Re: [Community-Discuss] Message of Condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Serge Kabwika Ilunga

2021-12-23 Thread Evelyn Namara
This is disheartening news!!!

My sincere condolences to the family. This is a real shock. Serge was a
valuable member of the community whose contributions will never be

May his soul rest in peace.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 3:25 PM Eddy Kayihura  wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> It is with profound sadness that we have learnt about the untimely death
> of our Board Member, Mr Serge Kabwika Ilunga.
> Mr Serge Kabwika Ilunga has served as a member of the AFRINIC Board since
> July 2017. While on the Board, Mr. Ilunga served on different committees
> including the Audit and the Remuneration Committees.
> Mr. Ilunga was the CEO of CSTelecomex. He has been actively involved in
> the development of the ICT sector in D.R. Congo where he served for many
> years numerous organisations including Vodacom Congo in several positions,
> BSDCongo, a non profit association that works to spread ICT in D.R Congo
> and promote freeware, among others.
> He was also a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
> Engineers (IEEE), Internet Society and was actively involved in several
> capacity building programs in D.R. Congo, contributing  to the Organisation
> of the first National Internet Governance Forum in D.R.Congo, the
> organisation of the Central Africa Internet Governance Forum, the
> deployment of KINIX (Kinshasa Exchange Point), among others.
> We wish to extend our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the
> bereaved family, friends and to the Global Internet community.
> May his soul rest in eternal peace.
> Eddy Kayihura,
> Chief Executive Officer,
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
> ……..
> Chers collègues,
> C'est avec une profonde tristesse que nous avons appris le décès prématuré
> de notre membre du conseil d'administration, Monsieur Serge Kabwika Ilunga.
> M. Serge Kabwika Ilunga était membre du conseil d'administration d'Afrinic
> depuis juillet 2017. M. Ilunga a siégé dans différents comités, notamment
> les comités d'audit et de rémunération.
> M. Ilunga était le directeur général de CSTelecomex. Il a été activement
> impliqué dans le développement du secteur des TIC en R.D. Congo où il a
> servi pendant de nombreuses années de nombreuses organisations dont Vodacom
> Congo à plusieurs postes, BSDCongo, une association à but non lucratif qui
> œuvre pour la diffusion des TIC au Congo et la promotion des logiciels
> libres, entre autres.
> Il était également membre de l'Institute of Electrical and Electronics
> Engineers (IEEE), de l'Internet Society et a participé activement à
> plusieurs programmes de renforcement des capacités en R.D. Congo,
> contribuant à l'organisation du premier Forum national sur la gouvernance
> de l'Internet en R.D. Congo, à l'organisation du Forum sur la gouvernance
> de l'Internet en Afrique centrale, au déploiement de KINIX (Kinshasa
> Exchange Point), entre autres.
> Nous souhaitons présenter nos plus sincères et profondes condoléances à la
> famille et aux amis endeuillés ainsi qu'à la communauté Internet mondiale.
> Que son âme repose dans la paix éternelle.
> Eddy Kayihura,
> Chief Executive Officer,
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
> ….
> زملائي الاعزاء،
> لقد علمنا بحزن عميق بوفاة عضو مجلس الإدارة السيد سيرج كابويكا إيلونجا في
> وقت مبكر.
> عمل السيد Serge Kabwika Ilunga كعضو في مجلس إدارة AFRINIC منذ يوليو
> 2017.أثناء عضويته في مجلس الإدارة ، عمل السيد إلونجا في لجان مختلفة بما في
> ذلك لجان التدقيق والمكافآت.
> السيد Ilunga كان الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة CSTelecomex. شارك بنشاط في تطوير
> قطاع تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في D.R. الكونغو حيث خدم لسنوات عديدة في
> العديد من المنظمات بما في ذلك Vodacom Congo في عدة مناصب ، BSDCongo ، وهي
> جمعية غير ربحية تعمل على نشر تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في جمهورية
> الكونغو الديمقراطية والترويج للبرامج المجانية ، من بين أمور أخرى.
> كان أيضًا عضوًا في معهد مهندسي الكهرباء والإلكترونيات (IEEE) ، وجمعية
> الإنترنت وشارك بنشاط في العديد من برامج بناء القدرات في D.R. ساهم الكونغو
> في تنظيم المنتدى الوطني الأول لإدارة الإنترنت في جمهورية الكونغو
> الديمقراطية ، وتنظيم منتدى حوكمة الإنترنت في وسط إفريقيا ، ونشر KINIX
> (Kinshasa Exchange Point) ، من بين أمور أخرى.
> نود أن نتقدم بأعمق وأخلص تعازينا للأسرة المكلومة والأصدقاء ومجتمع الإنترنت
> العالمي.
> قد تبقى روحه في فسيح جناته.
> إيدي كاييهورا ،
> الرئيس التنفيذى،
> المركز الأفريقي لمعلومات الشبكة (AFRINIC)
> …
> Caros colegas,
> É com profunda tristeza que tomámos conhecimento da morte prematura do
> nosso membro da direcção, Serge Kabwika Ilunga.
> Serge Kabwika Ilunga é membro do Conselho de Administração da AFRINIC
> desde Julho de 2017. O Sr. Ilunga serviu em diferentes comissões, incluindo
> as Comissões de Auditoria e de Remuneração.
> O Sr. Ilunga era o CEO da CSTelecomex. Tem estado activamente envolvido no
> desenvolvimento do sector das TIC na R.D. C

Re: [Community-Discuss] Update on legal case - Freeze of Bank accounts

2021-10-15 Thread Evelyn Namara
This is incredible news!

I commend the AFRINIC legal team and AFRINIC leadership that has kept the
community informed throughout the process.
This is a big win!

Kind Regards,


On Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 2:01 PM Eddy Kayihura  wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Please see the message below that was shared with our members.
> --
> Kind Regards
> Eddy Kayihura M.
> Chief Executive Officer
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) Ltd.
> t: +230 403 51 00  |  tt: @afrinic  |  |
> ___
> Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth
> in Africa”
> Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient
> services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
> Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)
> ***
> This email and any attachment (s) transmitted with it are
> confidential. They may also be privileged or otherwise protected by law.
> They are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to
> whom they are addressed. If you have received this email by error
> please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete this e-mail
> from your system. You are also notified that disclosing,
> copying, distributing, or taking any action in relation to its contents is
> strictly prohibited and unlawful. By reading the message and opening any
> attachment, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective
> and remedial action about viruses and other defects.
> ***
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *Eddy Kayihura 
> *Subject: **[members-discuss] Update on legal case - Freeze of Bank
> accounts*
> *Date: *15 October 2021 at 14:53:03 GMT+4
> *To: *AfriNIC Discuss 
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are happy to inform our stakeholders that there was a court hearing
> today with regard to our application for removal of the freezing order
> against AFRINIC.
> The Court, after considering our application and the case initiated by
> Cloud Innovation Ltd, has declared the order null and void. In short,
> AFRINIC has won this case against Cloud Innovation Ltd.
> There is another Appeal to be heard on 11th November 2021. We will keep
> you informed of the outcome and we are quietly optimistic that justice will
> prevail.
> Kind Regards,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chief Executive Officer
> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
> …...
> Chers Collègues,
> Nous sommes heureux de vous informer qu'une audience a eu lieu aujourd'hui
> au tribunal concernant notre demande de levée de l'ordonnance de gel des
> comptes d'AFRINIC.
> Le tribunal, après avoir examiné notre demande et l'affaire initiée par
> Cloud Innovation Ltd, a déclaré l'ordonnance nulle et non avenue. En bref,
> AFRINIC a gagné ce procès contre Cloud Innovation Ltd.
> Un autre appel doit être entendu le 11 novembre 2021. Nous vous tiendrons
> informés du dénouement et nous sommes optimistes quant à la justice.
> Cordialement,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Directeur général
> Le Centre d'information du réseau africain
> ……...
> زملائي الاعزاء،
> يسعدنا إبلاغ أصحاب المصلحة لدينا أنه كانت هناك جلسة استماع اليوم فيما
> يتعلق بطلبنا لإزالة أمر التجميد ضد AFRINIC.
> أعلنت المحكمة ، بعد النظر في طلبنا والقضية التي رفعتها شركة Cloud
> Innovation Ltd ، أن الأمر باطل ولاغٍ. باختصار ، فازت AFRINIC بقضيتها ضد
> Cloud Innovation Ltd.
> هناك نداء آخر سيتم الاستماع إليه في 11 نوفمبر. سنبقيك على اطلاع بالنتيجة
> ونحن متفائلون بهدوء بأن العدالة ستسود.
> AFRINIC للاتصالات
> .
> Caros colegas,
> Temos o prazer de informar as nossas partes interessadas de que houve hoje
> uma audiência judicial relativamente ao nosso pedido de retirada da ordem
> de congelamento contra a AFRINIC.
> O Tribunal, após considerar o nosso pedido e o processo iniciado pela
> Cloud Innovation Ltd, declarou a ordem nula e sem efeito. Em suma, a
> AFRINIC ganhou o seu processo contra a Cloud Innovation Ltd.
> Há outro recurso a ser ouvido a 11 de Novembro de 2021. Manter-vos-emos
> informados sobre o resultado e estamos tranquilamente optimistas de que a
> justiça prevalecerá.
> Cumprimentos,
> Eddy Kayihura
> Chefe do Executivo
> O Centro de Informação da Rede Africana
> Vision: “A secure and accessible Internet for sustainable digital growth
> in Africa”
> Mission: “To serve the African Internet community by delivering efficient
> services in a global multi-stakeholder environment”
> Values: EPIC (■ Excellence ■ Passion ■ Integrity ■ Community Driven)
> **

Re: [Community-Discuss] Board appointments to fill casual vacancies

2018-07-23 Thread Evelyn Namara
Congratulations to the newly appointed Board members, Habib, Vika, and

Wishing you all the best.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 4:52 PM, Bope Christian 

> [version français ci-dessous]
> Dear AFRINIC members and community,
> The AFRINIC Board has made the following appointments to fill vacant seats
> in the Board, in terms of Article 13.14 of the AFRINIC Bylaws:
>- Habib Youssef is appointed to seat 1 (Northern Africa);
>- Vika William Mpisane is appointed to seat 5 (Southern Africa);
>- Dorcas Muthoni Gachari is appointed to seat 6 (Eastern Africa).
> These appointments are with effect from 18 July 2018, until the next AGMM
> which is planned to be held in June 2019.
> At the time the Board made its decision, no candidate for Seat 2 (Western
> Africa) had fulfilled the requirement to provide two references from two
> different AFRINIC resource members in good standing.  Seat 2 (Western
> Africa) therefore remains vacant for the time being.
> Additional information:
>- Call for expressions of interest (17 May 2018) <
>- Call for comments (3 July 2018) <
> <>>.
> Best Regards,
> Christian D. Bope, PhD
> Chairman, AFRINIC Board
> --
> [français]
> Chers membres et communauté d'AFRINIC,
> Le Conseil d'AFRINIC a procédé aux nominations suivantes pour pourvoir les
> sièges vacants au sein du Conseil, conformément à l'article 13.14 des
> statuts de l'AFRINIC:
>- Habib Youssef est nommé au siège 1 (Afrique du Nord);
>- Vika William Mpisane est nommé au siège 5 (Afrique du Sud);
>- Dorcas Muthoni Gachari est nommée au siège 6 (Afrique de l'Est).
> Ces nominations sont en vigueur du 18 juillet 2018 jusqu'au prochain AGMM
> qui est prévu pour juin 2019.
> Au moment où le Conseil a pris sa décision, aucun candidat pour Seat 2
> (Afrique de l'Ouest) n'avait satisfait à l'exigence de fournir deux
> références de deux membres ressources AFRINIC en règle. Le siège 2 (Afrique
> de l'Ouest) reste donc vacant pour le moment.
> Information additionnelle:
>- Appel à manifestation d'intérêt (17 mai 2018) <
>- Appel aux observations (3 juillet 2018) <
> <>
> Cordialement,
> Christian D. Bope, PhD
> Président du Conseil d’Administration d’AFRINIC
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Evelyn Namara

Phone: +256754440893
Skype: enamara
Twitter: enamara
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Allegation of Harassment

2018-03-22 Thread Evelyn Namara
Thank you, Andrew and Sander.

Thank you, Alan, for your input too, we'll wait for the report back from
the governance committee by 30th April.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 5:18 PM, Andrew Alston <> wrote:

> Hi Evelyn,
> I just wanted to clarify at least from my standpoint – in no way do I view
> the sexual harassment allegations as any less serious than the NDA
> violations.  I simply strongly believe that the NDA violations are already
> proven and admitted to – which means they can be dealt with immediately –
> whereas because of the deeply serious nature of the sexual harassment
> allegations – these require far deeper and more careful investigations –
> investigations that are critical and must certainly proceed.
> So I don’t think it’s a matter of urgency – its more a matter of what is
> proven and has already been admitted and people wanting that dealt with
> immediately
> Andrew
> *From:* Evelyn Namara []
> *Sent:* 22 March 2018 17:09
> *To:* Sander Steffann 
> *Cc:* General Discussions of AFRINIC 
> *Subject:* Re: [Community-Discuss] Allegation of Harassment
> Dear all,
> I seem to get a general sense that the sexual allegations are a lesser
> concern to this community than the NDA violation. To me, both offenses
> carry the same weight and
> therefore should be treated with the same level of urgency.
> One of the reasons more women are not in this tech Industry even after
> studying and excelling in Technology and Engineering degrees is because of
> fear of their own safety.
> We must be very vocal on issues of sexual harassment especially in a
> male-dominated field.
> Yes, I know these allegations are pending investigations; so don't remind
> me of this; My one plea is that this issue is not swept under the rug and
> that it is looked at
> with the ultimate care and urgency, it deserves.
> It would also be helpful for the community to know the timelines of these
> investigations. Are we waiting for weeks, months, a year?
> When should we expect a report on these issues?
> Thank you.
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 4:55 PM, Sander Steffann 
> wrote:
> Hi Isabel,
> > PS. Is Hytham laying low hoping to be forgotten?
> He doesn't seem to have been the person violating the NDA, so that part of
> the accusation doesn't relate to him.
> Cheers,
> Sander
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> --
> Evelyn Namara
> Phone: +256754440893 <+256%20754%20440893>
> Skype: enamara
> Twitter: enamara

Evelyn Namara

Phone: +256754440893
Skype: enamara
Twitter: enamara
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Allegation of Harassment

2018-03-22 Thread Evelyn Namara
Dear all,

I seem to get a general sense that the sexual allegations are a lesser
concern to this community than the NDA violation. To me, both offenses
carry the same weight and
therefore should be treated with the same level of urgency.

One of the reasons more women are not in this tech Industry even after
studying and excelling in Technology and Engineering degrees is because of
fear of their own safety.
We must be very vocal on issues of sexual harassment especially in a
male-dominated field.

Yes, I know these allegations are pending investigations; so don't remind
me of this; My one plea is that this issue is not swept under the rug and
that it is looked at
with the ultimate care and urgency, it deserves.

It would also be helpful for the community to know the timelines of these
investigations. Are we waiting for weeks, months, a year?
When should we expect a report on these issues?

Thank you.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 4:55 PM, Sander Steffann  wrote:

> Hi Isabel,
> > PS. Is Hytham laying low hoping to be forgotten?
> He doesn't seem to have been the person violating the NDA, so that part of
> the accusation doesn't relate to him.
> Cheers,
> Sander
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Evelyn Namara

Phone: +256754440893
Skype: enamara
Twitter: enamara
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Complaint from staff member

2018-03-13 Thread Evelyn Namara
Dear all,

As a woman, it was very uncomfortable reading the allegations especially
since among allegations are sexual harassment allegations. In light of what
is happening worldwide on the same topic, we need to speak out boldly
against this.

Here's hoping that the right structures are in place to ensure women at the
AfriNIC workplace are protected.

That being said; I wait patiently to read the full report on the

Kind Regards,

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 8:21 PM, DANIEL NANGHAKA 

> There is loss of trust in the board. This is the point where a critical
> review of AFRINIC mandate must be done.
> I think we need to clean up our house and not taking side clean our board.
> On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, Badru Ntege 
> wrote:
>> Thanks
>> I still think at this stage until board pronounced itself.  Even CEO
>> should wait for board.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> > On 13 Mar 2018, at 20:03, Alan Barrett 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Dear Badru,
>> >
>> > My response was from me as CEO.
>> >
>> > Alan Barrett
>> >
>> ___
>> Community-Discuss mailing list
> --
> Regards
> Nanghaka Daniel K.
> Executive Director - ILICIT Africa / Chair - FOSSFA / Community Lead -
> ISOC Uganda Chapter / Geo4Africa Lead / Organising Team - FOSS4G2018
> Mobile +256 772 898298 <+256%20772%20898298> (Uganda)
> Skype: daniel.nanghaka
> - *"Working for Africa" *
> -----
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Evelyn Namara

Phone: +256754440893
Skype: enamara
Twitter: enamara
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Election Outcomes

2017-06-02 Thread Evelyn Namara
Congratulations to the newly elected board members.
All the best in your term of service.

Kind Regards,

2017-06-02 14:03 GMT+03:00 Mireille HOUNDJI Epse BOTE <>:

> My special congratulations to the new AFRINIC elected board members.
> Mireille HOUNDJI Epse BOTE
> Chef de Service Numérotation et Nom de Domaine .ci
> Direction des Allocations de Ressources et de Contrôle
> Téléphone : + 225 20 34 42 64
> Fax : + 225 20 34 43 75
> Email :
> -Message d'origine-
> De : Ish Sookun []
> Envoyé : vendredi 2 juin 2017 10:55
> À : S Moonesamy 
> Cc : General Discussions of AFRINIC 
> Objet : Re: [Community-Discuss] Election Outcomes
> Hello,
> I read
> elects-new-directors-nro-nc-member-governance-committee-
> member-and-pdwg-co-chair.
> Congratulation to winners.
> Thank you for representing Mauritius, S. Moonesamy. :-)
> Regards,
> Ish Sookun
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes (ci-après le "message") sont
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> toute responsabilité au titre de ce message s'il a été altèré, déformé ou
> falsifié.
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list

Evelyn Namara

Phone: +256754440893
Skype: enamara
Twitter: enamara
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Incident between myself and Prof. Quaynor

2017-05-29 Thread Evelyn Namara
Dear all,

For some of us, we joined this community to seek inspiration from people we
admire and look up to in this community.

As the next generation, we are here to learn and get inspired to take up
the mantle and hopefully one day also help this community advance to the
next level.
It is from this angle that I say, it was quite unfortunate to learn about
that particular incident. We need to shine a positive light as members of
influence in order to positively influence the next generation of leaders.

There needs to be a code of ethics or conduct that anyone in a leadership
position needs to uphold.

Let's be conscious and know that we are watched and will be ultimately
judged by our actions.

Kind Regards,


On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Hountomey Jean Robert <> wrote:

> Dear Andrew,
> Please let us know what cultural gesture of reconciliation disrespecting
> an Elder is and which culture are we talking about.
> If after few beers you are not able  to control your actions, I wonder
> what ethical standards to hold you to.
> Your actions are impacting negatively on the reputation of the AfriNIC.
> This is unacceptable.
> Jean-Robert.
> 2017-05-29 13:30 GMT+03:00 Andrew Alston 
> :
>> Hi All,
>> On the night of Saturday the 27th of May, 2017, while having drinks at
>> the bar, after a week of intense pressure related to concerns about the
>> event, and under the influence of a few beers, as a cultural gesture of
>> reconciliation, I delivered a drink to Dr. Quaynor.  This is customary and
>> is done as a show of reconciliation.
>> However, when delivering that drink, it seems that I made a mistake with
>> the words that I used and offense was taken.  This was not intended and for
>> the offense caused, I offer an unreserved apology.  I also need to
>> reiterate that anything said was in no way in my capacity as a board
>> member, and was done on a personal basis.
>> Again, if I have caused offense, I apologize and it was unintended.
>> Yours Sincerely
>> Andrew Alston
>> ___
>> Community-Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list


Evelyn Namara | T: +256 754 440893 | E: | Twitter:
@enamara <> | Skype: enamara

PGP: B94D 3950 38D6 914A E054 D6C5 E82E 0F66 DC01 E30D
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Internet Shutdown session at AIS 2017

2017-04-13 Thread Evelyn Namara
+1 to the Regulatory authorities as well as Ministers of ICT
You should also mix it up with very strong civil society Organisations that
have spoken out on Internet Shutdowns widely. AccessNow, CIPESA etc come to



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 6:47 PM, Tutu Ngcaba  wrote:

> Dear CEO of the Afrinic,
> The regulatory authorities of our various African countries and some other
> political officials and business officials who are investors in the
> internet economy of Africa.
> CEO and CIO of major Internet companies in our motherland.
> All this will also open discussion beyond just Internet shutdowns to
> governance and accountability.
> Best Regards,
> Tutu Ngcaba
> Kwazulu Techno Hubs
> South Africa
> On 13 Apr 2017 5:34 p.m., "Alan Barrett"  wrote:
>> I intend to organise an open discussion about Internet shutdowns at the
>> forthcoming AIS meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, form 29 May to 2 June 2017.
>> I’d like some suggesitons about who to invite as speakers.
>> Alan Barrett
>> ___
>> Community-Discuss mailing list
> _______
> Community-Discuss mailing list


Evelyn Namara | T: +256 754 440893 | E: | Twitter:
@enamara <> | Skype: enamara

PGP: B94D 3950 38D6 914A E054 D6C5 E82E 0F66 DC01 E30D
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] Successful IANA transition

2016-10-01 Thread Evelyn Namara
I would like to add my voice and congratulate the entire Internet community
for this spectacular achievement!


On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 11:20 AM, Seun Ojedeji 

> Great news to hear on a day like this! Congratulation to everyone that
> contributed towards making this a reality, congratulations to the entire
> Internet community.
> Happy new month, happy independence to ICANN and to all Nigerians here ;-)
> Regards
> Sent from my LG G4
> Kindly excuse brevity and typos
> On 1 Oct 2016 5:09 a.m., "Alan Barrett"  wrote:
>> Dear AFRINIC community,
>> It’s now a few minutes after midnight in Washington, DC.  The IANA
>> contract between NTIA and ICANN has expired.
>> ICANN is now performing the IANA Numbering Services (assigning IP
>> addresses and ASNs to RIRs, and some related tasks) in terms of a contract
>> between the RIRs and ICANN, instead of in terms of a contract between the
>> NTIA and ICANN.  ICANN asked for permission to sub-contract the IANA
>> Numbering Services to PTI, and the RIRs consented, so the IANA functions
>> will actually be performed by PTI, although ICANN remains responsible.
>> Apart from announcements and press releases, you will probably not notice
>> much difference.
>> Alan Barrett
>> ___
>> Community-Discuss mailing list
> _______
> Community-Discuss mailing list


Evelyn Namara | T: +256 754 440893 | E: | Twitter:
@enamara <> | Skype: enamara

PGP: B94D 3950 38D6 914A E054 D6C5 E82E 0F66 DC01 E30D
Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Council of Elders

2016-07-13 Thread Evelyn Namara

Your latest submission is evidence enough that you personally have a
problem with Badru being on the CoE and thus are trying to justify for the
board why they should or should not appoint him. I get it, this is your
personal opinion. I also would like you to respect other people's opinions
such as Omo's suggestion that since we don't yet have 6 appointed members
to the CoE, leaving Badru out is merely discrimination.

All I'm saying is, don't elevate your points and try to minimize other
people's inputs.

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Owen DeLong  wrote:

> On Jul 12, 2016, at 22:01 , Omo Oaiya  wrote:
> On 12 July 2016 at 21:03, Mike Silber  wrote:
>> Nishal +1
>> Maybe a hypothetical if I may: what if a former Chairperson were to pass,
>> or to be unable or unwilling to serve on the CoE, or even if they were to
>> be convicted of an offense after their term that would disqualify them as a
>> director.
> I don't think the community would want an unable or unwilling CoE member,
>> or a convict.
> No community would.  We want them because of their experience as former
> Chairs
> I read the 'open to' in 16.1 as former chairs are willing to consider or
> be considered.  So some might decline or be denied
>> So I cannot see how automatic appointment could be implied.
> This is what bothers me.  We don't yet have 6 past chairs and we are
> discriminating without reason on appointment to CoE? How does this improve
> trust?
> Omo,
> You are claiming facts not in evidence.
> The board chair clearly stated that the matter has not yet been considered
> by the board. This is not discrimination, it is a lack of action in either
> direction, positive or negative. He further noted that it will be on the
> agenda at the next board meeting.
> Claiming discrimination when there clearly isn’t any such thing going on
> is nonsensical.
> Finally, appointment to the CoE is at the discretion of the board. They
> are free to invite a past chair or not entirely at their discretion and
> nothing requires them to explain their reasoning to the community. If you
> don’t like their decision, vote for different board members next time there
> is an election.
> Personally, given the manner in which Badru stepped down from the
> chairmanship and the subsequent incidents leading to his departure from the
> board, I would say that the board has more than ample reason if they choose
> not to invite him to join the CoE. However, I respect that this is a
> decision entirely at their discretion and I will accept whatever decision
> they make.
> The purpose of the CoE is to advise the board. The board must be free to
> choose who it does or does not want to receive advice from.
> Owen
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list


Evelyn Namara | T: +256 754 440893 | E: | Twitter:
@enamara <> | Skype: enamara

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Community-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Council of Elders

2016-07-12 Thread Evelyn Namara

Just out of curiosity, have all former chairpersons served on the CoE with
Badru being the exception? (This is regardless of whether it is automatic
or otherwise)
If the answer is yes -
What criteria does the board use to deem a former chair worthy of a sit on
the CoE?

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 11:03 PM, Mike Silber  wrote:

> Nishal +1
> Maybe a hypothetical if I may: what if a former Chairperson were to pass,
> or to be unable or unwilling to serve on the CoE, or even if they were to
> be convicted of an offense after their term that would disqualify them as a
> director.
> I don't think the community would want an unable or unwilling CoE member,
> or a convict.
> So I cannot see how automatic appointment could be implied.
> > On 12 Jul 2016, at 21:45, Nishal Goburdhan 
> wrote:
> >
> >> On 12 Jul 2016, at 13:26, Omo Oaiya wrote:
> >>
> >> Let's get off this micromanagement train.
> >
> > yes indeed, let’s!
> >
> >
> >> "There shall be a Council of Elders appointed by the Board comprising a
> >> maximum of six (6) former chairpersons of AFRINIC who have left the
> Board.
> >> Their advisory role is commensurate with their experience leading the
> >> organisation as former Chairs."
> >
> > ok, so, let’s break it down, shall we?
> >
> > “there shall be a council”
> > —> and indeed, there is one.
> >
> > “..appointed by the board..”
> > —> it’s clear to me, that the decision to appoint (or not) is left to
> the board, since, those are the words, verbatim, from the bylaws.
> >
> > “..comprising a maximum of six former chairpersons..“
> > —> so, no more than six.
> >
> > t’mam?
> >
> > what’s unclear is probably the following:
> > * there is an _implied assumption_ (the original message in this thread)
> that the appointment is automatic.  there is no text to support that, so i
> would call that assumption incorrect.  (should there be text to this effect
> is a different question)
> > * there is an _implied assumption_ that *every* ex-chair should be on
> the CoE.  there is no text to support that either.
> > * there is an _implied assumption_ that there is a term limit (in number
> of years).  it’s true that there is one term limit, but there is no
> >
> >
> >> It goes further in 16.2 to describe how this is managed.
> >> Shall is authoritative.
> >
> > and indeed there is a committee;  there’s no debate over that.
> > but “shall” does not imply “automatic”, as you’re suggesting below.
> >
> >
> >> Any other interpretation is disingenuous.
> >
> > really omo?   that’s hardly sporting of you.  because an interpretation
> does not match your own, does *not* make that interpretation incorrect.
> > i’m simply giving you (this public list) my interpretation.  which, to
> me, seems correct from *my* reading of the text.
> >
> >
> >> In 16.3, the bylaws restricts the tenure of members to one term and
> forbids
> >> re-appointment.  If it were not automatic, how is the board expected to
> >> comply?
> >
> > i read this as (and *my* mostly monosyllabical explanation follows)
> > * there is a council
> > * it can have up to six ex-chairs
> > * the council members are appointed by the board
> > * when it gets to six, the first to join the council has to drop off to
> keep this at six
> >
> > i count a current council of 4.  which means, to me, that the bylaws are
> respected.
> > i don’t know why badru didn’t make the council.  (i might even like to,
> but that’s besides the point).
> > but the decision to appoint or not, seems squarely to be the prerogative
> of the board.  and not an automatic process.
> >
> > —n.
> >
> > ___
> > Community-Discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Community-Discuss mailing list


Evelyn Namara | T: +256 754 440893 | E: | Twitter:
@enamara <> | Skype: enamara

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