliar a possibilidade de
uma reunião cara a cara e concordou que ainda não é possível ter uma.
Voltaremos, portanto, às sessões à distância.  As modalidades da
organização, incluindo a AGMM, serão confirmadas após a decisão do
Conselho de Administração.

6.   Embora tenha sido difícil realizar actividades de sensibilização de
membros/comunitários na primeira parte do ano, estamos a trabalhar numa
estratégia/abordagem diferente para ser utilizada na segunda fase do
ano. Partilharemos convosco um plano em Julho.

7.   A leitura de algumas das listas de correio desencadeou recentemente
uma discussão interna. Como resultado, concordámos em iniciar um novo
projecto destinado a reunir e publicar documentos que mostrem os valores
fundamentais em que esta comunidade acredita. Inclui elementos como
transparência, inclusividade, consenso grosseiro, bem como a partilha de
conhecimentos técnicos especializados. No entanto, não devemos todos
perder de vista o que nos tornou uma comunidade em primeiro lugar,
especialmente face às difíceis questões e decisões que terão impacto no
futuro do crescimento da economia digital em África e não só.

Desejo-vos felicidades, boa saúde, felicidade e sabedoria na prossecução
dos nossos objectivos e aspirações comuns.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,



Eddy Kayihura

Chief Executive Officer

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

t:  +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net <http://www.afrinic.net>

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Monhtly updates

2020-07-14 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Hi Libren,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your previous mail.

In January, 2020 AFRINIC as the regional Internet registry for the
African region and custodian of this continent’s Internet number
resources kicked off a project to review and update all WHOIS database
records to guarantee the WHOIS database accuracy.

As you can imagine this project is a massive undertaking not only in
terms of human resources working on it but also the due diligence
requirements that are needed to deal with this matter to guarantee the
highest degrees of accuracy possible.

As I mentioned in my previous communication in phase one of this project
we have managed to reclaim over 1 million IPv4 addresses.

/Reclaimed addresses are those IP addresses that have been de-registered
(deleted) from the WHOIS database.  Upon their deletion, AFRINIC has
quarantined these IPs until such time that they can be brought back to
the available AFRINIC pool./

We also managed to reverse the registration of over 300K IPv4 addresses.

/Reversals on IP address prefixes usually will entail reversing some
changes that were made to them on the AFRINIC WHOIS database. These IP
prefixes will continue to be present in the AFRINIC WHOIS database with
changes to some of its attributes. /

We are still investigating over 2 million IPv4 addresses which is why I
cannot go into too much detail on a public mailing list.

Having said that we are working on producing a full report for the
community as soon as we legally can. I ask the AFRINIC members and
community for its kind understanding on the matter and I promise more
will follow soon.

As for other matters such as route leaks or hijacks and other Internet
incidents that might occur on the Internet routing table, AFRINIC in its
mandate as custodian of the resources has no mandate to act as the
routing police. The boundaries of what AFRINIC can and cannot do are
based on the policies that the community has defined and those are all
available on our website. You will also understand that we prefer not
discuss member specific complaint on mailing-list. We still have the
duty to maintain confidentiality in all matters concerning both our
members as well as other parties with whom we have a working
relationship. However, should you have valid concerns, inter-Alia,
regarding the status of a particular member-organization, or the manner
that we operate, you are invited to contribute and communicate your
feedback through different existing channels and we guarantee that due
consideration will be given to the same.

As for dealing with such technical incidents, the Internet community has
managed to successfully handle them time and time again and I know for a
fact that the African technical community is both knowledgeable and
self-organized enough to deal with any technical issues related to such

Kind regards,

Eddy Kayihura

Chief Executive Officer

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

t:  +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net <http://www.afrinic.net>

On 22/06/2020 17:56, lib...@tuta.io wrote:
> Dear Eddy,
> Thank you for updating the community. 
> Can you give some more details about  your first point?
>  1. IP were claimed because of wrong WHOIS? when these Ip will be
> available for recycle?
>  2. What is difference between ip addresses reclaimed and IP addresses
> reversed?
>  3. Wondering on what grounds IP were allocation in the first place
> which are reversed and claimed?
> 4.
> There is one more thread active about cloud innovations they have
> 2 x /11 and none of the IP are announced from Afrinic ASN or
> region but USA via Multacom ASN https://bgp.he.net/AS35916 
> It is a violation of Afrinic policy if IP are not announced from
> Africa region or Afrinic ASN. Are such kind of allocations under
> investigation?
> 1.    Regarding the WHOIS database accuracy, we have completed the
> first phase of the task. We have done all the reclaims and reversals
> possible. We have also initiated communication with the remaining
> holders of resources to allow them to prove the basis of their claim to
> the right of use.
>  [Some stats: 1,060,864 IP addresses reclaimed, 336,640 IP addresses
> reversed, 2,517,760 IP addresses still under investigation]
> Regards,
> Libren
> --
> -- 
> Securely sent with Tutanota. Get your own encrypted, ad-free mailbox:
> https://tutanota.com
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Monthly update July 2020

2020-07-15 Thread Eddy Kayihura
ختلفة ، كل خمس سنوات ، نحصل على امتياز رسم مستقبل هذه المنظمة. ونظرًا 
لوجودنا لخدمتك ، فإننا نسعى للحصول على مداخلاتك لوضع خطتنا الاستراتيجية للسنوات 
الثلاث القادمة حيث نهدف إلى بناء سجل ثابت وقوي قادر على إطلاق العنان لإمكانات 
الإنترنت لأفريقيا. لقد أجرينا في وقت سابق بعض المشاورات التي ، للأسف ، لم تسفر 
عن الكثير من الاستجابة. نطلب بتواضع أن تخصص 45 دقيقة تقريبًا من وقتك الثمين 
للرد على هذا الاستطلاع (Available only in English and French. English: 
https://vox.afrinic.net/418948?lang=en; Francais: 
https://vox.afrinic.net/147691?lang=fr ).


شكرًا جزيلاً على وقتك ، ولكن يرجى توقع المزيد من الاتصالات منا بشأن AIS ’20 في 
الأيام القادمة.



أطيب التحيات،







Caros Colegas,


Espero que se mantenham bem enquanto continuamos a combater a Pandemia da 


Há algumas actualizações este mês:


1. Sobre a formação. Desde o início deste ano, lançámos três cursos em linha 
totalmente interactivos em  <https://academy.afrinic.net> 
https://academy.afrinic.net. Actualmente, temos mais de 500 pessoas inscritas 
na academia. Realizámos 11 webinars com a participação de 1.046 pessoas, e 
continuamos a fornecer apoio à implementação do IPv6.


2. Como mencionado anteriormente, teremos a nossa reunião AIS'20 online durante 
a segunda semana de Setembro. É lamentável que não estejamos em condições de 
nos reunirmos cara a cara. No entanto, esperamos ter uma experiência em linha 
única e enriquecedora. Numa das reuniões preparatórias, um membro da comunidade 
levantou a questão de que temos a oportunidade perfeita de receber a bordo 
pessoas que talvez não tenham podido viajar para Kinshasa. Estamos ocupados a 
preparar um evento de sucesso, e esperamos vê-lo online.


3. Numa nota diferente, a cada cinco anos, temos o privilégio de traçar o 
futuro desta organização. E uma vez que existimos para o servir, procuramos o 
seu contributo para criar o nosso plano estratégico para os próximos três anos, 
pois o nosso objectivo é construir um registo estável e robusto capaz de 
libertar o potencial da Internet para África. Tínhamos feito anteriormente 
algumas consultas que, infelizmente, não deram grande resposta. Pedimos-lhe 
humildemente que dedique aproximadamente 45 minutos do seu precioso tempo a 
responder a este inquérito (Available only in English and French. English: 
https://vox.afrinic.net/418948?lang=en; Francais: 
https://vox.afrinic.net/147691?lang=fr ).


Muito obrigado pelo seu tempo, mas por favor espere mais comunicações nossas 
sobre o AIS '20 nos próximos dias.



Cordiais cumprimentos,







Eddy Kayihura


Chief Executive Officer


African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


t:  +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w:  <http://www.afrinic.net> www.afrinic.net 
 <http://www.afrinic.net> <http://www.afrinic.net>


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Election process of ASO-AC representative

2020-07-16 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Community Members,

The term of the community-elected AFRINIC ASO-AC representative, Noah Maina,
ends in December 2020. The election to fill this vacant seat will be held
during the Africa Internet Summit 2020 (AIS’20) scheduled for 14-18
September 2020. The election process for the ASO-AC/NRO-NC (please see
https://www.afrinic.net/election-process/aso-nro for more details) says that
voting shall be anonymous and done by secret paper ballot. However, this
meeting shall be held online.

We are therefore requesting feedback from the community on how AFRINIC can
best proceed with the election to fill the vacant seat of one
community-elected ASO-AC/NRO-NC member. We shall be delighted to receive
your proposals for this important matter.




Chers membres de la Communauté,

Le mandat du représentant de l'ASO-AC d'AFRINIC élu par la communauté, Noah
Maina, se termine en décembre 2020. L'élection pour pourvoir ce siège vacant
aura lieu lors du Sommet Africain de l'Internet 2020 (AIS'20) prévu du 14 au
18 septembre 2020. Le processus d'élection de l'ASO-AC/NRO-NC (voir
https://www.afrinic.net/election-process/aso-nro pour plus de détails)
prévoit que le vote sera anonyme et se fera par bulletin secret. Toutefois,
il se déroulera en ligne.

Nous demandons donc à la communauté de nous faire part de ses commentaires
sur la meilleure façon pour AFRINIC de procéder à l'élection pour pourvoir
le siège vacant d'un membre de l'ASO-AC/NRO-NC élu par la communauté. Nous
serons ravis de recevoir vos propositions sur cette importante question.





Eddy Kayihura


Chief Executive Officer


African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


t:  +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w:  <http://www.afrinic.net>
www.afrinic.net  <http://www.afrinic.net> <http://www.afrinic.net>


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Monthly Updates August 2020

2020-08-17 Thread Eddy Kayihura


4. الشراكات: لقد وقعنا مذكرتي تفاهم في الشهر الماضي. إطار تعاون مع ISOC يتعلق 
بقياس الإنترنت ومرونته والآخر مع لجنة الاتصالات النيجيرية ، والذي سيركز على نشر 
IPv6 في نيجيريا. نحن حريصون على رؤية الفوائد التي ستتراكم من هذه الشراكات 


مع أطيب التحيات والحفاظ على سلامتك ،







Caros Colegas,


Saudações calorosas.


Por favor, encontre abaixo as actualizações relativas ao mês passado:


1. Plano Estratégico 2021-2023: Agradecemos o seu feedback sobre o 
inquérito relativo ao desenvolvimento do próximo Plano Estratégico da AFRINIC. 
Temos estado a trabalhar intensamente na preparação do plano através de 
diferentes reuniões, workshops e entrevistas. Tivemos também um retiro em linha 
para reflectir mais sobre os objectivos e iniciativas-chave para a nossa 
organização. Publicaremos o projecto final no final de Agosto e discuti-lo-emos 
durante o AIS20 antes da sua adopção.


2. AIS20: Estamos a progredir bem nos nossos preparativos para o primeiro 
evento AIS em linha em meados de Setembro. O rascunho do programa está 
disponível em  <https://2020.internetsummit.africa/en/agenda/programme> 
https://2020.internetsummit.africa/en/agenda/programme. Esperamos e desejamos 
"vê-los" a todos no evento. 


3. WHOIS Accuracy: A equipa ainda está a trabalhar na auditoria de 
recursos, e não existe até agora qualquer actualização relativamente ao caso da 
providência cautelar provisória. O nosso objectivo é completar o exercício de 
Auditoria até ao final deste ano civil.


4. Parcerias: Assinámos 2 MOU no mês passado. Um quadro de colaboração com 
a ISOC relacionado com a medição e a resiliência da Internet e um com a 
Comissão de Comunicação da Nigéria, que se centrará na implantação do IPv6 na 
Nigéria. Estamos ansiosos por ver os benefícios que advirão destas novas 


Com os melhores cumprimentos e em segurança,







Eddy Kayihura


Chief Executive Officer


African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


t:  +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w:  <http://www.afrinic.net> www.afrinic.net 
 <http://www.afrinic.net> <http://www.afrinic.net>


Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Ongoing thefts of AFRINIC Legacy Resources -- Ongoing collusion?

2020-08-20 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Hi Jane,


Your comments below amounts to a severe breach of the Code of conduct 
(https://afrinic.net/code). Some community members have also pointed it out.


In previous communications made on this list, we have informed you about our 
whistleblowing mechanism (https://afrinic.net/whistleblowing), which is the 
process we have availed to report any malpractice with facts.


The defamatory allegations will be removed from the list ASAP as they do not 
belong here.


I advise you to retract/apologize for the allegations made.







From: Antone Bahu  
Sent: Thursday, 20 August 2020 19:39
To: A.T Jane 
Cc: community-discuss@afrinic.net
Subject: [Community-Discuss] Ongoing thefts of AFRINIC Legacy Resources -- 
Ongoing collusion?


Hello Jane,


A very important thing which I always bear in mind is that this list requires 
reasonable and sensible discussions.

It is true that different people may have different opinions, but we need to 
respect each other’s way of thinking. Sometimes certain tones are just improper 
and should not be condoned. 

Also, I think it is not necessary to stir up fatuous allegations and chaos in 
this forum. To show respect, one shall always use their real identity instead 
of hiding under the guise of an alias or pseudonyms. I think that is also an 
act of respect; being genuine is imperative to a meaningful discussion. This 
way orderliness will be a culture.

I believe everyone’s contribution to this list is valuable if we have respect 
and rationality.

Also, I think it is reasonable for the board and staff to stand up to Ronald on 
the subject he raised.


Kind regards,



On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 4:01 PM A.T Jane mailto:atjane1...@gmail.com> > wrote:



>From Ronald’s reply, it’s clear that Madhvi, AFRINIC’s Senior IP Resources 
>Specialist was involved in this entire scandal. She tried to help Ernst to 
>conceal this entire thing and it really confuses me why such a person shall 
>still be in the position of “Senior IP Resources Specialist” when it’s obvious 
>that she doesn’t even respect policy herself. 


It is just as if someone who is in the position of a security guard; he knows 
someone who illegally break into the place but still keeps his mouth shut.


Shall this person be still in this position? Isn’t it this whole thing absurd? 
I have never seen anything more corrupt and darker than this.



Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Ongoing thefts of AFRINIC Legacy Resources -- Ongoing collusion?

2020-08-20 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Hi Ron,

You have raised quite some questions in your emails.

Some of the questions you asked have answers in the monthly updates to the
community, and others do not.

We will provide comprehensive feedback to your questions by Wednesday next
week.  To manage your expectations, the items that are still under
investigation may not have all the details you would expect.



-Original Message-
From: Ronald F. Guilmette  
Sent: Thursday, 20 August 2020 18:23
To: community-discuss@afrinic.net
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Ongoing thefts of AFRINIC Legacy Resources
-- Ongoing collusion?

In message <49bf4107-8fc6-4107-99f9-155c138ff...@gmail.com>,
Mike Silber  wrote:

>Ad hominem attacks such as these are not welcome on this list or in this
>While Mr Guilmette expressed his disappointment at the fact that his
queries were not responded to in a transparent manner - I did not see any
allegation such as you have made.

I did far more than merely expressing my disappointment at the utter lack of
transparency.  I said quite plainly that I have been stonewalled for months
by AFRINIC management and staff AND that I have no idea why AFRINIC is
(purportedly) being sued by Mr. Cohen, since AFRINIC management and staff
have allowed Mr. Cohen to keep nearly 100% of his stolen booty for more than
8.5 months now a clear and provable fact for which no one has yet
provided *any* explanation.  (Jan Vermeulen's big article about all of the
thefts in AFRINIC was published on December 4th, 2019.
That was actually a full 8.5 months ago!)

Mike, rather than haranguing this A.T. Jane person for bad manners, why
don't you, as a member of the community, start asking some of the questions
that I have asked, and that management and the board are all clearly quite
reluctant to provide answers for, such as:

*)  Why after 8.5 months have none of the legacy block illicit WHOIS
modifications been undone?  Who is responsible for un-doing these
illicit changes to the WHOIS and why hasn't that person been doing
their job?  Isn't Eddy the ultimate responsible party here?  What is
his excuse for allowing these problems to languish, with no end in

*)  What is Mr. Cohen -actually- suing AFRINIC for?  AFRINIC management
and staff have -provably- allowed Mr. Cohen to keep nearly all of his
ill-gotten booty... all except the parts that the actual legacy holders
themselves took back (e.g. Sasol, the City of Cape Town, and Columbus
Stainless).  So why on earth would Cohen be suing AFRINIC?

*) Why has every single reasonable request I have made, e.g. for
WHOIS information needed to complete my investigation of these matters,
been consistantly and 100% stonewalled by both Eddy and Madhvi?

*) Who permanently "disappeared" part of the WHOIS history for the block, and why?

*)  Why is the legal complaint in this alleged legal action, by Mr.
and against AFRINIC, being kept secret from both the public and even
the dues-paying members of AFRINIC who have a clear right to see it?
why do the dues-paying members of AFRINIC even tolerate this attempt to
hide the facts which they have a right to know?  More to the point, who
is benefitting from this attempt by management and/or the board to hide
the full facts from the dues-paying members?

*)  Who did Mr. Cohen allegedly "buy" all of the stolen legacy blcoks
It had to be some AFRINIC insider... someone who could fiddle the WHOIS
records at will.  So who ELSE, in addition to Ernest, has been profiting
from the looting of AFRINIC?

*)  Who else did Ernest implicate when he was confronted with the
of his crimes by the board and management at the AFRINIC meeting in
Luanda, Angola in early December, 2019?

Mike, rather than spending your electrons chastizing list posters for their
bad manners, wouldn't it be a more productive use of your time to join me in
seeking answers to the above unanswered questions?  Don't you think that it
is about time that this colossal mess and this colossal and ongoing scandal
finally got cleaned up, and isn't it already well past time for the full
facts to be revealed and disclosed, at least to the dues-paying members?

Or should things just continue to go on they way they have been, with
AFRINIC still crooked and still a worldwide object of scorn and ridicule?

It's your RiR and your choice.  The members can just continue to turn a
blind eye to all of this, but you cannot now do so without without knowing,
for certain, that MANY facts and answers are being deliberately hidden.


Community-Discuss mailing list

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Misappropriation of IP addresses in the AFRINIC region

2020-08-26 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues, 

Following recent statements in the press and on various mailing lists,
AFRINIC has prepared a summary of the current situation regarding the
misappropriation of IP addresses in the AFRINIC region. The purpose of this
summary is to clarify what we know so far, what we have done, and what we
are planning to do. 

We take this matter extremely seriously and have been following due
diligence processes to ensure that we have sufficient evidence for the
ongoing cases described in the summary. 

The summary is available


We welcome any useful information from AFRINIC members or the wider Internet
community regarding any misappropriation of resources in the AFRINIC region.
In situations where you prefer to send an anonymous report, you can use the
AFRINIC Whistleblowing form hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers. You can,
of course, also feel free to contact me directly.  

Kind regards, 




Chers collègues, 


Suite aux récentes déclarations dans la presse et sur les diverses listes de
diffusion, AFRINIC a préparé un résumé de la situation actuelle concernant
la  manipulation non autorisée d'adresses IP dans la région AFRINIC. Le but
de ce résumé est de clarifier ce que nous savons jusqu'à présent, ce que
nous avons fait et ce que nous prévoyons de faire. 


Nous prenons cette affaire très au sérieux et nous avons suivi des
procédures de diligence raisonnable pour nous assurer que nous disposons de
preuves suffisantes pour les cas en cours décrits dans le résumé. 


Le résumé est disponible


Nous apprécierions toute information utile des membres d'AFRINIC ou de la
communauté Internet au sens large concernant tout manipulation non autorisée
de ressources dans la région AFRINIC. Si vous souhaitez faire un rapport
anonyme, vous pouvez utiliser le formulaire de
'whistleblowing' d'AFRINIC hébergé sur les serveurs sécurisés d'EthicsPoint.
Bien entendu, vous pouvez également me contacter directement.  





Eddy Kayihura


Chief Executive Officer


African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


t:  +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w:  <http://www.afrinic.net>
www.afrinic.net  <http://www.afrinic.net> <http://www.afrinic.net>


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Final Draft - Strategic Plan 2021 - 2023

2020-09-10 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that we are in the final leg of the developing
AFRINIC’s Strategic Plan 2021-2023. The process has been participatory and
inclusive, and appreciate your support throughout.

Please see the final draft  <https://afrinic.net/strategy#2021-2023> here.


We are still looking for your feedback and would appreciate your input as we
strive to finalize the document by the end of September 2020. You may send
any feedback on its current form via  <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>


We are also planning a public online session on Wednesday, 23 September
2020, at  12.30UTC (4.30 pm Mauritius time), during which we provide further
feedback to enrich the document. You may register for the meeting
<https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-0NFuW5-TGebZo6dGpIjFQ> here.


Your active participation in the Strategic Plan development process will
contribute to both the success of AFRINIC and the development of a secure
and accessible Internet in Africa.


Yours sincerely,

Eddy Kayihura 




Chers Collègues,


Nous sommes ravis de vous informer que nous sommes dans notre dernière étape
de dévelopment du plan strategique 2021-2023. La procedure a été
participative et inclusive et nous vous remercions pour votre apport.

Le draft est disponible en Anglais seulement pour le moment sur ce
<https://afrinic.net/strategy#2021-2023> lien .


Nous esperons avoir vos contributions finales car nous comptons completer le
document au 30 Septembre 2020. Pour toute suggestion ou commentaire
additionels sur le document, veuillez nous contacter via
<mailto:c...@afrinic.net> c...@afrinic.net. Nous planifions aussi une réunion
publique le mercredi 23 Septembre 2020 a 12h30 UTC (16h30 Mauritius time)
pendant laquelle nous allons discuter de notre plan avec vous. Pour y
participer, vous etes priés de vous enregistrer sur ce
<https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-0NFuW5-TGebZo6dGpIjFQ> lien.


Votre participation active dans le dévelopment de notre plan stratégique
contribuera non seulement a notre succès mais aussi au development d'un
Internet sécurisé et accessible en Afrique.




Eddy Kayihura 

Directeur Général.



Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Monthly Update October 2020

2020-10-15 Thread Eddy Kayihura
e treinamento online, RPKI, a precisão do WHOIS e 
MyAFRINICv2, para citar alguns.
Porém, nesta mensagem, eu queria me concentrar um pouco mais no  
<https://afrinic.net/strategy#2021-2023> Plano Estratégico 2021-2023.
Estamos atualmente na fase final de aprovação do plano, após coletar seus 
comentários. Nosso objetivo é focar no crescimento em uma organização centrada 
no cliente à medida que também trabalhamos na revisão de nosso modelo de 
negócios. Acompanhei as discussões na lista de membros e estou feliz em ver que 
nosso plano estratégico está alinhado com as recomendações de nossos membros.
Eu encarreguei nossa equipe de engajamento de partes interessadas de testar 
alguns compromissos com nossos membros e a comunidade para discutir meios de 
melhorar sua experiência ao lidar com a AFRINIC e explorar caminhos para uma 
melhor colaboração com nosso crescente número de membros nos países em que você 
Para aqueles interessados ​​em fazer parceria para hospedar e organizar esses 
compromissos piloto e levá-los às suas comunidades locais, entre em contato 
conosco em  <mailto:engagem...@afrinic.net> engagem...@afrinic.net, e meus 
colegas entrarão em contato.
Por último, mas não menos importante, gostaria de me despedir de George 
Nyabuga, chefe de comunicações da AFRINIC. Ele serviu a AFRINIC e sua 
comunidade, e organizar um AIS20 tranquilo durante esse período desafiador foi 
sua última tarefa como staff da AFRINIC. Desejamos a ele tudo de bom em seus 
empreendimentos futuros.






Eddy Kayihura


Chief Executive Officer


African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


t:  +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w:  <http://www.afrinic.net> www.afrinic.net 
 <http://www.afrinic.net> <http://www.afrinic.net>


Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Monthly Updates October 2020 (Arabic)

2020-10-15 Thread Eddy Kayihura

زملائي الاعزاء،

ترحيب دافئ،

لم أقدم تقرير الشهر الماضي لأننا كنا في حالة تأهب قصوى خلال قمة الإنترنت 
الأفريقية العشرين.

حضر الحدث أكثر من خمسمائة مندوب حول الطاولة الافتراضية لمناقشة نمو الإنترنت 
وتطويره على الصعيدين الإقليمي والعالمي.

أود مرة أخرى أن أشكركم جميعًا على مساهماتكم ومشاركتكم في نجاح قمة الإنترنت 
الأفريقية العشرين.

في غضون ذلك، كنا مشغولين أيضًا بالمشاريع التي تم الإبلاغ عنها مسبقًا مثل دورات 
التدريب عبر الإنترنت، و البنية التحتية للمفتاح العام للموارد، ودقة التسجيل، و 
الإصدار الثاني من بوابة ماى أفرينم ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر.

ومع ذلك، في هذه الرسالة، أردت التركيز أكثر قليلاً على الخطةالإستراتيجية 
  ٢٠٢١ - ٢٠٢٣.

نحن حاليًا في المرحلة النهائية من الموافقة على الخطة بعد جمع ملاحظاتك. نحن نهدف 
إلى التركيز على النمو إلى مؤسسة تتمحور حول العملاء كما نعمل أيضًا على مراجعة 
نموذج أعمالنا. لقد تابعت المناقشات حول قائمة الأعضاء، ويسعدني أن أرى أن خطتنا 
الاستراتيجية تتماشى مع توصيات أعضائنا.

لقد كلفت فريق مشاركة أصحاب المصلحة لدينا بتجربة بعض المشاركات مع أعضائنا 
والمجتمع لمناقشة وسائل تحسين تجربتك في التعامل مع أفرينك واستكشاف سبل تعاون 
أفضل مع عضويتنا المتزايدة في البلدان التي تعمل فيها.

للراغبين في المشاركة في استضافة وتنظيم هذه المشاركات التجريبية وإحضارها إلى 
مجتمعاتك المحلية، يرجى التواصل معنا على عنوان  .

أخيرًا وليس آخرًا، أود أن أودع جورج نيابوجا ، رئيس الاتصالات في أفرينك. لقد خدم 
أفرينك ومجتمعها، وكان تنظيم قمة الإنترنت الأفريقية العشرين السلس خلال هذا الوقت 
الصعب هو مهمته الأخيرة كموظفي أفرينك. نتمنى له كل التوفيق في مساعيه المستقبلية.


تحياتي الحارة،


إيدي كاييهورا

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Monthly Update November 2020

2020-11-19 Thread Eddy Kayihura
[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear Colleagues,

I hope that you are all keeping well. It is that time that I share with
you the monthly updates.

AFRINIC Strategic Plan 2021-2023

I am glad to announce the launch of the AFRINIC Strategic Plan
2021-2023. This had been in the works since October 2019. It was a
collaborative process of our community and members where we received
valuable feedback. Thank you to all who contributed your ideas and
expertise to help us come up with this plan that looks into our journey
towards fulfilling our objectives for the next three years. The document
is available for download here>>

Agile Transformation 

As mentioned in my previous updates, much is happening in AFRINIC- most
of which might have not caught your attention. Early this month, AFRINIC
staff were taken through the agile transformation training. This
approach will help us swiftly adjust in an ever-changing environment
while creating incremental value for our customers. We foresee more
fruitful interactions with our members and our community as we strive to
serve you better. 

Database Accuracy

We are still committed to meet our Database accuracy report deadline
that we had set for next month. The report covers the work that has been
done during this year around improving the accuracy of our WHOIS database. 

We once again appreciate all the contributions from people being in
possession of elements that will support us in this project. As stated
previously, we are aware that each action  may be disputed in court
which makes it is key that we take all necessary precautions and due
diligence before taking any action or releasing any data publicly.


It is now one year since I joined AFRINIC as the Chief Executive
Officer. Our Communications team recently interviewed me, and they have
penned down my reflections of the last one-year in AFRINIC. Please have
a read on the AFRINIC Blog Here>>

I wish you good health and happiness as we pursue our common goals and

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura

Chers collègues,

J'espère que vous vous portez tous bien. C'est à cette période-là que je
partage avec vous les mises à jour mensuelles.

Plan stratégique AFRINIC 2021-2023

Je suis heureux d'annoncer le lancement du plan stratégique AFRINIC
2021-2023. Ce plan était en cours d'élaboration depuis octobre 2019. Il
s'agit d'un processus de collaboration entre notre communauté et nos
membres, qui nous a permis de recueillir des informations très utiles.
Merci à tous ceux qui ont apporté leurs idées et leur expertise pour
nous aider à élaborer ce plan qui s'inscrit dans notre démarche visant à
atteindre nos objectifs pour les trois prochaines années. Le document
est disponible ici>> https://bit.ly/AFRINIC-Strategic-Plan-2021-2023

Transformation agile 

Comme je l'ai mentionné dans mes précédentes mises à jour, beaucoup de
projets sont en cours à l'AFRINIC - dont la plupart n'ont peut-être pas
attiré votre attention. Au début de ce mois, le personnel de l'AFRINIC a
suivi une formation sur la transformation agile. Cette approche nous
aidera à nous adapter rapidement dans un environnement en constante
évolution tout en créant une valeur ajoutée pour nos clients. Nous
prévoyons des interactions plus fructueuses avec nos membres et notre
communauté alors que nous nous engageons à mieux vous servir.

Mise à jour sur l'exactitude du WHOIS

Nous sommes toujours déterminés à respecter la date limite que nous
avions fixée au mois prochain pour le rapport sur l'exactitude du WHOIS.
Le rapport porte sur le travail qui a été effectué cette année pour
améliorer la précision de notre base de données WHOIS. 

Nous apprécions une fois de plus toutes les contributions des personnes
qui sont en possession d'éléments qui nous soutiendront dans ce projet.
Comme indiqué précédemment, nous sommes conscients que chaque action
peut être contestée devant les tribunaux, ce qui fait qu'il est
essentiel que nous prenions toutes les précautions nécessaires et que
nous fassions preuve de diligence raisonnable avant d'entreprendre toute
action ou de publier toute donnée.


Cela fait maintenant un an que j'ai rejoint l'AFRINIC en tant que
directeur général. Notre équipe de communication m'a récemment
interviewé, et elle a recueilli mes réflexions sur l'année écoulée au
sein de l'AFRINIC. Veuillez lire le blog d'AFRINIC ici>>

Je vous souhaite bonne santé et bonheur dans la poursuite de nos

[Community-Discuss] Updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 resources

2020-12-17 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,


It is my hope that you are keeping safe and well.


I would like to share some updates on the misappropriation of IPv4 number
resources case.


You may recall that we undertook to publish a comprehensive report following
the completion of our internal audit exercise. I am pleased to inform you
that the report is almost complete and is now under legal vetting. A copy
thereof will be published once the Board of Directors has taken cognizance
of the same. 


Further, the police inquiry about the misappropriation of IPv4 number
resources from AFRINIC's pool is also on-going and further statements may be
provided to the police based on the outcome of the aforesaid audit exercise.


Concerning the case SC/COM/WRT/000295/2020 (Afri Holdings Ltd, Netstyle A.
Ltd & Elad Cohen  v/s African Network Information Centre (AfriNIC) LTD), you
may note that the matter is still pending before the Hon. Judge in Chambers
of the Mauritian Supreme Court as we are still at the stage of exchange of
pleadings (i.e. affidavits). Otherwise, AFRINIC stands advised that
proceedings before the Judge in Chambers are very confidential in nature and
access to the pleadings is limited to parties and of course the judge only.


Unfortunately, certain events are beyond our control and we solicit your

Thank you all for your patience.


Kind Regards,


Eddy Kayihura






Chers collègues,


J'espère que vous vous portez bien.


J'aimerais vous faire part de quelques mises à jour sur l'affaire concernant
la manipulation non autorisée des ressources numériques IPv4.


Vous vous souvenez que nous nous sommes engagés à publier un rapport complet
à l'issue de notre exercice d'audit interne. Je suis heureux de vous
informer que le rapport est presque terminé et qu'il est maintenant en cours
d'examen juridique. Une copie sera publiée dès que le conseil
d'administration en aura pris connaissance.


En outre, l'enquête de police concernant la manipulation non autorisée des
ressources numériques IPv4 du pool de l'AFRINIC est également en cours et
d'autres déclarations pourraient être fournies à la police en fonction des
résultats de l'exercice d'audit susmentionné.


En ce qui concerne l'affaire SC/COM/WRT/000295/2020 (Afri Holdings Ltd,
Netstyle A. Ltd & Elad Cohen c/s African Network Information Centre
(AfriNIC) LTD), vous pouvez noter que l'affaire est toujours pendante devant
le juge en chambre de la Cour suprême mauricienne car nous en sommes
toujours au stade de l'échange des  plaidoiries (c'est-à-dire des
déclarations sous serment). Par ailleurs, AFRINIC est informée que les
procédures devant le juge en chambre sont de nature très confidentielle et
que l'accès aux plaidoiries est limité aux parties et, bien entendu, au juge


Malheureusement, certains événements échappent à notre contrôle et nous
sollicitons votre compréhension.


Nous vous remercions tous de votre patience.




Eddy Kayihura








Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] December Updates

2020-12-22 Thread Eddy Kayihura
[French, Arabic, and Portuguese versions below]

Dear Colleagues, 

I hope that you are all keeping well. It is that time that I share with you the 
monthly updates-the last update of 2020. I wish to take this opportunity to 
express my gratitude for the continued constructive engagement, support, and 
contribution that you have made this year that has seen AFRINIC realize yet 
another year.

IP Misappropriation Case Updates

I have been keeping you updated on this throughout the year. We, therefore, 
agreed to publish a comprehensive report following the completion of our 
internal audit exercise. As notified last week, the report is now at the legal 
vetting stage. A copy thereof will be published early next year once the Board 
of Directors has taken cognizance of the same. I shall continue to keep you 
updated on this as we go along. 

Review of 2020

Despite the challenges we have faced this year, we have been able to execute 
our mandate and serve our community and members. 

As we embark on our new strategic plan 2021 – 2023, we are determined to build 
on what we have achieved together and will continue to grow the organisation. 
We shall highlight more on our achievements in 2020 and 2021 activities plan in 
our upcoming blogs during the first quarter of 2021. 

End of year Office closure notice

As we move closer to the end of the year, I take this opportunity to inform you 
that AFRINIC offices will be closing for the Festive season Holidays on the 
following days:

*   Thursday 24 December 2020
*   Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 December 2020
*   Monday 4 January 2021 

We shall resume on Tuesday, 5 January 2021. 

However, during this time, our teams have done everything possible to ensure 
all services are accessible and a team will be on standby should there be any 

I take this opportunity to wish you a happy holiday season. 2020 has been a 
difficult year but we wish you a very healthy and prosperous 2021. 

I once again thank you for your engagement throughout the year and look forward 
to your continued trust and support come 2021. 

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,

Chief Executive Officer,

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC).



Chers collègues, 


J'espère que vous allez tous bien. C'est à cette période que je partage avec 
vous les mises à jour mensuelles -cette fois ci la dernière mise à jour de 
2020. Je tiens à saisir cette occasion pour vous exprimer ma gratitude pour 
l'engagement constructif, le soutien et la contribution que vous avez apportés 
cette année qui a vu l'AFRINIC réaliser encore une autre année.



Mises à jour sur les cas de détournement de propriété intellectuelle


Je vous ai tenu au courant tout au long de l'année. Nous avons donc convenu de 
publier un rapport complet à l'issue de notre exercice d'audit interne. Comme 
nous l'avons notifié la semaine dernière, le rapport est maintenant au stade 
d'examen juridique. Une copie en sera publiée au début de l'année prochaine, 
dès que le conseil d'administration en aura pris connaissance. Je continuerai à 
vous tenir au courant de l'évolution de la situation.



Bilan de l'année 2020


Malgré les défis auxquels nous avons été confrontés cette année, nous avons été 
en mesure d'exécuter notre mandat et de servir notre communauté et nos membres.


Alors que nous nous lançons dans notre nouveau plan stratégique 2021 - 2023, 
nous sommes déterminés à consolider ce que nous avons réalisé ensemble et nous 
continuerons à bâtir l'organisation. Nous mettrons davantage l'accent sur nos 
réalisations en 2020 et sur le plan d'activités 2021 dans nos prochains blogs 
au cours du premier trimestre 2021.



Avis de fermeture du bureau en fin d'année


Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année, je profite de l'occasion pour 
vous informer que les bureaux de l'AFRINIC fermeront pour les fêtes de fin 
d'année les jours suivants :


Jeudi 24 décembre 2020

Mercredi 30 et jeudi 31 décembre 2020

Lundi 4 janvier 2021



Nous reprendrons le mardi 5 janvier 2021.



Toutefois, pendant cette période, nos équipes ont fait tout leur possible pour 
que tous les services soient accessibles et une équipe sera en stand-by en cas 



Je profite de cette occasion pour vous souhaiter de bonnes fêtes de fin 
d'année. 2020 a été une année difficile, mais nous vous souhaitons une année 
2021 très saine et prospère.


Je vous remercie encore une fois pour votre engagement tout au long de l'année 
et je me réjouis de la confiance et du soutien que vous nous accorderez encore 
en 2021.




Eddy Kayihura,


Directeur général,






زملائي الاعزاء،


أتمنى أن تكون جميعكم على ما يرام. إنه الوقت الذي أشارك فيه معكم التحديثات 
الشهرية - آخر تحديث لعام 2020. وأود أن أغتنم هذه الف

[Community-Discuss] Publication of the report on AFRINIC WHOIS Database Accuracy

2021-01-21 Thread Eddy Kayihura

[French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]

Dear colleagues,

As promised, I am pleased to announce the publication of the report on AFRINIC 
WHOIS Database Accuracy which was originally planned to be released in December 


The report is the outcome of a thorough audit exercise undertaken by our team 
for all the IPv4 resources that falls under AFRINIC’s Service region including 
both legacy and non-legacy space.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has worked 
tirelessly towards the delivery of this report, our team at AFRINIC, the APNIC 
staff who have been assisting and supporting us all along and our community 
members who have shared valuable information, feedback and constructive 
insights to the misappropriation of IPv4 resources case. 

I hope you will find the information in the report useful and we look forward 
to receiving your comments and feedback.


Eddy Kayihura


Chers collègues,

Comme promis, j'ai le plaisir d'annoncer la publication du rapport sur 
l'exactitude de la base de données WHOIS d'AFRINIC, qui devait initialement 
être publié en décembre 2020.


Le rapport est le résultat d'un exercice d'audit approfondi entrepris par notre 
équipe pour toutes les ressources IPv4 qui relèvent de la région de service de 
l'AFRINIC, y compris les espaces 'legacy' et non legacy.

J'aimerais profiter de cette occasion pour remercier tous ceux qui ont 
travaillé sans relâche à la publication de ce rapport, notre équipe à 
l'AFRINIC, le personnel de l'APNIC qui nous a aidés et soutenus tout au long de 
l'exercice et les membres de notre communauté qui ont partagé des informations 
précieuses, des commentaires et des idées constructives sur le cas du 
détournement des ressources IPv4.   

J'espère que les informations contenues dans le rapport vous seront utiles et 
nous nous réjouissons de recevoir vos commentaires et réactions.


Eddy Kayihura


زملائي الاعزاء،

كما وعدت ، يسعدني أن أعلن عن نشر تقرير دقة قاعدة بيانات AFRINIC WHOIS الذي كان 
من المقرر إطلاقه في ديسمبر 2020.


التقرير هو نتيجة تمرين تدقيق شامل قام به فريقنا لجميع موارد IPv4 التي تقع ضمن 
منطقة خدمة AFRINIC بما في ذلك المساحة القديمة وغير القديمة.

أود أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة لأشكر كل من عمل بلا كلل من أجل تسليم هذا التقرير ، 
وفريقنا في AFRINIC ، وموظفي APNIC الذين كانوا يساعدوننا ويدعموننا طوال الوقت 
وأعضاء مجتمعنا الذين شاركوا المعلومات القيمة والتعليقات و رؤى بناءة حول التملك 
غير المشروع لحالة موارد IPv4.

آمل أن تجد المعلومات الواردة في التقرير مفيدة ونتطلع إلى تلقي تعليقاتكم 

مع تحياتي،

Eddy Kayihura


Caros colegas,

Como prometido, tenho o prazer de anunciar a publicação do relatório sobre 
AFRINIC WHOIS Database Accuracy, que estava inicialmente previsto para ser 
lançado em Dezembro de 2020.


O relatório é o resultado de um exaustivo exercício de auditoria empreendido 
pela nossa equipa para todos os recursos IPv4 que se enquadram na região de 
Serviço da AFRINIC, incluindo tanto o espaço legado como o espaço não legado.

Gostaria de aproveitar esta oportunidade para agradecer a todos os que 
trabalharam incansavelmente para a entrega deste relatório, à nossa equipa na 
AFRINIC, ao pessoal da APNIC que nos tem ajudado e apoiado desde o início e aos 
nossos membros da comunidade que partilharam informações valiosas, feedback e 
percepções construtivas sobre o caso da apropriação indevida de recursos IPv4.  

Espero que considerem as informações contidas no relatório úteis e aguardamos 
com expectativa os vossos comentários e feedback.


Eddy Kayihura___
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Afrinic updates - January 2021

2021-01-27 Thread Eddy Kayihura
[French, Arabic and Portuguese version below]

Dear Colleagues,

It is my hope that you have started the year on a good note and are keeping 
well. It is my pleasure to share with you the first monthly update of this year.

AFRINIC Office Opened

The AFRINIC Office is now open, this is after several months of closure in 
adherence to the COVID-19 safety protocols and guidance by the Mauritian 
Authorities as well as office renovation works. During this time, we could only 
serve you virtually as has been the global norm lately. With this said, the 
team is happy to be back and are energised to serve you this year bidding to 
bring to reality our vision of a secure and robust Internet in Africa.

AFRINIC WHOIS Database audit Report

As you may be aware, AFRINIC published an audit of all IPv4 number resources, 
which consisted of verifying the rightful custodianship of those resources, 
including both legacy and non-legacy resources that fall under AFRINIC’s 
service region. We have produced a blog that highlights the findings of the 
report as well as what changes and improvements we have done at AFRINIC in wake 
of the audit report.
The blog is available here: 
Collaboration between AFRINIC and the African Telecommunication Union (ATU)

AFRINIC has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the African 
Telecommunication Union (ATU) a specialised agency of the African Union in the 
field of telecommunications.This collaboration will pave  the way for both ATU 
and AFRINIC to work closer together towards a more reliable, accessible, 
affordable and resilient Internet to support the Digital Transformation on the 
continent. The Press Release for this event is available 

I wish you well as we pursue our common goals and aspirations.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,

Chief Executive Officer,

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


Chers collègues,

J'espère que vous avez bien commencé l'année. J'ai le plaisir de partager avec 
vous la première mise à jour mensuelle de cette année.

Ouverture du bureau d'AFRINIC 

Le bureau d'AFRINIC est maintenant ouvert, après plusieurs mois de fermeture, 
conformément aux protocoles de sécurité COVID-19 et aux directives des 
autorités mauriciennes  ainsi que des travaux de rénovation du  bureau. Pendant 
cette période, nous n'avons pu vous servir que virtuellement selon la norme 
globale ces derniers temps. Cela dit, l'équipe est heureuse d'être de retour et 
elle est déterminée à vous servir cette année en afin de réaliser notre vision 
pour un Internet fiable et robuste en Afrique.

Rapport d'audit de la base de données WHOIS de l'AFRINIC

Comme vous le savez peut-être, l'AFRINIC a publié un audit de toutes les 
ressources numériques IPv4, qui consistait à vérifier la garde légitime de ces 
ressources, y compris les ressources legacy et non legacy qui relèvent de la 
région de service de l'AFRINIC. Nous avons créé un blog qui met en lumière les 
conclusions du rapport ainsi que les changements et les améliorations que nous 
avons apportés à l'AFRINIC suite au rapport de l'audit. 
Le blog est disponible ici : 

Collaboration entre l'AFRINIC et l'Union africaine des télécommunications (UAT) 

AFRINIC a signé un protocole d'accord avec l'Union africaine des 
télécommunications (UAT), une agence spécialisée de l'Union africaine dans le 
domaine des télécommunications. Cette collaboration ouvrira la voie à une 
collaboration plus étroite entre l'UAT et AFRINIC en vue d'un Internet plus 
fiable, plus accessible, plus abordable et plus résilient pour soutenir la 
transformation numérique sur le continent. Le communiqué de presse de cet 
événement est disponible 

Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation alors que nous poursuivons nos 
aspirations et objectifs communs.


Eddy Kayihura,

Directeur général,

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


زملائي الاعزاء،

آمل أن تكون قد بدأت العام بشكل جيد وأنك على ما يرام. إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن 
أشارككم أول تحديث شهري لهذا العام.

تم افتتاح مكتب AFRINIC

مكتب AFRINIC مفتوح الآن ، وذلك بعد عدة أشهر من الإغلاق امتثالًا لبروتوكولات 
السلامة الخاصة بـ COVID-19 وإرشادات سلطات موريشيوس وكذلك أعمال تجديد المكاتب. 
خلال هذا الوقت ، لم نتمكن من خدمتك إلا تقريبًا كما كانت القاعدة العالمية 
مؤخرًا. مع هذا ، يسعد الفريق بالعودة ويتم تنشيطه لخدمتك هذا العام في العطاءات 
لتحقيق رؤيتنا لإنترنت آمن وقوي في إفريقيا.

تقرير تدقيق قاعدة بيانات AFRINIC WHOIS

كما تعلمون ، نشرت AFRINIC تدقيقًا لجميع موارد أرقام IPv4 ، والتي تتألف من 
التحقق من الوصاية الشرعية على تلك الموارد ، بما في ذلك الموارد القديمة وغير 
القديمة التي تقع ضمن منطقة

[Community-Discuss] February 2021 Updates

2021-02-22 Thread Eddy Kayihura

[Version en français au bas]


Dear Colleagues,

I hope that you are keeping well. It is that time that I share with you the
updates on our activities in February 2021. This time I have decided to
share this update to the RPD mailing list as well, since there are important
updates for the Policy Development Working Group.


Updates on the AFRINIC WHOIS Database Accuracy 


As you may be aware, AFRINIC published an Audit Report of all IPv4 number
resources, which consisted of verifying the rightful custodianship of those
resources, including both legacy and non-legacy resources that fall under
AFRINIC’s service region.


In January 2021, AFRINIC reclaimed the IPv4 prefix, amounting
to 262,144 IP addresses from Logic web Inc. AFRINIC has been informed that
Logic Web Inc has retained services of legal advisers to initiate legal
actions against AFRINIC. We therefore await being formally served with the
relevant court summons. 


Regarding the ongoing court case ref: Afri Holdings Ltd & Ors v/s AFRINIC
(SC/COM/WRT/000295/2020), the  matter is still pending before the Honourable
Judge Chambers (Commercial Division) of the Mauritian Supreme Court.
However, we consider it also appropriate to add that in case someone having
an interest in the matter wishes to intervene as a party therein, he/she may
make an application to the Hon. Judge in Chambers citing the following cause
number SC/COM/WRT/000295/2020.


In regard to the resources holding legacy status that were investigated, we
request the legal successors of the organisations recorded as holders of
these resources to contact AFRINIC at hostmas...@afrinic.net
<mailto:hostmas...@afrinic.net> , the earliest possible, so that they may be
guided as to how to proceed.  




On 06 February 2021, the Chairman of the Recall Committee announced that the
two PDP Co-chairs were recalled from their positions as Co-Chairs of the
Policy Development Process with immediate effect. As a direct consequence of
the above, the AFRINIC PDP is in an unprecedented situation of having two
vacancies for its co-chair positions.


AFRINIC, in its role as secretariat to the Policy Development Working Group
(PDWG), has been asked to help facilitate the ongoing discussions on the
most sensible way to resolve the current situation. We will be collecting
all proposed options and compiling a staff assessment and impact analysis
which will be shared on the RPD mailing list. We trust the PDWG will come
together and find a suitable way forward.  

I urge our resource members and our community to participate in this core
component of our bottom-up, all-inclusive process that AFRINIC and its
community were founded upon. 


Having said that, I firmly believe that it is our responsibility as
secretariat to the AFRINIC community to foster a safe and all-inclusive
environment where community members, volunteers as well as AFRINIC staff
feel supported and comfortable serving this community without the fear of
being publicly harassed and personally attacked. I take this responsibility
extremely seriously and am committed to dedicating all necessary resources
towards the delivery of this safe and all-inclusive environment. We will be
sharing soon a blog post that will cover steps taken by AFRINIC as well as a
number of campaigns that we plan to launch this year on this key component
of what any community is founded upon.


AFRINIC Mailing-list Terms of use

This comes after several concerns raised from community members on the
virulence of exchanges on AFRINIC mailing lists and the growing number of
one-off posts from incognito aliases. To safeguard the community from being
subject to these inappropriate behaviours, we are considering developing
mechanisms to verify and authenticate the mailing lists’ users. 


To this end, we would appreciate your comments on the proposed AFRINIC
Mailing Lists Terms of Use. You are welcome to put in your comments before
28 February 2021 here>>


Africa Internet Summit 2021


I am happy to announce that Africa Internet Summit 2021 (AIS’21) will be
held online from 31st May - 4th June 2021. We shall communicate the details
on registration and event program in due course. I need not remind you all
how important it is to get involved with these public meetings, the rich
content it has to offer as well as the PDP sessions and discussions that
will be held. 


As a community we should always keep in mind what unites us and why we came
together in the first place. It is key for the sustainable development of
our digital economy in Africa to get all diverse opinions on board and then
consent on what needs to be done and the best way to accomplish our common


I wish you well as we pursue our common goals and aspirations.


Thank You.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,

Chief Executive Officer,

African Network Information

Re: [Community-Discuss] Breach of the Code of Conduct by Mr Ronald Guilmette

2021-02-25 Thread Eddy Kayihura
[Français disponible au bas]


Dear Colleagues,  


I wish to reiterate that we don't take lightly such a decision, and it was
not the easiest to make. Having said that, I am grateful that I can see from
the email exchanges that the community understands the reasoning behind the
decision and does not judge us based on the decision itself.


Mr. Guilmette, I appreciate your email and the evident sincerity in your


I would like to take the opportunity to repeat the invitation to the
community to join us for our upcoming webinar on 4 March 2021.


During the webinar, we will be discussing collectively as a community how to
foster a welcoming, all-inclusive environment that engages in constructive
dialogues where people exercise their right to freely and openly express
their thoughts and critics while respecting their colleagues and their right
not to be publicly attacked or insulted.


We will not take any action regarding the archives until after the webinar,
where we can agree collectively on the best way forward.


We are working on ensuring that live interpretation services (French/
English) will be made available for this session so that the community can
express their thoughts in the language that they feel most comfortable


Kind regards,






Chers Collègues,


Je souhaite réitérer que nous ne prenons pas a la légère une telle décision
et elle n’a pas été la plus facile a prendre. Cependant, je suis ravi de
voir au travers les différents échanges, que la communauté comprend le
cheminement qui nous y a conduit et ne nous juges pas seulement sur base de
notre décision.


Mr. Guilmette, j’apprécie votre email ainsi que la sincérité évidente de vos


Je souhaite aussi répéter l’invitation lancée a toute la communauté a notre
webinar du 4 Mars 2021 (



Pendant ce webinar, nous allons discuter, comme une communauté, sur comment
créer un environnement accueillant, inclusif qui est engagé dans un dialogue
constructif où les participants jouissent de leur droit de s’exprimer
librement même pour critiquer tout en respectant les autres ainsi que leur
droit de ne pas se voir attaquer ou insulter publiquement.


Contrairement à ce qui a été annoncé auparavant, nous n’allons pas
immédiatement appliquer la mesure concernant les archives. Il est plus
judicieux que nous en discutions ensemble pendant cette réunion alors que
nous nous accordons sur la meilleure marche à suivre pour le futur.


Pour cette session, nous comptons rendre disponible un service
d’interprétariat simultané (Français/Anglais)  pour permettre a tous de bien
s’exprimer dans la langue de leur choix.


Meilleures salutations,




-Original Message-
From: Ronald F. Guilmette  
Sent: Thursday, 25 February 2021 01:44
To: community-discuss@afrinic.net
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Breach of the Code of Conduct by Mr Ronald


In message < 

jordi.pa...@consulintel.es> wrote:


>Moreover, removing any posting from the mailing list archives is a 

>clear attack to this community. This is called censorship. If AFRINIC, 

>as an organization, is providing the service, it must be an open and 

>transparent service, and that includes not making any kind of censorship.


I thank both Jordi and Mike Silber for their kind and constructive comments.


I wish to say also that I personally am OK with having my prior posting here
scrubbed from the mailing list archives.  I understand that there is some
concern, well placed or not, within AFRINIC that some of my comments may
reflect badly on the organization itself and might possibly have some effect
on either the already ongoing litigation or on potential future
litigation... and I most certainly would not desire anything that I have
said, as a private citizen, to have any negative effect upon AFRINIC's legal


After being duly informed that further contributions from me would be
moderated for a period of 30 days, I did some reading on this topic of this
legal offense known as "Scandalizing the Court".  I had to educate myself
about that, because we quite certainly have nothing even remotely like that
here in the U.S.


What I learned, among other things, is that such an offense continued to
exist, in England, Whales, and Scotland, until really quite recently, i.e.
the 2012-2013 time frame, but that since that time it has been abolished in
those judicial systems.  I also learned that this offense continues to exist
within many Commonwealth countries, apparently including Maur

[Community-Discuss] March 2021 Updates

2021-03-17 Thread Eddy Kayihura
[French, Arabic, and Portuguese versions below]


Dear Colleagues,


I hope you are keeping well. Please find below updates detailing AFRINIC 
activities in March 2021.


Community Consultative webinar

I would like to thank our community members who attended the “Public 
Persecution vs. Constructive Criticism on AFRINIC Mailing lists” Community 
Consultative Webinar. We had a total of 68 participants in the webinar. The 
AFRINIC mailing list is an essential avenue for policy building and continuous 
dialogue - our community’s heartbeat, where we engage in open, respectful 
discussions, on matters of importance to the African Internet community. From 
this webinar, we understood your perspective and we now pave the way for other 
such-like webinars where we listen to the views of our community. 


This webinar showed the sense of goodwill from our community, the desire for 
teamwork in our community, and the trust you have for AFRINIC. I wish to assure 
our community that we will make sure to address the concerns raised in the 
shortest time possible to see us get to a point where it is safe to contribute 
to discussions on the mailing list.  We want to ensure that we create an 
environment that is conducive enough and helpful for everyone to participate 
freely and where people are safe to contribute. An  
 executive summary for the webinar has been published.


AIS’21 Online

The  African Internet Summit (AIS’21) Online / AFRINIC 33 will take place on 
31st May- 4th June 2021.

 <https://2021.internetsummit.africa/register> Registration for this meeting is 
now open, and delegates are requested to register before 21st May 2021. The 
virtual session will follow the tentative program below:

  31   May 2021   -AfNOG Technical Session 

   1June 2021   -Af* Meeting

   2-3 June 2021  -AFRINIC-33 Public Policy Meeting

   4 June 2021  -   Annual General Members Meeting (AGMM).


Updates on the Mailing list clean up Exercise

To safeguard the community from being subject to inappropriate behaviours, we 
have developed mechanisms to verify and authenticate the mailing lists’ users. 
The terms of use are now approved and we are working on its implementation 
starting with the community-discuss mailing list.


AFRINIC Office Closure

There has been another wave of COVID-19 infections in Mauritius. The Mauritian 
authorities have announced a countrywide lockdown in the next two weeks. For 
our staff’s safety and to comply with the government directives, the AFRINIC 
office will remain closed for any walk-in services during this time. We have 
put in place measures to ensure that all our services are available, albeit 
online and the AFRINIC Team is in a position to provide services.


 Appreciation to all Volunteers in the African Internet Community

Our community is backed up by men and women who have given their time and even 
expertise towards various projects and in different groups and I would not end 
this update without appreciating our community members who double up as 
volunteers engaging in discussions on the mailing lists. Moreover, they take 
time out of their busy schedules to participate in consultative sessions 
whenever they are called upon. I think it is only fair that I acknowledge these 
groups: The Board Members, the members of all working groups and our volunteer 
translators. Thank you for your service.


I wish you well as we pursue our common goals and aspirations.


Thank You.


Kind Regards,


Eddy Kayihura,

Chief Executive Officer,

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC).

 <http://www.afrinic.net> www.afrinic.net 



Chers collègues,

J'espère que vous vous portez bien. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les mises à 
jour détaillant les activités d'AFRINIC en mars 2021.


Webinaire consultatif de la communauté

Je voudrais remercier les membres de notre communauté qui ont participé au 
webinaire consultatif de la communauté ''Public Persecution vs. Constructive 
Criticism on AFRINIC Mailing lists”. Nous avons eu un total de 68 participants 
à ce webinaire. La liste de diffusion d'AFRINIC est une plateforme essentielle 
pour l'élaboration de politiques et le dialogue continu - le moteur de notre 
communauté, où nous nous engageons dans des discussions ouvertes et 
respectueuses, sur des sujets d'importance pour la communauté Internet 
africaine. Grâce à ce webinaire, nous avons compris votre point de vue et nous 
nous préparons aussi pour d'autres webinaires de ce type où nous considérerons 
vos opinions.


Ce webinaire a montré le sentiment de bonne volonté de notre communauté, le 
désir de travailler en équipe, et la confiance que vous avez en AFRINIC. Je 
tiens à vous assurer que nous ferons en sorte de répondre aux préoccupations 
soulevées dans les plus brefs

[Community-Discuss] Monthly updates April 2021

2021-04-16 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,


It is my hope that you are keeping safe. Below are the AFRINIC Activities 
Updates for the month of April 2021.


AFRINIC Q1 Activities  

In the first quarter of 2021, we endeavoured to host and coordinate a total of 
six webinars and one IPv6 Deployathon. Out of these webinars, one was a 
community consultative webinar that saw 68 Community members take part. During 
quarter one, we signed digital development MoUs with the Ministry of Digital 
Economy of Benin (MND) to collaborate on the development of a resilient digital 
economy infrastructure in their Benin and one with the African 
Telecommunication Union to undertake research and build the capacity of African 
Governments and ICT regulators for effective Internet development in Africa. 
Other collaborations include partnerships with Facebook, Southern Africa 
Telecommunication Association (SATA), Smart Africa and Autorité de Regulation 
de la Poste et de Telecommunication du Congo (ARPTC-DRC).


New Co-chairs of the PDP

I would like to congratulate Mr. Vincent Ngundi and Mr. Darwin Da Costa on 
their selection and  <https://afrinic.net/board/meeting/2021#r602> appointment 
as PDWG Co-chairs effective 10th April 2021 to serve a two-year term and 
one-year term respectively. I wish them well in their new position and call on 
all of us to give them the support that they might require. The replacement of 
the PDWG Co-chairs was an experience and we recently published  
<https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2021/013080.html> the recap and the 
lessons learnt while facilitating the discussions of replacing the PDWG 


Application for Injunction  -  Cloud Innovation

In addition to the existing two pending cases before the Hon. Judge of the 
Mauritius Supreme Court (i.e Afri Holdings & Others vs AFRINIC (2020); and 
Logic Web Inc vs AFRINIC (2021)), it has recently come to Management’s 
knowledge that Cloud Innovation Ltd has lodged an application for an injunction 
against AFRINIC before the Mauritius Supreme Court. Due to the national 
lockdown pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, AFRINIC is yet to officially 
receive the relevant court documents. Accordingly,  we have  requested the 
attorney of Cloud Innovation Ltd to do the needful so that we receive the 
relevant documents before AFRINIC may take a stand in the matter.


The Africa Internet Summit 2021 Online (AIS’21 Online) / AFRINIC-33


The annual, regional, multi-stakeholder ICT conference, AIS’21 Online is set to 
take place from 31st May to 4th June 2021. Delegate  
<https://2021.internetsummit.africa/register> Registration for this meeting is 
ongoing and delegates are requested to register before 21st May 2021. This 
edition of AIS Online hosted by the Internet Service Providers Association of 
the Democratic Republic of Congo (ISPA-DRC) as our Virtual Host.


AIS’21 Online is also calling on members of our community to share their 
innovation and projects during the summit through  
<https://2021.internetsummit.africa/programme/call> presentation proposals. We 
have provided an opportunity to submit presentations and the presentation 
proposals guide is available on the  <https://2021.internetsummit.africa/> 
AIS’21 Online meeting website. The Call for AIS’21 Online Sponsors is now open. 
We are calling on African ISPs to take advantage of this opportunity and 
support the regional meeting. African ISPs are entitled to a 15% discount on 
the daily rate category of the  
<https://2021.internetsummit.africa/sponsor/opportunities#pack> AIS’21 Online 
Sponsorship Package.


For the first time, we have included a session on  
<https://2021.internetsummit.africa/programme/inclusivity-diversity> Inclusion 
and diversity in the African Internet Ecosystem in the AIS’21 Online Program. 
This comes in the wake of the need to enhance decent exchange while 
safeguarding and ensuring we have a strong African community. There is a need 
to better onboard our youth and make sure that their contributions help us 
build the future of the digital economy in Africa and adheres to the code of 
conduct set by the veteran community members. The session will include 
presentations and panel discussions around fostering a safe and inclusive 
environment for youth, people living with disability and women, in the African 
Internet tech space will be highlighted.


Kind Regards,


Eddy Kayihura

Chief Executive Officer,

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

 <mailto:c...@afrinic.net> c...@afrinic.net 



Chers collègues,


J'espère que vous êtes en sécurité. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les mises à jour 
des activités d'AFRINIC pour le mois d'avril 2021.


Activités d'AFRINIC au 1er trimestre  

Au cours du premier trimestre de 2021, nous nous sommes engagés à accueillir et 
à coordonner un total de six webinaires et un déploya

[Community-Discuss] Afrinic Monthly Updates - May 2021

2021-05-19 Thread Eddy Kayihura
 soon at the AIS’21 Online.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


Chers collègues,

J'espère que vous êtes en sécurité. Je vous présente ci-dessous quelques mises 
à jour des activités de l'AFRINIC pour le mois de mai 2021.

Fonctions de sécurité pour MyAFRINIC et RPKI
En juin 2021, nous prévoyons de déployer des améliorations en matière de 
sécurité pour le portail MyAFRINIC et les utilisateurs de RPKI. L'amélioration 
la plus intéressante est l'introduction de l'authentification à deux facteurs 
(2FA) qui nous permettra d'abandonner l'utilisation de BPKI et qui comprend une 
application de mot de passe unique basé sur le temps (TOTP) est liée et 
utilisée en scannant simplement un code QR, une fois que le 2FA est activé, 
BPKI ne sera pas nécessaire pour gérer le RPKI. L'équipe communiquera avec les 
membres pour plus de détails sur la mise à niveau. En outre, l'infrastructure 
RPKI sera équipée d'un nouveau module de sécurité matériel (HSM). Le HSM 
augmentera considérablement le niveau de sécurité en ce qui concerne les clés 
numériques et les certificats.

Webinaire MyAFRINIC V2
En 2020, l'AFRINIC s'est lancé dans un projet de mise à jour de la version 
actuelle de MyAFRINIC. L'objectif était de la rendre aussi conviviale que 
possible pour nos membres et notre communauté, afin de permettre à nos membres 
de mieux utiliser les services et produits de l'AFRINIC. Nous avons lancé une 
enquête consultative en ligne et avons reçu des commentaires de 283 répondants 
dont 85 étaient des réponses complètes. Nous avons organisé un webinaire pour 
permettre à nos parties prenantes de tester cette plateforme. Je vous invite 
donc à participer au webinaire "Breaking the ice around MyAFRINIC v2'' qui aura 
lieu aujourd'hui 20 mai 2021 à 12:00 UTC. Cette session est un suivi de 
l'engagement initial de l'AFRINIC avec vous pour comprendre et résoudre vos 
problèmes et défis. Vous pouvez vous joindre à nous, Inscrivez-vous ici

Mise à jour sur la demande d'Injonction réf Cloud Innovation Ltd vs AFRINIC
Dans la mise à jour du mois dernier, j'ai partagé avec vous la demande 
d'injonction déposée par Cloud Innovation Ltd, cette dernière étant l'un des 
membres ressources d'AFRINIC.  Nous avons depuis reçu tous les documents 
relatifs à ladite demande d'injonction et l'AFRINIC a retenu les services de 
conseillers juridiques pour défendre sa position. Nous ne pouvons pas entrer 
dans les détails de ladite demande car l'affaire est toujours en cours devant 
l'honorable juge en chambre. Nous pouvons, cependant, partager les points 
Il apparaît qu'en dépit des dispositions explicites de la Contrat de Service 
d'Enregistrement (RSA) par lequel AFRINIC a informé Cloud Innovation par lettre 
en date du 10 mars 2021 de certains manquements et défaillances de leur part et 
que le membre était contractuellement tenu d'y remédier dans un délai de 30 
jours et/ou de répondre à l'AFRINIC dans ledit délai, Cloud Innovation a plutôt 
choisi de saisir l'Honorable Juge en Chambre de la Cour Suprême en demandant 
une injonction contre AFRINIC.

Mise à jour sur les autres demandes d'injonction en cours contre AFRINIC
En ce qui concerne les deux autres demandes d'injonction contre l'AFRINIC, à 
savoir Afri Holdings Ltd & Others contre l'AFRINIC et Logic Web Inc. contre 
l'AFRINIC, les deux affaires sont toujours en cours devant le juge en chambre 
de la Cour suprême. Vous vous souvenez peut-être que ces deux affaires 
concernent la manipulation non autorisée des ressources IP qui avaient été 
récupérées par l'AFRINIC.
La location d'adresses IPv4 non utilisées et le CPM
Le 13 mai 2021, un courriel circulant auprès des membres  d'AFRINIC qui semble 
fournir une assistance aux membres ressources qui souhaitent louer des blocs 
d'adresses IPv4 inutilisées. Pour rappel, l'allocation des ressources IP est 
effectuée sur la base des besoins stricts, conformément aux dispositions du RSA 
(Registration Service Agreement). Les membres doivent informer l'AFRINIC de 
tout changement ayant un impact sur les ressources IP allouées et restituer à 
l'AFRINIC les ressources IP dont ils n'ont plus besoin. La constitution de 
stocks des ressources IP est strictement interdite, comme indiqué dans le 
Manuel de politique consolidé (CPM).  Nous prévoyons d'organiser une série de 
webinaires sur le CPM dans les semaines à venir.

AIS'21 en ligne
Nous sommes maintenant à quelques jours du début de l'AIS'21 Online. La clôture 
des inscriptions pour cette réunion est prévue pour demain, le 21 mai 2021. 
L'AIS'21 Online se déroulera via la plateforme de réunion Meetecho et n

Re: [Community-Discuss] Afrinic Monthly Updates - May 2021

2021-05-20 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Hi Owen,

As stated in the email, we understand there could be some misunderstanding 
hence the webinar series on this. 

They will happen within Q2 or early Q3 this year.



> On 20 May 2021, at 10:59, Owen DeLong  wrote:
> I’m curious, Eddy,
> What is there in the CPM that distinguishes leasing with connectivity 
> services included (or sold separately) from leasing without them?
> Seems a distinction without a difference to me.
> Owen
>> On May 19, 2021, at 23:41 , Eddy Kayihura  wrote:
>> Leasing Unused IPv4 address and the CPM
>> On 13 May 2021, a circulating email to AFRINIC's Resource Members purported 
>> to provide assistance to Resource Members who wished to lease unused IPv4 
>> address blocks. As a reminder, the allocation of IP Number Resources is 
>> effected on a strict-need basis according to the provisions of the 
>> Registration Service Agreement (RSA). Members should notify AFRINIC about 
>> any change impacting allocated IP Number resources and surrender to AFRINIC 
>> any IP number resources no longer required. Stock-piling of allocated IP 
>> number resources is strictly prohibited as outlined in the Consolidated 
>> Policy Manual (CPM).  We are planning to have a series of webinars in the 
>> coming weeks on CPM.
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Afrinic Updates June 2021

2021-06-23 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

It is my hope that you are keeping safe, I share below some updates on AFRINIC 
activities for the month of June 2021.

AIS’21 Online Highlights
It was the second time that we were having the meeting online and this time, we 
had a lot of improvements which were mostly lessons learned from AIS’20. This 
year's meeting hosted  378 unique delegates from 55 countries, 7 sponsors and 
was virtually hosted by Internet Service Providers in DRC (ISPA-DRC). Here are 
a few of my Personal Highlights of AIS’21.

The Inclusivity and diversity session had a panel discussing aspects of digital 
inclusion in the African Ecosystem and the importance of thawing technology and 
gender to work hand in hand in the educational sector through mentorship and 
knowledge sharing. 
The first two days of the meeting were dedicated to  AfNOG and AF* Days. The  
AIS’21 Online opening ceremony was flagged off by His Excellency Augustin 
Kibassa, Minister of Posts, Telecommunications & ICT in the Democratic Republic 
of Congo, he highlighted the production and supply of digital services and 
related activities that are developing rapidly in Africa through the 
participation of public administrations, the private sector and civil 
The “Building Digital Economy in Africa” session called on the need for 
investment in infrastructure development and building networks across Africa 
with emphasis on the importance of public-private partnership where governments 
facilitate collaborations and are the enabler on matters legislations, 
connectivity, entrepreneurship and data protection.
It is worth noting that during the AGMM session, privacy concerns were raised, 
and we managed to quickly resolve what we could during the meeting. However, we 
have taken note of such concerns and we will be organising webinars around how 
AFRINIC deals with data privacy to share and discuss best current practices.

I would like to thank our virtual host ISPA-DRC, our partners: AfNOG,the AF* 
and AIS’21  Online Sponsors for your immense support. Thank you to all event 
speakers  and  delegates for the rich presentations and conversations that 
enriched this meeting. The AIS’ 21 Online  meeting recaps are available here 

AFRINIC Online Course - Arabic version

We recently launched the “Creating the perfect IPv6 addressing plan” online 
course in Arabic.The course that is available in English and French, helps you 
create the best possible hierarchical addressing and facilitate the aggregation 
of your resources. The course has been developed and is offered by the AFRINIC 
Academy. I would like to appreciate our community members: Ms.Sara Alamin, 
Ms.Khansa Abdalla and Mr. Manhal Mohamed for their support in translating the 

Lame Delegation Policy implemented in its entirety
AFRINIC went live with the full implementation of the Lame Delegation Policy 
(section 10.7 of the Consolidated Policy Manual) on 29 April 2021 and since 
then, DNS lameness tests run daily from at least 3 geographical locations. When 
an “nserver” record on a “domain” object  is found to be lame on consecutive 
days, notifications are sent on days 3, 10, 17 and 24 to admin-c, tech-c and 
zone-c contacts, while on day 11 a remark is added in the "domain" object 
identifying the lame nameserver(s). On day 30, the lame “nserver” record will 
be removed from the WHOIS database. Following the removal of all lame “nserver” 
records, if a “domain” object is left with zero “nserver” records, the “domain” 
object will be removed from the WHOIS database. As per the Policy, this measure 
ensures that nameservers as recorded in the WHOIS are in fact authoritative for 
the relevant zones, making the WHOIS a reliable source of information for 
network operators.
More information on this change, advice and contact details for inquiries may 
be obtained on this online publication>> 
<https://afrinic.net/20210428-lame-dns-delegation-policy> . A tool  for reports 
on lame delegations per domain is available at >> 
https://afrinic.net/whois/lame <https://afrinic.net/whois/lame>
I wish you well as we pursue our common goals and aspirations.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net> 


Chers collègues,

En espérant que vous vous portez bien, je partage ci-dessous quelques mises à 
jour sur les activités d'AFRINIC pour le mois de juin 2021.

Faits marquants de l'AIS'21 en ligne

C'était la deuxième fois que nous organisions la réunion en ligne et cette 
fois-ci, nous avons apporté de nombreuses améliorations qui étaient 
principalement des leçons tirées de l'AIS'20. La réunion de cette année a 
accueilli 378 délégués uniques de 55 pays, 7 spons

Re: [Community-Discuss] Unaddressed queries by AFRINIC during AGMM

2021-06-30 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Mr Wollner,

I refer to your email dated 24 June 2021.

Questions 1 to 3 were addressed during the open mic session held on 4 June 2021 
and we undertook an action to organise a webinar within 2 months to discuss 
with the community the definition of “need-based” in the AFRINIC policies and 

We are delighted to see that the discussion amongst the community has already 

Regarding question 4, we cannot penalise a staff member unless we find concrete 
proof of their involvement in the misappropriation of the IP resources. As of 
now, we do not have such evidence on any of AFRINIC’s current staff members. 

The appropriate channel for such inquiry or complaint is to submit it via our 
Whistleblowing <https://afrinic.net/whistleblowing> platform. 


Eddy Kayihura

Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

M. Wollner,

Je me réfère à votre courriel du 24 juin 2021.

Les questions 1 à 3 ont été abordées lors de la session 'open mic' qui s'est 
tenue le 4 juin 2021 et nous avons entrepris une action visant à organiser un 
webinaire dans un délai de 2 mois afin de discuter avec la communauté de la 
définition de "need-based" dans les politiques et les statuts d'AFRINIC.

Nous sommes ravis de voir que la discussion au sein de la communauté a déjà 

En ce qui concerne la question 4, nous ne pouvons pas pénaliser un membre du 
personnel à moins de trouver des preuves concrètes de son implication dans la 
manipulation non autorisée des ressources IP. A ce jour, nous n'avons pas de 
telles preuves sur aucun des membres actuels du personnel d'AFRINIC.

Le canal approprié pour une telle requête ou plainte est de la soumettre via 
notre plateforme de whistleblowing <https://afrinic.net/whistleblowing>.

Eddy Kayihura
Directeur général,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

> On 24 Jun 2021, at 12:27, Paul Wollner  wrote:
> Dear Chairperson,
> Reference is made to the AGMM chaired by you on the 4 June 2021.
> I wish to put on record that at the AGMM we were not given a reasonable 
> opportunity to discuss and comment on the management of AFRINIC and in 
> particular to the following issues:-
> Question 1
> AFRINIC claims that any change in the IP usage will require re-justifying the 
> usage. Would it mean that, hypothetically, if I have a web customer on my 
> server and they leave to be replaced with a VPN customer, will I need to seek 
> AFRINIC’s approval first?
> Question 1 was not discussed or commented upon
> Question 2
> The rest of the world enjoys a 30 USD/IP at a free open market. With AFRINIC 
> having a transfer policy in place, will AFRINIC still demand any unused IP be 
> returned to them for free?
> Question 2 was not discussed or commented upon
> Question 3
> Out-of-region use was extensively discussed within the last decade, and it 
> was a consensus that pre-soft landing space is allowed for out-of-region use. 
> Yet, I heard that AFRINIC seems to be using bylaw 6.1 to manage other 
> people’s resource usage. This is not part of AFRINIC policy and has, with 
> good reason, never been approved by the community. Can AFRINIC clarify its 
> understanding of out-of-region usage to the member base?
> Question 3 was not discussed or commented upon
> Question 4
> Madhvi was in charge of the registration department when the IP heist 
> happened – this, at the very least, shows her incompetence, so why is she 
> getting promoted instead of rightfully dismissed?
> Question 4 was not discussed or commented upon
> Paul Wollner
>  AGMM.pdf>___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> Community-Discuss@afrinic.net
> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/community-discuss

Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Notice of imminent reclamation of number resources

2021-07-08 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

AFRINIC hereby informs all those concerned that it has initiated actions for 
the reclamation of Internet number resources from Cloud Innovation Ltd.

On 07 July 2021, the Supreme Court of Mauritius delivered a judgement whereby 
the application for injunction lodged by Cloud Innovation Ltd has been set 

Consequently, on 08 July 2021, AFRINIC’s Board of Directors, whilst acting 
reasonably and in good faith, more so, in light of the judgment of the Supreme 
Court of Mauritius, found that Cloud Innovation Ltd failed to honour its 
obligations under the Registration Service Agreement and has thus decided to 
terminate the membership of Cloud Innovation Ltd as well as reclaim its number 
resources in the following manner:

The resources previously allocated to Cloud Innovation Ltd will be ‘frozen’ on 
the AFRINIC WHOIS database with Cloud Innovation Ltd no longer having access to 
the same.

 In order not to disrupt Internet connectivity of the relevant users especially 
in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, all affected users will 
exceptionally be granted a grace period of 90 days to consider other available 
options in their best interests. Consequently, the actual reclamation of the 
relevant number resources will occur following the expiry of the grace period.

Eddy Kayihura
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)


Chers collègues,

AFRINIC informe toutes les personnes concernées qu'elle a entamé des actions de 
réclamation des ressources de numéros Internet auprès de Cloud Innovation Ltd.

Le 07 juillet 2021, la Cour Suprême de Maurice a rendu un jugement par lequel 
la demande d'injonction déposée par Cloud Innovation Ltd a été rejetée.

En conséquence, le 08 juillet 2021, le Conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC, tout 
en agissant raisonnablement et de bonne foi, et plus encore, à la lumière du 
jugement de la Cour Suprême de Maurice, a constaté que Cloud Innovation Ltd n'a 
pas honoré ses obligations en vertu du Contrat de Service d'Enregistrement et a 
donc décidé de résilier l'adhésion de Cloud Innovation Ltd ainsi que de 
réclamer ses ressources de numéros Internet de la manière suivante :

Les ressources précédemment attribuées à Cloud Innovation Ltd seront "gelées" 
dans la base de données WHOIS d'AFRINIC et Cloud Innovation Ltd n'y aura plus 
Afin de ne pas interrompre la connectivité Internet des utilisateurs concernés, 
notamment dans le contexte actuel de la pandémie de COVID-19, tous les 
utilisateurs concernés bénéficieront exceptionnellement d'une période de grâce 
de 90 jours pour envisager d'autres options disponibles dans leur intérêt. Par 
conséquent, la réclamation effective des ressources numériques concernées aura 
lieu après l'expiration de la période de grâce.

Eddy Kayihura
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

زملائي الأعزاء،

تُبلغ AFRINIC بموجب هذا جميع الأطراف المعنية بأنها قد بدأت إجراءات لاسترداد 
موارد أرقام الإنترنت من Cloud Innovation Ltd.

في 07 يوليو 2021 ، أصدرت المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس حكماً تم بموجبه إلغاء طلب 
الإنذار المقدم من شركة Cloud Innovation Ltd.

وبالتالي ، في 08 يوليو 2021 ، وجد مجلس إدارة AFRINIC ، أثناء تصرفه بشكل معقول 
وبحسن نية ، في ضوء حكم المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس ، أن Cloud Innovation Ltd فشلت 
في الوفاء بالتزاماتها بموجب اتفاقية خدمة التسجيل وبالتالي قررت إنهاء عضوية 
Cloud Innovation Ltd وكذلك استعادة مواردها الرقمية بالطريقة التالية:

سيتم "تجميد" الموارد المخصصة سابقًا لشركة Cloud Innovation Ltd في قاعدة بيانات 
AFRINIC WHOIS ، حيث لم يعد بإمكان Cloud Innovation Ltd الوصول إليها.

 من أجل عدم تعطيل اتصال الإنترنت للمستخدمين المعنيين خاصة في السياق الحالي 
لوباء COVID-19 ، سيتم منح جميع المستخدمين المتأثرين بشكل استثنائي فترة سماح 
مدتها 90 يومًا للنظر في الخيارات المتاحة الأخرى بما يحقق مصلحتهم الفضلى. 
وبالتالي ، فإن الاسترداد الفعلي لموارد الأرقام ذات الصلة سيحدث بعد انتهاء فترة 

Eddy Kayihura
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

Caros Colegas,

AFRINIC informa todos os interessados que iniciou acções para a recuperação de 
recursos de números de Internet da Cloud Innovation Ltd.

Em 07 de Julho de 2021, o Supremo Tribunal das Maurícias proferiu uma sentença 
pela qual o pedido de injunção apresentado pela Cloud Innovation Ltd foi 

Consequentemente, a 08 de Julho de 2021, o Conselho de Administração da 
AFRINIC, embora agindo razoavelmente e de boa fé, mais ainda, à luz do acórdão 
do Supremo Tribunal das Maurícias, considerou que a Cloud Innovation Ltd não 
honrou as suas obrigações ao abrigo do Acordo de Serviço de Registo, tendo 
assim decidido pôr termo à adesão da Cloud Innovation Ltd, bem como reclamar os 
seus recursos numéricos da seguinte forma:

Os recursos anteriorment

[Community-Discuss] Compliance with Supreme Court Order

2021-07-15 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

This is to inform you that the Supreme Court of Mauritius has, on this day 15 
July 2021, ordered  that AFRINIC reinstates the membership status of Cloud 
Innovation Ltd until the Court of Civil Appeal’s determination of the appeal 
lodged by Cloud Innovation Ltd against the judgment in favour of AFRINIC, 
delivered on 7 July 2021.

Our Team is currently in the process of implementing the reversal action that 
will be completed within the coming hours.

Kind regards,

Eddy Kayihura 
Chief Executive Officer 
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC's Update

2021-07-27 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

Please take note of the message below that has been shared with members 
providing an update on our current situation.


Kind Regards

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer

t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net  |  

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

This email and any attachment (s) transmitted with it are confidential. They 
may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law. They are intended solely 
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have 
received this email by error please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and 
delete this e-mail from your system. You are also notified that disclosing, 
copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its contents is 
strictly prohibited and unlawful. By reading the message and opening any 
attachment, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and 
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> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Eddy Kayihura 
> Subject: [members-discuss] AFRINIC's Update
> Date: 27 July 2021 at 18:31:59 GMT+4
> To: AfriNIC Discuss 
> Signed PGP part
> Dear Members,
> I wish to share with you an update on the freezing of AFRINIC Financial 
> Accounts and the options we are considering.
> Please watch the video here 
> (https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts
> <https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts>)
> Besides, after the recording of the video, there has been a latest 
> development in the matter regarding AFRINIC’s application lodged yesterday 
> seeking a variation of the freezing order.
> The latest update is that the Learned Judge has fixed the matter for August 
> 4th 2021 for the other parties, including the concerned banks,  to 
> communicate their stand in the matter.
> We shall update you accordingly.
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer, AFRINIC
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>
> …….
> Chers membres,
> Je souhaite partager avec vous une mise à jour sur le gel des comptes 
> financiers d'AFRINIC et les options que nous envisageons.
> Veuillez regarder la vidéo ici 
> (https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts
> <https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts>)
>  - cliquez sur la page en français pour texte en français. La vidéo 
> malheureusement n’est disponible qu’en anglais.
> En outre, après l'enregistrement de la vidéo, il y a eu un dernier 
> développement dans l'affaire concernant la demande d'AFRINIC déposée hier 
> pour une modification de l`ordre de gel de nos comptes.
> La dernière mise à jour est que le Learned Judge a fixé l'affaire au 4 août 
> 2021 pour que les autres parties, incluant les banques, communiquent leur 
> position dans l'affaire.
> Nous vous tiendrons informés en conséquence.
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer, AFRINIC
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>
> .
> أعضاء العزيز،
> أود أن أطلعكم على آخر المستجدات بشأن تجميد حسابات AFRINIC المالية والخيارات 
> التي ندرسها.
> يرجى مشاهدة الفيديو هنا 
> (https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts
> <https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts>)
> علاوة على ذلك ، بعد تسجيل الفيديو ، كان هناك تطور جديد في الموضوع فيما يتعلق 
> بطلب Afrinic الذي تم تقديمه أمس للحصول على تغيير في أمر التجميد.
> آخر تحديث هو أن القاضي المستعلم قد أصلح الأمر في 4 أغسطس 2021 للأطراف الأخرى 
> للتعبير عن موقفهم في هذا الشأن.
> سنقوم بتحديثك وفقا لذلك.
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer, AFRINIC
>  <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>
> …….
> Caros Membros,
> Desejo partilhar convosco uma actualização sobre o congelamento das Contas 
> Financeiras AFRINIC e as opções que estamos a considerar.
> Po

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC's Update (with translation)

2021-07-27 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

I realised that the previous message did not have the other languages 
translations in full.

Apologies for the double posting.

Kind Regards

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer

t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net  |  

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

This email and any attachment (s) transmitted with it are confidential. They 
may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law. They are intended solely 
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have 
received this email by error please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and 
delete this e-mail from your system. You are also notified that disclosing, 
copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its contents is 
strictly prohibited and unlawful. By reading the message and opening any 
attachment, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and 
remedial action about viruses and other defects.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Eddy Kayihura 
> Subject: AFRINIC's Update
> Date: 27 July 2021 at 18:31:59 GMT+4
> To: AfriNIC Discuss 
> Dear Members,
> I wish to share with you an update on the freezing of AFRINIC Financial 
> Accounts and the options we are considering.
> Please watch the video here 
> (https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts
> <https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts>)
> Besides, after the recording of the video, there has been a latest 
> development in the matter regarding AFRINIC’s application lodged yesterday 
> seeking a variation of the freezing order.
> The latest update is that the Learned Judge has fixed the matter for August 
> 4th 2021 for the other parties, including the concerned banks,  to 
> communicate their stand in the matter. 
> We shall update you accordingly. 
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer, AFRINIC
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net> 
> …….
> Chers membres,
> Je souhaite partager avec vous une mise à jour sur le gel des comptes 
> financiers d'AFRINIC et les options que nous envisageons.
> Veuillez regarder la vidéo ici 
> (https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts
> <https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts>)
>  - cliquez sur la page en français pour texte en français. La vidéo 
> malheureusement n’est disponible qu’en anglais.
> En outre, après l'enregistrement de la vidéo, il y a eu un dernier 
> développement dans l'affaire concernant la demande d'AFRINIC déposée hier 
> pour une modification de l`ordre de gel de nos comptes.
> La dernière mise à jour est que le Learned Judge a fixé l'affaire au 4 août 
> 2021 pour que les autres parties, incluant les banques, communiquent leur 
> position dans l'affaire. 
> Nous vous tiendrons informés en conséquence. 
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer, AFRINIC
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net> 
> .
> أعضاء العزيز،
> أود أن أطلعكم على آخر المستجدات بشأن تجميد حسابات AFRINIC المالية والخيارات 
> التي ندرسها.
> يرجى مشاهدة الفيديو هنا 
> (https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts
> <https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts>)
> علاوة على ذلك ، بعد تسجيل الفيديو ، كان هناك تطور جديد في الموضوع فيما يتعلق 
> بطلب Afrinic الذي تم تقديمه أمس للحصول على تغيير في أمر التجميد.
> آخر تحديث هو أن القاضي المستعلم قد أصلح الأمر في 4 أغسطس 2021 للأطراف الأخرى 
> للتعبير عن موقفهم في هذا الشأن.
> سنقوم بتحديثك وفقا لذلك.
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer, AFRINIC
>  <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net> 
> …….
> Caros Membros,
> Desejo partilhar convosco uma actualização sobre o congelamento das Contas 
> Financeiras AFRINIC e as opções que estamos a considerar.
> Por favor, veja o vídeo aq

[Community-Discuss] Correction to my previous email

2021-07-28 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

Please see below the correction message that I have sent to members.


Kind Regards

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer

t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net  |  

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Eddy Kayihura 
> Subject: [members-discuss] Correction to my previous email
> Date: 28 July 2021 at 21:20:53 GMT+4
> To: AfriNIC Discuss 
> Dear Members,
> In times of uncertainty and misinformation even the smallest detail can be 
> used to confuse and disrupt even further.
> I do not want to contribute to the confusion so allow me to try again to 
> convey a more accurate message.
> Yesterday, while shooting the video with the update on freezing our bank 
> accounts, AFRINIC had not yet received the Judge's Order regarding our 
> application for discharge or variation of the freezing order. 
> https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts
> <https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts>
> I was only made aware of the Judge's Order minutes before sending out the 
> email.
> https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/community-discuss/2021-July/004338.html 
> <https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/community-discuss/2021-July/004338.html>
> However, I have failed to mention in my email, for the sake of completeness, 
> that the Judge had declined our prayers and I simply mentioned that the 
> matter has been fixed for the 4th of August for the other parties to 
> communicate their stand. This omission on my part was not in any way 
> intentional. 
> My team and I are working on resolving this whole situation as soon as 
> possible. We are humbled and honored by the huge amount of support we are 
> seeing from our membership that are our partners in building  Africa’s 
> digital future.
> I appreciate your kind understanding on the matter.
> Kind Regards,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer, AFRINIC
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>
> Chers Collègues,
> En ces temps d'incertitude et de désinformation, même le plus petit détail 
> peut être utilisé pour semer la confusion et perturber encore plus.
> Je ne veux pas contribuer à la confusion, alors permettez-moi d'essayer à 
> nouveau de transmettre un message plus précis.
> Hier, lors du tournage de la vidéo avec la mise à jour sur le gel de nos 
> comptes bancaires, AFRINIC n'avait pas encore reçu l’Ordre du Juge concernant 
> notre demande de décharge ou de variation de la saisie arrêt sur les comptes 
> bancaires d’AFRINIC. 
> https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts
> <https://afrinic.net/20210727-ceo-addresses-freezing-of-afrinic-financial-accounts>
> J’ai pris connaissance de l’Ordre du Juge quelques minutes avant d’envoyer 
> l’email.
> https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/community-discuss/2021-July/004338.html 
> <https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/community-discuss/2021-July/004338.html>
> Toutefois, j'ai omis de mentionner dans mon courriel, par souci de précision, 
> que le juge avait rejeté nos demandes et j'ai simplement mentionné que 
> l'affaire avait été fixée au 4 août pour que les autres parties puissent 
> communiquer leur position. Cette omission de ma part n'était en aucun cas 
> intentionnelle. 
> Mon équipe et moi-même nous employons à résoudre cette problématique dans les 
> plus brefs délais. Nous sommes humbles et honorés par l'énorme soutien que 
> nous constatons de la part de nos membres qui sont nos partenaires dans la 
> construction de l'avenir numérique de l'Afrique.
> Je vous remercie de votre compréhension à ce sujet.
> Cordialement,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Directeur général de l'AFRINIC
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>
> ………
> أعضاء العزيز،
> في أوقات عدم اليقين والمعلومات المضللة ، يمكن استخدام أصغر التفاصيل للتشويش 
> والتعطيل أكثر.
> لا أريد أن أساهم في الارتباك ، لذا اسمحوا لي أن أحاول مرة أخرى أن أنقل رسالة 
> أكثر دقة.
> بالأمس ، أثناء تصوير الفيديو مع التحديث الخاص بتجميد حساباتنا المصرفية ، لم 
> تتلق AFRINIC بعد أمر القاضي بشأن طلبنا لإب

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Updates

2021-08-02 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

Please see below a message that was shared with our members.

Kind Regards

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer

t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net  |  

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Eddy Kayihura 
> Subject: [members-discuss] AFRINIC Updates
> Date: 2 August 2021 at 19:00:13 GMT+4
> To: AfriNIC Discuss 
> Signed PGP part
> Dear Members,
> Please take note of the video message below.
> https://afrinic.net/role-of-afrinic <https://afrinic.net/role-of-afrinic>
> We would like to reassure everyone that despite the ongoing challenges, we 
> are doing the utmost to maintain continuity of our registry services.
> We are hoping for an early determination of the matter although we have no 
> control how long the proceedings may take.
> In case we do not see any positive development by this week, we will provide 
> another update by next Tuesday.
> Kind regards,
> Eddy Kayihura
> …….
> Chers membres,
> Veuillez prendre note du message vidéo ci-dessous.
> https://afrinic.net/role-of-afrinic <https://afrinic.net/role-of-afrinic>
> Nous tenons à vous rassurer que malgré les difficultés actuelles, nous 
> faisons tout notre possible pour maintenir la continuité de nos services de 
> registre.
> Nous espérons une résolution rapide de l'affaire, bien que nous n'ayons aucun 
> contrôle sur la durée de la procédure. Au cas où nous ne verrions pas 
> d'évolution positive cette semaine, nous ferons une nouvelle mise à jour 
> mardi prochain.
> Bien à vous,
> Eddy Kayihura
> ……….
> أعضاء العزيز،
> يرجى ملاحظة رسالة الفيديو أدناه.
> https://afrinic.net/role-of-afrinic <https://afrinic.net/role-of-afrinic>
> نود أن نطمئن الجميع أنه على الرغم من التحديات المستمرة ، فإننا نبذل قصارى 
> جهدنا للحفاظ على استمرارية خدمات التسجيل لدينا.
> نأمل في التوصل إلى قرار مبكر بشأن هذه المسألة على الرغم من أننا لا نملك 
> السيطرة على المدة التي قد تستغرقها الإجراءات.
> في حال لم نشهد أي تطور إيجابي بحلول هذا الأسبوع ، فسنقدم تحديثًا آخر بحلول 
> يوم الثلاثاء المقبل.
> أطيب التحيات،
> إيدي كاييهورا
> ………...
> Caros Membros,
> Por favor, tome nota da mensagem de vídeo abaixo.
> https://afrinic.net/role-of-afrinic <https://afrinic.net/role-of-afrinic>
> Gostaríamos de assegurar a todos que, apesar dos actuais desafios, estamos a 
> fazer o máximo para manter a continuidade dos nossos serviços de registo.
> Esperamos uma rápida determinação do assunto, embora não tenhamos qualquer 
> controlo sobre o tempo que os procedimentos podem demorar. Caso não se 
> verifique qualquer desenvolvimento positivo até esta semana, forneceremos 
> outra actualização até à próxima terça-feira.
> Cordiais cumprimentos,
> Eddy Kayihura
> --
> Kind Regards
> Eddy Kayihura M.
> Chief Executive Officer
> t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net 
> <https://www.afrinic.net/>  |  youtube.com/afrinicmedia 
> <http://youtube.com/afrinicmedia>
> ___
> Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
> Africa”
> Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
> services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
> Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)
> ***
> This email and any attachment (s) transmitted with it are confidential. They 
> may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law. They are intended 
> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
> you have received this email by error please notify the sender immediately by 
> e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. You are also notified that 
> disclosing, copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its 
> contents is strictly prohibited and unlawful. By reading the message and 
> opening any attachment, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking 
> protective and remedial action about viruses and other defects.
> ***

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Update 04 Aug 2021

2021-08-04 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

Please see the update below.

Kind regards,


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Eddy Kayihura 
> Date: 5 August 2021 at 00:00:43 GMT+4
> To: AfriNIC Discuss 
> Subject: [members-discuss] Update 04 Aug 2021
> Dear Colleagues,
> There was no decision made in court today, next court hearing has been set 
> for the upcoming Friday August 13.
> We continue with the plan and we will update you soon.
> Keep strong as we journey this season.
> Thanks,
> Chers collègues,
> Aucune décision n'a été rendue au tribunal aujourd'hui, la prochaine audience 
> du tribunal a été fixée au vendredi 13 août prochain.
> Nous continuons avec le plan et nous vous mettrons à jour bientôt.
> Restez forts pendant que nous traversons cette saison.
> Merci,
> Caros colegas,
> Não houve decisão no tribunal hoje, a próxima audiência foi marcada para 
> sexta-feira, 13 de agosto.
> Continuamos com o plano e iremos atualizá-lo em breve.
> Mantenha-se forte durante nossa jornada nesta temporada.
> Obrigado,
> زملائي الأعزاء،
> لم يتم اتخاذ أي قرار في المحكمة اليوم ، تم تحديد جلسة المحكمة القادمة يوم 
> الجمعة المقبل 13 أغسطس.
> نواصل الخطة وسنقوم بتحديثك قريبًا.
> حافظ على قوتنا أثناء رحلتنا هذا الموسم.
> شكرا،
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Fwd: Update on court proceedings

2021-08-13 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Community,

Please see a message that was shared with members earlier.

Kind regards,


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Eddy Kayihura 
> Date: 13 August 2021 at 20:50:23 GMT+4
> To: AfriNIC Discuss 
> Subject: Update on court proceedings
> Dear Members,
> The matter with regards to our variation application was called before the 
> court today. The Honorable Judge did not accede to our request and was of the 
> view that the application was procedurally incorrect and should have been 
> entered differently. 
> In view of the urgency, we had attempted a special procedure to have the 
> order varied. Unfortunately, the court ordered that we follow a different 
> procedure.
> As communicated previously, we understand and appreciate the processes the  
> court needs to adhere to and our legal team is considering all possible 
> avenues. We will keep you updated on the matter.
> Next week our team will invite you for different members meetings to 
> elaborate more on the business continuity options.
> Kind regards 
> Eddy
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] September Updates

2021-09-14 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Hi All,

Please see a message below that was sent on the Members-Discuss list.

Please stay safe and kind regards,


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Eddy Kayihura mailto:e...@afrinic.net>>
> Subject: [members-discuss] September Updates
> Date: 14 September 2021 at 10:55:16 GMT+4
> To: AfriNIC Discuss  <mailto:members-disc...@afrinic.net>>
> Dear Resource Members,
> It has been some time without the usual monthly update from me. I would like 
> to reconnect the habit although I am sure you have been kept updated through 
> other communications channels.
> AFRINIC Jenga Sessions with the Resources Members 
> Jenga which means “Build” in Swahili, aims at building stronger relationships 
> with the AFRINIC resource holders through organising dedicated sessions aimed 
> at highlighting the services offered by AFRINIC and collecting feedback and 
> recommendations from our resource members.  Over the course of the sessions, 
> the AFRINIC Team embarked on implementing Jenga with our resource members. 
> During the sessions, we explained the current situation and discussed the 
> risk mitigation mechanisms that are in place to ensure a smooth continuation 
> of services despite the freezing of our bank accounts. The roundtable 
> discussion of the Jenga was a success and has been documented in the AFRINIC 
> Blog <https://afrinic.net/20210830-afrinic-jenga-project-pilot-phase>.
> 2.  Legal updates
> As you may be aware, we recently applied for the removal of the attachment or 
> alternatively, a reduction of the amount of money attached in the AFRINIC’s 
> bank accounts. The request for the removal of the attachment is connected to 
> a prior case for the validation of the attachment and both are still ongoing. 
> We are thankful to the Court which has acceded to AFRINIC’s request to have 
> access to part of its funds so as to meet its vital expenses for the months 
> of July and August 2021. As of today, all staff have been paid including 
> those who did not receive their salaries for the month of July and the team 
> is working on clearing all pending suppliers’ invoices. Otherwise, we assure 
> you that AFRINIC is robustly resisting all cases lodged against it.  You may 
> check the updated Summary of these cases <https://afrinic.net/court-cases>. 
> 3.  Major changes on AFRINIC RPKI Environment
> On Tuesday 31 August 2021, AFRINIC made a major improvement in its RPKI 
> infrastructure. We are delighted to announce to our community that critical 
> RPKI operations now have an integration with Hardware Security Module (HSM). 
> This is a major step for us in enhancing the security of the infrastructure 
> as well as providing excellent services to our resource members and community.
>  4.  AFRINIC-34 Online
> AFRINIC-34 will take place virtually from November 15-18, 2021. We shall 
> communicate the details on the registration and event program in due course. 
> The importance of getting involved in these public  meetings can not be 
> overemphasised especially the rich content this meeting has to offer as well 
> as the PDP sessions and discussions that we have in store.
> 5.Keeping the lights on
> We have been contacted by stakeholders in our community and beyond our 
> region, expressing their interest in supporting us during these challenging 
> times. Who would not appreciate some love and care from friends and family? I 
> remain grateful to the Community at large for the immense support, word of 
> wisdom and encouragement that we have received so far. We remain grateful! I 
> wish to reiterate that AFRINIC is still providing stable services to our 
> members and community.
> I wish you well as we pursue our common goals and aspirations.
> Kind Regards and keep safe navigating this pandemic,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer,
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net> 
> …
> Chers membres,
> Cela fait un certain temps que je n'ai pas fait ma mise à jour mensuelle 
> habituelle. Je voudrais renouer avec cette habitude, même si je suis sûr que 
> vous avez été tenus au courant par d'autres canaux de communication.
> Séances de Jenga AFRINIC avec les membres ressources
> Jenga, qui signifie "construire" en Swahili, a pour but de renforcer les 
> relations avec les membres qui détiennent des ressources d'AFRINIC en 
> organisant des sessions dédiées visant à mettre en avant les services offerts 
> par AFRINIC et à recueillir les impressions et recomma

[Community-Discuss] Update on legal case - Freeze of Bank accounts

2021-10-15 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

Please see the message below that was shared with our members.

Kind Regards

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.

t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net  |  

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

This email and any attachment (s) transmitted with it are confidential. They 
may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law. They are intended solely 
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have 
received this email by error please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and 
delete this e-mail from your system. You are also notified that disclosing, 
copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its contents is 
strictly prohibited and unlawful. By reading the message and opening any 
attachment, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and 
remedial action about viruses and other defects.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Eddy Kayihura 
> Subject: [members-discuss] Update on legal case - Freeze of Bank accounts
> Date: 15 October 2021 at 14:53:03 GMT+4
> To: AfriNIC Discuss 
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are happy to inform our stakeholders that there was a court hearing today 
> with regard to our application for removal of the freezing order against 
> The Court, after considering our application and the case initiated by Cloud 
> Innovation Ltd, has declared the order null and void. In short, AFRINIC has 
> won this case against Cloud Innovation Ltd.
> There is another Appeal to be heard on 11th November 2021. We will keep you 
> informed of the outcome and we are quietly optimistic that justice will 
> prevail.
> Kind Regards,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>
> …...
> Chers Collègues,
> Nous sommes heureux de vous informer qu'une audience a eu lieu aujourd'hui au 
> tribunal concernant notre demande de levée de l'ordonnance de gel des comptes 
> Le tribunal, après avoir examiné notre demande et l'affaire initiée par Cloud 
> Innovation Ltd, a déclaré l'ordonnance nulle et non avenue. En bref, AFRINIC 
> a gagné ce procès contre Cloud Innovation Ltd.
> Un autre appel doit être entendu le 11 novembre 2021. Nous vous tiendrons 
> informés du dénouement et nous sommes optimistes quant à la justice.
> Cordialement,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Directeur général
> Le Centre d'information du réseau africain
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>
> ……...
> زملائي الاعزاء،
> يسعدنا إبلاغ أصحاب المصلحة لدينا أنه كانت هناك جلسة استماع اليوم فيما يتعلق 
> بطلبنا لإزالة أمر التجميد ضد AFRINIC.
> أعلنت المحكمة ، بعد النظر في طلبنا والقضية التي رفعتها شركة Cloud Innovation 
> Ltd ، أن الأمر باطل ولاغٍ. باختصار ، فازت AFRINIC بقضيتها ضد Cloud Innovation 
> Ltd.
> هناك نداء آخر سيتم الاستماع إليه في 11 نوفمبر. سنبقيك على اطلاع بالنتيجة ونحن 
> متفائلون بهدوء بأن العدالة ستسود.
> AFRINIC للاتصالات
> .
> Caros colegas,
> Temos o prazer de informar as nossas partes interessadas de que houve hoje 
> uma audiência judicial relativamente ao nosso pedido de retirada da ordem de 
> congelamento contra a AFRINIC.
> O Tribunal, após considerar o nosso pedido e o processo iniciado pela Cloud 
> Innovation Ltd, declarou a ordem nula e sem efeito. Em suma, a AFRINIC ganhou 
> o seu processo contra a Cloud Innovation Ltd.
> Há outro recurso a ser ouvido a 11 de Novembro de 2021. Manter-vos-emos 
> informados sobre o resultado e estamos tranquilamente optimistas de que a 
> justiça prevalecerá.
> Cumprimentos,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chefe do Executivo
> O Centro de Informação da Rede Africana
> c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>
> Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
> Africa”
> Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
> services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
> Value

[Community-Discuss] Message of Condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Serge Kabwika Ilunga

2021-12-23 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

It is with profound sadness that we have learnt about the untimely death of our 
Board Member, Mr Serge Kabwika Ilunga.

Mr Serge Kabwika Ilunga has served as a member of the AFRINIC Board since July 
2017. While on the Board, Mr. Ilunga served on different committees including 
the Audit and the Remuneration Committees.

Mr. Ilunga was the CEO of CSTelecomex. He has been actively involved in the 
development of the ICT sector in D.R. Congo where he served for many years 
numerous organisations including Vodacom Congo in several positions, BSDCongo, 
a non profit association that works to spread ICT in D.R Congo and promote 
freeware, among others.

He was also a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
(IEEE), Internet Society and was actively involved in several capacity building 
programs in D.R. Congo, contributing  to the Organisation of the first National 
Internet Governance Forum in D.R.Congo, the organisation of the Central Africa 
Internet Governance Forum, the deployment of KINIX (Kinshasa Exchange Point), 
among others.

We wish to extend our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the bereaved 
family, friends and to the Global Internet community.

May his soul rest in eternal peace.

Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>


Chers collègues,

C'est avec une profonde tristesse que nous avons appris le décès prématuré de 
notre membre du conseil d'administration, Monsieur Serge Kabwika Ilunga.
M. Serge Kabwika Ilunga était membre du conseil d'administration d'Afrinic 
depuis juillet 2017. M. Ilunga a siégé dans différents comités, notamment les 
comités d'audit et de rémunération.

M. Ilunga était le directeur général de CSTelecomex. Il a été activement 
impliqué dans le développement du secteur des TIC en R.D. Congo où il a servi 
pendant de nombreuses années de nombreuses organisations dont Vodacom Congo à 
plusieurs postes, BSDCongo, une association à but non lucratif qui œuvre pour 
la diffusion des TIC au Congo et la promotion des logiciels libres, entre 

Il était également membre de l'Institute of Electrical and Electronics 
Engineers (IEEE), de l'Internet Society et a participé activement à plusieurs 
programmes de renforcement des capacités en R.D. Congo, contribuant à 
l'organisation du premier Forum national sur la gouvernance de l'Internet en 
R.D. Congo, à l'organisation du Forum sur la gouvernance de l'Internet en 
Afrique centrale, au déploiement de KINIX (Kinshasa Exchange Point), entre 

Nous souhaitons présenter nos plus sincères et profondes condoléances à la 
famille et aux amis endeuillés ainsi qu'à la communauté Internet mondiale.
Que son âme repose dans la paix éternelle.

Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>


زملائي الاعزاء،
لقد علمنا بحزن عميق بوفاة عضو مجلس الإدارة السيد سيرج كابويكا إيلونجا في وقت 
عمل السيد Serge Kabwika Ilunga كعضو في مجلس إدارة AFRINIC منذ يوليو 2017.أثناء 
عضويته في مجلس الإدارة ، عمل السيد إلونجا في لجان مختلفة بما في ذلك لجان 
التدقيق والمكافآت.
السيد Ilunga كان الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة CSTelecomex. شارك بنشاط في تطوير قطاع 
تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في D.R. الكونغو حيث خدم لسنوات عديدة في العديد 
من المنظمات بما في ذلك Vodacom Congo في عدة مناصب ، BSDCongo ، وهي جمعية غير 
ربحية تعمل على نشر تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في جمهورية الكونغو 
الديمقراطية والترويج للبرامج المجانية ، من بين أمور أخرى.
كان أيضًا عضوًا في معهد مهندسي الكهرباء والإلكترونيات (IEEE) ، وجمعية الإنترنت 
وشارك بنشاط في العديد من برامج بناء القدرات في D.R. ساهم الكونغو في تنظيم 
المنتدى الوطني الأول لإدارة الإنترنت في جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية ، وتنظيم 
منتدى حوكمة الإنترنت في وسط إفريقيا ، ونشر KINIX (Kinshasa Exchange Point) ، من 
بين أمور أخرى.
نود أن نتقدم بأعمق وأخلص تعازينا للأسرة المكلومة والأصدقاء ومجتمع الإنترنت 
قد تبقى روحه في فسيح جناته.
إيدي كاييهورا ،
الرئيس التنفيذى،
المركز الأفريقي لمعلومات الشبكة (AFRINIC)


Caros colegas,

É com profunda tristeza que tomámos conhecimento da morte prematura do nosso 
membro da direcção, Serge Kabwika Ilunga.

Serge Kabwika Ilunga é membro do Conselho de Administração da AFRINIC desde 
Julho de 2017. O Sr. Ilunga serviu em diferentes comissões, incluindo as 
Comissões de Auditoria e de Remuneração.

O Sr. Ilunga era o CEO da CSTelecomex. Tem estado activamente envolvido no 
desenvolvimento do sector das TIC na R.D. Congo, onde serviu durante muitos 
anos numerosas organizações, incluindo a Vodacom Congo em vários cargos, a 
BSDCongo, uma associação sem fins lucrativos que trabalha para divulgar as TIC 
no Congo e promover o freeware, entre outras.

Foi também membro do Institute of Electrical and Electr

[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Updates - March 2022

2022-03-29 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

Please see updates below:

AFRINIC Outreach
This month saw a number of collaborations with different governments and 
meetings with AFRINIC resource members. AFRINIC participated in the 5th Smart 
Africa Council of Ministers of ICT (CMICT5), which took place in Congo 
Brazzaville. The AFRINIC team interacted with over 20 African Ministers among 
other Government representatives on the role and the importance of AFRINIC in 
the ecosystem of the African Internet Governance and the digital transformation 
the continent is embracing.

The AFRINIC Team visited Benin and Cote d'Ivoire from March 07th-11th  and 14th 
-18th March 2022, respectively, as part of our 2022 outreach initiatives now 
known as the “AFRINIC Jenga Project”. Here, the AFRINIC delegation met with 
AFRINIC Resource Members, the ICT Ministers, Regulators among other sector 
players in these countries and discussed opportunities to leverage further 
collaboration and increase adoption of AFRINIC services to accelerate the 
digital transformation in the region.

The Africa Internet Summit 2022 (AIS’22)
The Africa Internet Summit is set to take place in Mauritius from the 30th 
May-3rd June 2022. This year we are looking at having the Summit in a Hybrid 
meeting format. Delegate Registration for this meeting is ongoing 
The AIS’22 Secretariat is also calling on members of our community to share 
their innovations and projects during the Summit through presentation 
proposals. <https://2022.internetsummit.africa/call-for-presentation> We are 
providing our community members with an opportunity to submit presentations and 
further information on how to submit in the Presentations Proposals Guide 
available on the AIS’22 website <https://2022.internetsummit.africa/>. A 
further call is made to our community to support the meeting through  
Partnerships and sponsorships <https://2022.internetsummit.africa/sponsors>. We 
are appealing to African ISPs to fully participate in the AIS’22  and support 
regional meetings through such partnerships.
I take this opportunity to remind you about the invitation to the AF* Public 
meeting that will take place on 31 March 2022 from 12:00-14:00  UTC. 
Registration is ongoing 

MyAFRINIC Member Credentials
It has come to our knowledge that some of AFRINIC resource members may have 
been solicited and enticed with financial incentives for the purpose of sharing 
their MyAFRINIC login credentials 
<https://afrinic.net/20220325-access-to-myafrinic> in view of the AFRINIC's 
forthcoming Board Elections. Whilst such attempts are strongly condemned, it is 
important to remind the AFRINIC Community that it is essential that the 
integrity of AFRINIC's elections is preserved at all times.

Court Updates
Coming back to the appeal that was initiated by Cloud Innovation Ltd, you will 
recall that AFRINIC received a favourable judgement on 14 February 2022. As 
such, the case that Cloud Innovation Ltd had initiated on 24 March 2021 is now 
closed. As for the other cases, those are still pending, and we trust that they 
will also be dealt with expeditiously. In the meantime, AFRINIC shall continue 
to collaborate with all institutions and other stakeholders as we continue to 
deliver on our mandate as a responsible Regional Internet Registry.
I wish you well as we pursue our common goals.
Thank You.

Kind Regards,

Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
c...@afrinic.net <mailto:c...@afrinic.net>


Mise à jour mensuelle du CEO - Mars 2022

Activités d'AFRINIC

Ce mois-ci a vu un certain nombre de collaborations avec différents 
gouvernements et de réunions avec les membres d'AFRINIC. AFRINIC a participé au 
5ème Conseil des Ministres des TIC de Smart Africa (CMICT5), qui a eu lieu au 
Congo Brazzaville. L'équipe AFRINIC a discuté avec plus de 20 ministres 
africains et d'autres représentants gouvernementaux du rôle et de l'importance 
de l'AFRINIC dans l'écosystème de la gouvernance africaine de l'Internet et de 
la transformation numérique du continent.
L'équipe AFRINIC a visité le Bénin et la Côte d'Ivoire du 7 au 11 mars et du 14 
au 18 mars 2022, respectivement, dans le cadre de nos activités de 
collaboration pour 2022, désormais connues sous le nom de "Projet Jenga 
AFRINIC". La délégation d'AFRINIC a rencontré les membres  d'AFRINIC, le 
ministre des TIC, les régulateurs et d'autres acteurs du secteur dans ces pays 
et a discuté des possibilités de collaboration et d'adoption des services 
d'AFRINIC pour accélérer la transformation numérique dans la région.

Le Sommet de l'Internet en Afrique 2022 (AIS'22)

L'Africa Internet Summit se

Re: [Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Updates - March 2022

2022-03-30 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Hello Ronald,

Please see the response inline.

> On 30 Mar 2022, at 07:53, Ronald F. Guilmette  wrote:
> In message ,
> Eddy Kayihura  wrote:
>> Court Updates
>> Coming back to the appeal that was initiated by Cloud Innovation Ltd,
>> you will recall that AFRINIC received a favourable judgement on 14
>> February 2022. As such, the case that Cloud Innovation Ltd had initiated
>> on 24 March 2021 is now closed. As for the other cases, those are still
>> pending, and we trust that they will also be dealt with expeditiously.
> I have a comment and a question about this:
> First, Eddy, why do you say "you will recall that" ?  Maybe I haven't
> been paying close enough attention to goings on in your (Southern)
> hemisphere of late, but I really didn't know about this development
> until now.


> Second, Eddy, it is my recollection that Cloud Innovation and/or Lu Heng
> had also and separately lodged a lawsuit for defamation against both yourself
> and against the AFRINIC Board Chairman.  Has that matter also been resolved,
> or is that matter currently still ongoing in the courts?

Still pending and for the sake of clarity the matter was initiated by Cloud 
Innovation only.

> Regards,
> rfg
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> Community-Discuss@afrinic.net
> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/community-discuss



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Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Congratulations to the new Chair & Vice-Chair of AFRINIC

2022-06-08 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear All,

The process was followed as per the bylaws provisions.



> On 8 Jun 2022, at 12:57, Noah  wrote:
> Andrew,
>> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022, 13:48 Andrew Alston,  
>> wrote:
>> On the contrary Noah,
>> No one is “throwing shade” – we are asking the board to confirm that the 
>> process was correctly followed. Which, considering the events of the AGMM 
>> and the blatant violations of the bylaws that occurred there – is a very 
>> fair question to ask.
> I am certain the CEO and the board have read your fair questions and without 
> doubt they shall respond, however, the claims of lack of quorum by some is 
> what I was referring to in respect to the bylaws which I attempted to explain 
> and Mark Elkins did us a service to paste the said section for the doubtful 
> thomas's among us.
>> And – if you dispute there were blatant violations of the bylaws in the 
>> context of the AGMM – Please, let me know – I will quote you chapter and 
>> verse as to exactly where they happened.
> This is something else, so let us not mix things up.
> Noah
>> Andrew
>> From: Noah  
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 1:39 PM
>> To: Mark Elkins 
>> Cc: AFRINIC Community Discuss ; AfriNIC 
>> Discuss ; Owen DeLong 
>> Subject: Re: [members-discuss] [Community-Discuss] Congratulations to the 
>> new Chair & Vice-Chair of AFRINIC
>> Hi Mark
>> This is exactly what I was educating someone on a separate thread on members 
>> list but it seems we are a point where throwing shades at the board at any 
>> chance some folks get, is a thing now.
>> Noah
>> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022, 13:16 Mark Elkins,  wrote:
>> Just so that people are clear... Page 30 of the AfriNIC Bylaws image cut 
>> from the PDF.
>> Thus if there are at least three Board Members, if one leaves the room - the 
>> last two can call a meeting, see that there is no quorum, send notice to the 
>> third, adjourn the meeting and then after at least 24 hours, conduct a 
>> meeting in quorum assuming then that there are at least three Board members. 
>> If this happens - it must be minuted.
>> On 6/8/22 6:36 AM, Andrew Alston via Community-Discuss wrote:
>> Hi Owen,
>> Well - it depends.  If a non-quorate meeting was called and then adjourned 
>> for 24 hours and reconvened they would gain quorum under the bylaws.
>> The question becomes - and this is where I am uncertain and believe it is 
>> open to debate - can a meeting be called knowing full well that quorum 
>> cannot be there and then adjourned for 24 hours to gain quorum - thereby 
>> deliberately exploiting a loophole.  It is one thing to call a meeting 
>> thinking you would have quorum - not getting it - adjourning for 24 hours 
>> and then gaining quorum after giving notice to the absent directors.  It is 
>> another thing entirely to call a meeting knowing full well quorum could not 
>> be met and having no one to give notice to.
>> Either way at bare minimum a meeting would have had to be called - adjourned 
>> 24 hours - and then reconvened to be quorate.  This would have to be 
>> minuted.  The board has been silent on if this process was followed despite 
>> members asking the question.  Once again we face a situation where this 
>> organization is not answering legitimate questions from its members - and to 
>> me that is even more troublesome than the quorum issue.
>> Furthermore - last I checked the board of directors page online had updated 
>> the chair and vice chair but was still showing the old directors listed as 
>> current - why has that not been updated to show the vacant seats accordingly
>> Andrew 
>> Get Outlook for iOS
>> From: Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss 
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 12:54:52 AM
>> To: Ish Sookun 
>> Cc: AFRINIC Community Discuss ; AfriNIC 
>> Discuss 
>> Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Congratulations to the new Chair & 
>> Vice-Chair of AFRINIC
>> How did the board hold a meeting given that they cannot field a quorum after 
>> the AGMM?
>> Owen
>> > On Jun 7, 2022, at 00:15 , Ish Sookun  wrote:
>> > 
>> > Dear Mr. Eshun & Dr. Omari,
>> > 
>> > I congratulate both of you for your appointment as Chairman and 
>> > Vice-Chairman of AFRINIC respectively.
>> > I wish you all the best and hope you will be able to navigate the 
>> > organisation through the rough waters.
>> > 
>> > I also thank SM for his time, guidance and leadership.
>> > 
>> > Regards,
>> > 
>> > ———
>> > 
>> > Ish Sookun
>> > 
>> > Systems Architect @ La Sentinelle Ltd
>> > 
>> > ___
>> > Community-Discuss mailing list
>> > Community-Discuss@afrinic.net
>> > https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/community-discuss
>> ___
>> Community-

[Community-Discuss] Simple request

2022-06-09 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Community,

I am sorry to use this medium but not sure how else to do it.

A message to NRS Members on this list, please convey to your editor.

I have remained silent with all the defamation you have done about myself and 
the Board.

Can I kindly ask you to edit one of your video and remove the picture of the 
visit from the Minister of ICT of Rwanda to AFRINIC where you talk of a corrupt 

She has nothing to do with your fight and please honor and respect African’s 



Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Formal mediation

2022-06-22 Thread Eddy Kayihura
The letters regarding mediation of 2 specific cases were received today. 

We will consider and provide an update in due time.

Thanks and Regards,


> On 22 Jun 2022, at 09:19, tech  wrote:
> Following public speculation, Cloud Innovation can confirm that it has 
> requested formal mediation with AFRINIC via the court.
> We are yet to hear back formally from AFINIC but we are hopeful that they 
> will accept our request.
> The issues raised by Cloud Innovation, and other members of AFRINIC, are of 
> global importance and sitting down to discuss the issues can only benefit the 
> world’s internet users.
> We commit to confirm if AFRINIC agree to participate in our mediation but the 
> actual mediation discussions would remain confidential.
> ___
> Members-Discuss mailing list
> members-disc...@afrinic.net
> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/members-discuss
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] Temporary emergency moderation

2022-06-24 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear Colleagues,

We have been following the discussions on the AFRINIC mailing lists. We find 
some of the emails are neither in line with the purpose of the mailing list nor 
with the principles of the AFRINIC Code of Conduct.

We therefore will temporarily moderate the community-discuss mailing lists 
starting from Friday, 24 June 2022, 18:10 UTC and until Monday 27 June 18:00 
UTC when you will be informed about the new protocol.

All emails, accepted or rejected, will be archived on the community list 

Kind Regards

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.

t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net  |  

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

This email and any attachment (s) transmitted with it are confidential. They 
may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law. They are intended solely 
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have 
received this email by error please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and 
delete this e-mail from your system. You are also notified that disclosing, 
copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its contents is 
strictly prohibited and unlawful. By reading the message and opening any 
attachment, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and 
remedial action about viruses and other defects.


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP
Community-Discuss mailing list

[Community-Discuss] A personal note

2022-06-28 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Dear All,

I have been following the discussions on the AFRINIC members-discuss and 
community-discuss mailing lists. I find it unfortunately necessary that I must 
send out this email.

I will not defend myself from the allegations made against me. Anyone who knows 
me, the history of my country, and my upbringing would know that I can never 
and would never support any call for tribalism or xenophobia. I know that even 
those who made such allegations against me are aware of how beneath them these 
tactics are.

I will however use this opportunity to remind all, myself included, that hate 
is never the answer. Destroying bridges will always be easier than building 
them. Attempts to divide and concur us Africans are as old as time itself. 
Unfortunately, these calls sometimes come from within and not from abroad.

AFRINIC was established as an entity that should unite us as a continent and 
build a community of like-minded people that care about the development of 
their land and does not focus on our differences, but rather take advantage of 
the robustness of our diversity and the strength in our numbers and unity.

I hope you, like me, see what really is at stake here.



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Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Temporary emergency moderation

2022-06-29 Thread Eddy Kayihura
It will need to follow the Code of Conduct update process.

However, item 4 of the Code of conduct covers part of what you asked in our 

If not, then, let us follow the process of update of the code of conduct which 
we did last year or so including consultations and approval.

Kind Regards

Eddy Kayihura M.
Chief Executive Officer
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.

t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net  |  

Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)

This email and any attachment (s) transmitted with it are confidential. They 
may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law. They are intended solely 
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have 
received this email by error please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and 
delete this e-mail from your system. You are also notified that disclosing, 
copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its contents is 
strictly prohibited and unlawful. By reading the message and opening any 
attachment, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and 
remedial action about viruses and other defects.


> On 24 Jun 2022, at 15:15, Noah  wrote:
> Hi Eddy
> On a separate note, there were suggestions by Ronald and myself on the need 
> to update the code of conduct in a separate thread.
> Can this request be fast tracked?
> Noah
> On Fri, 24 Jun 2022, 21:43 Eddy Kayihura,  <mailto:e...@afrinic.net>> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> We have been following the discussions on the AFRINIC mailing lists. We find 
> some of the emails are neither in line with the purpose of the mailing list 
> nor with the principles of the AFRINIC Code of Conduct.
> We therefore will temporarily moderate the community-discuss mailing lists 
> starting from Friday, 24 June 2022, 18:10 UTC and until Monday 27 June 18:00 
> UTC when you will be informed about the new protocol.
> All emails, accepted or rejected, will be archived on the community list 
> archive.
> --
> Kind Regards
> Eddy Kayihura M.
> Chief Executive Officer
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.
> t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  https://www.afrinic.net 
> <https://www.afrinic.net/>  |  youtube.com/afrinicmedia 
> <http://youtube.com/afrinicmedia>
> ___
> Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth in 
> Africa”
> Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient 
> services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
> Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)
> ***
> This email and any attachment (s) transmitted with it are confidential. They 
> may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law. They are intended 
> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
> you have received this email by error please notify the sender immediately by 
> e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. You are also notified that 
> disclosing, copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its 
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Re: [Community-Discuss] [members-discuss] Ongoing court cases

2022-08-01 Thread Eddy Kayihura
Mr. Wollner,

Reference is made to your post on Afrinic's members and community mailing lists 
dated 20 July 2022.

Please rest assured that there is nothing sinister about the pulling down of 
that information. We are alive on our duty to be transparent and we will 
respect that. The application under section 136 of the Companies Act was made 
in view of the current deadlock faced by Afrinic and you will agree that such 
deadlock does not help an organisation like ours. 

However, in view of ongoing internal discussions at Afrinic regarding that 
case, I thought it best to pull down that addition for the time-being but I 
undertake to come back on the publication as well as all necessary explanations 
as soon as I can, be it by way of a post or even a webinar.



> On 20 Jul 2022, at 23:59, Paul Wollner  wrote:
> Dear community,
> I am curious about the case 42 (refer to attached image), Eddy vs AFRINIC 
> under company act 136, appointment of directors. Why has this case been 
> removed from the AFRINIC website? 
> Is Eddy trying to bypass elections to appoint directors of his own?
> Paul
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